WEISHAR – Schoenenbourg – Biblisheim – USA

Après près de deux mois de recherches, avec des centaines de tables et actes de Schoenenbourg,

avec la contribution de 4 cousins dont Antoine M, Guy D., I K

Greg WEISHAR est devenu « cousin » grâce à l’identification de son ancêtre Lewis comme étant le Louis WEISHAR né le 18 janvier 1837 à Biblisheim, père André (50 ans) tisserand, mère Madeleine BIRKEL 40 ans

7 réflexions sur « WEISHAR – Schoenenbourg – Biblisheim – USA »

  1. I have recently discovered your wonderful site and want you to know that we are cousins. My line goes through my grandmother from Kansas, USA who was a WEISHAAR. The WEISHAAR line goes to Schoenenbourg, Alsace and up the line to George OTT (1696) and Marie Magdalena BRAUN(b. 1694)my most ancient directt ancestor in your database. I have discovered hundreds of ancestors who ascend this line and who married into this line. I descend through the above’s daughter Maria Anna BRAUN(b. 1726) who married Joseph WEISHAAR. I have much more data that I do not find in your database. Could you tell me how I can share. I am most intrigued that some OTTs are related to our American President Barack Obama. I would be interested in seeing if I am a possible cousin. I do know that I am related to you, Didier OTT. I have traced my line and your’s back to a Kieffer woman, but I cannot show any connection to the Barb Kieffer in Obama’s ancestry. Could you tell me how I can become involved in your project. Thanks

  2. HI gary
    yes we are related. We are cousin
    Could you mail me your ascendance until Maria Anna BRAUN and I will open a personal « cousin access ».
    Are you a decendant of Louis WEISHAAR cf above, born in 1837 , + 1892 usa ?

  3. Didier Ott: Thank you for your response. Yes, Greg WEISHAAR and I are 5th cousins in addition to being your cousin also.
    Greg and I take our direct lines back to Andre WEISHAAR(1784-aft 1857) married to Magdeleine BURCKEL (abt 1794 to 1856).
    Greg’s ascent to Andre is Greg—> James—> Paul—> Wm J—> Louis=Catherine Muller.
    My ascent to Andre is Gary Burkart—> Mary Lucius—-> Rose Weishaar—> Joe Weishaar—>Antoine Weishaar whose father was Andre.

    You have most of my ancestry already in your database. If you go to Joseph Weishaar married to Mary Kieffer, his son was J.L. Weishaar married to Susan LUCIUS and his daughter was Rose Weishaar married to Susan LUCIUS’s brother Perry LUCIUS. Perry and Rose were my grandparents and my mother Mary Lucius-Burkart was their daughter.
    I would be happy to send you my GEDCOM that would give you all of Joe Weishaar and Mary Kieffer’s family which number about a dozen children. I also have most of their descent down to my generation. Tell me how to send the GEDCOM. I look forward to becoming a Cousin in your database. If you have any idea if I am related to our President Obama, I would sure like to trace it. I have not yet. As I said in my former e-mail I have traced your ancestry and mine back to a Kieffer, but cannot establish that she is in the family from which Obama descends. Thank you for getting me in as a Cousin.

    1. Didier,
      I have never received a response to my last e-mail to you and was wondering how I could contact you to let me become part of your wonderful site that has been so helpful to me in my research on my Alsacian ancestors. Please give me some kind if response.

      N.D.L.R. Hi .. I will check where is this mail .. I dont remember it. Didier

      1. You can also contact me at gburkart#@#benedictine.edu

        N.D.L.R. I sent a message on 6th may with this e-mail… !

    2. Hello, je me présente David Legrand Mammoser , je fais l’arbre de tous les MAMMOSER du monde qui viennent du tout du petit village de Schoenenbourg en Alsace en France. Quasiment tous les habitants de ce village sont dans mon arbre y compris vos ancêtres les Weishaar. En fait, Schoenenbourg (catholique) étant entouré de villages protestants, ils ne se mariés qu’entre eux. Ils ne se mélangeaient pas avec les protestants. Le premier mariage mixte a eu lieu en 1966 donc très récemment. Tous les habitants de Schoenenbours sont donc cousins, les Mammoser , Weishaar, Wolf, Flick, Schaller, Pflugmacher, Feuerstein, etc… cordialement, David.
      J’habite en France.
      mon facebook : david legrand mammoser
      mail : davidleg1968@gmail.com

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