Ancestors of Joseph FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
- Birth: 22 NOV 1901, Eberbach,67470,,,FR,
- Death: 18 OCT 1987, Eberbach,67470,,,FR,
Descendants of Joséphine FOELLER
1 Joséphine FOELLER
2 Robert MULLER
3 Annie MULLER
=Arsène DECK
4 Victorien DECK
2 Marie Louise MULLER
- Partnership with: Éve FRITZ
Marriage: 7 FEB 1870, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Laurent FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Joseph FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Jean Martin WILHELM
| \-Anne-Marie WILHELM
| \-Marie Élisabeth KAST
| | | /-Hubert WALTER
| | \-Marie-Catherine WALTER
\-Marguerite BUCKENMEYER
| /-Antoine SCHILLING
| /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| /-Charles WALTER
\-Marie-Ève WALTER
\-Élisabeth WIRTH
Descendants of Laurent FOELLER
1 Laurent FOELLER
=Éve FRITZ Marriage: 7 FEB 1870, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
2 Catherine FOELLER
=Eugène GAUER Marriage: 30 JAN 1904, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
3 Madeleine Marie GAUER
=Joseph Jacques JOCHUM Marriage: 16 FEB 1933, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
4 Léopold JOCHUM
5 Michelle JOCHUM
3 Alphonse GAUER
=Marie Anne JOCHUM
- Father: Jean FOELLER
- Mother: Marguerite HELLFRIG
- Birth: 1752, Scheibenhard,67630,,,FR,
- Death: 22 DEC 1827, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine FOELLER
Madeleine FOELLER
\-Marguerite HELLFRIG
Descendants of Madeleine FOELLER
1 Madeleine FOELLER
2 Christine HEILMANN
=François Georges MULLER Marriage: 28 DEC 1806, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
3 Reine MULLER
=Martin WITTMER Marriage: 24 JAN 1833, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
4 Françoise WITTMER
=Sébastien RIIES Marriage: 4 FEB 1860, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
5 Joséphine RIIES
=Émilie LEIBEL Marriage: 3 JAN 1896, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
5 Joseph RIIES
=Catherine ILLIG Marriage: 14 NOV 1893, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
6 Eugène RIIES
=Joséphine BAYER Marriage: 30 MAY 1927, Niederlauterbach,67630,,,FR,
- Father: Jean FOELLER
- Mother: Marie Catherine SCHLICK
- Birth: 3 OCT 1718, Rohrbach,,,Pfalz,ALLEMAGNE,
- Death: 19 APR 1772, Rohrbach,,,Pfalz,ALLEMAGNE,
Ancestors of Marguerite FOELLER
Marguerite FOELLER
\-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
Ancestors of Marguerite FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
Marguerite FOELLER
| /-Michel RUFF
| /-Bernard RUFF
| | \-Marguerite HARTER
| /-Mathias RUFF
| | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
\-Barbe RUFF
Descendants of Marguerite FOELLER
1 Marguerite FOELLER
=Martin BALL
- Father: Martin FOELLER
- Mother: Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN
- Birth: 7 OCT 1892, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Death: 29 SEP 1962, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Laurent JUCHS
Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Georges WOLLIUNG
Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marguerite FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
/-Martin FOELLER
| | /-Michel RUFF
| | /-Bernard RUFF
| | | \-Marguerite HARTER
| | /-Mathias RUFF
| | | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
| \-Barbe RUFF
| \-Élisabeth BUCKENMEYER
Marguerite FOELLER
| /-Georges ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-Jean SIFFER
| | \-Brigitte SIFFER
| | | /-N.n. ULRICH
| | | /-Jacques ULRICH
| | | /-Jacques ULRICH
| | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | \-Anne-Marie ULRICH
| | \-Marie-Catherine PFISTER
| /-Georges ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | /-Jean-Jacques HOFFARTH
| | | | | /-Pierre DITZ ; DIEZ
| | | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | | /-Jean-Jacques HOFFART
| | | | \-Catherine MEYER
| | | /-Antoine HOFFARTH
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Antoine DENTINGER
| | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie Hélène Madeleine DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie EISENMANN
| | \-Élisabeth HOFFARTH
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Élisabeth SCHMITT
| | | /-Jean Bernard KINDER
| | \-Marie Élisabeth KINDER
| | | /-Adam BUCHHEIT
| | \-Christine BUCHHEIT
| | \-Marguerite LANG
| /-Ferdinand ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-N.N. SCHENCK
| | | /-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jacques JAEGER
| | | | \-Madeleine JAEGER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | | | /-N.N.1 PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Anne Cunégonde GEIST
| | | /-Mathias SCHENCK
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BEYER
| | \-Marie Ève SCHENCK
| | | /-Ignace Jacques FRIEDMANN
| | \-Catherine FRIEDMANN
| | \-Catherine KLEIN
\-Marie Anne KREITER
| /-Dominique KREITER
| /-Valentin KREITER
| | \-Marie Élisabeth JENTES
| /-Henri KREITER
| | \-Marie Ève SCHWARTZ
\-Marie Anne KREITER
| /-Michel MATERN
\-Anne Marie MATERN
Descendants of Marguerite FOELLER
1 Marguerite FOELLER
=Laurent JUCHS Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Rose Marie JUCHS
=Georges WOLLIUNG Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
2 Marie Rose WOLLIUNG
=Georges Antoine WALTER
=René Joseph MONSEL
Ancestors of Marguerite FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
/-Antoine FOELLER
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Antoine BAMBERGER
| | /-Antoine BAMBERGER
| | | \-Élisabeth KLIPFEL
| | /-Jacques BAMBERGER
| | | | /-N.N. SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Anna-Barbara FREY? ; GREYER?
| | | \-Marie-Catherine SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | \-Marie-Ève HOFFARTH
| | | | /-Pierre DITZ ; DIEZ
| | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | /-Joseph BAMBERGER
| | | | /-Joseph AMMANN
| | | | /-Joseph AMMANN
| | | | | | /-André EICHERT
| | | | | | /-André EICHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie EICHERT
| | | | | \-Ève SCHEFFLER
| | | \-Catherine HAMANN
| | | | /-Wendelin STAEBELL
| | | | /-Antoine STAEBELL
| | | | | \-Ève KOHLER
| | | \-Anne Marie STAEBELL
| | | | /-Jean Jacques GASSERT
| | | \-Marie Dorothée GASSERT
| | | | /-N.N.1 PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | \-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie Anne BAMBERGER
| | /-Jean FOELLER
| | /-Adam FOELLER
| | | \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| | /-Michel FOELLER
| | | \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
| \-Catherine FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
Marguerite FOELLER
| /-Joseph FRITZ
| /-Laurent FRITZ
| | \-Marguerite FRITZ
| /-Ambroise FRITZ
| | | /-François Georges HEILMANN
| | \-Catherine HEILMANN
| | \-Anne-Marie HASSLER
\-Marie-Anne FRITZ
| /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean-Michel PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| /-Jacques Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | /-André MAYER
| | \-Marguerite MAYER
| | \-Marie-Ève HAUSER
| /-Jacques Philipps PHILIPPS
| | | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | | /-Félix SCHILLING
| | | | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| | \-Marie Élisabeth SCHILLING
| | \-Élisabeth KREITER
| /-François Pierre PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jean TRUNTZER
| | | /-Louis TRUNTZER
| | | /-Jean Pierre TRUNTZER
| | | | | /-Jean MARGRAFF
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite MARGRAFF
| | | | \-Barbe CAUCH
| | \-Claire TRUNTZER
| | | /-Jean-Georges ERNST
| | \-Marie Angélique ERNST
| | \-Catherine TURSCHNER
\-Madeleine PHILIPPS
| /-Jean Adam KRAEMER
\-Françoise KRAEMER
| | | /-Michel HUBER
| | \-Anne Eve HUBER
| /-Jean KRAEMER
| /-Jean-Adam KRAEMER
| | \-Élisabeth STUDER
| /-Pierre KRAEMER
| | \-Anne-Marie MESSMER
\-Rosine Eve KRAEMER
| /-Jean-Jacques MATHERN
\-Anne Barbe MATTERN
\-Anna Catharina GROHNER - BRENGLER
Descendants of Marguerite FOELLER
1 Marguerite FOELLER
=Albert Jacques SCHMITT Marriage: 18 AUG 1939, Rombas,57591,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Guillaume CHÉRON
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Angélique HEMMER
Descendants of Marie Anne FOELLER
1 Marie Anne FOELLER
=Michel FOLZENLOGEL Marriage: 4 JUN 1906
2 Marguerite FOLZENLOGEL
- Father: Antoine FOELLER
- Mother: Marie-Anne FRITZ
- Birth: 31 DEC 1904, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
- Death: 24 OCT 1993, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie Anne FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
/-Antoine FOELLER
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Antoine BAMBERGER
| | /-Antoine BAMBERGER
| | | \-Élisabeth KLIPFEL
| | /-Jacques BAMBERGER
| | | | /-N.N. SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Anna-Barbara FREY? ; GREYER?
| | | \-Marie-Catherine SCHENCK
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | \-Marie-Ève HOFFARTH
| | | | /-Pierre DITZ ; DIEZ
| | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | /-Joseph BAMBERGER
| | | | /-Joseph AMMANN
| | | | /-Joseph AMMANN
| | | | | | /-André EICHERT
| | | | | | /-André EICHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie EICHERT
| | | | | \-Ève SCHEFFLER
| | | \-Catherine HAMANN
| | | | /-Wendelin STAEBELL
| | | | /-Antoine STAEBELL
| | | | | \-Ève KOHLER
| | | \-Anne Marie STAEBELL
| | | | /-Jean Jacques GASSERT
| | | \-Marie Dorothée GASSERT
| | | | /-N.N.1 PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | \-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie Anne BAMBERGER
| | /-Jean FOELLER
| | /-Adam FOELLER
| | | \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| | /-Michel FOELLER
| | | \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
| \-Catherine FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
Marie Anne FOELLER
| /-Joseph FRITZ
| /-Laurent FRITZ
| | \-Marguerite FRITZ
| /-Ambroise FRITZ
| | | /-François Georges HEILMANN
| | \-Catherine HEILMANN
| | \-Anne-Marie HASSLER
\-Marie-Anne FRITZ
| /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean-Michel PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| /-Jacques Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | /-André MAYER
| | \-Marguerite MAYER
| | \-Marie-Ève HAUSER
| /-Jacques Philipps PHILIPPS
| | | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | | /-Félix SCHILLING
| | | | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| | \-Marie Élisabeth SCHILLING
| | \-Élisabeth KREITER
| /-François Pierre PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jean TRUNTZER
| | | /-Louis TRUNTZER
| | | /-Jean Pierre TRUNTZER
| | | | | /-Jean MARGRAFF
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite MARGRAFF
| | | | \-Barbe CAUCH
| | \-Claire TRUNTZER
| | | /-Jean-Georges ERNST
| | \-Marie Angélique ERNST
| | \-Catherine TURSCHNER
\-Madeleine PHILIPPS
| /-Jean Adam KRAEMER
\-Françoise KRAEMER
| | | /-Michel HUBER
| | \-Anne Eve HUBER
| /-Jean KRAEMER
| /-Jean-Adam KRAEMER
| | \-Élisabeth STUDER
| /-Pierre KRAEMER
| | \-Anne-Marie MESSMER
\-Rosine Eve KRAEMER
| /-Jean-Jacques MATHERN
\-Anne Barbe MATTERN
\-Anna Catharina GROHNER - BRENGLER
Descendants of Marie Anne FOELLER
1 Marie Anne FOELLER
- Father: Martin FOELLER
- Mother: Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN
- Birth: 8 DEC 1896, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Death: 25 NOV 1956, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Laurent MEYER
Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie Odile FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
/-Martin FOELLER
| | /-Michel RUFF
| | /-Bernard RUFF
| | | \-Marguerite HARTER
| | /-Mathias RUFF
| | | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
| \-Barbe RUFF
| \-Élisabeth BUCKENMEYER
Marie Odile FOELLER
| /-Georges ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-Jean SIFFER
| | \-Brigitte SIFFER
| | | /-N.n. ULRICH
| | | /-Jacques ULRICH
| | | /-Jacques ULRICH
| | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | \-Anne-Marie ULRICH
| | \-Marie-Catherine PFISTER
| /-Georges ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | /-Jean-Jacques HOFFARTH
| | | | | /-Pierre DITZ ; DIEZ
| | | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | | /-Jean-Jacques HOFFART
| | | | \-Catherine MEYER
| | | /-Antoine HOFFARTH
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Antoine DENTINGER
| | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie Hélène Madeleine DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie EISENMANN
| | \-Élisabeth HOFFARTH
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Élisabeth SCHMITT
| | | /-Jean Bernard KINDER
| | \-Marie Élisabeth KINDER
| | | /-Adam BUCHHEIT
| | \-Christine BUCHHEIT
| | \-Marguerite LANG
| /-Ferdinand ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-N.N. SCHENCK
| | | /-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jacques JAEGER
| | | | \-Madeleine JAEGER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | | | /-N.N.1 PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Anne Cunégonde GEIST
| | | /-Mathias SCHENCK
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BEYER
| | \-Marie Ève SCHENCK
| | | /-Ignace Jacques FRIEDMANN
| | \-Catherine FRIEDMANN
| | \-Catherine KLEIN
\-Marie Anne KREITER
| /-Dominique KREITER
| /-Valentin KREITER
| | \-Marie Élisabeth JENTES
| /-Henri KREITER
| | \-Marie Ève SCHWARTZ
\-Marie Anne KREITER
| /-Michel MATERN
\-Anne Marie MATERN
Descendants of Marie Odile FOELLER
1 Marie Odile FOELLER
=Laurent MEYER Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
2 Pierre MEYER
3 Michèle MEYER
2 Annie MEYER
- Father: Martin FOELLER
- Mother: Marie Félicie WALLE
- Birth: 20 MAY 1882, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
- Death: 20 MAY 1965, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Marthe Alix FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Joseph FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Jean Martin WILHELM
| \-Anne-Marie WILHELM
| \-Marie Élisabeth KAST
/-Martin FOELLER
| | | | /-Hubert WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WALTER
| \-Marguerite BUCKENMEYER
| | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| | /-Charles WALTER
| \-Marie-Ève WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WIRTH
/-Martin FOELLER
| | /-N.N.1 PHILIPPS
| | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | /-Jean PHILIPPS
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Bernard PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Bernard PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FECHTER
| | | | /-Georges FECHTER
| | | | /-Jacques FECHTER
| | | | | \-Anne Catherine MAYER
| | | \-Anne Marie FECHTER
| | | | /-Michel WAGNER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
| | /-Philippe Henri PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges STRASSER
| | | | /-Jacques STRASSER
| | | | | \-Marie-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | /-François Antoine STRASSER
| | | | | | /-Laurent STECK
| | | | | \-Marguerite STECK
| | | | | | /-Jean FRITZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie FRITZ
| | | | | \-Anne KELHÖFFNER
| | | \-Madeleine STRASSER
| | | | /-Michel WAGNER
| | | \-Barbara WAGNER
| \-Barbe PHILIPPS
| \-Madeleine KUNTZ
Marthe Alix FOELLER
| /-Pierre Louis WALLE
| /-Claude Pierre François WALLE
| /-Vincent Charles Pierre WALLE
| /-Louis Marie Théodore WALLE
| | \-Marguerite BENOIST
| /-Charles Marie Felix WALLE
\-Marie Félicie WALLE
Descendants of Marthe Alix FOELLER
1 Marthe Alix FOELLER
2 Marius Auguste Edmond OPFERMANN
3 Jean Marius OPFERMANN
4 Philippe OPFERMANN
- Partnership with: Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN
Marriage: 21 SEP 1891, Aschbach,67250,,,FR,
- Child: Marguerite FOELLER Birth: 7 OCT 1892, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Marie Odile FOELLER Birth: 8 DEC 1896, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
Ancestors of Martin FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
| /-Michel RUFF
| /-Bernard RUFF
| | \-Marguerite HARTER
| /-Mathias RUFF
| | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
\-Barbe RUFF
Descendants of Martin FOELLER
1 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN Marriage: 21 SEP 1891, Aschbach,67250,,,FR,
2 Marguerite FOELLER
=Laurent JUCHS Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Rose Marie JUCHS
=Georges WOLLIUNG Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
3 Marie Rose WOLLIUNG
=Georges Antoine WALTER
=René Joseph MONSEL
2 Marie Odile FOELLER
=Laurent MEYER Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
3 Pierre MEYER
4 Michèle MEYER
3 Annie MEYER
- Father: Martin FOELLER
- Mother: Barbe PHILIPPS
- Birth: 26 APR 1863, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
- Occupation: Menuisier
- Death: 24 JAN 1898, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
- Partnership with: Marie Félicie WALLE
Marriage: 10 NOV 1888, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
Ancestors of Martin FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Joseph FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Jean Martin WILHELM
| \-Anne-Marie WILHELM
| \-Marie Élisabeth KAST
/-Martin FOELLER
| | | | /-Hubert WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WALTER
| \-Marguerite BUCKENMEYER
| | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| | /-Charles WALTER
| \-Marie-Ève WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WIRTH
| /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Bernard PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| /-Bernard PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jean-Georges FECHTER
| | | /-Georges FECHTER
| | | /-Jacques FECHTER
| | | | \-Anne Catherine MAYER
| | \-Anne Marie FECHTER
| | | /-Michel WAGNER
| | \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
| /-Philippe Henri PHILIPPS
| | | /-Jean-Georges STRASSER
| | | /-Jacques STRASSER
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | /-François Antoine STRASSER
| | | | | /-Laurent STECK
| | | | \-Marguerite STECK
| | | | | /-Jean FRITZ
| | | | \-Anne-Marie FRITZ
| | | | \-Anne KELHÖFFNER
| | \-Madeleine STRASSER
| | | /-Michel WAGNER
| | \-Barbara WAGNER
\-Madeleine KUNTZ
Descendants of Martin FOELLER
1 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Félicie WALLE Marriage: 10 NOV 1888, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
2 Marthe Alix FOELLER
3 Marius Auguste Edmond OPFERMANN
4 Jean Marius OPFERMANN
5 Philippe OPFERMANN
- Partnership with: Barbe PHILIPPS
Marriage: 10 NOV 1862, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Martin FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Joseph FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Antoine FOELLER
| | /-Jean Martin WILHELM
| \-Anne-Marie WILHELM
| \-Marie Élisabeth KAST
| | | /-Hubert WALTER
| | \-Marie-Catherine WALTER
\-Marguerite BUCKENMEYER
| /-Antoine SCHILLING
| /-Antoine SCHILLING
| | \-Élisabeth JOACHIM
| /-Charles WALTER
\-Marie-Ève WALTER
\-Élisabeth WIRTH
Descendants of Martin FOELLER
1 Martin FOELLER
=Barbe PHILIPPS Marriage: 10 NOV 1862, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
2 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Félicie WALLE Marriage: 10 NOV 1888, Reims,51000,Marne,Champagne-Ardennes,FRANCE,
3 Marthe Alix FOELLER
4 Marius Auguste Edmond OPFERMANN
5 Jean Marius OPFERMANN
6 Philippe OPFERMANN
Ancestors of Mathias FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
| /-Michel RUFF
| /-Bernard RUFF
| | \-Marguerite HARTER
| /-Mathias RUFF
| | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
\-Barbe RUFF
Descendants of Mathias FOELLER
1 Mathias FOELLER
2 Alfred FOELLER
=Madeleine SCHMUCK
- Father: Michel FOELLER
- Mother: Marie-Éva SCHALLER
- Birth: 13 OCT 1798, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Occupation: laboureur
- Death: 4 MAR 1870, Eberbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
\-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
=Marie-Anne HEINTZELMANN Marriage: 25 NOV 1828, Eberbach,67470,,,FR,
2 Antoine FOELLER
=Marie Anne BAMBERGER Marriage: 25 SEP 1855, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
3 Antoine FOELLER
=Marie-Anne FRITZ Marriage: 28 APR 1902, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
4 Marie Anne FOELLER
4 Marguerite FOELLER
=Albert Jacques SCHMITT Marriage: 18 AUG 1939, Rombas,57591,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Guillaume CHÉRON
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Angélique HEMMER
2 Joseph FOELLER
2 Michel FOELLER
- Father: Adam FOELLER
- Mother: Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
- Birth: 1 APR 1764, Allemagne,,,,ALLEMAGNE,
- Death: 14 MAR 1830, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Éva SCHALLER
- Child: Catherine FOELLER Birth: 1796, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
- Child: Michel FOELLER Birth: 13 OCT 1798, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Éva FOLLER Birth: 1804, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
2 Catherine FOELLER
=Joseph BAMBERGER Marriage: 1813, Oberroedern,67250,,,FR,
3 Caroline BAMBERGER
=Jacques SCHNEIDER Marriage: 22 JAN 1849, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
4 Ferdinand SCHNEIDER
=Marie Joséphine PICHANCOURT Marriage: 22 DEC 1891, Chaligny,54230,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
3 Marie Anne BAMBERGER
=Antoine FOELLER Marriage: 25 SEP 1855, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
4 Antoine FOELLER
=Marie-Anne FRITZ Marriage: 28 APR 1902, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
5 Marie Anne FOELLER
5 Marguerite FOELLER
=Albert Jacques SCHMITT Marriage: 18 AUG 1939, Rombas,57591,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Guillaume CHÉRON
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Angélique HEMMER
2 Michel FOELLER
=Marie-Anne HEINTZELMANN Marriage: 25 NOV 1828, Eberbach,67470,,,FR,
3 Antoine FOELLER
=Marie Anne BAMBERGER Marriage: 25 SEP 1855, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
4 Antoine FOELLER
=Marie-Anne FRITZ Marriage: 28 APR 1902, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
5 Marie Anne FOELLER
5 Marguerite FOELLER
=Albert Jacques SCHMITT Marriage: 18 AUG 1939, Rombas,57591,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Guillaume CHÉRON
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Angélique HEMMER
3 Joseph FOELLER
3 Michel FOELLER
=Joseph BALL Marriage: 1828, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
3 Jacques BALL
=Éva BALL Marriage: 1867, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
3 Laurent BALL
=Marie-Éva BOGNER Marriage: 1864, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
3 Ferdinand BALL
=Marguerite GERHARDY Marriage: 1871, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
- Father: Paul FOELLER
- Mother: Anne-Marie KOEBEL
- Birth: 10 DEC 1792, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Death: 5 MAR 1823, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marguerite WOLFF
- Child: Catherine FOELLER Birth: 23 JUN 1816, Trimbach,67470,,,FR,
- Child: Michel FOELLER Birth: 22 JUL 1820, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Jacques FOELLER Birth: 25 MAY 1823, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
\-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
=Marguerite WOLFF
2 Catherine FOELLER
=André FRITZ
2 Michel FOELLER
=Barbe RUFF
3 Marguerite FOELLER
=Martin BALL
3 Michel FOELLER
=Catherine FOELLER
4 Eugène FOELLER
=Marie-Louise VOGLER
5 Eugène Émile FOELLER
=Antoinette SCHERRER
3 Mathias FOELLER
4 Alfred FOELLER
=Madeleine SCHMUCK
3 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN Marriage: 21 SEP 1891, Aschbach,67250,,,FR,
4 Marguerite FOELLER
=Laurent JUCHS Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Rose Marie JUCHS
=Georges WOLLIUNG Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
5 Marie Rose WOLLIUNG
=Georges Antoine WALTER
=René Joseph MONSEL
4 Marie Odile FOELLER
=Laurent MEYER Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
5 Pierre MEYER
6 Michèle MEYER
5 Annie MEYER
2 Jacques FOELLER
=Élisabeth PETER
- Father: Michel FOELLER
- Mother: Barbe RUFF
- Birth: 20 DEC 1847, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Death: 30 SEP 1911, Mulhouse,68100,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marguerite WOLFF
| /-Michel RUFF
| /-Bernard RUFF
| | \-Marguerite HARTER
| /-Mathias RUFF
| | | /-Jean Thébaud SCHNITTER
| | \-Marie Barbe SCHNITER
| | \-Marguerite ZEITLER
\-Barbe RUFF
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
=Catherine FOELLER
2 Eugène FOELLER
=Marie-Louise VOGLER
3 Eugène Émile FOELLER
=Antoinette SCHERRER
- Death: 5 MAY 1809, Hunspach,67250,,,FR,
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
=Michel HERR Marriage: 24 AUG 1824, Ingolsheim,67250,,,FR,
3 Georges HERR
3 Salomé HERR
3 Georges HERR
- Father: Michel FOELLER
- Mother: Marguerite WOLFF
- Birth: 22 JUL 1820, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Occupation: garde champêtre
- Death: 27 FEB 1890, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Barbe RUFF
- Child: Marguerite FOELLER Birth: 19 APR 1844, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Michel FOELLER Birth: 20 DEC 1847, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Mathias FOELLER Birth: 14 FEB 1859, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Martin FOELLER Birth: 2 DEC 1862, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Anne-Marie KOEBEL
\-Marguerite WOLFF
Descendants of Michel FOELLER
1 Michel FOELLER
=Barbe RUFF
2 Marguerite FOELLER
=Martin BALL
2 Michel FOELLER
=Catherine FOELLER
3 Eugène FOELLER
=Marie-Louise VOGLER
4 Eugène Émile FOELLER
=Antoinette SCHERRER
2 Mathias FOELLER
3 Alfred FOELLER
=Madeleine SCHMUCK
2 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN Marriage: 21 SEP 1891, Aschbach,67250,,,FR,
3 Marguerite FOELLER
=Laurent JUCHS Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Rose Marie JUCHS
=Georges WOLLIUNG Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
4 Marie Rose WOLLIUNG
=Georges Antoine WALTER
=René Joseph MONSEL
3 Marie Odile FOELLER
=Laurent MEYER Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
4 Pierre MEYER
5 Michèle MEYER
4 Annie MEYER
Ancestors of Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
/-Michel FOELLER
| \-Marie-Éva SCHALLER
- Father: Adam FOELLER
- Mother: Catherine CHRISTOPHEL
- Birth: 12 MAY 1761, Rohrbach,,,Pfalz,ALLEMAGNE,
- Death: 1810, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne-Marie KOEBEL
- Child: Michel FOELLER Birth: 10 DEC 1792, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
- Child: Catherine FOELLER Birth: 29 DEC 1794, Niederseebach,67160,,,FR,
Ancestors of Paul FOELLER
| \-Marie Catherine SCHLICK
Descendants of Paul FOELLER
=Anne-Marie KOEBEL
2 Michel FOELLER
=Marguerite WOLFF
3 Catherine FOELLER
=André FRITZ
3 Michel FOELLER
=Barbe RUFF
4 Marguerite FOELLER
=Martin BALL
4 Michel FOELLER
=Catherine FOELLER
5 Eugène FOELLER
=Marie-Louise VOGLER
6 Eugène Émile FOELLER
=Antoinette SCHERRER
4 Mathias FOELLER
5 Alfred FOELLER
=Madeleine SCHMUCK
4 Martin FOELLER
=Marie Anne ZIMMERMANN Marriage: 21 SEP 1891, Aschbach,67250,,,FR,
5 Marguerite FOELLER
=Laurent JUCHS Marriage: 21 JUN 1915, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Rose Marie JUCHS
=Georges WOLLIUNG Marriage: 16 MAY 1919, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
6 Marie Rose WOLLIUNG
=Georges Antoine WALTER
=René Joseph MONSEL
5 Marie Odile FOELLER
=Laurent MEYER Marriage: 27 OCT 1920, Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
6 Pierre MEYER
7 Michèle MEYER
6 Annie MEYER
3 Jacques FOELLER
=Élisabeth PETER
2 Catherine FOELLER
=Pierre BEYER
- Partnership with: Antoine OBER
Marriage: 15 FEB 1817, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Joseph WEIBEL
Marriage: 15 JUN 1836, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie Thérèse FOELLINGER
| | /-Jean WENDLING
| | /-Théobalt WENDLING
| | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | /-Adam KRIEGER
| \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | \-Odile ACKER
| \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| \-Marie SCHMID
| | /-Adam VIX
| | /-Antoine VIX
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean VIX
| | | \-Christine WEISS
| | /-Laurent VIX
| | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Anna VIX
| | /-Adam ROEHRY
| \-Elisabeth ROEHRY
| | /-Hanï WALTER
| | /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| \-Véronique WALTER
| | /-Jean WENDEL
| | /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
| \-Anne WENDEL
| \-Catherine N.N.
Marie Thérèse FOELLINGER
| /-Jean LOYSON
| /-Henry LOYSON
| /-Nicolas LOYSON
| /-Eberhard LOYSON
| | | /-François KAPLER
| | | /-Jean KAPLER
| | \-Catherine KAPLER
| /-Balthazar LOYSON
| | | /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
| | | | \-Gabrielle NICLAUS
| | \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
| /-Martin LOYSON
| | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | /-Matthias WIND
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Christine WIND
| | | /-Jean Léonard BECKER
| | | /-Daniel BECKER
| | \-Élisabeth BECKER
| | | /-Jean DE CREQUY
| | | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | | | \-Jacqueline D'INCHY
| | | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-Jean DE MANSEL
| | | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | | | \-Colaie JOURNE
| | | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | | /-Philippe IMMERSELLE
| | | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | | | \-Marie VAN DAELE
| | | /-Antoine François DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-André DE LANNOY
| | | | \-Jeanne Lamberte DE LANNOY
| | | | \-Marie DU CHASTEL
| | \-Suzanne CRIQUI
\-Catherine LOYSON
| /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| /-Jean TRENDEL
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Mathias TRENDEL
| | \-Anne-Marie HALTER
\-Anne-Marie TRENDEL
| /-Christian ZAHN
\-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
\-Gertrude N.N.
Descendants of Marie Thérèse FOELLINGER
1 Marie Thérèse FOELLINGER
=Antoine OBER Marriage: 15 FEB 1817, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
2 Antoine OBER
=Joseph WEIBEL Marriage: 15 JUN 1836, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
2 Catherine WEIBEL
=Florent MULLER Marriage: 21 NOV 1859, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
3 Auguste MULLER
=Anne GRUN Marriage: 1 FEB 1896, Scherlenheim,67270,,,FR,
4 Auguste MULLER
=Marie MEYER Marriage: 1 JUN 1926, Mittelschaeffolsheim,67170,,,FR,
5 Anne-Marie MULLER
=Louis Guy VALERO
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Jacques LOTH
- Partnership with: Laurent KELLER
Marriage: 2 JUL 1743, Bossendorf,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Mathieu LINDER
Marriage: 24 APR 1759, Ettendorf,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie FOELMEL
/-Michel FEMLING
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
\-Anne-Marie HANS
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Anne-Marguerite KLADI
| /-Georges ECK
\-Catherine ECK
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Marie FOELMEL
=Laurent KELLER Marriage: 2 JUL 1743, Bossendorf,67270,,,FR,
2 Anne-Marie KELLER
=Mathieu LINDER Marriage: 24 APR 1759, Ettendorf,67350,,,FR,
- Father: François Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Anne HEID
- Birth: 18 APR 1824, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: maçon
- Death: 19 JAN 1900, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Rosine VIX
Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Aloïse FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-François Antoine FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
Aloïse FOELS
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | /-Jean WENDER
| | \-Barbara WENDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| /-Michel HEID
| | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
\-Anne HEID
| /-Jean TIERCE
| /-Simon TIERCE
| /-Charles TIERSE
| | \-Barbe LE COQ
| /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | \-Catherine ADAM
\-Marguerite THIERSE
\-Catherine SCHISSLER
\-Anna LUCIN
Descendants of Aloïse FOELS
1 Aloïse FOELS
=Rosine VIX Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
5 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Jean FOELS
- Mother: Anne-Catherine KELLER
- Birth: 17 DEC 1757, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: maréchal-ferrant
- Death: 10 APR 1810, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Odile NESTELHUT
Marriage: 17 FEB 1784, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph FOELS Birth: 14 MAR 1785, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: François Antoine FOELS Birth: 8 NOV 1786, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Jean-Baptiste FOELS Birth: 26 AUG 1797, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Odile FELS Birth: 12 NOV 1799, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Marie-Anne FOELS Birth: 10 APR 1808, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Antoine FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
Antoine FOELS
| /-Joseph KELLER
\-Anne-Catherine KELLER
\-Anne HUBER
Descendants of Antoine FOELS
1 Antoine FOELS
=Odile NESTELHUT Marriage: 17 FEB 1784, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Joseph FOELS
=Anne-Marie GRASSER Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 François Antoine FOELS
=Catherine WALTER
=Anne HEID Marriage: 24 DEC 1812, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Pauline FOELS
=Jean Michel MICHEL Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
4 Pauline MICHEL
=Wendelin WOLFF Marriage: 20 MAR 1873, Friedolsheim,67145,,,FR,
5 Marie Joséphine WOLFF
=Joseph Alphonse ANTONI Marriage: 5 AUG 1904, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
6 Jules Alphonse ANTONI
=Marie-Françoise SUR Marriage: 19 NOV 1949, Wasselonne,67310,,,FR,
7 Delphine ANTONI
8 Sylviane FOSSE
=Jean Aloise HAUBER Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
4 Marie HAUBER
=Jacques WILL Marriage: 6 FEB 1882, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
3 François-Joseph FOELS
=Marie Rosine OBERMEYER Marriage: 18 NOV 1851, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
4 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
5 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
6 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
3 Aloïse FOELS
=Rosine VIX Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
6 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
7 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Jean-Baptiste FOELS
=Marie-Catherine GRASSER Marriage: 15 FEB 1825, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
3 Odile FOELS
3 Antoine FOELS
3 Joseph FOELS
2 Odile FELS
=François Antoine ZILLER Marriage: 9 MAY 1821, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Marie-Anne FOELS
=Pierre DISS Marriage: 12 JAN 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Father: Jean-Baptiste FOELS
- Mother: Marie-Catherine GRASSER
- Birth: 1828, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Death: 24 SEP 1842, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Antoine FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-Jean-Baptiste FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
Antoine FOELS
| /-Michel GRASSER
| /-Diebold GRASSER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel GRASSER
| | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | \-Barbara KIEFFER
| | \-Marie GRASSER
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | \-Marie WECKEL
| | \-Éva RIEHL
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | | \-Véronica GRAD
| | \-Anne KAPP
| | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | \-Marguerite STOLL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | \-Anne DEBES
| | \-Catherine LAPP
\-Marie-Catherine GRASSER
| /-Jacques OCKART
\-Madeleine OCKARD
\-Catherine DIEBOLD
- Father: Louis-Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Salomé HUSS
- Birth: 30 JUL 1854, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 23 OCT 1918, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Sophie HUBER
Marriage: 17 JAN 1882, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Antoine FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | /-Philippe IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie VAN DAELE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean II DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | | | \-Nicole BOURNEL
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Thomas DE BALZAC
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
Antoine FOELS
| /-Martin HUSS
\-Salomé HUSS
\-Marie LUTZ
Descendants of Antoine FOELS
1 Antoine FOELS
=Sophie HUBER Marriage: 17 JAN 1882, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Louis FOELS
=Rosalie BRUCKER Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
2 Joséphine FOELS
3 Léonie GILLIG
4 Chantal WENDLING
=Henri BENE
5 Aline BENE
Ancestors of Antoine FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Mathieu FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Pierre LAUTH
| | /-André LAUTH
| | | \-Marie SONTAG
| | /-Jean LAUTH
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Joseph LAUTH
| | | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Adam SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Vincent LAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Oswald Diebold ACKER
| | | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine BILLMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean BRAUN
| | | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | | | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Barbara SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | | /-Pierre GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie KRAUTH
| | | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Marie FEURABENT
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWILLER
| | | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Brigitte TRUTTMANN
| | | | /-André FRISCH
| | | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| \-Marie-Catherine LAUTH
| | /-Symphorien SCHERER
| | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | /-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | | | | | /-Jean BLAES
| | | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | \-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | /-Antoine ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie ANSTETT
| | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | /-Michel FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Christine FRESCH
| | | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| \-Barbe SCHERER
| | /-Lienhard MULLER
| | /-Jean Adam MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MEYER
| \-Caroline MULLER
| | /-Martin HEROLD
| | /-Martin HIROLD
| | | \-Barbara SCHMUTZ
| \-Gertrude HIROLD
| | /-Michel OBERLE
| \-Catherine OBERLIN
| \-Anne-Marie GUTKUNST
Antoine FOELS
| /-Jacques STORCK
| /-Martin STORCK
| /-Michel STORCK
| | \-Marguerite SCHLOEGEL
| /-Joseph STORCK
| | | /-Jean DURRENBACH
| | | /-Georges DURRENBACH
| | | | \-Jacobée SCHWARTZ
| | \-Véronique BENDER
| /-Michel STORCK
| | | /-Diebold HIGEL
| | \-Brigitte HIGEL
| | \-Marguerite SPEICH
| /-Jean Michel STORCK
| | \-Anne-Marie SIGRIST
| /-Michel STARCK
| | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | \-Marie ELLMINGER
| | \-Anne BURGARD
| | | /-Michel LUX
| | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | \-Marie HASSE
| | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | | /-Jean BENDER
| | | | \-Anne BENDER
| | | | \-Catherine JUNGHANSEN
| | \-Catherine LUX
| | | /-Jean-Jacques BRECH
| | \-Marie BRECH
| /-Nicolas STARCK
| | | /-Pierre OHL
| | | /-Nicolas OHL
| | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | \-Anne OHL
| | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | \-Marie HEID
| | \-Catherine BIRGEL
| | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | \-Madeleine WALTER
\-Marie STARCK
| /-André BAEHR
| /-Georges BAEHR
| | | /-André BIETH
| | \-Brigitte BIETH
| | | /-Diebolt KIEFFER
| | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | | \-Ursule SCHMITTBIEHL
| | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | /-Nicolas SCHOTT
| | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| /-Jean BAEHR
| | | /-Charles BECK
| | | /-Georges BECK
| | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | /-Michel BECK
| | | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | \-Madeleine BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | \-Marie HEID
| | \-Catherine BECK
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Vix MARX
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | | \-Marie MATZINGER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Michel FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | /-Laurent FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHÖTTEL
| | | | \-Éve SCHÖTTEL
| | | | \-Barbara STOLL
| | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | \-Marguerite CLAUS
| | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | \-Odile HARTZ
| | | /-Diebold DENNINGER
| | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | /-Euchary Nicolas Zacharie EUCHART
| | \-Apolonia EUCHART
\-Anne BAEHR
| | \-Marie SOMMER
| | | /-Martin GANTZER
| | | /-Sébastien GANTZER
| | | | \-Marie CLOCK
| | \-Anne GANTZER
| | | /-Michel MEHL
| | \-Marie MEHL
| | | /-Henri STRAESSER
| | \-Anne STRAESSER
| | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Jean ERHARD
| | | /-Jean EHRHART
| | | | | /-Nicolas BURGER
| | | | | /-Jean BURGER
| | | | | | | /-Pierre MENTZ
| | | | | | \-Anne MENTZ
| | | | \-Catherine BURGER
| | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | /-Bernard NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas METZ
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MUETZ
| | | | | | \-Walburge N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite NONNENMACHER
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Anne EHRHART
| | | /-Philippe HALBWACHS
| | | /-Laurent HALBWACHS
| | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | /-Jean HALBWACHS
| | | | | /-Michel GÖRG
| | | | \-Marguerite GÖRG
| | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | \-Marguerite HALBWACHS
| | | /-Joachim AMBSINGER
| | | /-Michel AMBSINGER
| | | | \-Odile N.N
| | \-Anne AMBSINGER
\-Marie-Anne KRAEHLING
| /-Marcus WERLE
| /-Matthias WERLE
| | \-Catherine WESTERMANN
| /-Jean-Georges WERLE
| | | /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
| | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth DIEBOLT
| | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | \-Barbara ARTH
| | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| /-Michel WERLE
| | | /-André SCHWARTZ
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | \-Anna FAESSEL
\-Thérèse WERLE
| /-Christmann OHL
| /-Diebold OHL
| | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| /-Diebolt OHL
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
| /-Antoine OHL
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | \-Barbara STEINMETZ
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Anne-Marie OHL
| /-Jean-Jacques ROTHAN
| /-Jean-Michel ROTHAN
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHMID
\-Anne Catherine ROTHAN
\-Élisabeth KARIUS
Descendants of Antoine FOELS
1 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
2 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
3 Jean Louis FOELS
- Father: François-Joseph FOELS
- Mother: Marie Rosine OBERMEYER
- Birth: 9 NOV 1855, Rochester,,,New York,USA,
- Death: 1941, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
Ancestors of Élisabeth FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-François Antoine FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
/-François-Joseph FOELS
| | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | | /-Jean WENDER
| | | \-Barbara WENDER
| | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | /-Michel HEID
| | | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
| \-Anne HEID
| | /-Jean TIERCE
| | /-Simon TIERCE
| | /-Charles TIERSE
| | | \-Barbe LE COQ
| | /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| | /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | \-Éva SCHWEINLI
| \-Marguerite THIERSE
| | /-Jean SCHISSLER
| \-Catherine SCHISSLER
| \-Anna LUCIN
Élisabeth FOELS
| /-François-Joseph OBERMEYER
\-Marie Rosine OBERMEYER
\-Mathilde FECHT
| /-Jean UHRING
| /-Georges UHRING
| | \-Marguerite Catherine BIEBER
| /-Jean Étienne UHRING
| /-Joseph UHRING
| | | /-Jean DENNINGER
| | | /-Jean DENNINGER
| | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | /-Jean DENNINGER
| | | | | /-Pierre VELTIN
| | | | \-Éva VELTIN
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Marguerite DENNINGER
| | | /-Antoine ADAM
| | | /-Bastian ADAM
| | \-Élisabeth ADAM
| | \-N.N. N.N.
\-Marie Hélène UHRING
| /-Pierre KLÖCKLER
\-Anne-Marie KLÖCKLER
\-Marguerite OTT
Descendants of Élisabeth FOELS
1 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
2 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
3 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
- Father: François Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Anne HEID
- Birth: 7 NOV 1815, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: tailleur de pierres
- Death: ABT 1875, Rochester,,,New York,USA,
Ancestors of François-Joseph FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-François Antoine FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
François-Joseph FOELS
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | /-Jean WENDER
| | \-Barbara WENDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| /-Michel HEID
| | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
\-Anne HEID
| /-Jean TIERCE
| /-Simon TIERCE
| /-Charles TIERSE
| | \-Barbe LE COQ
| /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | \-Catherine ADAM
\-Marguerite THIERSE
\-Catherine SCHISSLER
\-Anna LUCIN
Descendants of François-Joseph FOELS
1 François-Joseph FOELS
=Marie Rosine OBERMEYER Marriage: 18 NOV 1851, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
2 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
3 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
4 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
- Father: Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Odile NESTELHUT
- Birth: 8 NOV 1786, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: maréchal-ferrant
- Death: 24 JUN 1829, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Catherine WALTER
- Partnership with: Anne HEID
Marriage: 24 DEC 1812, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Pauline FOELS Birth: 15 SEP 1813, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: François-Joseph FOELS Birth: 7 NOV 1815, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Aloïse FOELS Birth: 18 APR 1824, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of François Antoine FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
François Antoine FOELS
| /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | \-Anna LUX
| | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| /-François NESTELHUT
| | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | /-Joseph LEY
| | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | \-Maria WOLFF
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | \-Éva ZEHN
| | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
\-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| /-Jean HINCKER
\-Catherine HINCKER
| /-Jean PETER
\-Anna Maria PETER
\-Anne-Marie FREY
Descendants of François Antoine FOELS
1 François Antoine FOELS
=Catherine WALTER
=Anne HEID Marriage: 24 DEC 1812, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Pauline FOELS
=Jean Michel MICHEL Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
3 Pauline MICHEL
=Wendelin WOLFF Marriage: 20 MAR 1873, Friedolsheim,67145,,,FR,
4 Marie Joséphine WOLFF
=Joseph Alphonse ANTONI Marriage: 5 AUG 1904, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
5 Jules Alphonse ANTONI
=Marie-Françoise SUR Marriage: 19 NOV 1949, Wasselonne,67310,,,FR,
6 Delphine ANTONI
7 Sylviane FOSSE
=Jean Aloise HAUBER Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
3 Marie HAUBER
=Jacques WILL Marriage: 6 FEB 1882, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
2 François-Joseph FOELS
=Marie Rosine OBERMEYER Marriage: 18 NOV 1851, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
3 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
4 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
5 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
2 Aloïse FOELS
=Rosine VIX Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
6 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of J FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| \-Catherine MEYER
| \-Catherine RITTER
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| \-Ève FRINTZ
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Mathieu FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Pierre LAUTH
| | /-André LAUTH
| | | \-Marie SONTAG
| | /-Jean LAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Joseph LAUTH
| | | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Adam SCHMIDT
| | | | | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Vincent LAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | | | | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | | | \-Marie GOTTERI
| | | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | \-Marie KRAUTH
| | | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Marie FEURABENT
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWILLER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | \-Brigitte TRUTTMANN
| | | \-Éva FRISCH
| \-Marie-Catherine LAUTH
| | /-Symphorien SCHERER
| | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | | \-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | /-Antoine ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie ANSTETT
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | /-Michel FRESCH
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | \-Christine FRESCH
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Gertrude OTT
| \-Barbe SCHERER
| | /-Lienhard MULLER
| | /-Jean Adam MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MEYER
| \-Caroline MULLER
| | /-Martin HEROLD
| | /-Martin HIROLD
| | | \-Barbara SCHMUTZ
| \-Gertrude HIROLD
| | /-Michel OBERLE
| \-Catherine OBERLIN
| \-Anne-Marie GUTKUNST
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Martin STORCK
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | \-Marguerite SCHLOEGEL
| | /-Joseph STORCK
| | | | /-Georges DURRENBACH
| | | \-Anne DURRENBACH
| | | \-Véronique BENDER
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | | /-Diebold HIGEL
| | | \-Brigitte HIGEL
| | | \-Marguerite SPEICH
| | /-Jean Michel STORCK
| | | \-Anne-Marie SIGRIST
| | /-Michel STARCK
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | | \-Marie ELLMINGER
| | | \-Anne BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | | \-Marie HASSE
| | | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | | | /-Jean BENDER
| | | | | \-Anne BENDER
| | | | | \-Catherine JUNGHANSEN
| | | \-Catherine LUX
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques BRECH
| | | \-Marie BRECH
| | /-Nicolas STARCK
| | | | /-Pierre OHL
| | | | /-Nicolas OHL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anne OHL
| | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BIRGEL
| | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| \-Marie STARCK
| | /-André BAEHR
| | /-Georges BAEHR
| | | | /-André BIETH
| | | \-Brigitte BIETH
| | | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Ursule SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | /-Nicolas SCHOTT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | /-Jean BAEHR
| | | | /-Charles BECK
| | | | /-Georges BECK
| | | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | | /-Michel BECK
| | | | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | | \-Madeleine BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BECK
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-Michel FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | /-Laurent FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Éve SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Barbara STOLL
| | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Marguerite CLAUS
| | | \-Odile HARTZ
| \-Anne BAEHR
| | /-Louis KRAEHLING
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | \-Marie SOMMER
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Martin GANTZER
| | | | /-Sébastien GANTZER
| | | | | \-Marie CLOCK
| | | \-Anne GANTZER
| | | | /-Michel MEHL
| | | \-Marie MEHL
| | | \-Anne STRAESSER
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Jean ERHARD
| | | | /-Jean EHRHART
| | | | | | /-Jean BURGER
| | | | | \-Catherine BURGER
| | | | | \-Marguerite NONNENMACHER
| | | \-Anne EHRHART
| | | | /-Laurent HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Jean HALBWACHS
| | | | | \-Marguerite GÖRG
| | | \-Marguerite HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Michel AMBSINGER
| | | \-Anne AMBSINGER
| \-Marie-Anne KRAEHLING
| | /-Marcus WERLE
| | /-Matthias WERLE
| | | \-Catherine WESTERMANN
| | /-Jean-Georges WERLE
| | | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | \-Élisabeth DIEBOLT
| | | \-Barbara ARTH
| | /-Michel WERLE
| | | | /-André SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Anna FAESSEL
| \-Thérèse WERLE
| | /-Diebold OHL
| | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | /-Antoine OHL
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Barbara STEINMETZ
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| \-Anne-Marie OHL
| | /-Jean-Jacques ROTHAN
| | /-Jean-Michel ROTHAN
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMID
| \-Anne Catherine ROTHAN
| \-Élisabeth KARIUS
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Antoine LOTH
| | /-Antoine LOTH
| | | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| | /-Georges LOTH
| | | | /-Joseph WERNERT
| | | | /-Antoine WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Balthazar KARG
| | | | | | /-Joseph KARG
| | | | | | /-Michel KARCHER
| | | | | | | | /-Caspar PETER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine PETER
| | | | | | | \-Christine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Joseph KARCHER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine KARCHER
| | | | | | /-Antoine MATTER
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine MADER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
| | | \-Catherine WERNERT
| | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | | /-Christian LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie FUCHS
| | | | | \-Anna TRIER
| | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Éva GASS
| | | | /-Nicolas LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | | | /-Nicolas AMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean (Joes) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine AMANN
| | | | | \-Madeleine LANDMANN
| | | \-Thérèse LAUGEL
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | | /-Joseph MANDEL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | | /-Antoine MANDEL
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | | \-Marguerite Cécile NONNENMACHER
| | | | | \-Maria RITTER
| | | \-Marie-Anne MANDEL
| | | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | | /-Jean Paul ARON
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie FEYLER
| | | \-Françoise ARON
| | | \-Marie Marguerite BERGER
| \-Caroline LOTH
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | /-François-Joseph SCHUSTER
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Martin HERTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques HERTER
| | | | | \-Catherine HEIDMANN
| | | \-Anne-Catherine HERTER
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anna MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean LEIBICH
| | | | | \-Éva LEIBICH
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KAPS
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges FOURNAISE
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | | | \-Marie FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Thérèse LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | \-Marie SCHERER
| | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | \-Barbe JUNG
| | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | | \-Catherine WALTER
| | /-Georges SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Magne MULLER
| | | | /-Joseph MULLER
| | | | | \-Élisabeth RÖSLER
| | | | /-Magnus MULLER
| | | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite HUSS
| | | | | \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
| | | | /-Jean-Michel MULLER
| | | | | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | | | | | /-André WÜRTH
| | | | | | | \-Catherine ROTHMEYER
| | | | | \-Marie Barbara WURTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques WINCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean WINCKEL
| | | | | | | \-Christine FELDER
| | | | | \-Madeleine WINCKEL
| | | | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | \-Christine OSTER
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Madeleine MULLER
| | | | /-Jean LAUCK
| | | | /-Jacques LAUCK
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jean LAUG
| | | | | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | | | \-Éva SCHAMBER
| | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine LAUG
| | | | | | /-Diebold WOLFF
| | | | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | | | | | \-Cunegonde N.N.
| | | | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | | | | \-Marguerite GEORG
| | | \-Madeleine LAUG
| | | | /-Laurent VIX
| | | \-Catherine VIX
| | | | /-Jean HELLER
| | | \-Maria HELLER
| | | | /-Urban ALLES
| | | \-Odile ALLES
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| \-Rosalie SCHUSTER
| | /-Laurent HOLTZ
| | /-Laurent HOLTZ
| | | \-Suzanne DIEBOLT
| \-Madeleine HOLTZ
| | /-François SOLLER
| \-Anne-Marie SOLLER
| \-Anne-Marie REINHARD
/-Jean Louis FOELS
| | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | /-Pancrace SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Brigitte SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Maria N.N.
| | /-Michel FAESSEL
| | | | /-Jean ROOS
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
| | | | /-Claude QUIRIN
| | | \-Anna QUIRIN
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Antoine FAESSEL
| | | | /-Jacques WENCKER
| | | | /-Jacques WENCKER
| | | | | \-Marguerite ARTH
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine WENCKER
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Catherine MANDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | \-Madeleine FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | \-Odile DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Christmann WOLFF
| | | | /-Christmann WOLFF
| | | | | \-Élisabeth GLASER
| | | \-Odile WOLFF
| | | | /-Jean GRIES
| | | \-Maria GRIES
| | | \-Anne MOLL
| | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | | | | | /-Pancrace SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FAESSEL
| | | | | | /-Jean ROOS
| | | | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | | \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
| | | | | | /-Claude QUIRIN
| | | | | \-Anna QUIRIN
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | /-Pierre GOETZ
| | | \-Madeleine GOETZ
| | | | /-Diebolt WENDLING
| | | | /-Antoine WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Simon ULRICH
| | | | | \-Anna ULRICH
| | | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | \-Anne SCHEER
| | | | /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anna SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | /-Joseph FAESSEL
| | | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | /-Jean Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anne Sophie DAUL
| | | | /-François-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Antoine VOGLER
| | | | | \-Catherine VOGLER
| | | | | \-Ève ZOLLER
| | | | /-François-Xavier LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Diebolt BURCKART
| | | | | | /-Jean BURCKART
| | | | | | | \-Barbara HELLER
| | | | | | /-Jean BURGARD
| | | | | | | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Ève ULRICH
| | | | | | /-Sébastien BURGARTH
| | | | | | | | /-Jean Jacques TOBIAS
| | | | | | | | /-Mathias TOBIAS
| | | | | | | | | \-Anne Catherine WOHLGEMUTH
| | | | | | | \-Christine TOBIAS
| | | | | | | | /-Georges GRAFF
| | | | | | | \-Maria GRAFF
| | | | | | | \-Marie KLEIN
| | | | | \-Christine BURGART
| | | | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
| | | | | | | \-Anne MICHEL
| | | | | \-Gertrude WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | | /-Georges VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| | | | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | \-Gertrude KELLER
| | | | | \-Véronique DIETRICH
| | | \-Élisabeth LUTZ
| | | | /-Gabriel BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jean-Martin BRUCKER
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | /-Mathias BRUCKER
| | | | | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ARTH
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| | | | | \-Christine ARTH
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Barbara RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | | /-Mathias BRUCKER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Catherine BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Conrad WEINLING
| | | | | | | | /-Laurent DAUL
| | | | | | | \-Éva DAUL
| | | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | \-Anne BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jean HOMMEL
| | | | /-Simon HOMMEL
| | | | | | /-André MELCHIOR
| | | | | \-Marie Ève MELCHIOR
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Élisabeth HOMMEL
| | | | /-Joseph Ou Georg HOELTZEL
| | | | /-Jean Jacques HOELTZEL
| | | | | \-Anna FREISS
| | | | /-Jean Jacques HOELTZEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Philippe ZILLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite ZILLER
| | | | | \-Anna SCHAN ; CLOSSIN
| | | \-Catherine HOELTZEL
| | | | /-Joseph BRENNER
| | | \-Marie-Salomé BRENNER
| | | \-Catherine MES
| | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | /-Albert HAGER
| | | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | /-Laurent HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | \-Éva KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | | \-Éva RUNTZ
| | | | | \-Régina KAPP
| | | | /-Valentin HAGER
| | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | | \-Barbara HILD
| | | | | \-Catherine RITTLING
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | /-Marzolf SCHMITT
| | | | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Nicolas WEIL
| | | | | \-Catherine WEIL
| | | | | \-Anna DESS
| | | | /-Valentin HAGER
| | | | | \-Gertrude GRASSER
| | | | /-Joseph HAGER
| | | | | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | | | | | /-Laurent DAUL
| | | | | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | | | | | \-Anne ROHRFRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| | | | | | | | /-Jean NIESS
| | | | | | | | | \-Barbara FALCK
| | | | | | | \-Barbara NIESS
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | \-Maria NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | \-Maria RITTER
| | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | | /-Joseph GELSER
| | | | | | | \-Marie Ève GELSER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean ROTH
| | | | | | | \-Barbara ROTH
| | | | | \-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Théobald GINTZ
| | | | | | /-Théobald GINTZ
| | | | | | | \-Marie MICHELS
| | | | | | /-Jean GINTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | | | | \-Anne DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Gertrude GINS
| | | | | | /-Simon BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | | \-Catherine GRIES
| | | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | | | /-Michel SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Éva FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Marie Ève BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Georg HANSEN
| | | | | | /-Valentin HANSEN
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte SAUER
| | | | | \-Catherine HANSEN VELTIN
| | | | | | /-Laurent HANSEN
| | | | | \-Anne HANSEN
| | | \-Marie HAGER
| | | | /-Diebold GRASSER
| | | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | | \-Barbara KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | \-Marie WECKEL
| | | | | \-Éva RIEHL
| | | | /-Antoine GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | | | | | \-Véronica GRAD
| | | | | \-Anne KAPP
| | | | | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | | \-Marguerite STOLL
| | | | | \-Anne DEBES
| | | | /-Antoine GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | /-André GRASS
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | /-Michel GRASS
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HOENEN
| | | | | | | \-Maria HOEHN
| | | | | | | \-Maria RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine GRASS
| | | | | | /-Nicolas RUNTZ
| | | | | | /-Jacques RUNTZ
| | | | | | | \-Maria GASS
| | | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | | | | /-Henri GISS
| | | | | \-Catherine GISS
| | | | | \-Anna JACOB
| | | | /-Joseph GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Albert HAGER
| | | | | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | | | | /-Laurent HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | \-Éva RUNTZ
| | | | | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | | | | \-Barbara HILD
| | | | | | | \-Catherine RITTLING
| | | | | | | | /-Marzolf SCHMITT
| | | | | | | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine WEIL
| | | | | \-Catherine HAGER
| | | | | | /-Jean Philippe HELLER
| | | | | | /-Antoine HELLER
| | | | | | | | /-Laurent BARTHEL
| | | | | | | \-Marie BARTHEL
| | | | | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Éva HELLER
| | | | | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | | | | | \-Anne DEBES
| | | | | \-Catherine STOLL
| | | | | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | | \-Anne ROHR
| | | | | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | | /-Laurent MANG
| | | | /-Michel MANG
| | | | | \-Catherine GEIST
| | | | /-Michel MANG
| | | | | | /-Arnld CHRISTEN
| | | | | \-Brigitte CHRISTEN
| | | \-Madeleine MANG
| | | | /-Georges SPEICH
| | | | /-Jean SPEICH
| | | | | \-Catherine BIETH
| | | | /-Caspar SPEICH
| | | | | | /- BRUMPTIN
| | | | | \-Éva BRUMPTIN
| | | | | \-Maria LAZARUS
| | | | /-Gallus Nicolas SPEICH
| | | | | | /-Jacques FELDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques FELBER
| | | | | \-Éva FELBER
| | | | | | /-Philipp Louis JAEGER
| | | | | \-Brigitte JAEGER
| | | | | \-Ursula Barbara RIEDACKER
| | | \-Madeleine SPEICH
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | | \-Odile RIED
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Veltin ANDRES
| | | | | \-Odile VELTEN
| | | | | \-Éva WAGNER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | | | /-Georges STEMMER
| | | | /-Laurent STEMMER
| | | | | \-Anne PFLIEGER
| | | \-Catharina STEMMER
| | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | \-Anna LANG
| | | \-Anne BARTH
| \-Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
| | /-André GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWEIGHART
| | /-André GOETZ
| | | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie MATTER
| | /-André GOETZ
| | | | /-Jacques KAPS
| | | | /-Joseph KAPS
| | | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | | | \-Anne HUSS
| | | | | \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
| | | | /-Pierre KAPS
| | | | | | /-Jean SHER
| | | | | | /-Pierre SHER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara SCHULTHEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine SHER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHEFFER
| | | | | \-Éva SCHEFFER
| | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | | /-François-Joseph KAPS
| | | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | /-Paul HUSS
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHUSTER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Joseph HUSS
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie ATZENHOFFER
| | | | | | | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Éva HEYDMANN
| | | | | | | \-Anna Margaretha OBERACKER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HUSS
| | | | | | /-Jean KNAB
| | | | | | /-Mathias KNAB
| | | | | | | | /-Joseph THOMAS
| | | | | | | \-Agnès THOMANN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KNAB
| | | | | | /-Jean Georges OHL
| | | | | | /-Georges OHL
| | | | | \-Anne Marie OHL
| | | | | \-Catherine KAPS
| | | \-Marie-Anne KAPS
| | | | /-Mathias STEMMER
| | | \-Barbe STEMMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZOLT
| \-Joséphine GOETZ
| | /-Jean-Jacques BURCKART
| | /-Laurent BRUCKER
| | | \-Anne-Catherine LOHR
| | /-Pierre BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jean TROESCH
| | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | \-Véronica N.N.
| | | \-Anna TROESCH
| | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | /-Nicolas BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jean CONRAD
| | | | /-Christmann CONRAD
| | | | /-Jean CONRAD
| | | | | | /-Michel KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Barbara KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Barbara HOENEN
| | | \-Anne-Marie CONRAD
| | | | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| | | \-Marguerite DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | \-Ève FRINTZ
| | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | /-François Antoine BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jacques ERB
| | | | /-Diebold ERB
| | | | | \-Ursule FRANCK
| | | \-Élisabeth ERB
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Anne Catherine FURHBACH
| | | | /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | | \-Barbara ARTH
| | | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| | /-François-Joseph BRUCKER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | | | /-François-Joseph SCHUSTER
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | | | /-Martin HERTER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques HERTER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HEIDMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine HERTER
| | | | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Odile SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anna MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Thérèse BRUCKER
| | /-Jean Georg BARTHEL
| | /-Jean Wendelin BARTHEL
| | | \-Catherine OHL
| | /-Jean BARTHEL
| | | | /-Diebolt MEY
| | | | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Jean Martin MEYER
| | | | | | /-Diebolt RITTER
| | | | | \-Catherine RITTER
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Anna MEYER
| | | | /-Michel KRITTNER
| | | \-Anna KRITTNER
| | | | /-Marcel BAUR
| | | \-Catherine BAUR
| | | \-Marie MATERN
| | /-Jean Conrad BARTHEL
| | | | /-Pierre ULRICH
| | | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | | /-Jean STETTNER
| | | | /-Jean STETTNER
| | | | | \-Anne Catherine STEINBRUNN
| | | \-Marie Madeleine STETTNER
| | | | /-Jean SHER
| | | \-Catherine SHER
| | | \-Barbara SCHULTHEISS
| \-Thérèse BARTHEL
| | /-Vitus MENGUS
| | /-Jean MENGUS
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-Jean MENGUS
| | | | /-Christmann GRIESBACH
| | | \-Marie GRIESBACH
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Jean Georges MENGUS
| | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | /-Georges HARTZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | \-Marie HARTZ
| | | | /-Laurent WINTZ
| | | \-Marie WINTZ
| | | \-Barbe HARTZ
| | /-Jean MENGUS
| | | | /-Pierre STIEGLER
| | | | /-Jean STIEGLER
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jacques STIEGLER
| | | | | \-Catherine KLEIN
| | | \-Anne Marie STIEGLER
| | | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | | /-Jacques HEITZ
| | | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | \-Catherine HEITZ
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | \-Odile LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine HAUBER
| \-Brigitte MENGUS
| \-Brigitte CASPAR
| /-Louis FRITSCH
| | \-Eugénie FRITSCH
| /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| | | /-Vincent MULLER
| | \-Marie MULLER
| | | /-Joseph FRITSCH
| | | | \-Françoise SCHERB
| | | | | /-Jean Élisée SCHERB
| | | | | /-Élisée SCHERB
| | | | | /-Jean Baptiste Élysée SCHERB
| | | | | /-Jean Léopold Élysée SCHERB
| | | | \-Louise SCHERB
| | \-Joséphine FRITSCH
\-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Laurent FOELS
- Mother: Catherine MADER
- Birth: ABT 1720, Eckartswiller,67700,,,FR,
- Death: 2 MAY 1761, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
\-Catherine MADER
Descendants of Jean FOELS
1 Jean FOELS
=Anne-Catherine KELLER Marriage: 27 AUG 1754, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Antoine FOELS
=Odile NESTELHUT Marriage: 17 FEB 1784, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Joseph FOELS
=Anne-Marie GRASSER Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 François Antoine FOELS
=Catherine WALTER
=Anne HEID Marriage: 24 DEC 1812, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Pauline FOELS
=Jean Michel MICHEL Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
5 Pauline MICHEL
=Wendelin WOLFF Marriage: 20 MAR 1873, Friedolsheim,67145,,,FR,
6 Marie Joséphine WOLFF
=Joseph Alphonse ANTONI Marriage: 5 AUG 1904, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
7 Jules Alphonse ANTONI
=Marie-Françoise SUR Marriage: 19 NOV 1949, Wasselonne,67310,,,FR,
8 Delphine ANTONI
9 Sylviane FOSSE
=Jean Aloise HAUBER Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
5 Marie HAUBER
=Jacques WILL Marriage: 6 FEB 1882, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
4 François-Joseph FOELS
=Marie Rosine OBERMEYER Marriage: 18 NOV 1851, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
5 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
6 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
7 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
4 Aloïse FOELS
=Rosine VIX Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
6 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
7 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
8 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Jean-Baptiste FOELS
=Marie-Catherine GRASSER Marriage: 15 FEB 1825, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
4 Odile FOELS
4 Antoine FOELS
4 Joseph FOELS
3 Odile FELS
=François Antoine ZILLER Marriage: 9 MAY 1821, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Marie-Anne FOELS
=Pierre DISS Marriage: 12 JAN 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Father: Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Odile NESTELHUT
- Birth: 26 AUG 1797, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: maréchal-ferrant
- Death: 13 NOV 1847, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Catherine GRASSER
Marriage: 15 FEB 1825, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Odile FOELS Birth: 1825
- Child: Antoine FOELS Birth: 1828, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph FOELS Birth: 1830, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean-Baptiste FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
Jean-Baptiste FOELS
| /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | \-Anna LUX
| | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| /-François NESTELHUT
| | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | /-Joseph LEY
| | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | \-Maria WOLFF
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | \-Éva ZEHN
| | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
\-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| /-Jean HINCKER
\-Catherine HINCKER
| /-Jean PETER
\-Anna Maria PETER
\-Anne-Marie FREY
Descendants of Jean-Baptiste FOELS
1 Jean-Baptiste FOELS
=Marie-Catherine GRASSER Marriage: 15 FEB 1825, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
2 Odile FOELS
2 Antoine FOELS
2 Joseph FOELS
Ancestors of Jean Louis FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Mathieu FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Pierre LAUTH
| | /-André LAUTH
| | | \-Marie SONTAG
| | /-Jean LAUTH
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Joseph LAUTH
| | | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Adam SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Vincent LAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | | | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Barbara SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | | /-Pierre GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie KRAUTH
| | | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Marie FEURABENT
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWILLER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Brigitte TRUTTMANN
| | | | /-André FRISCH
| | | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| \-Marie-Catherine LAUTH
| | /-Symphorien SCHERER
| | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | | \-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | /-Antoine ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie ANSTETT
| | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | /-Michel FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Christine FRESCH
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | \-Anne GOETZ
| \-Barbe SCHERER
| | /-Lienhard MULLER
| | /-Jean Adam MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MEYER
| \-Caroline MULLER
| | /-Martin HEROLD
| | /-Martin HIROLD
| | | \-Barbara SCHMUTZ
| \-Gertrude HIROLD
| | /-Michel OBERLE
| \-Catherine OBERLIN
| \-Anne-Marie GUTKUNST
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jacques STORCK
| | /-Martin STORCK
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | \-Marguerite SCHLOEGEL
| | /-Joseph STORCK
| | | | /-Jean DURRENBACH
| | | | /-Georges DURRENBACH
| | | | | \-Jacobée SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne DURRENBACH
| | | \-Véronique BENDER
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | | /-Diebold HIGEL
| | | \-Brigitte HIGEL
| | | \-Marguerite SPEICH
| | /-Jean Michel STORCK
| | | \-Anne-Marie SIGRIST
| | /-Michel STARCK
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | | \-Marie ELLMINGER
| | | \-Anne BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | | \-Marie HASSE
| | | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | | | /-Jean BENDER
| | | | | \-Anne BENDER
| | | | | \-Catherine JUNGHANSEN
| | | \-Catherine LUX
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques BRECH
| | | \-Marie BRECH
| | /-Nicolas STARCK
| | | | /-Pierre OHL
| | | | /-Nicolas OHL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anne OHL
| | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BIRGEL
| | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| \-Marie STARCK
| | /-André BAEHR
| | /-Georges BAEHR
| | | | /-André BIETH
| | | \-Brigitte BIETH
| | | | /-Diebolt KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | | | \-Ursule SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | /-Nicolas SCHOTT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | /-Jean BAEHR
| | | | /-Charles BECK
| | | | /-Georges BECK
| | | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | | /-Michel BECK
| | | | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | | \-Madeleine BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BECK
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | /-Michel FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | /-Laurent FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Éve SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Barbara STOLL
| | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Marguerite CLAUS
| | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | \-Odile HARTZ
| | | \-Marguerite DISS
| \-Anne BAEHR
| | /-Louis KRAEHLING
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | \-Marie SOMMER
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Martin GANTZER
| | | | /-Sébastien GANTZER
| | | | | \-Marie CLOCK
| | | \-Anne GANTZER
| | | | /-Michel MEHL
| | | \-Marie MEHL
| | | | /-Henri STRAESSER
| | | \-Anne STRAESSER
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Jean ERHARD
| | | | /-Jean EHRHART
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BURGER
| | | | | | /-Jean BURGER
| | | | | | | \-Anne MENTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine BURGER
| | | | | | /-Bernard NONNENMACHER
| | | | | \-Marguerite NONNENMACHER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Anne EHRHART
| | | | /-Philippe HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Laurent HALBWACHS
| | | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean HALBWACHS
| | | | | | /-Michel GÖRG
| | | | | \-Marguerite GÖRG
| | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Joachim AMBSINGER
| | | | /-Michel AMBSINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N
| | | \-Anne AMBSINGER
| \-Marie-Anne KRAEHLING
| | /-Marcus WERLE
| | /-Matthias WERLE
| | | \-Catherine WESTERMANN
| | /-Jean-Georges WERLE
| | | | /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Élisabeth DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | | \-Barbara ARTH
| | | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| | /-Michel WERLE
| | | | /-André SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Anna FAESSEL
| \-Thérèse WERLE
| | /-Christmann OHL
| | /-Diebold OHL
| | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | \-Éva JUNG
| | /-Antoine OHL
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Barbara STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Anne-Marie OHL
| | /-Jean-Jacques ROTHAN
| | /-Jean-Michel ROTHAN
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMID
| \-Anne Catherine ROTHAN
| \-Élisabeth KARIUS
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Antoine LOTH
| | /-Antoine LOTH
| | | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| | /-Georges LOTH
| | | | /-Joseph WERNERT
| | | | /-Antoine WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Balthazar KARG
| | | | | | /-Joseph KARG
| | | | | | /-Michel KARCHER
| | | | | | | | /-Caspar PETER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine PETER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Christine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Odilia ESCHENLAUER
| | | | | | /-Joseph KARCHER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine KARCHER
| | | | | | /-Antoine MATTER
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine MADER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
| | | \-Catherine WERNERT
| | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | | /-Christian LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Bartholomé TRIER
| | | | | \-Anna TRIER
| | | | | \-Agnès RIPP
| | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean FRINTZ
| | | | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | | | \-Catherine FRINTZ
| | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | \-Éva GASS
| | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | \-Anna ALBER
| | | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas AMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Wolfgang Le Vieux DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean (Joes) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Éve FRITSCH
| | | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Maria WURM
| | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine AMANN
| | | | | \-Madeleine LANDMANN
| | | \-Thérèse LAUGEL
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | | /-Joseph MANDEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | | /-Antoine MANDEL
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Marguerite Cécile NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | /-Laurent RITTER
| | | | | \-Maria RITTER
| | | | | \-Marguerite BOSCH
| | | \-Marie-Anne MANDEL
| | | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | | /-Jean Paul ARON
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie FEYLER
| | | \-Françoise ARON
| | | \-Marie Marguerite BERGER
| \-Caroline LOTH
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | /-François-Joseph SCHUSTER
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Martin HERTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques HERTER
| | | | | \-Catherine HEIDMANN
| | | \-Anne-Catherine HERTER
| | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anna MARTIN
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean LEIBICH
| | | | | \-Éva LEIBICH
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KAPS
| | | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges FOURNAISE
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | | | \-Marie FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | \-Marie SCHERER
| | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Barbe JUNG
| | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | | \-Catherine WALTER
| | /-Georges SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Magne MULLER
| | | | /-Joseph MULLER
| | | | | \-Élisabeth RÖSLER
| | | | /-Magnus MULLER
| | | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | | | | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | | | | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite HUSS
| | | | | \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
| | | | /-Jean-Michel MULLER
| | | | | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | | | | | /-André WÜRTH
| | | | | | | \-Catherine ROTHMEYER
| | | | | \-Marie Barbara WURTH
| | | | | | /-Georges WINCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques WINCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean WINCKEL
| | | | | | | \-Christine FELDER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine FÄTZ
| | | | | \-Madeleine WINCKEL
| | | | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | \-Christine OSTER
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Madeleine MULLER
| | | | /-Jean LAUCK
| | | | /-Jacques LAUCK
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jean LAUG
| | | | | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | | | \-Éva SCHAMBER
| | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine LAUG
| | | | | | /-Diebold WOLFF
| | | | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | | | | | \-Cunegonde N.N.
| | | | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | | | | \-Marguerite GEORG
| | | \-Madeleine LAUG
| | | | /-Laurent VIX
| | | \-Catherine VIX
| | | | /-Jean HELLER
| | | \-Maria HELLER
| | | | /-Urban ALLES
| | | \-Odile ALLES
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| \-Rosalie SCHUSTER
| | /-Laurent HOLTZ
| | /-Laurent HOLTZ
| | | \-Suzanne DIEBOLT
| \-Madeleine HOLTZ
| | /-François SOLLER
| \-Anne-Marie SOLLER
| \-Anne-Marie REINHARD
Jean Louis FOELS
| /-Laurent FAESSEL
| /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | /-Pancrace SCHWARTZ
| | \-Brigitte SCHWARTZ
| | \-Maria N.N.
| /-Michel FAESSEL
| | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | /-Jean ROOS
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
| | | /-Henri QUIRIN
| | | /-Claude QUIRIN
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Anna QUIRIN
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Antoine FAESSEL
| | | /-Jacques WENCKER
| | | /-Jacques WENCKER
| | | | \-Marguerite ARTH
| | \-Marie-Madeleine WENCKER
| | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | \-Catherine MANDEL
| | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | \-Madeleine FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | \-Odile DOSSMANN
| | | /-Christmann WOLFF
| | | /-Christmann WOLFF
| | | | \-Élisabeth GLASER
| | \-Odile WOLFF
| | | /-Georg GRIES
| | | /-Jean GRIES
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | \-Maria GRIES
| | \-Anne MOLL
| /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | | | | /-Pancrace SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | \-Brigitte SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FAESSEL
| | | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | | /-Jean ROOS
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
| | | | | /-Henri QUIRIN
| | | | | /-Claude QUIRIN
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | \-Anna QUIRIN
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-Pierre GOETZ
| | \-Madeleine GOETZ
| | | /-Diebolt WENDLING
| | | /-Antoine WENDLING
| | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | /-Simon ULRICH
| | | | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | \-Anna ULRICH
| | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | | \-Maria MEYER
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | \-Anne SCHEER
| | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | \-Anna SCHNEIDER
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | \-Appolonia WEINLING
| /-Joseph FAESSEL
| | | /-Jacques LUTZ
| | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNHARD
| | | /-Jean Conrad LUTZ
| | | | \-Anne Sophie DAUL
| | | /-François-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | /-Antoine VOGLER
| | | | \-Catherine VOGLER
| | | | \-Ève ZOLLER
| | | /-François-Xavier LUTZ
| | | | | /-Jean BURCKART
| | | | | /-Diebolt BURCKART
| | | | | /-Jean BURCKART
| | | | | | | /-Jean HELLER
| | | | | | \-Barbara HELLER
| | | | | | \-Odile ALLES
| | | | | /-Jean BURGARD
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Pierre ULRICH
| | | | | | \-Ève ULRICH
| | | | | | \-Anne-Catherine TROESCH
| | | | | /-Sébastien BURGARTH
| | | | | | | /-Jean Jacques TOBIAS
| | | | | | | /-Mathias TOBIAS
| | | | | | | | \-Anne Catherine WOHLGEMUTH
| | | | | | \-Christine TOBIAS
| | | | | | | /-Jean GRAFF
| | | | | | | /-Georges GRAFF
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Maria GRAFF
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Marie KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | | \-Christine BURGART
| | | | | /-Georges WENDEL
| | | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Anne MICHEL
| | | | \-Gertrude WENDLING
| | | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | /-Georges VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| | | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | \-Gertrude KELLER
| | | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Véronique DIETRICH
| | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | \-Élisabeth LUTZ
| | | /-Gabriel BRUCKER
| | | /-Jean-Martin BRUCKER
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | /-Mathias BRUCKER
| | | | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges ARTH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| | | | \-Christine ARTH
| | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | \-Barbara RECHT
| | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | /-Mathias BRUCKER
| | | | | /-Conrad WEINLING
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Brigitte LIENHART
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Marie Catherine DURINGER
| | | | | /-Conrad WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Laurent DAUL
| | | | | | \-Éva DAUL
| | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WEINLING
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | \-Anne BRUCKER
| | | /-Jean HOMMEL
| | | /-Simon HOMMEL
| | | | | /-André MELCHIOR
| | | | \-Marie Ève MELCHIOR
| | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | \-Élisabeth HOMMEL
| | | /-Joseph Ou Georg HOELTZEL
| | | /-Jean Jacques HOELTZEL
| | | | | /-N.N. FREISS
| | | | \-Anna FREISS
| | | /-Jean Jacques HOELTZEL
| | | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | | /-Jean Philippe ZILLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite ZILLER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | \-Anna SCHAN ; CLOSSIN
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | \-Catherine HOELTZEL
| | | /-Joseph BRENNER
| | \-Marie-Salomé BRENNER
| | \-Catherine MES
| /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | /-Albert HAGER
| | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | /-Jacques HINTERMEYER
| | | | | /-Laurent HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | \-Éva KIEFFER
| | | | \-Catherine HINTERMEYER
| | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | \-Éva RUNTZ
| | | | \-Régina KAPP
| | | /-Valentin HAGER
| | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | \-Barbara HILD
| | | | \-Catherine RITTLING
| | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | /-Marzolf SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Nicolas WEIL
| | | | \-Catherine WEIL
| | | | \-Anna DESS
| | | /-Valentin HAGER
| | | | \-Gertrude GRASSER
| | | /-Joseph HAGER
| | | | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Laurent DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Laurent DAUL
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara HERMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | | | | \-Anne ROHRFRITSCH
| | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| | | | | | | /-Jean NIESS
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara FALCK
| | | | | | \-Barbara NIESS
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara BERNHARD
| | | | | | \-Maria NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | /-Laurent RITTER
| | | | | | \-Maria RITTER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite BOSCH
| | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Joseph GELSER
| | | | | | \-Marie Ève GELSER
| | | | | | | /-Jean ROTH
| | | | | | \-Barbara ROTH
| | | | \-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Théobald GINTZ
| | | | | /-Théobald GINTZ
| | | | | | \-Marie MICHELS
| | | | | /-Jean GINTZ
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | | \-Anne DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude GINS
| | | | | /-Jean BRAUN
| | | | | /-Simon BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
| | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | | /-Georg GRIES
| | | | | | \-Catherine GRIES
| | | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | | | | /-Michel SCHOTT
| | | | | | | | \-Agnès FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | | /-Jacques FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Éva FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Anne ROTH
| | | | \-Marie Ève BRAUN
| | | | | /-Georg HANSEN
| | | | | /-Valentin HANSEN
| | | | | | \-Brigitte SAUER
| | | | \-Catherine HANSEN VELTIN
| | | | | /-Laurent HANSEN
| | | | \-Anne HANSEN
| | \-Marie HAGER
| | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | /-Diebold GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | | | \-Barbara KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | | | \-Marie WECKEL
| | | | \-Éva RIEHL
| | | /-Antoine GRASSER
| | | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | | | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | | | | \-Véronica GRAD
| | | | \-Anne KAPP
| | | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | \-Marguerite STOLL
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | | | \-Anne DEBES
| | | | \-Catherine LAPP
| | | /-Antoine GRASSER
| | | | | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | \-Éva SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-André GRASS
| | | | | | | /-Jacques HAMM
| | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | \-Anne STOLL
| | | | | /-Michel GRASS
| | | | | | | /-Jean HOENEN
| | | | | | \-Maria HOEHN
| | | | | | | /-Lucas RIPP
| | | | | | \-Maria RIPP
| | | | | | \-Anna JUNG
| | | | \-Catherine GRASS
| | | | | /-Michel RUNTZ
| | | | | /-Nicolas RUNTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine ROOS
| | | | | /-Jacques RUNTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GASS
| | | | | | \-Maria GASS
| | | | | | \-Anna HUGEL
| | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | | | /-Henri GISS
| | | | \-Catherine GISS
| | | | | /-Diebolt JACOB
| | | | \-Anna JACOB
| | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | /-Joseph GRASSER
| | | | | /-Albert HAGER
| | | | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | /-Laurent HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | | \-Éva KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Catherine HINTERMEYER
| | | | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | | | \-Éva RUNTZ
| | | | | | \-Régina KAPP
| | | | | /-Laurent HAGER
| | | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean RITTLING
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara HILD
| | | | | | \-Catherine RITTLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | | /-Marzolf SCHMITT
| | | | | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas WEIL
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEIL
| | | | | | \-Anna DESS
| | | | \-Catherine HAGER
| | | | | /-Jean Philippe HELLER
| | | | | /-Antoine HELLER
| | | | | | | /-Laurent BARTHEL
| | | | | | \-Marie BARTHEL
| | | | | | | /-Laurent SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte LUTZ
| | | | \-Éva HELLER
| | | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | | | | | \-Anne DEBES
| | | | | | \-Catherine LAPP
| | | | \-Catherine STOLL
| | | | | /-Michel ROHR
| | | | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | \-Anne ROHR
| | | | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent MANG
| | | /-Michel MANG
| | | | \-Catherine GEIST
| | | /-Michel MANG
| | | | | /-Arnld CHRISTEN
| | | | \-Brigitte CHRISTEN
| | \-Madeleine MANG
| | | /-Georges SPEICH
| | | /-Jean SPEICH
| | | | | /-Jean BIETH
| | | | \-Catherine BIETH
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Caspar SPEICH
| | | | | /- BRUMPTIN
| | | | \-Éva BRUMPTIN
| | | | | /-Diebold LAZARUS
| | | | \-Maria LAZARUS
| | | | \-Marguerite DAUL
| | | /-Gallus Nicolas SPEICH
| | | | | /-Jacques FELDER
| | | | | /-Jacques FELBER
| | | | \-Éva FELBER
| | | | | /-Philipp Louis JAEGER
| | | | \-Brigitte JAEGER
| | | | \-Ursula Barbara RIEDACKER
| | \-Madeleine SPEICH
| | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | \-Anna SCHAUB
| | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | | /-Léonard RIED
| | | | \-Odile RIED
| | | | \-Anne HARTNAGEL
| | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | | /-Diebold ANDRES
| | | | | /-Veltin ANDRES
| | | | | | \-Catharina N.N.
| | | | \-Odile VELTEN
| | | | | /-Hans WAGNER
| | | | \-Éva WAGNER
| | | | \-Catharina BEURLIN
| | \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | | /-Georges STEMMER
| | | /-Laurent STEMMER
| | | | \-Anne PFLIEGER
| | \-Catharina STEMMER
| | | /-Jean LANG
| | | /-Adam LANG
| | \-Anna LANG
| | \-Anne BARTH
\-Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
| /-André GOETZ
| /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHWEIGHART
| /-André GOETZ
| | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | \-Anne-Marie MATTER
| /-André GOETZ
| | | /-Jacques KAPS
| | | /-Joseph KAPS
| | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | | | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | | | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | | \-Anne HUSS
| | | | \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
| | | /-Pierre KAPS
| | | | | /-Jean SHER
| | | | | /-Pierre SHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara SCHULTHEISS
| | | | \-Catherine SHER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEFFER
| | | | \-Éva SCHEFFER
| | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | /-François-Joseph KAPS
| | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | \-Lorentzen Hansen ENGEL
| | | | | /-Paul HUSS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHUSTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | | | | /-Joseph HUSS
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie ATZENHOFFER
| | | | | | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | | | | | \-Marie-Éva HEYDMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean OBERACKER
| | | | | | \-Anna Margaretha OBERACKER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HUSS
| | | | | /-Jean KNAB
| | | | | /-Mathias KNAB
| | | | | | | /-Joseph THOMAS
| | | | | | \-Agnès THOMANN
| | | | \-Marguerite KNAB
| | | | | /-Jean Georges OHL
| | | | | /-Georges OHL
| | | | \-Anne Marie OHL
| | | | \-Catherine KAPS
| | \-Marie-Anne KAPS
| | | /-Mathias STEMMER
| | \-Barbe STEMMER
| | \-Anne-Marie ZOLT
\-Joséphine GOETZ
| /-Jean-Jacques BURCKART
| /-Laurent BRUCKER
| | \-Anne-Catherine LOHR
| /-Pierre BRUCKER
| | | /-Jean TROESCH
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | \-Véronica N.N.
| | \-Anna TROESCH
| | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | \-Brigitte N.N.
| /-Nicolas BRUCKER
| | | /-Jean CONRAD
| | | /-Christmann CONRAD
| | | /-Jean CONRAD
| | | | | /-Michel KRIEGER
| | | | \-Barbara KRIEGER
| | | | \-Barbara HOENEN
| | \-Anne-Marie CONRAD
| | | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| | \-Marguerite DIEBOLT
| | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | \-Ève FRINTZ
| | \-Éva WOLFF
| /-François Antoine BRUCKER
| | | /-Jacques ERB
| | | /-Diebold ERB
| | | | \-Ursule FRANCK
| | \-Élisabeth ERB
| | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | \-Anne Catherine FURHBACH
| | | /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
| | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLT
| | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | \-Barbara ARTH
| | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| /-François-Joseph BRUCKER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | | /-François-Joseph SCHUSTER
| | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | | | /-Martin HERTER
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques HERTER
| | | | | | \-Catherine HEIDMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Catherine HERTER
| | | | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | \-Odile SCHUSTER
| | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | \-Anna MARTIN
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | /-Vix HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Thérèse BRUCKER
| /-Jean Georg BARTHEL
| /-Jean Wendelin BARTHEL
| | \-Catherine OHL
| /-Jean BARTHEL
| | | /-Diebolt MEY
| | | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Jean Martin MEYER
| | | | | /-Diebolt RITTER
| | | | \-Catherine RITTER
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Anna MEYER
| | | /-Michel KRITTNER
| | \-Anna KRITTNER
| | | /-Pierre BAUR
| | | /-Marcel BAUR
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine BAUR
| | \-Marie MATERN
| /-Jean Conrad BARTHEL
| | | /-Pierre ULRICH
| | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | /-Jean STETTNER
| | | /-Jean STETTNER
| | | | \-Anne Catherine STEINBRUNN
| | \-Marie Madeleine STETTNER
| | | /-Jean SHER
| | \-Catherine SHER
| | \-Barbara SCHULTHEISS
\-Thérèse BARTHEL
| /-Vitus MENGUS
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | | /-Thibaut GRIESBACH
| | | /-Christmann GRIESBACH
| | \-Marie GRIESBACH
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Jean Georges MENGUS
| | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | /-Georges HARTZ
| | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | \-Marie HARTZ
| | | /-Laurent WINTZ
| | \-Marie WINTZ
| | \-Barbe HARTZ
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | | /-Pierre STIEGLER
| | | /-Jean STIEGLER
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jacques STIEGLER
| | | | \-Catherine KLEIN
| | \-Anne Marie STIEGLER
| | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | /-Jacques HEITZ
| | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | \-Catherine HEITZ
| | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | \-Odile LUTZ
| | \-Catherine HAUBER
\-Brigitte MENGUS
\-Brigitte CASPAR
Descendants of Jean Louis FOELS
1 Jean Louis FOELS
Descendants of Joseph FOELS
1 Joseph FOELS
=Madeleine WINCKEL
- Father: Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Odile NESTELHUT
- Birth: 14 MAR 1785, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: maréchal-ferrant
- Death: 6 MAR 1857, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
Joseph FOELS
| /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | \-Anna LUX
| | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| /-François NESTELHUT
| | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | /-Joseph LEY
| | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | \-Maria WOLFF
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | \-Éva ZEHN
| | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
\-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| /-Jean HINCKER
\-Catherine HINCKER
| /-Jean PETER
\-Anna Maria PETER
\-Anne-Marie FREY
Descendants of Joseph FOELS
1 Joseph FOELS
=Anne-Marie GRASSER Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-Jean-Baptiste FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
Joseph FOELS
| /-Michel GRASSER
| /-Diebold GRASSER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel GRASSER
| | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | \-Barbara KIEFFER
| | \-Marie GRASSER
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | \-Marie WECKEL
| | \-Éva RIEHL
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | | \-Véronica GRAD
| | \-Anne KAPP
| | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | \-Marguerite STOLL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | \-Anne DEBES
| | \-Catherine LAPP
\-Marie-Catherine GRASSER
| /-Jacques OCKART
\-Madeleine OCKARD
\-Catherine DIEBOLD
Ancestors of Joséphine FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
Joséphine FOELS
| /-Michel HUBER
| /-Jean HUBER
| | \-Madeleine MULLER
| /-Joseph HUBER
| | | /-Jacques SCHMIEDER
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHMIEDER
| | \-Anne-Marie ZIMMER
| /-Jean-Baptiste HUBER
| | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWEBEL
| | | /-Antoine KAPS
| | | | \-Maria KELLER
| | | /-Jean KAPS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
| | \-Sophie KAPPS
| | | /-Christophe GRAD
| | | /-Jacques GRAD
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel GRAD
| | | | | /-Jean KREMER
| | | | \-Maria KREMER
| | | | \-Jeanne ZUSS
| | | /-Michel GRAD
| | | | | /-Nicolas JACOB
| | | | | /-Laurent JACOB
| | | | \-Maria JACOB
| | | | \-Marie BURCKART
| | | /-Antoni GRAD
| | | | | /-Diebolt TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHAFFNER
| | | | \-Catherine TROESCH
| | | | | /-Martin Mathias CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | \-Odile MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | \-Gertrude GRAD
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Valentin DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | \-Catherine SCHEER
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | /-Sébastien KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | /-Jean SIGEL
| | | /-Michel SIEGEL
| | | /-Mathias SIEGEL
| | | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | \-Catherine DIETRICH
| | \-Gertrude SIEGEL
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Anna KRIEGER
| | | /-Théobald HANS
| | \-Catherine HANS
\-Sophie HUBER
| /-Jean KUNTZ
| /-Jean KUNTZ
| | \-Barbara DAUL
| /-Thiébault KUNTZ
| | | /-Nicolas EBERLÉ
| | \-Christine EBERLÉ
| | \-Marie REGIN
\-Marie-Catherine KUNTZ
| /-Adolphe BURCK
| /-Charles BURCK
\-Catherine BIERG
| /-Jean LUTZ
| /-Mathias LOTZ
| | \-Anna FAESSEL
| /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | | /-Jean-Georges HEYDMANN
| | \-Madeleine HEITMANN
| | \-Eva Rosina EHRENHUBER
\-Catherine LUTZ
| /-Laurent GILLIG
| /-Michel GILLIG
| | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | \-Anne BUB
| | \-Catherine KAPP
\-Marguerite GILLIG
| /-Jean Adam KAPS
\-Catherine KAPS
| /-Jean HUSS
| /-Jacques HUSS
| | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | \-Maria ANDRES
\-Marie-Barbara HUSS
| /-Simon FELDEN
\-Anna Maria FELDEN
Descendants of Joséphine FOELS
1 Joséphine FOELS
2 Léonie GILLIG
3 Chantal WENDLING
=Henri BENE
4 Aline BENE
- Death: BEF 1755, Ettendorf,67350,,,FR,
Descendants of Laurent FOELS
1 Laurent FOELS
=Catherine MADER
2 Jean FOELS
=Anne-Catherine KELLER Marriage: 27 AUG 1754, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Antoine FOELS
=Odile NESTELHUT Marriage: 17 FEB 1784, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Joseph FOELS
=Anne-Marie GRASSER Marriage: 5 MAR 1817, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 François Antoine FOELS
=Catherine WALTER
=Anne HEID Marriage: 24 DEC 1812, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Pauline FOELS
=Jean Michel MICHEL Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
6 Pauline MICHEL
=Wendelin WOLFF Marriage: 20 MAR 1873, Friedolsheim,67145,,,FR,
7 Marie Joséphine WOLFF
=Joseph Alphonse ANTONI Marriage: 5 AUG 1904, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
8 Jules Alphonse ANTONI
=Marie-Françoise SUR Marriage: 19 NOV 1949, Wasselonne,67310,,,FR,
9 Delphine ANTONI
10 Sylviane FOSSE
=Jean Aloise HAUBER Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
6 Marie HAUBER
=Jacques WILL Marriage: 6 FEB 1882, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
5 François-Joseph FOELS
=Marie Rosine OBERMEYER Marriage: 18 NOV 1851, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
6 Élisabeth FOELS
=Prosper RUHLMANN Marriage: 1878, Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
7 Élisabeth RUHLMANN
=Bernard SALLIET Marriage: 20 JAN 1908, Lorient,56100,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
8 Anne Marie Bernadette SALLIET
=Jean LE VAILLANT Marriage: 15 APR 1933, Vannes,56000,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,
=Daniel NOGUE
5 Aloïse FOELS
=Rosine VIX Marriage: 22 OCT 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
6 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
7 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
8 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
9 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Jean-Baptiste FOELS
=Marie-Catherine GRASSER Marriage: 15 FEB 1825, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
5 Odile FOELS
5 Antoine FOELS
5 Joseph FOELS
4 Odile FELS
=François Antoine ZILLER Marriage: 9 MAY 1821, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Marie-Anne FOELS
=Pierre DISS Marriage: 12 JAN 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louis FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Mathieu FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
| /-Pierre LAUTH
| /-André LAUTH
| | \-Marie SONTAG
| /-Jean LAUTH
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | \-Éva WEISS
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
| /-Joseph LAUTH
| | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | | /-Adam SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | \-Odile WEISS
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | /-Théobald HANS
| | \-Catherine HANS
| /-Vincent LAUTH
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | /-Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Oswald ACKER
| | | | | /-Oswald Diebold ACKER
| | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Diebold BILLMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BILLMANN
| | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Jean BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques REINBOLT
| | | | | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | | | | \-Barbara SCHMITT
| | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | /-Pierre GOTTERI
| | | | | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie GOTTERI
| | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Marie KRAUTH
| | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | /-Jean-Georges WENDLING
| | | | \-Marie FEURABENT
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWILLER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | \-Brigitte TRUTTMANN
| | | /-André FRISCH
| | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | \-Barbara WOLFF
\-Marie-Catherine LAUTH
| /-Symphorien SCHERER
| /-Jean SCHERER
| | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Ruhlmann SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean BLAES
| | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | \-Incertain WEINLING
| | | /-Antoine ANSTETT
| | \-Marie ANSTETT
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Michel FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Christine FRESCH
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | \-Anne GOETZ
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Lienhard MULLER
| /-Jean Adam MULLER
| | \-Catherine MEYER
\-Caroline MULLER
| /-Martin HEROLD
| /-Martin HIROLD
| | \-Barbara SCHMUTZ
\-Gertrude HIROLD
| /-Michel OBERLE
\-Catherine OBERLIN
\-Anne-Marie GUTKUNST
Descendants of Louis FOELS
1 Louis FOELS
2 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
3 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
4 Jean Louis FOELS
Ancestors of Louis FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Mathieu FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Pierre LAUTH
| | /-André LAUTH
| | | \-Marie SONTAG
| | /-Jean LAUTH
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Éva WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Joseph LAUTH
| | | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Adam SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Vincent LAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | | | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | | | | | \-Barbara SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | | /-Pierre GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie GOTTERI
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie KRAUTH
| | | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Marie FEURABENT
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWILLER
| | | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Brigitte TRUTTMANN
| | | | /-André FRISCH
| | | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| \-Marie-Catherine LAUTH
| | /-Symphorien SCHERER
| | /-Jean SCHERER
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | /-Incertain ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | \-Incertain WEINLING
| | | | /-Antoine ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie ANSTETT
| | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | /-Michel FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Christine FRESCH
| | | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| \-Barbe SCHERER
| | /-Lienhard MULLER
| | /-Jean Adam MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MEYER
| \-Caroline MULLER
| | /-Martin HEROLD
| | /-Martin HIROLD
| | | \-Barbara SCHMUTZ
| \-Gertrude HIROLD
| | /-Michel OBERLE
| \-Catherine OBERLIN
| \-Anne-Marie GUTKUNST
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jacques STORCK
| | /-Martin STORCK
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | \-Marguerite SCHLOEGEL
| | /-Joseph STORCK
| | | | /-Jean DURRENBACH
| | | | /-Georges DURRENBACH
| | | | | \-Jacobée SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne DURRENBACH
| | | \-Véronique BENDER
| | /-Michel STORCK
| | | | /-Diebold HIGEL
| | | \-Brigitte HIGEL
| | | \-Marguerite SPEICH
| | /-Jean Michel STORCK
| | | \-Anne-Marie SIGRIST
| | /-Michel STARCK
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel BURGARD
| | | | | \-Marie ELLMINGER
| | | \-Anne BURGARD
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | /-Michel LUX
| | | | | \-Marie HASSE
| | | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | | | /-Jean BENDER
| | | | | \-Anne BENDER
| | | | | \-Catherine JUNGHANSEN
| | | \-Catherine LUX
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques BRECH
| | | \-Marie BRECH
| | /-Nicolas STARCK
| | | | /-Pierre OHL
| | | | /-Nicolas OHL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anne OHL
| | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BIRGEL
| | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| \-Marie STARCK
| | /-André BAEHR
| | /-Georges BAEHR
| | | | /-André BIETH
| | | \-Brigitte BIETH
| | | | /-Diebolt KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | | | \-Ursule SCHMITTBIEHL
| | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | /-Nicolas SCHOTT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | /-Jean BAEHR
| | | | /-Charles BECK
| | | | /-Georges BECK
| | | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | | /-Michel BECK
| | | | | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | | \-Madeleine BURCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | \-Catherine BECK
| | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Michel FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | /-Laurent FRITSCH
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Éve SCHÖTTEL
| | | | | \-Barbara STOLL
| | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Marguerite CLAUS
| | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | \-Odile HARTZ
| | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| \-Anne BAEHR
| | /-Louis KRAEHLING
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | \-Marie SOMMER
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Martin GANTZER
| | | | /-Sébastien GANTZER
| | | | | \-Marie CLOCK
| | | \-Anne GANTZER
| | | | /-Michel MEHL
| | | \-Marie MEHL
| | | | /-Henri STRAESSER
| | | \-Anne STRAESSER
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | /-Jean KRAEHLING
| | | | /-Jean ERHARD
| | | | /-Jean EHRHART
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BURGER
| | | | | | /-Jean BURGER
| | | | | | | | /-Pierre MENTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anne MENTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine BURGER
| | | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | /-Bernard NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite MUETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite NONNENMACHER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Anne EHRHART
| | | | /-Philippe HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Laurent HALBWACHS
| | | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean HALBWACHS
| | | | | | /-Michel GÖRG
| | | | | \-Marguerite GÖRG
| | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite HALBWACHS
| | | | /-Joachim AMBSINGER
| | | | /-Michel AMBSINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N
| | | \-Anne AMBSINGER
| \-Marie-Anne KRAEHLING
| | /-Marcus WERLE
| | /-Matthias WERLE
| | | \-Catherine WESTERMANN
| | /-Jean-Georges WERLE
| | | | /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Matthias DIEBOLT
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Élisabeth DIEBOLT
| | | | /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
| | | \-Barbara ARTH
| | | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
| | /-Michel WERLE
| | | | /-André SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Anna FAESSEL
| \-Thérèse WERLE
| | /-Christmann OHL
| | /-Diebold OHL
| | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | \-Éva JUNG
| | /-Antoine OHL
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Barbara STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Anne-Marie OHL
| | /-Jean-Jacques ROTHAN
| | /-Jean-Michel ROTHAN
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMID
| \-Anne Catherine ROTHAN
| \-Élisabeth KARIUS
| /-Antoine LOTH
| /-Antoine LOTH
| | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| /-Georges LOTH
| | | /-Joseph WERNERT
| | | /-Antoine WERNERT
| | | | | /-Balthazar KARG
| | | | | /-Joseph KARG
| | | | | /-Michel KARCHER
| | | | | | | /-Caspar PETER
| | | | | | \-Catherine PETER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Christine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Odilia ESCHENLAUER
| | | | | /-Joseph KARCHER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | \-Catherine KARCHER
| | | | | /-Antoine MATTER
| | | | \-Anne-Catherine MADER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
| | \-Catherine WERNERT
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | /-Christian LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie FUCHS
| | | | | /-Bartholomé TRIER
| | | | \-Anna TRIER
| | | | \-Agnès RIPP
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | /-Jean FRINTZ
| | | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine FRINTZ
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Éva GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | /-Nicolas LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | | \-Christine VENUS
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | \-Anna ALBER
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | | | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | | | | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | | | | \-Anna WETTERMANN
| | | | | /-Nicolas AMANN
| | | | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Wolfgang Le Vieux DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean (Joes) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Éve FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
| | | | | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | | | | /-Jacques WURM
| | | | | | \-Maria WURM
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine AMANN
| | | | \-Madeleine LANDMANN
| | \-Thérèse LAUGEL
| | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | /-Joseph MANDEL
| | | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | /-Antoine MANDEL
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MUETZ
| | | | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marguerite Cécile NONNENMACHER
| | | | | /-Laurent RITTER
| | | | \-Maria RITTER
| | | | \-Marguerite BOSCH
| | \-Marie-Anne MANDEL
| | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | /-Jean Caspar ARON
| | | /-Jean Paul ARON
| | | | \-Anne-Marie FEYLER
| | \-Françoise ARON
| | \-Marie Marguerite BERGER
\-Caroline LOTH
| /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | \-Barbara MARTIN
| /-François-Joseph SCHUSTER
| | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | /-Martin HERTER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques HERTER
| | | | \-Catherine HEIDMANN
| | \-Anne-Catherine HERTER
| | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | \-Catherine MARTIN
| | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | \-Catherine MEHL
| | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | \-Anna MARTIN
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | /-Vix HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Antoine SCHUSTER
| | | /-Jacques LUTZ
| | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNHARD
| | | /-Antoine LUTZ
| | | | | /-Jean LEIBICH
| | | | \-Éva LEIBICH
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KAPS
| | | /-Jean-Conrad LUTZ
| | | | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges FOURNAISE
| | | | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | | \-Marie FOURNAISE
| | | | | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | | \-Anne-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Thérèse LUTZ
| | | /-Jean SCHERER
| | \-Marie SCHERER
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Barbe JUNG
| | | /-Jean MATERN
| | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | \-Catherine WALTER
| /-Georges SCHUSTER
| | | /-Magne MULLER
| | | /-Joseph MULLER
| | | | \-Élisabeth RÖSLER
| | | /-Magnus MULLER
| | | | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | | | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | | | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite HUSS
| | | | \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
| | | /-Jean-Michel MULLER
| | | | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | | | | /-André WÜRTH
| | | | | | \-Catherine ROTHMEYER
| | | | \-Marie Barbara WURTH
| | | | | /-Georges WINCKEL
| | | | | /-Jacques WINCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean WINCKEL
| | | | | | \-Christine FELDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean FÄTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine FÄTZ
| | | | \-Madeleine WINCKEL
| | | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | \-Christine OSTER
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Madeleine MULLER
| | | /-Jean LAUCK
| | | /-Jacques LAUCK
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean LAUG
| | | | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | | \-Éva SCHAMBER
| | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | /-Antoine LAUG
| | | | | /-Diebold WOLFF
| | | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Cunegonde N.N.
| | | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | | | \-Marguerite GEORG
| | \-Madeleine LAUG
| | | /-Laurent VIX
| | \-Catherine VIX
| | | /-Jean HELLER
| | \-Maria HELLER
| | | /-Urban ALLES
| | \-Odile ALLES
| | \-Barbara N.N.
\-Rosalie SCHUSTER
| /-Laurent HOLTZ
| /-Laurent HOLTZ
| | \-Suzanne DIEBOLT
\-Madeleine HOLTZ
| /-François SOLLER
\-Anne-Marie SOLLER
\-Anne-Marie REINHARD
Descendants of Louis FOELS
1 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
2 Jean Louis FOELS
- Father: Mathias FOELS
- Mother: Anne-Marie LUTZ
- Birth: 6 AUG 1788, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: cultivateur
- Death: 15 JUN 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louis FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
| /-Mathias LUTZ
| /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine MELS
\-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| /-Arnoul Iii DE CREQUY
| /-Jean DE CREQUY
| /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | \-Jacqueline D'INCHY
| /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | | /-Jean DE MANSEL
| | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | \-Colaie JOURNE
| /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | /-Philippe IMMERSELLE
| | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | \-Marie VAN DAELE
| /-Henri CREQUY
| | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | /-Jean DE CREQUY
| | | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | | | \-Jacqueline D'INCHY
| | | /-Jean II DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-Jean DE MANSEL
| | | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | | | \-Colaie JOURNE
| | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | | \-Nicole BOURNEL
| | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | /-Thomas DE BALZAC
| | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | | /-Michel GAILLARD
| | | /-Charles D'ORLÉANS
| | \-Souveraine D'ANGOULÊME
| /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | /-Georges WINDT
| | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean CRIQUI
| | \-Marie KURTZ
| /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| /-Jean DIEBOLT
| /-Jacques FRINTZ
Descendants of Louis FOELS
1 Louis FOELS
=Françoise BOUFFLEUR Marriage: 6 NOV 1807, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Louis-Antoine FOELS
=Catherine SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1839, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Salomé HUSS Marriage: 19 MAY 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Mathieu FOELS
=Marie-Catherine LAUTH Marriage: 31 DEC 1873
4 Louis FOELS
5 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
6 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
7 Jean Louis FOELS
3 Antoine FOELS
=Sophie HUBER Marriage: 17 JAN 1882, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Louis FOELS
=Rosalie BRUCKER Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
4 Joséphine FOELS
5 Léonie GILLIG
6 Chantal WENDLING
=Henri BENE
7 Aline BENE
- Father: Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Sophie HUBER
- Birth: 19 SEP 1883, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 21 JAN 1960, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Rosalie BRUCKER
Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louis FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
| /-Michel HUBER
| /-Jean HUBER
| | \-Madeleine MULLER
| /-Joseph HUBER
| | | /-Jacques SCHMIEDER
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHMIEDER
| | \-Anne-Marie ZIMMER
| /-Jean-Baptiste HUBER
| | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWEBEL
| | | /-Antoine KAPS
| | | | \-Maria KELLER
| | | /-Jean KAPS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
| | \-Sophie KAPPS
| | | /-Christophe GRAD
| | | /-Jacques GRAD
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel GRAD
| | | | | /-Jean KREMER
| | | | \-Maria KREMER
| | | | \-Jeanne ZUSS
| | | /-Michel GRAD
| | | | | /-Nicolas JACOB
| | | | | /-Laurent JACOB
| | | | \-Maria JACOB
| | | | \-Marie BURCKART
| | | /-Antoni GRAD
| | | | | /-Diebolt TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHAFFNER
| | | | \-Catherine TROESCH
| | | | | /-Martin Mathias CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | \-Odile MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | \-Gertrude GRAD
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Valentin DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | \-Catherine SCHEER
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | /-Sébastien KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | /-Jean SIGEL
| | | /-Michel SIEGEL
| | | /-Mathias SIEGEL
| | | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | \-Catherine DIETRICH
| | \-Gertrude SIEGEL
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Anna KRIEGER
| | | /-Théobald HANS
| | \-Catherine HANS
\-Sophie HUBER
| /-Jean KUNTZ
| /-Jean KUNTZ
| | \-Barbara DAUL
| /-Thiébault KUNTZ
| | | /-Nicolas EBERLÉ
| | \-Christine EBERLÉ
| | \-Marie REGIN
\-Marie-Catherine KUNTZ
| /-Adolphe BURCK
| /-Charles BURCK
\-Catherine BIERG
| /-Jean LUTZ
| /-Mathias LOTZ
| | \-Anna FAESSEL
| /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | | /-Jean-Georges HEYDMANN
| | \-Madeleine HEITMANN
| | \-Eva Rosina EHRENHUBER
\-Catherine LUTZ
| /-Laurent GILLIG
| /-Michel GILLIG
| | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | \-Anne BUB
| | \-Catherine KAPP
\-Marguerite GILLIG
| /-Jean Adam KAPS
\-Catherine KAPS
| /-Jean HUSS
| /-Jacques HUSS
| | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | \-Maria ANDRES
\-Marie-Barbara HUSS
| /-Simon FELDEN
\-Anna Maria FELDEN
Descendants of Louis FOELS
1 Louis FOELS
=Rosalie BRUCKER Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
- Father: Louis FOELS
- Mother: Françoise BOUFFLEUR
- Birth: 30 SEP 1813, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 5 SEP 1871, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Catherine SIMON
Marriage: 9 FEB 1839, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Salomé HUSS
Marriage: 19 MAY 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Mathieu FOELS Birth: 12 JUL 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Antoine FOELS Birth: 30 JUL 1854, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louis-Antoine FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Jean DE CREQUY
| | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jacqueline D'INCHY
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jean DE MANSEL
| | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | | \-Colaie JOURNE
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | /-Philippe IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie VAN DAELE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jean II DE CREQUY
| | | | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | | | \-Nicole BOURNEL
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Thomas DE BALZAC
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | | | /-Michel GAILLARD
| | | \-Souveraine D'ANGOULÊME
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
Louis-Antoine FOELS
| /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | \-Barbara MEYER
\-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| /-N.N. RIEHL
| /-Jean RIOTH
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| /-Jacques ZILLER
| /-Jacques ZILLER
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | \-Anne HUSS
\-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| /-Georges JACOB
\-Rosine JACOB
Descendants of Louis-Antoine FOELS
1 Louis-Antoine FOELS
=Catherine SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1839, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Salomé HUSS Marriage: 19 MAY 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Mathieu FOELS
=Marie-Catherine LAUTH Marriage: 31 DEC 1873
3 Louis FOELS
4 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
5 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
6 Jean Louis FOELS
2 Antoine FOELS
=Sophie HUBER Marriage: 17 JAN 1882, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Louis FOELS
=Rosalie BRUCKER Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
3 Joséphine FOELS
4 Léonie GILLIG
5 Chantal WENDLING
=Henri BENE
6 Aline BENE
- Partnership with: Pierre DISS
Marriage: 12 JAN 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie-Anne FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
Marie-Anne FOELS
| /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | \-Anna LUX
| | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| /-François NESTELHUT
| | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | /-Joseph LEY
| | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | \-Maria WOLFF
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | \-Éva ZEHN
| | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
\-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| /-Jean HINCKER
\-Catherine HINCKER
| /-Jean PETER
\-Anna Maria PETER
\-Anne-Marie FREY
Descendants of Marie-Anne FOELS
1 Marie-Anne FOELS
=Pierre DISS Marriage: 12 JAN 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Émile IRION
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Marie-Éugénie FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Martin HUSS
| \-Salomé HUSS
| \-Marie LUTZ
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Michel HUBER
| | /-Jean HUBER
| | | \-Madeleine MULLER
| | /-Joseph HUBER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMIEDER
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMIEDER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZIMMER
| | /-Jean-Baptiste HUBER
| | | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWEBEL
| | | | /-Antoine KAPS
| | | | | \-Maria KELLER
| | | | /-Jean KAPS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
| | | \-Sophie KAPPS
| | | | /-Christophe GRAD
| | | | /-Jacques GRAD
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Michel GRAD
| | | | | | /-Jean KREMER
| | | | | \-Maria KREMER
| | | | | \-Jeanne ZUSS
| | | | /-Michel GRAD
| | | | | | /-Nicolas JACOB
| | | | | | /-Laurent JACOB
| | | | | \-Maria JACOB
| | | | | \-Marie BURCKART
| | | | /-Antoni GRAD
| | | | | | /-Diebolt TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHAFFNER
| | | | | \-Catherine TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin Mathias CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | | \-Odile MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | \-Gertrude GRAD
| | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHEER
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | /-Sébastien KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SIGEL
| | | | /-Michel SIEGEL
| | | | /-Mathias SIEGEL
| | | | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Catherine DIETRICH
| | | \-Gertrude SIEGEL
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Anna KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| \-Sophie HUBER
| | /-Jean KUNTZ
| | /-Jean KUNTZ
| | | \-Barbara DAUL
| | /-Thiébault KUNTZ
| | | | /-Nicolas EBERLÉ
| | | \-Christine EBERLÉ
| | | \-Marie REGIN
| \-Marie-Catherine KUNTZ
| | /-Adolphe BURCK
| | /-Charles BURCK
| | | \-Éve GROSHOLTZ
| \-Catherine BIERG
| | /-Jean LUTZ
| | /-Mathias LOTZ
| | | \-Anna FAESSEL
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HEYDMANN
| | | \-Madeleine HEITMANN
| | | \-Eva Rosina EHRENHUBER
| \-Catherine LUTZ
| | /-Laurent GILLIG
| | /-Michel GILLIG
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | | \-Anne BUB
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| \-Marguerite GILLIG
| | /-Jean Adam KAPS
| \-Catherine KAPS
| | /-Jean HUSS
| | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | | \-Maria ANDRES
| \-Marie-Barbara HUSS
| | /-Simon FELDEN
| \-Anna Maria FELDEN
Marie-Éugénie FOELS
\-Rosalie BRUCKER
\-Catherine BRUCKER
Descendants of Marie-Éugénie FOELS
1 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
- Partnership with: Joseph MOSBACH
Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie-Thérèse FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-François Antoine FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
/-Aloïse FOELS
| | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | | /-Jean WENDER
| | | \-Barbara WENDER
| | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | /-Michel HEID
| | | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
| \-Anne HEID
| | /-Jean TIERCE
| | /-Simon TIERCE
| | /-Charles TIERSE
| | | \-Barbe LE COQ
| | /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| | /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | \-Éva SCHWEINLI
| \-Marguerite THIERSE
| | /-Jean SCHISSLER
| \-Catherine SCHISSLER
| \-Anna LUCIN
Marie-Thérèse FOELS
| /-André Jacques VIX
| /-Jacques VIX
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Marzolff VIX
| | \-Anna N.N.
| /-Jean VIX
| | | /-Jean TROESCH
| | \-Anne-Catherine TROESCH
| | \-Véronica N.N.
| /-Jean VIX
| | | /-Jean-Georges MEYER
| | \-Anne-Marie MEYER
| | | /-Jean Georges SONTAG
| | \-Catherine SONTAG
| | \-Maria LUX
| /-Michel VIX
| | | /-Pierre SCHUTTER
| | | /-Jean SCHUTTER
| | | | | /-Christian BRUNNER
| | | | \-Brigitte BRUNNER
| | | | \-Brigitte SCHMID
| | \-Madeleine SCHUTTER
| | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | \-Catherine DIETRICH
| | \-Marie Christine REYMAN
| /-Laurent VIX
| | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | /-François MARTIN
| | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Georges MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Vix MARX
| | | | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | | | | | /-Jacques MATZINGER
| | | | | | | | \-Marie MATZINGER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie Catherine MARTIN
| | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | /-Adam ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel ADAM
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Marie-Eve ADAM
| | \-Anne CONRAD
\-Rosine VIX
| /-Christmann WOLFF
| /-Christmann WOLFF
| | \-Élisabeth GLASER
| /-Michel WOLFF
| | | /-Georg GRIES
| | | /-Jean GRIES
| | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | \-Maria GRIES
| | \-Anne MOLL
| /-François Jean WOLFF
| | \-Anne Gudula WURTZ
| /-Augustin WOLFF
| | | /-Georg KAPP
| | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | /-Martin KAPP
| | | | \-Odile RUNTZ
| | \-Maria KAPP
| | | /-Diebolt GOETZ
| | | /-Diebold GOETZ
| | | | | /-Thomas ERNWEIN
| | | | | /-Valentin ERNWEIN
| | | | \-Agnès ERNENWEIN
| | | | \-Anne SCHOTT
| | \-Maria GOETZ
| | | /-Jean PFEIL
| | \-Catherine PFEIL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Thérèse WOLFF
\-Anne-Catherine WEINLING
Descendants of Marie-Thérèse FOELS
1 Marie-Thérèse FOELS
=Joseph MOSBACH Marriage: 10 JUL 1872, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Victor MOSBACH
=Marie DIENGER Marriage: 2 DEC 1907, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Madeleine Joséphine MOSBACH
=Louis Antoine LAUGEL
4 François LAUGEL
=Arlette Gisèle ZIEGLER
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Thiébault FELS
- Mother: Anne FRIEDERICH
- Birth: 24 FEB 1739, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: aubergiste
- Death: 22 JAN 1816, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne-Marie RIOTH
Marriage: 7 SEP 1762, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne-Marie LUTZ
Marriage: ABT 1778, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Louis FOELS Birth: 6 AUG 1788, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Mathias FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
Mathias FOELS
| /-Vincent ZOTTNER
\-Barbara ZOTTNER
\-Maria MARX
Descendants of Mathias FOELS
1 Mathias FOELS
=Anne-Marie RIOTH Marriage: 7 SEP 1762, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Joseph FELS
=Brigitte LUTZ Marriage: 1798
3 Joseph FELS
=Élisabeth JUNG Marriage: 12 FEB 1829, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Anne-Marie Louise FELS
=Simon LEHMANN Marriage: 7 AUG 1849, Durrenbach,67360,,,FR,
5 Joseph LEHMANN
=Marie-Madeleine GEISSLER Marriage: 27 JAN 1875, Colmar,68000,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
6 Joseph Simon LEHMANN
7 Maurice LEHMANN
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Louise Odile FLECK Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Colmar,68000,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
6 Louis Meinrad LEHMANN
7 Marie Louise LEHMANN
=Robert Louis VALETTE
8 Michel Robert VALETTE
6 Georges LEHMANN
5 Louise LEHMANN
=Augustin KORB Marriage: 21 JAN 1889, Gundolsheim,68250,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,
6 Arrière Grand-Père N.N.
7 Grand Père N.N.
8 Père N.N.
9 Frédérique N.N.
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Auguste FELS
=Catherine KIEGER Marriage: 16 JAN 1867, Weyersheim,67720,,,FR,
5 Auguste FELS
=Élise GRUNDER Marriage: 28 APR 1900, Bischwiller,67240,,,FR,
6 Alfred Henri FELS
=Louise Claudine METZ Marriage: 2 FEB 1929, Bischwiller,67240,,,FR,
6 Matilde Eugénie FELS
=Charles ECKART Marriage: 20 SEP 1935, Bischwiller,67240,,,FR,
=Anne-Marie LUTZ Marriage: ABT 1778, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Louis FOELS
=Françoise BOUFFLEUR Marriage: 6 NOV 1807, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Louis-Antoine FOELS
=Catherine SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1839, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Salomé HUSS Marriage: 19 MAY 1847, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Mathieu FOELS
=Marie-Catherine LAUTH Marriage: 31 DEC 1873
5 Louis FOELS
6 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
7 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
8 Jean Louis FOELS
4 Antoine FOELS
=Sophie HUBER Marriage: 17 JAN 1882, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Louis FOELS
=Rosalie BRUCKER Marriage: 5 MAY 1919, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
6 Marie-Éugénie FOELS
=Émile IRION
5 Joséphine FOELS
6 Léonie GILLIG
7 Chantal WENDLING
=Henri BENE
8 Aline BENE
- Father: Louis-Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Salomé HUSS
- Birth: 12 JUL 1848, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 13 JAN 1931, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Mathieu FOELS
/-Simon VOLTZ
/-Thiébault FELS
| | /-Diebolt MEY
| | /-Diebolt MEYER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Catherine MEYER
| | /-Diebolt RITTER
| \-Catherine RITTER
| \-Marguerite N.N.
/-Mathias FOELS
| | /-Michel FRIEDERICH
| | /-Vincent ZOTTNER
| \-Barbara ZOTTNER
| \-Maria MARX
/-Louis FOELS
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | /-Jean Mathieu LUTZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine MELS
| \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Louis Ii DE CREQUY
| | /-Charles DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE MANSEL
| | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | /-Philippe IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| | | \-Marie VAN DAELE
| | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean II DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | | | | \-Nicole BOURNEL
| | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Thomas DE BALZAC
| | | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| \-Anne CRIQUI
| | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| \-Ève FRINTZ
| \-Éva WOLFF
/-Louis-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Jean-Baptiste BOUFFLEUR
| | /-Mathias BOUFFLEUR
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé SUTTER
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FURBACH
| | | | | \-Salomé FALLER
| | | \-Salomé FURBACH
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MANDEL
| | | \-Barbara MEYER
| \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
| | /-N.N. RIEHL
| | /-Jean RIOTH
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias RIOTH
| | | | /-Caspar ESCHENLAUER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESCHENLAUER
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Madeleine ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne RIOTH
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Christmann ZILLER
| | | | /-Christmann HUSS
| | | \-Anne HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne ZILLER
| | /-Georges JACOB
| \-Rosine JACOB
Mathieu FOELS
| /-Martin HUSS
\-Salomé HUSS
\-Marie LUTZ
Descendants of Mathieu FOELS
1 Mathieu FOELS
=Marie-Catherine LAUTH Marriage: 31 DEC 1873
2 Louis FOELS
3 Antoine FOELS
=Caroline LOTH
4 Louis FOELS
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL
5 Jean Louis FOELS
Ancestors of Odile FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-Jean-Baptiste FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
| /-Michel GRASSER
| /-Diebold GRASSER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel GRASSER
| | | /-Valentin KIEFFER
| | \-Barbara KIEFFER
| | \-Marie GRASSER
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | \-Marie WECKEL
| | \-Éva RIEHL
| /-Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | /-Jean KAPP
| | | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | | \-Véronica GRAD
| | \-Anne KAPP
| | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | /-Antoine STOLL
| | | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | \-Marguerite STOLL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | \-Anne DEBES
| | \-Catherine LAPP
\-Marie-Catherine GRASSER
| /-Jacques OCKART
\-Madeleine OCKARD
\-Catherine DIEBOLD
- Father: François Antoine FOELS
- Mother: Anne HEID
- Birth: 15 SEP 1813, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 19 JAN 1890, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Jean Michel MICHEL
Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Jean Aloise HAUBER
Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
- Child: Marie HAUBER Birth: 3 APR 1854, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
Ancestors of Pauline FOELS
/-Laurent FOELS
/-Jean FOELS
| \-Catherine MADER
/-Antoine FOELS
| | /-Joseph KELLER
| \-Anne-Catherine KELLER
| \-Anne HUBER
/-François Antoine FOELS
| | /-Mathias NESTELHUT
| | /-Jean NESTELHUT
| | | \-Marguerite PETER-DIEBOLT
| | /-Laurent NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Balthazar MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Marie MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Marx PFEIFFER
| | | | /-Georges PFEIFFER
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | \-Barbara PFEIFFER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | /-François NESTELHUT
| | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | \-Anne Marie LEY
| | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | /-Georg REIFFSTECK
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias ZENS
| | | \-Éva ZEHN
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Joseph REIFFSTECK
| | | | /-Martin VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Marie VOLCKWEIN
| | | \-Catherine DIRMEYER
| \-Catherine REIFFSTECK
| | /-Jean HINCKER
| \-Catherine HINCKER
| | /-Jean PETER
| \-Anna Maria PETER
| \-Anne-Marie FREY
Pauline FOELS
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | /-Jean WENDER
| | \-Barbara WENDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| /-Michel HEID
| | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
\-Anne HEID
| /-Jean TIERCE
| /-Simon TIERCE
| /-Charles TIERSE
| | \-Barbe LE COQ
| /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | \-Catherine ADAM
\-Marguerite THIERSE
\-Catherine SCHISSLER
\-Anna LUCIN
Descendants of Pauline FOELS
1 Pauline FOELS
=Jean Michel MICHEL Marriage: 2 MAY 1843, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
2 Pauline MICHEL
=Wendelin WOLFF Marriage: 20 MAR 1873, Friedolsheim,67145,,,FR,
3 Marie Joséphine WOLFF
=Joseph Alphonse ANTONI Marriage: 5 AUG 1904, Westhouse-Marmoutier,67440,,,FR,
4 Jules Alphonse ANTONI
=Marie-Françoise SUR Marriage: 19 NOV 1949, Wasselonne,67310,,,FR,
5 Delphine ANTONI
6 Sylviane FOSSE
=Jean Aloise HAUBER Marriage: 23 JUN 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
2 Marie HAUBER
=Jacques WILL Marriage: 6 FEB 1882, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
- Birth: ABT 1790
- Death: AFT 1853
Descendants of Thérèse FOELS
1 Thérèse FOELS
=Jean LANG
2 Barbe LANG
=Georges LIENHART Marriage: 3 FEB 1853, Saessolsheim,67423,,,FR,
3 Georges LIENHART
4 Marie Léonie LIENHART
=François-Antoine HALBWACHS
=Marie Joséphine FRISON Marriage: 6 OCT 1939
=Marie Georgette Aloisia BEYLER
7 Stéphane HALBWACHS
=Lucie Danielle PAULUS
- Birth: 1660, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
- Death: 28 OCT 1740, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Jean GAUTHIER
Marriage: 5 SEP 1696, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
Descendants of Éva Antonia FOEMIS
1 Éva Antonia FOEMIS
=Jean GAUTHIER Marriage: 5 SEP 1696, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
2 Marie-Anne GAUTHIER
=Jean Henri CHARDON Marriage: 21 NOV 1730, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
3 Jean-Georges CHARDON
=Madeleine SCHMITTHAUER Marriage: 16 JAN 1769, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
4 Jean Étienne CHARDON
=Madeleine KLEIN Marriage: 1799, Altenstadt-Wissembourg,67160,,,FR,
5 Élisabeth CHARDON
=Martin YAHNER Marriage: 25 MAY 1830, Kapsweyer,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
6 Michael YAHNER
=Paulina IBIG Marriage: 16 APR 1855, Pa.,,,,USA,
7 Catherine YAHNER
=Joseph A WARNER Marriage: 28 OCT 1876, Pa.,,,,USA,
8 Albert Everistus WARNER
=Margaret Lauretta LOVE Marriage: 5 SEP 1906, Pa.,,,,USA,
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Linda MCNEAL
10 Judith MCNEAL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Douglas Hugh MCNEAL
9 Bernard A WARNER
9 John Wallace WARNER
Ancestors of Aloïse FOERDERER
| /-Pierre ROOS
| /-Jean-Jacques ROOS
| | \-Catherine LUTZ
\-Catherine ROSS
| /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | \-Marie-Éva HEYDMANN
| | | /-Jean OBERACKER
| | \-Anna Margaretha OBERACKER
| /-Grégoire DIEBOLT
| /-Georges DIEBOLT
| | | /-Georg BURGER
| | \-Barbara BURGER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean Sébastien RECHT
\-Christine RECHT
\-Barbara LUTZ
Descendants of Aloïse FOERDERER
=Françoise WINCKEL Marriage: 24 JAN 1863, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Antoine WINCKEL
- Child: François Antoine WINCKEL Birth: 27 JUN 1771, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Antoine WINCKEL Birth: 18 APR 1774, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Mathieu WINCKEL Birth: 13 SEP 1776, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Descendants of Anne-Marie FOERDERER
1 Anne-Marie FOERDERER
=Antoine WINCKEL
2 François Antoine WINCKEL
=Madeleine HEBING Marriage: 4 OCT 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Anne-Marie DEBES Marriage: 9 OCT 1815, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Antoine WINCKEL
=Ève GRESS Marriage: 15 MAY 1809, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Antoine WINCKEL
=Marie-Anne HOMMEL Marriage: 17 JAN 1849, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
3 Georges WINCKEL
=Suzanne HOMMEL Marriage: 30 AUG 1849, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Georges WINCKEL
=Marie Barbara GILLIG Marriage: 29 JUN 1886, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Mathieu WINCKEL
=Anne-Marie HUBER Marriage: 18 JAN 1810, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Birth: 1 APR 1802, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Occupation: journalier
- Partnership with: Catherine ROSS
Marriage: 29 JAN 1834, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Aloïse FOERDERER Birth: 25 JAN 1835, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Mathias FOERDERER Birth: 30 MAR 1843, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Descendants of Jean FOERDERER
=Catherine ROSS Marriage: 29 JAN 1834, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Françoise WINCKEL Marriage: 24 JAN 1863, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL Marriage: 14 APR 1869, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Joseph LUTZ
Marriage: 9 JUL 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine FOERDERER
/-Matthieu FOERDERER
Descendants of Madeleine FOERDERER
1 Madeleine FOERDERER
=Joseph LUTZ Marriage: 9 JUL 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Death: 13 JAN 1828, Mutzenhouse,67270,,,FR,
Descendants of Marguerite FOERDERER
1 Marguerite FOERDERER
=Laurent FAESSEL
=Madeleine GOLDBRONN Marriage: 15 SEP 1828, Gundershoffen,67110,,,FR,
Ancestors of Mathias FOERDERER
| /-Pierre ROOS
| /-Jean-Jacques ROOS
| | \-Catherine LUTZ
\-Catherine ROSS
| /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | /-Christophe HEYDMANN
| | \-Marie-Éva HEYDMANN
| | | /-Jean OBERACKER
| | \-Anna Margaretha OBERACKER
| /-Grégoire DIEBOLT
| /-Georges DIEBOLT
| | | /-Georg BURGER
| | \-Barbara BURGER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean Sébastien RECHT
\-Christine RECHT
\-Barbara LUTZ
Descendants of Mathias FOERDERER
=Marie-Thérèse FAESSEL Marriage: 14 APR 1869, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne WAGNER
- Child: Madeleine FOERDERER Birth: 14 APR 1795, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Child: Matthieu FOERDERER Birth: 15 NOV 1798, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Descendants of Matthieu FOERDERER
1 Matthieu FOERDERER
2 Madeleine FOERDERER
=Joseph LUTZ Marriage: 9 JUL 1830, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
2 Matthieu FOERDERER
=Rosine LAUGEL Marriage: 13 FEB 1829, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Rosine LAUGEL
Marriage: 13 FEB 1829, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Matthieu FOERDERER
/-Matthieu FOERDERER
Descendants of Matthieu FOERDERER
1 Matthieu FOERDERER
=Rosine LAUGEL Marriage: 13 FEB 1829, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
- Father: Martin SCHIRRA
- Mother: Jeanne Caroline FOERST
- Birth: 7 SEP 1827, Allemagne,,,,ALLEMAGNE,Spechbach
- Death: 14 DEC 1901, Remoncourt,54370,Meurthe-Et-Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Jean-Jacques FOERST
/-Frédéric SCHIRRA
/-Martin SCHIRRA
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
Jean-Jacques FOERST
| /-Pierre FOERST
\-Jeanne Caroline FOERST
Descendants of Jean-Jacques FOERST
1 Jean-Jacques FOERST
2 Marguerite FOERST
3 Émile Léger GRIESZMANN
=Marie GRIEZMANN Marriage: 14 AUG 1917, Orléans,45000,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE,
=Isabelle LOPES
- Father: Pierre FOERST
- Mother: Gertrude SCHEUERMANN
- Birth: 24 MAY 1804, Allemagne,,,,ALLEMAGNE,Michelbach
- Death: 23 FEB 1878, Puteaux,92800,Hauts-De-Seine,Île-De-France,FRANCE,
- Partnership with: Martin SCHIRRA
Marriage: 28 FEB 1845, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Child: Jean-Jacques FOERST Birth: 7 SEP 1827, Allemagne,,,,ALLEMAGNE,Spechbach
- Child: Catherine Élisabeth SCHIRA Birth: 2 MAR 1830, Allemagne,,,,ALLEMAGNE,
Ancestors of Jeanne Caroline FOERST
/-Pierre FOERST
Jeanne Caroline FOERST
Descendants of Jeanne Caroline FOERST
1 Jeanne Caroline FOERST
=Martin SCHIRRA Marriage: 28 FEB 1845, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
2 Jean-Jacques FOERST
3 Marguerite FOERST