Ancestors of Bernard KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
Bernard KENNEL
| /-Michel WALTER
| /-Godfroy WALTER
| | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | \-Marie TILLIER
| /-Antoine-Nicolas WALTER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Christine CARLEN
| | | /-Mathias WEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| /-François WALTHER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GARNER
| | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth CARLEN
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | \-Barbara KORN
| | | /-Michel DISSEL
| | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | \-Marie HELMER
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | /-Jean Pierre BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Marguerite DISSEL
| | | /-Jean RIETH
| | \-Élisabeth RIETH
\-Madeleine WALTHER
| /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| /-André OHLMANN
| | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Antoine OHLMANN
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Mathias OHLMANN
| | | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Mathias TRENDEL
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HALTER
| | \-Catherine TRENDEL
| | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Mathias OHLMANN
| | \-Barbe CLAUS
\-Madeleine OHLMANN
| /-Philippe KRAFFT
| /-Philippe KRAFFT
| | \-Anne HABER
| /-François Joes Bartholomé KRAFFT
| | | /-Diebold LEONHARD
| | | /-Josias LEONHARD
| | | /-Josias LIENHARDT
| | | | | /-Christian FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | \-Madeleine LINHARD
| | | /-N.N. SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Jacques SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Georges SCHWARTZ
| | | | \-Ève DIETRICH
| | \-Anne SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Sixt STALL
| | \-Odile STALL
| /-Nicolas Bartholomé KRAFFT
| | | /-Louis LEHMANN
| | \-Catherine LEHMANN
| | \-Marie LIGERIZ
| /-Philippe KRAFFT
| | | /-Philippe DIEFFENBRONN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie MOSCHENROSS
| | \-Catherine DIEFFENBRONN
| | \-Anne-Marie Marguerite GEIGER
\-Catherine Thérèse KRAFFT
| /-Michel WALTER
| /-Godfroy WALTER
| | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | \-Marie TILLIER
\-Marie-Catherine WALTHER
| /-Jacques CARLEN
| /-Nicolas CARLEN
| /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | \-Anne Marie N.N.
\-Christine CARLEN
| /-Mathias WEBER
\-Anne-Marie WEBER
Descendants of Bernardine Marie KENNEL
1 Bernardine Marie KENNEL
=Charles HIEBER Marriage: 1946
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Catherine KENNEL
1 Catherine KENNEL
- Partnership with: Louis LEONHARD
Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Catherine KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Jacques KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Antoine MICHEL
| \-Marie Anne MICHEL
| | /-Jean WEBER
| | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | /-Laurent WEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | \-Barbara JORG
| | /-Jean-Jacques WEBER
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-André KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | | /-Ancêtre Incertain WETTERMANN
| | | \-Anna WETTERMANN
| \-Barbara WEBER
| | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | \-Odile ACKER
| | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| \-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
| | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | /-Nicolas WEISS
| \-Éva WEISS
| \-Catherine WENDLING
Catherine KENNEL
\-Catherine KOEBEL
\-Jeanne KOEBEL
Descendants of Catherine KENNEL
1 Catherine KENNEL
=Louis LEONHARD Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Victor Louis LEONHARD
=Thérèse STOLTZ
3 Charles LEONHARD
4 Thérèse LEONHARD
=Jean-Jacques DUPONT
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Luc OTT
6 Mathieu OTT
4 Charles LEONHARD
=Yvette WAGNER
5 Isabelle LEONHARD
=Patrick GODET
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Catherine Barbara KENNEL
/-Kilian KENNEL
Catherine Barbara KENNEL
| /-Christian KOEHLER
\-Catherine KOEHLIN
- Partnership with: Madeleine RUF
Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Charles KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
Charles KENNEL
| /-Simon MATT
| /-Jean Georges MATT
| | \-Rophine HOFFMANN
\-Catherine MATT
| /-Jean BAEHL
| /-Jean BAEHL
| | \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
| /-Mathias BAEHL
| | | /-Hanns ZENSS
| | | /-Georges ZENSS
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Catherine ZENS
| | \-Anganesa BIRL
| /-Mathias BEHL
| | | /-Jacques KAPP
| | \-Barbara KAPP
| | \-Marie SCHMITT
| /-Antoine BAEHL
| | | /-Michel ROHR
| | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie ROHR
| | \-Élisabeth WEBER
\-Catherine BAEHL
| /-Jean DEBES
| /-Georges DEBES
| | | /-Mathias SHER
| | \-Éva SCHEER
| | \-Odile ESSLINGER
| /-Nicolas DEBES
| | | /-N.N. JUNG
| | | /-Diebold JUNG
| | \-Odile JUNG
| | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | \-Catherine WOLFF
| /-André DEBES
| | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | /-Georges OSTER
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | \-Marie OSTER
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Catherine SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
\-Barbara DEBUS
| /-Christmann OHL
| /-Diebold OHL
| | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| /-Jacques OHL
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
\-Barbara OHL
\-Catherine STEINMETZ
| /-André KEITH
| /-André KEITH
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Marie KEITH
\-Elisabeth GERING
Descendants of Charles KENNEL
1 Charles KENNEL
=Madeleine RUF Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Joséphine RISCH
Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Charles KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Michel KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel WALTER
| | /-Godfroy WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| | /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | | \-Marie TILLIER
| | /-Antoine-Nicolas WALTER
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Christine CARLEN
| | | | /-Mathias WEBER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | /-Ignace WALTHER
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie GARNER
| | | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Élisabeth CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | | \-Barbara KORN
| | | | /-Michel DISSEL
| | | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | | \-Marie HELMER
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | | /-Jean Pierre BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite DISSEL
| | | | /-Jean RIETH
| | | \-Élisabeth RIETH
| \-Sophie WALTHER
| | /-Pierre KENNEL
| | /-Joseph KENNEL
| | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | /-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | | /-André GEORG
| | | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | | \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
| | /-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | | | /-Henri HEYD
| | | \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| | | \-Marie-Ève MEYER
| \-Madeleine KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Charles KENNEL
| /-Joseph HOELTZEL
| | | /-Jean LECHNER
| | | /-Jean LECHNER
| | | /-Vincent LECHNER
| | | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | \-Catherine BILD
| | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | /-Joseph LECHNER
| | | | | /-Mathias MICHEL
| | | | \-Marie MICHEL
| | | | | /-Jean EBERHARD
| | | | \-Barbara EBERHARD
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Anne KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | \-Marie-Anne LECHNER
| | | /-Adam VIX
| | | /-Antoine VIX
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean VIX
| | | | \-Christine WEISS
| | | /-Michel VIX
| | | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Barbara VIX
| | | /-André HIRSCH
| | \-Gertrude HIRSCH
| | | /-Udalrici SCHEER
| | \-Catharina SCHERER
| | | /-Laurent ENGER
| | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | | | \-Brigitte WURTZ
| | | | | /-Michel MEYER
| | | | \-Catherine MEYER
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Laurent ENGER
| | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Marie DAUL
| | | | \-Marguerite DEBUS
| | \-Odile ENGER
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne STEINMETZ
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | \-Catherine VELTEN
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Jean ADAM
| /-Adam ADAM
| | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-Antoine ADAM
| | | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | \-Catherine BULLER
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
\-Gertrude ADAM
| /-Joseph GLUCK
\-Anne-Marie GLUCK
| /-Henri ADAM
| /-Jean ADAM
| /-Jean ADAM
| | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| /-Adam ADAM
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-André ADAM
| | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
\-Gertrude ADAM
| /-Mathias LAUGEL
| /-Jean LAUGEL
| /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Oswald Diebold ACKER
| | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine BILLMANN
| | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | /-Jean BRAUN
| | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Marie ACKER
| | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | \-Marguerite GRETT
\-Madeleine LAUGEL
| /-André KEITH
| /-André KEITH
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Georges KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Catherine KEITH
Descendants of Charles KENNEL
1 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Descendants of Charles Martin KENNEL
1 Charles Martin KENNEL
=Barbe FALCK
2 Madeleine KENNEL
=Jacques GRUNER Marriage: 7 AUG 1908, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Father: Michel KENNEL
- Mother: Marie ERBS
- Birth: 30 DEC 1914, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
- Death: 2 JUN 1975, Metz,57000,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
- Partnership with: Henri MONNIER
Marriage: 1 APR 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Charlotte KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Philippe KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Michel KENNEL
| | /-Martin RAPPOLD
| | /-Laurent RAPPOLD
| | | | /-Jean-Georges SCHALL
| | | | /-André SCHALL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie MULLER
| | | \-Marguerite SCHALL
| | | | /-Nicolas ZIEGLER
| | | \-Dorothée ZIEGLER
| \-Marie-Anne RAPPOLD
| | /-Jean-Michel SCHALLER
| | /-Valentin SCHALLER
| | | | /-André BAUR
| | | \-Catherine Barbe BAUR
| | | \-Anne Adélaide N.N.
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHALLER
| | | | /-Mathieu CRENNER
| | | | /-Mathieu CRENNER
| | | | | \-Anne BIRLENBACH
| | | | /-Jean CRENNER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges MARX
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine MARX
| | | | | \-Catherine BUCHMANN
| | | | /-Jean CRENNER
| | | | | | /-Joseph HASENFRATZ
| | | | | | /-Christian HASENFRATZ
| | | | | | | \-Christine WICKERSHEIMER
| | | | | \-Marie-Christine HASENFRATZ
| | | | | | /-Melchior CRENNER
| | | | | | /-Jean CRENNER
| | | | | | | \-Marie ZIMMERMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine CRENNER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ROHFRITSCH
| | | \-Élisabeth CRENNER
| | | \-Appoline BIEHLER
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHALLER
| | | | /-Jean BREINER
| | | | /-Valentin BREINER
| | | | | | /-Jean EICHACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine Élisabeth EICHACKER
| | | | | \-Anne Barbe N.N.
| | | \-Barbara BREINER
| | | | /-N.N. FLORY
| | | \-Marguerite FLORY
| \-Catherine SCHALLER
| | /-François-Joseph SCHOLLIVE
| | /-Georges SCHOLLIVE
| | | \-Eve VOLTZ
| \-Catherine SCHOLLIVÉ
| | /-Michel ZIEGLER
| | /-Jean Daniel ZIEGLER
| | | \-Catherine Ursule RAU
| \-Catherine ZIEGLER
| | /-Thomas BER
| \-Marie-Catherine BER
| \-Anne-Marie KOCH
Charlotte KENNEL
| /-Ignace Bernard ERBS
| | | /-Jean Michel ERBS
| | | /-Jean Adam ERBS
| | | /-Jean Martin ERBS
| | | | | /-Jacques KRAFFT
| | | | \-Marie Madeleine KRAFFT
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Jean Martin ERBS
| | | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | | | /-Andreas ZENTZ
| | | | | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | | | \-Marie Anne ZENZ
| | | | | /-Andres MUETZ
| | | | \-Anna MUETZ
| | | | | /-Ostermannn SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Maria SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean Martin ERBS
| | | | | /-Antoine HUTTLER
| | | | \-Marguerite HUTTLER
| | | | \-Barbara KOESSLER
| | \-Barbe ERBS
| | | /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Appoline N.N.
| | | /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Jean HERRMANN
| | | | \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
| | | /-Jean Pierre GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Jean MAURER
| | | | \-Elisabeth MAURER
| | | | \-Barbara TORSCHE
| | | /-Joseph GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Daniel SIFFRIT
| | | | | /-Jean-Paul SIFFRIT
| | | | | | \-Catharina MERCKHER
| | | | \-Anne-Eve SIFFRIT
| | | | | /-Nicolas BAUER
| | | | \-Anna BAUER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Bartholomé FEUERSTEIN
| | | /-Martin FEUERSTEIN
| | | /-Jacques FEUERSTEIN
| | | | \-Agathe WEHINGER
| | | /-Jean-Christian FEUERSTEIN
| | | | | /-Jean Théobald SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Théobald SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth Marguerite ARCULARIUS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
| | | /-Léonard FEUERSTEIN
| | | | | /-Jean DAENTZLER
| | | | \-Elisabeth Marguerite DAENTZLER
| | | | | /-Hans CUNTZ
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel KUNTZ
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine KUNTZ
| | | | | /-N.N. BILLINGER
| | | | \-Margaret BILLINGER
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie FEUERSTEIN
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | /-Léonard SCHMITT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | | | \-Dorothée HERBST
| | \-Suzanne SCHMITT
| | | /-N.N. HECKEL
| | \-Marguerite HECKEL
| | | /-Nicolas KOCHERT
| | | /-Pierre KOCHERT
| | | | \-Barbli N.N.
| | \-Anne Élisabeth KOCHER
| | | /-Jost JUNKER
| | \-Anna Ursula JUNKER
| /-Antoine ERBS
| | | /-André LIENHARD
| | | /-André LIENHARD
| | | | \-Barbe ERBS
| | | /-Ignace LIENHART
| | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie Ursule BOTTLE
| | \-Madeleine LIENHART
| | | /-Michel SCHMALTZ
| | \-Odile SCHMALTZ
| | \-Marie-Anne BERGER
\-Marie ERBS
| /-Jean Uldaric WÜRTH
| /-Conrad WÜRTH
| /-Antoine WIRTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges KOPP
| | \-Gertrude KOPP
| /-Jean "Michel" WIRTH
| | | /-Michel KLIPFEL
| | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie Salomé KLIPFEL
| | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | \-Gertrude N. N.
| | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | /-Georges PHILIPPS
| | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | \-Marie GOLL
| /-Georges WIRTH
| | | /-Georges SIGEL
| | | /-Thomas SIEGEL
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-André SIGEL
| | | | \-Ursule ERNST
| | | /-Jean Jacques SIEGEL
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HEIM
| | \-Anna "Barbara" SIEGEL
| | | /-Ursus KNOCHEL
| | | /-Pierre KNOCHEL ; NAGEL
| | | | | /-Jean BUCHERT
| | | | \-Sibylle Élisabeth BUCHERT
| | \-Christine NAGEL
| | \-Anna-Barbara BUCHMANN
| /-Ignace WIRTH
| | | /-N.N. STRUB
| | | /-André STRUB
| | \-Marie-Anne STRUB
| | \-Marguerite DURRHEIMER
\-Caroline WIRTH
| /-Walburg AMRHEIN
| /-Adam AMRHEIN
| /-Jean Georges AMRHEIN
| | \-Anne HUSSMANN
| /-François AMRHEIN
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques GASS
| | | | \-Eve GASS
| | | | \-Anna KIEFFER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | /-Jean Guillaume RITTER
| | | /-Pierre RITTER
| | | | \-Anne KAMMERLY
| | \-Catherine RITTER
| | | /-Jacques ALBUßER
| | \-Marie Élisabeth ALBUßER
| | \-Odile LAUBACHER
| /-Xavier AMRHEIN
| | | /-Martin MOSER
| | | /-Sébastien MOSER
| | | | \-Ève BECK
| | | /-Mathias MOSER
| | | | | /-Jean STEINBAUER
| | | | | /-Sébastien STEINBAUER
| | | | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | | | \-Élisabeth STEINBAUR
| | | | | /-Jean GULDE
| | | | \-Marguerite GOLDMANN
| | | | | /-Laurent MERCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | | | | \-Agnès HEID
| | | | \-Catherine MERCKLING
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie MOSSER
| | | /-Martin KLOFFLER
| | \-Marie Anne KESSLER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
\-Thérèse AMRHEIN
| /-Jean HEITZ
| /-Jean Adam HEITZ
| | \-Catherine SEILER
| /-Michel HEITZ
| | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | \-Gertrude N. N.
| | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Jean STEPHAN
| | | | \-Gertrude STEPHAN
| | | | \-Marie BOTZ
| | \-Élisabeth BUCHERT
| | | /-Jean MORIZ
| | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | \-Bénédicte WEBER
| | \-Agnès MORITZ
| | \-Anne FASSEL
\-Marguerite HEITZ
| /-Michel BRAXMEYER
| /-Michel BRAXMEYER
| | \-Élisabeth KELLER
| | | /-Abraham KLEE
| | \-Anne-Marie KLEE
| | \-Anne-Marie MICHLING
\-Catherine BRAXMEYER
| /-Philippe SCHLOSSER
| | \-Élisabeth HARTER
\-Dorothée Catherine SCHLOSSER
| /-Michel GROSJEAN
| /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
| /-Philippe GROSJEAN
| | | /-Nicolas LABROCHE
| | \-Marguerite LABROCHE
| | \-Sébastienne PETIT
\-Madeleine GROSJEAN
| /-Pierre BAHL
| /-Thomas BAAL
| | \-Anne RIEL
\-Anne-Marie BAAL
| /-Jean RIEHL
\-Marguerite ou Anne RIEL
Descendants of Charlotte KENNEL
1 Charlotte KENNEL
=Henri MONNIER Marriage: 1 APR 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Gérard MONNIER
=Marie-Anne SUZANNE
3 Angelique MONNIER
- Father: Charles KENNEL
- Mother: Madeleine RUF
- Birth: 25 JUL 1911, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 15 FEB 1980, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Joseph STRENTZ
Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Ernestine KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Charles KENNEL
| | /-Simon MATT
| | /-Jean Georges MATT
| | | \-Rophine HOFFMANN
| \-Catherine MATT
| | /-Jean BAEHL
| | /-Jean BAEHL
| | | \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
| | /-Mathias BAEHL
| | | | /-Hanns ZENSS
| | | | /-Georges ZENSS
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Catherine ZENS
| | | \-Anganesa BIRL
| | /-Mathias BEHL
| | | | /-Jacques KAPP
| | | \-Barbara KAPP
| | | \-Marie SCHMITT
| | /-Antoine BAEHL
| | | | /-Michel ROHR
| | | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie ROHR
| | | \-Élisabeth WEBER
| \-Catherine BAEHL
| | /-Jean DEBES
| | /-Georges DEBES
| | | | /-Mathias SHER
| | | \-Éva SCHEER
| | | \-Odile ESSLINGER
| | /-Nicolas DEBES
| | | | /-N.N. JUNG
| | | | /-Diebold JUNG
| | | \-Odile JUNG
| | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | /-André DEBES
| | | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Georges OSTER
| | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | \-Marie OSTER
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | \-Catherine SCHNEPP
| | | \-Éva JUNG
| \-Barbara DEBUS
| | /-Christmann OHL
| | /-Diebold OHL
| | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | /-Jacques OHL
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | \-Éva JUNG
| \-Barbara OHL
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie KEITH
| \-Elisabeth GERING
Ernestine KENNEL
| /-Louis RUF
\-Madeleine RUF
\-Brigitte DIEBOLD
Descendants of Ernestine KENNEL
1 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Eugène KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Jean-Georges DEIS
| | /-Philippe DEIS
| | | | /-Martin BRENDEL
| | | | /-Joseph BRENDEL
| | | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | | \-Catherine BRENDEL
| | | | /-Claude BADENOT
| | | | /-Nicolas BADINA
| | | | | \-Sébastienne SAYER
| | | \-Anne Marie BADINA
| | | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | | \-Catherine BETSCH
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | \-Catherine ROOS
| | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| \-Marie Anne DEIS
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Joseph Philippe PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| | | \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne PAULUS
| | /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| | /-André OHLMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Jean OHLMANN
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-André OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| \-Barbara Odile OSTER
| | /-Georges ANTH
| | /-Jean ANTH
| | | \-Catharine KLEIN
| \-Odile ANTH
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Odilia KEUTH
| \-Odile WENDLING
/-Louis Philippe KENNEL
| | /-Michel MARTZ
| | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | \-Marguerite REINAGEL
| \-Caroline MARTZ
| | /-Jean-Georges RIEGERT
| \-Caroline RIEGERT
| \-Marie Anne LEBEAU
| /-Georges WALTHER
| /-Joseph WALTHER
| | | /-Simon AMRHEIN
| | | /-Simon Frédéric AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-François-Antoine ENGINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite ENGINGER
| | | | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | | | \-Barbara GROSS
| | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | \-Anne Marie ECK
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Antoine AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-Georges GUTFREUND
| | | | | /-Michel GUTFREUND
| | | | | | | /-Conrad RAMBICOUR
| | | | | | \-Anne Marie RAMBICOURT
| | | | | | \-Catherine COLLMAR
| | | | \-Thérèse GUTFREUND
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | | | \-Gertrude N. N.
| | | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | | | | /-Georges PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marie GOLL
| | | | \-Catherine HELMER
| | | | | /-Nicolas DEISS
| | | | | /-André DEISS
| | | | | | \-Catherine THEOBALD
| | | | | /-Georges DEISS
| | | | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | | \-Marie-Eve HELMER
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | \-Catherine DEISS
| | | | | /-Velten CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Jean-Christophe CLAUSS
| | | | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Marc REECH
| | | | \-Marie REECH
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Marie Anne AMRHEIN
| | \-Julie ROTH
| /-Joseph WALTHER
| | | /-Jean-Georges WARTER
| | \-Françoise WARTER
| | \-Barbe KRETZ
\-Louise WALTHER
| /-Mathias LAUGEL
| /-Jean LAUGEL
| /-Georges LAUGEL
| | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | \-Marie ACKER
| | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | \-Marguerite GRETT
| /-André LAUGEL
| | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | \-Marie ADAM
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Adam LAUGEL
| | | /-Bartholomé WERNERT
| | | /-Georges WERNERT
| | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | \-Catherine VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Ève WERNERT
| | | /-Conrad HUNN
| | \-Suzanne HUNN
| | \-Wibrecht MÜLLER
| /-Joseph LAUGEL
| | \-Anne-Marie SUHR
| /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Jacques OTT
| | | /-Michel OTT
| | | | \-Marguerite ROEMER
| | \-Catherine OTT
| | | /-Christian REICHARD
| | | /-Pierre REICHARD
| | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | /-Frédéric ECKART
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | \-Elisabeth ECKART
| | | | \-Éve GING
| | \-Barbara REICHARD
| | \-Elisabeth MACK
| /-Alexandre LAUGEL
| | \-Marie-Anne FORGEOT
\-Marie Anne LAUGEL
Descendants of Eugène KENNEL
1 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
2 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
- Father: Jacques KENNEL
- Mother: Marie Anne MICHEL
- Birth: 15 AUG 1801, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 2 JAN 1880, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Jean WEBER
Marriage: 23 DEC 1820, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Philippe WEBER Birth: 18 FEB 1825, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Michel WEBER Birth: 6 OCT 1828, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Georges WEBER Birth: 15 FEB 1831, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Élisabeth KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Jacques KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
Élisabeth KENNEL
| /-Antoine MICHEL
\-Marie Anne MICHEL
| /-Jean WEBER
| /-Jacques WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Pierre WEBER
| | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| /-Laurent WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | \-Barbara JORG
| /-Jean-Jacques WEBER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-André KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
| | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | /-Ancêtre Incertain WETTERMANN
\-Barbara WEBER
| /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | \-Odile ACKER
| /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-François KRIEGER
| | | /-Théobald HANS
| | \-Catherine HANS
\-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
| /-Nicolas WEISS
| /-Nicolas WEISS
\-Catherine WENDLING
Descendants of Élisabeth KENNEL
1 Élisabeth KENNEL
=Jean WEBER Marriage: 23 DEC 1820, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Philippe WEBER
=Marie-Anne BADINA Marriage: 7 JAN 1860, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Jean Baptiste WEBER
=Barbe WALTER Marriage: 6 JUL 1889, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Cécile WEBER
=Eugène HELMER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
6 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Joséphine WEBER
=Michel BADINA Marriage: 28 APR 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Marie Berthe BADINA
=Charles Alfred LAMBLA Marriage: 4 OCT 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Pierre Michel LAMBLA
=Paulette Germaine Octavie MERCIER
6 Dominique, Alice, Christiane LAMBLA
4 Madeleine BADINA
=Édouard WEBER Marriage: 1922
5 Georges WEBER
=Marie Thérèse GASMANN
6 Jean Paul WEBER
=Solange MERCKEL
4 Georgette Augustine BADINA
=Lucien Eugène Thomas THOMANN Marriage: 18 NOV 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie-Claire THOMANN
=Tarun, Kanti KARMAKAR Marriage: 1964
6 Romuald KARMAKAR
=Avgoustis TATAKIS
5 Béatrice THOMANN
=Charles GUNTHER
5 Élisabeth THOMANN
=Antonio AROSIO
5 Jacques THOMANN
5 Richard THOMANN
=Michele KREITER
=Marie-Anne EISENMENGER Marriage: BEF 1860
3 Philippe WEBER
=Joséphine STEINMETZ Marriage: 8 JUN 1878, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Michel WEBER
=Marie-Anne EBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1856, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Marie-Anne WEBER
=Ignace LAZARUS Marriage: 23 DEC 1882, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Catherine LAZARUS
=Eugène Antoine BADINA Marriage: 4 FEB 1910, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph LAZARUS
=Stéphanie GOTTAR
5 Albert Joseph LAZARUS
6 Guy François Albert Charles LAZARUS
=Dominique AYMARD
7 Alexis LAZARUS
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Madeleine WEBER
=Aloyse ROTH
4 Marie ROTH
=Jacques ZIEGLER Marriage: 28 JAN 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph WEBER
=Marie EBEL Marriage: 8 JAN 1898, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph WEBER
=Marie Léonie GRASSER
5 Jeanne WEBER
6 Gérard BARDOL
=Josiane RODARIE
7 Virginie BARDOL
2 Georges WEBER
=Marguerite SCHMITT Marriage: 17 APR 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph WEBER
=Marie LUDWIG Marriage: 19 NOV 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Caroline WEBER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Élisabeth KENNEL
/-Nicolas KENNEL
| \-Pétronelle MATZ
Élisabeth KENNEL
| /-Jean-Georges DEUBEL
| /-Christian DEUBEL
| | | /-Jean STUDER
| | \-Anne-Marie STUDER
| | \-Gertrude MULLER
\-Catherine DEUBEL
| /-Jean Pierre SCHUMACHER
| | \-Anne Marguerite N.N.
| /-Frédéric SCHUHMACHER
| | \-Marguerite SEITHER
| /-Jean Adam SCHUMACHER
| | | /-Jean Thomas STARCK
| | | /-Adam STARCK
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Catherine Éva STARCK
| | | /-Augustin OBERLE
| | \-Barbara OBERLE
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Marie Élisabeth SCHUMACHER
| /-Joseph ESTER
\-Marthe ESTER
| /-Elias FLICK
\-Marguerite FLICK
Descendants of Élisabeth KENNEL
1 Élisabeth KENNEL
3 Karolina Petronella MUELLER
4 Egon Othon ERLEMAN
- Partnership with: Marie Louise HUMBERT
Marriage: 14 JUL 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Françoise KENNEL Birth: 21 MAR 1855, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Louise KENNEL Birth: 22 MAY 1859, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Louis KENNEL Birth: 6 JUL 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of François KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
François KENNEL
| /-Philippe BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| /-Jean BALMER
| | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| /-Joseph BALMER
| | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Élisabeth BALMER
| /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Madeleine CARLEN
\-Marguerite SCHMITT
| /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
\-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean RECHT
| | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | \-Odile GERGES
| | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | \-Véronique LEHMAN
\-Catherine RECHT
| /-Mathias CONRAD
| /-Adam GASS
\-Catherine GASS
Descendants of François KENNEL
1 François KENNEL
=Marie Louise HUMBERT Marriage: 14 JUL 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Françoise KENNEL
2 Louise KENNEL
=Georges HELMER Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Eugène HELMER
=Cécile WEBER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
5 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Louis KENNEL
=Marie-Anne FUCHS Marriage: 16 JAN 1893, Eschbach,67360,,,FR,
- Father: Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Marie-Barbara OSTER
- Birth: 7 OCT 1750, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 24 MAY 1811, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Ève HEYD
Marriage: 10 OCT 1774, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Jacques KENNEL Birth: 19 JUL 1775, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Martin Joseph KENNEL Birth: 1 MAR 1785, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Philippe KENNEL Birth: 18 DEC 1787, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of François-Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
François-Joseph KENNEL
| /-Michel OSTER
| /-Christmann OSTER
| | | /-Adam GASS
| | \-Anne GASS
\-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| /-André GEORG
| | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | \-Christine GRUN
| | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
\-Anne Brigitte GEORG
Descendants of François-Joseph KENNEL
1 François-Joseph KENNEL
=Marie-Ève HEYD Marriage: 10 OCT 1774, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Jacques KENNEL
=Marie Anne MICHEL Marriage: 3 JAN 1798, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Élisabeth KENNEL
=Jean WEBER Marriage: 23 DEC 1820, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Philippe WEBER
=Marie-Anne BADINA Marriage: 7 JAN 1860, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Jean Baptiste WEBER
=Barbe WALTER Marriage: 6 JUL 1889, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Cécile WEBER
=Eugène HELMER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
8 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Joséphine WEBER
=Michel BADINA Marriage: 28 APR 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie Berthe BADINA
=Charles Alfred LAMBLA Marriage: 4 OCT 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Pierre Michel LAMBLA
=Paulette Germaine Octavie MERCIER
8 Dominique, Alice, Christiane LAMBLA
6 Madeleine BADINA
=Édouard WEBER Marriage: 1922
7 Georges WEBER
=Marie Thérèse GASMANN
8 Jean Paul WEBER
=Solange MERCKEL
6 Georgette Augustine BADINA
=Lucien Eugène Thomas THOMANN Marriage: 18 NOV 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Marie-Claire THOMANN
=Tarun, Kanti KARMAKAR Marriage: 1964
8 Romuald KARMAKAR
=Avgoustis TATAKIS
7 Béatrice THOMANN
=Charles GUNTHER
7 Élisabeth THOMANN
=Antonio AROSIO
7 Jacques THOMANN
7 Richard THOMANN
=Michele KREITER
=Marie-Anne EISENMENGER Marriage: BEF 1860
5 Philippe WEBER
=Joséphine STEINMETZ Marriage: 8 JUN 1878, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Michel WEBER
=Marie-Anne EBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1856, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie-Anne WEBER
=Ignace LAZARUS Marriage: 23 DEC 1882, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Catherine LAZARUS
=Eugène Antoine BADINA Marriage: 4 FEB 1910, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph LAZARUS
=Stéphanie GOTTAR
7 Albert Joseph LAZARUS
8 Guy François Albert Charles LAZARUS
=Dominique AYMARD
9 Alexis LAZARUS
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Madeleine WEBER
=Aloyse ROTH
6 Marie ROTH
=Jacques ZIEGLER Marriage: 28 JAN 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph WEBER
=Marie EBEL Marriage: 8 JAN 1898, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph WEBER
=Marie Léonie GRASSER
7 Jeanne WEBER
8 Gérard BARDOL
=Josiane RODARIE
9 Virginie BARDOL
4 Georges WEBER
=Marguerite SCHMITT Marriage: 17 APR 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph WEBER
=Marie LUDWIG Marriage: 19 NOV 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Caroline WEBER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Philippe KENNEL
=Barbe GOEHLINGER Marriage: 29 MAY 1830, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Martin KENNEL
=Catherine SCHAFF Marriage: 8 FEB 1861, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Aloyse KENNEL
=Barbe GASS Marriage: 20 MAY 1901, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Antoine KENNEL
=Marthe Madeleine VEITH Marriage: 15 JAN 1943, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Gerard KENNEL
=Chantal SCHMITT Marriage: 15 APR 1968, Marienthal,67500,,,FR,
8 Thierry KENNEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine KOEBEL Marriage: 23 JAN 1833, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Catherine KENNEL
=Louis LEONHARD Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Victor Louis LEONHARD
=Thérèse STOLTZ
6 Charles LEONHARD
7 Thérèse LEONHARD
=Jean-Jacques DUPONT
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Luc OTT
9 Mathieu OTT
7 Charles LEONHARD
=Yvette WAGNER
8 Isabelle LEONHARD
=Patrick GODET
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Marie Anne KENNEL
=Nicolas MOEBS Marriage: 15 JUN 1839, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Élisabeth MOEBS
=Nicolas ERBS Marriage: Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Theodore ERBS
=Marie Clémence JUNG
6 Marie Antoinette ERBS
7 Jeanne Marie Antoinette WENDLING
=Eugène Antoine MOEGLIN Marriage: 11 NOV 1949, Lipsheim,67640,,,FR,
8 Roland MOEGLIN
3 Pierre KENNEL
=Élisabeth OHLMANN Marriage: 14 OCT 1844, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Antoine BARASINO Marriage: 29 SEP 1877, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Barbara KUNTZ Marriage: 10 NOV 1906, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
5 Madeleine BARASINO
2 Martin Joseph KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe PAULEN Marriage: 27 DEC 1806, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph KENNEL
=Élisabeth BALMER Marriage: 19 OCT 1827, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph KENNEL
4 François KENNEL
=Marie Louise HUMBERT Marriage: 14 JUL 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Françoise KENNEL
5 Louise KENNEL
=Georges HELMER Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Eugène HELMER
=Cécile WEBER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
8 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Louis KENNEL
=Marie-Anne FUCHS Marriage: 16 JAN 1893, Eschbach,67360,,,FR,
=Madeleine WALTHER Marriage: 29 AUG 1862, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Bernard KENNEL
5 Salomé KENNEL
=Charles GNAEDIG Marriage: 10 FEB 1906
6 Laurentine GNAEDIG
=Ferdinand RECHT Marriage: 31 JUL 1937, Paris 15,75015,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
7 Monique RECHT
=François MITAINE
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Antoine KENNEL
=Marie Anne DEIS Marriage: 28 JAN 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie KENNEL
=Aloïse ZIEGLER Marriage: 7 NOV 1891, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph KENNEL
=Caroline MARTZ Marriage: 7 JUL 1899, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
6 Louis Philippe KENNEL
=Louise WALTHER Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
8 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
5 Michel KENNEL
=Marie Louise DEIS Marriage: 6 NOV 1909, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Michel KENNEL
=Sophie WALTHER Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Michel KENNEL
6 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
6 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Antoine KENNEL
5 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
5 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Albert KENNEL
6 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Philippe KENNEL
=Marie-Anne RAPPOLD Marriage: 27 JUN 1874, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Michel KENNEL
=Marie ERBS Marriage: 1 JUL 1911, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Charlotte KENNEL
=Henri MONNIER Marriage: 1 APR 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Gérard MONNIER
=Marie-Anne SUZANNE
8 Angelique MONNIER
5 Antoine KENNEL
=Louise RUYER Marriage: 3 JUN 1910, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
6 Antoinette KENNEL
=Joseph PAULUS Marriage: 24 MAY 1929, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
7 Bernadette PAULUS
=Rolf, Harry BALTZER
8 Christine BALTZER
8 Marie France BALTZER
=Claude Charles ARBOGAST
4 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine MATT Marriage: 17 JUL 1850, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Charles KENNEL
=Madeleine RUF Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Élisabeth KNAB Marriage: 26 JUN 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Madeleine KENNEL
=Ignace WALTHER Marriage: 19 SEP 1829, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Madeleine WALTER
=Michel GOETZ Marriage: 29 JAN 1859, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
5 François GOETZ
6 Alphonsine Emma GOETZ
7 Roger BRENON
8 Liliane BRENON
=Robert AYACHE
4 François WALTER
=Geneviève HARTMANN Marriage: 1 OCT 1859, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Eugène WALTER
=Joséphine SANDEL Marriage: 15 OCT 1887, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Eugénie WALTER
=Charles SANDEL
7 Marcel SANDEL
=Marie-Thérèse HAUPT
8 Chantal SANDEL
9 Marie VOGEL
=Laurent BITZ
=Michel KLEFFER Marriage: 18 MAY 1865, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Sophie WALTHER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Michel KENNEL
6 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
6 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Antoine KENNEL
5 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
5 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Albert KENNEL
6 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Philippe KENNEL
=Marie Anne Thérèse JUCHS Marriage: 17 APR 1811, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Françoise KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-François KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
Françoise KENNEL
| /-François HUMBERT
\-Marie Louise HUMBERT
\-Françoise DEMAND
- Father: Pierre Martin KENNEL
- Mother: Philippine LETOGARD
- Birth: 27 JUL 1826, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Occupation: Couturière
- Death: 31 DEC 1901, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Joseph FLESCH
Marriage: 23 APR 1849, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
/-Pierre Martin KENNEL
| | /-Pierre KENNEL
| | /-Joseph KENNEL
| | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | /-Jean Michel KENNEL
| | | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | | /-André GEORG
| | | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | | \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
| \-Marguerite KENNEL
| | /-Balthazar DUCLOS
| \-Marguerite DUCLOS
| \-Barbara SCHNELL
Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
| /-Louis Jean LETOCART
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Pierre LETOCART
| | | /-Nicolas CHAMPION
| | | /-Antoine CHAMPION
| | \-Jeanne CHAMPION
| | | /-Pierre DENU
| | \-Françoise DENU
| | \-Marie BILLET
| /-Philippe Jacques LETOCART
| | | /-Jacques BICK
| | \-Christine BICK
| | \-Élisabeth WECHTER
\-Philippine LETOGARD
| /-Jean-Georges SCHWAB
\-Françoise SCHWAB
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
1 Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Joseph FLESCH Marriage: 23 APR 1849, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Françoise FLESCH
=Charles BECK
3 Anne-Marie BECK
=Émile DIRHEIMER Marriage: 20 FEB 1900, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Marguerite DIRHEIMER
=Inès MARIN Marriage: 26 DEC 1930, Sarralbe,57430,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marina KOCHER
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Claudette VAURY
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Gerard KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Jacques KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Philippe KENNEL
| | /-Antoine MICHEL
| \-Marie Anne MICHEL
| | /-Jean WEBER
| | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | /-Laurent WEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | \-Barbara JORG
| | /-Jean-Jacques WEBER
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | /-André KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
| | | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | \-Anna WETTERMANN
| \-Barbara WEBER
| | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | \-Odile ACKER
| | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | /-François KRIEGER
| | | | /-Théobald HANS
| | | \-Catherine HANS
| \-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
| | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | /-Nicolas WEISS
| \-Éva WEISS
| \-Catherine WENDLING
/-Martin KENNEL
| | /-Jean-Georges GELLINGER
| | /-Laurent GELLINGER
| | | \-Madeleine OBER
| | /-Jean-Georges GOEHLINGER
| | | | /-Jean Martin ESS
| | | | | | /-Bartholomé HILER
| | | | | \-Marguerite HILER
| | | \-Élisabeth ESS
| | | \-Marguerite SCHWARZ
| | /-Michel GOEHLINGER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges KUHN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel KUHN
| | | | | \-Catherine BIHLMANN
| | | | /-André KUHN
| | | | | | /-Jean WOLFF
| | | | | \-Élisabeth WOLFF
| | | | | \-Marguerite BESTEL
| | | \-Anne-Marie KUHN
| | | | /-Georg MERCK
| | | | /-Jean MERCK
| | | | /-Georges MERCK
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHELLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie MERCK
| | | | /-Jean EINHORN
| | | \-Barbe EINHORN
| | | \-Marie Catherine MARZOLFF
| | /-Jean ENDERLE
| | /-Balthazar ENDERLE
| | /-Ignace ENDERLE
| | | | /-Christian DRANDEL
| | | \-Christine TRENDLER
| | | \-Agathe N.N.
| \-Barbe ENDERLÉ
| | /-Christian GRASS
| \-Madeleine GRASS
| \-Marie HARTMANN
/-Aloyse KENNEL
| | /-Pierre SCHOFF
| | /-Georges SCHOFF
| | | \-Catherine TRITSCHLER
| | /-Philippe SCHAF
| | | | /-Thomas WELTZER
| | | | /-Christophore WELTZER
| | | | /-Adam WELTZER
| | | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph WELTZER
| | | | | \-Marie-Élisabeth MORGENTHALER
| | | | /-Antoine WELTZER
| | | | | \-Christine MORITZ
| | | | | \-Anne MORITZ
| | | \-Élisabeth WELTZER
| | | | /-Jean Sr BATT
| | | | /-Jean BATT
| | | | | \-Odile BRENNER
| | | | /-Jacques BATT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WALTER
| | | \-Anne-Marie BATT
| | | | /-Jean MORIZ
| | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | | \-Bénédicte WEBER
| | | \-Anne Marguerite MORITZ
| | | \-Anne FASSEL
| \-Catherine SCHAFF
| | /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| | /-André OHLMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Antoine OHLMANN
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Georges OHLMANN
| | | | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias TRENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HALTER
| | | \-Catherine TRENDEL
| | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| \-Madeleine OHLMANN
| | /-Jean-Charles BARBIER
| | | \-Jeanne DUFORIN
| | /-Jean BARBIER
| | | \-Françoise BAUDET
| | /-Jean Étienne BARBIER
| | | | /-Georges MATTER
| | | \-Marguerite MATTER
| | | \-Barbarea RIEHL
| | /-Mathias BARBIER
| | | | /-Christophorus GIESS
| | | \-Barbara GIESS
| | | \-Barbara BRENDLER
| \-Odile BARBIER
| | /-Jean LETSCHER
| | /-Martin LETSCHER
| \-Élisabeth LETSCHER
| | /-Pierre KEMPF
| | /-Guillaume KEMPF
| | | \-Élisabeth TUBA
| \-Catherine KEMPF
| | /-Jean BURGER
| \-Éva BURGER
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Joes Georg GASS
| | /-André GASS
| | | \-Catherine MACK
| | /-André GASS
| | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | /-Georges WEBER
| | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | /-Georges WEBER
| | | | | | /-Christmann KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Gertrude WEBER
| | | \-Gertude SCHERRER
| | /-Joseph GASS
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | /-Michel LEMMEL
| | | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | | \-Marie-Anne LEMMEL
| | | \-Marie ADAM
| | /-Michel GASS
| | | | /-Joseph ADAM
| | | \-Gertrude ADAM
| | /-Joseph GASS
| | | | /-Joseph LINDING
| | | \-Barbe LINDING
| | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | \-Elisabeth MULLER
| | | \-Marie Barbe MAYER
| | | | /-André WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
| \-Barbe GASS
| | /-Jean Antoine ROSCH
| | /-François-Antoine ROSCH
| | | \-Madeleine WINCKLER
| | /-Antoine ROSCH
| | | | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Mathias TRENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HALTER
| | | | /-Jean Georges TRENDEL
| | | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | | | /-Rudolph KLAFFSKY
| | | | /-Rudolf KLAFFSKY
| | | | | | /-Jean Dietrich SCHWAETZER
| | | | | \-Anne Barbe SCHWAETZER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges KLAFFSKY
| | | | | \-Anne Barbe FISCHER
| | | \-Christine KLAFFSKY
| | | | /-Christian SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Barbe Catherine SCHWARTZ
| \-Madeleine ROSCH
| | /-Bartholomé Pierre KOST
| | /-Michel KOST
| | | \-Catherine WIDEMANN
| | /-Michel KOST
| | | \-Anna SCHMUCK
| | /-Jean KOST
| | | | /-Jacques SOMMER
| | | \-Marie-Élisabeth SOMMER
| | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | \-Anne MANDEL
| | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | /-Nicolas KOST
| | | | /-Diebold ACKER
| | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | /-Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | /-Osswald SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Thomas SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHULTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHULTZ
| | | | | \-Anne SCHULTZ
| | | | | | /-Martin MECHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine MECHEL
| | | \-Marguerite ACKER
| | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | /-Nicolas REIFF
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHALL
| | | | | \-Agathe SCHALL
| | | | | \-Agathe BAUR
| | | | /-Hans REIFF
| | | | | | /-Hans OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHLEYDT
| | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | | /-Jean LUX
| | | | /-Martin LUX
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHLEYDT
| | | | /-Nicolas LUX
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Anna KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie LUX
| | | | /-Joerg Ou Jean ? FAULLIMMEL
| | | | /-Wendelin FAULLIMMEL
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Marie FAULLIMMEL
| | | | /-Diebold BIRLENBACH
| | | \-Marie BIRLENBACH
| | | \-Catherine MARZOLF
| \-Madeleine KOST
| \-Anne PAULUS
| /-Jean Michel VEITH
| /-Jean-Jacques VEITH
| /-Jacques VEITH
| | | /-Jean-Michel MOSCHEROSCH
| | \-Anne-Marie MOSCHEROSCH
| | \-Anne Barbe SCHERDING
| /-Jacques VEITH
| | \-Élisa AMSPERGER
| /-Louis VEITH
| | | /-André ZIMPFER
| | | /-Jacques ZIMPFER
| | | | | /-Michel LIESS
| | | | | /-Diebold LIESS
| | | | \-Marie Barbe LIESS
| | | | \-Catherine KELLER
| | | /-Jacques ZIMPFER
| | | | | /-Jean-Geoffroi OSTERMANN
| | | | \-Marie-Élisabeth OSTERMANN
| | | | | /-André JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas JUNG
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Jean MOSBRUCKER
| | | | | | \-Catherine MOSBRUCKER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Diebold CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Diebold CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean GLESSER
| | | | | | \-Maria GLESSER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Marguerite JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
| | | | | /-Jean-Pierre SCHUSTER
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite SCHUSTER
| | \-Sophie ZIMPFER
| | | /-Diebold CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Diebold Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Georges CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Georges GROSS
| | | | | /-Mathias GROSS
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHITTER
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHITTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara MULLER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GROSS
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | | /-Nicolas REIFF
| | | | | | \-Agathe SCHALL
| | | | \-Marguerite REIFF
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anna LUX
| | | /-Thibaut CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | /-Diebold ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Jean JACOB
| | | | | | \-Marguerite JACOB
| | | | \-Éva ADAM
| | | | | /-Georges SCHUSTER
| | | | | /-Philippe Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | | | | \-Sabine Ou Salomé BECK
| | | | \-Christine SCHUSTER
| | | | | /-Diebold CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Christine CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Jacques CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges GRUNDER
| | | | \-Christine Barbe GRUNDER
| | | | \-Barbe SCHUSTER
| | \-Julie CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Michel LIESS
| | | /-Jean-Martin LIESS
| | | /-Chrétien LIESS
| | | | | /-Joseph KOLLER
| | | | \-Suzanne KOLLER
| | \-Catherine LIESS
| | | /-Jean-Georges EHRHARDT
| | \-Anne-Barbe EHRHARDT
\-Marthe Madeleine VEITH
| /-Joachim HASENFRATZ
| /-Jean-Georges HASENFRATZ
| | \-Marie-Barbe HETT
| /-Daniel Jacques HASENFRATZ
| | \-Françoise DEUTSCH
| | | /-Jean OSTER
| | \-Marie-Ève OSTER
| | \-Marie-Ursule SCHMITT
| | | /-Joseph EM
| | \-Catherine EM
| | \-Gertrude KRESS
| | | /-Laurent TRAPP
| | \-Salomé TRAPP
| | \-Rosine LAEPPEL
| /-Charles HASENFRATZ
| | | /-Jean STREBLER
| | | /-Jean STREBLER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie DISS
| | | /-Jean STREBLER
| | | | \-Catherine KERS
| | | /-Jean Charles STREBLER
| | | | \-Brigitte GNAEDIG
| | | /-Joseph STREBLER
| | | | \-Catherine DREHER
| | | /-Valentin Geoffroi STREBLER
| | | | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | | | \-Barbara BAETSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | \-Catherine ROOS
| | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | /-François STREBLER
| | | | | /-André WOLFF
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WOLFF
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
| | \-Madeleine STREBLER
| | | /-Georges GOLDBRONN
| | | /-Jean Wendelin GOLDBRONN
| | | | \-Marie NIESING
| | | /-Jean Wilhelm GOLDBRONN
| | | | \-Ursula MULLER
| | | /-Antoine GOLDBRONN
| | | | | /-Abraham GILY
| | | | \-Maria Barbara GILLIG
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | | \-Margaritha BEELER
| | | | \-Maria Barbara SCHULER
| | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | | /-Antoine GOLDBRONN
| | | | | /-Wendelin TRITSCHLER
| | | | | /-Gall TRITSCHLER
| | | | | | \-Marie BINZENSTOCK
| | | | | /-Pierre TRITSCHLER
| | | | | | | /-Pancrace MORO
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MARO
| | | | | /-Jean Georges TRITSCHLER
| | | | | | | /-Georges THALER
| | | | | | | /-Thomas THALER
| | | | | | \-Odile THALER
| | | | | | | /-Jean Martin ZIMMER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ZIMMER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie TREB
| | | | \-Madeleine TRITSCHLER
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine GRABHERR
| | \-Thérèse GOLDBRONN
| | | /-Jacques HEIM
| | | /-Frédéric HEIM
| | | | \-Marie THAL
| | | /-Mathieu HEIM
| | | | | /-Étienne ZIRNHELD
| | | | \-Marthe ZIRNHELD
| | | | \-Catherine MERCKEL
| | \-Thérèse HEIM
| | | /-Joseph ZUGMEYER
| | | /-Pierre ZUGMEYER
| | \-Anne-Marie ZUGMEYER
| | \-Barbara HEGEL
\-Madeleine HASENFRATZ
| /-Mathias ROECKEL
| /-Ignace Nicolas ROECKEL
| | \-Madeleine KLIER
| /-Jean-Georges ROECKEL
| | \-Catherine ANTONI
| /-Jean-Georges ROECKEL
| | | /-Joseph CHRIST
| | \-Catherine CHRIST
| | \-Marguerite MULLER
| /-François Ignace ROECKEL
| | | /-Jean SCHIEB
| | \-Catherine SCHIEB
| | \-Salomé ANTONI
| /-Ignace ROECKEL
| | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | \-Margaritha BEELER
| | | /-Léonard SCHULLER
| | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | | /-Jacques SCHULLER
| | | | \-Anna Barbara REICHLIN
| | | /-Ignace SCHULLER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | /-Jacques ECK
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie ECK
| | | | | /-Matthias WETTERMANN
| | | | \-Marie (Ève) WETTERMANN
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | /-Martin SCHULER
| | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N. N.
| | | | | /-Adam BUCHERT
| | | | | | | /-Georges PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marie GOLL
| | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | | | /-Jean STEPHAN
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Michel STEPHAN
| | | | | | | | \-Marie BOTZ
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie STEPHAN
| | | | | | | /-André GERLACHER
| | | | | | \-Marie GERLACHER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie MEYER
| | | | \-Odile BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Laurent GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve REYMANN
| | | | | | \-Marie HAMMER
| | | | \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Georges GRUNENWALD
| | | | \-Barbe GRUNENWALD
| | | | \-Anne WEBER
| | \-Madeleine SCHULER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Théobald BATT
| | | | \-Marie Appolinie HOCHERT
| | | /-Stéphane BATT
| | | | | /-Paul PALMER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Philippe BATT
| | | | | /-Philippe REIFERT
| | | | \-Rosine REIFERT
| | | | | /-Jean RAPP
| | | | \-Marie RAPP
| | | | \-Élisabeth LOHRMANN
| | | /-Joseph BATT
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Marie Ursule GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne Barbe BURGER
| | \-Ursule BATT
| | | /-Anstett EBERLÉ
| | | /-Georges EBERLÉ
| | | /-Jean EBERLÉ
| | | | | /-Wendel BECHTEL
| | | | \-Catherine BECHTEL
| | | | \-Madeleine N.N.
| | | /-Joseph EBERLÉ
| | | | | /-Mathias SCHOFF
| | | | \-"Anne" Marie SCHOFF
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine N.N.
| | \-Marguerite EBERLÉ
| | | /-Joseph HATTNER
| | \-Anne-Marie HATTNER
| | \-Anne-Marie REMP
\-Marie-Anne ROECKEL
| /-Jean Thibault ZIEGLER
| /-Antoine ZIEGLER
| | \-Élisabeth WERNER
| /-Antoine ZIEGLER
| | | /-Georges ENGINGER
| | \-Anne Marie ENGINGER
| | | /-Georges LEHMANN
| | | /-Jean LEHMANN
| | \-Gertrude LEHMANN
| /-Joseph ZIEGLER
| | | /-Abraham GILY
| | | /-Joseph GILLIG
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | | \-Margaritha BEELER
| | | | \-Maria Barbara SCHULER
| | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | \-Madeleine GILLIG
| | | /-François MEYER
| | \-Anne-Marie MEYER
| /-Joseph ZIEGLER
| | \-Gertrude SANDBERG
\-Marie-Anne ZIEGLER
| /-Michel WALTER
| /-Godfroy WALTER
| | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | \-Marie TILLIER
| /-Ignace WALTER
| | | /-Marc SUSS
| | | /-André SUSS
| | | | \-Ursule WALTER
| | | /-André SUSS
| | | | | /-Michel BEYER
| | | | \-Catherine BAYER
| | \-Anne-Marie SUSS
| | | /-Michel SIEGWALD
| | \-Anne Marie SIEGWALD
| | | /-Jean FALLER
| | \-Madeleine FALLER
| | \-Agathe ROMBACH
\-Marie WALTER
| /-Antoine MORITZ
\-Thérèse MORITZ
\-Marie-Anne SPECHT
Descendants of Gerard KENNEL
1 Gerard KENNEL
=Chantal SCHMITT Marriage: 15 APR 1968, Marienthal,67500,,,FR,
2 Thierry KENNEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: François-Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Marie-Ève HEYD
- Birth: 19 JUL 1775, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Occupation: laboureur
- Death: 7 JUN 1817, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie Anne MICHEL
Marriage: 3 JAN 1798, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Élisabeth KENNEL Birth: 15 AUG 1801, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Philippe KENNEL Birth: 4 OCT 1806, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph KENNEL Birth: 1808, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Marie Anne KENNEL Birth: 18 MAR 1811, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Pierre KENNEL Birth: 17 FEB 1817, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jacques KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
Jacques KENNEL
| /-Henri HEYD
\-Marie-Ève HEYD
\-Marie-Ève MEYER
Descendants of Jacques KENNEL
1 Jacques KENNEL
=Marie Anne MICHEL Marriage: 3 JAN 1798, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Élisabeth KENNEL
=Jean WEBER Marriage: 23 DEC 1820, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Philippe WEBER
=Marie-Anne BADINA Marriage: 7 JAN 1860, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Jean Baptiste WEBER
=Barbe WALTER Marriage: 6 JUL 1889, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Cécile WEBER
=Eugène HELMER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
7 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Joséphine WEBER
=Michel BADINA Marriage: 28 APR 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie Berthe BADINA
=Charles Alfred LAMBLA Marriage: 4 OCT 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Pierre Michel LAMBLA
=Paulette Germaine Octavie MERCIER
7 Dominique, Alice, Christiane LAMBLA
5 Madeleine BADINA
=Édouard WEBER Marriage: 1922
6 Georges WEBER
=Marie Thérèse GASMANN
7 Jean Paul WEBER
=Solange MERCKEL
5 Georgette Augustine BADINA
=Lucien Eugène Thomas THOMANN Marriage: 18 NOV 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie-Claire THOMANN
=Tarun, Kanti KARMAKAR Marriage: 1964
7 Romuald KARMAKAR
=Avgoustis TATAKIS
6 Béatrice THOMANN
=Charles GUNTHER
6 Élisabeth THOMANN
=Antonio AROSIO
6 Jacques THOMANN
6 Richard THOMANN
=Michele KREITER
=Marie-Anne EISENMENGER Marriage: BEF 1860
4 Philippe WEBER
=Joséphine STEINMETZ Marriage: 8 JUN 1878, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Michel WEBER
=Marie-Anne EBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1856, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Marie-Anne WEBER
=Ignace LAZARUS Marriage: 23 DEC 1882, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Catherine LAZARUS
=Eugène Antoine BADINA Marriage: 4 FEB 1910, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph LAZARUS
=Stéphanie GOTTAR
6 Albert Joseph LAZARUS
7 Guy François Albert Charles LAZARUS
=Dominique AYMARD
8 Alexis LAZARUS
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Madeleine WEBER
=Aloyse ROTH
5 Marie ROTH
=Jacques ZIEGLER Marriage: 28 JAN 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph WEBER
=Marie EBEL Marriage: 8 JAN 1898, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph WEBER
=Marie Léonie GRASSER
6 Jeanne WEBER
7 Gérard BARDOL
=Josiane RODARIE
8 Virginie BARDOL
3 Georges WEBER
=Marguerite SCHMITT Marriage: 17 APR 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph WEBER
=Marie LUDWIG Marriage: 19 NOV 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Caroline WEBER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Philippe KENNEL
=Barbe GOEHLINGER Marriage: 29 MAY 1830, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Martin KENNEL
=Catherine SCHAFF Marriage: 8 FEB 1861, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Aloyse KENNEL
=Barbe GASS Marriage: 20 MAY 1901, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Antoine KENNEL
=Marthe Madeleine VEITH Marriage: 15 JAN 1943, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Gerard KENNEL
=Chantal SCHMITT Marriage: 15 APR 1968, Marienthal,67500,,,FR,
7 Thierry KENNEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine KOEBEL Marriage: 23 JAN 1833, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Catherine KENNEL
=Louis LEONHARD Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Victor Louis LEONHARD
=Thérèse STOLTZ
5 Charles LEONHARD
6 Thérèse LEONHARD
=Jean-Jacques DUPONT
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Luc OTT
8 Mathieu OTT
6 Charles LEONHARD
=Yvette WAGNER
7 Isabelle LEONHARD
=Patrick GODET
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Marie Anne KENNEL
=Nicolas MOEBS Marriage: 15 JUN 1839, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Élisabeth MOEBS
=Nicolas ERBS Marriage: Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Theodore ERBS
=Marie Clémence JUNG
5 Marie Antoinette ERBS
6 Jeanne Marie Antoinette WENDLING
=Eugène Antoine MOEGLIN Marriage: 11 NOV 1949, Lipsheim,67640,,,FR,
7 Roland MOEGLIN
2 Pierre KENNEL
=Élisabeth OHLMANN Marriage: 14 OCT 1844, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Antoine BARASINO Marriage: 29 SEP 1877, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Barbara KUNTZ Marriage: 10 NOV 1906, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
4 Madeleine BARASINO
- Father: Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Élisabeth BALMER
- Birth: 24 JUN 1835, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Occupation: journalier
- Death: 10 NOV 1909, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| /-Philippe BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| /-Jean BALMER
| | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| /-Joseph BALMER
| | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Élisabeth BALMER
| /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Madeleine CARLEN
\-Marguerite SCHMITT
| /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
\-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean RECHT
| | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | \-Odile GERGES
| | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | \-Véronique LEHMAN
\-Catherine RECHT
| /-Mathias CONRAD
| /-Adam GASS
\-Catherine GASS
Descendants of Jean KENNEL
=Madeleine WALTHER Marriage: 29 AUG 1862, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Bernard KENNEL
2 Salomé KENNEL
=Charles GNAEDIG Marriage: 10 FEB 1906
3 Laurentine GNAEDIG
=Ferdinand RECHT Marriage: 31 JUL 1937, Paris 15,75015,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
4 Monique RECHT
=François MITAINE
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Nicolas KENNEL
- Mother: Pétronelle MATZ
- Birth: 26 SEP 1819, Katzweiler,,,Bavière,ALLEMAGNE,
- Occupation: Menuisier
- Death: 6 MAR 1858, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean KENNEL
/-Nicolas KENNEL
\-Pétronelle MATZ
Descendants of Jean KENNEL
=Catherine DEUBEL Marriage: 20 NOV 1844, Eberbach-Seltz,67470,,,FR,
2 Élisabeth KENNEL
4 Karolina Petronella MUELLER
5 Egon Othon ERLEMAN
=Élisabeth KAPP
- Birth: ABT 1818, Katzweiler,,,Bavière,ALLEMAGNE,
Descendants of Jean KENNEL
=Madeleine WILKER
=Marguerite MULLER Marriage: 3 OCT 1841, Wintzenbach,67470,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean KENNEL
/-Kilian KENNEL
| /-Christian KOEHLER
\-Catherine KOEHLIN
Ancestors of Jean Adam KENNEL
/-Kilian KENNEL
Jean Adam KENNEL
| /-Christian KOEHLER
\-Catherine KOEHLIN
Ancestors of Jean Louis KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Jean-Georges DEIS
| | /-Philippe DEIS
| | | | /-Martin BRENDEL
| | | | /-Joseph BRENDEL
| | | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | | \-Catherine BRENDEL
| | | | /-Claude BADENOT
| | | | /-Nicolas BADINA
| | | | | \-Sébastienne SAYER
| | | \-Anne Marie BADINA
| | | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | | \-Catherine BETSCH
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | \-Catherine ROOS
| | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| \-Marie Anne DEIS
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | /-Joseph Philippe PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| | | \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne PAULUS
| | /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| | /-André OHLMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Jean OHLMANN
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-André OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| \-Barbara Odile OSTER
| | /-Georges ANTH
| | /-Jean ANTH
| | | \-Catharine KLEIN
| \-Odile ANTH
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Odilia KEUTH
| \-Odile WENDLING
/-Louis Philippe KENNEL
| | /-Michel MARTZ
| | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | \-Marguerite REINAGEL
| \-Caroline MARTZ
| | /-Jean-Georges RIEGERT
| \-Caroline RIEGERT
| \-Marie Anne LEBEAU
/-Eugène KENNEL
| | /-Georges WALTHER
| | /-Joseph WALTHER
| | | | /-Simon AMRHEIN
| | | | /-Simon Frédéric AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-François-Antoine ENGINGER
| | | | | \-Marguerite ENGINGER
| | | | | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | | | | \-Barbara GROSS
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Anne Marie ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-Georges GUTFREUND
| | | | | | /-Michel GUTFREUND
| | | | | | | | /-Conrad RAMBICOUR
| | | | | | | \-Anne Marie RAMBICOURT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine COLLMAR
| | | | | \-Thérèse GUTFREUND
| | | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Catherine HELMER
| | | | | | /-André DEISS
| | | | | | /-Georges DEISS
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Eve HELMER
| | | | | \-Catherine DEISS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Christophe CLAUSS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
| | | | | \-Marie REECH
| | | \-Marie Anne AMRHEIN
| | | \-Julie ROTH
| | /-Joseph WALTHER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WARTER
| | | \-Françoise WARTER
| | | \-Barbe KRETZ
| \-Louise WALTHER
| | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | /-Georges LAUGEL
| | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Adam LAUGEL
| | | | /-Bartholomé WERNERT
| | | | /-Georges WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Ève WERNERT
| | | | /-Conrad HUNN
| | | \-Suzanne HUNN
| | | \-Wibrecht MÜLLER
| | /-Joseph LAUGEL
| | | \-Anne-Marie SUHR
| | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | /-Jacques OTT
| | | | /-Michel OTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite ROEMER
| | | \-Catherine OTT
| | | | /-Christian REICHARD
| | | | /-Pierre REICHARD
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-Frédéric ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ECKART
| | | | | \-Éve GING
| | | \-Barbara REICHARD
| | | \-Elisabeth MACK
| | /-Alexandre LAUGEL
| | | \-Marie-Anne FORGEOT
| \-Marie Anne LAUGEL
Jean Louis KENNEL
\-Joséphine JESER
Ancestors of Jean Michel KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
Jean Michel KENNEL
| /-Michel OSTER
| /-Christmann OSTER
| | | /-Adam GASS
| | \-Anne GASS
\-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| /-André GEORG
| | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | \-Christine GRUN
| | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
\-Anne Brigitte GEORG
Descendants of Jean Michel KENNEL
1 Jean Michel KENNEL
=Marguerite DUCLOS Marriage: 12 JUL 1779, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Marguerite KENNEL
3 Pierre Martin KENNEL
=Philippine LETOGARD Marriage: 6 NOV 1824, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Joseph FLESCH Marriage: 23 APR 1849, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Françoise FLESCH
=Charles BECK
6 Anne-Marie BECK
=Émile DIRHEIMER Marriage: 20 FEB 1900, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Marguerite DIRHEIMER
=Inès MARIN Marriage: 26 DEC 1930, Sarralbe,57430,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marina KOCHER
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Claudette VAURY
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Xavier KENNEL
=Marie-Anne Madeleine FRITSCH Marriage: AFT 1820
- Father: Kilian KENNEL
- Mother: Catherine KOEHLIN
- Christening: 24 NOV 1782, Erlenbrunn,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Death: 15 JUL 1847, Oberkutzenhausen,67250,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean Pierre KENNEL
/-Kilian KENNEL
Jean Pierre KENNEL
| /-Christian KOEHLER
\-Catherine KOEHLIN
Descendants of Jean Pierre KENNEL
1 Jean Pierre KENNEL
2 Salomé KENNEL
3 Salomée SCHLEE
4 Louise NIPPERT
5 Élise MULLER
6 Alfred ZACHER
=Nicole VOGT
7 Jean-Marc ZACHER
=Marie-Madeleine ROTH
8 Coralie ZACHER
- Father: Jacques KENNEL
- Mother: Marie Anne MICHEL
- Birth: 1808, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 4 AUG 1854, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Jacques KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
| /-Antoine MICHEL
\-Marie Anne MICHEL
| /-Jean WEBER
| /-Jacques WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Pierre WEBER
| | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| /-Laurent WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | \-Barbara JORG
| /-Jean-Jacques WEBER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | /-André KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Marie KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
| | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | /-Ancêtre Incertain WETTERMANN
\-Barbara WEBER
| /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | \-Odile ACKER
| /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-François KRIEGER
| | | /-Théobald HANS
| | \-Catherine HANS
\-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
| /-Nicolas WEISS
| /-Nicolas WEISS
\-Catherine WENDLING
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine KOEBEL Marriage: 23 JAN 1833, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Catherine KENNEL
=Louis LEONHARD Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Victor Louis LEONHARD
=Thérèse STOLTZ
4 Charles LEONHARD
5 Thérèse LEONHARD
=Jean-Jacques DUPONT
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Luc OTT
7 Mathieu OTT
5 Charles LEONHARD
=Yvette WAGNER
6 Isabelle LEONHARD
=Patrick GODET
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Catherine MATT
Marriage: 17 JUL 1850, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| /-Philippe BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| /-Jean BALMER
| | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| /-Joseph BALMER
| | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Élisabeth BALMER
| /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Madeleine CARLEN
\-Marguerite SCHMITT
| /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
\-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean RECHT
| | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | \-Odile GERGES
| | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | \-Véronique LEHMAN
\-Catherine RECHT
| /-Mathias CONRAD
| /-Adam GASS
\-Catherine GASS
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine MATT Marriage: 17 JUL 1850, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Charles KENNEL
=Madeleine RUF Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Martin Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Marie-Barbe PAULEN
- Birth: 17 MAR 1807, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Occupation: laboureur
- Death: 1 DEC 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Élisabeth BALMER
Marriage: 19 OCT 1827, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph KENNEL Birth: CAL 1829
- Child: François KENNEL Birth: 26 MAR 1833, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Jean KENNEL Birth: 24 JUN 1835, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Antoine KENNEL Birth: 22 JAN 1842, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Michel KENNEL Birth: 1 OCT 1844, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Philippe KENNEL Birth: 14 MAY 1847, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph KENNEL
- Partnership with: Élisabeth KNAB
Marriage: 26 JUN 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| /-Jean Henri RIETH
| /-Norbert RIETH
| | | /-Jacques HEID
| | \-Barbara HEID
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| /-N.N. LANG
| /-Adam LANG
| /-Jean LANG
| | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| /-Michel LANG
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Anne-Marie LANG
| /-Jacques WALTER
\-Élisabeth WALTER
\-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Élisabeth BALMER Marriage: 19 OCT 1827, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Joseph KENNEL
2 François KENNEL
=Marie Louise HUMBERT Marriage: 14 JUL 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Françoise KENNEL
3 Louise KENNEL
=Georges HELMER Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Eugène HELMER
=Cécile WEBER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
6 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Louis KENNEL
=Marie-Anne FUCHS Marriage: 16 JAN 1893, Eschbach,67360,,,FR,
=Madeleine WALTHER Marriage: 29 AUG 1862, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Bernard KENNEL
3 Salomé KENNEL
=Charles GNAEDIG Marriage: 10 FEB 1906
4 Laurentine GNAEDIG
=Ferdinand RECHT Marriage: 31 JUL 1937, Paris 15,75015,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
5 Monique RECHT
=François MITAINE
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Antoine KENNEL
=Marie Anne DEIS Marriage: 28 JAN 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Marie KENNEL
=Aloïse ZIEGLER Marriage: 7 NOV 1891, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph KENNEL
=Caroline MARTZ Marriage: 7 JUL 1899, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
4 Louis Philippe KENNEL
=Louise WALTHER Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
6 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
3 Michel KENNEL
=Marie Louise DEIS Marriage: 6 NOV 1909, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Michel KENNEL
=Sophie WALTHER Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Michel KENNEL
4 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
4 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Antoine KENNEL
3 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
3 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Albert KENNEL
4 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Philippe KENNEL
=Marie-Anne RAPPOLD Marriage: 27 JUN 1874, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Michel KENNEL
=Marie ERBS Marriage: 1 JUL 1911, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Charlotte KENNEL
=Henri MONNIER Marriage: 1 APR 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Gérard MONNIER
=Marie-Anne SUZANNE
6 Angelique MONNIER
3 Antoine KENNEL
=Louise RUYER Marriage: 3 JUN 1910, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
4 Antoinette KENNEL
=Joseph PAULUS Marriage: 24 MAY 1929, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
5 Bernadette PAULUS
=Rolf, Harry BALTZER
6 Christine BALTZER
6 Marie France BALTZER
=Claude Charles ARBOGAST
2 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine MATT Marriage: 17 JUL 1850, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Charles KENNEL
=Madeleine RUF Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Élisabeth KNAB Marriage: 26 JUN 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Father: Pierre KENNEL
- Mother: Catherine MULLER
- Birth: 1721, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 20 JAN 1773, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Barbara OSTER
Marriage: 9 JAN 1743, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Jean Michel KENNEL Christening: 21 JUN 1747, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: François-Joseph KENNEL Birth: 7 OCT 1750, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marguerite REYMANN
Marriage: 7 FEB 1757, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie Élisabeth BAECHLER
Marriage: 9 JAN 1759, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Anne GRUSSENMEYER
Marriage: 27 MAY 1771, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne-Marie BATT
Marriage: 24 FEB 1772, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
\-Catherine MULLER
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Marie-Barbara OSTER Marriage: 9 JAN 1743, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Jean Michel KENNEL
=Marguerite DUCLOS Marriage: 12 JUL 1779, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Marguerite KENNEL
4 Pierre Martin KENNEL
=Philippine LETOGARD Marriage: 6 NOV 1824, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Joseph FLESCH Marriage: 23 APR 1849, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Françoise FLESCH
=Charles BECK
7 Anne-Marie BECK
=Émile DIRHEIMER Marriage: 20 FEB 1900, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Marguerite DIRHEIMER
=Inès MARIN Marriage: 26 DEC 1930, Sarralbe,57430,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marina KOCHER
11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
12 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
11 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Claudette VAURY
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Xavier KENNEL
=Marie-Anne Madeleine FRITSCH Marriage: AFT 1820
2 François-Joseph KENNEL
=Marie-Ève HEYD Marriage: 10 OCT 1774, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Jacques KENNEL
=Marie Anne MICHEL Marriage: 3 JAN 1798, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Élisabeth KENNEL
=Jean WEBER Marriage: 23 DEC 1820, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Philippe WEBER
=Marie-Anne BADINA Marriage: 7 JAN 1860, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Jean Baptiste WEBER
=Barbe WALTER Marriage: 6 JUL 1889, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Cécile WEBER
=Eugène HELMER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
9 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Joséphine WEBER
=Michel BADINA Marriage: 28 APR 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Marie Berthe BADINA
=Charles Alfred LAMBLA Marriage: 4 OCT 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Pierre Michel LAMBLA
=Paulette Germaine Octavie MERCIER
9 Dominique, Alice, Christiane LAMBLA
10 Julien KERGOIAN
7 Madeleine BADINA
=Édouard WEBER Marriage: 1922
8 Georges WEBER
=Marie Thérèse GASMANN
9 Jean Paul WEBER
=Solange MERCKEL
7 Georgette Augustine BADINA
=Lucien Eugène Thomas THOMANN Marriage: 18 NOV 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Marie-Claire THOMANN
=Tarun, Kanti KARMAKAR Marriage: 1964
9 Romuald KARMAKAR
=Avgoustis TATAKIS
8 Béatrice THOMANN
=Charles GUNTHER
8 Élisabeth THOMANN
=Antonio AROSIO
8 Jacques THOMANN
8 Richard THOMANN
=Michele KREITER
=Marie-Anne EISENMENGER Marriage: BEF 1860
6 Philippe WEBER
=Joséphine STEINMETZ Marriage: 8 JUN 1878, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Michel WEBER
=Marie-Anne EBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1856, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie-Anne WEBER
=Ignace LAZARUS Marriage: 23 DEC 1882, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Catherine LAZARUS
=Eugène Antoine BADINA Marriage: 4 FEB 1910, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Joseph LAZARUS
=Stéphanie GOTTAR
8 Albert Joseph LAZARUS
9 Guy François Albert Charles LAZARUS
=Dominique AYMARD
10 Alexis LAZARUS
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Madeleine WEBER
=Aloyse ROTH
7 Marie ROTH
=Jacques ZIEGLER Marriage: 28 JAN 1921, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph WEBER
=Marie EBEL Marriage: 8 JAN 1898, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Joseph WEBER
=Marie Léonie GRASSER
8 Jeanne WEBER
9 Gérard BARDOL
=Josiane RODARIE
10 Virginie BARDOL
5 Georges WEBER
=Marguerite SCHMITT Marriage: 17 APR 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph WEBER
=Marie LUDWIG Marriage: 19 NOV 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Caroline WEBER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Philippe KENNEL
=Barbe GOEHLINGER Marriage: 29 MAY 1830, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Martin KENNEL
=Catherine SCHAFF Marriage: 8 FEB 1861, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Aloyse KENNEL
=Barbe GASS Marriage: 20 MAY 1901, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Antoine KENNEL
=Marthe Madeleine VEITH Marriage: 15 JAN 1943, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Gerard KENNEL
=Chantal SCHMITT Marriage: 15 APR 1968, Marienthal,67500,,,FR,
9 Thierry KENNEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine KOEBEL Marriage: 23 JAN 1833, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Catherine KENNEL
=Louis LEONHARD Marriage: 28 FEB 1868, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Victor Louis LEONHARD
=Thérèse STOLTZ
7 Charles LEONHARD
8 Thérèse LEONHARD
=Jean-Jacques DUPONT
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Jean-Luc OTT
10 Mathieu OTT
8 Charles LEONHARD
=Yvette WAGNER
9 Isabelle LEONHARD
=Patrick GODET
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie Anne KENNEL
=Nicolas MOEBS Marriage: 15 JUN 1839, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Élisabeth MOEBS
=Nicolas ERBS Marriage: Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Theodore ERBS
=Marie Clémence JUNG
7 Marie Antoinette ERBS
8 Jeanne Marie Antoinette WENDLING
=Eugène Antoine MOEGLIN Marriage: 11 NOV 1949, Lipsheim,67640,,,FR,
9 Roland MOEGLIN
4 Pierre KENNEL
=Élisabeth OHLMANN Marriage: 14 OCT 1844, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Antoine BARASINO Marriage: 29 SEP 1877, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Barbara KUNTZ Marriage: 10 NOV 1906, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
6 Madeleine BARASINO
3 Martin Joseph KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe PAULEN Marriage: 27 DEC 1806, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Joseph KENNEL
=Élisabeth BALMER Marriage: 19 OCT 1827, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Joseph KENNEL
5 François KENNEL
=Marie Louise HUMBERT Marriage: 14 JUL 1858, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Françoise KENNEL
6 Louise KENNEL
=Georges HELMER Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Eugène HELMER
=Cécile WEBER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
9 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Louis KENNEL
=Marie-Anne FUCHS Marriage: 16 JAN 1893, Eschbach,67360,,,FR,
=Madeleine WALTHER Marriage: 29 AUG 1862, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Bernard KENNEL
6 Salomé KENNEL
=Charles GNAEDIG Marriage: 10 FEB 1906
7 Laurentine GNAEDIG
=Ferdinand RECHT Marriage: 31 JUL 1937, Paris 15,75015,Paris,Ile De Fr.,FRANCE,
8 Monique RECHT
=François MITAINE
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Antoine KENNEL
=Marie Anne DEIS Marriage: 28 JAN 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie KENNEL
=Aloïse ZIEGLER Marriage: 7 NOV 1891, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph KENNEL
=Caroline MARTZ Marriage: 7 JUL 1899, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
7 Louis Philippe KENNEL
=Louise WALTHER Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
9 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
6 Michel KENNEL
=Marie Louise DEIS Marriage: 6 NOV 1909, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Michel KENNEL
=Sophie WALTHER Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Michel KENNEL
7 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
7 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Antoine KENNEL
6 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
6 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Albert KENNEL
7 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Philippe KENNEL
=Marie-Anne RAPPOLD Marriage: 27 JUN 1874, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Michel KENNEL
=Marie ERBS Marriage: 1 JUL 1911, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Charlotte KENNEL
=Henri MONNIER Marriage: 1 APR 1932, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Gérard MONNIER
=Marie-Anne SUZANNE
9 Angelique MONNIER
6 Antoine KENNEL
=Louise RUYER Marriage: 3 JUN 1910, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
7 Antoinette KENNEL
=Joseph PAULUS Marriage: 24 MAY 1929, Kaltenhouse,67240,,,FR,
8 Bernadette PAULUS
=Rolf, Harry BALTZER
9 Christine BALTZER
9 Marie France BALTZER
=Claude Charles ARBOGAST
5 Joseph KENNEL
=Catherine MATT Marriage: 17 JUL 1850, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Charles KENNEL
=Madeleine RUF Marriage: 6 FEB 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Ernestine KENNEL
=Joseph STRENTZ Marriage: 28 APR 1939, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Carole STRENTZ
=N.N. KLEIN Marriage: 12 JUN 2010
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Élisabeth KNAB Marriage: 26 JUN 1863, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Madeleine KENNEL
=Ignace WALTHER Marriage: 19 SEP 1829, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Madeleine WALTER
=Michel GOETZ Marriage: 29 JAN 1859, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
6 François GOETZ
7 Alphonsine Emma GOETZ
8 Roger BRENON
9 Liliane BRENON
=Robert AYACHE
5 François WALTER
=Geneviève HARTMANN Marriage: 1 OCT 1859, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Eugène WALTER
=Joséphine SANDEL Marriage: 15 OCT 1887, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Eugénie WALTER
=Charles SANDEL
8 Marcel SANDEL
=Marie-Thérèse HAUPT
9 Chantal SANDEL
10 Marie VOGEL
=Laurent BITZ
=Michel KLEFFER Marriage: 18 MAY 1865, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Sophie WALTHER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Michel KENNEL
7 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
7 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Antoine KENNEL
6 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
6 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
7 Albert KENNEL
7 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
8 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Philippe KENNEL
=Marie Anne Thérèse JUCHS Marriage: 17 APR 1811, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Marguerite REYMANN Marriage: 7 FEB 1757, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Marie Élisabeth BAECHLER Marriage: 9 JAN 1759, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Marie-Anne GRUSSENMEYER Marriage: 27 MAY 1771, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
=Anne-Marie BATT Marriage: 24 FEB 1772, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Birth: ABT 1713, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,saint-nicolas
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Marie Marguerite REYMANN Marriage: 1757, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| /-Philippe BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| /-Jean BALMER
| | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| /-Joseph BALMER
| | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Élisabeth BALMER
| /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Madeleine CARLEN
\-Marguerite SCHMITT
| /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
\-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean RECHT
| | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | \-Odile GERGES
| | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | \-Véronique LEHMAN
\-Catherine RECHT
| /-Mathias CONRAD
| /-Adam GASS
\-Catherine GASS
- Partnership with: Caroline MARTZ
Marriage: 7 JUL 1899, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
| /-Jean-Georges DEIS
| /-Philippe DEIS
| | | /-Martin BRENDEL
| | | /-Joseph BRENDEL
| | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | \-Catherine BRENDEL
| | | /-Claude BADENOT
| | | /-Nicolas BADINA
| | | | \-Sébastienne SAYER
| | \-Anne Marie BADINA
| | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | \-Catherine BETSCH
| | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | \-Catherine ROOS
| | \-Marie STEINMETZ
\-Marie Anne DEIS
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Joseph Philippe PAULUS
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| | \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | /-Adam LANG
| | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
\-Marie-Anne PAULUS
| /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| /-André OHLMANN
| | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean OHLMANN
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
\-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
| /-Michel OSTER
| /-André OSTER
| | | /-Adam GASS
| | \-Anne GASS
| /-Michel OSTER
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
\-Barbara Odile OSTER
| /-Georges ANTH
| /-Jean ANTH
| | \-Catharine KLEIN
\-Odile ANTH
| /-André KEITH
| /-André KEITH
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Georges KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Odilia KEUTH
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Caroline MARTZ Marriage: 7 JUL 1899, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
2 Louis Philippe KENNEL
=Louise WALTHER Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
4 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
- Partnership with: Louise HOELTZEL
Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Michel KENNEL Birth: 1 OCT 1891, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph Antoine KENNEL Birth: 17 MAR 1903, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Charles KENNEL Birth: 1 SEP 1904, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Michel KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
| /-Michel WALTER
| /-Godfroy WALTER
| | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | \-Marie TILLIER
| /-Antoine-Nicolas WALTER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Christine CARLEN
| | | /-Mathias WEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| /-Ignace WALTHER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GARNER
| | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth CARLEN
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | \-Barbara KORN
| | | /-Michel DISSEL
| | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | \-Marie HELMER
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | /-Jean Pierre BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Marguerite DISSEL
| | | /-Jean RIETH
| | \-Élisabeth RIETH
\-Sophie WALTHER
| /-Pierre KENNEL
| /-Joseph KENNEL
| | \-Catherine MULLER
| /-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | /-André GEORG
| | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
| /-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | | /-Henri HEYD
| | \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| | \-Marie-Ève MEYER
\-Madeleine KENNEL
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| /-Jean Henri RIETH
| /-Norbert RIETH
| | | /-Jacques HEID
| | \-Barbara HEID
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| /-N.N. LANG
| /-Adam LANG
| /-Jean LANG
| | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| /-Michel LANG
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Anne-Marie LANG
| /-Jacques WALTER
\-Élisabeth WALTER
\-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Descendants of Joseph KENNEL
1 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Michel KENNEL
2 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
2 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Father: Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Louise HOELTZEL
- Birth: 17 MAR 1903, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 8 MAR 1975, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph Antoine KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Michel KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel WALTER
| | /-Godfroy WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| | /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | | \-Marie TILLIER
| | /-Antoine-Nicolas WALTER
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Christine CARLEN
| | | | /-Mathias WEBER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | /-Ignace WALTHER
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie GARNER
| | | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Élisabeth CARLEN
| | | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | | \-Barbara KORN
| | | | /-Michel DISSEL
| | | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | | \-Marie HELMER
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | | /-Jean Pierre BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite DISSEL
| | | | /-Jean RIETH
| | | \-Élisabeth RIETH
| \-Sophie WALTHER
| | /-Pierre KENNEL
| | /-Joseph KENNEL
| | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | /-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | | /-André GEORG
| | | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | | \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
| | /-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | | | /-Henri HEYD
| | | \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| | | \-Marie-Ève MEYER
| \-Madeleine KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Joseph Antoine KENNEL
| /-Joseph HOELTZEL
| | | /-Jean LECHNER
| | | /-Jean LECHNER
| | | /-Vincent LECHNER
| | | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | \-Catherine BILD
| | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | /-Joseph LECHNER
| | | | | /-Mathias MICHEL
| | | | \-Marie MICHEL
| | | | | /-Jean EBERHARD
| | | | \-Barbara EBERHARD
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Anne KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | \-Marie-Anne LECHNER
| | | /-Adam VIX
| | | /-Antoine VIX
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean VIX
| | | | \-Christine WEISS
| | | /-Michel VIX
| | | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Barbara VIX
| | | /-André HIRSCH
| | \-Gertrude HIRSCH
| | | /-Udalrici SCHEER
| | \-Catharina SCHERER
| | | /-Laurent ENGER
| | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | | | \-Brigitte WURTZ
| | | | | /-Michel MEYER
| | | | \-Catherine MEYER
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Laurent ENGER
| | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Marie DAUL
| | | | \-Marguerite DEBUS
| | \-Odile ENGER
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne STEINMETZ
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | \-Catherine VELTEN
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Jean ADAM
| /-Adam ADAM
| | | /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
| | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Agnès KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-Antoine ADAM
| | | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | \-Catherine BULLER
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
\-Gertrude ADAM
| /-Joseph GLUCK
\-Anne-Marie GLUCK
| /-Henri ADAM
| /-Jean ADAM
| /-Jean ADAM
| | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| /-Adam ADAM
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-André ADAM
| | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
\-Gertrude ADAM
| /-Mathias LAUGEL
| /-Jean LAUGEL
| /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Oswald Diebold ACKER
| | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine BILLMANN
| | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | /-Jean BRAUN
| | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Marie ACKER
| | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | \-Marguerite GRETT
\-Madeleine LAUGEL
| /-André KEITH
| /-André KEITH
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Georges KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Catherine KEITH
Descendants of Joseph Antoine KENNEL
1 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
- Partnership with: Eugène TAESCH
Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joséphine KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Michel KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
Joséphine KENNEL
| /-Michel WALTER
| /-Godfroy WALTER
| | \-Marie-Anne STEINBACH
| /-Nicolas Charles WALTER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre TILLIER
| | \-Marie TILLIER
| /-Antoine-Nicolas WALTER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Michel CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Christine CARLEN
| | | /-Mathias WEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| /-Ignace WALTHER
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | /-Nicolas CARLEN
| | | /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Gaspard KREMPFF
| | | | | /-Jean KREMPF
| | | | | | \-Jeanne STAPHEL
| | | | \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
| | | | | /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | /-Jacques CARLEN
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | | /-Nicolas GARNER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GARNER
| | | | | /-Christian ZAHN
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth CARLEN
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | /-Jean DISSEL
| | | | \-Barbara KORN
| | | /-Michel DISSEL
| | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HERRISCH
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | \-Marie HELMER
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHMIDT
| | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | /-Jean Pierre BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marie BERNHARD
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Marguerite DISSEL
| | | /-Jean RIETH
| | \-Élisabeth RIETH
\-Sophie WALTHER
| /-Pierre KENNEL
| /-Joseph KENNEL
| | \-Catherine MULLER
| /-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | /-André GEORG
| | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
| /-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | | /-Henri HEYD
| | \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| | \-Marie-Ève MEYER
\-Madeleine KENNEL
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| /-Jean Henri RIETH
| /-Norbert RIETH
| | | /-Jacques HEID
| | \-Barbara HEID
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| /-N.N. LANG
| /-Adam LANG
| /-Jean LANG
| | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| /-Michel LANG
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Anne-Marie LANG
| /-Jacques WALTER
\-Élisabeth WALTER
\-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Descendants of Joséphine KENNEL
1 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
- Partnership with: Catherine N.N.
- Partnership with: Catherine KOEHLIN
Marriage: 18 JAN 1780, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Child: Jean Pierre KENNEL Christening: 24 NOV 1782, Erlenbrunn,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Child: Catherine Barbara KENNEL Christening: 15 MAY 1785, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Child: Jean Adam KENNEL Birth: 28 MAY 1787, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Child: Jean KENNEL Christening: 12 NOV 1789, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
- Child: Madeleine KENNEL Birth: 22 MAR 1794, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
Descendants of Kilian KENNEL
1 Kilian KENNEL
=Catherine N.N.
=Catherine KOEHLIN Marriage: 18 JAN 1780, Pirmasens,,,Palatinat,ALLEMAGNE,
2 Jean Pierre KENNEL
3 Salomé KENNEL
4 Salomée SCHLEE
5 Louise NIPPERT
6 Élise MULLER
7 Alfred ZACHER
=Nicole VOGT
8 Jean-Marc ZACHER
=Marie-Madeleine ROTH
9 Coralie ZACHER
2 Catherine Barbara KENNEL
2 Jean Adam KENNEL
2 Madeleine KENNEL
=Georges Jacques EIRICH Marriage: 12 MAR 1820
3 Madeleine EIRICH
=Jacques SCHMIDT Marriage: 29 SEP 1846, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
4 Jacques SCHMIDT
4 Marie Madeleine SCHMIDT
=Louis SCHWEICKART Marriage: 31 OCT 1871, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
=Louise MULLER Marriage: 1899, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
=Muriel BROWN
7 Russel_Louis SCHWEICKART
3 Louise EIRICH
4 William H SOHN
5 Bessie W. SOHN
6 Edward M. WEITZEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Louis KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-François KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
| /-François HUMBERT
\-Marie Louise HUMBERT
\-Françoise DEMAND
Descendants of Louis KENNEL
1 Louis KENNEL
=Marie-Anne FUCHS Marriage: 16 JAN 1893, Eschbach,67360,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Louise WALTHER
Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louis Philippe KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Jean-Georges DEIS
| | /-Philippe DEIS
| | | | /-Martin BRENDEL
| | | | /-Joseph BRENDEL
| | | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | | \-Catherine BRENDEL
| | | | /-Claude BADENOT
| | | | /-Nicolas BADINA
| | | | | \-Sébastienne SAYER
| | | \-Anne Marie BADINA
| | | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | | \-Catherine BETSCH
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | \-Catherine ROOS
| | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| \-Marie Anne DEIS
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Joseph Philippe PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| | | \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| \-Marie-Anne PAULUS
| | /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| | /-André OHLMANN
| | | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | /-Jean OHLMANN
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-André OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| \-Barbara Odile OSTER
| | /-Georges ANTH
| | /-Jean ANTH
| | | \-Catharine KLEIN
| \-Odile ANTH
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Odilia KEUTH
| \-Odile WENDLING
Louis Philippe KENNEL
| /-Michel MARTZ
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| | \-Marguerite REINAGEL
\-Caroline MARTZ
| /-Jean-Georges RIEGERT
\-Caroline RIEGERT
\-Marie Anne LEBEAU
Descendants of Louis Philippe KENNEL
1 Louis Philippe KENNEL
=Louise WALTHER Marriage: 20 FEB 1925, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Eugène KENNEL
=Joséphine JESER
3 Jean Louis KENNEL
=Marie Antoinette ZIRNHELT
- Birth: 1906, Surbourg,67250,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Aloïse DEUBEL
Marriage: 10 NOV 1927, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Descendants of Louise KENNEL
1 Louise KENNEL
=Aloïse DEUBEL Marriage: 10 NOV 1927, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Marie Louise DEUBEL
- Father: François KENNEL
- Mother: Marie Louise HUMBERT
- Birth: 22 MAY 1859, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 15 SEP 1892, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Georges HELMER
Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Louise KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-François KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
| /-François HUMBERT
\-Marie Louise HUMBERT
\-Françoise DEMAND
Descendants of Louise KENNEL
1 Louise KENNEL
=Georges HELMER Marriage: 26 JAN 1881, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Eugène HELMER
=Cécile WEBER Marriage: 6 APR 1920, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Joseph HEINTZ
4 Hugues HEINTZ
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Louise KENNEL
1 Louise KENNEL
=Joseph HOERNEL Marriage: 24 DEC 1887
2 Joseph HOERNEL
3 Marie-Anne HOERNEL
- Partnership with: Georges Jacques EIRICH
Marriage: 12 MAR 1820
- Child: Madeleine EIRICH Birth: 24 SEP 1820, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
- Child: Louise EIRICH Birth: 17 MAR 1825, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine KENNEL
/-Kilian KENNEL
Madeleine KENNEL
| /-Christian KOEHLER
\-Catherine KOEHLIN
Descendants of Madeleine KENNEL
1 Madeleine KENNEL
=Georges Jacques EIRICH Marriage: 12 MAR 1820
2 Madeleine EIRICH
=Jacques SCHMIDT Marriage: 29 SEP 1846, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
3 Jacques SCHMIDT
3 Marie Madeleine SCHMIDT
=Louis SCHWEICKART Marriage: 31 OCT 1871, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
=Louise MULLER Marriage: 1899, Lembach,67510,,,FR,
=Muriel BROWN
6 Russel_Louis SCHWEICKART
2 Louise EIRICH
3 William H SOHN
4 Bessie W. SOHN
5 Edward M. WEITZEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Martin Joseph KENNEL
- Mother: Marie-Barbe PAULEN
- Birth: 30 MAY 1810, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Death: 10 SEP 1856, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Ignace WALTHER
Marriage: 19 SEP 1829, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Madeleine WALTER Birth: 21 JUN 1831, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: François WALTER Birth: 22 NOV 1835, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Anne WALTER Birth: 22 MAY 1841, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Sophie WALTHER Birth: 15 APR 1846, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
Madeleine KENNEL
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| /-Jean Henri RIETH
| /-Norbert RIETH
| | | /-Jacques HEID
| | \-Barbara HEID
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | /-Martin BATT
| | \-Cordula BATT
| | \-Barbe KRAFT
\-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| /-N.N. LANG
| /-Adam LANG
| /-Jean LANG
| | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| /-Michel LANG
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | \-Marie N.N.
\-Anne-Marie LANG
| /-Jacques WALTER
\-Élisabeth WALTER
\-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
Descendants of Madeleine KENNEL
1 Madeleine KENNEL
=Ignace WALTHER Marriage: 19 SEP 1829, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Madeleine WALTER
=Michel GOETZ Marriage: 29 JAN 1859, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
3 François GOETZ
4 Alphonsine Emma GOETZ
5 Roger BRENON
6 Liliane BRENON
=Robert AYACHE
2 François WALTER
=Geneviève HARTMANN Marriage: 1 OCT 1859, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Eugène WALTER
=Joséphine SANDEL Marriage: 15 OCT 1887, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Eugénie WALTER
=Charles SANDEL
5 Marcel SANDEL
=Marie-Thérèse HAUPT
6 Chantal SANDEL
7 Marie VOGEL
=Laurent BITZ
=Michel KLEFFER Marriage: 18 MAY 1865, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
2 Sophie WALTHER
=Michel KENNEL Marriage: 19 FEB 1864, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Joseph KENNEL
=Louise HOELTZEL Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Michel KENNEL
4 Joseph Antoine KENNEL
=Frieda KOCHER Marriage: BEF 1935
4 Charles KENNEL
=Joséphine RISCH Marriage: 11 OCT 1929, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Antoine KENNEL
3 Joséphine KENNEL
=Eugène TAESCH Marriage: 14 JAN 1899, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Charles TAESCH
=Joséphine HALBWAX Marriage: 1925
=Valérie ZIEGLER
3 Michel KENNEL
=Françoise OHRESSER Marriage: 31 OCT 1896, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Albert KENNEL
4 Michel KENNEL
=Marie-Barbe STAHL
=Caroline WEBER Marriage: 29 AUG 1919, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
5 Alice KENNEL
=Marcel Aloïse FISCHER
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Jacques GRUNER
Marriage: 7 AUG 1908, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine KENNEL
/-Charles Martin KENNEL
Madeleine KENNEL
\-Barbe FALCK
Descendants of Madeleine KENNEL
1 Madeleine KENNEL
=Jacques GRUNER Marriage: 7 AUG 1908, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Marguerite KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-Jean Michel KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
Marguerite KENNEL
| /-Balthazar DUCLOS
\-Marguerite DUCLOS
\-Barbara SCHNELL
Descendants of Marguerite KENNEL
1 Marguerite KENNEL
2 Pierre Martin KENNEL
=Philippine LETOGARD Marriage: 6 NOV 1824, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
3 Françoise Marie-Anne KENNEL
=Joseph FLESCH Marriage: 23 APR 1849, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
4 Françoise FLESCH
=Charles BECK
5 Anne-Marie BECK
=Émile DIRHEIMER Marriage: 20 FEB 1900, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
6 Marguerite DIRHEIMER
=Inès MARIN Marriage: 26 DEC 1930, Sarralbe,57430,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marina KOCHER
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Claudette VAURY
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Aloïse ZIEGLER
Marriage: 7 NOV 1891, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie KENNEL
/-Pierre KENNEL
/-Joseph KENNEL
| \-Catherine MULLER
/-François-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Michel OSTER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| \-Marie-Barbara OSTER
| | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | /-André GEORG
| | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | /-Diebold BASTIAN
| | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| \-Anne Brigitte GEORG
/-Martin Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Henri HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève HEYD
| \-Marie-Ève MEYER
/-Joseph KENNEL
| | /-Martin PAULUS
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
| | | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
| | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | /-N.N. LANG
| | /-Adam LANG
| | /-Jean LANG
| | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | /-Michel LANG
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | /-Jacques WALTER
| \-Élisabeth WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
/-Antoine KENNEL
| | /-Philippe BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | /-Jean-Jacques BALMER
| | | | /-Henri DORIATH
| | | \-Marie-Anne DORIATH
| | /-Jean BALMER
| | | \-Marie-Anne CHAMPION
| | /-Joseph BALMER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | \-Catherine-Anne OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIETH
| | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| \-Élisabeth BALMER
| | /-Ferdinand TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KNISCH
| | /-Jean-Georges TRUDERSHEIM
| | /-Joseph TRUDERSHEIM
| | | \-Marie-Catherine WEBER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | /-Jean-Georges SCHMITT
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | \-Madeleine CARLEN
| \-Marguerite SCHMITT
| | /-Ulrich TRENDEL
| | /-Frédéric TRENDEL
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean TRENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FILLEYSIN
| | | \-Jeanne Ursule FILLIS
| \-Marie-Madeleine TRENDEL
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| \-Catherine RECHT
| | /-Mathias CONRAD
| \-Éva CONRAD
| | /-Adam GASS
| \-Catherine GASS
| /-Jean-Georges DEIS
| /-Philippe DEIS
| | | /-Martin BRENDEL
| | | /-Joseph BRENDEL
| | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | \-Catherine BRENDEL
| | | /-Claude BADENOT
| | | /-Nicolas BADINA
| | | | \-Sébastienne SAYER
| | \-Anne Marie BADINA
| | | /-Auguste BAETSCH
| | | /-Michel BAETSCH
| | \-Catherine BETSCH
| | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | \-Catherine ROOS
| | \-Marie STEINMETZ
\-Marie Anne DEIS
| /-Martin PAULUS
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jean PAULUS
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| /-Michel PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Anne SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
| | | /-André BAUMGARTEN
| | | /-André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Anne BAUR
| | | /-Georges VOLTZ
| | \-Ève VOLTZ
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Théobald CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Joseph Philippe PAULUS
| | | /-Jean Henri RIETH
| | | /-Norbert RIETH
| | | | | /-Jacques HEID
| | | | \-Barbara HEID
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
| | | | | /-Jean PALMER
| | | | | /-Philippe PALMER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie PALMER
| | | | | /-Nicolas BATT
| | | | | /-Martin BATT
| | | | \-Cordula BATT
| | | | \-Barbe KRAFT
| | \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
| | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | /-Adam LANG
| | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
\-Marie-Anne PAULUS
| /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| /-André OHLMANN
| | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Jean OHLMANN
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRISCH