Ancestors of Catherine NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
Catherine NETH
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
- Partnership with: Albert DRESCH
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Cécile Georgette NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Florent NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Michel NETH
| | /-Louis MATTER
| | /-Léonard MATTER
| | | \-Agnès LANG
| | /-Simon MATTER
| | | | /-Laurent RITT
| | | \-Catherine RITT
| | /-Jean-Léonard MADER
| | | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | \-Marguerite GANGLOFF
| | | \-Marie KLEIN
| | /-François Joseph MATTER
| | | | /-Pierre PAILLE
| | | | /-Nicolas PAILLE
| | | | | \-Marie PARENT
| | | \-Marguerite PAILLE
| | | | /-Théodore Ou Théobald BEAUVE
| | | \-Catherine BEAUVE
| | | | /-Pierre CADET
| | | \-Marguerite CADET
| | | \-Nicole PILLAIRE
| | /-Ignace MATTER
| | | | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | | | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | \-Barbara KLEFFER
| | | | /-Antoine BATT
| | | \-Catherine BATT
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Agathe MATTER
| | /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| | /-Jean BEYLER
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| | /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | /-André SANDER
| | | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| \-Madeleine BEYLER
| | /-Georges HANTZ
| | /-N.N. HANS
| | /-Georges HANS
| | /-André HANTZ
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | | \-Rosine MULLER
| \-Élisabeth HANS
| | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | /-Georges RIEHL
| | /-Michel RIEHL
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | | /-Grégoire GING
| | | \-Maria Barbara GING
| | /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| \-Maria Anne RIEHL
| | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | /-Paul MARTZ
| | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Elisabeth MARTZ
| | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | \-Sophie N.N.
| \-Rosine CLADY
| | /-Nicolas VIX
| \-Gertrude VIX
| \-Catherine N.N.
/-Auguste NETH
| | /-Georges KAPS
| | /-Georges KAPS
| | | \-Madeleine SCHWEBEL
| | /-Jean Michel KAPS
| | | \-Maria KELLER
| | /-Michel KAPPS
| | | | /-N.N. VOGT
| | | | /-Nicolas VOGT
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques VOGT
| | | | | | /-Valentin WACK
| | | | | | /-Georges WACK
| | | | | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | | | \-Marguerite WACK
| | | | | | /-Jean VOLTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOGT
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Anne BARTH
| | /-Michel KAPPS
| | | | /-Joseph ERTZ
| | | \-Brigitte ERTZ
| | /-François-Antoine KAPPS
| | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | /-Jean BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | | /-Jean BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | | | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | | | | \-Catherine WÄCKLER
| | | | | \-Éva RIEHL
| | | | /-Jean BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | | | /-André FRISCH
| | | | | | | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | | | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| | | | | \-Odile TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-Bartholomé VOGEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite VOGEL
| | | | | | /-Georges ANTH
| | | | | \-Marie ANTH
| | | | | \-Catharine KLEIN
| | | \-Thérèse BAUMGARTNER
| | | | /-Nicolas ROTH
| | | | /-Nicolas ROTH
| | | | | \-Marguerite MENNEL
| | | | /-Nicolas ROTH
| | | | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | | | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | | | | \-Marie KURTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | | | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | | | | | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| | | | | \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Ève FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | \-Barbe ROTH
| | | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | | | /-Jean FIX
| | | | | \-Catherine FIX
| | | | /-Laurent STEINMETZ
| | | | | | /-Martin SCHMIDT
| | | | | \-Maria SCHMID
| | | | | \-Barbara WEISS
| | | \-Odile STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| \-Salomé KAPPS
| | /-Jean STÜRTZER
| | /-Jean-Jacques STÜRTZER
| | | \-Appolonia KOHLER
| | /-Antoine STÜRTZER
| | | | /-Jean DUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Catherine TUSCH
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | \-Catherine CLAUDY
| | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | /-Balthazar STÜRTZER
| | | | /-Christian REICHARD
| | | \-Madeleine REICHARD
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-Frédéric ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Elisabeth ECKART
| | | \-Éve GING
| | /-André STÜRTZER
| | | | /-Jean Georges KEFFER
| | | | /-Georges KEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine DIRRINGER
| | | \-Catherine KEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | \-Rosine CLADY
| | | | /-Nicolas VIX
| | | \-Gertrude VIX
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Sébastien STÜRTZER
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine MESSER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne CLADY
| | | | | | /-Nicolas VIX
| | | | | \-Gertrude VIX
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph MESSER
| | | | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | | \-Barbara MENTZ
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MESSER
| | | | /-Hanï WALTER
| | | | /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | | | | /-Jean WENDEL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne WENDEL
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine WALTER
| | | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | | \-Marie LENHERR
| | | | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | \-Odile WALTER
| | | \-Gertrude LOTZ
| \-Marie Joséphine STURTZER
| | /-Christmann OSTER
| | /-Laurent OSTER
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Mathias OSTER
| | | | /-Jean Simon SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Madeleine DURINGER
| | /-Adam OSTER
| | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | \-Barbe KRIEGER
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | /-Antoine OSTER
| | | | /-Jean le Jeune 1 BOOS
| | | | /-Jean le Jeune 2 BOOS
| | | | | \-Marie GALL
| | | \-Anne BOSS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges BURG
| | | \-Catherine BURG
| | | \-Marie HERTZOG
| | /-Antoine OSTER
| | | | /-Sébastien JUNG
| | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | | /-Sébastien MEHN
| | | | | \-Marguerite MEHN
| | | | | \-Barbara EHRMANN
| | | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Catherine JUNG
| | | | /-Jacques HATT
| | | | /-Jean-Bernard HATT
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie HATT
| | | | /-Balthazar (Janvier) KANDEL
| | | | /-Vit CANDEL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Maria-Barbara CANDEL
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
| | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| \-Thérèse OSTER
| | /-Jean WEBER
| | /-Jean WEBER
| | /-Christmann WEBER
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Adam WEBER
| | | | /-Jacques DIEBOLT
| | | \-Gertrude DIEBOLT
| | /-Adam WEBER
| | | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | | \-Ève TRESCH
| | | | /-N.N. KLEIN
| | | \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Antoine WEBER
| | | | /-Adam VOGLER
| | | | /-Adam VOGEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Valentin LANG
| | | | | \-Anne LANG
| | | \-Marie VOGEL
| | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | \-Anna KRIEGER
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | /-Jacques SCHALCK
| | /-Balthasar SCHALCK
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Michel SCHALCK
| | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Ève GOETZ
| | | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| \-Barbara SCHALCK
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | \-Brigitte MATER
| \-Barbara BERENBACH
| | /-Georges LUTZ
| | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Anna HATT
| \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | /-Christmann JUNG
| | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | \-Agnès N.N.
| \-Suzanne JUNG
| | /-Claus TROESCH
| \-Barbe TROESCH
| \-Barbara JORG
Cécile Georgette NETH
| /-Frédéric DURR
| /-Jean-Georges DURR
| | | /-Laurent SCHMITT
| | \-Agnès SCHMITT
| /-Jean DURR
| | | /-Jean LANGBEIN
| | | /-Jean LANGBEIN
| | | | \-Maria BAUMER
| | \-Marie Barbara LANGBEIN
| | | /-Martin EDEL
| | | /-Ottmann EDEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine EDEL
| | \-Odilia N.N.
| /-Antoine DURR
| | | /-Jean KOBUS
| | | /-Nicolas KOBUS
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | \-Brigitte GRASS
| | | | \-Anna BLAESS
| | \-Brigitte KOBUS
| | \-Agathe STRAUB
| | \-Marie Madeleine FALLER
| /-Joseph DURR
| | | /-Andreas STROESER
| | | /-Jean Michel STROESER
| | | | | /-Philipp SCHAUENBURGER
| | | | \-Barbara SCHAUENBURGER
| | | | \-Maria MAYER
| | \-Anne Marie STROESER
| | | /-Paul JOST
| | | /-Jean JOST
| | | | | /-Jacques RIHN
| | | | \-Marie Odile RIHN
| | | | \-Veronica FRIES
| | \-Marie Barbara JOST
| | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHAMBER
| | | /-Frantz BLAES
| | \-Maria BLAES
| | \-Catherine HANS
| /-Jean DURR
| | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Valentin DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne DAUL
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | /-Francois KIEFFER
| | | | \-Brigitte PANCRATZ
| | | /-Joseph KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges WIND
| | | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Eve WEBER
| | | | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | | \-Marie WIND
| | | | \-Christine FIX
| | \-Anna KIEFFER
| | | /-Théobald LORENTZ
| | | /-Thiébaut LORENTZ
| | | | \-Gertrude FRITSCH
| | | /-Thiébaud LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Vit DUNTZ
| | | | \-Catherine DUNTZ
| | | /-Simon LORENTZ
| | | | \-Walburga N.N.
| | | /-Jean LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | \-Anne HARTZ
| | | | | /-Diebold DENNINGER
| | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | | /-Euchary Nicolas Zacharie EUCHART
| | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | \-Barbara LORENTZ
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | \-Maria SCHOTT
| | | /-Simon VIX
| | \-Anne-Catherine VIX
| | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| /-Georges DURR
| | | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | /-Jean-Michel HEID
| | | | | /-Jean WENDER
| | | | \-Barbara WENDER
| | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | /-Michel HEID
| | | | | /-Nicolas LIENHARD
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | | | \-Anne-Marie MOSTER
| | | /-Antoine HEID
| | | | | /-Jean TIERCE
| | | | | /-Simon TIERCE
| | | | | /-Charles TIERSE
| | | | | | \-Barbe LE COQ
| | | | | /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | | | | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | | | | | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| | | | | /-Joseph THIERSÉ
| | | | | | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | | | | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | | | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | | | | \-Éva SCHWEINLI
| | | | \-Marguerite THIERSE
| | | | | /-Jean SCHISSLER
| | | | \-Catherine SCHISSLER
| | | | \-Anna LUCIN
| | \-Anne HEIDT
| | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | /-Michel WALTER
| | | /-Laurent WALTER
| | | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | | \-Anne KERKER
| | | /-Michel WALTER
| | | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | | | \-Anne BERENBACH
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Catherine WALTER
| | | /-André DAUL
| | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | \-Anne DEBUS
| | \-Marie DAUL
| | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | /-Jean LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | \-Gertrude LEMMEL
| | | /-André GRUN
| | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | /-N.N. STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Marie GRUN
| | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | \-Marie WEBER
| | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
\-Victoria DURR
| /-Frédéric DURR
| /-Jean-Georges DURR
| | | /-Laurent SCHMITT
| | \-Agnès SCHMITT
| /-Jean DURR
| | | /-Jean LANGBEIN
| | | /-Jean LANGBEIN
| | | | \-Maria BAUMER
| | \-Marie Barbara LANGBEIN
| | | /-Martin EDEL
| | | /-Ottmann EDEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine EDEL
| | \-Odilia N.N.
| /-Antoine DURR
| | | /-Jean KOBUS
| | | /-Nicolas KOBUS
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | \-Brigitte GRASS
| | | | \-Anna BLAESS
| | \-Brigitte KOBUS
| | \-Agathe STRAUB
| | \-Marie Madeleine FALLER
| /-Louis DURR
| | | /-Andreas STROESER
| | | /-Jean Michel STROESER
| | | | | /-Philipp SCHAUENBURGER
| | | | \-Barbara SCHAUENBURGER
| | | | \-Maria MAYER
| | \-Anne Marie STROESER
| | | /-Paul JOST
| | | /-Jean JOST
| | | | | /-Jacques RIHN
| | | | \-Marie Odile RIHN
| | | | \-Veronica FRIES
| | \-Marie Barbara JOST
| | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | /-Georg SCHAMBER
| | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHAMBER
| | | /-Frantz BLAES
| | \-Maria BLAES
| | \-Catherine HANS
| /-Michel DURR
| | | /-Michel GRUSS
| | \-Marie GRUSS
| | \-Brigitte MEY
\-Rosalie DURR
| /-Mathias ROOS
| /-Joseph ROOS
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | /-André SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | \-Anne LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Antoine SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | \-Sophie CONRAD
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEPP
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | \-Catherine SCHEER
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | \-Maria LAUGEL
| | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | /-Jean DURINGER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Anna DURINGER
| | | /-Jean HUGEL
| | \-Éve HUGEL
| | | /-Simon WEISS
| | \-Barbe WEISS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Catherine ROOS
| /-Laurent MANDEL
| /-Joseph MANDEL
| | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
| | | | | /-Nicolas METZ
| | | | \-Marguerite MUETZ
| | | | \-Walburge N.N.
| | | /-Jacques NONNENMACHER
| | | | \-Barbara BERNHARD
| | \-Marguerite Cécile NONNENMACHER
| | | /-Laurent RITTER
| | \-Maria RITTER
| | \-Marguerite BOSCH
\-Christine MANDEL
| /-Sébastien RECHT
| /-Jean RECHT
| | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | \-Odile GERGES
| | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| /-André RECHT
| | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | \-Éva CONRAD
| | | /-Adam GASS
| | \-Catherine GASS
| /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jacques LUTZ
| | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Diebolt LUTZ
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Christine LUTZ
| | \-Christine LUTZ
| | | /-Martin BURBACH
| | \-Maria BURBACH
| | \-Éva WEBER
\-Anne Marie RECHT
| /-Arbogast CASPAR
| /-Jean CASPAR
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | /-Jean GUTH
| | \-Anne GUTH
| /-Laurent CASPAR
| | | /-Vix HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Éva Catherine CASPAR
| /-Michel ULRICH
| /-Pierre ULRICH
| | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | \-Brigitte N.N.
\-Anne-Catherine TROESCH
Descendants of Cécile Georgette NETH
1 Cécile Georgette NETH
=Albert DRESCH
2 Joseph DRESCH
=Véronique GRASS
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of Chrétien NETH
1 Chrétien NETH
2 Chrétien NETH
=Catherine MARX Marriage: 16 JUN 1870, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
3 Georges NETH
- Partnership with: Catherine MARX
Marriage: 16 JUN 1870, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Chrétien NETH
/-Chrétien NETH
Chrétien NETH
Descendants of Chrétien NETH
1 Chrétien NETH
=Catherine MARX Marriage: 16 JUN 1870, Brumath,67170,,,FR,
2 Georges NETH
Ancestors of Christine NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Jean MEYER
| | /-Jean MEYER
| | | \-Odile WALTER
| | /-Jacques MEYER
| | | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | /-Joseph MEYER
| | | | /-Durst LENG
| | | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| | /-Antoine MEYER
| | | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| | /-Michel MEYER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Barbara WIND
| \-Rosalie MEYER
| | /-Jean BURG
| | /-Jean BURG
| | | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Jean BURG
| | | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| \-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| | /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
| \-Barbe KRESS
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Pierre JEROME
| | /-François JEROME
| | | \-Jeanne CHARLIER
| | /-Adrien JEROME
| | | \-Nicole BITAILLE
| | /-Jean JEROME
| | | \-Jeanne OGE
| | /-Pierre JEROME
| | | | /-Adrien UGE
| | | \-Jeanne OGÉ
| | | \-Jeanne VATTELET
| | /-Nicolas JEROME
| | | | /-Jean LANOIX
| | | \-Marie Ève LANOIX
| | | \-Anne-Marie SAUTER
| | /-François-Antoine JEROME
| | | | /-Mathieu VOGEL
| | | | /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHMID
| | | | | \-Catharine SCHMID
| | | | | \-Marguerite LÄMER
| | | | /-Antoine VOGLER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOPP
| | | | | | /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHOPP
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | \-Christine WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | \-Madeleine VOGLER
| | | \-Marguerite HUSS
| | | \-Marguerite HUSS
| | /-François-Antoine JEROME
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | | /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Barbara WIND
| | | \-Marie Anne Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-André HIRSCH
| | | \-Rosine Agathe HIRSCH
| | | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | /-Ferdinand JEROME
| | | | /-Joseph KAPFER
| | | | /-Joseph KAPFER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BUR
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUR
| | | | | \-Ève BAECHTEL
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine KAPFER
| | | | /-Philippe DAAB
| | | | /-Joseph DAPP
| | | | | | /-Pierre IRR
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang IRR
| | | | | | | | /-Wolff MEYER
| | | | | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | | | \-Marie Marguerite Ou Marie-Madeleine IRR
| | | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | | /-Jacques BERNHART
| | | | | | /-Jacques BERNHART
| | | | | | | | /-Martin MULLER
| | | | | | | \-Marie MULLER - MEYER
| | | | | \-Marie Éva BERNHARD
| | | | | \-Maria DILL
| | | \-Madeleine DAPP
| | | | /-Joseph MOSSER
| | | \-Marguerite MOSSER
| | | \-Marie-Anne MATERNE
| \-Marie-Madeleine JEROME
| | /-Martin VELTIN
| | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-André VELTEN
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | \-Anne LANG
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Jean-Georges VELTEN
| | | | /-Jacques DIEBOLT
| | | \-Gertrude DIEBOLT
| | /-Michel VELTEN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MULLER
| | | \-Maria MULLER
| | | \-Maria LANG
| | /-André FELTEN
| | | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | | /-Michel KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara JUNG
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Rosina KLEINCLAUS
| | | | /-Stéphane REINHARD
| | | | /-Michel REINHARDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel REINHARD
| | | | | | /-Jörg CLAUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude CLAUS
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine REINHARD
| | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie LANG
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | \-Catherine VELTEN
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Wendelin VELDEN
| | | | /-Jean STEMMER
| | | | /-André STEMMER
| | | | | \-Christine SCHLUSSEL
| | | \-Barbe STEMMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie DREYER
| | /-Antoine FELTEN
| | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Laurent WINTZ
| | | | | \-Anne WINTZ
| | | | | \-Barbe HARTZ
| | | | /-Michel DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | \-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | /-Vix CASPAR
| | | | | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | \-Marguerite WOLFF
| | | | | \-Catherine ZIMMERMANN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Théobald LANG
| | | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude PAULUS
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | | /-Antoine LANG
| | | | | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | | \-Éva WENDLING
| | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | | | | /-Jean WEIBEL
| | | | | | /-Jean WEIBEL
| | | | | \-Barbara WEIBEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | | /-André SCHAAL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHALL
| | | | | | /-Jean VIX
| | | | | \-Gertrude VIX
| | | \-Odile DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Durst SCHOPP
| | | | /-Joseph SCHOPP
| | | | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne PAULUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel SCHOPP
| | | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | | | /-Mathieu GEBUS
| | | | | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | | \-Marie GEBUS
| | | | /-Antoine SCHOPP
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WENDLING
| | | \-Odile SCHOPP
| | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | | \-Odile MEYER
| \-Marie-Thèrèse FELTEN
| | /-Michel CLAUSS
| | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | \-Marie-Anne INGWEILLER
| \-Marie-Anne CLAUSS
| | /-Jean BURG
| | /-Jean BURG
| | | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| \-Catherine BURG
| | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| \-Odile KAPFER
| | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| \-Catherine ROLLET
| | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | /-Jean VINCENT
| \-Elisabeth ARNI
Christine NETH
| /-Antoine DOLLINGER
| | \-Catherine SAGER
| /-Jean Michel DOLLINGER
| | | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| | | /-Jean Georges DREYER
| | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | /-Jacques DREYER
| | | | | /-Bartholomé SUTER
| | | | \-Odile SUTER
| | | | \-Ursule BECK
| | \-Catherine DREYER
| | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | \-Catherine GANGLOFF
| | | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| | \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
| /-Joseph DOLLINGER
| | | /-André DAUL
| | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | \-Anne DEBUS
| | | /-Antoine DAUL
| | | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean LEMMEL
| | | | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | | | \-Gertrude LEMMEL
| | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | | | /-N.N. STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Marie GRUN
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | /-Nicolas DAUL
| | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Joseph STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Marie WENDLING
| | | | \-Rosine STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-André BERBACH
| | | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | | | /-Simon BERBACH
| | | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Madeleine BERBACH
| | | | | /-Hanï WALTER
| | | | | /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Anne WENDEL
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | \-Barbara WEBER
| | \-Marie Anne DAUL
| | | /-Blaise SCHIESTEL
| | | /-Michel SCHIESTEL
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Georges BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Ève WECHTER
| | | | \-Barbe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Élisabeth BARTOLOME
| | | /-Michel SCHIESTEL
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Georges BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Ève WECHTER
| | | | | /-Martin BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth BARTOLOME
| | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Sixte WECHTER
| | | | | /-Jean WECHTER
| | | | | | \-Christine SCHER
| | | | \-Marguerite WECHTER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHIESTEL
| | | | | /-Jean MEIER
| | | | \-Salomé MEIER
| | | | \-Catherine MERZ
| | \-Thérèse SCHIESTEL
| /-Jérôme DOLLINGER
| | | /-Joseph GASS
| | | | | /-Joes Georg GASS
| | | | | /-André GASS
| | | | | | \-Catherine MACK
| | | | | /-André GASS
| | | | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | | | | /-Georges WEBER
| | | | | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Georges WEBER
| | | | | | | | | /-Christmann KAUFFMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Gertrude WEBER
| | | | | | \-Gertude SCHERRER
| | | | | /-André GASS
| | | | | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | | | | /-Michel LEMMEL
| | | | | | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | | | | | \-Marie-Anne LEMMEL
| | | | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | \-Odile GASS
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HAMMER
| | | | | | \-Anne HAMMER
| | | | | | \-Anne JOERG
| | | | | /-(Jean ) Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | | | \-Éve LENHERR
| | | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Anna Barbara SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Odile SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Hanï WALTER
| | | | | /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Anne WENDEL
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Barbara WEBER
| | | | \-Odile WALTER
| | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-André BERBACH
| | | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BERBACH
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Marie-Anne GASS
| | | /-Adam HUGEL
| | | /-Michel HUGEL
| | | | | /-Louis BRAUN
| | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | \-Marie BRAUN
| | | | | /-Adam DURINGER
| | | | \-Anne DURINGER
| | | | \-Catherine BREISLER
| | | /-Joseph HUGEL
| | | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | /-Joseph HÜGEL
| | | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | /-Laurent CRIQUI
| | | | | | \-Marie KURTZ
| | | | \-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | \-Ève KRIEGER
| | | /-Jean HIGEL
| | | | | /-Jean HIFF
| | | | | /-Jean Michel HIFF
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine WINCKLER
| | | | \-Anne HIFF
| | | | | /-Martin HEUSLER
| | | | \-Marguerite HEUSLER
| | | | \-Anna SCHELLENBAUM
| | \-Gertrude HUGEL
| | \-Thérèse REINBOLD
\-Joséphine DOLLINGER
| /-Christian KERN
| /-Christian KERN
| | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | /-Félix FOURNAISE
| | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | \-Marie Catherine FOURNAISE
| | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Élisabeth WIND
| | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | \-Eve WEBER
| | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| /-Pierre KERN
| | | /-Jean RIED
| | | /-Léonard RIED
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Georges RIET
| | | | | /-André HARTNAGEL
| | | | \-Anne HARTNAGEL
| | | /-Jean RIETH
| | | | | /-Thomas SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Brigitte SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Joseph RIETH
| | | | | /-Georges HABERSTROH
| | | | \-Anne Marie HABERSTROH
| | | | \-Salomé ARNOLD
| | \-Anne-Marie RIETH
| | | /-Jacques RATZEL
| | \-Catherine RATZEL
| | \-Aimée SCHERR
| /-Pierre KERN
| | | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | | /-Laurent ISSENMANN
| | | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Éva MESSNER
| | \-Catherine ISSENMANN
| | | /-Michel KRAEMER
| | | /-Martin KRAEMER
| | | | \-Catherine RINGENWALD
| | \-Anne-Marie KRAEMER
| | | /-Guillaume BURCKEL
| | \-Barbara BURGEL
| | | /-Jean MEHL
| | \-Anne MEHL
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | \-Marie MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Martin KERN
| | | /-Jacques RATZEL
| | | /-Jean-Georges RATZEL
| | | | | /-Jean-Henri DANNER
| | | | | /-Sébastien DANNER
| | | | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| | | | | /-Sébastien DANNER
| | | | | | | /-Théobald WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Marie WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | | /-André DANNER
| | | | | | | /-Georges HIRSCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine HIRSCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie DANNER
| | | | | /-N.N. HEBDING
| | | | | /-Mathias HEBDING
| | | | | /-André HEBTING
| | | | | | \-Anne LINDER
| | | | \-Anne Marguerite HEBTING
| | | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | | \-Barbara NICLAUS
| | \-Catherine RATZEL
| | | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | | /-Laurent ISSENMANN
| | | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Éva MESSNER
| | | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | | /-Michel KRAEMER
| | | | | /-Martin KRAEMER
| | | | | | \-Catherine RINGENWALD
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KRAEMER
| | | | | /-Guillaume BURCKEL
| | | | \-Barbara BURGEL
| | | | | /-Jean MEHL
| | | | \-Anne MEHL
| | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Marie MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Marie-Anne ISSENMANN
| | | /-Jean Martin DEYSS
| | | /-Jean-Georges DEISS
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges GRUNENWALD
| | | | \-Gertrude GRUNENWALD
| | | | \-Catherine ISSENMANN
| | | /-Valentin DEISS
| | | | | /-Diebolt VOLTZ
| | | | | /-Jean Michel VOLTZ
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MARX
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel VOLTZ
| | | | | | | /-Lienhart KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth KELLER
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth LANDENWETSCH
| | | | \-Barbara VOLTZ
| | | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | | \-Marguerite WOLFF
| | | | \-Véronique WÂCHTER
| | \-Walburge DEISS
| | \-Marie-Anne ARMBRUSTER
\-Marie-Catherine KERN
| /-Jean-Georges GRUSSENMEYER
| | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | \-Éve REYMANN
| | \-Marie HAMMER
| /-Jean-Georges GRUSSENMEYER
| | | /-Jean STEPHAN
| | | /-Georges STEPHAN
| | | | \-Marie BOTZ
| | \-Barbara STEPHAN
| | | /-Henri LIENHART
| | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | \-Marie MATHIS
| | | /-François COLLIN
| | | /-Philippe COLLIN
| | | | \-Véronique N.N.
| | \-Marie Barbe COLLIN
| | | /-Michel DOLIS
| | | /-Jean Michel DOLIS
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Ève DOLIS
| | \-Catherine SUR
| | | /-Mathieu LANG
| | \-Anne-Marie LANG
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Marguerite ROLLET
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | \-Eve VINCENT
| | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean DUSCH
| | | /-Jean-Jacques TUSCH
| | | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUDY
| | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | /-Jean TUSCH
| | | | | /-Jean BISER
| | | | \-Marguerite BISER
| | | | \-Maria HOFFACKER
| | | /-Jean TUSCH
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | | /-(Jean-)Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GASS
| | | | | | \-Eve GASS
| | | | | | \-Anna KIEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Ève WEBER
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques REEB
| | | | | /-Jean Jacques REEB
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine REEB
| | | | | /-Jacques FOELCK
| | | | \-Gertrude FOELCK
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Catherine DUSCH
| | | /-Marc MARIN
| | | /-Nicolas MARIN
| | | /-Antoine MEHR
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHOTT
| | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | \-Anne Ève MEHR
| | | /-Michel GROSJEAN
| | | /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
| | | /-Pierre GROSJEAN
| | | | | /-Nicolas LABROCHE
| | | | \-Marguerite LABROCHE
| | | | \-Sébastienne PETIT
| | \-Marie Catherine GROSJEAN
| | | /-Jean SCHOPP
| | | /-Jean SCHOPP
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Marie Ou Anne-Marie SCHOPP
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | \-Marie GANGLOFF
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas ETIENNE
| | | /-Nicolas ETIENNE
| | | | \-Marie ISAAC
| | \-Catherine ETIENNE
| | | /-Lienhart ELMERICH
| | | /-(Jean) Jacques ELMERICH
| | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | \-Elisabeth ECKART
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | /-Cyriaque ELMERICH
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHRACK
| | | /-Balthasar ELMERICH
| | | | | /-Sébastien JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Sébastien MEHN
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MEHN
| | | | | | \-Barbara EHRMANN
| | | | \-Marguerite JUNG
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | \-Catherine ELMERICH
| | | /-Jean-Jacques REEB
| | | /-Jean Jacques REEB
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | /-Marc REEB
| | | | | /-Jacques FOELCK
| | | | \-Gertrude FOELCK
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Joseph REEB
| | | | | /-Sébastien JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | \-Barbara JUNG
| | | | | /-Sébastien MEHN
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHN
| | | | \-Barbara EHRMANN
| | \-Barbara REEB
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | /-Bernard BERBACH
| | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | \-Catherine BERENBACH
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Marie WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Nicolas MISSBURGER
| | | /-Jacques MOEBUS
| | \-Marie MOEBUS
| | | /-Laurent LORENTZ
| | | /-Michel LORENTZ
| | \-Catherine MICHEL
| | \-Anne N.N.
| /-Antoine MISSBURGER
| | | /-Thomas STEPHAN
| | | /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
| | | /-Jacques STEFFEN
| | | | | /-Martin MULLER
| | | | \-Marie MULLER
| | | /-Michel STEFFEN
| | | | | /-Diebold WEBER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Marguerite STEFFEN
| | | /-Thewis STREBLER
| | | /-Jean STREBLER
| | | | | /-Bartholomé KELLER
| | | | \-Judith KELLER
| | | | \-Adelheid SIGG
| | | /-Jean STREBLER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie DISS
| | \-Anne-Marie STREBLER
| | \-Anne-Marie ACKER
\-Marie-Catherine MISSBURGER
| /-Jean LECHNER
| /-Joseph Bavarus LECHNER
| /-Michel LECHNER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | \-Catherine CLADY
| | | /-Nicolas VIX
| | \-Gertrude VIX
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Joseph LECHNER
| | | /-Jacques REEB
| | | /-Jean-Jacques REEB
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Jean Jacques REEB
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | /-François REEB
| | | | | /-Jacques FOELCK
| | | | \-Gertrude FOELCK
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule REEB
| | | /-Georges GRUBER
| | | /-Marc GRUBER
| | \-Anne-Marie GRUBER
| | | /-Jean KOLER
| | \-Marie-Barbara KOHLER
\-Madeleine LECHNER
| /-Thomas STEPHAN
| /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
| /-Jacques STEFFEN
| | | /-Martin MULLER
| | \-Marie MULLER
| /-Jean "Jacques" STEFFEN
| | | /-Diebold WEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Jean Jacques STEFFEN
| | | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | | /-Georges RIEHL
| | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Marie Catherine RIEHL
| | | /-Antoine VULPIN
| | \-Marguerite WULPIN
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Catherine STEFFEN
| /-Martin VON BONN
| /-Michael VON BONN
| /-Frédéric VON BONN
| | | /-André ECKART
| | | /-Frédéric ECKART
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Eve ECKART
| | \-Éve GING
\-Barbara VON BONN
\-Elisabeth BERETSWILL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Catherine RÜEL
| /-Grégoire GING
\-Maria Barbara GING
Descendants of Christine NETH
1 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Antoine NETH
- Mother: Élisabeth BEYLER
- Birth: 5 JAN 1842, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Death: 12 DEC 1924, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Partnership with: François-Joseph SPEICH
Marriage: 8 OCT 1868, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Child: Catherine SPEICH Birth: 11 APR 1869, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
- Child: Julie SPEICH Birth: 14 FEB 1882, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
Ancestors of Élisabeth NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
Élisabeth NETH
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Élisabeth BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Élisabeth NETH
1 Élisabeth NETH
=François-Joseph SPEICH Marriage: 8 OCT 1868, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
2 Catherine SPEICH
=Antoine REIFFSTECK Marriage: 9 AUG 1897, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
=Marie-Madeleine KUHN
4 Michel Eugène REIFFSTECK
=Marie Reine SCHMITT
5 Alexandra REIFFSTECK
=Daniel MEYER
6 Nicolas MEYER
6 Raphaël MEYER
=Marlène N.N.
=Nicolas WEISS
=Jean-Paul MOEBS
=Joseph MOEBS
2 Julie SPEICH
=François-Joseph RITTER
3 Louise Rosalie RITTER
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Marie WEISS
- Partnership with: Agathe MATTER
Marriage: 17 SEP 1858, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Michel NETH Birth: 29 AUG 1859, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Marie Catherine NETH Birth: 19 NOV 1860, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,<
- Child: Auguste NETH Birth: 31 AUG 1862, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Florent NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
Florent NETH
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Descendants of Florent NETH
1 Florent NETH
=Agathe MATTER Marriage: 17 SEP 1858, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Michel NETH
=Marie BERBACH Marriage: 14 NOV 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Pierre Édouard NETH
=Marie-Madeleine STEFFAN Marriage: 17 MAY 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Salomé KAPPS Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Auguste NETH
=Victoria DURR
4 Cécile Georgette NETH
=Albert DRESCH
5 Joseph DRESCH
=Véronique GRASS
2 Marie Catherine NETH
=Mathias SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Edmond SIMON
=Joséphine OSTER
4 Catherine SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie-Rose DAUL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Clément GASS
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Joseph SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie Jeanne SIMON
3 Joseph SIMON
=Marie-Thérèse Rosalie MARTIN Marriage: 7 NOV 1925, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Lucie SIMON
=Eugène CRIQUI
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Marie-Catherine SIMON
=Georges HECKEL Marriage: 22 NOV 1920, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Auguste NETH
=Anne NONNENMACHER Marriage: 29 OCT 1888, Altenheim,67490,,,FR,
- Birth: 25 MAR 1922, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Death: 19 OCT 1944, Tuski,,,,LETTONIE,
Ancestors of Georges NETH
/-Chrétien NETH
/-Chrétien NETH
Georges NETH
| /-Nicolas MARX
\-Catherine MARX
\-Catherine GRIMMER
- Partnership with: Catherine SIMON
Marriage: 23 MAY 1865, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Marie NETH Birth: 17 AUG 1867, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Ignace NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
Ignace NETH
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Élisabeth BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Ignace NETH
1 Ignace NETH
=Catherine SIMON Marriage: 23 MAY 1865, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Marie NETH
=Madeleine GROSJEAN Marriage: 9 FEB 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Jean-Michel WEISS
=Marie-Andrée FUCHS
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Patrick LIENHART
=Marie NETH
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Antoine LIENHART
=Marie Joséphine Richarde SCHWAB Marriage: 19 APR 1926, Artolsheim,67390,,,FR,
4 Charles LIENHART
=Jean-Baptiste SCHREIBER Marriage: 24 APR 1931, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Joseph NETH
- Mother: Catherine KLEFFER
- Birth: 29 APR 1808, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Occupation: Tisserand
- Death: 17 NOV 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Catherine SEEL
Marriage: 11 MAY 1848, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Joseph NETH Birth: 22 MAY 1847, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Ignace NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
Ignace NETH
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Descendants of Ignace NETH
1 Ignace NETH
=Catherine SEEL Marriage: 11 MAY 1848, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Joseph NETH
=Anne-Marie LIENHART Marriage: 19 JUN 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Thérèse NETH
=Léo DIEBOLT Marriage: 18 APR 1904, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Anne Thérèse DIEBOLT
3 André NETH
=Rosalie MEYER Marriage: 19 APR 1909, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Madeleine JEROME Marriage: 27 JAN 1939, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
6 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie-Thérèse NETH
4 Lucille NETH
4 Marie Lucie NETH
=Xavier WEIBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of Jean NETH
1 Jean NETH
2 Simon NETH
=Suzanne TUSCH Marriage: 29 APR 1715, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
3 Anne-Marie NETH
=Jean-Michel FERENBACH Marriage: 25 OCT 1745, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
4 Antoine BERBACH
5 Anne-Marie BERBACH
5 Mathis BERBACH
5 Stéphane BERBACH
5 Antoine BERBACH
5 Veltin BERBACH
5 Anne-Marie BERBACH
4 Jean-Georges BERBACH
4 Joseph BERBACH
=Sébastien JUNG Marriage: BEF 1751
5 Maria Anna JUNG
5 Gertrude JUNG
=Michel HEID Marriage: 11 APR 1780, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
5 Jacques JUNG
5 Bastian JUNG
4 Catherine FERENBACH
5 Anne-Marie CRENNER
=Joseph KOEGER Marriage: 18 DEC 1752, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
=Adam FELDMANN Marriage: 2 OCT 1781, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Joseph CRENNER
5 Martin CRENNER
5 Antoine KRAENNER
=Anne-Marie GROSJEAN Marriage: 3 FEB 1761, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Marie-Catherine KRAEMER
=Nicolas SCHLICHT Marriage: 3 NOV 1801, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
6 Madeleine KRAENNER
7 Joseph SCHMITT
=Marie-Catherine HERMANN Marriage: 28 MAR 1843, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
=Anne-Marie KEHREN Marriage: 9 NOV 1847, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
=Catherine ULRICH Marriage: 3 JAN 1887, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
9 Joseph SCHMITT
=Eugénie MENGUS Marriage: 16 OCT 1913, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
10 Joseph SCHMITT
=Marie-Antoinette MINNI
11 Bernard Roger SCHMITT
=Yvette Marie Louise DENTEL
12 Myriam SCHMITT
9 Michel SCHMITT
=Marie BUCHER Marriage: 11 APR 1919, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
10 Marie Rosalie SCHMITT
=Émile BACH
11 Éliane BACH
12 Guillaume KLEINPETER
11 Marie Hélène BACH
=Christian HOH
12 Grégoire HOH
12 Renaud HOH
11 Pierre BACH
=Claudine BRANDNER
11 Renée BACH
12 Caroline MESSNER
=Émile Victor NUSBAUMER
11 Anne Marie NUSBAUMER
=Anne Sophie MERKLEN
13 Laureen BRUNNEMER
13 Nicolas BRUNNEMER
12 Michèle BRUNNEMER
12 Christian KORMANN
12 Sylvain KORMANN
11 Gabrielle NUSBAUMER
12 Bertrand TISCHLER
12 Valérie TISCHLER
10 Joseph-André SCHMITT
=Jacqueline GROSS
11 André SCHMITT
11 Bernadette SCHMITT
11 Bertrand SCHMITT
10 Antoine-Jean SCHMITT
10 Marie Thérèse SCHMITT
10 Marie-Antoinette SCHMITT
11 Monique STEPHAN
=Jean François BOURDÉ
12 Eric BOURDE
12 Marc BOURDÉ
11 Gérard STEPHAN
11 Marie-Thérèse STEPHAN
11 Michel STEPHAN
11 Philippe STEPHAN
10 Renée SCHMITT
=Marie-Anne LUTZ Marriage: 10 APR 1801, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
7 Rosine KRENNER
=Joseph BARBIER Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
8 Rosalie BARBIER
=Laurent HECKEL Marriage: 6 JUL 1868, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
8 Marie-Anne BARBIER
7 Marie-Anne KRAENNER
=Jean ROTHAN Marriage: 2 MAR 1835, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
8 Thérèse ROTHAN
=Joseph DIEBOLD Marriage: 19 JAN 1860, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
9 Marie Joséphine DIEBOLD
10 Antoine STEINMETZ
=Marie Victorine KIEFFER Marriage: 18 JUL 1924, Minversheim,67270,,,FR,
11 Joseph Eugène STEINMETZ
=Marie Odile LIENHART
=Bernadette BIGNET
13 Muriel Christelle STEINMETZ
8 Gertrude ROTHAN
=Joseph STEINMETZ Marriage: 6 JUL 1883, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
=François-Joseph KOEGER Marriage: 6 JUL 1909, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Benedict FERBACH
3 Bastien NETH
=Gertrude ETSCHERT Marriage: 20 OCT 1749
4 Madeleine NETH
=Michel OSTER
5 Marie OSTER
=Jean ROLLET Marriage: 7 APR 1818, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
6 Michel ROLLET
=Thérèse BALTZER Marriage: 6 FEB 1851, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
7 Marie-Anne ROLLET
=Joseph STEINMETZ Marriage: 15 MAY 1893, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
8 Marie Thérèse STEINMETZ
=François-Antoine OTT Marriage: 17 APR 1928, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
9 Marie Jeanne OTT
9 Mathilde Thérèse OTT
8 Mathilde STEINMETZ
=Antoine Théodore FUCHS Marriage: 13 MAY 1929, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
5 Michel OSTER
=Catherine SPITZER Marriage: 17 FEB 1817, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Brigitte CLAD
Marriage: 31 MAY 1718, Waldolwisheim,67700,,,FR,
Descendants of Jean NETH
1 Jean NETH
=Brigitte CLAD Marriage: 31 MAY 1718, Waldolwisheim,67700,,,FR,
Ancestors of Jean NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Ancestors of Jean NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Élisabeth BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Ancestors of Jean Michel NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
Jean Michel NETH
| /-Martin WALTZER
| /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | \-Catherine PFISTER
\-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| /-François FRIEDEL
\-Élisabeth FRIDLER
\-Christine WUNDER
- Father: Ignace NETH
- Mother: Catherine SEEL
- Birth: 22 MAY 1847, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Death: 11 OCT 1903, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Anne-Marie LIENHART
Marriage: 19 JUN 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Thérèse NETH Birth: 11 JAN 1876, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: André NETH Birth: 14 APR 1882, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Joseph NETH
| /-Matz SEEL
| /-Jean SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
| /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | \-Agathe RIEHL
| /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Jean SEEL
| | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | \-Catherine MADER
| | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | \-Marie FIHL
| /-André SEEL
| | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | /-André ECKART
| | | /-André ECKART
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
\-Catherine SEEL
| /-Jean GOETZ
| /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | \-Catherine CLAUS
\-Barbara GOETZ
| /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | \-Françoise N.N.
| /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | \-Catherine LOYSON
\-Barbara BIENFAIT
| /-Jacques WOLFF
\-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| /-Jean LEHNERR
| /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Matz DIEBOLD
\-Catherine DIEBOLD
Descendants of Joseph NETH
1 Joseph NETH
=Anne-Marie LIENHART Marriage: 19 JUN 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Thérèse NETH
=Léo DIEBOLT Marriage: 18 APR 1904, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Anne Thérèse DIEBOLT
2 André NETH
=Rosalie MEYER Marriage: 19 APR 1909, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Madeleine JEROME Marriage: 27 JAN 1939, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
5 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Marie-Thérèse NETH
3 Lucille NETH
3 Marie Lucie NETH
=Xavier WEIBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Father: Joseph NETH
- Mother: Marie-Anne WALTZER
- Birth: 24 OCT 1780, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,Keffendorf
- Christening: 25 OCT 1780
- Occupation: tisserand
- Death: 9 OCT 1842, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Catherine KLEFFER
Marriage: 3 FEB 1807, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Ignace NETH Birth: 29 APR 1808, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Sophie NETH Birth: 1 OCT 1811, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Catherine NETH Birth: 31 JAN 1814, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Anne NETH Birth: 23 FEB 1817, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Jean NETH Birth: 9 JUL 1821, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Thérèse NETH Birth: 18 SEP 1823, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Florent NETH Birth: 11 NOV 1827, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
Joseph NETH
| /-Martin WALTZER
| /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | \-Catherine PFISTER
\-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| /-François FRIEDEL
\-Élisabeth FRIDLER
\-Christine WUNDER
Descendants of Joseph NETH
1 Joseph NETH
=Catherine KLEFFER Marriage: 3 FEB 1807, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Ignace NETH
=Catherine SEEL Marriage: 11 MAY 1848, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Joseph NETH
=Anne-Marie LIENHART Marriage: 19 JUN 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Thérèse NETH
=Léo DIEBOLT Marriage: 18 APR 1904, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Anne Thérèse DIEBOLT
4 André NETH
=Rosalie MEYER Marriage: 19 APR 1909, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Madeleine JEROME Marriage: 27 JAN 1939, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
6 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
7 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie-Thérèse NETH
5 Lucille NETH
5 Marie Lucie NETH
=Xavier WEIBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
2 Sophie NETH
=Michel GRUBER Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Aloyse GRUBER
3 Florent GRUBER
3 Thérése GRUBER
=François "Joseph" HUSS Marriage: 22 JUL 1872, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Marie Joséphine HUSS
4 Marie Apollonie HUSS
4 Marie-Françoise HUSS
4 Marie HUSS
4 Infant HUSS
4 Jérôme HUSS
4 André HUSS
4 Florent HUSS
4 Michel HUSS
3 Marie Anne GRUBER
=Antoine OTT Marriage: 13 JAN 1873, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Françoise OTT
=François-Joseph ADAM Marriage: 9 FEB 1901, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Marie Amélie ADAM
=Joseph MERCK Marriage: 17 NOV 1933, Reichshoffen,67110,,,FR,
=Jérôme OBER Marriage: 16 FEB 1968, Oberbronn,67110,,,FR,
5 Marie Jeanne ADAM
5 Eugène Antoine ADAM
5 Eugène Oscar ADAM
=Élisabeth SCHAEFFER Marriage: 10 SEP 1932, Schiltigheim,67300,,,FR,
5 Marie Lucile ADAM
4 Adèle Cécile OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Joseph SCHALL
5 Léonie SCHALL
4 Célestine OTT
=Thomas RAGER Marriage: 7 JAN 1939, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
4 Antoine OTT
4 Michel OTT
=Marie-Thérèse MARTZ Marriage: 8 AUG 1919, Mommenheim,67670,,,FR,
5 Marie Léonie OTT
=N.n. THAL
6 N.n. THAL
5 Joseph Michel OTT
6 Michel OTT
4 Émilie OTT
=Michel Joseph JUNG Marriage: 25 NOV 1919, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Léonie OTT
3 François-Antoine GRUBER
3 Gertrude GRUBER
=André OTT Marriage: 26 APR 1880, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Marie-Joséphine OTT
=Antoine Ignace HERTZOG Marriage: 6 NOV 1910
5 Joseph HERTZOG
=Célestine KANDEL Marriage: 3 JUN 1946, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
6 Gerard HERTZOG
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Joseph OTT
=Joséphine KAPFER Marriage: 23 MAY 1921, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie OTT
4 Léo OTT
4 Bernhard OTT
4 Jules OTT
4 Eugénie OTT
4 André OTT
4 André OTT
=Marguerite ZINCK Marriage: 19 SEP 1925, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
5 Jean OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Alain OTT
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Gertrude OTT
=Charles FELTEN Marriage: JUL 1925
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie-Rose FELTEN
5 Gérard FELTEN
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Catherine NETH
2 Anne NETH
2 Jean NETH
2 Thérèse NETH
2 Florent NETH
=Agathe MATTER Marriage: 17 SEP 1858, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Michel NETH
=Marie BERBACH Marriage: 14 NOV 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Pierre Édouard NETH
=Marie-Madeleine STEFFAN Marriage: 17 MAY 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Salomé KAPPS Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Auguste NETH
=Victoria DURR
5 Cécile Georgette NETH
=Albert DRESCH
6 Joseph DRESCH
=Véronique GRASS
3 Marie Catherine NETH
=Mathias SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Edmond SIMON
=Joséphine OSTER
5 Catherine SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Marie-Rose DAUL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Clément GASS
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Joseph SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie Jeanne SIMON
4 Joseph SIMON
=Marie-Thérèse Rosalie MARTIN Marriage: 7 NOV 1925, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Lucie SIMON
=Eugène CRIQUI
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie-Catherine SIMON
=Georges HECKEL Marriage: 22 NOV 1920, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Auguste NETH
=Anne NONNENMACHER Marriage: 29 OCT 1888, Altenheim,67490,,,FR,
- Father: Sébastien NETT
- Mother: Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
- Birth: CAL 1747, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,Keffendorf
- Occupation: linitextor
- Death: 30 APR 1807, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie-Anne WALTZER
Marriage: 14 FEB 1775, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Jean Michel NETH
- Child: Joseph NETH Birth: 24 OCT 1780, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,Keffendorf
- Child: Pierre NETT Birth: 5 APR 1786, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
Joseph NETH
| /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
\-Appolonie ADAM
Descendants of Joseph NETH
1 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Anne WALTZER Marriage: 14 FEB 1775, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Jean Michel NETH
2 Joseph NETH
=Catherine KLEFFER Marriage: 3 FEB 1807, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Ignace NETH
=Catherine SEEL Marriage: 11 MAY 1848, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Joseph NETH
=Anne-Marie LIENHART Marriage: 19 JUN 1874, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Thérèse NETH
=Léo DIEBOLT Marriage: 18 APR 1904, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Anne Thérèse DIEBOLT
5 André NETH
=Rosalie MEYER Marriage: 19 APR 1909, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
6 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Madeleine JEROME Marriage: 27 JAN 1939, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
7 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
8 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
10 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Marie-Thérèse NETH
6 Lucille NETH
6 Marie Lucie NETH
=Xavier WEIBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Sophie NETH
=Michel GRUBER Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Aloyse GRUBER
4 Florent GRUBER
4 Thérése GRUBER
=François "Joseph" HUSS Marriage: 22 JUL 1872, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Marie Joséphine HUSS
5 Marie Apollonie HUSS
5 Marie-Françoise HUSS
5 Marie HUSS
5 Infant HUSS
5 Jérôme HUSS
5 André HUSS
5 Florent HUSS
5 Michel HUSS
4 Marie Anne GRUBER
=Antoine OTT Marriage: 13 JAN 1873, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Françoise OTT
=François-Joseph ADAM Marriage: 9 FEB 1901, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
6 Marie Amélie ADAM
=Joseph MERCK Marriage: 17 NOV 1933, Reichshoffen,67110,,,FR,
=Jérôme OBER Marriage: 16 FEB 1968, Oberbronn,67110,,,FR,
6 Marie Jeanne ADAM
6 Eugène Antoine ADAM
6 Eugène Oscar ADAM
=Élisabeth SCHAEFFER Marriage: 10 SEP 1932, Schiltigheim,67300,,,FR,
6 Marie Lucile ADAM
5 Adèle Cécile OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Joseph SCHALL
6 Léonie SCHALL
5 Célestine OTT
=Thomas RAGER Marriage: 7 JAN 1939, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
5 Antoine OTT
5 Michel OTT
=Marie-Thérèse MARTZ Marriage: 8 AUG 1919, Mommenheim,67670,,,FR,
6 Marie Léonie OTT
=N.n. THAL
7 N.n. THAL
6 Joseph Michel OTT
7 Michel OTT
5 Émilie OTT
=Michel Joseph JUNG Marriage: 25 NOV 1919, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Léonie OTT
4 François-Antoine GRUBER
4 Gertrude GRUBER
=André OTT Marriage: 26 APR 1880, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
5 Marie-Joséphine OTT
=Antoine Ignace HERTZOG Marriage: 6 NOV 1910
6 Joseph HERTZOG
=Célestine KANDEL Marriage: 3 JUN 1946, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
7 Gerard HERTZOG
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Joseph OTT
=Joséphine KAPFER Marriage: 23 MAY 1921, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie OTT
5 Léo OTT
5 Bernhard OTT
5 Jules OTT
5 Eugénie OTT
5 André OTT
5 André OTT
=Marguerite ZINCK Marriage: 19 SEP 1925, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
6 Jean OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Alain OTT
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Gertrude OTT
=Charles FELTEN Marriage: JUL 1925
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Marie-Rose FELTEN
6 Gérard FELTEN
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Catherine NETH
3 Anne NETH
3 Jean NETH
3 Thérèse NETH
3 Florent NETH
=Agathe MATTER Marriage: 17 SEP 1858, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Michel NETH
=Marie BERBACH Marriage: 14 NOV 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Pierre Édouard NETH
=Marie-Madeleine STEFFAN Marriage: 17 MAY 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Salomé KAPPS Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Auguste NETH
=Victoria DURR
6 Cécile Georgette NETH
=Albert DRESCH
7 Joseph DRESCH
=Véronique GRASS
4 Marie Catherine NETH
=Mathias SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Edmond SIMON
=Joséphine OSTER
6 Catherine SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Marie-Rose DAUL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Clément GASS
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Joseph SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Marie Jeanne SIMON
5 Joseph SIMON
=Marie-Thérèse Rosalie MARTIN Marriage: 7 NOV 1925, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Lucie SIMON
=Eugène CRIQUI
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Marie-Catherine SIMON
=Georges HECKEL Marriage: 22 NOV 1920, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
7 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
9 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
8 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Auguste NETH
=Anne NONNENMACHER Marriage: 29 OCT 1888, Altenheim,67490,,,FR,
2 Pierre NETT
- Father: André NETH
- Mother: Rosalie MEYER
- Birth: 20 MAR 1910, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Death: 25 JUN 1987, Haguenau,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Joseph NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
Joseph NETH
| /-Jean MEYER
| /-Jean MEYER
| | \-Odile WALTER
| /-Jacques MEYER
| | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| /-Joseph MEYER
| | | /-Durst LENG
| | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| /-Antoine MEYER
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| /-Michel MEYER
| | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | \-Barbara WIND
\-Rosalie MEYER
| /-Jean BURG
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | \-Eve VINCENT
| | \-Elisabeth ARNI
\-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
\-Barbe KRESS
Descendants of Joseph NETH
1 Joseph NETH
=Marie-Madeleine JEROME Marriage: 27 JAN 1939, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
2 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
3 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Joseph NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Jean MEYER
| | /-Jean MEYER
| | | \-Odile WALTER
| | /-Jacques MEYER
| | | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | /-Joseph MEYER
| | | | /-Durst LENG
| | | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| | /-Antoine MEYER
| | | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| | /-Michel MEYER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Barbara WIND
| \-Rosalie MEYER
| | /-Jean BURG
| | /-Jean BURG
| | | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Jean BURG
| | | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| \-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| | /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
| \-Barbe KRESS
Joseph NETH
| /-Pierre JEROME
| /-François JEROME
| | \-Jeanne CHARLIER
| /-Adrien JEROME
| | \-Nicole BITAILLE
| /-Jean JEROME
| | \-Jeanne OGE
| /-Pierre JEROME
| | | /-Adrien UGE
| | \-Jeanne OGÉ
| | \-Jeanne VATTELET
| /-Nicolas JEROME
| | | /-Jean LANOIX
| | \-Marie Ève LANOIX
| | \-Anne-Marie SAUTER
| /-François-Antoine JEROME
| | | /-Mathieu VOGEL
| | | /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHMID
| | | | \-Catharine SCHMID
| | | | \-Marguerite LÄMER
| | | /-Antoine VOGLER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOPP
| | | | | /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOPP
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | \-Christine WEBER
| | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | \-Madeleine VOGLER
| | \-Marguerite HUSS
| | \-Marguerite HUSS
| /-François-Antoine JEROME
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Barbara WIND
| | \-Marie Anne Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-André HIRSCH
| | \-Rosine Agathe HIRSCH
| | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| /-Ferdinand JEROME
| | | /-Joseph KAPFER
| | | /-Joseph KAPFER
| | | | | /-Nicolas BUR
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BUR
| | | | \-Ève BAECHTEL
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KAPFER
| | | /-Philippe DAAB
| | | /-Joseph DAPP
| | | | | /-Pierre IRR
| | | | | /-Wolfgang IRR
| | | | | | | /-Wolff MEYER
| | | | | | \-Marie MEYER
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite Ou Marie-Madeleine IRR
| | | | | /-Georges BERNHART
| | | | | /-Jacques BERNHART
| | | | | /-Jacques BERNHART
| | | | | | | /-Martin MULLER
| | | | | | \-Marie MULLER - MEYER
| | | | \-Marie Éva BERNHARD
| | | | \-Maria DILL
| | \-Madeleine DAPP
| | | /-Joseph MOSSER
| | \-Marguerite MOSSER
| | \-Marie-Anne MATERNE
\-Marie-Madeleine JEROME
| /-Martin VELTIN
| /-Georges VELTIN
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-André VELTEN
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Anne LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Jean-Georges VELTEN
| | | /-Jacques DIEBOLT
| | \-Gertrude DIEBOLT
| /-Michel VELTEN
| | | /-Jean-Georges MULLER
| | \-Maria MULLER
| | \-Maria LANG
| /-André FELTEN
| | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Michel KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Rosina KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Stéphane REINHARD
| | | /-Michel REINHARDT
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel REINHARD
| | | | | /-Jörg CLAUS
| | | | \-Gertrude CLAUS
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Catherine REINHARD
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie LANG
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | \-Catherine VELTEN
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Wendelin VELDEN
| | | /-Jean STEMMER
| | | /-André STEMMER
| | | | \-Christine SCHLUSSEL
| | \-Barbe STEMMER
| | \-Anne-Marie DREYER
| /-Antoine FELTEN
| | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Laurent WINTZ
| | | | \-Anne WINTZ
| | | | \-Barbe HARTZ
| | | /-Michel DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | \-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Joseph DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | | /-Vix CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | | | \-Anne-Marie CASPAR
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Mathias WOLFF
| | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine ZIMMERMANN
| | | /-Jean-Michel DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Théobald LANG
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Gertrude PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | /-Antoine LANG
| | | | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | \-Éva WENDLING
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | | | /-Jean WEIBEL
| | | | | /-Jean WEIBEL
| | | | \-Barbara WEIBEL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-André SCHAAL
| | | | \-Marie SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean VIX
| | | | \-Gertrude VIX
| | \-Odile DOSSMANN
| | | /-Durst SCHOPP
| | | /-Joseph SCHOPP
| | | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | \-Anne PAULUS
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel SCHOPP
| | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | | /-Mathieu GEBUS
| | | | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie GEBUS
| | | /-Antoine SCHOPP
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WENDLING
| | \-Odile SCHOPP
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | \-Anne-Marie KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
\-Marie-Thèrèse FELTEN
| /-Michel CLAUSS
| /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | \-Marie-Anne INGWEILLER
\-Marie-Anne CLAUSS
| /-Jean BURG
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | \-Christine N.N.
\-Catherine BURG
| /-Mathieu KAPFER
\-Odile KAPFER
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | \-Marguerite BATZ
| /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | \-Anna DIBLING
| | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
\-Catherine ROLLET
| /-Martin FRESCH
| | \-Christine N.N.
\-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| /-Jean VINCENT
\-Elisabeth ARNI
Descendants of Joseph NETH
1 Joseph NETH
=Joséphine DOLLINGER
2 Christine NETH
=Jean-Marc GASS
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: André SCHMITT
Marriage: 9 JUL 1923, Minversheim,67270,,,FR,
Descendants of Joséphine NETH
1 Joséphine NETH
=André SCHMITT Marriage: 9 JUL 1923, Minversheim,67270,,,FR,
Ancestors of Lucille NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
Lucille NETH
| /-Jean MEYER
| /-Jean MEYER
| | \-Odile WALTER
| /-Jacques MEYER
| | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| /-Joseph MEYER
| | | /-Durst LENG
| | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| /-Antoine MEYER
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| /-Michel MEYER
| | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | \-Barbara WIND
\-Rosalie MEYER
| /-Jean BURG
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | \-Eve VINCENT
| | \-Elisabeth ARNI
\-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
\-Barbe KRESS
- Partnership with: Michel OSTER
- Child: Marie OSTER Birth: 5 APR 1787, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
- Child: Michel OSTER Birth: 6 SEP 1792, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
Ancestors of Madeleine NETH
/-Jean NETH
/-Simon NETH
/-Bastien NETH
| | /-Jean DUSCH
| \-Suzanne TUSCH
| | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| \-Catherine CLAUDY
| \-Sophie N.N.
Madeleine NETH
\-Gertrude ETSCHERT
Descendants of Madeleine NETH
1 Madeleine NETH
=Michel OSTER
2 Marie OSTER
=Jean ROLLET Marriage: 7 APR 1818, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
3 Michel ROLLET
=Thérèse BALTZER Marriage: 6 FEB 1851, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
4 Marie-Anne ROLLET
=Joseph STEINMETZ Marriage: 15 MAY 1893, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
5 Marie Thérèse STEINMETZ
=François-Antoine OTT Marriage: 17 APR 1928, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie Jeanne OTT
6 Mathilde Thérèse OTT
5 Mathilde STEINMETZ
=Antoine Théodore FUCHS Marriage: 13 MAY 1929, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
2 Michel OSTER
=Catherine SPITZER Marriage: 17 FEB 1817, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
- Father: Ignace NETH
- Mother: Catherine SIMON
- Birth: 17 AUG 1867, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Death: 4 MAY 1927, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Aloyse LIENHART
- Child: Michel LIENHART Birth: 29 SEP 1894, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Aloise LIENHART
- Child: Antoine LIENHART Birth: 16 JAN 1897, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: N.N. LIENHART
- Child: Jerôme LIENHART Birth: 1900
- Child: Joseph LIENHART
- Child: Marie LIENHART Birth: 21 APR 1900, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| | /-Jean BEYLER
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| | /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | /-André SANDER
| | | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| \-Élisabeth BEYLER
| | /-Georges HANTZ
| | /-N.N. HANS
| | /-Georges HANS
| | /-André HANTZ
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | | \-Rosine MULLER
| \-Élisabeth HANS
| | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | /-Georges RIEHL
| | /-Michel RIEHL
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | | /-Grégoire GING
| | | \-Maria Barbara GING
| | /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| \-Maria Anne RIEHL
| | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | /-Paul MARTZ
| | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Elisabeth MARTZ
| | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | \-Sophie N.N.
| \-Rosine CLADY
| | /-Nicolas VIX
| \-Gertrude VIX
| \-Catherine N.N.
Marie NETH
| /-Nicolas SIMON
| /-Thierry SIMON
| /-Jean SIMON
| | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| /-Jean SIMON
| | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | \-Catherine CLAUS
| /-Bernard SIMON
| | | /-Jean WALTER
| | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Joseph SIMON
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
| /-Pierre SIMON
| | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| /-Joseph SIMON
| | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| | \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
\-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean GOETZ
| /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | \-Catherine CLAUS
| /-Pierre GOETZ
| | | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| | \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Anne LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Marie Anne GOETZ
| /-Charles DE CREQUY
| /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | \-Jeanne DE VROLANT
| /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | /-Jacques DE LICQUES
| | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | \-Marie IMMERSELLE
| /-Henri CREQUY
| | | /-Antoine DE MONCHY
| | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | \-Françoise DE VAUX
| | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | /-Jean III DE CREQUY
| | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | \-Louise DE BALZAC
| /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | /-Georges WINDT
| | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Jacques CRIQUI
| | \-Marie KURTZ
| /-Antoine CRIQUI
| | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | \-Marie TROESCH
| | | /-N.N. KLEIN
| | \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Jacques CRIQUI
| | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | /-Michel WALTER
| | \-Gertrude WALTER
| | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | \-Anne KERKER
\-Catherine CRIQUI
| /-Martin SCHWOERER
| /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| /-Joseph SCHWOERER
| | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | \-Éve WEBER
| | \-Odile N.N.
\-Anne Marie SCHWOERER
| /-Christmann JUNG
| /-Chrétien JUNG
| | \-Agnès N.N.
| /-Jean JUNG
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | \-Barbara JORG
\-Marie JUNG
| /-Jean MATERN
\-Catherine MARTHER
\-Catherine WALTER
Descendants of Marie NETH
1 Marie NETH
=Madeleine GROSJEAN Marriage: 9 FEB 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Jean-Michel WEISS
=Marie-Andrée FUCHS
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Patrick LIENHART
=Marie NETH
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Antoine LIENHART
=Marie Joséphine Richarde SCHWAB Marriage: 19 APR 1926, Artolsheim,67390,,,FR,
3 Charles LIENHART
=Jean-Baptiste SCHREIBER Marriage: 24 APR 1931, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Marie NETH
/-Antoine NETH
Marie NETH
\-Rosa N.N.
Descendants of Marie NETH
1 Marie NETH
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Father: Antoine NETH
- Mother: Élisabeth BEYLER
- Birth: 16 JUL 1831, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Death: 14 JUN 1833, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie-Anne NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
Marie-Anne NETH
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Élisabeth BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Ancestors of Marie-Thérèse NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
Marie-Thérèse NETH
| /-Jean MEYER
| /-Jean MEYER
| | \-Odile WALTER
| /-Jacques MEYER
| | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| /-Joseph MEYER
| | | /-Durst LENG
| | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| /-Antoine MEYER
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| /-Michel MEYER
| | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | \-Barbara WIND
\-Rosalie MEYER
| /-Jean BURG
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | \-Eve VINCENT
| | \-Elisabeth ARNI
\-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
\-Barbe KRESS
Ancestors of Marie Anne NETH
/-Antoine NETH
/-Antoine NETH
| | /-Thomas BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | /-Michel BIEHLER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | \-Marguerite WEISS
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | /-Sébastien BIEHLER
| | | | /-Christian BILD
| | | | /-Jean Michel BILD
| | | | | | /-Théobald KLOECKER
| | | | | \-Anna KLÖCKLER
| | | | | \-Ève BERING
| | | \-Anna BILD
| | | | /-N.N. KAPP
| | | | /-Laurent KAPP
| | | | | \-Ottilia WECKEL
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean GRAD
| | | \-Véronica GRAD
| \-Gertrude BIECHLER
| | /-André MATHIS
| \-Ève MATHIS
| | /-Simon WERNERT
| | /-Nicolas WERNERT
| | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| \-Christine WERNERT
| \-Anna BLAES
Marie Anne NETH
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Élisabeth BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
- Father: Florent NETH
- Mother: Agathe MATTER
- Birth: 19 NOV 1860, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,<
- Death: 7 OCT 1935, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Mathias SIMON
Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Edmond SIMON Birth: 12 FEB 1888
- Child: Joseph SIMON Birth: 1 OCT 1891, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Marie-Catherine SIMON Birth: 8 SEP 1894, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie Catherine NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Florent NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Marie Catherine NETH
| /-Louis MATTER
| /-Léonard MATTER
| | \-Agnès LANG
| /-Simon MATTER
| | | /-Laurent RITT
| | \-Catherine RITT
| /-Jean-Léonard MADER
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | \-Marguerite GANGLOFF
| | \-Marie KLEIN
| /-François Joseph MATTER
| | | /-Pierre PAILLE
| | | /-Nicolas PAILLE
| | | | \-Marie PARENT
| | \-Marguerite PAILLE
| | | /-Théodore Ou Théobald BEAUVE
| | \-Catherine BEAUVE
| | | /-Pierre CADET
| | \-Marguerite CADET
| | \-Nicole PILLAIRE
| /-Ignace MATTER
| | | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | \-Barbara KLEFFER
| | | /-Antoine BATT
| | \-Catherine BATT
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | \-Anne MAURER
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Agathe MATTER
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Madeleine BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Marie Catherine NETH
1 Marie Catherine NETH
=Mathias SIMON Marriage: 9 FEB 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Edmond SIMON
=Joséphine OSTER
3 Catherine SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie-Rose DAUL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Clément GASS
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Joseph SIMON
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Marie Jeanne SIMON
2 Joseph SIMON
=Marie-Thérèse Rosalie MARTIN Marriage: 7 NOV 1925, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Lucie SIMON
=Eugène CRIQUI
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Marie-Catherine SIMON
=Georges HECKEL Marriage: 22 NOV 1920, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Xavier WEIBEL
Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
Ancestors of Marie Lucie NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Ignace NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Matz SEEL
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | /-Jean Charles SEEL
| | | \-Agathe RIEHL
| | /-Cyriaque SEEL
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | \-Anne MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SEEL
| | | | /-Christian MEDTER
| | | | /-Jacques MEDER
| | | | | \-Anne WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine MADER
| | | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | \-Gertrude ANSTETT
| | | \-Marie FIHL
| | /-André SEEL
| | | | /-Jean MENTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | \-Anne PANCRATZ
| | | | /-(Jean) Jacques MENTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | \-Anne-Marie MENTZ
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-(Marie) Madeleine EKHART
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine SEEL
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Thibaut THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| \-Barbara GOETZ
| | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | /-Jacques WOLFF
| \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | /-Jean LEHNERR
| \-Anne LENHERR
| | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| \-Catherine DIEBOLD
/-André NETH
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Diebolt OHLSZ
| | | \-Ève OHLSZ
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | \-Anne KERKER
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Michel ZIRNHELT
| | | \-Anne Marie ZIRNHELD
| | | | /-Joseph DURUTH
| | | \-Catherine DURUTH
| | /-Ignace Bernard LIENHART
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | | | /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
| | | | | \-Sophie N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre CLADY
| | | | | | /-Georges ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine ECK
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre CLADI
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHOTT
| | | | | \-Anne TUSCH
| | | | /-Sébastien Ou Étienne CLADI
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ECKART
| | | | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine ENGSPERGER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse CLADY
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | /-Vincent KRIEGER
| | | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | /-Charles SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean SCHÖNELL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHÖNELL
| | | | /-Jean DAMBACH
| | | \-Catherine DAMBACH
| \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | /-Arbogast KOEBEL
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Apolline N.N.
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Joseph SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Pierre SIMON
| | | | /-Pierre SCHMITT
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | \-Catherine RUENTZ
| \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Henri EBERHARD
| | | | /-Laurent EBERHARD
| | | \-Madeleine EBERHARD
| | | | /-Andreas HERRMANN
| | | \-Barbara HERRMANN
| | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Matz PAULUS
| | | | /-Jean PAULUS
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Ève PAULUS
| | | \-Marie WOLFF
| | /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | \-Marguerite HANS
| \-Thérèse GANGLOFF
| | /-Georges ISSENMANN
| | /-Mathias ISSENMANN
| | | \-Gertrude HERTIG
| | /-Jean ISSENMANN
| | | | /-Philippe SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Angela N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SONNTAG
| | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
Marie Lucie NETH
| /-Jean MEYER
| /-Jean MEYER
| | \-Odile WALTER
| /-Jacques MEYER
| | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | \-Marguerite HAMM
| /-Joseph MEYER
| | | /-Durst LENG
| | | /-Gaspard LANG
| | \-Marie-Madeleine LANG
| | | /-Thomas KESSLER
| | \-Rosine KESSLER
| | \-Hélène BIECHLER
| /-Antoine MEYER
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | /-Joseph CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Antoine CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | | \-Catherine ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Catherine CLAUSS
| | \-Anne-Marie KREUTHER
| /-Michel MEYER
| | | /-Jean ANSTETT
| | | /-Jacques ANSTETT
| | | | \-Marie FIHL
| | | /-André ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie OTT
| | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
| | | | \-Madeleine FÄHL
| | | /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
| | | | | /-Henri GRESSANG
| | | | | /-Jean Henri KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean Henri GRESS
| | | | | | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ENGER
| | | | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | | | /-André KRESS
| | | | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | | | /-André OTT
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite OTT
| | | | | | | /-Jean URB
| | | | | | \-Ursula URB
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth KRESS
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Élisabeth ANSTETT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | \-Barbara WIND
\-Rosalie MEYER
| /-Jean BURG
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Thomas WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Simon OTT
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
| | | /-Benoit OFFNER
| | \-Élisabeth OFFNER
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Jean BURG
| | | /-Mathieu KAPFER
| | \-Odile KAPFER
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Catherine ROLLET
| | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | \-Eve VINCENT
| | \-Elisabeth ARNI
\-Marie Anne Ou Marie Barbara BURG
| /-Joseph WEISSKOPF
\-Barbe KRESS
Descendants of Marie Lucie NETH
1 Marie Lucie NETH
=Xavier WEIBEL Marriage: 8 NOV 1946, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Marie BERBACH
Marriage: 14 NOV 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Salomé KAPPS
Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Auguste NETH Birth: 9 APR 1897, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Michel NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Florent NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Michel NETH
| /-Louis MATTER
| /-Léonard MATTER
| | \-Agnès LANG
| /-Simon MATTER
| | | /-Laurent RITT
| | \-Catherine RITT
| /-Jean-Léonard MADER
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | \-Marguerite GANGLOFF
| | \-Marie KLEIN
| /-François Joseph MATTER
| | | /-Pierre PAILLE
| | | /-Nicolas PAILLE
| | | | \-Marie PARENT
| | \-Marguerite PAILLE
| | | /-Théodore Ou Théobald BEAUVE
| | \-Catherine BEAUVE
| | | /-Pierre CADET
| | \-Marguerite CADET
| | \-Nicole PILLAIRE
| /-Ignace MATTER
| | | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | \-Barbara KLEFFER
| | | /-Antoine BATT
| | \-Catherine BATT
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | \-Anne MAURER
| | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | /-André KEITH
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie KEITH
| | \-Elisabeth GERING
\-Agathe MATTER
| /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| /-Jean BEYLER
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | /-André SANDER
| | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
\-Madeleine BEYLER
| /-Georges HANTZ
| /-N.N. HANS
| /-Georges HANS
| /-André HANTZ
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-André HANS
| | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | \-Rosine MULLER
\-Élisabeth HANS
| /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| /-Georges RIEHL
| /-Michel RIEHL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | /-Grégoire GING
| | \-Maria Barbara GING
| /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | /-Matz SEEL
| | \-Marie SEEL
| | \-Dorothée N.N.
\-Maria Anne RIEHL
| /-Pierre MARTZ
| /-Paul MARTZ
| /-Jacques MARTZ
| | \-Catherine SIMON
| /-Jean MARTZ
| | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | \-Catherine WEBER
| | \-Catherine N.N.
\-Elisabeth MARTZ
| /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| /-Philippe CLADY
| | \-Sophie N.N.
\-Rosine CLADY
| /-Nicolas VIX
\-Gertrude VIX
\-Catherine N.N.
Descendants of Michel NETH
1 Michel NETH
=Marie BERBACH Marriage: 14 NOV 1885, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Pierre Édouard NETH
=Marie-Madeleine STEFFAN Marriage: 17 MAY 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Salomé KAPPS Marriage: 8 APR 1893, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Auguste NETH
=Victoria DURR
3 Cécile Georgette NETH
=Albert DRESCH
4 Joseph DRESCH
=Véronique GRASS
Ancestors of Pierre Édouard NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
/-Florent NETH
| | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | \-Anne MEYER
| \-Catherine KLEFFER
| | /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
| \-Catherine DREYER
| | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
/-Michel NETH
| | /-Louis MATTER
| | /-Léonard MATTER
| | | \-Agnès LANG
| | /-Simon MATTER
| | | | /-Laurent RITT
| | | \-Catherine RITT
| | /-Jean-Léonard MADER
| | | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | \-Marguerite GANGLOFF
| | | \-Marie KLEIN
| | /-François Joseph MATTER
| | | | /-Pierre PAILLE
| | | | /-Nicolas PAILLE
| | | | | \-Marie PARENT
| | | \-Marguerite PAILLE
| | | | /-Théodore Ou Théobald BEAUVE
| | | \-Catherine BEAUVE
| | | | /-Pierre CADET
| | | \-Marguerite CADET
| | | \-Nicole PILLAIRE
| | /-Ignace MATTER
| | | | /-Thomas KLEFFER
| | | | /-Jean KLEFFER
| | | | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | | | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | | | /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | | | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | | \-Anne MEYER
| | | \-Barbara KLEFFER
| | | | /-Antoine BATT
| | | \-Catherine BATT
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Anne MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Agathe MATTER
| | /-Pierre BEYLER ; BÖGLER
| | /-Jean BEYLER
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Appolonie ADAM
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Ursule MICHEL
| | | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | \-Catherine CHRISTMANN
| | /-Nicolas BEYLER
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | /-Nicolas WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine BADER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | /-André SANDER
| | | \-Marguerite SANDER
| | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | \-Marguerite LENHERR
| | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| \-Madeleine BEYLER
| | /-Georges HANTZ
| | /-N.N. HANS
| | /-Georges HANS
| | /-André HANTZ
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-André ENGSPERGER
| | | \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-André HANS
| | | | /-Jean-Georges BATT
| | | \-Marie Barbara BATT
| | | \-Rosine MULLER
| \-Élisabeth HANS
| | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | /-Georges RIEHL
| | /-Michel RIEHL
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | | /-Grégoire GING
| | | \-Maria Barbara GING
| | /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| \-Maria Anne RIEHL
| | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | /-Paul MARTZ
| | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | /-Jean MARTZ
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Elisabeth MARTZ
| | /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
| | /-Philippe CLADY
| | | \-Sophie N.N.
| \-Rosine CLADY
| | /-Nicolas VIX
| \-Gertrude VIX
| \-Catherine N.N.
Pierre Édouard NETH
| /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | /-Peter MATER
| | \-Brigitte MATER
| /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Anna HATT
| | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | \-Barbara JORG
| /-Michel BERBACH
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | /-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
| /-Aloïse BERBACH
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | /-Joseph SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | | | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | \-Éve WEBER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHWOERER
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Marie JUNG
| | | /-Jean MATERN
| | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | \-Catherine WALTER
| /-Pierre BERBACH
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | /-Pierre OTT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Ursule MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | | | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | /-André OTT
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | /-Michel GOETZ
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
| | | | | | \-Marie VELTEN
| | | | \-Gertrude GOETZ
| | | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | \-Catherine OTT
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | \-Marie-Anne ROLLET
| | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
\-Marguerite VATRY
Descendants of Pierre Édouard NETH
1 Pierre Édouard NETH
=Marie-Madeleine STEFFAN Marriage: 17 MAY 1920, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
- Partnership with: Suzanne TUSCH
Marriage: 29 APR 1715, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Simon NETH
/-Jean NETH
Simon NETH
Descendants of Simon NETH
1 Simon NETH
=Suzanne TUSCH Marriage: 29 APR 1715, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
2 Anne-Marie NETH
=Jean-Michel FERENBACH Marriage: 25 OCT 1745, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
3 Antoine BERBACH
4 Anne-Marie BERBACH
4 Mathis BERBACH
4 Stéphane BERBACH
4 Antoine BERBACH
4 Veltin BERBACH
4 Anne-Marie BERBACH
3 Jean-Georges BERBACH
3 Joseph BERBACH
=Sébastien JUNG Marriage: BEF 1751
4 Maria Anna JUNG
4 Gertrude JUNG
=Michel HEID Marriage: 11 APR 1780, Hochfelden,67270,,,FR,
4 Jacques JUNG
4 Bastian JUNG
3 Catherine FERENBACH
4 Anne-Marie CRENNER
=Joseph KOEGER Marriage: 18 DEC 1752, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
=Adam FELDMANN Marriage: 2 OCT 1781, Kindwiller,67350,,,FR,
4 Joseph CRENNER
4 Martin CRENNER
4 Antoine KRAENNER
=Anne-Marie GROSJEAN Marriage: 3 FEB 1761, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
5 Marie-Catherine KRAEMER
=Nicolas SCHLICHT Marriage: 3 NOV 1801, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
5 Madeleine KRAENNER
6 Joseph SCHMITT
=Marie-Catherine HERMANN Marriage: 28 MAR 1843, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
=Anne-Marie KEHREN Marriage: 9 NOV 1847, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
=Catherine ULRICH Marriage: 3 JAN 1887, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
8 Joseph SCHMITT
=Eugénie MENGUS Marriage: 16 OCT 1913, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
9 Joseph SCHMITT
=Marie-Antoinette MINNI
10 Bernard Roger SCHMITT
=Yvette Marie Louise DENTEL
11 Myriam SCHMITT
8 Michel SCHMITT
=Marie BUCHER Marriage: 11 APR 1919, Wingersheim,67170,,,FR,
9 Marie Rosalie SCHMITT
=Émile BACH
10 Éliane BACH
11 Guillaume KLEINPETER
10 Marie Hélène BACH
=Christian HOH
11 Grégoire HOH
11 Renaud HOH
10 Pierre BACH
=Claudine BRANDNER
10 Renée BACH
11 Caroline MESSNER
=Émile Victor NUSBAUMER
10 Anne Marie NUSBAUMER
=Anne Sophie MERKLEN
12 Laureen BRUNNEMER
12 Nicolas BRUNNEMER
11 Michèle BRUNNEMER
11 Christian KORMANN
11 Sylvain KORMANN
10 Gabrielle NUSBAUMER
11 Bertrand TISCHLER
11 Valérie TISCHLER
9 Joseph-André SCHMITT
=Jacqueline GROSS
10 André SCHMITT
10 Bernadette SCHMITT
10 Bertrand SCHMITT
9 Antoine-Jean SCHMITT
9 Marie Thérèse SCHMITT
9 Marie-Antoinette SCHMITT
10 Monique STEPHAN
=Jean François BOURDÉ
11 Eric BOURDE
11 Marc BOURDÉ
10 Gérard STEPHAN
10 Marie-Thérèse STEPHAN
10 Michel STEPHAN
10 Philippe STEPHAN
=Marie-Anne LUTZ Marriage: 10 APR 1801, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
6 Rosine KRENNER
=Joseph BARBIER Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
7 Rosalie BARBIER
=Laurent HECKEL Marriage: 6 JUL 1868, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
7 Marie-Anne BARBIER
6 Marie-Anne KRAENNER
=Jean ROTHAN Marriage: 2 MAR 1835, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
7 Thérèse ROTHAN
=Joseph DIEBOLD Marriage: 19 JAN 1860, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
8 Marie Joséphine DIEBOLD
=Marie Victorine KIEFFER Marriage: 18 JUL 1924, Minversheim,67270,,,FR,
10 Joseph Eugène STEINMETZ
=Marie Odile LIENHART
=Bernadette BIGNET
12 Muriel Christelle STEINMETZ
7 Gertrude ROTHAN
=Joseph STEINMETZ Marriage: 6 JUL 1883, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
=François-Joseph KOEGER Marriage: 6 JUL 1909, Morschwiller,67350,,,FR,
3 Benedict FERBACH
2 Bastien NETH
=Gertrude ETSCHERT Marriage: 20 OCT 1749
3 Madeleine NETH
=Michel OSTER
4 Marie OSTER
=Jean ROLLET Marriage: 7 APR 1818, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
5 Michel ROLLET
=Thérèse BALTZER Marriage: 6 FEB 1851, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
6 Marie-Anne ROLLET
=Joseph STEINMETZ Marriage: 15 MAY 1893, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
7 Marie Thérèse STEINMETZ
=François-Antoine OTT Marriage: 17 APR 1928, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
8 Marie Jeanne OTT
8 Mathilde Thérèse OTT
7 Mathilde STEINMETZ
=Antoine Théodore FUCHS Marriage: 13 MAY 1929, Niederschaeffolsheim,67500,,,FR,
4 Michel OSTER
=Catherine SPITZER Marriage: 17 FEB 1817, Batzendorf,67500,,,FR,
- Father: Joseph NETH
- Mother: Catherine KLEFFER
- Birth: 1 OCT 1811, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Occupation: ou Nanth
- Death: 6 DEC 1879, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Partnership with: Michel GRUBER
Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Aloyse GRUBER Birth: 30 NOV 1839, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Jean GRUBER Birth: 4 JUL 1841, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Florent GRUBER Birth: 24 JUN 1843, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Thérése GRUBER Birth: 25 JUN 1845, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Marie Anne GRUBER Birth: 4 FEB 1847, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: François-Antoine GRUBER Birth: 4 AUG 1849, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
- Child: Gertrude GRUBER Birth: 14 FEB 1854, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
Ancestors of Sophie NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
Sophie NETH
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
Descendants of Sophie NETH
1 Sophie NETH
=Michel GRUBER Marriage: 28 JAN 1839, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
2 Aloyse GRUBER
2 Florent GRUBER
2 Thérése GRUBER
=François "Joseph" HUSS Marriage: 22 JUL 1872, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Marie Joséphine HUSS
3 Marie Apollonie HUSS
3 Marie-Françoise HUSS
3 Marie HUSS
3 Infant HUSS
3 Jérôme HUSS
3 André HUSS
3 Florent HUSS
3 Michel HUSS
2 Marie Anne GRUBER
=Antoine OTT Marriage: 13 JAN 1873, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Françoise OTT
=François-Joseph ADAM Marriage: 9 FEB 1901, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Marie Amélie ADAM
=Joseph MERCK Marriage: 17 NOV 1933, Reichshoffen,67110,,,FR,
=Jérôme OBER Marriage: 16 FEB 1968, Oberbronn,67110,,,FR,
4 Marie Jeanne ADAM
4 Eugène Antoine ADAM
4 Eugène Oscar ADAM
=Élisabeth SCHAEFFER Marriage: 10 SEP 1932, Schiltigheim,67300,,,FR,
4 Marie Lucile ADAM
3 Adèle Cécile OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Joseph SCHALL
4 Léonie SCHALL
3 Célestine OTT
=Thomas RAGER Marriage: 7 JAN 1939, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
3 Antoine OTT
3 Michel OTT
=Marie-Thérèse MARTZ Marriage: 8 AUG 1919, Mommenheim,67670,,,FR,
4 Marie Léonie OTT
=N.n. THAL
5 N.n. THAL
4 Joseph Michel OTT
5 Michel OTT
3 Émilie OTT
=Michel Joseph JUNG Marriage: 25 NOV 1919, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Léonie OTT
2 François-Antoine GRUBER
2 Gertrude GRUBER
=André OTT Marriage: 26 APR 1880, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
3 Marie-Joséphine OTT
=Antoine Ignace HERTZOG Marriage: 6 NOV 1910
4 Joseph HERTZOG
=Célestine KANDEL Marriage: 3 JUN 1946, Dauendorf,67350,,,FR,
5 Gerard HERTZOG
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Joseph OTT
=Joséphine KAPFER Marriage: 23 MAY 1921, Ohlungen,67590,,,FR,
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Marie OTT
3 Léo OTT
3 Bernhard OTT
3 Jules OTT
3 Eugénie OTT
3 André OTT
3 André OTT
=Marguerite ZINCK Marriage: 19 SEP 1925, Strasbourg,67000,,,FR,
4 Jean OTT
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Alain OTT
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
6 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
5 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
3 Gertrude OTT
=Charles FELTEN Marriage: JUL 1925
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Marie-Rose FELTEN
4 Gérard FELTEN
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
4 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Thérèse NETH
1 Thérèse NETH
Ancestors of Thérèse NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL
| \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
| \-Christine WUNDER
Thérèse NETH
| /-Thomas KLEFFER
| /-Jean KLEFFER
| | \-Brigitte DISSER
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Christian FUCHS
| | \-Marie FUCHS
| /-Mathias KLEFFER
| | | /-Pierre MARTZ
| | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
| | | /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Anne MEYER
\-Catherine KLEFFER
\-Catherine DREYER
\-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
- Partnership with: Léo DIEBOLT
Marriage: 18 APR 1904, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Anne DIEBOLT Birth: 27 JUL 1908, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
- Child: Anne Thérèse DIEBOLT Birth: 29 JUL 1912, Uhlwiller,67350,,,FR,
Ancestors of Thérèse NETH
/-Sébastien NETT
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
| \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
| \-Appolonie ADAM
/-Joseph NETH
| | /-Martin WALTZER
| | /-Dyonisis WALTZER
| | | \-Catherine PFISTER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
| | /-François FRIEDEL