Jean Georges DAETHER

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Dear Mr. Ott,

since several years I am searching for the roots of my family, Surname DAETHER.

Our oldest ancestor that we can certify by marriage book in Adersleben near Halberstadt, Germany is Jean Georges DAETHER, (Johann Georg Daether). He married in 1741 Anna Elisabeth Bettchen. She was his second wife. We could not find any information about his first wife. We also know that Jean George Daether died in May 1752. A rough calculation points into the direction that he was born between 1675 and 1695. There is also a uncertain remark that he came from Alsace. He was catholic. We know that refugees from Alsace came to Halberstadt after the 30 years war. (after 1648) They had their own church in town. Unfortunately the church books are either lost or incomplete.

The family tree of Jean Georges DAETHER is complete up to now a days. However, we have no information about his ancestors or his first wife since he was a widower when he married in Adersleben.

Are there any additional information known about Jean Georges DAETHER?

Thank you very much for your support in advance.


Rolf Daether

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