Jean-Marie LONGIN

Ancestors of Jean-Marie LONGIN

                  /-Claude LONGIN
        /-Claude Joseph LONGIN
        |         |         /-François PETIT
        |         \-"Claudine" Françoise PETIT
        |                   |                                                                               /-Noël COMMERSON
        |                   |                                                                     /-Philibert COMMERSON
        |                   |                                                                     |         \-Marguerite GUILLET
        |                   |                                                           /-jean COMMERSON
        |                   |                                                           |         \-Pierrette PROST
        |                   |                                                 /-Dimanche COMMERSON
        |                   |                                                 |         \-Claude MARILLIER
        |                   |                                       /-Louis COMMERSON
        |                   |                                       |         \-Renée SIMONNET
        |                   |                             /-Pierre COMMERSON
        |                   |                             |         |         /-Simon SIMONIN
        |                   |                             |         \-Benoite SIMONIN
        |                   |                   /-Jean COMMERSON
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Vivant TUSSEAU
        |                   |                   |         \-Marie TUSSEAU
        |                   |                   |                   \-Louise LONGIN
        |                   |         /-Jean COMMERSON
        |                   |         |         \-Anne THIVOLET
        |                   \-Catherine COMMERSON
        |                             |                             /-Dimanche DELAYE
        |                             |                   /-Guillaume DELAYE
        |                             |                   |         \-Jeanne FOURNIER
        |                             |         /-Simon DELAYE
        |                             |         |         \-Catherine LEMONDE
        |                             \-Jeanne DELAY
        |                                       \-Benoiste DESSAIGNES
Jean-Marie LONGIN
        \-Marie LAPIERRE

Descendants of Jean-Marie LONGIN

1 Jean-Marie LONGIN
  =Benoite Eugénie LITAUDON  Marriage: 23 FEB 1895, La Guiche,71220,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
      2 Jeanne Laurence LONGIN
            3 Jean DEVERLANGES
              =Nicole MILHOT  Marriage: 19 DEC 1964, Caluire-Et-Cuire,69300,Rhône,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,
                  4 Fictif DEVERLANGES

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Jeanne Laurence LONGIN

Ancestors of Jeanne Laurence LONGIN

                            /-Claude LONGIN
                  /-Claude Joseph LONGIN
                  |         |         /-François PETIT
                  |         \-"Claudine" Françoise PETIT
                  |                   |                                                                     /-Philibert COMMERSON
                  |                   |                                                           /-jean COMMERSON
                  |                   |                                                           |         \-Pierrette PROST
                  |                   |                                                 /-Dimanche COMMERSON
                  |                   |                                                 |         \-Claude MARILLIER
                  |                   |                                       /-Louis COMMERSON
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Renée SIMONNET
                  |                   |                             /-Pierre COMMERSON
                  |                   |                             |         |         /-Simon SIMONIN
                  |                   |                             |         \-Benoite SIMONIN
                  |                   |                   /-Jean COMMERSON
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Vivant TUSSEAU
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marie TUSSEAU
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Louise LONGIN
                  |                   |         /-Jean COMMERSON
                  |                   |         |         \-Anne THIVOLET
                  |                   \-Catherine COMMERSON
                  |                             |                             /-Dimanche DELAYE
                  |                             |                   /-Guillaume DELAYE
                  |                             |                   |         \-Jeanne FOURNIER
                  |                             |         /-Simon DELAYE
                  |                             |         |         \-Catherine LEMONDE
                  |                             \-Jeanne DELAY
                  |                                       \-Benoiste DESSAIGNES
        /-Jean-Marie LONGIN
        |         \-Marie LAPIERRE
Jeanne Laurence LONGIN
        \-Benoite Eugénie LITAUDON

Descendants of Jeanne Laurence LONGIN

1 Jeanne Laurence LONGIN
      2 Jean DEVERLANGES
        =Nicole MILHOT  Marriage: 19 DEC 1964, Caluire-Et-Cuire,69300,Rhône,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,
            3 Fictif DEVERLANGES

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Descendants of Louise LONGIN

1 Louise LONGIN
  =Vivant TUSSEAU
      2 Marie TUSSEAU
        =Pierre COMMERSON  Marriage: 12 JAN 1712, La Vineuse,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
            3 Jean COMMERSON
              =Anne THIVOLET
                  4 Jean COMMERSON
                    =Huguette FOUILLOUX  Marriage: 31 JAN 1769, Donzy-Le-National,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                        5 Joachim Vincent COMMERSON
                          =Madeleine GALLAND
                              6 Nicolas COMMERSON
                                =Christine LETOURNEAU  Marriage: 7 NOV 1850, Blanot,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Antoine COMMERSON
                                      =Françoise CHAPUIS
                                    7 Jean COMMERSON
                                      =Marie FRANÇOIS  Marriage: 15 APR 1895, Saint-Ythaire,71460,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jeanne Marie COMMERSON
                                            =Antoine GUIGNARD  Marriage: 21 OCT 1919, Saint-Ythaire,71460,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Aurelie GUIGNARD
                    =Jeanne DELAY  Marriage: 1 FEB 1780, Vitry-Lès-Cluny,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                        5 Catherine COMMERSON
                          =François PETIT  Marriage: BET 1800 AND 1807
                              6 "Claudine" Françoise PETIT
                                =Claude LONGIN  Marriage: 23 MAY 1839, Massy,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Catherine LONGIN
                                    7 Claude Joseph LONGIN
                                      =Marie LAPIERRE  Marriage: 27 FEB 1865, Massy,71250,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jean-Marie LONGIN
                                            =Benoite Eugénie LITAUDON  Marriage: 23 FEB 1895, La Guiche,71220,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jeanne Laurence LONGIN
                                                      10 Jean DEVERLANGES
                                                        =Nicole MILHOT  Marriage: 19 DEC 1964, Caluire-Et-Cuire,69300,Rhône,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Fictif DEVERLANGES
      2 Pierre TUSSEAU

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Descendants of Olivia LONGTON

1 Olivia LONGTON
  =Anthony BATT

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Descendants of Annick LONGUEVILLE

  =Pierre CLOUZOT
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Claude LONGUEVILLE

  =Jeanne CHEVILLARD  Marriage: 20 APR 1890, Le Rousset,71220,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,

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Descendants of Jeanne LONGUEVILLE

  =Philibert LAGRANGE
      2 Étienne LAGRANGE
        =Jeanne CLEAUD  Marriage: 4 FEB 1777, Saint-Bonnet-De-Joux,71220,Saône-Et-Loire,Bourgogne,FRANCE,

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Descendants of Thelma LONGWAY

1 Thelma LONGWAY
  =Romuald Arthur GINGRAS

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Melchior LONJON

Descendants of Melchior LONJON

1 Melchior LONJON
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Benoni LOOMIS

1 Benoni LOOMIS
  =Grace PARSONS
      2 Polly LOOMIS
        =Norman LITTLE
            3 Agnes Prudence LITTLE
            3 Andrew Judson LITTLE
            3 Henry Bliss LITTLE
            3 Eleanor LITTLE
            3 Edwin LITTLE
            3 David Dickinson LITTLE
            3 Norman Prescott LITTLE
              =Lillie Mcmurray STEPHENSON
                  4 Norman Ballou LITTLE
                    =Esther Louise SCHAEFFER
                        5 Priscilla E. LITTLE
                          =Ludger Joseph CYR
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Katherine Isabel LITTLE
                        5 Virginia LITTLE
                              6 Deb CAPONERA

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Ancestors of Polly LOOMIS

        /-Benoni LOOMIS
        \-Grace PARSONS

Descendants of Polly LOOMIS

1 Polly LOOMIS
  =Norman LITTLE
      2 Agnes Prudence LITTLE
      2 Andrew Judson LITTLE
      2 Henry Bliss LITTLE
      2 Eleanor LITTLE
      2 Edwin LITTLE
      2 David Dickinson LITTLE
      2 Norman Prescott LITTLE
        =Lillie Mcmurray STEPHENSON
            3 Norman Ballou LITTLE
              =Esther Louise SCHAEFFER
                  4 Priscilla E. LITTLE
                    =Ludger Joseph CYR
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Katherine Isabel LITTLE
                  4 Virginia LITTLE
                        5 Deb CAPONERA

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Descendants of Marie Barbe LOOMULLER

1 Marie Barbe LOOMULLER
  =Jean SCHNELL  Marriage: 29 JAN 1709, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Antoine SCHNELL
        =Ève HURSTEL  Marriage: 22 NOV 1751, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie SCHNELL
                  4 Joseph METZ
                    =Anne-Marie OHNET  Marriage: 29 JAN 1807, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Jean Louis METZ
                              6 Julie METZ
                                    7 Charles SECKLER
                                          8 Jeanne SECKLER
                                            =Robert MATERN
                                                9 Brigitte MATERN
            3 Jean SCHNELL
              =Anne-Marie HABERER  Marriage: 15 APR 1788, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph SCHNELL
                        5 François-Antoine SCHNELL
                              6 Joseph SCHNELL
                                    7 Joseph SCHNELL
                                      =Sophie FELTZ  Marriage: 24 APR 1951, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie SCHNELL
                                            =Gérard HEUSSER  Marriage: 24 APR 1951, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                                9 André HEUSSER
            3 François-Joseph SCHNELL
              =Marie-Catherine WILLMAN  Marriage: 20 JUN 1785, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,

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André LOOS

Descendants of André LOOS

1 André LOOS
  =Anne Catherine HEITZ
      2 Catherine LOOS
        =Charles BOHRER  Marriage: 21 DEC 1858, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
      2 Émile André LOOS

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André LOOS

Descendants of André LOOS

1 André LOOS
  =Anne LORBER  Marriage: 6 JAN 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Jean LOOS
            3 Jean LOOS
              =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Anne LOOS
                    =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse LORBER
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                              6 Florent LORBER
                                =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 Albert LORBER
                                          8 Anna LORBER
                                          8 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                            =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                9 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Descendants of Anne LOOS

1 Anne LOOS
  =Martin HERDT  Marriage: 1683
      2 Marie HERDT
        =Martin ROHMER  Marriage: 30 DEC 1708, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Martin HERDT
            3 Anna Barbara HERDT
                  4 Jean SCHNEIDER
                        5 Jean SCHNEIDER
                          =Élisabeth SIFFERT  Marriage: 27 NOV 1791, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth SCHNEIDER
                                    7 Joseph WARTH
                                          8 Eugène WARTH
                                                9 René WARTH
                                                  =Françoise GRUNER  Marriage: 7 MAY 1921, Nancy,54000,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Robert Jean WARTH
                                                            11 Isabelle WARTH

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Adam LENTZ
      2 Anne-Marie LENTZ
        =Jean-Michel WINZENRIETH  Marriage: 1738
            3 Jean-Georges WINZENRIETH
              =Ève Françoise WALTER  Marriage: 5 NOV 1766, Tieffenbach,67290,,,FR,
                  4 Georges WINZENRIETH
                    =Françoise MINCKER
            3 François WINZENRIETH
              =Marie-Élisabeth DOESS  Marriage: 8 JAN 1776, La-Petite-Pierre,67290,,,FR,
                  4 Philippe WINZENRIETH
                    =Catherine Madeleine KLING  Marriage: 28 FEB 1799, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
                        5 Philippe WINTZENRIETH
                          ="Christine" Élisabeth LAVANCHE  Marriage: 19 FEB 1829, Struth,67290,,,FR,
                              6 Catherine WINTZENRIETH
                                =Nicolas ZWIEBEL  Marriage: 15 OCT 1866, Struth,67290,,,FR,
                                    7 Léon "Céleste" ZWIEBEL
                                          8 "Fernand" Céleste ZWIEBEL
                                                9 "Janine" Marcelle ZWIEBEL
                                                      10 Anne PIERROT
                                                        =Pierre MICHEL
                                                            11 Valentine MICHEL
                        5 Madeleine WINZENRIETH
                          =Georges LAVANCHE  Marriage: 11 NOV 1830, Struth,67290,,,FR,
                              6 Georges LAVANCHE
                                =Catherine ZWIEBEL  Marriage: 7 FEB 1860, Struth,67290,,,FR,
                                    7 Georges LAVANCHE
                                      =Marie RUFI  Marriage: 19 JUL 1886, Ingwiller,67340,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine LAVANCHE
                                          8 Charles LAVANCHE
                                            =Rose ZWIEBEL  Marriage: 1 AUG 1919
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Christine LAVANCHE
                                      =Jacques ZIEBEL
                                          8 N.N. ZIEBEL
                                            =N.N. GAST
                              6 Charles LAVANSCHE
                                =Barbe BARTH  Marriage: 30 JAN 1863, Frohmuhl,67290,,,FR,
                                    7 Charles LAVANSCH
                                      =Marie-Madeleine PANTER  Marriage: 8 AUG 1892, Frohmuhl,67290,,,FR,
                                          8 Anne LAWANSCH
                                            =Georges BARABINOT  Marriage: 20 FEB 1931, Lobsann,67250,,,FR,
                                =Sophie REINBERGER  Marriage: 8 OCT 1873, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Anita Claire LAVANSCHE
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Anne-Marie WINZENRIETH
                          =Jean-Nicolas KLING  Marriage: 19 SEP 1844, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
                        5 Nicolas WINTZENRIETH
                              6 Georges WINTZENRIETH
                                    7 Anne WINTZENRIETH
                                      =Louis MULLER
                                          8 Odile Hélène MULLER
                                            =N.N. ZIEBEL
                                                9 N.N. ZIEBEL
                                                  =N.N. DEBES
                                                      10 Francis ZIEBEL
                                                        =N.N. GLASSEN
                  4 Marguerite WINZENRIETH
                    =Nicolas KLING  Marriage: 24 SEP 1799, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
                        5 Jean-Nicolas KLING
                          =Anne-Marie WINZENRIETH  Marriage: 19 SEP 1844, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
        =Jacques WALTER  Marriage: 23 SEP 1771, Tieffenbach,67290,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Madeleine LENTZ
        =Antoine KLING  Marriage: 21 NOV 1741, Struth,67290,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Ève KLING
              =Michel ZWIEBEL
                  4 Chrétien ZWIEBEL
                    =Christine LIENHARD
                        5 Marie Christine ZWIEBEL
                          =Laurent UHLI  Marriage: 13 FEB 1821, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,
                              6 Georges UHLI
                                =Élisabeth STAUB  Marriage: 11 FEB 1860, Petersbach,67290,,,FR,

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LOOS

        /-Mathias LOOS
Anne-Marie LOOS
        |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |         \-Anne GASS
        \-Anne ROHMER
                  |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  \-Agathe WEISS
                            \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LORBER
        =Georges SONTAG  Marriage: 8 MAY 1724, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Élisabeth SONTAG
              =Joseph FREY  Marriage: 15 FEB 1751, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace FREY
                    =Marie-Madeleine ROHMER  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                          =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth FREY
                                =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                  4 Anne-Marie FREY
                    =Jean Georges SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 27 NOV 1775, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph SCHAEFFER
                          =Thérèse SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1816, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marguerite SCHAEFFER
                                =François-Michel BURCKHARD  Marriage: 11 JAN 1854, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine BURCKHARD
                                      =Auguste HOLTZ  Marriage: 19 JUL 1890
                                          8 Bernard HOLTZ
                                                9 Claude HOLTZ
                                                      10 Jacques HOLTZ

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LOOS

        /-Jean Michel LOOS
Anne-Marie LOOS
        \-Anne-Marie KUNTZ

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Mathias ZILLER  Marriage: 19 JAN 1773, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Rosine ZILLER
        =Henri DENTZ  Marriage: 31 JAN 1797, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
        =François Félix BOUFFLEUR
            3 Sophie BOUFFLEUR
              =Ignace STEPHAN  Marriage: 4 JUN 1835, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Catherine ZILLER
        =Joseph LUTZ  Marriage: 17 APR 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Odile LUTZ
              =Jean GRASSER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1841, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                  4 François Xavier GRASSER
                    =Hélène LAUGEL  Marriage: 13 FEB 1870, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine GRASSER
                          =Angélique LANG  Marriage: 3 FEB 1902, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Anne GRASSER
                                =Jules WIESER
                              6 Joséphine Mathilde GRASSER
                                =vendelin SCHMITT
                        5 Anne-Marie GRASSER
                          =Joseph DIEBOLD
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Eugène Michel DIEBOLD
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Bernard DIEBOLD
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Auguste DIEBOLD
                                =Ilda MAGER
                                    7 Gabrielle DIEBOLD
                                      =Albert DOLLINGER
                              6 Marie DIEBOLD
                                =Antoine KOEGER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 François Xavier GRASSER
                          =Célestine CLAUS  Marriage: 15 MAR 1920, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
                              6 René GRASSER
                                =Joséphine KOST
                                    7 Jean-Michel GRASSER
                                      =Marie-Michèle LANG-PAULUS
                                    7 N.N. GRASSER
                                      =Corinne STURTZER
                                    7 N.N. GRASSER
                                      =Maurice FISCHER
                                    7 Thierry GRASSER
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Odile GRASSER
                          =Joseph THAL  Marriage: 15 MAY 1905, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Thérèse THAL
                                =Joseph Nicolas DIEBOLD  Marriage: 27 OCT 1933, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 N.n. DIEBOLD
                                      =Joseph Michel OTT
                                          8 Michel OTT
                                            =N.n. KOCHER
                              6 Antoinette THAL
                                =Louis BAEUMEL
                                    7 Nicolas BAEUMEL
                                      =Odette SEILER
                                          8 Nicole BAEUMEL
                              6 Marie Élisabeth THAL
                                =Antoine MOSTER  Marriage: 17 OCT 1930, Wittersheim,67670,,,FR,
                                    7 N.n. MOSTER
                                          8 Dominique MOSTER
                                =charles WINSTEL  Marriage: 7 AUG 1954, Wittersheim,67670,,,FR,
                              6 N.n. THAL
                                =Marie Léonie OTT
                                    7 N.n. THAL
                                      =N.n. FELDEN
      2 Élisabeth ZILLER
        =Antoine WOLFF  Marriage: 22 JUL 1807, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Thérèse ZILLER
        =Nicolas GRASSER  Marriage: ABT 1797
            3 Anne-Marie GRASSER
              =Joseph FOELS  Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Laurent GRASSER
              =Marie-Catherine BERNBACH  Marriage: 18 NOV 1828, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Françoise GRASSER
                    =Jean WOLFF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1854, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Louise WOLFF
                          =Florent DISS  Marriage: 13 NOV 1878, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise DISS
                                =Aloise HEITZ  Marriage: 16 NOV 1903, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Anne GRASSER
                    =Sébastien BERNBACH  Marriage: 9 MAR 1857, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Élisabeth GRASSER
              =Antoine KAPP  Marriage: 7 MAY 1832, Rohr,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Hélène KAPP
                    =Aloise HAMMAECHER  Marriage: 29 DEC 1863
                        5 François-Joseph HAMMAECHER
                          =Élisabeth JUNG
                          =Marie Françoise LUX  Marriage: 13 AUG 1900
                        5 Aloise HAMMAECHER
                          =Marie-Catherine SCHOTT  Marriage: 22 JAN 1910
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Rosine GRASSER
              =Jacques GINTZ  Marriage: 8 MAY 1832, La Wantzenau,67610,,,FR,
                  4 Thibaut GINTZ
                    =Camille ANET  Marriage: 18 AUG 1877, Nancy,54000,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                        5 N.N. GINTZ
                          =N.N. GINTZ
                              6 N.N. GINTZ
                                    7 Mari-De-Brigitte GINTZ
                                      =Brigitte N.N.
        =Ignace WENCKER  Marriage: 20 MAY 1816, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Jean Georges ZILLER
        =Rosine MARTIN  Marriage: 23 FEB 1808, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Madeleine Rosine ZILLER
              =Nicolas KOBUS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1831, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Antoine KOBUS
                    =Marie-Anne REINBOLD  Marriage: 18 NOV 1868, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Charles KOBUS
                          =Marie-Thérèse WEINLING  Marriage: 26 MAY 1902, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 François Louis ZILLER
        =Joséphine HANSS  Marriage: 27 JAN 1815, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Anne ZILLER
        =François Antoine BOUFFLEUR  Marriage: 29 MAY 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Madeleine BOUFFLEUR
              =Jean SONNTAG  Marriage: 5 AUG 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 François Antoine BOUFFLEUR
      2 François Antoine ZILLER
        =Odile FELS  Marriage: 9 MAY 1821, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
        =Marie-Françoise LUTZ  Marriage: 11 JUN 1834, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Madeleine ZILLER
        =André KRAEMER  Marriage: 12 MAY 1820, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
        =Antoine AMANN  Marriage: 29 MAR 1827, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LOOS

                                      /-Jacques LOOS
                            /-Michel LOOS
                            |         \-Marie ROHMER
                  /-Antoine LOOS
                  |         \-Catherine ROHMER
        /-Jean-Georges LOOS
        |         \-Barbara FRICK
Anne-Marie LOOS
        |                                                                     /-Pierre SCHMITT
        |                                                           /-Jean SCHMITT
        |                                                           |         |         /-N.N. UHLMANN
        |                                                           |         \-Appoline UHLMANN
        |                                                           |                   \-N.N. DUTTER
        |                                                 /-Mathias SCHMITT
        |                                                 |         |         /-Léonard BRODBECKER
        |                                                 |         \-Anne BRODBECKER
        |                                                 |                   \-Ursule ROMMKIST
        |                                       /-Daniel SCHMITT
        |                                       |         \-Anne GSELL
        |                             /-André SCHMITT
        |                   /-François SCHMITT
        |                   |         |                   /-Caspar STRICKLER
        |                   |         |         /-André STRICKLER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Pierre SCHMITT
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. UHLMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Appoline UHLMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-N.N. DUTTER
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie SCHMITT
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Léonard BRODBECKER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Anne BRODBECKER
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Ursule ROMMKIST
        |                   |         \-Anne-Marie STRICKLER
        |         /-Jean-Étienne SCHMITT
        \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
                  |                             /-N.N. SEYLLER
                  |                   /-Jean Georges SEYLLER
                  |         /-François-Joseph SEYLLER
                  |         |         |         /-Étienne HIRN
                  |         |         \-Catherine HIRN
                  |         |                   |         /-Arbogast KREMP
                  |         |                   \-Catherine KREMP
                  |         |                             \-Agnès KOP
                  \-Anne-Marie SEYLLER
                            |         /-Christian KAEBEL
                            \-Marie-Madeleine KAEBEL
                                      |                   /-Simon HEFFTER
                                      |         /-Rudolf HEFFTER
                                      |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      \-Marie-Salomé HEFFTER
                                                |         /-Simon HÜRSTLER
                                                \-Anne-Marie HÜRSTLER

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Joseph WENDLING  Marriage: 28 JUN 1820, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
      2 Joseph WENDLING
        =Thérèse SEYLLER  Marriage: 21 MAY 1855, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Auguste WENDLING
              =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1885, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Odile WENDLING
                    =Jean Pierre BORSCHNECK  Marriage: Rohrwiller,67410,,,FR,
      2 Xavier WENDLING
        =Béatrice FOLCK  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Joséphine Mary WENDLING
              =Maximilien SCHMITT  Marriage: 5 AUG 1884, Usa,,,,USA,
      2 Rosine WENDLING
        =François Xavier SEYLLER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Guillaume SEYLLER
              =Émilie JEHL  Marriage: 19 APR 1907, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Achille SEYLLER
                    =Marguerite N.N.
                        5 Sylvain SEYLLER
                        5 Simon SEYLLER
                        5 Jules SEYLLER

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Jean JEHL
      2 Michel JEHL
        =Marie Anne KLOTZ
            3 Michel JEHL
                  4 Georges JEHL
                    =Élisabeth OHNET  Marriage: 9 JAN 1820, Sélestat,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Georges JEHL
                              6 Anne Louise JEHL
                                =Paul Frédéric FESCHOTTE  Marriage: 20 APR 1881, Dijon,21000,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Marie Henriette FESCHOTTE
                                      =Marie Louis ANGLADE  Marriage: 6 JAN 1903, Saint-Rambert-D'Albon,26140,Drôme,Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,

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Anne-Marie LOOS

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LOOS

        /-Chrétien LOOS
Anne-Marie LOOS
        |                   /-Nicolas DOERFLINGER
        |         /-François Christian DOERFLINGER
        |         |         \-Marie Ursule GRASSWILL
        \-Catherine Barbe DOERFLINGER
                  |                   /-François LACROIX
                  |         /-Charles LACROIX
                  |         |         |                   /-Etienne LANOIX
                  |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
                  |         |         |         |         \-Jeanne BUGNET
                  |         |         \-Anne-Marie LANOIX
                  |         |                   |                             /-N.N. LESTOQUART
                  |         |                   |                   /-Louis LESTOQUART
                  |         |                   |         /-Louis Jean LETOCART
                  |         |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |                   \-Marie LETOCART
                  |         |                             |                   /-Nicolas CHAMPION
                  |         |                             |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
                  |         |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
                  |         |                                       |         /-Pierre DENU
                  |         |                                       \-Françoise DENU
                  |         |                                                 \-Marie BILLET
                  \-Barbe LACROIX
                            |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
                            |                             /-Pierre BERTRAND
                            |                             |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
                            |                   /-Jean BERTRAND
                            |                   |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
                            |                   |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
                            |                   |                   \-Françoise JEROME
                            |         /-Pierre-Charles BERTRAND
                            |         |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
                            |         |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
                            |         |                   |                   /-Michel GROSJEAN
                            |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                            |         |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
                            |         |                             |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
                            |         |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                            |         |                                       \-Sébastienne PETIT
                            \-Élisabeth BERTRAND
                                      |                                                 /-Jean LOYSON
                                      |                                       /-Henry LOYSON
                                      |                             /-Nicolas LOYSON
                                      |                   /-Eberhard LOYSON
                                      |                   |         |                   /-François KAPLER
                                      |                   |         |         /-Jean KAPLER
                                      |                   |         \-Catherine KAPLER
                                      |         /-Balthazar LOYSON
                                      |         |         |                   /-Jean DURCHDENWALD
                                      |         |         |         /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Gabrielle NICLAUS
                                      |         |         \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
                                      \-Marie Odile LOYSON
                                                |                   /-Georges WINDT
                                                |         /-Matthias WIND
                                                |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                \-Marie-Christine WIND
                                                          |                   /-Jean Léonard BECKER
                                                          |         /-Daniel BECKER
                                                          \-Élisabeth BECKER
                                                                    |                                       /-Charles DE CREQUY
                                                                    |                             /-Hector DE CREQUY
                                                                    |                             |         \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
                                                                    |                   /-Adrien DE CREQUY
                                                                    |                   |         |         /-Jacques DE LICQUES
                                                                    |                   |         \-Françoise DE LICQUES
                                                                    |                   |                   \-Marie IMMERSELLE
                                                                    |         /-Antoine François DE CREQUY
                                                                    |         |         |         /-André DE LANNOY
                                                                    |         |         \-Jeanne Lamberte DE LANNOY
                                                                    |         |                   \-Marie DU CHASTEL
                                                                    \-Suzanne CRIQUI

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOS

1 Anne-Marie LOOS
  =Joseph SCHNEIDER  Marriage: 25 JUN 1870, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
      2 Thérèse SCHNEIDER
        =Philippe GRUMBACH  Marriage: 2 JAN 1894, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
            3 Sophie Thérèse GRUMBACH
              =Émile Aloise KLEIN  Marriage: 21 NOV 1917, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
                  4 Louise KLEIN
                    =Albert KISTER  Marriage: 21 SEP 1945, Weiterswiller,67340,,,FR,
                        5 Albert KISTER
                          =Françoise DURET

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Antoine LOOS

Descendants of Antoine LOOS

1 Antoine LOOS
      2 Henri LOOS
        =Catharina SCHENCK  Marriage: 21 FEB 1738, Stundwiller,67250,,,FR,

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Antoine LOOS

Ancestors of Antoine LOOS

                  /-Jacques LOOS
        /-Michel LOOS
        |         \-Marie ROHMER
Antoine LOOS
        \-Catherine ROHMER

Descendants of Antoine LOOS

1 Antoine LOOS
  =Barbara FRICK  Marriage: 25 JAN 1762, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Jean-Georges LOOS
        =Anne-Marie SCHMITT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1792, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie LOOS
              =Joseph WENDLING  Marriage: 28 JUN 1820, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Joseph WENDLING
                    =Thérèse SEYLLER  Marriage: 21 MAY 1855, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Auguste WENDLING
                          =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1885, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Odile WENDLING
                                =Jean Pierre BORSCHNECK  Marriage: Rohrwiller,67410,,,FR,
                  4 Xavier WENDLING
                    =Béatrice FOLCK  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Joséphine Mary WENDLING
                          =Maximilien SCHMITT  Marriage: 5 AUG 1884, Usa,,,,USA,
                  4 Rosine WENDLING
                    =François Xavier SEYLLER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Guillaume SEYLLER
                          =Émilie JEHL  Marriage: 19 APR 1907, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Achille SEYLLER
                                =Marguerite N.N.
                                    7 Sylvain SEYLLER
                                    7 Simon SEYLLER
                                    7 Jules SEYLLER

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Antoine LOOS

Ancestors of Antoine LOOS

                  /-Nicolas LOOS
        /-Mathias LOOS
        |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        |         \-Eve JONAS
        |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
        |                             \-Barbara BECK
Antoine LOOS
        |         /-Mathias LOOS
        \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  \-Anne ROHMER
                            |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            \-Agathe WEISS
                                      \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Antoine LOOS

1 Antoine LOOS
  =Anne-Marie HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie Barbe LOOS
        =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie ROHMER
              =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse LORBER
                    =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse ROHMER
                          =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Félix KEMPF
                                =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Gertrude KEMPF
                                      =Albert CRIQUI
                                          8 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                            =Guy PFISTER
                                                9 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                  =Nicolas GINTER
                                                      10 Maxime GINTER
                  4 Jean LORBER
                    =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Ignace LORBER
                          =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                      =Antoine EBY
                  4 Florent LORBER
                    =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Albert LORBER
                              6 Anna LORBER
                              6 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                    7 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                      =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Barbara LOOS

Descendants of Barbara LOOS

1 Barbara LOOS
  =François Bartholomé JAEG  Marriage: 28 JAN 1742, Semersheim,67,,,FR,
      2 Catherine JAEG
        =Jean-Georges BOHL  Marriage: 6 SEP 1802, Rhinau,67860,,,FR,
            3 Marie Rosine BOHL
              =Michel BURCKEL
                  4 Barbara BURCKEL
                    =Georges HUMMEL  Marriage: 23 APR 1868, Rhinau,67860,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph HUMMEL
                          =Madeleine SCHWEITZER  Marriage: 19 JUL 1895, Dambach-La-Ville,67650,,,FR,
                              6 Sosa 6 HUMMEL
                                    7 Sosa 3 HUMMEL
                                          8 Béatrice COURTOIS

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Barbe LOOS

Ancestors of Barbe LOOS

        /-Mathias LOOS
Barbe LOOS
        |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |         \-Anne GASS
        \-Anne ROHMER
                  |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  \-Agathe WEISS
                            \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Barbe LOOS

1 Barbe LOOS
  =Mathias FACKLER  Marriage: 13 APR 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne FACKLER
        =Nicolas LOOS  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Nicolas LOOS
              =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                  4 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                    =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                          =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise HEINRICH
                                =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine KEMPF
                                      =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY

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Catherine LOOS

Descendants of Catherine LOOS

1 Catherine LOOS
  =Anselme HUCK
      2 Marie Élisabeth HUCK
        =Joseph KECK  Marriage: 4 MAY 1816
            3 Joséphine KECK
              =Michel BRENNER  Marriage: 3 FEB 1850
                  4 Joseph BRENNER
                    =Caroline SANDROCK  Marriage: 2 FEB 1880
                        5 Françoise BRENNER
                          =Xavier HUCK  Marriage: 2 MAY 1904
                              6 Antoinette HUCK
                                =Louis KOCHER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Jean Joseph SCHERER
            3 Marie-Anne KECK
              =Félix HUCK  Marriage: 26 SEP 1864, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                  4 François Louis HUCK
                    =Émilie GEYER  Marriage: 5 AUG 1901, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                        5 Edouard HUCK
                          =Marie Joséphine WEBER  Marriage: 26 APR 1929, Leutenheim,67480,,,FR,
                              6 Marthe HUCK
                                =André FUCHS
                                    7 Marie-Christine FUCHS
                                      =Jean-Marc SCHNEIDER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Catherine LOOS

Ancestors of Catherine LOOS

                  /-Nicolas LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie RAN
Catherine LOOS
        |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Catherine LOOS

1 Catherine LOOS
  =Georges STEPHEN
      2 Jean STEPHEN
        =Barbe ROHMER  Marriage: 4 FEB 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie STEPHEN
              =Jean HEINRICH  Marriage: 15 JAN 1731, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                    =Antoine LOOS  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie Barbe LOOS
                          =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                                =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse LORBER
                                      =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                                    7 Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                9 Albert LORBER
                                                9 Anna LORBER
                                                9 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                  =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                      10 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Catherine LOOS

Ancestors of Catherine LOOS

        /-André LOOS
Catherine LOOS
        \-Anne Catherine HEITZ

Descendants of Catherine LOOS

1 Catherine LOOS
  =Charles BOHRER  Marriage: 21 DEC 1858, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Charles LOOS

Descendants of Charles LOOS

1 Charles LOOS
  =Catherine HOELTZEL  Marriage: 9 SEP 1863, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
      2 Louis Charles LOOS
            3 Jacqueline LOOS
              =Alfred Robert STADLER
                  4 Serge STADLER

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Chrétien LOOS

Descendants of Chrétien LOOS

1 Chrétien LOOS
  =Catherine Barbe DOERFLINGER
      2 Anne-Marie LOOS
        =Joseph SCHNEIDER  Marriage: 25 JUN 1870, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse SCHNEIDER
              =Philippe GRUMBACH  Marriage: 2 JAN 1894, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
                  4 Sophie Thérèse GRUMBACH
                    =Émile Aloise KLEIN  Marriage: 21 NOV 1917, Sparsbach,67340,,,FR,
                        5 Louise KLEIN
                          =Albert KISTER  Marriage: 21 SEP 1945, Weiterswiller,67340,,,FR,
                              6 Albert KISTER
                                =Françoise DURET

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Elisabeh LOOS

Ancestors of Elisabeh LOOS

Elisabeh LOOS
        |                                                           /-Jean THIEBOLD
        |                                                 /-Georges Léo DIEBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         /-Jean MARX
        |                                                 |         \-Anna MARX
        |                                       /-Georges DIEBOLD
        |                                       |         |         /-Laurent RIEHL
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |                             /-Antonius DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         /-Adam RUBERT
        |                             |         \-Barbara RUBERT
        |                             |                   \-Catherine ROHFRITSCH
        |                   /-Josephus DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |         /-Mathias BORNERT
        |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BORNERT
        |                   |                   \-Barbara LEONHARD ; LIENHARD
        |         /-Laurent DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   /-Georg KLEIN
        |         |         |         /-Jacob KLEIN
        |         |         |         |         \-Maria HIGLIN
        |         |         \-Anne KLEIN
        |         |                   |         /-Martin OSTERMANN
        |         |                   \-Maria OSTERMANN
        |         |                             |         /-Jacobus MEDART
        |         |                             \-Brigitta MEDART
        |         |                                       \-Maria N.N.
        \-Thérèse DIEBOLD
                  \-Françoise DEUTSCHLER

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Etienne LOOS

Descendants of Etienne LOOS

1 Etienne LOOS
  =Anne Madeleine BARTHELME
      2 Élisabeth LOOS
            3 Catherine WILLMANN
                  4 Louise RUFF
                        5 François Joseph BAPST
                              6 Édouard Antoine BAPST
                                    7 Xavier François BAPST
                                      =Marie Adèle WEBER  Marriage: 11 JAN 1929, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie Élise BAPST
                                            =Prosper WINTENBERGER
                                                9 N.N. WINTENBERGER
                                                      10 N.N. BLANCHÉ
                                                            11 Stella ALLEMANN
            3 Anne-Marie WILLMANN
                  4 Xavier KREMPP
      2 Marie Salomé LOOS
        =Joseph OBRECHT
            3 Claire OBRECHT
              =François Joseph KNECHT
                  4 Anne-Marie KNECHT
                    =Louis BAPST
                  4 Marie Madeleine KNECHT
                    =Georges LANDMANN
                        5 Marie Madeleine LANDMANN
                        5 Marie Thérèse LANDMANN
                        5 Félix LANDMANN
                        5 Marie Élisabeth LANDMANN
                        5 Jean Mathieu LANDMANN
                        5 Jean-Georges LANDMANN
                          =Madeleine PETER  Marriage: 3 SEP 1884, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Mathieu LANDMANN
                              6 Antoine Eugène LANDMANN
                              6 Marie-Thérèse LANDMANN
                                =Alphonse JAECKLÉ  Marriage: 13 MAY 1911, Paris 19,75019,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                                    7 Roger JAECKLÉ
                                      =Marie OGÉ  Marriage: 13 MAY 1937, Preuschdorf,67250,,,FR,
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Marion KHENAFFOU
                              6 Joseph LANDMANN
                              6 Jean Georges LANDMANN
                              6 Emile Félix LANDMANN
                              6 Eugénie LANDMANN
                              6 Marie-Madeleine LANDMANN
                              6 Marie-Madeleine LANDMANN
                              6 Emile Auguste LANDMANN
                        5 Anne Marie Richarde LANDMANN
                        5 Joseph LANDMANN

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Ancestors of Eve LOOS

        /-Nicolas LOOS
        \-Marie RAN

Descendants of Eve LOOS

1 Eve LOOS
  =Jean WALTER  Marriage: 19 FEB 1647, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Barbara WALTER
        =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: ABT 1690
            3 Antoine ROHMER
                  4 Marie Élisabeth ROHMER
                    =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Élisabeth ROHMER
                          =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth KEMPF
                                =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth FREY
                                      =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY

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Élisabeth LOOS

Ancestors of Élisabeth LOOS

        /-Etienne LOOS
Élisabeth LOOS
        |                             /-Adam BARTHELME
        |                   /-Michel BARTHELME
        |         /-Georges BARTHELME
        |         |         \-Anne Ursule KORNMANN
        \-Anne Madeleine BARTHELME
                  |                   /-Mathieu KORNMANN
                  |         /-Jean KORNMANN
                  \-Catherine KORNMANN
                            |         /-Marcel BODEMER
                            \-Catherine BODEMER
                                      \-Catherine DIEBOLD

Descendants of Élisabeth LOOS

1 Élisabeth LOOS
      2 Catherine WILLMANN
            3 Louise RUFF
                  4 François Joseph BAPST
                        5 Édouard Antoine BAPST
                              6 Xavier François BAPST
                                =Marie Adèle WEBER  Marriage: 11 JAN 1929, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie Élise BAPST
                                      =Prosper WINTENBERGER
                                          8 N.N. WINTENBERGER
                                                9 N.N. BLANCHÉ
                                                      10 Stella ALLEMANN
      2 Anne-Marie WILLMANN
            3 Xavier KREMPP

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Émile André LOOS

Ancestors of Émile André LOOS

        /-André LOOS
Émile André LOOS
        \-Anne Catherine HEITZ

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Ancestors of Ève LOOS

                  /-Nicolas LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie RAN
        |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Ève LOOS

1 Ève LOOS
  =Wendelin ROHMER  Marriage: 18 APR 1678, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marguerite ROHMER
        =Mathias HEINRICH  Marriage: 21 JAN 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Madeleine HEINRICH
              =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 27 APR 1739, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 François ROHMER
                    =Catherine LORBER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Louis ROHMER
                          =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Mathias ROHMER
                                =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean ROHMER
                                =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                            =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
      2 Catherine ROHMER
        =Antoine JONAS
            3 Marie-Eve JONAS
              =Martin François RINGEISEN  Marriage: 21 FEB 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne RINGEISEN
                    =Antoine LORBER  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François LORBER
                          =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse LORBER
                                      =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                                    7 Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                9 Albert LORBER
                                                9 Anna LORBER
                                                9 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                  =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                      10 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                        5 Catherine LORBER
                          =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Louis ROHMER
                                =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Mathias ROHMER
                                      =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean ROHMER
                                      =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                  =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
            3 Anne-Marie JONAS
              =Sébastien SCHNELL  Marriage: 31 JAN 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 François SCHNELL
                    =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 2 MAY 1763, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Bernard SCHNELL
                          =Marie Élise LANUS
                              6 François SCHNELL
                                =Marie Ursule FEHLMANN  Marriage: 16 AUG 1830
                                    7 Charles Albert SCHNELL
                                      =Anne-Marie GORGENTHUM  Marriage: 14 NOV 1864, Baldenheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Louis SCHNELL
                                            =Madeleine BULBER  Marriage: 15 NOV 1904, Mussig,67310,,,FR,
                                                9 Lucien Louis SCHNELL
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Hortense SCHNELL
                                                        =Raymond Georges MARTIN-FABER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Marie Salomé SCHNELL
                                    7 Joseph OSSNER
                                          8 Achille OSSNER
                                                9 Marguerite OSSNER
                                                      10 Dominique LANGLOIS
                  4 Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL
                    =Mathias WEISS  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie WEISS
                          =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Mathias ROHMER
                                =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean ROHMER
                                =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                            =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
            3 Marie-Madeleine JONAS
              =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1748, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace ROHMER
                        5 Marie Thérèse ROMER
                          =François-Joseph WIEDENKELLER
                  4 Marie-Madeleine ROHMER
                    =Ignace FREY  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                          =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth FREY
                                =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
      2 Michel ROHMER
        =Marguerite LORBER  Marriage: 20 AUG 1714, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie ROHMER
              =Jean KLEIN  Marriage: 23 DEC 1746, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François-Materne KLEIN
                    =Marie-Ursule SCHERRER  Marriage: 5 JUL 1779, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                        5 François-Antoine KLEIN
                          =Marie-Anne HOLL  Marriage: 13 JAN 1813, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                              6 Aloyse KLEIN
                                    7 Rosalie KLEIN
                                          8 Marie-Jeanne FIDERLAY
                                                9 Marie-Antoinette BOREL
                                                  =Claude ROBERT
                                                      10 Frédéric ROBERT
            3 Antoine ROHMER
              =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Élisabeth ROHMER
                    =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Élisabeth KEMPF
                          =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth FREY
                                =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY

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François-Joseph LOOS

Ancestors of François-Joseph LOOS

        /-Oswald LOOS
François-Joseph LOOS
        \-Catherine BOOTZ

Descendants of François-Joseph LOOS

1 François-Joseph LOOS
  =Anne-Marie EGERT  Marriage: 3 MAR 1813, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,

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Georges LOOS

Descendants of Georges LOOS

1 Georges LOOS
  =Gertrude ROHMER

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Georges LOOS

Descendants of Georges LOOS

1 Georges LOOS
  =Catherine ANDRES
      2 Marie-Dorothée LOOS
        =Jean SCHNELL  Marriage: 6 SEP 1756, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Jean-Baptiste SCHNELL
              =Marie-Anne LORBER  Marriage: Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph SCHNELL
                    =Marie-Françoise ANDLAUER  Marriage: 27 SEP 1820, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph SCHNELL
                          =Marie-Madeleine LERBS  Marriage: 14 MAR 1850, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Louise SCHNELL
                                =Modeste VASSORD  Marriage: 5 AUG 1883, Asnières,92600,Hauts-De-Seine,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                                    7 Henriette VASSORD
                                      =Alfred Emmanuel Victor Paul VILLAIN-MARAIS  Marriage: 20 OCT 1905, Neuilly-Sur-Seine,92200,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jean VILLAIN-MARAIS

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Gilbert LOOS

Descendants of Gilbert LOOS

1 Gilbert LOOS
  =Céline STREBLER
      2 Patrick LOOS

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Henri LOOS

Ancestors of Henri LOOS

        /-Antoine LOOS
Henri LOOS

Descendants of Henri LOOS

1 Henri LOOS
  =Catharina SCHENCK  Marriage: 21 FEB 1738, Stundwiller,67250,,,FR,

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Henri LOOS

Descendants of Henri LOOS

1 Henri LOOS
  =Barbara HEYD
      2 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        =Sébastien BUCHEL  Marriage: 18 MAR 1796, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
            3 Alexandre BUCHEL
              =Marie-Catherine  Élisabeth SCHMITT
                  4 Françoise BUCHEL
                    =Philippe GEYER  Marriage: 23 APR 1853
                        5 Caroline GEYER
                          =Louis HUCK  Marriage: 5 JAN 1878
                              6 Xavier HUCK
                                =Françoise BRENNER  Marriage: 2 MAY 1904
                                    7 Antoinette HUCK
                                      =Louis KOCHER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Jean Joseph SCHERER
      2 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        =François-Joseph HISS  Marriage: 13 FEB 1787
            3 Marie-Anne HISS
              =Alexandre GRAF
                  4 Catherine GRAF
                    =Jean-Philippe HUCK  Marriage: 20 NOV 1853
                        5 Louis HUCK
                          =Caroline GEYER  Marriage: 5 JAN 1878
                              6 Xavier HUCK
                                =Françoise BRENNER  Marriage: 2 MAY 1904
                                    7 Antoinette HUCK
                                      =Louis KOCHER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Jean Joseph SCHERER
                  4 Marie-Anne GRAFF
                    =André CLODY  Marriage: 25 MAY 1853, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                        5 Catherine CLODY
                          =Jacques FUHRMANN  Marriage: 19 NOV 1888, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                              6 Marie FUHRMANN
                                =Louis KOCHER  Marriage: 26 APR 1915, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                                    7 Louis KOCHER
                                      =Suzanne BORT
                                          8 Alain KOCHER
                                          8 Pascal KOCHER
                                            =Marguerite BERNHARD
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Joseph CLODY
                          =Marie-Anne MICHEL
                              6 Joséphine CLODY
                                =Charles SUTTER  Marriage: 11 APR 1910, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph SUTTER
                                      =Thérèse WILHELM  Marriage: 7 MAY 1935, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                                          8 Anne Marie  Françoise SUTTER
                                            =Gilbert DUBAIL
                                                9 Florent DUBAIL
                              6 Jacques CLODY
                                =Joséphine SCHMITT  Marriage: 7 NOV 1924, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                                    7 Angèle CLODY
                                      =Gérard WOLFF

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Jacqueline LOOS

Ancestors of Jacqueline LOOS

                  /-Charles LOOS
        /-Louis Charles LOOS
        |         |                   /-Laurent HOELTZEL
        |         |         /-Antoine HOELTZEL
        |         |         |         \-Barbe HUSS
        |         \-Catherine HOELTZEL
        |                   |                   /-Jean LUMANN
        |                   |         /-Joseph LUMANN
        |                   |         |         \-Marie SIMON
        |                   \-Brigitte LUMANN
        |                             |                                       /-Jacques FUCHS
        |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
        |                             |                             |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
        |                             |                             |         \-Anna TRIER
        |                             |                             |                   \-Agnès RIPP
        |                             |                   /-Joseph FUCHS
        |                             |                   |         |                             /-Christian ROTH
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-Adolph ROTH
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean ROTH
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean CLAUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara CLAUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
        |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite ROTH
        |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques BUB
        |                             |                   |                   \-Suzanne BUB
        |                             |                   |                             \-Catherine KAPP
        |                             |         /-Laurent FUCHS
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Thomas METZ
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel METZ
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLT
        |                             |         |         |         /-Martin METZ
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas DAUBENBERGER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon DAUBENBERGER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anna DAUBENBERGER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Adam DAUL
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Odile DAUL
        |                             |         |         \-Maria METZ
        |                             |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
        |                             \-Catherine FUCHS
        |                                       |                             /-Velten CLAUSS
        |                                       |                   /-Jacques CLAUSS
        |                                       |                   |         \-N.N. HEICKEL
        |                                       |         /-Joseph CLAUSS
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |                                       |         |         \-Marie SCHWARTZ
        |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Mathias RIPP
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Mathis RIPP
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N;
        |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine RIPP
        |                                       |         |                             |                   /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
        |                                       |         |                             |         /-Georges ACKER
        |                                       |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara BRAUN
        |                                       |         |                             \-Elisabeth ACKER
        |                                       |         |                                       |         /-Jacques GRETT
        |                                       |         |                                       \-Marguerite GRETT
        |                                       \-Catherine CLAUSS
        |                                                 |                                                 /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
        |                                                 |                                       /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
        |                                                 |                             /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                                                 |                             |         |         /-Pierre BASTIAN
        |                                                 |                             |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean TRUTTMANN
        |                                                 |                   |         |         /-N.N. LANG
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Barbara LANG
        |                                                 |         /-Jean TRUTTMANN
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-André FRISCH
        |                                                 |         |         \-Éva FRISCH
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Georges WOLFF
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Barbara WOLFF
        |                                                 \-Sabine Ou Sophie TRAUTMANN
        |                                                           |         /-Bartholomé VOGEL
        |                                                           \-Marguerite VOGEL
        |                                                                     |         /-Georges ANTH
        |                                                                     \-Marie ANTH
        |                                                                               \-Catharine KLEIN
Jacqueline LOOS

Descendants of Jacqueline LOOS

1 Jacqueline LOOS
  =Alfred Robert STADLER
      2 Serge STADLER

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Jacques LOOS

Descendants of Jacques LOOS

1 Jacques LOOS
  =Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 1698, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Michel LOOS
        =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 26 SEP 1718, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Antoine LOOS
              =Barbara FRICK  Marriage: 25 JAN 1762, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Jean-Georges LOOS
                    =Anne-Marie SCHMITT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1792, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie LOOS
                          =Joseph WENDLING  Marriage: 28 JUN 1820, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph WENDLING
                                =Thérèse SEYLLER  Marriage: 21 MAY 1855, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Auguste WENDLING
                                      =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1885, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                          8 Odile WENDLING
                                            =Jean Pierre BORSCHNECK  Marriage: Rohrwiller,67410,,,FR,
                              6 Xavier WENDLING
                                =Béatrice FOLCK  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine Mary WENDLING
                                      =Maximilien SCHMITT  Marriage: 5 AUG 1884, Usa,,,,USA,
                              6 Rosine WENDLING
                                =François Xavier SEYLLER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Guillaume SEYLLER
                                      =Émilie JEHL  Marriage: 19 APR 1907, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                          8 Achille SEYLLER
                                            =Marguerite N.N.
                                                9 Sylvain SEYLLER
                                                9 Simon SEYLLER
                                                9 Jules SEYLLER

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Ancestors of Jean LOOS

        /-Nicolas LOOS
        \-Marie RAN

Descendants of Jean LOOS

1 Jean LOOS
  =Catherine HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1646, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marguerite LOOS
        =Sigismond ROHMER  Marriage: 27 JUL 1666, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Laurent ROHMER
              =Marthe DERINGER  Marriage: 3 MAR 1710, Dambach-La-Ville,67650,,,FR,
                  4 Jean ROHMER
                    =Anne-Marie LORBER  Marriage: 24 APR 1741, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Élisabeth ROHMER
                          =François-Joseph JAEG  Marriage: 15 JUN 1780, Hilsenheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François-Antoine JAEG
                                =Thérèse KUHN  Marriage: 3 NOV 1818, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine JAEG
                                      =Blaise STIRMEL  Marriage: 23 OCT 1848, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                          8 Joséphine STIRMEL
                                            =Jean FEIST  Marriage: 9 NOV 1886
                                                9 Élisabeth FEIST
                                                  =Xavier HIRN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1911, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                      10 Édouard HIRN
                                                        =Paulette FRANTZ  Marriage: Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Thérèse HIRN
                                                              =Gilbert ROESCH
                                                                  12 Jean François ROESCH
                                                                  12 Michel ROESCH
                                                                    =N.N. N.N.
                                                                        13 N.N. ROESCH
                                                                        13 N.N. ROESCH
                                                                  12 Pascale ROESCH
                                                9 Marie FEIST
                                                  =André BIERSON
                                                      10 Georgette BIERSON
                                                            11 Françoise KAIZER
                                                              =Laurent HAUVILLE
      2 Catherine LOOS
        =Georges STEPHEN
            3 Jean STEPHEN
              =Barbe ROHMER  Marriage: 4 FEB 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                    =Jean HEINRICH  Marriage: 15 JAN 1731, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                          =Antoine LOOS  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie Barbe LOOS
                                =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                                      =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse LORBER
                                            =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                                          8 Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                      10 Albert LORBER
                                                      10 Anna LORBER
                                                      10 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                        =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                            11 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
      2 Ève LOOS
        =Wendelin ROHMER  Marriage: 18 APR 1678, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marguerite ROHMER
              =Mathias HEINRICH  Marriage: 21 JAN 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Madeleine HEINRICH
                    =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 27 APR 1739, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François ROHMER
                          =Catherine LORBER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Louis ROHMER
                                =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Mathias ROHMER
                                      =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean ROHMER
                                      =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                  =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
            3 Catherine ROHMER
              =Antoine JONAS
                  4 Marie-Eve JONAS
                    =Martin François RINGEISEN  Marriage: 21 FEB 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne RINGEISEN
                          =Antoine LORBER  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François LORBER
                                =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse LORBER
                                            =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                                          8 Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                      10 Albert LORBER
                                                      10 Anna LORBER
                                                      10 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                        =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                            11 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                              6 Catherine LORBER
                                =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Louis ROHMER
                                      =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Mathias ROHMER
                                            =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean ROHMER
                                            =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                        =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                  4 Anne-Marie JONAS
                    =Sébastien SCHNELL  Marriage: 31 JAN 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François SCHNELL
                          =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 2 MAY 1763, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Bernard SCHNELL
                                =Marie Élise LANUS
                                    7 François SCHNELL
                                      =Marie Ursule FEHLMANN  Marriage: 16 AUG 1830
                                          8 Charles Albert SCHNELL
                                            =Anne-Marie GORGENTHUM  Marriage: 14 NOV 1864, Baldenheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Louis SCHNELL
                                                  =Madeleine BULBER  Marriage: 15 NOV 1904, Mussig,67310,,,FR,
                                                      10 Lucien Louis SCHNELL
                                                        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Hortense SCHNELL
                                                              =Raymond Georges MARTIN-FABER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Marie Salomé SCHNELL
                                          8 Joseph OSSNER
                                                9 Achille OSSNER
                                                      10 Marguerite OSSNER
                                                            11 Dominique LANGLOIS
                        5 Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL
                          =Mathias WEISS  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Anne-Marie WEISS
                                =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Mathias ROHMER
                                      =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean ROHMER
                                      =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                  =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                  4 Marie-Madeleine JONAS
                    =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1748, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Ignace ROHMER
                              6 Marie Thérèse ROMER
                                =François-Joseph WIEDENKELLER
                        5 Marie-Madeleine ROHMER
                          =Ignace FREY  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                                =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth FREY
                                      =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
            3 Michel ROHMER
              =Marguerite LORBER  Marriage: 20 AUG 1714, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                    =Jean KLEIN  Marriage: 23 DEC 1746, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 François-Materne KLEIN
                          =Marie-Ursule SCHERRER  Marriage: 5 JUL 1779, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                              6 François-Antoine KLEIN
                                =Marie-Anne HOLL  Marriage: 13 JAN 1813, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                                    7 Aloyse KLEIN
                                          8 Rosalie KLEIN
                                                9 Marie-Jeanne FIDERLAY
                                                      10 Marie-Antoinette BOREL
                                                        =Claude ROBERT
                                                            11 Frédéric ROBERT
                  4 Antoine ROHMER
                    =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Élisabeth ROHMER
                          =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth KEMPF
                                =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth FREY
                                      =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
      2 Nicolas LOOS
        =Anne ROHMER
            3 Nicolas LOOS
              =Anne FACKLER  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Nicolas LOOS
                    =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                        5 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                          =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                                =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise HEINRICH
                                      =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joséphine KEMPF
                                            =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY

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Ancestors of Jean LOOS

        /-André LOOS
        |                   /-Jean LORBER
        |         /-Jean LORBER
        |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        \-Anne LORBER
                  |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  \-Anna WALTER
                            |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      \-Marguerite LOOS

Descendants of Jean LOOS

1 Jean LOOS
      2 Jean LOOS
        =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Anne LOOS
              =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Jean LORBER
                    =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse LORBER
                          =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace LORBER
                                =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
                        5 Florent LORBER
                          =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Albert LORBER
                                    7 Anna LORBER
                                    7 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                      =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                          8 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                            =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Ancestors of Jean LOOS

                  /-André LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
        |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
        |         |         /-Jean LORBER
        |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        |         \-Anne LORBER
        |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |                   \-Anna WALTER
        |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS

Descendants of Jean LOOS

1 Jean LOOS
  =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Anne LOOS
        =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Jean LORBER
              =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse LORBER
                    =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse ROHMER
                          =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Félix KEMPF
                                =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Gertrude KEMPF
                                      =Albert CRIQUI
                                          8 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                            =Guy PFISTER
                                                9 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                  =Nicolas GINTER
                                                      10 Maxime GINTER
                  4 Jean LORBER
                    =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Ignace LORBER
                          =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                      =Antoine EBY
                  4 Florent LORBER
                    =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Albert LORBER
                              6 Anna LORBER
                              6 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                    7 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                      =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Jean-Georges LOOS

Ancestors of Jean-Georges LOOS

                            /-Jacques LOOS
                  /-Michel LOOS
                  |         \-Marie ROHMER
        /-Antoine LOOS
        |         \-Catherine ROHMER
Jean-Georges LOOS
        \-Barbara FRICK

Descendants of Jean-Georges LOOS

1 Jean-Georges LOOS
  =Anne-Marie SCHMITT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1792, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LOOS
        =Joseph WENDLING  Marriage: 28 JUN 1820, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Joseph WENDLING
              =Thérèse SEYLLER  Marriage: 21 MAY 1855, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Auguste WENDLING
                    =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1885, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Odile WENDLING
                          =Jean Pierre BORSCHNECK  Marriage: Rohrwiller,67410,,,FR,
            3 Xavier WENDLING
              =Béatrice FOLCK  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Joséphine Mary WENDLING
                    =Maximilien SCHMITT  Marriage: 5 AUG 1884, Usa,,,,USA,
            3 Rosine WENDLING
              =François Xavier SEYLLER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Guillaume SEYLLER
                    =Émilie JEHL  Marriage: 19 APR 1907, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Achille SEYLLER
                          =Marguerite N.N.
                              6 Sylvain SEYLLER
                              6 Simon SEYLLER
                              6 Jules SEYLLER

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Jean Michel LOOS

Descendants of Jean Michel LOOS

1 Jean Michel LOOS
  =Anne-Marie KUNTZ  Marriage: Killstadt,67,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LOOS
        =Mathias ZILLER  Marriage: 19 JAN 1773, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Rosine ZILLER
              =Henri DENTZ  Marriage: 31 JAN 1797, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
              =François Félix BOUFFLEUR
                  4 Sophie BOUFFLEUR
                    =Ignace STEPHAN  Marriage: 4 JUN 1835, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Catherine ZILLER
              =Joseph LUTZ  Marriage: 17 APR 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Odile LUTZ
                    =Jean GRASSER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1841, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                        5 François Xavier GRASSER
                          =Hélène LAUGEL  Marriage: 13 FEB 1870, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Antoine GRASSER
                                =Angélique LANG  Marriage: 3 FEB 1902, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Anne GRASSER
                                      =Jules WIESER
                                    7 Joséphine Mathilde GRASSER
                                      =vendelin SCHMITT
                              6 Anne-Marie GRASSER
                                =Joseph DIEBOLD
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Eugène Michel DIEBOLD
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Bernard DIEBOLD
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Auguste DIEBOLD
                                      =Ilda MAGER
                                          8 Gabrielle DIEBOLD
                                            =Albert DOLLINGER
                                    7 Marie DIEBOLD
                                      =Antoine KOEGER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 François Xavier GRASSER
                                =Célestine CLAUS  Marriage: 15 MAR 1920, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
                                    7 René GRASSER
                                      =Joséphine KOST
                                          8 Jean-Michel GRASSER
                                            =Marie-Michèle LANG-PAULUS
                                          8 N.N. GRASSER
                                            =Corinne STURTZER
                                          8 N.N. GRASSER
                                            =Maurice FISCHER
                                          8 Thierry GRASSER
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Odile GRASSER
                                =Joseph THAL  Marriage: 15 MAY 1905, Huttendorf,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Thérèse THAL
                                      =Joseph Nicolas DIEBOLD  Marriage: 27 OCT 1933, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 N.n. DIEBOLD
                                            =Joseph Michel OTT
                                                9 Michel OTT
                                                  =N.n. KOCHER
                                    7 Antoinette THAL
                                      =Louis BAEUMEL
                                          8 Nicolas BAEUMEL
                                            =Odette SEILER
                                                9 Nicole BAEUMEL
                                    7 Marie Élisabeth THAL
                                      =Antoine MOSTER  Marriage: 17 OCT 1930, Wittersheim,67670,,,FR,
                                          8 N.n. MOSTER
                                                9 Dominique MOSTER
                                      =charles WINSTEL  Marriage: 7 AUG 1954, Wittersheim,67670,,,FR,
                                    7 N.n. THAL
                                      =Marie Léonie OTT
                                          8 N.n. THAL
                                            =N.n. FELDEN
            3 Élisabeth ZILLER
              =Antoine WOLFF  Marriage: 22 JUL 1807, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse ZILLER
              =Nicolas GRASSER  Marriage: ABT 1797
                  4 Anne-Marie GRASSER
                    =Joseph FOELS  Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Laurent GRASSER
                    =Marie-Catherine BERNBACH  Marriage: 18 NOV 1828, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise GRASSER
                          =Jean WOLFF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1854, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Louise WOLFF
                                =Florent DISS  Marriage: 13 NOV 1878, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise DISS
                                      =Aloise HEITZ  Marriage: 16 NOV 1903, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Anne GRASSER
                          =Sébastien BERNBACH  Marriage: 9 MAR 1857, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Élisabeth GRASSER
                    =Antoine KAPP  Marriage: 7 MAY 1832, Rohr,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Hélène KAPP
                          =Aloise HAMMAECHER  Marriage: 29 DEC 1863
                              6 François-Joseph HAMMAECHER
                                =Élisabeth JUNG
                                =Marie Françoise LUX  Marriage: 13 AUG 1900
                              6 Aloise HAMMAECHER
                                =Marie-Catherine SCHOTT  Marriage: 22 JAN 1910
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Rosine GRASSER
                    =Jacques GINTZ  Marriage: 8 MAY 1832, La Wantzenau,67610,,,FR,
                        5 Thibaut GINTZ
                          =Camille ANET  Marriage: 18 AUG 1877, Nancy,54000,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                              6 N.N. GINTZ
                                =N.N. GINTZ
                                    7 N.N. GINTZ
                                          8 Mari-De-Brigitte GINTZ
                                            =Brigitte N.N.
              =Ignace WENCKER  Marriage: 20 MAY 1816, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Jean Georges ZILLER
              =Rosine MARTIN  Marriage: 23 FEB 1808, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Madeleine Rosine ZILLER
                    =Nicolas KOBUS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1831, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine KOBUS
                          =Marie-Anne REINBOLD  Marriage: 18 NOV 1868, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Charles KOBUS
                                =Marie-Thérèse WEINLING  Marriage: 26 MAY 1902, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 François Louis ZILLER
              =Joséphine HANSS  Marriage: 27 JAN 1815, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Anne ZILLER
              =François Antoine BOUFFLEUR  Marriage: 29 MAY 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Madeleine BOUFFLEUR
                    =Jean SONNTAG  Marriage: 5 AUG 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
                  4 François Antoine BOUFFLEUR
            3 François Antoine ZILLER
              =Odile FELS  Marriage: 9 MAY 1821, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
              =Marie-Françoise LUTZ  Marriage: 11 JUN 1834, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Madeleine ZILLER
              =André KRAEMER  Marriage: 12 MAY 1820, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
              =Antoine AMANN  Marriage: 29 MAR 1827, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,

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Jeanne LOOS

Descendants of Jeanne LOOS

1 Jeanne LOOS
  =Pierre CONRATH  Marriage: 3 JUN 1856, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,

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Joseph LOOS

Ancestors of Joseph LOOS

Joseph LOOS
        |                                                           /-Jean THIEBOLD
        |                                                 /-Georges Léo DIEBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         /-Jean MARX
        |                                                 |         \-Anna MARX
        |                                       /-Georges DIEBOLD
        |                                       |         |         /-Laurent RIEHL
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |                             /-Antonius DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         /-Adam RUBERT
        |                             |         \-Barbara RUBERT
        |                             |                   \-Catherine ROHFRITSCH
        |                   /-Josephus DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |         /-Mathias BORNERT
        |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BORNERT
        |                   |                   \-Barbara LEONHARD ; LIENHARD
        |         /-Laurent DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   /-Georg KLEIN
        |         |         |         /-Jacob KLEIN
        |         |         |         |         \-Maria HIGLIN
        |         |         \-Anne KLEIN
        |         |                   |         /-Martin OSTERMANN
        |         |                   \-Maria OSTERMANN
        |         |                             |         /-Jacobus MEDART
        |         |                             \-Brigitta MEDART
        |         |                                       \-Maria N.N.
        \-Thérèse DIEBOLD
                  \-Françoise DEUTSCHLER

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Laurent LOOS

Descendants of Laurent LOOS

1 Laurent LOOS
  =Anne Marie DENTINGER  Marriage: 7 FEB 1757, Stundwiller,67250,,,FR,

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Laurent LOOS

Descendants of Laurent LOOS

1 Laurent LOOS
  =Thérèse DIEBOLD  Marriage: 11 JAN 1854, Sand,67230,,,FR,

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Louis Charles LOOS

Ancestors of Louis Charles LOOS

        /-Charles LOOS
Louis Charles LOOS
        |                   /-Laurent HOELTZEL
        |         /-Antoine HOELTZEL
        |         |         \-Barbe HUSS
        \-Catherine HOELTZEL
                  |                   /-Jean LUMANN
                  |         /-Joseph LUMANN
                  |         |         \-Marie SIMON
                  \-Brigitte LUMANN
                            |                                       /-Jacques FUCHS
                            |                             /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
                            |                             |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
                            |                             |         \-Anna TRIER
                            |                             |                   \-Agnès RIPP
                            |                   /-Joseph FUCHS
                            |                   |         |                             /-Christian ROTH
                            |                   |         |                   /-Adolph ROTH
                            |                   |         |         /-Jean ROTH
                            |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean CLAUS
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara CLAUS
                            |                   |         |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
                            |                   |         \-Marguerite ROTH
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques BUB
                            |                   |                   \-Suzanne BUB
                            |                   |                             \-Catherine KAPP
                            |         /-Laurent FUCHS
                            |         |         |                             /-Thomas METZ
                            |         |         |                   /-Michel METZ
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLT
                            |         |         |         /-Martin METZ
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas DAUBENBERGER
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon DAUBENBERGER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Anna DAUBENBERGER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         /-Adam DAUL
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Odile DAUL
                            |         |         \-Maria METZ
                            |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
                            \-Catherine FUCHS
                                      |                             /-Velten CLAUSS
                                      |                   /-Jacques CLAUSS
                                      |                   |         \-N.N. HEICKEL
                                      |         /-Joseph CLAUSS
                                      |         |         |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
                                      |         |         \-Marie SCHWARTZ
                                      |         |                   |                   /-Mathias RIPP
                                      |         |                   |         /-Mathis RIPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N;
                                      |         |                   \-Catherine RIPP
                                      |         |                             |                             /-Oswald Diebold ACKER
                                      |         |                             |                   /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
                                      |         |                             |                   |         \-Catherine BILLMANN
                                      |         |                             |         /-Georges ACKER
                                      |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      |         |                             \-Elisabeth ACKER
                                      |         |                                       |         /-Jacques GRETT
                                      |         |                                       \-Marguerite GRETT
                                      \-Catherine CLAUSS
                                                |                                                 /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
                                                |                                       /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             |         |         /-Pierre BASTIAN
                                                |                             |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                                |                   /-Jean TRUTTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         /-N.N. LANG
                                                |                   |         \-Barbara LANG
                                                |         /-Jean TRUTTMANN
                                                |         |         |         /-André FRISCH
                                                |         |         \-Éva FRISCH
                                                |         |                   |         /-Georges WOLFF
                                                |         |                   \-Barbara WOLFF
                                                \-Sabine Ou Sophie TRAUTMANN
                                                          |         /-Bartholomé VOGEL
                                                          \-Marguerite VOGEL
                                                                    |         /-Georges ANTH
                                                                    \-Marie ANTH
                                                                              \-Catharine KLEIN

Descendants of Louis Charles LOOS

1 Louis Charles LOOS
      2 Jacqueline LOOS
        =Alfred Robert STADLER
            3 Serge STADLER

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Madeleine LOOS

Descendants of Madeleine LOOS

1 Madeleine LOOS
  =Jean Georges GLATH  Marriage: 26 FEB 1781, Zinswiller,67110,,,FR,
      2 Georges Michel GLATH
        =Madeleine LEHMANN  Marriage: 27 FEB 1803, Zinswiller,67110,,,FR,
            3 Catherine GLATH
              =Joseph KRILL  Marriage: 28 JUL 1835, Zinswiller,67110,,,FR,
                  4 Joseph KRILL
                    =Madeleine FLORIAN  Marriage: 29 JUN 1868, Mertzwiller,67580,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph KRILL
                          =Anne HELLMANN  Marriage: 17 JUL 1905, Mouterhouse,57620,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                              6 Madeleine KRILL
                                =Charles BUSSER  Marriage: 27 SEP 1935, Mertzwiller,67580,,,FR,
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Gerard BUSSER
                                          8 Nathalie BUSSER
                                            =Daniel HEIDMANN
                                          8 Pascal BUSSER
                                            =Mireille N.N.
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Émilienne KRILL
                                =Édouard FUCHS  Marriage: 11 JUL 1952, Mertzwiller,67580,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Andrée FUCHS
                                      =Jean-Michel WEISS
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Madeleine LOOS

Descendants of Madeleine LOOS

1 Madeleine LOOS
  =Benoît SCHMITT
      2 Martin SCHMITT
            3 Marie Scholastique SCHMITT
              =Martin RAUL  Marriage: APR 1857
                  4 Jean-Philippe RAUL
                    =Marguerite Hélène KIHM  Marriage: 14 AUG 1900, Luxembourg,,,,LUXEMBOURG,
                        5 Joseph Léon RAUL
                          =Marie-Madeleine HARTMANN  Marriage: 7 OCT 1941, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                              6 Francis RAUL
                                =Roselyne TEILLET
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 P.E. RAUL

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Marguerite LOOS

Ancestors of Marguerite LOOS

        /-Mathias LOOS
Marguerite LOOS
        |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |         \-Anne GASS
        \-Anne ROHMER
                  |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  \-Agathe WEISS
                            \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Marguerite LOOS

1 Marguerite LOOS
  =Jean ANDLAUER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1705, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie ANDLAUER
        =Jean-Jacques WEISS
            3 Mathias WEISS
              =Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie WEISS
                    =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Mathias ROHMER
                          =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean ROHMER
                          =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                      =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
  =Mathias LOOS  Marriage: 3 JUL 1713, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Antoine LOOS
        =Anne-Marie HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie Barbe LOOS
              =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                    =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse LORBER
                          =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace LORBER
                                =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
                        5 Florent LORBER
                          =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Albert LORBER
                                    7 Anna LORBER
                                    7 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                      =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                          8 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                            =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Marguerite LOOS

Descendants of Marguerite LOOS

1 Marguerite LOOS
  =Simon ROHMER
      2 Gertrude ROHMER
        =Georges LOOS
      2 Marguerite ROHMER
        =Bernard WALTER  Marriage: 7 FEB 1616, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Jean WALTER
              =Eve LOOS  Marriage: 19 FEB 1647, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Barbara WALTER
                    =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: ABT 1690
                        5 Antoine ROHMER
                              6 Marie Élisabeth ROHMER
                                =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth ROHMER
                                      =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Élisabeth KEMPF
                                            =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Élisabeth FREY
                                                  =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
            3 Anna WALTER
              =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 5 FEB 1652, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne LORBER
                    =André LOOS  Marriage: 6 JAN 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Jean LOOS
                              6 Jean LOOS
                                =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Anne LOOS
                                      =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse LORBER
                                                  =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                                                9 Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                            11 Albert LORBER
                                                            11 Anna LORBER
                                                            11 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                  12 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                  4 Georges LORBER
                    =Jacobée ROHMER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1688, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine LORBER
                          =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Antoine LORBER
                                =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François LORBER
                                      =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse LORBER
                                                  =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                                                9 Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                            11 Albert LORBER
                                                            11 Anna LORBER
                                                            11 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                  12 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine LORBER
                                      =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Louis ROHMER
                                            =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Mathias ROHMER
                                                  =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean ROHMER
                                                  =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                              =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
            3 Bernard WALTER
              =Appolonie HEINRICH  Marriage: 8 FEB 1655, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ève WALTER
                    =Martin JONAS  Marriage: 19 NOV 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine JONAS
                          =Catherine ROHMER
                              6 Marie-Eve JONAS
                                =Martin François RINGEISEN  Marriage: 21 FEB 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Anne RINGEISEN
                                      =Antoine LORBER  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François LORBER
                                            =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse LORBER
                                                        =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                              =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Félix KEMPF
                                                                    =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                        13 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                          =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                              14 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                                =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Jean LORBER
                                                        =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Ignace LORBER
                                                              =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                                    =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                        13 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                          =Antoine EBY
                                                      10 Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Albert LORBER
                                                                  12 Anna LORBER
                                                                  12 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                                    =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                        13 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                          =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                          8 Catherine LORBER
                                            =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Louis ROHMER
                                                  =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Mathias ROHMER
                                                        =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                              =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Félix KEMPF
                                                                    =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                        13 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                          =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                              14 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                                =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Jean ROHMER
                                                        =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                                    =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                        13 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                          =Antoine EBY
                              6 Anne-Marie JONAS
                                =Sébastien SCHNELL  Marriage: 31 JAN 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François SCHNELL
                                      =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 2 MAY 1763, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Bernard SCHNELL
                                            =Marie Élise LANUS
                                                9 François SCHNELL
                                                  =Marie Ursule FEHLMANN  Marriage: 16 AUG 1830
                                                      10 Charles Albert SCHNELL
                                                        =Anne-Marie GORGENTHUM  Marriage: 14 NOV 1864, Baldenheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Louis SCHNELL
                                                              =Madeleine BULBER  Marriage: 15 NOV 1904, Mussig,67310,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Lucien Louis SCHNELL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Hortense SCHNELL
                                                                          =Raymond Georges MARTIN-FABER
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                                =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Marie Salomé SCHNELL
                                                      10 Joseph OSSNER
                                                            11 Achille OSSNER
                                                                  12 Marguerite OSSNER
                                                                        13 Dominique LANGLOIS
                                    7 Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL
                                      =Mathias WEISS  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Anne-Marie WEISS
                                            =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Mathias ROHMER
                                                  =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean ROHMER
                                                  =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                              =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                              6 Marie-Madeleine JONAS
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1748, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace ROHMER
                                          8 Marie Thérèse ROMER
                                            =François-Joseph WIEDENKELLER
                                    7 Marie-Madeleine ROHMER
                                      =Ignace FREY  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                                            =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Élisabeth FREY
                                                  =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
            3 Barbe WALTER
              =Jacques FACKLER  Marriage: 12 JAN 1654, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Mathias FACKLER
                    =Barbe LOOS  Marriage: 13 APR 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne FACKLER
                          =Nicolas LOOS  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Nicolas LOOS
                                =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                                      =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                                            =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise HEINRICH
                                                  =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joséphine KEMPF
                                                        =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
      2 Sigismond ROHMER
        =Ursula ROHMER  Marriage: 1624, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Martin ROHMER
              =Barbe WALTER  Marriage: 24 NOV 1653, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Jacobée ROHMER
                    =Georges LORBER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1688, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine LORBER
                          =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Antoine LORBER
                                =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François LORBER
                                      =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse LORBER
                                                  =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                                                9 Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                            11 Albert LORBER
                                                            11 Anna LORBER
                                                            11 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                  12 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine LORBER
                                      =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Louis ROHMER
                                            =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Mathias ROHMER
                                                  =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean ROHMER
                                                  =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                              =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
            3 Marie ROHMER
              =Nicolas ROHMER
                  4 Marie ROHMER
                    =Jacques ROHMER
                        5 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                          =Jean-Jacques SCHLATTER  Marriage: 4 JUL 1717, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Étienne SCHLATTER
                                    7 François-Joseph SCHLATTER
                                      =Marie-Madeleine ROHMER  Marriage: 21 NOV 1799, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François SCHLATTER
                                                9 Ignace SCHLATTER
                                                      10 Denis SCHLATTER
                                                            11 Mathilde Marie-Thérèse SCHLATTER
                                                                  12 Alain Xavier Denis Gaspard LOUIS
                                                                    =Christiane GANTNER
                                                                        13 Raphaël Éric LOUIS
                                                9 François SCHLATTER

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Marguerite LOOS

Ancestors of Marguerite LOOS

                  /-Nicolas LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie RAN
Marguerite LOOS
        |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Marguerite LOOS

1 Marguerite LOOS
  =Sigismond ROHMER  Marriage: 27 JUL 1666, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Laurent ROHMER
        =Marthe DERINGER  Marriage: 3 MAR 1710, Dambach-La-Ville,67650,,,FR,
            3 Jean ROHMER
              =Anne-Marie LORBER  Marriage: 24 APR 1741, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Élisabeth ROHMER
                    =François-Joseph JAEG  Marriage: 15 JUN 1780, Hilsenheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Antoine JAEG
                          =Thérèse KUHN  Marriage: 3 NOV 1818, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Catherine JAEG
                                =Blaise STIRMEL  Marriage: 23 OCT 1848, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine STIRMEL
                                      =Jean FEIST  Marriage: 9 NOV 1886
                                          8 Élisabeth FEIST
                                            =Xavier HIRN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1911, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                9 Édouard HIRN
                                                  =Paulette FRANTZ  Marriage: Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Thérèse HIRN
                                                        =Gilbert ROESCH
                                                            11 Jean François ROESCH
                                                            11 Michel ROESCH
                                                              =N.N. N.N.
                                                                  12 N.N. ROESCH
                                                                  12 N.N. ROESCH
                                                            11 Pascale ROESCH
                                          8 Marie FEIST
                                            =André BIERSON
                                                9 Georgette BIERSON
                                                      10 Françoise KAIZER
                                                        =Laurent HAUVILLE

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Marie LOOS

Ancestors of Marie LOOS

Marie LOOS
        \-Marie EHRETSMANN
                  \-Barbe WILLMANN
                            |         /-Marcel KEMPF
                            \-Marie KEMPF

Descendants of Marie LOOS

1 Marie LOOS
  =André KORNMANN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1718, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
      2 Françoise Louise KORNMANN
        =Jean Étienne KORNMANN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1752, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
            3 Marie Barbe KORNMANN
                  4 Françoise PETER
                    =Mathieu BAPST
                        5 Françoise BAPST
                              6 Jeannette REIBEL
                                    7 Jeannette OSTERTAG
                                          8 Louise Jeanne Anne MOUGINOT
                                                9 Jeanne Marie COCAGNE
                                                      10 Jean-Marie GUILLAUME
            3 François-Joseph KORNMANN
                  4 Anne-Marie KORNMANN
                    =Antoine JEHL  Marriage: 13 FEB 1832, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse JEHL
                          =Geoffroi BOPP
                        5 Laurent JEHL
                          =Amélie DACH  Marriage: 16 APR 1877, Odratzheim,67520,,,FR,
                              6 François Xavier JEHL
                                =Louise Léonie SCHARRENBERGER  Marriage: 19 FEB 1906, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
                              6 Marie Amélie JEHL
                                    7 Joseph WEBER
      2 François-Joseph KORNMANN
            3 François Ignace KORNMANN
              =Thérèse BARTHELME  Marriage: 22 NOV 1803, Nordhouse,67150,,,FR,
                  4 François Ignace KORNMANN
                    =Marie-Anne REISINGER  Marriage: 9 MAY 1842, Nordhouse,67150,,,FR,
                        5 Joséphine KORNMANN
                          =Georges WOLFF  Marriage: 15 JAN 1866, Nordhouse,67150,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Anne KORNMANN
                          =Auguste FECHTER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1869, Nordhouse,67150,,,FR,
                              6 François-Auguste FECHTER
                                =Marie-Madeleine LINCK  Marriage: 26 MAY 1911, Lingolsheim,67380,,,FR,
                                    7 Paul-Auguste FECHTER
                                      =Ernestine Rose BERNHARDT  Marriage: 17 OCT 1936, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                          8 Jean-Paul FECHTER
                                            =Raymonde ECKERT
                                                9 Alain FECHTER
      2 Geoffroi KORNMANN
            3 François-Joseph KORNMANN
              =Marie-Thérèse BARTHELME  Marriage: 21 JAN 1793, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Geoffroi KORNMANN
                        5 Marie KORNMANN
                          =Aloise RINGEISEN  Marriage: 17 NOV 1890, Matzenheim,67150,,,FR,
                              6 Eugénie RINGEISEN
                                =Joseph Léon HEUSSER  Marriage: 1913
                                    7 Gérard HEUSSER
                                      =Marie SCHNELL  Marriage: 24 APR 1951, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                          8 André HEUSSER
                        5 Joseph KORNMANN
                          =Philomène Virginie DOTTER  Marriage: 29 AUG 1881, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
                              6 Ernest Joseph KORNMANN
                                =Marie Eugénie MOHLER
                                    7 Marie Marcelle Thérèse KORNMANN
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Marie Valérie KORNMANN
                                =Joseph Alphonse KAEUFFER  Marriage: 29 JAN 1912, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
                                    7 Cyrlle  Raymond KAEUFFER
                                      =Marie Salomé LUTZ  Marriage: 30 MAR 1948, Seebach,67160,,,FR,
                                          8 Willi Édouard KAEUFFER
                                            =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Valerie KAEUFFER
                                                  =Patrick ELIAS
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Marie LOOS

Descendants of Marie LOOS

1 Marie LOOS
  =François-Joseph WETTERWALD
      2 Joseph WETTERWALD
        =Catherine MUCKENSTURM  Marriage: 1925

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Marie-Anne LOOS

Descendants of Marie-Anne LOOS

1 Marie-Anne LOOS
  =Xavier FELTZ
      2 Guillaume FELTZ
        =Élisabeth KRETZ  Marriage: 17 FEB 1840, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Théodore FELTZ
              =Catherine DANTZER  Marriage: 29 JAN 1872, Heiligenberg,67190,,,FR,
            3 Eugène FELTZ
              =Catherine DANTZER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1877, Heiligenberg,67190,,,FR,
                  4 Marie Léonie FELTZ
                    =François Xavier ERNST  Marriage: 15 MAY 1900, Heiligenberg,67190,,,FR,
                        5 Marie ,Joseph Eugène ERNST
                  4 Marie-Catherine FELTZ

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Marie-Anne LOOS

Ancestors of Marie-Anne LOOS

        /-Mathias LOOS
Marie-Anne LOOS
        |                   /-Jean Théobald SCHNELL
        |         /-Christian SCHNELL
        |         |         \-Appolonie CHRIST
        \-Agnès SCHNELL
                  |                   /-Beatus SCHMELTZ
                  |         /-Sébastien SCHMELTZ
                  \-Odile SCHMELTZ

Descendants of Marie-Anne LOOS

1 Marie-Anne LOOS
  =Martin REIBEL  Marriage: 11 NOV 1720, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Jean REIBEL
            3 Jean Martin REIBEL
                  4 Martin REIBEL
                        5 Martin REIBEL
                          =Marie-Madeleine LERBS  Marriage: 30 MAY 1827, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,

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Marie-Anne LOOS

Ancestors of Marie-Anne LOOS

                            /-André LOOS
                  /-Jean LOOS
                  |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                  |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                  |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                  |         \-Anne LORBER
                  |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |                   \-Anna WALTER
                  |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
Marie-Anne LOOS
        \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER

Descendants of Marie-Anne LOOS

1 Marie-Anne LOOS
  =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Jean LORBER
        =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse LORBER
              =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse ROHMER
                    =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Félix KEMPF
                          =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Gertrude KEMPF
                                =Albert CRIQUI
                                    7 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                      =Guy PFISTER
                                          8 Nathalie PFISTER
                                            =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Maxime GINTER
            3 Jean LORBER
              =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace LORBER
                    =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                          =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                =Antoine EBY
            3 Florent LORBER
              =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Joseph Florent LORBER
                    =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Albert LORBER
                        5 Anna LORBER
                        5 Camille Joseph LORBER
                          =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                              6 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Marie-Catherine LOOS

Descendants of Marie-Catherine LOOS

1 Marie-Catherine LOOS
  =Michel BURG
      2 Antoine BURG
        =Marguerite EISENMENGER  Marriage: 5 OCT 1841, Oberseebach,67,,,FR,
            3 Michel BURG
              =Salomé WEISBECK  Marriage: 2 JUN 1863, Oberseebach,67,,,FR,
                  4 Michel BURG
                    =Catherine MECKLER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1891, Oberseebach,67,,,FR,
                        5 Catherine BURG
                          =N.N. SCHMIDT
                        5 Salomé BURG
                          =Michel LUTZ  Marriage: 31 JAN 1921, Seebach,,,Bade,ALLEMAGNE,
                              6 Marguerite LUTZ
                                =Ernest DAUL
                                    7 Alice DAUL
                                      =Jérôme HUCK
                              6 Marie Salomé LUTZ
                                =Cyrlle  Raymond KAEUFFER  Marriage: 30 MAR 1948, Seebach,67160,,,FR,
                                    7 Willi Édouard KAEUFFER
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Valerie KAEUFFER
                                            =Patrick ELIAS
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Aloyse LUTZ
                                =Odile KOLB
                  4 Georges BURG
                    =Caroline BEIL  Marriage: 7 FEB 1899
                        5 Georges BURG
                          =Marie SCHAUER  Marriage: 5 MAY 1925, Oberseebach,67,,,FR,
                              6 Michel BURG

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Marie-Dorothée LOOS

Ancestors of Marie-Dorothée LOOS

        /-Georges LOOS
Marie-Dorothée LOOS
        \-Catherine ANDRES

Descendants of Marie-Dorothée LOOS

1 Marie-Dorothée LOOS
  =Jean SCHNELL  Marriage: 6 SEP 1756, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Jean-Baptiste SCHNELL
        =Marie-Anne LORBER  Marriage: Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 François-Joseph SCHNELL
              =Marie-Françoise ANDLAUER  Marriage: 27 SEP 1820, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph SCHNELL
                    =Marie-Madeleine LERBS  Marriage: 14 MAR 1850, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Louise SCHNELL
                          =Modeste VASSORD  Marriage: 5 AUG 1883, Asnières,92600,Hauts-De-Seine,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                              6 Henriette VASSORD
                                =Alfred Emmanuel Victor Paul VILLAIN-MARAIS  Marriage: 20 OCT 1905, Neuilly-Sur-Seine,92200,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                    7 Jean VILLAIN-MARAIS

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Marie Barbe LOOS

Ancestors of Marie Barbe LOOS

                            /-Nicolas LOOS
                  /-Mathias LOOS
                  |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                             \-Barbara BECK
        /-Antoine LOOS
        |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
        |         \-Marguerite LOOS
        |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |                   \-Anne ROHMER
        |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                             \-Agathe WEISS
        |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
Marie Barbe LOOS
        |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
        |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
        |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                  |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                  |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                  |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                            |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                            |         /-Jean ROHMER
                            |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                            |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                            \-Barbe ROHMER
                                      |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                                      \-Ève FACKLER
                                                \-Barbe WALTER

Descendants of Marie Barbe LOOS

1 Marie Barbe LOOS
  =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie ROHMER
        =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse LORBER
              =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse ROHMER
                    =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Félix KEMPF
                          =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Gertrude KEMPF
                                =Albert CRIQUI
                                    7 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                      =Guy PFISTER
                                          8 Nathalie PFISTER
                                            =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Maxime GINTER
            3 Jean LORBER
              =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace LORBER
                    =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                          =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                =Antoine EBY
            3 Florent LORBER
              =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Joseph Florent LORBER
                    =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Albert LORBER
                        5 Anna LORBER
                        5 Camille Joseph LORBER
                          =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                              6 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Marie Élisabeth LOOS

Ancestors of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

        /-Henri LOOS
Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        \-Barbara HEYD

Descendants of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

1 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
  =Sébastien BUCHEL  Marriage: 18 MAR 1796, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
      2 Alexandre BUCHEL
        =Marie-Catherine  Élisabeth SCHMITT
            3 Françoise BUCHEL
              =Philippe GEYER  Marriage: 23 APR 1853
                  4 Caroline GEYER
                    =Louis HUCK  Marriage: 5 JAN 1878
                        5 Xavier HUCK
                          =Françoise BRENNER  Marriage: 2 MAY 1904
                              6 Antoinette HUCK
                                =Louis KOCHER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Jean Joseph SCHERER

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Marie Élisabeth LOOS

Ancestors of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

        /-Henri LOOS
Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        \-Barbara HEYD

Descendants of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

1 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
  =François-Joseph HISS  Marriage: 13 FEB 1787
      2 Marie-Anne HISS
        =Alexandre GRAF
            3 Catherine GRAF
              =Jean-Philippe HUCK  Marriage: 20 NOV 1853
                  4 Louis HUCK
                    =Caroline GEYER  Marriage: 5 JAN 1878
                        5 Xavier HUCK
                          =Françoise BRENNER  Marriage: 2 MAY 1904
                              6 Antoinette HUCK
                                =Louis KOCHER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                =Jean Joseph SCHERER
            3 Marie-Anne GRAFF
              =André CLODY  Marriage: 25 MAY 1853, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                  4 Catherine CLODY
                    =Jacques FUHRMANN  Marriage: 19 NOV 1888, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                        5 Marie FUHRMANN
                          =Louis KOCHER  Marriage: 26 APR 1915, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                              6 Louis KOCHER
                                =Suzanne BORT
                                    7 Alain KOCHER
                                    7 Pascal KOCHER
                                      =Marguerite BERNHARD
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Joseph CLODY
                    =Marie-Anne MICHEL
                        5 Joséphine CLODY
                          =Charles SUTTER  Marriage: 11 APR 1910, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph SUTTER
                                =Thérèse WILHELM  Marriage: 7 MAY 1935, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                                    7 Anne Marie  Françoise SUTTER
                                      =Gilbert DUBAIL
                                          8 Florent DUBAIL
                        5 Jacques CLODY
                          =Joséphine SCHMITT  Marriage: 7 NOV 1924, Roeschwoog,67480,,,FR,
                              6 Angèle CLODY
                                =Gérard WOLFF

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Marie Élisabeth LOOS

Ancestors of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

                                                /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         \-Marie RAN
                            /-Nicolas LOOS
                            |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |         \-Catherine HEINRICH
                            |                   \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |         \-Anne ROHMER
        /-Nicolas LOOS
        |         |                   /-Jacques FACKLER
        |         |         /-Mathias FACKLER
        |         |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |         |         \-Barbe WALTER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |         |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |         |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         \-Anne FACKLER
        |                   |         /-Mathias LOOS
        |                   \-Barbe LOOS
        |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                             |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |                             \-Anne ROHMER
        |                                       |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                                       \-Agathe WEISS
        |                                                 \-Anne REIBEL
Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        \-Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM

Descendants of Marie Élisabeth LOOS

1 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
  =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
        =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Françoise HEINRICH
              =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Joséphine KEMPF
                    =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                          =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                =Antoine EBY

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Marie Madeleine LOOS

Descendants of Marie Madeleine LOOS

1 Marie Madeleine LOOS
  =André PFLEGER
      2 Thérèse PFLEGER
        =Antoine HIRSCH  Marriage: 30 SEP 1872, Gambsheim,67760,,,FR,
            3 Adèle HIRSCH
              =Xavier PFLEGER  Marriage: 7 APR 1902, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
                  4 Jeanne PFLEGER
                    =Michel PFOHL  Marriage: 27 MAR 1923, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
                        5 Marcel PFOHL
                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Marie-Thérèse PFOHL
                          =Pierre WILHELM
                  4 Marcel Charles Ernest PFLEGER
                    =Erna KEMPFER  Marriage: 3 JUN 1930, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
                    =Lina BASTIAN  Marriage: 1972
              =Ignace SCHAEFFNER  Marriage: 1920, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
      2 Madeleine PFLEGER
        =Joseph HIRSCH  Marriage: 14 OCT 1874, Gambsheim,67760,,,FR,
            3 Rosalie HIRSCH
              =Friedrich ADAM  Marriage: Freistett,,,Bade,ALLEMAGNE,
                  4 Wilhelm ADAM
                        5 Günter Hellmuth ADAM
                              6 Thomas ADAM

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Marie Salomé LOOS

Ancestors of Marie Salomé LOOS

        /-Etienne LOOS
Marie Salomé LOOS
        |                             /-Adam BARTHELME
        |                   /-Michel BARTHELME
        |         /-Georges BARTHELME
        |         |         \-Anne Ursule KORNMANN
        \-Anne Madeleine BARTHELME
                  |                   /-Mathieu KORNMANN
                  |         /-Jean KORNMANN
                  \-Catherine KORNMANN
                            |         /-Marcel BODEMER
                            \-Catherine BODEMER
                                      \-Catherine DIEBOLD

Descendants of Marie Salomé LOOS

1 Marie Salomé LOOS
  =Joseph OBRECHT
      2 Claire OBRECHT
        =François Joseph KNECHT
            3 Anne-Marie KNECHT
              =Louis BAPST
            3 Marie Madeleine KNECHT
              =Georges LANDMANN
                  4 Marie Madeleine LANDMANN
                  4 Marie Thérèse LANDMANN
                  4 Félix LANDMANN
                  4 Marie Élisabeth LANDMANN
                  4 Jean Mathieu LANDMANN
                  4 Jean-Georges LANDMANN
                    =Madeleine PETER  Marriage: 3 SEP 1884, Westhouse,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Mathieu LANDMANN
                        5 Antoine Eugène LANDMANN
                        5 Marie-Thérèse LANDMANN
                          =Alphonse JAECKLÉ  Marriage: 13 MAY 1911, Paris 19,75019,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                              6 Roger JAECKLÉ
                                =Marie OGÉ  Marriage: 13 MAY 1937, Preuschdorf,67250,,,FR,
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Marion KHENAFFOU
                        5 Joseph LANDMANN
                        5 Jean Georges LANDMANN
                        5 Emile Félix LANDMANN
                        5 Eugénie LANDMANN
                        5 Marie-Madeleine LANDMANN
                        5 Marie-Madeleine LANDMANN
                        5 Emile Auguste LANDMANN
                  4 Anne Marie Richarde LANDMANN
                  4 Joseph LANDMANN

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Mathias LOOS

Descendants of Mathias LOOS

1 Mathias LOOS
  =Odile DEMUTH  Marriage: ABT 1665, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
  =Anne ROHMER  Marriage: 30 NOV 1670, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LOOS
        =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie LORBER
              =Georges SONTAG  Marriage: 8 MAY 1724, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Élisabeth SONTAG
                    =Joseph FREY  Marriage: 15 FEB 1751, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Ignace FREY
                          =Marie-Madeleine ROHMER  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                                =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth FREY
                                      =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                        5 Anne-Marie FREY
                          =Jean Georges SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 27 NOV 1775, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François-Joseph SCHAEFFER
                                =Thérèse SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1816, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marguerite SCHAEFFER
                                      =François-Michel BURCKHARD  Marriage: 11 JAN 1854, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                          8 Joséphine BURCKHARD
                                            =Auguste HOLTZ  Marriage: 19 JUL 1890
                                                9 Bernard HOLTZ
                                                      10 Claude HOLTZ
                                                            11 Jacques HOLTZ
      2 Barbe LOOS
        =Mathias FACKLER  Marriage: 13 APR 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne FACKLER
              =Nicolas LOOS  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Nicolas LOOS
                    =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                        5 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                          =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                                =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise HEINRICH
                                      =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joséphine KEMPF
                                            =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
      2 Marguerite LOOS
        =Jean ANDLAUER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1705, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie ANDLAUER
              =Jean-Jacques WEISS
                  4 Mathias WEISS
                    =Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie WEISS
                          =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Mathias ROHMER
                                =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean ROHMER
                                =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                            =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
        =Mathias LOOS  Marriage: 3 JUL 1713, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Antoine LOOS
              =Anne-Marie HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie Barbe LOOS
                    =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                          =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse LORBER
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                              6 Florent LORBER
                                =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 Albert LORBER
                                          8 Anna LORBER
                                          8 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                            =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                9 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Mathias LOOS

Ancestors of Mathias LOOS

        /-Nicolas LOOS
Mathias LOOS
        |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        \-Eve JONAS
                  |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  \-Catherine ROHMER
                            \-Barbara BECK

Descendants of Mathias LOOS

1 Mathias LOOS
  =Marguerite LOOS  Marriage: 3 JUL 1713, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Antoine LOOS
        =Anne-Marie HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie Barbe LOOS
              =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                    =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse LORBER
                          =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace LORBER
                                =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
                        5 Florent LORBER
                          =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Albert LORBER
                                    7 Anna LORBER
                                    7 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                      =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                          8 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                            =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Mathias LOOS

Descendants of Mathias LOOS

1 Mathias LOOS
  =Agnès SCHNELL  Marriage: 20 OCT 1695, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Anne LOOS
        =Martin REIBEL  Marriage: 11 NOV 1720, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Jean REIBEL
                  4 Jean Martin REIBEL
                        5 Martin REIBEL
                              6 Martin REIBEL
                                =Marie-Madeleine LERBS  Marriage: 30 MAY 1827, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,

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Mathias LOOS

Descendants of Mathias LOOS

1 Mathias LOOS
  =Catherine JEHL  Marriage: 22 SEP 1710, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,

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Michel LOOS

Ancestors of Michel LOOS

        /-Jacques LOOS
Michel LOOS
        \-Marie ROHMER

Descendants of Michel LOOS

1 Michel LOOS
  =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 26 SEP 1718, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Antoine LOOS
        =Barbara FRICK  Marriage: 25 JAN 1762, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Jean-Georges LOOS
              =Anne-Marie SCHMITT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1792, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Anne-Marie LOOS
                    =Joseph WENDLING  Marriage: 28 JUN 1820, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph WENDLING
                          =Thérèse SEYLLER  Marriage: 21 MAY 1855, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Auguste WENDLING
                                =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1885, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Odile WENDLING
                                      =Jean Pierre BORSCHNECK  Marriage: Rohrwiller,67410,,,FR,
                        5 Xavier WENDLING
                          =Béatrice FOLCK  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Joséphine Mary WENDLING
                                =Maximilien SCHMITT  Marriage: 5 AUG 1884, Usa,,,,USA,
                        5 Rosine WENDLING
                          =François Xavier SEYLLER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1869, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                              6 Guillaume SEYLLER
                                =Émilie JEHL  Marriage: 19 APR 1907, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Achille SEYLLER
                                      =Marguerite N.N.
                                          8 Sylvain SEYLLER
                                          8 Simon SEYLLER
                                          8 Jules SEYLLER

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Nicolas LOOS

Descendants of Nicolas LOOS

1 Nicolas LOOS
  =Marie RAN
      2 Jean LOOS
        =Catherine HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1646, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marguerite LOOS
              =Sigismond ROHMER  Marriage: 27 JUL 1666, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Laurent ROHMER
                    =Marthe DERINGER  Marriage: 3 MAR 1710, Dambach-La-Ville,67650,,,FR,
                        5 Jean ROHMER
                          =Anne-Marie LORBER  Marriage: 24 APR 1741, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Élisabeth ROHMER
                                =François-Joseph JAEG  Marriage: 15 JUN 1780, Hilsenheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François-Antoine JAEG
                                      =Thérèse KUHN  Marriage: 3 NOV 1818, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                          8 Catherine JAEG
                                            =Blaise STIRMEL  Marriage: 23 OCT 1848, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                9 Joséphine STIRMEL
                                                  =Jean FEIST  Marriage: 9 NOV 1886
                                                      10 Élisabeth FEIST
                                                        =Xavier HIRN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1911, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                            11 Édouard HIRN
                                                              =Paulette FRANTZ  Marriage: Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Marie-Thérèse HIRN
                                                                    =Gilbert ROESCH
                                                                        13 Jean François ROESCH
                                                                        13 Michel ROESCH
                                                                          =N.N. N.N.
                                                                              14 N.N. ROESCH
                                                                              14 N.N. ROESCH
                                                                        13 Pascale ROESCH
                                                      10 Marie FEIST
                                                        =André BIERSON
                                                            11 Georgette BIERSON
                                                                  12 Françoise KAIZER
                                                                    =Laurent HAUVILLE
            3 Catherine LOOS
              =Georges STEPHEN
                  4 Jean STEPHEN
                    =Barbe ROHMER  Marriage: 4 FEB 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                          =Jean HEINRICH  Marriage: 15 JAN 1731, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                                =Antoine LOOS  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie Barbe LOOS
                                      =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                                            =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse LORBER
                                                  =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                                                9 Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                            11 Albert LORBER
                                                            11 Anna LORBER
                                                            11 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                  12 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
            3 Ève LOOS
              =Wendelin ROHMER  Marriage: 18 APR 1678, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marguerite ROHMER
                    =Mathias HEINRICH  Marriage: 21 JAN 1709, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Madeleine HEINRICH
                          =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 27 APR 1739, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François ROHMER
                                =Catherine LORBER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Louis ROHMER
                                      =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Mathias ROHMER
                                            =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean ROHMER
                                            =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                        =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                  4 Catherine ROHMER
                    =Antoine JONAS
                        5 Marie-Eve JONAS
                          =Martin François RINGEISEN  Marriage: 21 FEB 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Anne RINGEISEN
                                =Antoine LORBER  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François LORBER
                                      =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse LORBER
                                                  =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean LORBER
                                                  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Ignace LORBER
                                                        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                                                9 Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                            11 Albert LORBER
                                                            11 Anna LORBER
                                                            11 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                                  12 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine LORBER
                                      =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Louis ROHMER
                                            =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Mathias ROHMER
                                                  =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                        =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Félix KEMPF
                                                              =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                                    =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                        13 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                          =Guy PFISTER
                                                                              14 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                                =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Jean ROHMER
                                                  =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                              =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                                    =Antoine EBY
                        5 Anne-Marie JONAS
                          =Sébastien SCHNELL  Marriage: 31 JAN 1729, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François SCHNELL
                                =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 2 MAY 1763, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Bernard SCHNELL
                                      =Marie Élise LANUS
                                          8 François SCHNELL
                                            =Marie Ursule FEHLMANN  Marriage: 16 AUG 1830
                                                9 Charles Albert SCHNELL
                                                  =Anne-Marie GORGENTHUM  Marriage: 14 NOV 1864, Baldenheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Louis SCHNELL
                                                        =Madeleine BULBER  Marriage: 15 NOV 1904, Mussig,67310,,,FR,
                                                            11 Lucien Louis SCHNELL
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Hortense SCHNELL
                                                                    =Raymond Georges MARTIN-FABER
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Marie Salomé SCHNELL
                                                9 Joseph OSSNER
                                                      10 Achille OSSNER
                                                            11 Marguerite OSSNER
                                                                  12 Dominique LANGLOIS
                              6 Marie-Madeleine SCHNELL
                                =Mathias WEISS  Marriage: 24 MAY 1773, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Anne-Marie WEISS
                                      =Louis ROHMER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Mathias ROHMER
                                            =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean ROHMER
                                            =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                        =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                        5 Marie-Madeleine JONAS
                          =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1748, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace ROHMER
                                    7 Marie Thérèse ROMER
                                      =François-Joseph WIEDENKELLER
                              6 Marie-Madeleine ROHMER
                                =Ignace FREY  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                                      =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Élisabeth FREY
                                            =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                  4 Michel ROHMER
                    =Marguerite LORBER  Marriage: 20 AUG 1714, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                          =Jean KLEIN  Marriage: 23 DEC 1746, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 François-Materne KLEIN
                                =Marie-Ursule SCHERRER  Marriage: 5 JUL 1779, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                                    7 François-Antoine KLEIN
                                      =Marie-Anne HOLL  Marriage: 13 JAN 1813, Osthouse,67150,,,FR,
                                          8 Aloyse KLEIN
                                                9 Rosalie KLEIN
                                                      10 Marie-Jeanne FIDERLAY
                                                            11 Marie-Antoinette BOREL
                                                              =Claude ROBERT
                                                                  12 Frédéric ROBERT
                        5 Antoine ROHMER
                          =Marie Élisabeth ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth ROHMER
                                =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth KEMPF
                                      =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Élisabeth FREY
                                            =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
            3 Nicolas LOOS
              =Anne ROHMER
                  4 Nicolas LOOS
                    =Anne FACKLER  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Nicolas LOOS
                          =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                              6 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                                =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                                      =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise HEINRICH
                                            =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Joséphine KEMPF
                                                  =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
      2 Eve LOOS
        =Jean WALTER  Marriage: 19 FEB 1647, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Barbara WALTER
              =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: ABT 1690
                  4 Antoine ROHMER
                        5 Marie Élisabeth ROHMER
                          =Antoine ROHMER  Marriage: 26 JAN 1761, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth ROHMER
                                =François-Joseph KEMPF  Marriage: 21 JAN 1788, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Élisabeth KEMPF
                                      =François-Joseph Ignace FREY  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Élisabeth FREY
                                            =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY

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Nicolas LOOS

Ancestors of Nicolas LOOS

                                      /-Nicolas LOOS
                            /-Jean LOOS
                            |         \-Marie RAN
                  /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                   \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        /-Nicolas LOOS
        |         \-Anne ROHMER
Nicolas LOOS
        |                   /-Jacques FACKLER
        |         /-Mathias FACKLER
        |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |         \-Barbe WALTER
        |         |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
        \-Anne FACKLER
                  |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  \-Barbe LOOS
                            |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |         |         \-Anne GASS
                            \-Anne ROHMER
                                      |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                      \-Agathe WEISS
                                                \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Nicolas LOOS

1 Nicolas LOOS
  =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
      2 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
        =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
              =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Françoise HEINRICH
                    =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Joséphine KEMPF
                          =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                      =Antoine EBY

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Nicolas LOOS

Descendants of Nicolas LOOS

1 Nicolas LOOS
  =Eve JONAS  Marriage: 13 NOV 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Mathias LOOS
        =Marguerite LOOS  Marriage: 3 JUL 1713, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Antoine LOOS
              =Anne-Marie HEINRICH  Marriage: 19 JAN 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie Barbe LOOS
                    =François-Joseph ROHMER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1785, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Marie ROHMER
                          =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse LORBER
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                              6 Florent LORBER
                                =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 Albert LORBER
                                          8 Anna LORBER
                                          8 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                            =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                9 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Nicolas LOOS

Ancestors of Nicolas LOOS

                  /-Nicolas LOOS
        /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie RAN
Nicolas LOOS
        |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Nicolas LOOS

1 Nicolas LOOS
  =Anne ROHMER
      2 Nicolas LOOS
        =Anne FACKLER  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Nicolas LOOS
              =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                  4 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
                    =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                          =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise HEINRICH
                                =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine KEMPF
                                      =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY

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Nicolas LOOS

Ancestors of Nicolas LOOS

                            /-Nicolas LOOS
                  /-Jean LOOS
                  |         \-Marie RAN
        /-Nicolas LOOS
        |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         \-Catherine HEINRICH
        |                   \-Catherine ZIEGLER
Nicolas LOOS
        \-Anne ROHMER

Descendants of Nicolas LOOS

1 Nicolas LOOS
  =Anne FACKLER  Marriage: 15 JAN 1720, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Nicolas LOOS
        =Marie Élisabeth WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 22 NOV 1765, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
            3 Marie Élisabeth LOOS
              =Thomas WITTERSHEIM  Marriage: 14 FEB 1797, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Françoise WITTERSHEIM
                    =Martin HEINRICH  Marriage: 16 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Françoise HEINRICH
                          =Xavier KEMPF  Marriage: 29 OCT 1851, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Joséphine KEMPF
                                =Ignace LORBER  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY

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Oswald LOOS

Descendants of Oswald LOOS

1 Oswald LOOS
  =Catherine BOOTZ
      2 François-Joseph LOOS
        =Anne-Marie EGERT  Marriage: 3 MAR 1813, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
      2 Thérèse LOOS
        =Georges KURTZ  Marriage: 7 FEB 1826, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
            3 Antoine KURTZ
              =Thérèse KIENY  Marriage: 6 FEB 1861, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,

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Patrick LOOS

Ancestors of Patrick LOOS

        /-Gilbert LOOS
Patrick LOOS
        |                                                                                                   /-Thewis STREBLER
        |                                                                                         /-Jean STREBLER
        |                                                                                         |         \-Judith KELLER
        |                                                                               /-Jean STREBLER
        |                                                                               |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |                                                                     /-François STREBLER
        |                                                                     |         \-Catherine KERS
        |                                                           /-Jacques STREBLER
        |                                                           |         |         /-Blaise VIX
        |                                                           |         \-Anne-Barbe VIX
        |                                                           |                   \-Anne Barbe SCHMIDT
        |                                                 /-Pierre STREBLER
        |                                                 |         |                             /-Valentin REYMANN
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Christian REYMANN
        |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Marie HAMMER
        |                                                 |         |         /-Valentin REYMANN
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Jean GRAFFT
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Marguerite GRAFFT
        |                                                 |         |         |                   \-Odile BADT
        |                                                 |         \-Marie Madeleine REYMANN
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Andreas ABBT
        |                                                 |                   \-Maria ABBT
        |                                                 |                             \-Anna Maria TRIX
        |                                       /-Jacques STREBLER
        |                                       |         |                   /-Philippe HINNY
        |                                       |         |         /-Wilhelmus Phillipus HINNY
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Andreas ABBT
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Gertrude ABBT
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Anna Maria TRIX
        |                                       |         \-Élisabeth HINNY
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Jean KELLER
        |                                       |                   |         /-Martin KELLER
        |                                       |                   \-Barbara KELLER
        |                                       |                             |                   /-Georges LEHMANN
        |                                       |                             |         /-Jean LEHMANN
        |                                       |                             \-Catherine LEHMANN
        |                                       |                                       \-Anne-Marie BRACHNER ; BERGER ; BURGER
        |                             /-Michel STREBLER
        |                             |         |                                                           /-Romeÿ DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |                                                 /-Christian DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |                                                 |         \-Élisabeth BOGENTHAL
        |                             |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques SIMON
        |                             |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Barbara SIMON
        |                             |         |                             /-Jean-Stéphane DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |                             |         \-Anna Barbara N.N.
        |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Georges DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   /-Valentin REYMANN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Christian REYMANN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HAMMER
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie REYMANN
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean GRAFFT
        |                             |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GRAFFT
        |                             |         |                   |                             \-Odile BADT
        |                             |         |         /-Georges DURRENBERGER
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Christian LICKEL
        |                             |         |         |         \-Élisabeth LICKEL
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BASTIAN
        |                             |         \-Madeleine DURRENBERGER
        |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Henri ou Philippe GESTER
        |                             |                   |         /-Louis GESTER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Sontag COLMER
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth COLMAR
        |                             |                   \-Barbe GESTER
        |                             |                             |         /-Georges FORNECKER
        |                             |                             \-Odile FORNECKER
        |                             |                                       \-Catherine STICH
        |                   /-Joseph STREBLER
        |                   |         |         /-Joseph MULLER
        |                   |         \-Madeleine MULLER
        |                   |                   \-Catherine HEID
        |         /-Alphonse STREBLER
        |         |         |                   /-Martin FLECKINGER
        |         |         |         /-Georges FLECKINGER
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WARTHER
        |         |         \-Joséphine FLECKINGER
        |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHMITT
        |         |                   \-Catherine SCHMITT
        |         |                             |         /-N.N. HEID
        |         |                             \-Marguerite HEID
        |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie SCHRAMM
        \-Céline STREBLER

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Sophie LOOS

Ancestors of Sophie LOOS

Sophie LOOS
        |                                                           /-Jean THIEBOLD
        |                                                 /-Georges Léo DIEBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         /-Jean MARX
        |                                                 |         \-Anna MARX
        |                                       /-Georges DIEBOLD
        |                                       |         |         /-Laurent RIEHL
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |                             /-Antonius DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         /-Adam RUBERT
        |                             |         \-Barbara RUBERT
        |                             |                   \-Catherine ROHFRITSCH
        |                   /-Josephus DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |         /-Mathias BORNERT
        |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BORNERT
        |                   |                   \-Barbara LEONHARD ; LIENHARD
        |         /-Laurent DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   /-Georg KLEIN
        |         |         |         /-Jacob KLEIN
        |         |         |         |         \-Maria HIGLIN
        |         |         \-Anne KLEIN
        |         |                   |         /-Martin OSTERMANN
        |         |                   \-Maria OSTERMANN
        |         |                             |         /-Jacobus MEDART
        |         |                             \-Brigitta MEDART
        |         |                                       \-Maria N.N.
        \-Thérèse DIEBOLD
                  \-Françoise DEUTSCHLER

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Suzanne LOOS

Descendants of Suzanne LOOS

1 Suzanne LOOS
  =Adam ROHMER
      2 Agathe ROHMER
        =Michel FRITSCH  Marriage: 1666, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Marguerite ROMER
        =Gallius FRITSCH
            3 Eva FRITSCH
              =Mathis KRETZ  Marriage: 17 FEB 1688, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Michel KRETZ
                    =Élisabeth SCHNELL  Marriage: 7 APR 1711, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François KRETZ
                    =Ursule BAPST  Marriage: 6 APR 1714, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Madeleine FRITSCH
              =Laurent STRAU  Marriage: 29 JAN 1691, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Thomas STRAU
                    =Dorothée UHL  Marriage: 29 JUL 1715, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Maria FRITSCH
              =Johann FINCK
            3 Stophel FRITSCH
            3 Elisabetha FRITSCH
              =Jean-Joseph EHRHARD  Marriage: 21 APR 1692, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,  Marriage: 14 MAY 1692
                  4 Joseph EHRHARD
                  4 Maria-Barbara EHRHARD
                    =Adamus ANETH  Marriage: 10 MAY 1717, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Eva EHRHARD
                    =Johannes THOTER  Marriage: 16 JAN 1724, Ittenheim,67117,,,FR,
                  4 Jean-Jacques EHRHARD
                    =Anna-Maria CHAPELLE ; LACHAPELLE  Marriage: 27 SEP 1727, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,  Marriage: 29 SEP 1727, Kogenheim,67230,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
                        5 Maria-Barbara EHRHARD
                          =Michel BROBECK  Marriage: 11 JAN 1751, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Franciscus-Michael Michel BROBECK
                                =Anna-Maria HOPP  Marriage: 2 OCT 1786, Epfig,67680,,,FR,
                              6 Anne-Marie BROBECK
                                =Ignatius HAEREL  Marriage: 10 FEB 1789, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Maria-Catharina (Catherine) BROBECK
                                =Ignace GSELL  Marriage: 27 SEP 1784, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                                    7 Franciscus-Ignatius GSELL
                                    7 Maria-Anna GSELL
                                    7 Maria-Theresia GSELL
                                    7 Françoise    Maria-Francesca GSELL
                                      =Sigismund TRUTT  Marriage: 14 JUN 1810, Matzenheim,67150,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise TRUTT
                                          8 Marie-Anne TRUTT
                                          8 Sigismund TRUTT
                                          8 Antoine TRUTT
                                            =Marie-Cécile GEORGER
                                          8 Elisabeth TRUTT
                                          8 Marie-Anne TRUTT
                                            =Laurent DIEBOLD  Marriage: 31 AUG 1843, Matzenheim,67150,,,FR,
                                                9 Catherine DIEBOLD
                                                9 Françoise DIEBOLD
                                                  =Antoine SCHMITTER
                                                9 Madeleine DIEBOLD
                                                9 Joseph DIEBOLD
                                                9 N DIEBOLD
                                                9 Thérèse DIEBOLD
                                                  =Michel BECK
                                                9 Ignace DIEBOLD
                                                  =Madeleine BAPST
                                                9 Joseph DIEBOLD
                                                  =Pauline Sophie Wilhelmine Maria EBERT  Marriage: 24 FEB 1880, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                                      10 Emilie DIEBOLD
                                                        =Joseph COLLING  Marriage: 29 APR 1905, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                                                            11 Joseph-Emile COLLING
                                                            11 Hélène-Emilie-Caroline COLLING
                                                            11 Joseph-Jules COLLING
                                                            11 Alfred COLLING
                                                            11 Marguerite COLLING
                                                            11 Antoinette COLLING
                                                              =Michel VOGEL
                                                                  12 Michel VOGEL
                                                                  12 Mireille VOGEL
                                                                  12 Paulette VOGEL
                                                              =Marcel-Ernest WESCHLER  Marriage: 28 OCT 1941, Strasbourg-Neudorf,67000,,,FR,
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Jacqueline BECHTOLD
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Stephane FOUSSE
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Nathan FOUSSE
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Eugene DIEBOLD
                                                        =Stephanie N.N.
                                                            11 Alfred DIEBOLD
                                                            11 Armand DIEBOLD
                                                      10 Leonie DIEBOLD
                                                        =Emile BILGER
                                                      10 Charles DIEBOLD
                                                        =Eugenie JOGGERST
                                                            11 Charles DIEBOLD
                                                            11 Charlotte DIEBOLD
                                                      10 Joseph DIEBOLD
                                                        = N.N.
                                                            11 Edouard DIEBOLD
                                                            11 Germaine DIEBOLD
                                                            11 N DIEBOLD
                                                            11 René DIEBOLD
                                                      10 Emile DIEBOLD
                                                        = N.N.
                                                        =Frieda N.N.
                                                            11 Edouard DIEBOLD
                                                      10 Marie DIEBOLD
                                                        =Eugene ZUBER
                                                            11 Eugene ZUBER
                                                            11 Marguerite ZUBER
                                                            11 Marthe ZUBER
                                                      10 Mathilde DIEBOLD
                                                        =Joseph SATTLER
                                                            11 Joseph SATTLER
                                                            11 Lina SATTLER
                                                            11 Lucien SATTLER
                                                            11 Marcel SATTLER
                                                            11 N SATTLER
                                                            11 René SATTLER
                                                9 Jacques DIEBOLD
                                                9 Sigismund DIEBOLD
                                                  =Élisabeth OTT  Marriage: 26 DEC 1883
                                                  =Caroline KEMPF  Marriage: 18 NOV 1895, Matzenheim-Werde,67,,,FR,
                                                9 Georges DIEBOLD
                                                9 Marie DIEBOLD
                                                  =Félix HAHN
                                                      10 Joséphine Marie HAHN
                                                        =Louis Joseph KIPPER
                                                            11 Jj-Fictif KIPPER
                                                9 Martin DIEBOLD
                                                  =Marie HEITZ
                                    7 Franciscus-Josephus GSELL
                                =Antoine HERTZOG  Marriage: 10 DEC 1798, Benfeld,67230,,,FR,
                                    7 Catherine HERTZOG
                              6 Francesca BROBECK
                                =Franciscus-Michael JAEGER  Marriage: 12 OCT 1791, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 François-Joseph BROBECK
                              6 Anna-Barbara BROBECK
                                =Johannes-Baptiste BOSSUT  Marriage: 28 MAR 1797, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Anne-Catherine EHRHARD
                          =Franciscus-Antonius ANNETH  Marriage: 10 JAN 1764, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Jean-Caspar EHRHARD
                        5 Anne-Marie EHRHARD
                  4 Antonius EHRHARD
                  4 Anne-Marguerite EHRHARD
                  4 Anne-Marguerite EHRHARD
                  4 Marie-Madeleine EHRHARD
                  4 François-Antoine EHRHARD
                    =Anne-Marie WEIBEL  Marriage: 23 MAY 1746, Huttenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Michel FRITSCH
        =Johannes NAGERT  Marriage: AFT 1680
            3 Gall NAGERT

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Suzanne LOOS

Descendants of Suzanne LOOS

1 Suzanne LOOS
  =Jean Adam ROHMER
      2 Élisabeth ROHMER
        =Laurent SIMON
            3 Anne-Marie SIMON
                  4 Marie VELTIN
                        5 Élisabeth MULLER
                              6 Marie-Anne MARY
                                =Ignace SCHWAB  Marriage: 28 FEB 1791, Semersheim,67,,,FR,
            3 Élisabeth SIMON
                  4 Valentin HURSTEL
                    =Élisabeth ADOLF  Marriage: 1 FEB 1745, Semersheim,67,,,FR,

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Therese LOOS

Ancestors of Therese LOOS

Therese LOOS
        |                                                           /-Jean THIEBOLD
        |                                                 /-Georges Léo DIEBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         /-Jean MARX
        |                                                 |         \-Anna MARX
        |                                       /-Georges DIEBOLD
        |                                       |         |         /-Laurent RIEHL
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |                             /-Antonius DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         /-Adam RUBERT
        |                             |         \-Barbara RUBERT
        |                             |                   \-Catherine ROHFRITSCH
        |                   /-Josephus DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |         /-Mathias BORNERT
        |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BORNERT
        |                   |                   \-Barbara LEONHARD ; LIENHARD
        |         /-Laurent DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   /-Georg KLEIN
        |         |         |         /-Jacob KLEIN
        |         |         |         |         \-Maria HIGLIN
        |         |         \-Anne KLEIN
        |         |                   |         /-Martin OSTERMANN
        |         |                   \-Maria OSTERMANN
        |         |                             |         /-Jacobus MEDART
        |         |                             \-Brigitta MEDART
        |         |                                       \-Maria N.N.
        \-Thérèse DIEBOLD
                  \-Françoise DEUTSCHLER

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Thérèse LOOS

Ancestors of Thérèse LOOS

        /-Oswald LOOS
Thérèse LOOS
        \-Catherine BOOTZ

Descendants of Thérèse LOOS

1 Thérèse LOOS
  =Georges KURTZ  Marriage: 7 FEB 1826, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
      2 Antoine KURTZ
        =Thérèse KIENY  Marriage: 6 FEB 1861, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,

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Charles G. LOOSE

Descendants of Charles G. LOOSE

1 Charles G. LOOSE
  =Edith Idella OTT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1902, Rock Co,,,Minnesota,USA,

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Descendants of Ève LOOSER

  =Jacques LORENTZ
      2 Ève LORENTZ
        =Jean SCHAEFER  Marriage: BEF 1827

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Ancestors of Michel LOOSER

        /-Michel LOSER
        \-Marie JUCKER

Descendants of Michel LOOSER

1 Michel LOOSER
  =Élisabeth MOSBRUCKER  Marriage: 21 AUG 1730, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,

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Ancestors of Anne-Marie LOOSMANN

                  /-François "Antoine" LOOSMANN
        /-François "Ignace" LOOSMANN
        |         |                             /-Benoît FRIDERICH
        |         |                   /-Benoît FRIDERICH
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Élisabeth HALLBHERR
        |         |         /-Bartholomé FRIDERICH
        |         |         |         |         /-Caspar BOSCHBERGER
        |         |         |         \-Anne BOSCHBERGER
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas DE PARADIS
        |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas PARADIS
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine CATHILLON
        |         |         |                   \-Marguerite PARADIS
        |         |         |                             |         /-Samuel HOGNON
        |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth HOGNON
        |         |         |                                       \-Schmitt MARCHAL
        |         \-Catherine FRIDERICH
        |                   \-Barbara DENIGER
        \-Madeleine REEBMANN

Descendants of Anne-Marie LOOSMANN

1 Anne-Marie LOOSMANN
  =Antoine STOLL  Marriage: 4 JUN 1829, Rosheim,67560,,,FR,
      2 Antoine STOLL
        =Catherine IMBS
            3 Antoine STOLL
              =Joséphine WOLFF
                  4 Marie STOLL
                    =Charles HEIDMANN
                        5 Alice HEIDMANN
                        5 Charles Joseph HEIDMANN
                        5 Roland Charles HEIDMANN
                          =Yvonne KIEFFER
                              6 Christine HEIDMANN
                                =Charles-Henri DELAHAYE
                                    7 Pierre-Henri DELAHAYE
                                =Jean-Marie Benoît ROTH
                        5 Germaine HEIDMANN
                        5 Jeanne HEIDMANN
                        5 Marthe HEIDMANN
                        5 René HEIDMANN
                        5 Roger Ernest HEIDMANN
                        5 Suzanne Marie HEIDMANN

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François "Antoine" LOOSMANN

Descendants of François "Antoine" LOOSMANN

1 François "Antoine" LOOSMANN
  =Catherine FRIDERICH
      2 François "Ignace" LOOSMANN
        =Madeleine REEBMANN  Marriage: 29 DEC 1798, Mollkirch,67190,,,FR,
            3 Anne-Marie LOOSMANN
              =Antoine STOLL  Marriage: 4 JUN 1829, Rosheim,67560,,,FR,
                  4 Antoine STOLL
                    =Catherine IMBS
                        5 Antoine STOLL
                          =Joséphine WOLFF
                              6 Marie STOLL
                                =Charles HEIDMANN
                                    7 Alice HEIDMANN
                                    7 Charles Joseph HEIDMANN
                                    7 Roland Charles HEIDMANN
                                      =Yvonne KIEFFER
                                          8 Christine HEIDMANN
                                            =Charles-Henri DELAHAYE
                                                9 Pierre-Henri DELAHAYE
                                            =Jean-Marie Benoît ROTH
                                    7 Germaine HEIDMANN
                                    7 Jeanne HEIDMANN
                                    7 Marthe HEIDMANN
                                    7 René HEIDMANN
                                    7 Roger Ernest HEIDMANN
                                    7 Suzanne Marie HEIDMANN

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François "Ignace" LOOSMANN

Ancestors of François "Ignace" LOOSMANN

        /-François "Antoine" LOOSMANN
François "Ignace" LOOSMANN
        |                             /-Benoît FRIDERICH
        |                   /-Benoît FRIDERICH
        |                   |         \-Marie Élisabeth HALLBHERR
        |         /-Bartholomé FRIDERICH
        |         |         |         /-Caspar BOSCHBERGER
        |         |         \-Anne BOSCHBERGER
        |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas DE PARADIS
        |         |                   |         /-Nicolas PARADIS
        |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine CATHILLON
        |         |                   \-Marguerite PARADIS
        |         |                             |         /-Samuel HOGNON
        |         |                             \-Élisabeth HOGNON
        |         |                                       \-Schmitt MARCHAL
        \-Catherine FRIDERICH
                  \-Barbara DENIGER

Descendants of François "Ignace" LOOSMANN

1 François "Ignace" LOOSMANN
  =Madeleine REEBMANN  Marriage: 29 DEC 1798, Mollkirch,67190,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LOOSMANN
        =Antoine STOLL  Marriage: 4 JUN 1829, Rosheim,67560,,,FR,
            3 Antoine STOLL
              =Catherine IMBS
                  4 Antoine STOLL
                    =Joséphine WOLFF
                        5 Marie STOLL
                          =Charles HEIDMANN
                              6 Alice HEIDMANN
                              6 Charles Joseph HEIDMANN
                              6 Roland Charles HEIDMANN
                                =Yvonne KIEFFER
                                    7 Christine HEIDMANN
                                      =Charles-Henri DELAHAYE
                                          8 Pierre-Henri DELAHAYE
                                      =Jean-Marie Benoît ROTH
                              6 Germaine HEIDMANN
                              6 Jeanne HEIDMANN
                              6 Marthe HEIDMANN
                              6 René HEIDMANN
                              6 Roger Ernest HEIDMANN
                              6 Suzanne Marie HEIDMANN

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Descendants of Amaro LOPES

1 Amaro LOPES
      2 Isabelle LOPES
        =Alain GRIEZMANN
            3 Antoine GRIEZMANN

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Isabelle LOPES

Ancestors of Isabelle LOPES

        /-Amaro LOPES
Isabelle LOPES

Descendants of Isabelle LOPES

1 Isabelle LOPES
      2 Antoine GRIEZMANN

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"Marie" Joséphine LOPEZ

Descendants of "Marie" Joséphine LOPEZ

1 "Marie" Joséphine LOPEZ
  =Charles MATHIS  Marriage: 4 AUG 1887, Cassaigne,,,Oran,ALGÉRIE,
      2 Michel MATHIS
        =Andrée COLOMBEY  Marriage: 2 MAR 1916, Mostaganem,,,,ALGÉRIE,
            3 Paule MATHIS
              =Georges AMEIL
                  4 Jean-Michel AMEIL

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Descendants of Ben LOPEZ

  =Mary ZACCO
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
              =Nicholas COLOMBO
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Lou LOPEZ

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                                                                                                   /-Balthazar (Janvier) KANDEL
        |                                                                                         /-Vit CANDEL
        |                                                                                         |         \-Anne-Marie N.N.
        |                                                                               /-Pancrace CANDEL
        |                                                                               |         |         /-Georges ZEH
        |                                                                               |         \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
        |                                                                               |                   \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |                                                                     /-Pancrace KANDEL
        |                                                                     |         |                   /-Léonard OBERER
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Pierre OBER
        |                                                                     |         \-Anne-Marie OBER
        |                                                                     |                   |         /-Jean OBERER
        |                                                                     |                   \-Anne-Marie OBERER
        |                                                                     |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                                           /-Pancrace KANDEL
        |                                                           |         \-Anna Maria BÄHR
        |                                                 /-Pancrace KANDEL
        |                                                 |         |         /-Mathias HAETERICH
        |                                                 |         \-Catherine HAETERICH
        |                                                 |                   \-Catherine KUNTZ
        |                                       /-Georges KANDEL
        |                                       |         |                   /-Joseph EM
        |                                       |         |         /-Michel EM
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Gertrude KRESS
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie EM
        |                                       |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges GLAD
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges GLAD
        |                                       |                   |                   |         \-Marie (Anne Marie) SCHWEITZER
        |                                       |                   |         /-Jean-Georges GLAD
        |                                       |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean Caspar PETER
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques PETER
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         |         \-Christine SCHNEIDER
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie PETER
        |                                       |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean SUR
        |                                       |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite SUR
        |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie GLATH
        |                                       |                             |         /-Gaspard BARENWALD
        |                                       |                             \-Anne Marie BARENWALD
        |                                       |                                       \-Anne SCHMITT
        |                             /-Eugène KANDEL
        |                             |         \-Marie Sophie OSTER
        |                   /-Philippe KANDEL
        |                   |         \-Marie Joséphine GUILLEMIN
        |         /-Alain KANDEL
        |         |         |         /-François MOROT
        |         |         \-Berthe Suzanne MOROT
        |         |                   \-Rose FAVET
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of O. LOPEZ

  =Jonas WEIL
      2 Melanie Adele WEIL
        =David LEVY
            3 Rachelle LEVY
      2 Joseph WEIL

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Richard LOPEZ

Ancestors of Richard LOPEZ

        /-Roger LOPEZ
Richard LOPEZ
        |                                                                     /-Jacques MEDERT
        |                                                           /-Frédéric MEDER
        |                                                           |         \-Ursule BISCH
        |                                                 /-Louis METTER
        |                                                 |         |                             /-Benedict HOCHSTAETTLER
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Ulrich HOCHSTAETTER
        |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie HEGEN
        |                                                 |         |         /-Joseph HOCHSTAETTER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Vit SOTT
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Catherine SOTH
        |                                                 |         |         |                   \-Marguerite ADLOFF
        |                                                 |         \-Anne-Marie HOCHSTAETTER
        |                                                 |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques Ou Jacques GASSER
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Matthias GASSER
        |                                                 |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie BAUMHAUER
        |                                                 |                   \-Catherine GASSER
        |                                                 |                             |         /-Michel KAMBERGER
        |                                                 |                             \-Anne Marguerite KAMBERGER
        |                                                 |                                       \-Catherine HUBER
        |                                       /-Jean METTER
        |                                       |         |                                       /-Jean-Pierre MESSMER
        |                                       |         |                             /-Jean Théobald MESSMER
        |                                       |         |                             |         \-Clémence HAM
        |                                       |         |                   /-Jacques MESSMER
        |                                       |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         /-Wendelin Le Jeune GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |                                       |         |                   |         \-Marie-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |                   |                   \-Élisabeth FREYSS ; MEYER
        |                                       |         |         /-André MESSMER
        |                                       |         |         |         |                             /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean MAURER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth MAURER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara TORSCHE
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                       |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges FORSTER
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques FORSTER
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie Barbara FORSTER
        |                                       |         |         |                             |         /-Michel BERTSCH
        |                                       |         |         |                             \-Marie Anne ; Marie Ève BERTSCH
        |                                       |         |         |                                       \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
        |                                       |         \-Marie Elisabeth MESSMER
        |                                       |                   |                             /-Christian WALTER
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Jean Pierre WALTER
        |                                       |                   |                   |         \-Marie FREY
        |                                       |                   |         /-Jean WALTER
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         /-Georges WILLBACH
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Elisabeth WILLBACH
        |                                       |                   |         |                   \-Barbara TISCHLER
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine WALTER
        |                                       |                             |                   /-Nicolas FERCKEL
        |                                       |                             |         /-Nicolas FERCKEL
        |                                       |                             \-Catherine FERCKEL
        |                                       |                                       |                   /-Martin SUR
        |                                       |                                       |         /-Martin SUR
        |                                       |                                       |         |         \-Anne Eve WETTERMANN
        |                                       |                                       \-Marie-Anne SUR
        |                                       |                                                 |         /-Christian WALTER
        |                                       |                                                 \-Anne WALTER
        |                                       |                                                           \-Marie FREY
        |                             /-Jean METTER
        |                             |         |         /-Joseph BRUDER
        |                             |         \-Madeleine BRUDER
        |                             |                   |                             /-Jean REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   /-Joseph REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude HANS; MARTZ
        |                             |                   |         /-Michel REINHARD
        |                             |                   |         |         |                             /-Michel GARNIER
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean GARNIER
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHONGEHL ;SCHÖNZAHL
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Pierre GARNIER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine MARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne SIMON
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Odile GARNIER
        |                             |                   |         |                   |                   /-André KEITH
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges KEITH
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Marie KEITH
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Odile WENDLING
        |                             |                   \-Marie-Catherine REINHARD
        |                             |                             |                   /-Mathias MACK
        |                             |                             |         /-Mathias MACK
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth RAPP
        |                             |                             \-Catherine MACK
        |                             |                                       |                   /-Christian EINHACKER
        |                             |                                       |         /-Jean Jacques EINHACKER
        |                             |                                       |         |         \-Théodora N.N.
        |                             |                                       \-Anne Marie EINHACKER
        |                             |                                                 |         /-Bernard MENGER
        |                             |                                                 \-Marie Élisabeth MENGER
        |                             |                                                           \-Marie-Madeleine WEISS
        |                   /-Charles METTER
        |                   |         \-Madeleine HAURY
        |         /-Albert METTER
        |         |         \-Anne GRAF
        \-Alberte METTER
                  |         /-Jean-Marie ZAHRA
                  \-Lucienne ZAHRA
                            |                             /-Louis MUTSCHLER
                            |                   /-Sébastien MUTSCHLER
                            |                   |         |         /-Xavier KIEFFER
                            |                   |         \-Catherine KIEFFER
                            |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
                            |         /-Aloyse MUTSCHLER
                            |         |         |                                                 /-Léonard KESSLER
                            |         |         |                                       /-Jacques KESSLER
                            |         |         |                                       |         \-Barbara WEINGER
                            |         |         |                             /-Laurent KOESSLER
                            |         |         |                             |         |         /-Christian LINCK
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Christine LINCK
                            |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne BIRCKEL
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges KOESSLER
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Marie WIESSENBURGER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Urban DIETRICH
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Dorothée SCHENCKBECHER
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine DIETRICH
                            |         |         |         /-Florent KOESSLER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne SCHLOSSER
                            |         |         \-Marie Madeleine KOESSLER
                            |         |                   |         /-N.N. REYS
                            |         |                   \-Françoise REYS
                            \-Hélène Thérèse MUTSCHLER
                                      |         /-Antoine KLEIN
                                      \-Thérèse KLEIN
                                                |         /-Pierre STUPFLER
                                                \-Thérèse STUPFLER
                                                          |         /-N.N. MOESSMER
                                                          \-Marie-Élisabeth MOESSMER

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Descendants of Roger LOPEZ

1 Roger LOPEZ
  =Alberte METTER
      2 Richard LOPEZ

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Alice-Marie LORAIN

Ancestors of Alice-Marie LORAIN

                  /-Henri LORAIN
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Alice-Marie LORAIN
        |         /-Michel PIERSON
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |         /-Émile HITTLER
                  \-Marie-Madeleine HITTLER

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Descendants of Henri LORAIN

1 Henri LORAIN
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Alice-Marie LORAIN

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Catherine LORAND

Descendants of Catherine LORAND

1 Catherine LORAND
  =Philibert PELLETIER
      2 Guillemette Mathilde PELLETIER
        =Philibert COLLENOT  Marriage: ABT 1642
            3 Émiland COLLENOT
              =Léonarde DEBIZE  Marriage: 18 FEB 1670, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                  4 Lazare COLLENOT
                    =Pierre GIRARD  Marriage: 29 JUN 1689, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                        5 Pierre GIRARD
                          =Constance REMOISSENET  Marriage: 24 APR 1724, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                              6 Étiennette GIRARD
                                =Dominique GIBASSIER  Marriage: 10 JAN 1751, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Jacques GIBASSIER
                                      =Pierrette DUREUIL
                                          8 Jean GIBASSIER
                                            =Claudine GAUMONT
                                                9 Pierrette GIBASSIER
                                                  =Jean-Marie GIRARD  Marriage: 29 MAR 1863, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Marie Claudine, Philomène GIRARD
                                                        =Claude GIRARD  Marriage: 8 JUN 1884, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Marie Léon, Théophile GIRARD
                                                              =Lucie Joséphine WIRTZ  Marriage: 16 DEC 1922, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Henri Fernand GIRARD
                                                                    =Janine Madeleine, Marguerite COLIN
                                                                        13 Guy GIRARD
                                                                  12 Jean Léon GIRARD
                                                                    =Alice COLLENOT  Marriage: 8 DEC 1945, Paris,75000,Paris,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Corinne GIRARD
                                                            11 Eugène Alexis Fernand GIRARD
                                                              =Alphonsine GAUMONT
                                                                  12 Fernand GIRARD
                                                                    =Hélène NAUDIN  Marriage: FEB 1944, Saint-Brisson,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                                        13 Guy GIRARD
                                    7 Jeanne GIBASSIER
                                      =Pierre REGNIER  Marriage: 9 SEP 1794, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Madeleine REGNIER
                                            =André RIGNEAULT  Marriage: 21 FEB 1832, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jeanne RIGNAULT
                                                  =Jean-Pierre DUREUIL  Marriage: 18 MAR 1855, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Hélène Magdelaine DUREUIL
                                                        =Théodore MONCHAUX  Marriage: 2 MAR 1875, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Jules Joseph MOUCHOT
                                                                  12 Gp De Sandrine MOUCHOT
                                                                        13 P De Sandrine MOUCHOT
                                                                              14 Sandrine MOUCHOT
                                                            11 Jean Marie MOUCHOT
                                    7 Nicolas GIBASSIER
                                      =Gervaise GUILLEMINOT  Marriage: 28 APR 1778, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Pierrette GIBASSIER
                                      =Jean LOY  Marriage: 25 JAN 1791, Moux-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Dominique LOY
                        5 Pierrette GIRARD
                        5 Catherine GIRARD
                        5 Dominique GIRARD
                        5 Hilaire GIRARD
                  4 Émiland COLLENOT
            3 Philibert COLLENOT
            3 Léonard COLLENOT
            3 Claudine COLLENOT
              =Anthoine BAUDEAU  Marriage: 30 OCT 1681, Blanot,21430,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
            3 Philiberte COLLENOT
              =Anthoine BAUDEAU
            3 Reine COLLENOT
            3 Émilande COLLENOT
              =Pierre PERRUCHOT  Marriage: 29 APR 1687, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                  4 Jean PERRUCHOT
                  4 Jean PERRUCHOT
                    =Pierrette BOURGEOIS
                        5 Bénigne PERRUCHOT
                          =Jean RENAUD  Marriage: 3 NOV 1733, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                              6 Claudine RENAULT
                                =Jean RIGNEAULT  Marriage: 23 JAN 1759, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Jean RIGNEAULT
                                      =Reine COTTIN  Marriage: 22 FEB 1791, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Nicolas RIGNEAULT
                                            =Reine ROBELOT  Marriage: 24 JAN 1815, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jean RIGNEAULT
                                                  =Anne GUYARD  Marriage: 14 FEB 1843, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 André RIGNEAULT
                                                        =Françoise TOULOT  Marriage: 30 APR 1907, Chatou,78400,Yvelines,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Marcelle RIGNEAULT
                                                              =Fernand LANZAC  Marriage: 14 SEP 1940, Le Blanc-Mesnil,93150,Seine-Saint-Denis,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Mireille LANZAC
                              6 Dominique RENAUD
                                =Nicolas CHAUMIEN  Marriage: 24 JAN 1764, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Nicolas CHAUMIEN
                                      =Pierrette DUREUIL  Marriage: 11 JAN 1785, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Marie CHAUMIEN
                                            =Jean BOIDOT  Marriage: 31 JAN 1815, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jean BOIDOT
                                                  =Marguerite BIZOT  Marriage: 22 MAR 1840, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Marie Louise BOIDOT
                                                        =Jean-Baptiste LAMBERT  Marriage: 3 JAN 1861, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Anne BOIDOT
                                                  =Claude CHASSAGNE  Marriage: 11 SEP 1838, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jeanne CHAUMIEN
                                            =Pierre COLLENOT  Marriage: 9 MAY 1826, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Joseph CHAUMIEN
                                      =Dominique FORTIER  Marriage: 3 JAN 1797, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Nicolas CHAUMIEN
                                            =Françoise RENAULT  Marriage: 12 JUL 1825, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Philippe André CHAUMIEN
                                                  =Jeanne Marie Élisabeth RIGNAULT  Marriage: 15 APR 1861
                                            =Catherine DUREUIL  Marriage: 9 JAN 1863, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Hortense CHAUMIEN
                                                9 Claude, Philippe, François CHAUMIEN
                                                  =Pierrette CORDIN  Marriage: 28 NOV 1882, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Philippe CHAUMIEN
                                    7 Pierre CHAUMIEN
                                      =Reine CHAUMIEN  Marriage: 31 JAN 1815, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Nicolas CHAUMIEN
                                            =Jeanne DUREUIL  Marriage: 4 JUN 1839, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jean-Pierre Philippe CHAUMIEN
                                                  =Lazarette BOIRE  Marriage: 9 MAY 1865, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Marie Jeanne CHAUMIEN
                                                        =Jean Marie GILLOT  Marriage: 2 MAR 1886, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Lucie Marie-Louise GILLOT
                                                              =Joseph Jacques BAUDEQUIN  Marriage: 24 MAY 1904, Gouloux,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Germaine BAUDEQUIN
                                                                    =René Charles TRIESCH  Marriage: Paris 17,75017,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                                                                        13 N.N. TRIESCH
                                                                          =N.N. BOUCHER
                                                                              14 Sylvie TRIESCH
                                                9 Mathieu CHAUMIEN
                                                  =Pierrette IMBERT  Marriage: 26 NOV 1872, Moux-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Philippe CHAUMIEN
                                            =Pierrette JULLIEN  Marriage: 27 APR 1841, Gouloux,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Joseph CHAUMIEN
                                                  =Jeanne Claudine GARNIER  Marriage: 28 APR 1874, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Jean Victor CHAUMIEN
                                                        =Marie CORTET  Marriage: 7 MAY 1901, Montsauche-Les-Settons,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Ismael Etienne Maxime CHAUMIEN
                                                              =Andrée RATEAU
                                                                  12 Marie-Thérèse CHAUMIEN
                                          8 Pierrette CHAUMIEN
                                            =Pierre MILLOT  Marriage: 27 APR 1841, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 François MILLOT
                                                  =Joséphine CORNIAU  Marriage: 30 MAR 1878, Saint-Didier,21210,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Marthe MILLOT
                                                        =Philippe MOLINA
                                                            11 Jean-Charles MOLINA
                                                9 Françoise MILLOT
                                                  =Philippe CORNIAU  Marriage: 30 APR 1878, Saint-Didier,21210,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Émile CORNIAU
                                                        =Claudine EMERY  Marriage: 18 SEP 1906
                                                9 Anne MILLOT
                                                  =Jean COTTIN  Marriage: 30 APR 1867, Gouloux,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Jean Baptiste COTTIN
                                                        =Marie Gustavie ROCQUEL  Marriage: 24 FEB 1896, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Marie Alexis COTTIN
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Michèle DEFERT
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Marie Félicie COTTIN
                                                              =Albert Clément PLESSARD
                                                              =N.N. N.N.
                                                                  12 Jacqueline PLESSARD
                                                                    =André GUDIN
                                    7 Nicolas Claude CHAUMIEN
                                          8 Madeleine CHAUMIEN
                              6 Jean RENAUD
                              6 Marie Claude RENAUD
                                =Philippe COLLENOT  Marriage: 13 FEB 1753, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                  4 Claude PERRUCHOT
                    =Dominique JEANNIN  Marriage: 12 JUL 1718, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                        5 Denise Louise PERRUCHOT
                          =Jean GAUTARD  Marriage: 16 FEB 1740, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                              6 Jean GAUTARD
                                =Françoise GUIARD  Marriage: 6 FEB 1770, Champeau-En-Morvan,21210,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Dominique GAUTARD
                                =Reine RIGNAULT  Marriage: 1 FEB 1780, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                        5 François PERRUCHOT
                          =Marie BULLIER  Marriage: BEF 1784
                              6 Claude PERRUCHOT
                              6 François PERRUCHOT
                                =Claudine BAILLY  Marriage: 15 FEB 1810, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                    7 Nicolas PERRUCHOT
                                    7 Barthélémy PERRUCHOT
                                    7 Philippe PERRUCHOT
                                      =Jeanne Joséphine BOIRE  Marriage: 19 JUN 1861, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                          8 Claude PERRUCHOT
                                            =Léonie FICHOT  Marriage: 20 OCT 1894, Clichy,92110,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                9 Louis Edouard Adolphe PERRUCHOT
                                                  =Clémentine Eugénie FERBUS  Marriage: 6 MAR 1920
                                          8 Philippe PERRUCHOT
                                            =Joséphine DUBREUIL  Marriage: 17 APR 1889, Puteaux,92800,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                9 Alfred Eugène PERRUCHOT
                                                9 Germaine PERRUCHOT
                                                  =Joseph Gabriel DURUT  Marriage: 27 SEP 1930, Aisy-Sous-Thil,21390,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Alice DURUT
                                                        =Jacques RAMOULUX
                                                            11 Jean-Pierre RAMOULUX
                                                              =Ida CODINA  Marriage: 16 JAN 1982, Flacourt,78200,Yvelines,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Audrey RAMOULUX
                                                                    =N.N. N.N.  Marriage: 17 DEC 2008, Vias,34450,Hérault,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Adeline RAMOULUX
                                                      10 André DURUT
                                                            11 Philippe DURUT
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Gabrielle DURUT
                                          8 Marie Adèle PERRUCHOT
                                            =Claude Léon BOUDIN  Marriage: 12 SEP 1889, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                                                9 Alfred Dit Léon BOUDIN
                                                  =Juliette DUPUIS  Marriage: 9 MAR 1940
                                                      10 André BOUDIN
                                                      10 Madeleine Yvonne BOUDIN
                                                        =André DUCLOS
                                                            11 Monique DUCLOS
                                                              =Hervé GRENIER
                                          8 Jeanne PERRUCHOT
                                            =N.N. COTTIN
                                                9 Jeanne COTTIN
                                                  =Joseph BAPTISTE
                                          8 Anne PERRUCHOT
                                            =Joseph BOIRE  Marriage: 11 NOV 1888, Aubervilliers,93300,Seine-Saint-Denis,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jean-Marie PERRUCHOT
                                                9 Éléononre Marie PERRUCHOT
                                                  =Maurice ROUX
                                                9 Roger PERRUCHOT
                                                9 Simone PERRUCHOT
                                    7 N.N. PERRUCHOT
                              6 Jean PERRUCHOT
                              6 Claudine PERRUCHOT
                                =Jacques COLLENOT  Marriage: 19 DEC 1815, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                              6 Philippe PERRUCHOT
                  4 Philibert PERRUCHOT
            3 Catherine COLLENOT
              =Vivant BOIDOT  Marriage: 20 NOV 1696, Alligny-En-Morvan,58230,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,
                  4 Philibert BOIDOT
      2 Marguerite PELLETIER

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Anne Marguerite LORANG

Descendants of Anne Marguerite LORANG

1 Anne Marguerite LORANG
  =Joseph WEILER  Marriage: BEF 30 OCT 1755

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Guillaume LORANT

Descendants of Guillaume LORANT

1 Guillaume LORANT
      2 Jeanne LORANT
        =Jacques GOURAND  Marriage: 26 JAN 1649, Craon,53400,Mayenne,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
            3 François GOURAND
              =Madeleine PIGE  Marriage: 19 JAN 1679, Craon,53400,Mayenne,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                  4 Jeanne Françoise GOURAND
                    =Michel POURIAS  Marriage: 5 AUG 1704, Noëllet,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                        5 Madeleine POURIAS
                          =François ROUGER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1748, Noëllet,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                              6 Pierre ROUGER
                                =Perrine DUPRÉ
                                =Renée Perrine TRILLOT  Marriage: 13 JUL 1784, Combrée,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                    7 René Pierre ROUGER
                                      =Jeanne ROUSSEAU  Marriage: 19 JAN 1807, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jeanne Charlotte ROUGER
                                            =Jean GOISET  Marriage: 29 DEC 1833, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jeanne GOISET
                                                  =N.N. BODIER
                                                      10 François BODIER
                                                9 Joséphine Marie GOISET
                                                  =André BELLANGER
                                                      10 Joséphine BELLANGER
                                                        =Louis Marie TESSIER  Marriage: 23 NOV 1890, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Louis Marie Joseph TESSIER
                                                              =Geneviève MAMINOT  Marriage: 21 NOV 1922, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Geneviève TESSIER
                                                                    =Donatien POULAIN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1946, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                        13 Michel POULAIN
                                                9 Louise GOISET
                                                  =Mathurin LECOQ
                                                9 Rosalie GOISET
                                                  =Pierre Louis BAIN  Marriage: 21 JUN 1864, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Rosalie BAIN
                                                            11 Alexandrine Marie GATINEAU
                                                              =Alexandre Auguste GOISET
                                                                  12 Marie-Josèphe Jeanne Désirée GOISET
                                                                    =Maurice VIGNERON
                                                                        13 Maurice VIGNERON
                                                                          =Marie-José HABOUZIT
                                                                              14 Matthieu VIGNERON
                                                      10 Jean Marie BAIN
                                                            11 Jean Marie BAIN
                                                              =Marie Josephe Louise JAMET  Marriage: 29 MAY 1933, Grand-Auverné,44520,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Marie Anne Élise BAIN
                                                                        13 Fabrice LEVACHE
                                                      10 Louise Marie BAIN
                                                        =Joseph François MAMINOT  Marriage: 12 APR 1902, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Geneviève MAMINOT
                                                              =Louis Marie Joseph TESSIER  Marriage: 21 NOV 1922, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Geneviève TESSIER
                                                                    =Donatien POULAIN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1946, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                        13 Michel POULAIN
                                                9 Luce Virginie GOISET
                                                  =Pierre François HUARD  Marriage: 31 JAN 1882, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Jean HUARD
                                                      10 Eugénie HUARD
                                                      10 Armand HUARD
                                                        =Constance TESSIER  Marriage: AFT 1911
                                                            11 Amand HUARD
                                                              =Germaine COLAS
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Fictif MASSON
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =N.N. THEYSSANDIER
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Jean HUARD
                                                      10 Jeanne HUARD
                                                      10 Louise HUARD
                                          8 Pierre ROUGÉ
                                            =Françoise GAUTIER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1841, Erbray,44110,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                          8 Louise ROUGER
                                            =Jean Léon RABEAU  Marriage: 29 JUN 1851, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jean Marie RABEAU
                                                9 Pierre Louis RABEAU
                                                  =Antoinette Louise PINON  Marriage: 21 JUN 1885, Vritz,49440,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Gisèle RABEAU
                                                                  12 Patrick AUGIER
                                                            11 Odette RABEAU
                                                              =Paul MASSON
                                                                  12 Annick MASSON
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Fictif MASSON
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                          =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                              14 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Jeannine RABEAU
                                                            11 Annick RABEAU
                                                            11 Jean Claude RABEAU
                                                            11 Yvette RABEAU
                                                      10 Pierre RABEAU
                                                      10 Henri RABEAU
                                                      10 Victor RABEAU
                                                      10 Louis RABEAU
                                                        =Marie Augustine Adelaïde GILLIER  Marriage: 16 OCT 1923, Loiré,49440,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Marie RABEAU
                                                      10 Joseph RABEAU
                                                      10 Prosper RABEAU
                                                      10 Joseph RABEAU
                                          8 Jean ROUGÉ

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Ancestors of Jeanne LORANT

        /-Guillaume LORANT
        \-Marie GUILLERME

Descendants of Jeanne LORANT

1 Jeanne LORANT
  =Jacques GOURAND  Marriage: 26 JAN 1649, Craon,53400,Mayenne,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
      2 François GOURAND
        =Madeleine PIGE  Marriage: 19 JAN 1679, Craon,53400,Mayenne,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
            3 Jeanne Françoise GOURAND
              =Michel POURIAS  Marriage: 5 AUG 1704, Noëllet,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                  4 Madeleine POURIAS
                    =François ROUGER  Marriage: 18 NOV 1748, Noëllet,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                        5 Pierre ROUGER
                          =Perrine DUPRÉ
                          =Renée Perrine TRILLOT  Marriage: 13 JUL 1784, Combrée,49520,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                              6 René Pierre ROUGER
                                =Jeanne ROUSSEAU  Marriage: 19 JAN 1807, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                    7 Jeanne Charlotte ROUGER
                                      =Jean GOISET  Marriage: 29 DEC 1833, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jeanne GOISET
                                            =N.N. BODIER
                                                9 François BODIER
                                          8 Joséphine Marie GOISET
                                            =André BELLANGER
                                                9 Joséphine BELLANGER
                                                  =Louis Marie TESSIER  Marriage: 23 NOV 1890, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Louis Marie Joseph TESSIER
                                                        =Geneviève MAMINOT  Marriage: 21 NOV 1922, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Geneviève TESSIER
                                                              =Donatien POULAIN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1946, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Michel POULAIN
                                          8 Louise GOISET
                                            =Mathurin LECOQ
                                          8 Rosalie GOISET
                                            =Pierre Louis BAIN  Marriage: 21 JUN 1864, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Rosalie BAIN
                                                      10 Alexandrine Marie GATINEAU
                                                        =Alexandre Auguste GOISET
                                                            11 Marie-Josèphe Jeanne Désirée GOISET
                                                              =Maurice VIGNERON
                                                                  12 Maurice VIGNERON
                                                                    =Marie-José HABOUZIT
                                                                        13 Matthieu VIGNERON
                                                9 Jean Marie BAIN
                                                      10 Jean Marie BAIN
                                                        =Marie Josephe Louise JAMET  Marriage: 29 MAY 1933, Grand-Auverné,44520,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Marie Anne Élise BAIN
                                                                  12 Fabrice LEVACHE
                                                9 Louise Marie BAIN
                                                  =Joseph François MAMINOT  Marriage: 12 APR 1902, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                      10 Geneviève MAMINOT
                                                        =Louis Marie Joseph TESSIER  Marriage: 21 NOV 1922, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                            11 Geneviève TESSIER
                                                              =Donatien POULAIN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1946, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                                  12 Michel POULAIN
                                          8 Luce Virginie GOISET
                                            =Pierre François HUARD  Marriage: 31 JAN 1882, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Jean HUARD
                                                9 Eugénie HUARD
                                                9 Armand HUARD
                                                  =Constance TESSIER  Marriage: AFT 1911
                                                      10 Amand HUARD
                                                        =Germaine COLAS
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Fictif MASSON
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                              =N.N. THEYSSANDIER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Jean HUARD
                                                9 Jeanne HUARD
                                                9 Louise HUARD
                                    7 Pierre ROUGÉ
                                      =Françoise GAUTIER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1841, Erbray,44110,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                    7 Louise ROUGER
                                      =Jean Léon RABEAU  Marriage: 29 JUN 1851, La Chapelle-Glain,44670,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                          8 Jean Marie RABEAU
                                          8 Pierre Louis RABEAU
                                            =Antoinette Louise PINON  Marriage: 21 JUN 1885, Vritz,49440,Loire-Atlantique,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Gisèle RABEAU
                                                            11 Patrick AUGIER
                                                      10 Odette RABEAU
                                                        =Paul MASSON
                                                            11 Annick MASSON
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                              =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Fictif MASSON
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                  12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                    =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                                        13 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Jeannine RABEAU
                                                      10 Annick RABEAU
                                                      10 Jean Claude RABEAU
                                                      10 Yvette RABEAU
                                                9 Pierre RABEAU
                                                9 Henri RABEAU
                                                9 Victor RABEAU
                                                9 Louis RABEAU
                                                  =Marie Augustine Adelaïde GILLIER  Marriage: 16 OCT 1923, Loiré,49440,Maine-Et-Loire,Pays De La Loire,FRANCE,
                                                9 Marie RABEAU
                                                9 Joseph RABEAU
                                                9 Prosper RABEAU
                                                9 Joseph RABEAU
                                    7 Jean ROUGÉ

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Marguerite LORANT

Descendants of Marguerite LORANT

1 Marguerite LORANT
  =Jean-Jacques BOUR  Marriage: 28 JAN 1691, Nancy,54000,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
      2 Anne-Marie Catherine BOUR
        =Jean-Charles RHEIN  Marriage: 14 SEP 1723, Neunkirch-Lès-Sarreguemines,,,Lorraine,FRANCE,
      2 Jean-Jacques BOUR
            3 Jean-Jacques BOUR
                  4 Anne-Marie BOUR
                    =Louis REITTER  Marriage: 2 NOV 1790, Insming,57670,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                        5 Charlotte RITTER
                          =Nicolas HOUPERT  Marriage: 13 JAN 1843, Insming,57670,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
                              6 Madeleine HOUPERT
                                =Pierre CLOSSET  Marriage: 23 APR 1863, Insming,57670,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,

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Ancestors of Albert LORBER

                                                                                        /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                                    /-Georges LORBER
                                                                    |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                                    |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                                    |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                                    |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          /-Antoine LORBER
                                                          |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                                          |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                                          |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                                          |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                                          |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                                                /-Antoine LORBER
                                                |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      /-François LORBER
                                      |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                                      |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                                      |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                                      |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                                      |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                      |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                      |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                      |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                                      |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                      |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                            /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                             /-André LOOS
                            |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                            |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
                            |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                            |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                            |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
                  /-Florent LORBER
                  |         |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
                  |         |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
                  |         |                   /-François ROHMER
                  |         |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |         |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |         \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
                  |                   |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                   |                   /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
                  |                   |         /-Antoine LOOS
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                   |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                   |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                   \-Marie Barbe LOOS
                  |                             |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |                                       |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  |                                       \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                  |                                                 |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                                                 \-Barbe ROHMER
                  |                                                           |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                  |                                                           \-Ève FACKLER
                  |                                                                     \-Barbe WALTER
        /-Joseph Florent LORBER
        |         |         /-Joseph ISSELE
        |         \-Marie Françoise ISSELE
        |                   \-Élisabeth LORBER
        \-Marie-Léonie RIEHL

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Ancestors of Anna LORBER

                                                                                        /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                                    /-Georges LORBER
                                                                    |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                                    |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                                    |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                                    |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          /-Antoine LORBER
                                                          |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                                          |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                                          |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                                          |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                                          |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                                                /-Antoine LORBER
                                                |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      /-François LORBER
                                      |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                                      |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                                      |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                                      |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                                      |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                      |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                      |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                      |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                                      |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                      |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                            /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                             /-André LOOS
                            |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                            |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
                            |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                            |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                            |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
                  /-Florent LORBER
                  |         |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
                  |         |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
                  |         |                   /-François ROHMER
                  |         |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |         |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |         \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
                  |                   |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                   |                   /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
                  |                   |         /-Antoine LOOS
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                   |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                   |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                   \-Marie Barbe LOOS
                  |                             |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |                                       |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  |                                       \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                  |                                                 |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                                                 \-Barbe ROHMER
                  |                                                           |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                  |                                                           \-Ève FACKLER
                  |                                                                     \-Barbe WALTER
        /-Joseph Florent LORBER
        |         |         /-Joseph ISSELE
        |         \-Marie Françoise ISSELE
        |                   \-Élisabeth LORBER
        \-Marie-Léonie RIEHL

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Ancestors of Anne LORBER

                  /-Jean LORBER
        /-Jean LORBER
        |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        |         /-Bernard WALTER
        \-Anna WALTER
                  |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            \-Marguerite LOOS

Descendants of Anne LORBER

  =André LOOS  Marriage: 6 JAN 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Jean LOOS
            3 Jean LOOS
              =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Anne LOOS
                    =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse LORBER
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                              6 Florent LORBER
                                =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 Albert LORBER
                                          8 Anna LORBER
                                          8 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                            =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                9 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Anne-Marie LORBER

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LORBER

        /-Jean LORBER
Anne-Marie LORBER
        |         /-Mathias LOOS
        \-Anne-Marie LOOS
                  |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  \-Anne ROHMER
                            |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            \-Agathe WEISS
                                      \-Anne REIBEL

Descendants of Anne-Marie LORBER

1 Anne-Marie LORBER
  =Georges SONTAG  Marriage: 8 MAY 1724, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Élisabeth SONTAG
        =Joseph FREY  Marriage: 15 FEB 1751, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Ignace FREY
              =Marie-Madeleine ROHMER  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                    =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Élisabeth FREY
                          =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace LORBER
                                =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
            3 Anne-Marie FREY
              =Jean Georges SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 27 NOV 1775, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph SCHAEFFER
                    =Thérèse SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1816, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marguerite SCHAEFFER
                          =François-Michel BURCKHARD  Marriage: 11 JAN 1854, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Joséphine BURCKHARD
                                =Auguste HOLTZ  Marriage: 19 JUL 1890
                                    7 Bernard HOLTZ
                                          8 Claude HOLTZ
                                                9 Jacques HOLTZ

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Anne-Marie LORBER

Ancestors of Anne-Marie LORBER

        /-Nicolas LORBER
Anne-Marie LORBER
        |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |         \-Anne GASS
        |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
        |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
        \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                  \-Ève FACKLER
                            \-Barbe WALTER

Descendants of Anne-Marie LORBER

1 Anne-Marie LORBER
  =Jean ROHMER  Marriage: 24 APR 1741, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Élisabeth ROHMER
        =François-Joseph JAEG  Marriage: 15 JUN 1780, Hilsenheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 François-Antoine JAEG
              =Thérèse KUHN  Marriage: 3 NOV 1818, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                  4 Catherine JAEG
                    =Blaise STIRMEL  Marriage: 23 OCT 1848, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                        5 Joséphine STIRMEL
                          =Jean FEIST  Marriage: 9 NOV 1886
                              6 Élisabeth FEIST
                                =Xavier HIRN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1911, Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                    7 Édouard HIRN
                                      =Paulette FRANTZ  Marriage: Wittisheim,67820,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Thérèse HIRN
                                            =Gilbert ROESCH
                                                9 Jean François ROESCH
                                                9 Michel ROESCH
                                                  =N.N. N.N.
                                                      10 N.N. ROESCH
                                                      10 N.N. ROESCH
                                                9 Pascale ROESCH
                              6 Marie FEIST
                                =André BIERSON
                                    7 Georgette BIERSON
                                          8 Françoise KAIZER
                                            =Laurent HAUVILLE

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Antoine LORBER

Ancestors of Antoine LORBER

                            /-Jean LORBER
                  /-Jean LORBER
                  |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        /-Georges LORBER
        |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         \-Anna WALTER
        |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
Antoine LORBER
        |                             /-Simon ROHMER
        |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
        |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         /-Martin ROHMER
        |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
        |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
        \-Jacobée ROHMER
                  |         /-Georges WALTER
                  \-Barbe WALTER
                            \-Marie ZAHNER

Descendants of Antoine LORBER

1 Antoine LORBER
  =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Antoine LORBER
        =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 François LORBER
              =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Jean LORBER
                    =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse LORBER
                          =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Ignace LORBER
                                =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY
                        5 Florent LORBER
                          =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                    7 Albert LORBER
                                    7 Anna LORBER
                                    7 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                      =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                          8 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                            =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
            3 Catherine LORBER
              =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Louis ROHMER
                    =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Mathias ROHMER
                          =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse ROHMER
                                =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Félix KEMPF
                                      =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Gertrude KEMPF
                                            =Albert CRIQUI
                                                9 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                  =Guy PFISTER
                                                      10 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                        =Nicolas GINTER
                                                            11 Maxime GINTER
                        5 Jean ROHMER
                          =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                      =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                            =Antoine EBY

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Antoine LORBER

Ancestors of Antoine LORBER

                                      /-Jean LORBER
                            /-Jean LORBER
                            |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                  /-Georges LORBER
                  |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         \-Anna WALTER
                  |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
        /-Antoine LORBER
        |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
        |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
        |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
        |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
        |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
        |                   \-Barbe WALTER
        |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
Antoine LORBER
        \-Catherine ROHMER

Descendants of Antoine LORBER

1 Antoine LORBER
  =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 François LORBER
        =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Jean LORBER
              =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse LORBER
                    =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse ROHMER
                          =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Félix KEMPF
                                =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Gertrude KEMPF
                                      =Albert CRIQUI
                                          8 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                            =Guy PFISTER
                                                9 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                  =Nicolas GINTER
                                                      10 Maxime GINTER
                  4 Jean LORBER
                    =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Ignace LORBER
                          =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                      =Antoine EBY
                  4 Florent LORBER
                    =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                              6 Albert LORBER
                              6 Anna LORBER
                              6 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                    7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                    7 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                      =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
      2 Catherine LORBER
        =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Louis ROHMER
              =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Mathias ROHMER
                    =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Thérèse ROHMER
                          =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Félix KEMPF
                                =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Gertrude KEMPF
                                      =Albert CRIQUI
                                          8 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                            =Guy PFISTER
                                                9 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                  =Nicolas GINTER
                                                      10 Maxime GINTER
                  4 Jean ROHMER
                    =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                          =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                      =Antoine EBY

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Camille Joseph LORBER

Ancestors of Camille Joseph LORBER

                                                                                        /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              /-Jean LORBER
                                                                              |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                                    /-Georges LORBER
                                                                    |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                                    |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                                    |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                                    |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          /-Antoine LORBER
                                                          |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                          |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                                          |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                                          |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                                          |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                                          |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                                                /-Antoine LORBER
                                                |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      /-François LORBER
                                      |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                                      |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                                      |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                                      |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                                      |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                      |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                      |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                      |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                                      |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                      |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                            /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                             /-André LOOS
                            |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                            |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
                            |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                            |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                            |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
                  /-Florent LORBER
                  |         |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
                  |         |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
                  |         |                   /-François ROHMER
                  |         |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |         |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |         \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
                  |                   |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                   |                   /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
                  |                   |         /-Antoine LOOS
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                   |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                   |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                   \-Marie Barbe LOOS
                  |                             |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                  |                             |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
                  |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                             \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |                                       |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  |                                       \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                  |                                                 |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                                                 \-Barbe ROHMER
                  |                                                           |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                  |                                                           \-Ève FACKLER
                  |                                                                     \-Barbe WALTER
        /-Joseph Florent LORBER
        |         |         /-Joseph ISSELE
        |         \-Marie Françoise ISSELE
        |                   \-Élisabeth LORBER
Camille Joseph LORBER
        \-Marie-Léonie RIEHL

Descendants of Camille Joseph LORBER

1 Camille Joseph LORBER
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Catherine LORBER

Ancestors of Catherine LORBER

                                                /-Jean LORBER
                                      /-Jean LORBER
                                      |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                            /-Georges LORBER
                            |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |         \-Anna WALTER
                            |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                  /-Antoine LORBER
                  |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                  |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                  |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                  |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                  |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                  |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                  |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                  |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
        /-Antoine LORBER
        |         \-Catherine ROHMER
Catherine LORBER
        |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
        \-Anne RINGEISEN
                  |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   /-Martin JONAS
                  |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                  |         /-Antoine JONAS
                  |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                  |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                  |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                            |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                            |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                            |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                            \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      \-Ève LOOS
                                                |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                                          \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Catherine LORBER

1 Catherine LORBER
  =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Louis ROHMER
        =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Mathias ROHMER
              =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse ROHMER
                    =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Félix KEMPF
                          =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Gertrude KEMPF
                                =Albert CRIQUI
                                    7 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                      =Guy PFISTER
                                          8 Nathalie PFISTER
                                            =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Maxime GINTER
            3 Jean ROHMER
              =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                    =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph HAUSS
                          =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                =Antoine EBY

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Eugénie LORBER

Ancestors of Eugénie LORBER

        /-Jean LORBER
Eugénie LORBER
        \-Caroline DOLL

Descendants of Eugénie LORBER

1 Eugénie LORBER
  =Georges KRAEMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1917, Olwisheim,67170,,,FR,
      2 Marie Mathilde KRAEMER
        =Georges WOLFF
            3 Martine WOLFF
              =Wolfgang GANZ

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Élisabeth LORBER

Descendants of Élisabeth LORBER

1 Élisabeth LORBER
  =Joseph ISSELE  Marriage: 10 JAN 1826, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie Françoise ISSELE
        =Florent LORBER  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Joseph Florent LORBER
              =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Albert LORBER
                  4 Anna LORBER
                  4 Camille Joseph LORBER
                    =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Joseph Florent LORBER
                    =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                        5 Jean-Marie LORBER
                          =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Florent LORBER

Ancestors of Florent LORBER

                                                                    /-Jean LORBER
                                                          /-Jean LORBER
                                                          |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                /-Georges LORBER
                                                |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      /-Antoine LORBER
                                      |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                      |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                      |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                      |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                      |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                            /-Antoine LORBER
                            |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  /-François LORBER
                  |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                  |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                  |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                  |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                  |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                             /-André LOOS
        |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
        |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         |         /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
        |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
Florent LORBER
        |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
        |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
        |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
        |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
        |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |                   /-François ROHMER
        |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
        |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
        |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
        \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
                  |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                   /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
                  |         /-Antoine LOOS
                  |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
                  |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
                  \-Marie Barbe LOOS
                            |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                            |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
                            |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                                      |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                                      |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                                      |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                                      |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                      |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                                                |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                                |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                                |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                                |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                                |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                                \-Barbe ROHMER
                                                          |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                                                          \-Ève FACKLER
                                                                    \-Barbe WALTER

Descendants of Florent LORBER

1 Florent LORBER
  =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Joseph Florent LORBER
        =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
            3 Albert LORBER
            3 Anna LORBER
            3 Camille Joseph LORBER
              =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Joseph Florent LORBER
              =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                  4 Jean-Marie LORBER
                    =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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François LORBER

Ancestors of François LORBER

                                                /-Jean LORBER
                                      /-Jean LORBER
                                      |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                            /-Georges LORBER
                            |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |         \-Anna WALTER
                            |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                  /-Antoine LORBER
                  |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                  |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                  |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                  |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                  |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                  |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                  |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                  |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
        /-Antoine LORBER
        |         \-Catherine ROHMER
François LORBER
        |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
        \-Anne RINGEISEN
                  |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   /-Martin JONAS
                  |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                  |         /-Antoine JONAS
                  |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                  |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                  |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                            |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                            |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                            |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                            \-Catherine ROHMER
                                      |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      \-Ève LOOS
                                                |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                                          \-Catherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of François LORBER

1 François LORBER
  =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Jean LORBER
        =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse LORBER
              =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Thérèse ROHMER
                    =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Félix KEMPF
                          =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Gertrude KEMPF
                                =Albert CRIQUI
                                    7 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                      =Guy PFISTER
                                          8 Nathalie PFISTER
                                            =Nicolas GINTER
                                                9 Maxime GINTER
            3 Jean LORBER
              =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace LORBER
                    =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                          =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                =Antoine EBY
            3 Florent LORBER
              =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Joseph Florent LORBER
                    =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                        5 Albert LORBER
                        5 Anna LORBER
                        5 Camille Joseph LORBER
                          =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                              6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Joseph Florent LORBER
                          =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                              6 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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François-Joseph LORBER

Ancestors of François-Joseph LORBER

        /-Martin LORBER
François-Joseph LORBER
        |                             /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |                   /-Martin ROHMER
        |                   |         \-Anna ROHMER
        |         /-Jacques ROHMER
        |         |         \-Ève EGENOLFF
        \-Marie Ève ROHMER
                  \-Catherine BREITENBUCHER

Descendants of François-Joseph LORBER

1 François-Joseph LORBER
  =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1754, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Madeleine LORBER
        =François Michel FRITSCH  Marriage: 22 NOV 1779, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Madeleine FRITSCH
              =François-Antoine WEISS  Marriage: 22 MAY 1805, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Françoise WEISS
                    =Martin LORBER  Marriage: 7 MAY 1828, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 François-Joseph FRITSCH
                  4 Joseph Louis FRITSCH
                    =Catherine GRAFF  Marriage: 9 FEB 1859, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Aloise FRITSCH
                          =Louise STAUB  Marriage: 25 APR 1898, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Anne FRITSCH
                          =Jules Léon SPIHLMANN  Marriage: 6 MAY 1912, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Marie Augustine SPIHLMANN
                                =Marie Jean Paul STEINMETZ  Marriage: 20 APR 1936, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                              6 Paul SPIHLMANN
                                    7 Jean Paul SPIHLMANN
                                    7 Marie-Thérèse SPIHLMANN
                                      =Paul FUCHS  Marriage: 6 OCT 1979, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Anne LORBER
        =Jean-Baptiste SCHNELL  Marriage: Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 François-Joseph SCHNELL
              =Marie-Françoise ANDLAUER  Marriage: 27 SEP 1820, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 François-Joseph SCHNELL
                    =Marie-Madeleine LERBS  Marriage: 14 MAR 1850, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Louise SCHNELL
                          =Modeste VASSORD  Marriage: 5 AUG 1883, Asnières,92600,Hauts-De-Seine,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
                              6 Henriette VASSORD
                                =Alfred Emmanuel Victor Paul VILLAIN-MARAIS  Marriage: 20 OCT 1905, Neuilly-Sur-Seine,92200,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
                                    7 Jean VILLAIN-MARAIS

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Georges LORBER

Ancestors of Georges LORBER

                  /-Jean LORBER
        /-Jean LORBER
        |         \-Marie HEINRICH
Georges LORBER
        |         /-Bernard WALTER
        \-Anna WALTER
                  |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            \-Marguerite LOOS

Descendants of Georges LORBER

1 Georges LORBER
  =Jacobée ROHMER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1688, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Antoine LORBER
        =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
            3 Antoine LORBER
              =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 François LORBER
                    =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Jean LORBER
                          =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Thérèse LORBER
                                =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                              6 Florent LORBER
                                =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                          8 Albert LORBER
                                          8 Anna LORBER
                                          8 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                            =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                9 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                  4 Catherine LORBER
                    =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Louis ROHMER
                          =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Mathias ROHMER
                                =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse ROHMER
                                      =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Félix KEMPF
                                            =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                  =Albert CRIQUI
                                                      10 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                        =Guy PFISTER
                                                            11 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                              =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                  12 Maxime GINTER
                              6 Jean ROHMER
                                =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                      =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                            =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY

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Ancestors of Ignace LORBER

                                                                              /-Jean LORBER
                                                                    /-Jean LORBER
                                                                    |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                          /-Georges LORBER
                                                          |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                          |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                          |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                          |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                          |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                /-Antoine LORBER
                                                |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                                |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                                |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                                |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                                |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                                |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                                |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                                |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                                |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                                      /-Antoine LORBER
                                      |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                            /-François LORBER
                            |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                            |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                            |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                            |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                            |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                            |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                            |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                            |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                            |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                            |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                            |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                            |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                            |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                            |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                            |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                            |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                            |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                            |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                            |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                            |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                            |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                            |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                            |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                            |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  /-Jean LORBER
                  |         |                             /-André LOOS
                  |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                  |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                  |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
        /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
        |         |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
        |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
        |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |         |                   /-François ROHMER
        |         |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
        |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
        |         \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
        |                   |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
        |                   |                   /-Mathias LOOS
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        |                   |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
        |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
        |                   |         /-Antoine LOOS
        |                   |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
        |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
        |                   |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |                   |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
        |                   |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                   |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
        |                   |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
        |                   \-Marie Barbe LOOS
        |                             |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                             |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
        |                             |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
        |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                             \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
        |                                       |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
        |                                       |         /-Jean STEPHEN
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
        |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
        |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
        |                                       |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        |                                       \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
        |                                                 |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                                                 |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Anne GASS
        |                                                 |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                                                 |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
        |                                                 \-Barbe ROHMER
        |                                                           |         /-Jacques FACKLER
        |                                                           \-Ève FACKLER
        |                                                                     \-Barbe WALTER
        |                             /-Joseph FREY
        |                   /-Ignace FREY
        |                   |         |                   /-Jean SONTAG
        |                   |         |         /-Georges SONTAG
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        |                   |         |         |         \-Eve JONAS
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Barbara BECK
        |                   |         \-Élisabeth SONTAG
        |                   |                   |         /-Jean LORBER
        |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie LORBER
        |                   |                             |         /-Mathias LOOS
        |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie LOOS
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |                                       |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |                   |                                       \-Anne ROHMER
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                   |                                                 \-Agathe WEISS
        |                   |                                                           \-Anne REIBEL
        |         /-François-Joseph Ignace FREY
        |         |         |                                                 /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |         |                                       /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |         |                             /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |         |         |                             |         \-Agathe WEISS
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne REIBEL
        |         |         |                   /-Antoine ROHMER
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques FACKLER
        |         |         |                   |         \-Ève FACKLER
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbe WALTER
        |         |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Rudolph RINGEISEN
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Martin RINGEISEN
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Martin RINGEISEN
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias RINGEISEN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Sigismond ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Agath HEINRICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anna ROHMER
        |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth RINGEISEN
        |         |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Nicolas ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Nicolas ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Thomas ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Thomann KIRSCHNER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite KIRSCHNER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Mergel BRAUN
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Thomas ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine REHM
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne MOPPERT
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anne ZAEPFEL
        |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
        |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine ROHMER
        |         |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        |         |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
        |         |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine JONAS
        |         |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |         |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
        |         |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
        |         |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
        |         |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
        |         |                                       \-Ève LOOS
        |         |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
        |         |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        \-Élisabeth FREY
                  |                   /-Sébastien KEMPF
                  |         /-François-Joseph KEMPF
                  |         |         |         /-Michel LEHMANN
                  |         |         \-Barbe LEHMANN
                  |         |                   \-Anne HOFFER
                  \-Élisabeth KEMPF
                            |                                                 /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                                       /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                                       |         \-Anne GASS
                            |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                            |                             |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                            |                             |         \-Agathe WEISS
                            |                             |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                            |                   /-Michel ROHMER
                            |                   |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                            |                   |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                            |                   |         \-Ève LOOS
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |                   |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                            |                   |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                            |         /-Antoine ROHMER
                            |         |         \-Marguerite LORBER
                            \-Élisabeth ROHMER
                                      |                   /-Mathias ROHMER
                                      |         /-Antoine ROHMER
                                      |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |         |         |         /-Jean WALTER
                                      |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |         |         \-Barbara WALTER
                                      |         |                   |         /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |         |                   \-Eve LOOS
                                      |         |                             \-Marie RAN
                                      \-Marie Élisabeth ROHMER

Descendants of Ignace LORBER

1 Ignace LORBER
  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Marie-Françoise LORBER
        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Françoise Élise HAUSS
              =Antoine EBY

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Ancestors of Jean LORBER

        /-Jean LORBER
        \-Marie HEINRICH

Descendants of Jean LORBER

  =Anna WALTER  Marriage: 5 FEB 1652, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne LORBER
        =André LOOS  Marriage: 6 JAN 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Jean LOOS
                  4 Jean LOOS
                    =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Marie-Anne LOOS
                          =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse LORBER
                                      =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                                    7 Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                9 Albert LORBER
                                                9 Anna LORBER
                                                9 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                  =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                      10 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
      2 Georges LORBER
        =Jacobée ROHMER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1688, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Antoine LORBER
              =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                  4 Antoine LORBER
                    =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François LORBER
                          =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Jean LORBER
                                =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Thérèse LORBER
                                      =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Ignace LORBER
                                            =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY
                                    7 Florent LORBER
                                      =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                9 Albert LORBER
                                                9 Anna LORBER
                                                9 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                  =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                      10 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                        5 Catherine LORBER
                          =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Louis ROHMER
                                =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Mathias ROHMER
                                      =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse ROHMER
                                            =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Félix KEMPF
                                                  =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                        =Albert CRIQUI
                                                            11 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                              =Guy PFISTER
                                                                  12 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                    =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                        13 Maxime GINTER
                                    7 Jean ROHMER
                                      =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                  =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                        =Antoine EBY

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Descendants of Jean LORBER

  =Anne-Marie LOOS  Marriage: 16 NOV 1693, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Anne-Marie LORBER
        =Georges SONTAG  Marriage: 8 MAY 1724, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Élisabeth SONTAG
              =Joseph FREY  Marriage: 15 FEB 1751, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Ignace FREY
                    =Marie-Madeleine ROHMER  Marriage: 3 FEB 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph Ignace FREY
                          =Élisabeth KEMPF  Marriage: 27 FEB 1810, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Élisabeth FREY
                                =Jean LORBER  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Ignace LORBER
                                      =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                            =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                  =Antoine EBY
                  4 Anne-Marie FREY
                    =Jean Georges SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 27 NOV 1775, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 François-Joseph SCHAEFFER
                          =Thérèse SCHAEFFER  Marriage: 18 JAN 1816, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marguerite SCHAEFFER
                                =François-Michel BURCKHARD  Marriage: 11 JAN 1854, Sermersheim,67230,,,FR,
                                    7 Joséphine BURCKHARD
                                      =Auguste HOLTZ  Marriage: 19 JUL 1890
                                          8 Bernard HOLTZ
                                                9 Claude HOLTZ
                                                      10 Jacques HOLTZ

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Descendants of Jean LORBER

  =Caroline DOLL
      2 Eugénie LORBER
        =Georges KRAEMER  Marriage: 12 NOV 1917, Olwisheim,67170,,,FR,
            3 Marie Mathilde KRAEMER
              =Georges WOLFF
                  4 Martine WOLFF
                    =Wolfgang GANZ

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Ancestors of Jean LORBER

                                                          /-Jean LORBER
                                                /-Jean LORBER
                                                |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                      /-Georges LORBER
                                      |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |         \-Anna WALTER
                                      |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                            /-Antoine LORBER
                            |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                            |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                            |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                            |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                            |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                            |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                            |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                            |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                            |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                            |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                            |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                  /-Antoine LORBER
                  |         \-Catherine ROHMER
        /-François LORBER
        |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
        |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
        |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
        |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
        |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
        |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
        |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
        |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
        |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
        |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
        |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
        |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
        |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
        |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
        |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
        |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
        |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
        |                                       \-Ève LOOS
        |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
        |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        |                             /-André LOOS
        |                   /-Jean LOOS
        |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
        |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
        |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
        |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         /-Jean LOOS
        \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                  \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER

Descendants of Jean LORBER

  =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Thérèse LORBER
        =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Thérèse ROHMER
              =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Félix KEMPF
                    =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Gertrude KEMPF
                          =Albert CRIQUI
                              6 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                =Guy PFISTER
                                    7 Nathalie PFISTER
                                      =Nicolas GINTER
                                          8 Maxime GINTER
      2 Jean LORBER
        =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Ignace LORBER
              =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                    =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                        5 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                          =Antoine EBY
      2 Florent LORBER
        =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Joseph Florent LORBER
              =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                  4 Albert LORBER
                  4 Anna LORBER
                  4 Camille Joseph LORBER
                    =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                        5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  4 Joseph Florent LORBER
                    =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                        5 Jean-Marie LORBER
                          =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,

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Ancestors of Jean LORBER

                                                                    /-Jean LORBER
                                                          /-Jean LORBER
                                                          |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                /-Georges LORBER
                                                |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      /-Antoine LORBER
                                      |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                      |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                      |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                      |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                      |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                            /-Antoine LORBER
                            |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  /-François LORBER
                  |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                  |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                  |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                  |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ROHMER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                  |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                  |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                  |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                  |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                  |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                  |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                  |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
        /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                             /-André LOOS
        |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
        |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
        |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
        |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
        |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
        |         |         /-Jean LOOS
        |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
        |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
        |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
        |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
        |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
        |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
        |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
        |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |                   /-François ROHMER
        |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
        |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
        |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MOERL
        |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
        \-Anne-Marie ROHMER
                  |                             /-Nicolas LOOS
                  |                   /-Mathias LOOS
                  |                   |         |         /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                  |                   |         \-Eve JONAS
                  |                   |                   |         /-Jean ROHMER
                  |                   |                   \-Catherine ROHMER
                  |                   |                             \-Barbara BECK
                  |         /-Antoine LOOS
                  |         |         |         /-Mathias LOOS
                  |         |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                  |         |                   |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
                  |         |                   \-Anne ROHMER
                  |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEISS
                  |         |                             \-Agathe WEISS
                  |         |                                       \-Anne REIBEL
                  \-Marie Barbe LOOS
                            |                             /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |                   /-Nicolas HEINRICH
                            |                   |         \-Marie MOERL
                            |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                            \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                                      |                   /-Georges STEPHEN
                                      |         /-Jean STEPHEN
                                      |         |         |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                      |         |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                      |         |         \-Catherine LOOS
                                      |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |         |                   \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                      |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      \-Anne-Marie STEPHEN
                                                |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                                |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                                |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                                |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                                |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                                \-Barbe ROHMER
                                                          |         /-Jacques FACKLER
                                                          \-Ève FACKLER
                                                                    \-Barbe WALTER

Descendants of Jean LORBER

  =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
      2 Ignace LORBER
        =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Marie-Françoise LORBER
              =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                    =Antoine EBY

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Descendants of Jean LORBER

      2 Jean LORBER
        =Anna WALTER  Marriage: 5 FEB 1652, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
            3 Anne LORBER
              =André LOOS  Marriage: 6 JAN 1684, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Jean LOOS
                        5 Jean LOOS
                          =Marie Barbe SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 FEB 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 Marie-Anne LOOS
                                =François LORBER  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse LORBER
                                            =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                                          8 Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                      10 Albert LORBER
                                                      10 Anna LORBER
                                                      10 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                        =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                            11 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
            3 Georges LORBER
              =Jacobée ROHMER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1688, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                  4 Antoine LORBER
                    =Catherine ROHMER  Marriage: 1726, Kogenheim,67230,,,FR,
                        5 Antoine LORBER
                          =Anne RINGEISEN  Marriage: 8 NOV 1756, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                              6 François LORBER
                                =Marie-Anne LOOS  Marriage: 20 JAN 1783, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Jean LORBER
                                      =Anne-Marie ROHMER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1809, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Thérèse LORBER
                                            =Mathias ROHMER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean LORBER
                                            =Élisabeth FREY  Marriage: 17 AUG 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Ignace LORBER
                                                  =Joséphine KEMPF  Marriage: 7 NOV 1880, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Marie-Françoise LORBER
                                                        =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY
                                          8 Florent LORBER
                                            =Marie Françoise ISSELE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1854, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                  =Marie-Léonie RIEHL  Marriage: 20 AUG 1900, Schaffhouse-Sur-Zorn,67270,,,FR,
                                                      10 Albert LORBER
                                                      10 Anna LORBER
                                                      10 Camille Joseph LORBER
                                                        =Louise EMMENDOERFER
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                            11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                                      10 Joseph Florent LORBER
                                                        =Marie-Joséphine KLEIN  Marriage: 1938
                                                            11 Jean-Marie LORBER
                                                              =Marie-Nicole DANEY  Marriage: 15 JUL 1966, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
                              6 Catherine LORBER
                                =François ROHMER  Marriage: 22 OCT 1781, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                    7 Louis ROHMER
                                      =Anne-Marie WEISS  Marriage: 18 NOV 1806, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                          8 Mathias ROHMER
                                            =Thérèse LORBER  Marriage: 19 APR 1839, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Thérèse ROHMER
                                                  =Hippolyte KEMPF  Marriage: 17 NOV 1873, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 Félix KEMPF
                                                        =Claire SCHLATTER  Marriage: 24 MAR 1913, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Gertrude KEMPF
                                                              =Albert CRIQUI
                                                                  12 Marie-Claire CRIQUI
                                                                    =Guy PFISTER
                                                                        13 Nathalie PFISTER
                                                                          =Nicolas GINTER
                                                                              14 Maxime GINTER
                                          8 Jean ROHMER
                                            =Françoise SCHLATTER  Marriage: 16 NOV 1846, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                9 Marie-Françoise ROHMER
                                                  =François-Joseph HAUSS  Marriage: 5 FEB 1872, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                      10 François-Joseph HAUSS
                                                        =Marie-Françoise LORBER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1908, Ebersheim,67600,,,FR,
                                                            11 Françoise Élise HAUSS
                                                              =Antoine EBY

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Jean-Marie LORBER

Ancestors of Jean-Marie LORBER

                                                                                                  /-Jean LORBER
                                                                                        /-Jean LORBER
                                                                                        |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                                                              /-Georges LORBER
                                                                              |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                                              |         \-Anna WALTER
                                                                              |                   |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                                                              |                   \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                                              |                             \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                                    /-Antoine LORBER
                                                                    |         |                             /-Simon ROHMER
                                                                    |         |                   /-Sigismond ROHMER
                                                                    |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LOOS
                                                                    |         |         /-Martin ROHMER
                                                                    |         |         |         |         /-Stéphane ROHMER
                                                                    |         |         |         \-Ursula ROHMER
                                                                    |         |         |                   \-Anna ROHMER
                                                                    |         \-Jacobée ROHMER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Georges WALTER
                                                                    |                   \-Barbe WALTER
                                                                    |                             \-Marie ZAHNER
                                                          /-Antoine LORBER
                                                          |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                                /-François LORBER
                                                |         |         /-Martin François RINGEISEN
                                                |         \-Anne RINGEISEN
                                                |                   |                             /-Pierre Ou Antoine JONAS
                                                |                   |                   /-Martin JONAS
                                                |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ROHMER
                                                |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara BECK
                                                |                   |         /-Antoine JONAS
                                                |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard WALTER
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                                |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                                |                   |         |         \-Ève WALTER
                                                |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Appolonie HEINRICH
                                                |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                                |                   \-Marie-Eve JONAS
                                                |                             |                             /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                             |                   /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                             |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                                |                             |         /-Wendelin ROHMER
                                                |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WEISS
                                                |                             |         |         \-Agathe WEISS
                                                |                             |         |                   \-Anne REIBEL
                                                |                             \-Catherine ROHMER
                                                |                                       |                   /-Nicolas LOOS
                                                |                                       |         /-Jean LOOS
                                                |                                       |         |         \-Marie RAN
                                                |                                       \-Ève LOOS
                                                |                                                 |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                |                                                 \-Catherine HEINRICH
                                                |                                                           \-Catherine ZIEGLER
                                      /-Jean LORBER
                                      |         |                             /-André LOOS
                                      |         |                   /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean LORBER
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LORBER
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HEINRICH
                                      |         |                   |         \-Anne LORBER
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Bernard WALTER
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Anna WALTER
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-Simon ROHMER
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite ROHMER
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LOOS
                                      |         |         /-Jean LOOS
                                      |         \-Marie-Anne LOOS
                                      |                   \-Marie Barbe SCHLATTER
                            /-Florent LORBER
                            |         |                                       /-Jacques ROHMER
                            |         |                             /-Antoine ROHMER
                            |         |                             |         |                   /-Stéphane ROHMER
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ROHMER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anna ROHMER
                            |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne ROHMER
                            |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth WALTER
                            |         |                   /-François ROHMER
                            |         |         /-François-Joseph ROHMER
                            |         |         |         |         /-Jean ROHMER
                            |         |         |         \-Marie Barbe ROHMER
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean HEINRICH
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HEINRICH