Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Claude Marie BATHION
| | /-Jean BASTION
| | /-Étienne BASTION
| | | \-Jeanne GERBOUD
| | /-Antoine BASTION
| | | | /-Gabriel SUBRIN
| | | \-Pernette SUBRIN
| | | | /-Anthoine GUERPILLON
| | | \-Renée GUERPILLON
| | | \-Pernette FERGIERE
| | /-Geoffroy BASTION
| | | | /-Benoit SEYTI
| | | | /-Pierre SEYTI
| | | | | \-Catherine POUGERE
| | | \-Jeanne SEYTI
| | | \-Jeanne GAREL
| | /-Jean BATHION
| | | | /-Benoit ROBERT
| | | | /-Noel ROBERT
| | | | | \-Claude MICHAUD
| | | \-Jeanne ROBERT
| | | \-Benoite BONHOMME
| | /-Jean BATHION
| | | | /-Jean MATHELIN
| | | \-Françoise MATHELIN
| | | \-Marie ROCHE
| | /-Simon BATHION
| | | | /-Pierre GOUJET
| | | \-Annette GOUJET
| | | \-Marie DUCLOS
| \-Antoinette BATHION
| \-Marie Claudine CHARRETON
/-Claudius BATHION
| | /-Joseph PADEY
| | /-Pierre PADEY
| | | \-Madeleine COMTE
| \-Élisabeth PADEY
\-Julienne Alphonsine OURS
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Gaston Philippe BOURDON
/-Gaston BOURDON
| | /-Antoine KRUMMEICH
| | /-Antoine KRUMMEICH
| | | \-Jeanne STEBACH
| | /-Christian KRUMMEICH
| | | \-Catherine GERHARD
| | /-François-Joseph KRUMEICH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges SCHAUER
| | | \-Marie-Barbe SCHAUER
| | /-François Xavier KRUMEICH
| | | | /-Arnold OBERLÉ
| | | | /-Michel OBERLÉ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie THOMMIN
| | | \-Marguerite OBERLE
| | | | /-Jean Michel GILGENMANN
| | | \-Catherine Barbe GILGENMANN
| | | \-Anne-Catherine HUSLER
| | /-François Xavier KRUMEICH
| | | | /-Michel SCHAEFFNER
| | | | /-Jean Adam SCHAEFFNER
| | | | | \-Catherine FLICK
| | | | /-Jean Pierre SCHAEFFNER
| | | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | | \-Appoline N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HERRMANN
| | | | | | | \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean Pierre GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean MAURER
| | | | | | | \-Elisabeth MAURER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara TORSCHE
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | | | /-Daniel SIFFRIT
| | | | | | /-Jean-Paul SIFFRIT
| | | | | | | \-Catharina MERCKHER
| | | | | \-Anne-Eve SIFFRIT
| | | | | | /-Nicolas BAUER
| | | | | \-Anna BAUER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne Marie Élisabeth SCHAEFFNER
| | | | /-Laurent MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | | | \-Agnès HEID
| | | | /-Matthias MERKEL
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MERKEL
| | | | | \-Elisabeth BRUNKANTER
| | | | /-Georges MERKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean OBERSTADLER
| | | | | \-Marie-Eve OBERSTADLER
| | | | | | /-Henri HARTMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HARTMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Françoise MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean AMMANN
| | | | /-Jean AMMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HETTIG
| | | \-Marguerite AMMANN
| | | | /-David SIFFRIT
| | | \-Madeleine SIFFRIT
| | | \-Anne-Marguerite MARZOLFF
| | /-Philippe François KRUMEICH
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques HERRMANN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HERRMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara GÖLTZ
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HERRMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean ENNESSER
| | | | | | /-François ENNESSER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Michel ENNESER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges RIEDT
| | | | | | | \-Anne RIEDT
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Catherine TRAUTMANN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ENNESSER
| | | | | | /-Melchior MOSER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie MOSER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques BALTHASAR
| | | | | \-Anne Marie BALTZER
| | | | | \-Anne GUNDERT
| | | | /-Jean Georges HERRMANN
| | | | | | /-Paul SIEFFERT
| | | | | \-Élisabeth SIEFFERT
| | | | | \-Marguerite HOLLAENDER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HERRMANN
| | | | | | /-Jost MATTER
| | | | | | /-André MATTER
| | | | | | | \-Ottilia HUSS
| | | | | | /-Jean MATTER
| | | | | | | \-Ursula MATHIAS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges MATTER
| | | | | | | | /-Wolfgang ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Maria ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges OTTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Ursula OTTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Appolonia N.N.
| | | | | | /-François Joseph MATTER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean KUNTZEL
| | | | | | | | /-Michel KUNTZEL
| | | | | | | | | \-Éva KIEL
| | | | | | | | /-Joseph KUNTZEL
| | | | | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | | \-Maria Catherine KUNTZEL
| | | | | | | | /-Jean HUNTZINGER
| | | | | | | \-Marie Louise HUNTZINGER
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth BURCK
| | | | | \-Régine MATTER
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang ACKER
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges OTTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Ursula OTTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Appolonia N.N.
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | | /-Adam LUCK
| | | | | | | \-Odile LUCK
| | | | | | | | /-Michel WINUMB
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude WINUMB
| | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude ACKER
| | | | | | /-Martin MATHIS
| | | | | | /-Claus MATHIAS
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | /-Michel MATHIAS
| | | | | | | | /-Christian GRIESBACH
| | | | | | | \-Catherine GRIESBACH
| | | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude MATHIAS
| | | | | | /-Rodolphe BONN
| | | | | | /-Michel BONN
| | | | | | | \-Eve WURMEL
| | | | | \-Eve BONN
| | | | | | /-Laurent MUTHS
| | | | | \-Gertrude MUTHS
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie HERRMANN
| | | | /-Jean Pierre WILMS
| | | | /-Wilhelm WILMS
| | | | /-Jean Pierre WILMS
| | | | | | /-Antoine KRUMMEICH
| | | | | | /-Antoine KRUMMEICH
| | | | | | | \-Jeanne STEBACH
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUMEICH
| | | | | \-Catherine GERHARD
| | | | /-Ignace WILMS
| | | | | | /-Jean Philippe BITZ
| | | | | \-Marie Ernestine BITZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite BLUM
| | | \-Catherine WILMS
| | | | /-Jean KNIELING
| | | \-Anne-Marie KNIELING
| | | | /-Henri MUTHS
| | | \-Madeleine MUTHS
| | | \-Élisabeth HERRMANN
| \-Marie Suzanne KRUMEICH
\-Marcelle BARBIER
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Jean-Frédéric BEUVIN
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
\-Madeleine SENGER
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Auguste TRABAUD
| \-Joséphine DESCH
| /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | /-Peter MATER
| | \-Brigitte MATER
| /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Anna HATT
| | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | \-Barbara JORG
| /-François-Antoine BERBACH
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | /-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
| /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | /-Adam LANG
| | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Joseph LANG
| | | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| | \-Marie-Anne LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | /-Michel SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | \-Anne LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHNEPP
| | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | /-Jean DURINGER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude DURINGER
| | | /-Jean HUGEL
| | \-Éve HUGEL
| | | /-Simon WEISS
| | \-Barbe WEISS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Joseph BERENBACH
| | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | /-Laurent KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Barbara WEBER
| | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | /-Laurent KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | /-Jean PAUL
| | | | \-Catherine PAUL
| | \-Rosine KLEINCLAUS
| | | /-Antoine ADAM
| | \-Gertrude ADAM
| | \-Anne-Marie KEITH
| | | /-Michel DEBS
| | \-Catherine DEBS
| | | /-Jean TIERCE
| | | /-Simon TIERCE
| | | /-Charles TIERSE
| | | | \-Barbe LE COQ
| | | /-Charles THIERSÉ
| | | | | /-Adrien BUGNET
| | | | \-Jeanne BUNIER
| | | | \-Marguerite SACCARD
| | | /-Michel THIERSÉ
| | | | | /-Jean WEIDMANN
| | | | | /-Michel WEIDMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean KIER
| | | | | | \-Appolonie KIER
| | | | \-Marguerite WEITMANN
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | | \-Éva SCHWEINLI
| | | /-Joseph THIERCÉ
| | | | | /-Quirin MARTIN
| | | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | | | /-François MARTIN
| | | | | /-Laurent MARTIN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques MEHL
| | | | | | \-Catherine MEHL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine MARTIN
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie DIERCÉ
| | | /-Georges FUCHS
| | | /-Adam FUCHS
| | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| | | | \-Marguerite MENN
| | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | /-Sébastien JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | \-Christine JUNG
| | | | | /-Sébastien MEHN
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHN
| | | | \-Barbara EHRMANN
| | \-Anne-Marie Catherine ? FUCHS
| | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | \-Barbara OSTER
| | | /-Christian KRIEGER
| | | /-Christmann KRIEGER
| | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | /-Jean Valentin LANG
| | \-Barbara LANG
| /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| /-Joseph SCHNEIDER
| | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Marie Ursule GOETZ
| | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | \-Sabina KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| | | /-Caspar REINMANN
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | \-Véronique SCHMID
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | | /-Simon KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KOEBERLE
| | | | | | \-Catherine DUECHMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-André ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Odile MEYER
| | \-Madeleine REYMANN
| | | /-Jean Michel HEITZ
| | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | | | /-Jacques STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Mathias STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Apolonia LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne-Marie HEITZ
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | | \-Élisabeth GAST
| | \-Anne MANCK
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean KRAUTH
| | | /-François-Antoine KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Nicolas DEISS
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine DEISS
| | | | | /-Caspar LIENHARD
| | | | \-Marie LIENHARD
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne GAMBER
| | \-Rosine KRAUTH
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Georges LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | /-Joseph LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean LOGEL
| | | | | /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
| | | | | /-Joseph SIES
| | | | | | | /-Damien LOYSON
| | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine BISCHOFF
| | | | \-Élisabeth SIES
| | | | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | \-Gertrude ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Catherine LOGEL
| | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | /-Martin ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Odile ENGER
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | /-Pierre OTT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Ursule MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | | | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| | \-Marie-Ève OTT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
\-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
| /-Georges OTT
| /-Pierre OTT
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Georges OTT
| | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Ursule MOEBUS
| | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| /-Joseph OTT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-Joseph OTT
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | /-Michel GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie VELTEN
| | \-Anne-Marie GOETZ
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
| | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | \-Anna DIBLING
| | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| /-Antoine OTT
| | | /-Jean Georges GEIST
| | \-Élisabeth GEIST
| | | /-André BILLY
| | \-Marie Ève BILLE
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOENENHALTER
| | \-Marie WEIBEL
| | | /-Mathieu WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | \-Anne-Catherine BERLIN
\-Marie-Anne OTT
| /-Georges Jacques DEBES
| /-Georges DEBES
| /-André DEBES
| | | /-Jean LIENHART
| | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | /-Adam VOLTZ
| | | /-Diebolt VOLTZ
| | \-Anne VOLTZ
| | | /-Diebold MUNCH
| | \-Gertrude MUNCH
| /-Jacques DEBUS
| | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | /-André SCHAAL
| | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | /-Jean VIX
| | \-Gertrude VIX
| /-Nicolas DEBES
| | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | /-André RIEMER
| | | | \-Catherine HOUDE
| | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | \-Gertrude VOGEL
| | \-Barbara RIEMER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | \-Éve WEBER
| | \-Odile N.N.
\-Anne-Marie DEBES
| /-Sébastien KAYSER
\-Anne-Marie KAYSER
\-Marie Barbara VOLTZ
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Georges Jacques DEBES
/-Georges DEBES
/-André DEBES
| | /-Jean LIENHART
| | /-Adam VOLTZ
| | /-Diebolt VOLTZ
| \-Anne VOLTZ
| | /-Diebold MUNCH
| \-Gertrude MUNCH
/-Antoine DEBUS
| | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | /-André SCHAAL
| \-Catherine SCHALL
| | /-Jean VIX
| \-Gertrude VIX
/-Mathieu DEBUS
| \-Gertrude RITT
/-Michel DEBUS
| | /-Jean STEHLI
| \-Odile STEHLI
| \-Anna FIX
/-Antoine DEBS
| | /-Jean DIERSE
| \-Marie DIERSÉ
| | /-Georges Jacques DEBES
| | /-Georges DEBES
| | /-André DEBES
| | | | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | /-Adam VOLTZ
| | | | /-Diebolt VOLTZ
| | | \-Anne VOLTZ
| | | | /-Diebold MUNCH
| | | \-Gertrude MUNCH
| | /-André DEBES
| | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | /-André SCHAAL
| | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | /-Jean VIX
| | | \-Gertrude VIX
| \-Madeleine DEBES
| | /-Jean Martin BAUER
| \-Catherine BAUER
| | /-Martin KLEIN
| | /-Adam KLEIN
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Catherine KLEIN
| | /-Diebold KLEIN
| \-Catherine KLEIN
/-Wendelin DEBS
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Jean KEITH
| | | \-Odile WENDLING
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | | /-Laurent HEINTZ
| | | | /-(Heitz) Lorentz HEINTZ
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Ursule HEINTZ
| | | | /-Andres MUETZ
| | | \-Éva MUETZ
| | | | /-Ostermannn SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Maria SCHAEFFER
| | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | | /-Jean-Georges LAUGEL
| | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | /-Georges KEITH
| | | | | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | | | | \-Catherine KEITH
| | | | | \-Odile WENDLING
| | | \-Catherine LAUGEL
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | /-Laurent KEITH
| | | | /-Jean DIERSE
| | | \-Madeleine DIERSE
| \-Thérèse KEITH
| | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | | \-Odile MEYER
| | /-Jean KRAUTH
| | | | /-Joseph THOMAS
| | | | /-Jean THOMANN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel THOMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean VOGT
| | | | | \-Barbara VOGT
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbara WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | | /-Michel THOMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean Melchior OCKHARD
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam OCKHARD
| | | | | | | | /-Georges METZ
| | | | | | | \-Éva METZ
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OCHARD
| | | | | | /-Ruprecht RAMSPACHER
| | | | | \-Marguerite RAMSPACHER
| | | | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | \-Marie-Anne THOMANN
| | | | /-Quirin HUSS
| | | | /-Nicolas HUSS
| | | | | \-Marie Marguerite MARX
| | | \-Christine HUSS
| | | | /-Philippe RUDIO
| | | \-Margaretha RÜD
| | | | /-Jean DURCHDENWALD
| | | | /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
| | | | | \-Gabrielle NICLAUS
| | | \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
| \-Thérèse KRAUTH
| | /-Georges ARBOGAST
| | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | \-Anna N.N.
| | /-Nicolas ARBOGAST
| | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | \-Agnès KLEIN
| | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | | \-Anna N.N.
| | /-Antoine ARBOGAST
| | | | /-Diebold GILLY
| | | | /-Valentin GILLY
| | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | \-Marie GILLIG
| | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | \-Catherine ACKER
| \-Marie-Catherine ARBOGAST
| | /-Caspar LIENHARD
| | /-André LIENHARD
| | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie GOETZ
| | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| \-Odile LIENHARD
| | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| \-Marie-Anne KRAUTH
| | /-Georges ACKER
| | /-Philippe ACKER
| | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | /-Diebolt ACKER
| | | | /-Jacques REINBOLT
| | | \-Ève REINBOLT
| | | \-Barbara SCHMITT
| \-Gertrude ACKER
| | /-Pierre GOTTERI
| | /-Philippe GOTTERI
| | | \-Sophie N.N.
| \-Marie GOTTERI
| | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| \-Catherine N.N.
/-Nicolas DEBS
| | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | | \-Odile MEYER
| | /-Jean KRAUTH
| | | | /-Joseph THOMAS
| | | | /-Jean THOMANN
| | | | /-Jean-Michel THOMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean VOGT
| | | | | \-Barbara VOGT
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbara WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | | /-Michel THOMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean Melchior OCKHARD
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam OCKHARD
| | | | | | | | /-Nicolas METZ
| | | | | | | | /-Georges METZ
| | | | | | | | | \-Walburge N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Éva METZ
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie OCHARD
| | | | | | /-Ruprecht RAMSPACHER
| | | | | \-Marguerite RAMSPACHER
| | | | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | \-Marie-Anne THOMANN
| | | | /-Quirin HUSS
| | | | /-Nicolas HUSS
| | | | | \-Marie Marguerite MARX
| | | \-Christine HUSS
| | | | /-Philippe RUDIO
| | | \-Margaretha RÜD
| | | | /-Jean DURCHDENWALD
| | | | /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
| | | | | \-Gabrielle NICLAUS
| | | \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
| | /-Antoine KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEPP
| | | | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | | \-Anne LAUGEL
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Sébastien SCHNEPP
| | | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean DURINGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude DURINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean HUGEL
| | | | | \-Éve HUGEL
| | | | | | /-Simon WEISS
| | | | | \-Barbe WEISS
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Joseph SCHNEPP
| | | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | | | \-Christine CONRAD
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Georges LUTZELMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie DECKER
| | | | | | | \-Anne LITZMANN
| | | | | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | | | \-Marie FRINTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | | | \-Éve GERGES
| | | | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | | \-Gertrude SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Pierre BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | /-Jean TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-André FRISCH
| | | | | \-Éva FRISCH
| | | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| | | | /-Bartholomé TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-Bartholomé VOGEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite VOGEL
| | | | | | /-Georges ANTH
| | | | | \-Marie ANTH
| | | | | \-Catharine KLEIN
| | | \-Marie TRUTTMANN
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques STEINMETZ
| | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | | | /-Hannss DIEBOLT
| | | | | | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| | | | | \-Anne DIEBOLT
| | | | | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Ève FRINTZ
| | | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | \-Anne STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Martzolph WEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | \-Catherine WEISS
| | | | /-Jacques GASS
| | | | /-Jean GASS
| | | | | \-Anna HUGEL
| | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-André GRUN
| | | \-Agathe GRUN
| | | | /-N.N. STEINMETZ
| | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| \-Marie KRAUTH
| \-Marie-Madeleine KEHREN
| /-Balthazar KARG
| /-Joseph KARG
| /-Michel KARCHER
| | | /-Caspar PETER
| | \-Catherine PETER
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | \-Christine SCHNEIDER
| | \-Odilia ESCHENLAUER
| /-Jean-Georges KARG
| | | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
| /-Joseph KARG
| | | /-Michel BAUMANN
| | \-Anne-Marie BAUMANN
| | \-Marguerite HIREIN
| /-Pierre KARG
| | | /-Jean WEISS
| | \-Marie-Anne WEISS
| | | /-N.N. BAECHTEL
| | \-Élisabeth BAECHTEL
| /-Antoine KARG
| | | /-Antoine HAAG
| | | /-Michel HAAG
| | | | \-Barbe HERRMANN
| | \-Marie Anne HAAG
| | | /-Antoine BAUER
| | | /-André BAUER
| | | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | /-Jean ROLLET
| | | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | | /-Michel ROLLET
| | | | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie ROLLET
| | | | | /-Michel WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Anna VIX
| | \-Odile BAUR
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean KRAUTH
| | | /-Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Nicolas DEISS
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine DEISS
| | | | | /-Caspar LIENHARD
| | | | \-Marie LIENHARD
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Joseph SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Marie Ursule GOETZ
| | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| /-Jean KARG
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Jean ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Michel ROLLET
| | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Jean ROLLET
| | | | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-André ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | \-(Marie) Eva ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Odile MEYER
| | | /-Sébastien ROLLET
| | | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | | /-Antoni KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jean Michel PFLIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jean PFLIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | | \-Catherine PFLIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas HIRSCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine HIRSCH
| | | | | | \-Marie MERTZWILLER
| | | | \-Anne-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Sébastien CONRAD
| | | | \-Odile CONRATH
| | | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | | \-Marguerite MADER
| | | | \-Catherine WALTER
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | /-Bartholomé LEY
| | | | | /-Joseph LEY
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LEY
| | | | | | | /-Christmann ZENTZ
| | | | | | \-Anne Marie ZENS
| | | | | | \-Maria WOLFF
| | | | | /-François LEY
| | | | | | | /-Jacques CLAUS
| | | | | | | /-Hanssen JACOB
| | | | | | | /-Jacques HANS
| | | | | | | /-Jacques HANS
| | | | | | | | | /-Hanss BECK
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara BECK
| | | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | | | | | /-Martin LIENHARD
| | | | | | | /-Michel LIENHARD
| | | | | | | /-Jacques LIENHARD
| | | | | | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | | | | \-Barbara LIENHARD
| | | | | | | /-Laurent CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Éva CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LEY
| | | | | /-N.N. JUNG
| | | | | /-Diebold JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Martin WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | | | /-Jean-Pierre JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | | /-Jean GRASS
| | | | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | | \-Maria GRASS
| | | | | | | /-N.N. JUNG
| | | | | | \-Anne JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Pierre WEIBEL
| | | | | | \-Éva WEIBEL
| | | | | | \-Maria KAUFFMANN
| | | | \-Catherine JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | | | | /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | | | | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | | | | | \-Marie WECKEL
| | | | | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | | | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | | | \-Marie KIEFFER
| | | | \-Éva NICLAUSS
| | \-Marie ROLLET
| | | /-Jacques VIX
| | | /-Jean-Georges VIX
| | | | | /-Christian OSTER
| | | | \-Marie-Anne OSTER
| | | /-Antoine VIX
| | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | \-Marie-Eve MEYER
| | | | | /-Philippe GOLLA
| | | | | /-Jean GOLLA
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Ève GOLLA
| | | | \-Marguerite FRITSCH
| | \-Hélène VIX
| | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | /-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | | /-Vincent GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Georges MARTZ
| | | | \-Marie MARTZ
| | | | \-Brigitte DISSER
| | | /-Jean GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Michel OSTER
| | | | | /-Théobald OSTER
| | | | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | | \-Catherine OSTER
| | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | \-Marie GEBUS
| | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie-Catherine GANGLOFF
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Jean ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | /-Michel ROLLET
| | | | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | \-Marie-Anne ROLLET
| | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | /-André ADAM
| | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | \-(Marie) Eva ADAM
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
\-Marie-Madeleine KARG
| /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| /-Joseph SCHNEIDER
| | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | \-Marie Ursule GOETZ
| | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | \-Sabina KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| | | /-Caspar REINMANN
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | \-Véronique SCHMID
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | | /-Simon KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KOEBERLE
| | | | | | \-Catherine DUECHMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-André ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Odile MEYER
| | \-Madeleine REYMANN
| | | /-Jean Michel HEITZ
| | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | | | /-Jacques STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Mathias STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Apolonia LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne-Marie HEITZ
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | | \-Élisabeth GAST
| | \-Anne MANCK
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean KRAUTH
| | | /-François-Antoine KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Nicolas DEISS
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine DEISS
| | | | | /-Caspar LIENHARD
| | | | \-Marie LIENHARD
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne GAMBER
| | \-Rosine KRAUTH
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Georges LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | /-Joseph LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean LOGEL
| | | | | /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
| | | | | /-Joseph SIES
| | | | | | | /-Damien LOYSON
| | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine BISCHOFF
| | | | \-Élisabeth SIES
| | | | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | \-Gertrude ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Catherine LOGEL
| | | /-Matthias ENGER
| | | /-Mathis ENGER
| | | | \-Eva N.N.
| | | /-André ENGER
| | | | | /-Christian FISCHER
| | | | \-Barbara FISCHER
| | | /-Martin ENGER
| | | | \-Catherine BAUER
| | \-Odile ENGER
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | /-Pierre OTT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Georges OTT
| | | | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Ursule MOEBUS
| | | | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | | | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| | \-Marie-Ève OTT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
\-Joséphine SCHNEIDER
| /-Georges OTT
| /-Pierre OTT
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Georges OTT
| | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Ursule MOEBUS
| | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| /-Joseph OTT
| | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | \-Marie SCHMID
| /-Joseph OTT
| | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | /-Michel GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie VELTEN
| | \-Anne-Marie GOETZ
| | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
| | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | \-Anna DIBLING
| | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| /-Antoine OTT
| | | /-Jean Georges GEIST
| | \-Élisabeth GEIST
| | | /-André BILLY
| | \-Marie Ève BILLE
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOENENHALTER
| | \-Marie WEIBEL
| | | /-Mathieu WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | \-Anne-Catherine BERLIN
\-Marie-Anne OTT
| /-Georges Jacques DEBES
| /-Georges DEBES
| /-André DEBES
| | | /-Jean LIENHART
| | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | /-Adam VOLTZ
| | | /-Diebolt VOLTZ
| | \-Anne VOLTZ
| | | /-Diebold MUNCH
| | \-Gertrude MUNCH
| /-Jacques DEBUS
| | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | /-André SCHAAL
| | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | /-Jean VIX
| | \-Gertrude VIX
| /-Nicolas DEBES
| | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | /-André RIEMER
| | | | \-Catherine HOUDE
| | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | \-Gertrude VOGEL
| | \-Barbara RIEMER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | /-Jean WEBER
| | \-Éve WEBER
| | \-Odile N.N.
\-Anne-Marie DEBES
| /-Sébastien KAYSER
\-Anne-Marie KAYSER
\-Marie Barbara VOLTZ
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Diebolt WICKER
/-Thiébaud WICKER
| | /-Pierre DIRION
| \-Anne Madeleine DIRION
/-Thiébaud WICKER
/-Antoine WICKER
| | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | /-André LAUGEL
| | | \-Barbara MARX
| \-Madeleine Marie LAUGEL
| | /-Jacques OSSWALT
| | /-Jean OSSWALT
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Martin OSSWALT
| | | | /-Jacques MATERN
| | | \-Anna MATERN
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Mathias OSSWALT
| | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | /-Jacques GRASS
| | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite GRASS
| | | | /-Laurent WOLFF
| | | \-Christine WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine RITT
| \-Anne-Marie OSSWALT
| | /-Andreas GILLIG
| | /-Michel GILLIG
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Catherine GILLIG
| | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| \-Christine NIESS
| \-Barbara FALCK
/-Laurent WICKER
| | /-Jean ZELLER
| | /-Jacques ZELLER
| | | \-Madeleine HISSLER
| | /-Michel ZELLER
| | | | /-Nicolas BAUR
| | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | \-Brigitte BAUR
| | | \-Ursula MESSNER
| | /-Georges ZELLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
| \-Odile ZILLER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| \-Catherine SCHMITT
| \-Catherine METZ
/-Antoine WICKER
| | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | \-Maria REIFF
| | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | \-Marie HEID
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| | /-Antoine BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | /-Marzolf BRASSEL
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRIES
| | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | | \-Barbara HARTZ
| | | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Odile MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marie BRASSEL
| | | | /-Joseph HAGUENAUER
| | | \-Odile HAGUENAUER
| | | \-Marguerite KNAUS
| \-Barbe BURCKEL
| | /-Laurent SUSS
| | /-Antoine SIESS
| | | | /-Adam KOEPFFEL
| | | | /-Jacques KOEPFEL
| | | | | \-Anne FELDEN
| | | | /-Joseph KOEPFFEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Christian ROTH
| | | | | \-Agnès ROTH
| | | \-Brigitte KOEPFFEL
| | | | /-Jean RIEHL
| | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | \-Maria KUHN
| | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | \-Marie RIEHL
| | | | /-Laurent WILL
| | | | /-Sébastien WILL
| | | | | \-Catherine BAPS
| | | \-Brigitte WILL
| | | | /-Antoine SCHNURR
| | | \-Marie SCHNURR
| | | \-Marthe KLEIN
| \-Catherine SUSS
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | \-Éva CONRAD
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | /-Jacques RECHT
| | | | /-Jean HUBER
| | | \-Maria HUBER
| | | \-Maria GOETZ
| \-Anne-Marie RECHT
| | /-Jean HUSS
| | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | /-Georges HUSS
| | | | /-Simon FELDEN
| | | \-Anna Maria FELDEN
| | /-Jean-Georges HUSS
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Marie Christine REYMAN
| \-Catherine HUSS
| | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | \-Maria REIFF
| \-Maria BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| \-Catherine MULLER
| \-Marie HEID
/-Joseph WICKER
| \-Rosalie BURCKEL
/-André WICKER
| \-Joséphine STENGEL
| /-Diebolt WICKER
| /-Thiébaud WICKER
| | | /-Pierre DIRION
| | \-Anne Madeleine DIRION
| /-Thiébaud WICKER
| /-Antoine WICKER
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | \-Barbara MARX
| | \-Madeleine Marie LAUGEL
| | | /-Jacques OSSWALT
| | | /-Jean OSSWALT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Martin OSSWALT
| | | | | /-Jacques MATERN
| | | | \-Anna MATERN
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Mathias OSSWALT
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | /-Jacques GRASS
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite GRASS
| | | | | /-Laurent WOLFF
| | | | \-Christine WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine RITT
| | \-Anne-Marie OSSWALT
| | | /-Andreas GILLIG
| | | /-Michel GILLIG
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Catherine GILLIG
| | | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| | \-Christine NIESS
| | \-Barbara FALCK
| /-Laurent WICKER
| | | /-Jean ZELLER
| | | /-Jacques ZELLER
| | | | \-Madeleine HISSLER
| | | /-Michel ZELLER
| | | | | /-Nicolas BAUR
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Brigitte BAUR
| | | | \-Ursula MESSNER
| | | /-Georges ZELLER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
| | \-Odile ZILLER
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine METZ
| /-Nicolas WICKER
| | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| | | /-Antoine BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | /-Marzolf BRASSEL
| | | | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRIES
| | | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | | | \-Barbara HARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Laurent SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Odile MICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie BRASSEL
| | | | | /-Joseph HAGUENAUER
| | | | \-Odile HAGUENAUER
| | | | \-Marguerite KNAUS
| | \-Barbe BURCKEL
| | | /-Laurent SUSS
| | | /-Antoine SIESS
| | | | | /-Adam KOEPFFEL
| | | | | /-Jacques KOEPFEL
| | | | | | \-Anne FELDEN
| | | | | /-Joseph KOEPFFEL
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | | | /-Christian ROTH
| | | | | | \-Agnès ROTH
| | | | \-Brigitte KOEPFFEL
| | | | | /-Jean RIEHL
| | | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | \-Maria KUHN
| | | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | \-Marie RIEHL
| | | | | /-Laurent WILL
| | | | | /-Sébastien WILL
| | | | | | \-Catherine BAPS
| | | | \-Brigitte WILL
| | | | | /-Antoine SCHNURR
| | | | \-Marie SCHNURR
| | | | \-Marthe KLEIN
| | \-Catherine SUSS
| | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | \-Éva CONRAD
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | /-Jacques RECHT
| | | | | /-Jean HUBER
| | | | \-Maria HUBER
| | | | \-Maria GOETZ
| | \-Anne-Marie RECHT
| | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | /-Georges HUSS
| | | | | /-Simon FELDEN
| | | | \-Anna Maria FELDEN
| | | /-Jean-Georges HUSS
| | | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie Christine REYMAN
| | \-Catherine HUSS
| | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | \-Maria BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | \-Catherine MULLER
| | \-Marie HEID
| /-Antoine WICKER
| | | /-Nicolas RECHT
| | | /-François Antoine RECHT
| | | | \-Madeleine WENDLING
| | \-Amélie RECHT
| | | /-Michel INGWILLER
| | \-Thérèse INGWILLER
| | \-Marie-Catherine BRUCKER
\-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| /-Jean GASS
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | \-Marie KNOGGERTH
| /-Jean GASS
| | | /-Jean PFEIL
| | \-Marguerite PFEIL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Georges GASS
| | | /-Jean KUHN
| | | /-Michel KUHN
| | | | \-Anne HELLER
| | \-Anne Catherine KUHN
| | \-Anne BARTHEL
| /-Michel GASS
| | | /-Diebold ANDRES
| | | /-André DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Catharina N.N.
| | | /-Laurent DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Anna CHRIST
| | \-Marguerite DIEBOLT
| | | /-Jung Jean HANS
| | | /-Georg HANS
| | | /-Jean MATHIS
| | | | \-Barbara MATHIS
| | \-Maria MATHIS
| | | /-Georg GOETZ
| | \-Éva GOETZ
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | | /-Christian GANGLOFF
| | \-Anne-Marie GANGLOFF
| | \-Catherine MEHL
| /-André GASS
| | | /-Jean KRANTZ
| | | /-Michel KRANTZ
| | | | \-Marie HUBER
| | | /-Mathieu KRANTZ
| | | | | /-Valentin ADOLFF
| | | | | /-Jean ADOLFF
| | | | | | \-Catherine KNAUS
| | | | \-Anne ADOLFF
| | | | | /-Adolphe FLEISCH
| | | | | /-Laurent FLEISCH
| | | | | | \-Marie EHRHART
| | | | | /-Laurent FLEISCH
| | | | | | | /-Georges STUMPF
| | | | | | \-Odile STUMPF
| | | | | | \-Marguerite FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne Marie FLEISCH
| | | | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges FAULHABER
| | | | \-Barbara FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne BROCK
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KRANTZ
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Christmann COURY
| | | | \-Anne COURY
| | | | \-Marie LANGBEIN
| | \-Marie RECHT
| | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | | /-Nicolas BURGART
| | \-Thérèse BURGART
| | | /-Nicolas BURGARD
| | \-Marie Anne BURGART
| | | /-Jean SCHITTER
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHITTER
| | \-Anne-Marie MEY
\-Cécile GASS
| /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| /-André KRAUTH
| | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| /-Georges KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| /-Georges KRAUTH
| | | /-Caspar REINMANN
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | \-Véronique SCHMID
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | | /-Simon KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KOEBERLE
| | | | | | \-Catherine DUECHMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-André ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Odile MEYER
| | \-Anne-Marie REYMAN
| | | /-Jean Michel HEITZ
| | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | | | /-Jacques STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Mathias STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Apolonia LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | \-Catherine KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne-Marie HEITZ
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | | \-Élisabeth GAST
| | \-Anne MANCK
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Pierre WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Pierre Michel WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | \-Catherine KLEIN
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | /-Christmann WECKEL
| | | | | /-Laurent WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | /-Jean WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | \-Éva WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | \-Barbara LIENARD
| | | /-Nicolas WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | | \-Odile WALTER
| | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | | | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | /-Nicolas WECKEL
| | | | | /-André KEHREN
| | | | | /-Michel KEHREN
| | | | | | | /-Jean HAMM
| | | | | | \-Barbara HAMM
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges Grégoire KEHREN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite ZEHNACKER
| | | | | | \-Barbara GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Brigitte KOEHREN
| | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | \-Anna ALBER
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie AMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Le Vieux DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean (Joes) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve FRITSCH
| | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
| | | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | \-Maria WURM
| | \-Françoise WAECKEL
| | | /-Jean Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | /-Thiébaud BAUMER
| | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | \-Catherine GRASSER
| | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Jean Martin GRASSER
| | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | /-Laurent RECHT
| | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Aurélie LUTZ
| | | | \-Marguerite ORTSCHEID
| | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Mathias WOLFF
| | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine ZIMMERMANN
| | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | \-Maria FRITSCH
| | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | \-Marguerite GUTH
\-Françoise KRAUTH
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| /-Jean ROLLET
| | \-Marguerite BATZ
| /-Michel ROLLET
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | /-André ADAM
| | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | \-(Marie) Eva ADAM
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| /-Joseph Jean ROLLET
| | | /-Michel MATHIS
| | | /-Georges MATHIS
| | | | \-Maria LUDER
| | \-Marie Catherine MATHIS
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Éva WENDLING
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Pierre RECHT
| | \-Catherine RECHT
| | \-Christine DIEBOLD
\-Hélène ROLLET
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Diebolt WICKER
/-Thiébaud WICKER
| | /-Pierre DIRION
| \-Anne Madeleine DIRION
/-Thiébaud WICKER
/-Antoine WICKER
| | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | /-Diebold Oswald ACKER
| | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | | \-Barbara BRAUN
| | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | /-Jacques GRETT
| | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | /-André LAUGEL
| | | \-Barbara MARX
| \-Madeleine Marie LAUGEL
| | /-Jacques OSSWALT
| | /-Jean OSSWALT
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| | /-Martin OSSWALT
| | | | /-Jacques MATERN
| | | \-Anna MATERN
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Mathias OSSWALT
| | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | /-Jacques GRASS
| | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | \-Marguerite GRASS
| | | | /-Laurent WOLFF
| | | \-Christine WOLFF
| | | \-Catherine RITT
| \-Anne-Marie OSSWALT
| | /-Andreas GILLIG
| | /-Michel GILLIG
| | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| \-Catherine GILLIG
| | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| \-Christine NIESS
| \-Barbara FALCK
/-Laurent WICKER
| | /-Jean ZELLER
| | /-Jacques ZELLER
| | | \-Madeleine HISSLER
| | /-Michel ZELLER
| | | | /-Nicolas BAUR
| | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | \-Brigitte BAUR
| | | \-Ursula MESSNER
| | /-Georges ZELLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
| \-Odile ZILLER
| | /-Jean SCHMITT
| \-Catherine SCHMITT
| \-Catherine METZ
/-Nicolas WICKER
| | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | \-Maria REIFF
| | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | \-Marie HEID
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| | /-Antoine BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | /-Marzolf BRASSEL
| | | | | | /-Georg FRIES
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRIES
| | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | | \-Barbara HARTZ
| | | | | | /-Diebold DENNINGER
| | | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | | | /-Euchary Nicolas Zacharie EUCHART
| | | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | | | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Laurent SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Odile MICHEL
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marie BRASSEL
| | | | /-Joseph HAGUENAUER
| | | \-Odile HAGUENAUER
| | | \-Marguerite KNAUS
| \-Barbe BURCKEL
| | /-Laurent SUSS
| | /-Antoine SIESS
| | | | /-Adam KOEPFFEL
| | | | /-Jacques KOEPFEL
| | | | | \-Anne FELDEN
| | | | /-Joseph KOEPFFEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Christian ROTH
| | | | | \-Agnès ROTH
| | | \-Brigitte KOEPFFEL
| | | | /-Jean RIEHL
| | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | \-Maria KUHN
| | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud BAUMER
| | | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | | \-Catherine GRASSER
| | | \-Marie RIEHL
| | | | /-Laurent WILL
| | | | /-Sébastien WILL
| | | | | \-Catherine BAPS
| | | \-Brigitte WILL
| | | | /-Antoine SCHNURR
| | | \-Marie SCHNURR
| | | \-Marthe KLEIN
| \-Catherine SUSS
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | \-Éva CONRAD
| | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | /-Jacques RECHT
| | | | /-Jean HUBER
| | | \-Maria HUBER
| | | \-Maria GOETZ
| \-Anne-Marie RECHT
| | /-Jean HUSS
| | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | /-N.N. ANDRES
| | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | /-Georges HUSS
| | | | /-Simon FELDEN
| | | \-Anna Maria FELDEN
| | /-Jean-Georges HUSS
| | | | /-Michel DIETRICH
| | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Marie GREYEL
| | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | \-Marie Christine REYMAN
| \-Catherine HUSS
| | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | \-Maria REIFF
| \-Maria BURCKEL
| | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| \-Catherine MULLER
| \-Marie HEID
/-Antoine WICKER
| | /-Nicolas RECHT
| | /-François Antoine RECHT
| | | \-Madeleine WENDLING
| \-Amélie RECHT
| | /-Michel INGWILLER
| \-Thérèse INGWILLER
| \-Marie-Catherine BRUCKER
| /-Jean GASS
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | \-Marie KNOGGERTH
| /-Jean GASS
| | | /-Jean PFEIL
| | \-Marguerite PFEIL
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Georges GASS
| | | /-Jean KUHN
| | | /-Michel KUHN
| | | | \-Anne HELLER
| | \-Anne Catherine KUHN
| | \-Anne BARTHEL
| /-Michel GASS
| | | /-Diebold ANDRES
| | | /-André DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Catharina N.N.
| | | /-Laurent DIEBOLT
| | | | \-Anna CHRIST
| | \-Marguerite DIEBOLT
| | | /-Jung Jean HANS
| | | /-Georg HANS
| | | /-Jean MATHIS
| | | | \-Barbara MATHIS
| | \-Maria MATHIS
| | | /-Georg GOETZ
| | \-Éva GOETZ
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | | /-Christian GANGLOFF
| | \-Anne-Marie GANGLOFF
| | \-Catherine MEHL
| /-André GASS
| | | /-Jean KRANTZ
| | | /-Michel KRANTZ
| | | | \-Marie HUBER
| | | /-Mathieu KRANTZ
| | | | | /-Valentin ADOLFF
| | | | | /-Jean ADOLFF
| | | | | | \-Catherine KNAUS
| | | | \-Anne ADOLFF
| | | | | /-Adolphe FLEISCH
| | | | | /-Laurent FLEISCH
| | | | | | \-Marie EHRHART
| | | | | /-Laurent FLEISCH
| | | | | | | /-Laurent STUMPF
| | | | | | | /-Georges STUMPF
| | | | | | \-Odile STUMPF
| | | | | | \-Marguerite FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne Marie FLEISCH
| | | | | /-Georges TROESCH
| | | | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie TROESCH
| | | | | /-Lenz FAULHABER
| | | | | /-Georges FAULHABER
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne BROCK
| | \-Marie-Madeleine KRANTZ
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Christmann COURY
| | | | \-Anne COURY
| | | | \-Marie LANGBEIN
| | \-Marie RECHT
| | \-Brigitte SCHMITT
| /-Nicolas GASS
| | | /-Nicolas BURGART
| | \-Thérèse BURGART
| | | /-Nicolas BURGARD
| | \-Marie Anne BURGART
| | | /-Jean SCHITTER
| | \-Anne-Marie SCHITTER
| | \-Anne-Marie MEY
\-Cécile GASS
| /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| /-André KRAUTH
| | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| /-Georges KRAUTH
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| /-Georges KRAUTH
| | | /-Caspar REINMANN
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | \-Véronique SCHMID
| | | /-Mathias REYMANN
| | | | | /-Simon KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KOEBERLE
| | | | | | \-Catherine DUECHMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KOEBERLE
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-André ADAM
| | | | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anne WENDLING
| | | | \-Odile MEYER
| | \-Anne-Marie REYMAN
| | | /-Jean Michel HEITZ
| | | /-Jean HEITZ
| | | | | /-Jacques STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Mathias STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Apolonia LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Anne-Marie HEITZ
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Jean-Georges SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne Marie CLAUS
| | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | /-Nicolas MANCK
| | | | \-Élisabeth GAST
| | \-Anne MANCK
| | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| /-Michel KRAUTH
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Pierre WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Pierre Michel WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine WECKEL
| | | | \-Catherine KLEIN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | /-Christmann WECKEL
| | | | | /-Laurent WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | /-Jean WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | \-Éva WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | \-Barbara LIENARD
| | | /-Nicolas WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | | \-Odile WALTER
| | | | \-Barbara MEYER
| | | | | /-Marcel HAMM
| | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | /-Nicolas WECKEL
| | | | | /-André KEHREN
| | | | | /-Michel KEHREN
| | | | | | | /-Jean HAMM
| | | | | | \-Barbara HAMM
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges Grégoire KEHREN
| | | | | | | /-N.N. GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | | | | /-Jean ZEHNACKER
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite ZEHNACKER
| | | | | | | | \-Madeleine RIEHL
| | | | | | \-Barbara GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | \-Brigitte KOEHREN
| | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | /-Pierre AMMANN
| | | | | | \-Christine VENUS
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | \-Anna ALBER
| | | | | /-Ulrich AMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | | | | | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | | | | | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| | | | | | \-Anna WETTERMANN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie AMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Le Vieux DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | | /-Jean (Joes) DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve FRITSCH
| | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
| | | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | | /-Jacques WURM
| | | | \-Maria WURM
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Françoise WAECKEL
| | | /-Jean Jacques GRASSER
| | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | /-Thiébaud BAUMER
| | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | \-Catherine GRASSER
| | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Jean Martin GRASSER
| | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | /-Laurent RECHT
| | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Aurélie LUTZ
| | | | \-Marguerite ORTSCHEID
| | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Mathias WOLFF
| | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine ZIMMERMANN
| | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Vix MARX
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | | \-Marie MATZINGER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Maria FRITSCH
| | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | \-Marguerite GUTH
\-Françoise KRAUTH
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| /-Jean ROLLET
| | \-Marguerite BATZ
| /-Michel ROLLET
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | \-Barbara GEBUS
| | | /-Georges LANG
| | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | \-Catherine LANG
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Henri ADAM
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | /-André ADAM
| | | | \-Bäsche LORENTZ
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Urban WEBER
| | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | \-(Marie) Eva ADAM
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | \-Anne WENDLING
| | \-Odile MEYER
| /-Joseph Jean ROLLET
| | | /-Michel MATHIS
| | | /-Georges MATHIS
| | | | \-Maria LUDER
| | \-Marie Catherine MATHIS
| | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | \-Éva WENDLING
| /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | /-Pierre RECHT
| | \-Catherine RECHT
| | \-Christine DIEBOLD
\-Hélène ROLLET
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| /-Jean Alexandre JOSEPH
| | | /-Jean Baptiste JOSEPH
| | | /-Jean Baptiste Antoine JOSEPH
| | | | \-Marie-Anne DADAT
| | \-Rosalie Désirée JOSEPH
| | | /-Ambroise CERTAIN
| | | /-Ambroise CERTAIN
| | | | | /-Pierre BORDIER
| | | | \-Françoise Jeanne BORDIER
| | | | \-Anne CHANDOR
| | | /-Ambroise CERTAIN
| | | | | /-Michel DOSSON
| | | | \-Anne DOSSON
| | | | \-Jeanne AUBERT
| | | /-Étienne CERTAIN
| | | | | /-Étienne BEHOT
| | | | | /-Étienne BEHOT
| | | | | | \-Marie BERTHIER
| | | | \-Aimée BEHOT
| | | | | /-Étienne MORAND
| | | | \-Marie MORAND
| | | | \-Angélique REDON
| | \-Marie Antoinette CERTAIN
| | | /-Martin ROCHE
| | \-Renée ROCHE
| | | /-Antoine DÉSAVIS
| | | /-Antoine DÉSAVIS
| | \-Marie-Anne DÉSAVIS
| | | /-Edmé MOREAU
| | \-Jeanne MOREAU
| | | /-Edmé RENAULT
| | | /-Octave RENAULT
| | | | \-Marguerite BRION
| | \-Anne RENAULT
| | \-Simone HERBIN
| /-Camille JOSEPH
| | | /-Léonard VITEAU
| | | /-Edmé VITEAU
| | | | \-Marie GROS
| | | /-François VITEAU
| | | | | /-Philibert LARDERY
| | | | \-Brigitte LARDERY
| | | | \-Émilande SANTIGNY
| | | /-François VITEAU
| | | | | /-François VITEAU
| | | | | /-François VITEAU
| | | | \-Jeanne VITEAU
| | | | | /-Claude GARNIER
| | | | \-Catherine GARNIER
| | | | \-Marguerite THEVENIN
| | | /-Louis VITEAU
| | | | | /-Guillaume FARCY
| | | | | /-Guillaume FARCY
| | | | | | \-Jeanne CHAUMARD
| | | | \-Edmée FARCY
| | | | | /-Christophe LEMOINE
| | | | \-Jeanne LEMOINE
| | | | \-Jeanne MÉNARD
| | | /-Pierre VITEAU
| | | | | /-Joseph BOURSIER
| | | | | /-Edmé BOURSIER
| | | | | | \-Françoise BONNARD
| | | | | /-Pierre BOURSIER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GROS
| | | | | | \-Edmée GROS
| | | | | | \-Anne MINARD
| | | | \-Anne BOURSIER
| | | | | /-Edmé MOREAU
| | | | | /-Pierre MOREAU
| | | | | | \-Jeanne LARDERY
| | | | | /-Edmé MOREAU
| | | | | | \-Anne ESTEY
| | | | \-Jeanne MOREAU
| | | | | /-Joseph MONTENAT
| | | | | /-Guillaume MONTENAT
| | | | | | \-Anne BONALURE
| | | | \-Jeanne MONTENAT
| | | | | /-Urbain GALLY
| | | | \-Jeanne GALLY
| | | | \-Jeanne VEAULIN
| | | /-François VITEAU
| | | | | /-Joseph RONDEY
| | | | | /-Joseph RONDEY
| | | | | | | /-N.N. LEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie LEGER
| | | | | | \-Jeanne ROUGEOT
| | | | | /-Pierre RONDEY
| | | | | | | /-Pierre FICHOT
| | | | | | \-Edmée FICHOT
| | | | | | \-Anne FRIQUET
| | | | | /-Pierre RONDEY
| | | | | | \-Jeanne BIERGE
| | | | \-Louise Anne RONDEY
| | | | | /-Jacques MILLOT
| | | | | /-Edmé MILLOT
| | | | | | \-Jeanne RENARD
| | | | | /-Mathieu MILLOT
| | | | | | | /-Simon NOCARD
| | | | | | \-Marie NOCARD
| | | | | | \-Marie MINARD
| | | | | /-Émiland MILLOT
| | | | | | | /-Claude CONVERT
| | | | | | | /-Pierre CONVERT
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine DALIZE
| | | | | | \-Marguerite CONVERT
| | | | | | | /-Émiland Urbain CHARTRAIRE
| | | | | | \-Françoise CHARTRAIRE
| | | | | | \-Brigitte (Francoise) POIRIER
| | | | \-Françoise MILLOT
| | | | | /-Louis Simon DONDAINE
| | | | | /-Louis DONDAINE
| | | | | | \-Philiberte GOULAT
| | | | \-Jeanne DONDAINE
| | | | | /-Jean CHAMPARD
| | | | \-Jeanne CHAMPARD
| | | | \-Marie VANISSON
| | | /-Jean Marie VITEAU
| | | | \-Jeanne ROTTON
| | \-Alexandrine Annette VITEAU
| | \-Jeanne Joséphine BONNOT
\-Arlette JOSEPH
\-Liliane Louise BRIAU
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Raymond AMRHEIN
| /-Diebolt WICKER
| /-Thiébaud WICKER
| | | /-Pierre DIRION
| | \-Anne Madeleine DIRION
| /-Thiébaud WICKER
| /-Antoine WICKER
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | /-Jean LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Georges ACKER
| | | | \-Marie ACKER
| | | | \-Marguerite GRETT
| | | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | | /-André LAUGEL
| | | | \-Barbara MARX
| | \-Madeleine Marie LAUGEL
| | | /-Jacques OSSWALT
| | | /-Jean OSSWALT
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Martin OSSWALT
| | | | | /-Jacques MATERN
| | | | \-Anna MATERN
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Mathias OSSWALT
| | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | /-Jacques GRASS
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite GRASS
| | | | | /-Laurent WOLFF
| | | | \-Christine WOLFF
| | | | \-Catherine RITT
| | \-Anne-Marie OSSWALT
| | | /-Andreas GILLIG
| | | /-Michel GILLIG
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | \-Catherine GILLIG
| | | /-Jean Michel NIESS
| | \-Christine NIESS
| | \-Barbara FALCK
| /-Laurent WICKER
| | | /-Jean ZELLER
| | | /-Jacques ZELLER
| | | | \-Madeleine HISSLER
| | | /-Michel ZELLER
| | | | | /-Nicolas BAUR
| | | | | /-Jean BAUR
| | | | \-Brigitte BAUR
| | | | \-Ursula MESSNER
| | | /-Georges ZELLER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
| | \-Odile ZILLER
| | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | \-Catherine METZ
| /-Antoine WICKER
| | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | | /-Laurent BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | \-Marie HEID
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-N.N. MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Jacques MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | /-Wendelin MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas KELLER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KELLER
| | | | | /-Wendelin Fils MUCKENSTURM
| | | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GUGGELMANN
| | | | | | \-Barbara KUGELMANN
| | | | | | \-Marie MAYER
| | | | \-Catherine MUCKENSTURM
| | | | \-Madeleine WALTER
| | | /-Antoine BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | /-Marzolf BRASSEL
| | | | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRIES
| | | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean BRASSEL
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt HARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean HARTZ
| | | | | | \-Barbara HARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite DISS
| | | | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | | | | /-Jacques BRASSEL
| | | | | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | | | | | /-Laurent SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | | | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Odile MICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marie BRASSEL
| | | | | /-Joseph HAGUENAUER
| | | | \-Odile HAGUENAUER
| | | | \-Marguerite KNAUS
| | \-Barbe BURCKEL
| | | /-Laurent SUSS
| | | /-Antoine SIESS
| | | | | /-Adam KOEPFFEL
| | | | | /-Jacques KOEPFEL
| | | | | | \-Anne FELDEN
| | | | | /-Joseph KOEPFFEL
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anne GOETZ
| | | | | | | /-Christian ROTH
| | | | | | \-Agnès ROTH
| | | | \-Brigitte KOEPFFEL
| | | | | /-Jean RIEHL
| | | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | \-Maria KUHN
| | | | | /-Adam RIEHL
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte GRASSER
| | | | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | \-Marie RIEHL
| | | | | /-Laurent WILL
| | | | | /-Sébastien WILL
| | | | | | \-Catherine BAPS
| | | | \-Brigitte WILL
| | | | | /-Antoine SCHNURR
| | | | \-Marie SCHNURR
| | | | \-Marthe KLEIN
| | \-Catherine SUSS
| | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | /-Jean RECHT
| | | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | \-Odile GERGES
| | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | \-Éva CONRAD
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | /-Jacques RECHT
| | | | | /-Jean HUBER
| | | | \-Maria HUBER
| | | | \-Maria GOETZ
| | \-Anne-Marie RECHT
| | | /-Jean HUSS
| | | /-Jacques HUSS
| | | | \-Maria ANDRES
| | | /-Georges HUSS
| | | | | /-Simon FELDEN
| | | | \-Anna Maria FELDEN
| | | /-Jean-Georges HUSS
| | | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | | \-Marie Christine REYMAN
| | \-Catherine HUSS
| | | /-Jean BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Laurent BURCKEL
| | | /-Georges BURCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean REIFF
| | | | \-Maria REIFF
| | \-Maria BURCKEL
| | | /-Jean Henri MULLER
| | \-Catherine MULLER
| | \-Marie HEID
| /-Joseph WICKER
| | \-Rosalie BURCKEL
\-Joséphine STENGEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Georges LUTZ
/-Georges LUTZ
| \-Odile N.N.
/-Jean LUTZ
| \-Anna HATT
/-Nicolas LUTZ
| | /-Christmann JUNG
| | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | \-Agnès N.N.
| \-Suzanne JUNG
| | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| \-Barbe TROESCH
| \-Barbara JORG
/-André LUTZ
| | /-André FRITSCH
| | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| \-Marguerite FRITSCH
| | /-Jean CASPAR
| | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | \-Anne GUTH
| \-Catherine CASPAR
| | /-Vix HAMM
| \-Marguerite HAMM
| \-Catherine N.N.
/-André LUTZ
| | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Thibaut KIEFFER
| | | | | | /-André WEINLING
| | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | \-Anne KIEFFER
| | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | \-Eve TURINGER
| | | \-Odile N.N.
| | /-Jean SIGEL
| | /-Michel SIEGEL
| | /-Mathias SIEGEL
| | | | /-André DIETRICH
| | | \-Catherine DIETRICH
| \-Barbe SIGEL
| | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | \-Odile ACKER
| | /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| \-Anna KRIEGER
| | /-Théobald HANS
| \-Catherine HANS
/-François Xavier LUTZ
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | /-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | /-Georges SCHUSTER
| | | \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | /-Mathias SCHUSTER
| | | | /-Simon WERNERT
| | | | /-André WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | /-Jean WERNERT
| | | | | \-Odile SIEGEL
| | | \-Odile WERNERT
| | | | /-Michel HANS
| | | \-Éva HANS
| | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | \-Catherine MATERN
| \-Élisabeth SCHUSTER
| | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | /-André KIEFFER
| | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | /-Martzolff KIEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | \-Catherine SCHEER
| | | \-Anne GASS
| | /-François KIEFFER
| | | | /-N.N. FALCK
| | | | /-Bernard FALCK
| | | \-Élisabeth FALCK
| | | \-Suzanne KREMER
| \-Anne-Marie KIEFFER
| | /-Christmann JUNG
| | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | /-Georges JUNG
| | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | \-Barbara JORG
| \-Marie Élisabeth JUNG
| | /-Jacques LUTZ
| | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| \-Catherine LUTZ
| | /-Jean LUTZ
| \-Christine LUTZ
/-Joseph LUTZ
| | /-André OHLMANN
| \-Marie-Catherine OHLMANN
| \-Catherine WEIBEL
/-Joseph LUTZ
| | /-Durst RITTLING
| | /-Georges RIEDLING
| | | \-Anne KOEHL
| | /-Georges RIEDLING
| | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | | | \-Marie DURINGER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Odile MATERN
| | /-Georges RITTLING
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HAMMAECHER
| | | | /-Antoine HAMMAECHER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie GRAIMON
| | | \-Marie Éva HAMMAECHER
| | | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Ottman STEINMETZ
| | | | | | /-Jean FIX
| | | | | \-Catherine FIX
| | | \-Marie-Madeleine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Jean SPECHT
| | | | /-André SPECHT
| | | | | \-Madeleine SEILER
| | | \-Madeleine SPECHT
| | | | /-Pancrace SCHAMPER
| | | | /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
| | | | | \-Odile DAUL
| | | \-Ève SCHAMPER
| | | \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
| | /-Antoine RITTLING
| | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | /-Martin THAL
| | | | /-Michel THAL
| | | | | | /-Jean KIEGER
| | | | | \-Marie KIEGER
| | | | | | /-Paul ZWIEBEL
| | | | | | /-Lamprecht ZWIEBEL
| | | | | \-Barbara ZIBEL
| | | | | | /-Henri BUCHINGER
| | | | | \-Barbe BUCHINGER
| | | | /-Jacques THAL
| | | | | | /-Martin LAZARUS
| | | | | \-Marie LAZARUS
| | | | | | /-Jean KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Maria KAUFFMANN
| | | | | \-Éva FECHT?
| | | \-Barbe THAL
| | | | /-Jean HABER
| | | | /-Jean Georg HABER
| | | | /-Jean Georges HABER
| | | | | | /-Jean SIFFERT
| | | | | \-Catherine FISCHER
| | | | | \-Maria SCHLEININGER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HABER
| | | | | | /-Georges CLOSTERMEYER
| | | | | \-Catherine CLOSTERMEYER
| | | | | \-Barbara ENZEL
| | | \-Barbara HABER
| | | | /-Stéphane KUNTZ
| | | | /-Jacques KUNTZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie KUNTZ
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | /-Laurent LUTZ
| | | | | \-Anna SCHAUB
| | | \-Maria LUTZ
| | | | /-Jean RIED
| | | | /-Léonard RIED
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Odile RIED
| | | | /-André HARTNAGEL
| | | \-Anne HARTNAGEL
| \-Catherine RIEDLING
| | /-Mathias GRASS
| | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | \-Éva SCHMIDT
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Matthias GRASS
| | | | /-Jacques HAMM
| | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | \-Anne STOLL
| | | \-Marie GRASSER
| | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | | /-Georg RIEDACKER
| | | | /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
| | | \-Maria REINBOLT
| | | | /-Jacques WURM
| | | \-Maria WURM
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | | /-Pierre WECKEL
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Pierre Michel WECKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | | \-Catherine KLEIN
| | | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | | /-Laurent WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | | /-Jean WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile WEISS
| | | | | \-Éva WOLLSCHLÄGER
| | | | | \-Barbara LIENARD
| | | \-Anne-Marie WECKEL
| | | | /-Jean-Pierre MEYER
| | | \-Maria Elisabetha MEYER
| | | \-Jeanne METZGER
| | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Jean BLAES
| | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Laurent WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Conrad WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte LIENHART
| | | | | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | | | \-Brigitte WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Veltin BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Jacques BRAUN
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | \-Catherine BRAUN
| | | | | | /-Nicolas Claude DURINGER
| | | | | \-Marie Catherine DURINGER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Éva WEINLING
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
| | | | /-Jacques DEBES
| | | | | \-Catherine LAPP
| | | \-Catherine DEBES
| | | | /-Mathias LAPP
| | | | /-Jean LAPP
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | /-Jean LAPP
| | | | | \-Anne MATHIS
| | | \-Brigitte LAPP
| | | | /-Georges FRINTZ
| | | \-Odile FRINTZ
| | | \-Anne N.N.
| \-Catherine GRASS
| | /-Lucas LUX
| | /-Jean LUX
| | | \-Catherine HETT
| | /-Martin LUX
| | | | /-Diebold SCHLEYDT
| | | \-Catherine SCHLEYDT
| | | \-Anna KUHN
| | /-Jean LUX
| | | | /-Nicolas KIEFFER
| | | \-Anna KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jacques LUX
| | | | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | | /-Georges OHL
| | | | | \-Catherine OHL
| | | \-Brigitte OHL
| | | | /-Thiébaud BAUMER
| | | \-Appolonie BAUMER
| | | \-Catherine GRASSER
| | /-Michel LUX
| | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | /-André DOSSMANN
| | | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | \-Catherine DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | /-Antoine KLEIN
| | | | | | /-Diebolt DIEMER
| | | | | \-Brigitte DIEMER
| | | | | \-Brigitte WACK
| | | \-Brigitte KLEIN
| | | | /-Diebold JACOB
| | | | /-Jean JACOB
| | | | | \-Brigitte METZGER
| | | \-Catherine JACOB
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Catherine LUX
| | /-Jean BIETH
| | /-Jean BIETH
| | /-Laurent BIETH
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Jean BIETH
| | | | /-Jean ROTH
| | | | /-Laurent ROTH
| | | | | \-Anna HEID
| | | \-Catherine ROTH
| | | \-Catherine BIETH
| | /-André BIETH
| | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | /-Jean KUHN
| | | \-Madeleine KUHN
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| \-Marie-Catherine BIETH
| | /-Melchior EBEL
| \-Brigitte EBEL
| | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | /-Michel SCHOTT
| | | \-Agnès FRITSCH
| | /-Laurent SCHOTT
| | | | /-Jacques FRITSCH
| | | \-Éva FRITSCH
| | | \-Anne ROTH
| \-Éva SCHOTT
| \-Barbara N.N.
/-Sébastien LUTZ
| | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | /-Thierry SIMON
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | /-Bernard SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Antoine SIMON
| | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | \-Catherine MAURER
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Louis SIMON
| | | | /-Georges WESTERMEYER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges WESTERMEYER
| | | | | \-Catherine FUCHS
| | | \-Marguerite WESTERMEYER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | | /-Balthasar SCHALCK
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie SCHALCK
| | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | \-Ève GOETZ
| | | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| | /-Antoine SIMON
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | | /-Martin SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | /-André SIMON
| | | | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | | \-Marie-Ève ROLLET
| | | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine SIMON
| | | | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | | /-Bernard BERBACH
| | | | | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | | | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERENBACH
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | \-Gertrude SIMON
| | | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | /-André RIEMER
| | | | | \-Catherine HOUDE
| | | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | | \-Gertrude VOGEL
| | | | /-Jean RIEMER
| | | | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | | | \-Brigitte MATTER
| | | | | \-Catherine WALTER
| | | \-Barbara RIEMER
| | | | /-Philippe MEYER
| | | | /-Jacques MEYER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BEIN
| | | \-Marguerite MEYER
| | | | /-Hanï WALTER
| | | | /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Anne WALTER
| | | | /-Jean WENDEL
| | | | /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
| | | \-Anne WENDEL
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | /-Michel WALTER
| | | | /-Laurent WALTER
| | | | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | | | \-Catherine WOLFF
| | | | | | /-Nicolas LITSCH
| | | | | \-Barbara LITSCH
| | | | | | /-Jacques KERKER
| | | | | \-Anne KERKER
| | | | /-Michel WALTER
| | | | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | | | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | | | | \-Anne BERENBACH
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | | | \-Anne DEBUS
| | | | | \-Marie DAUL
| | | | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | | | /-Laurent LEMMEL
| | | | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean LEMMEL
| | | | | | | | /-Pierre FLICKINGER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite HANS
| | | | | \-Gertrude LEMMEL
| | | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | | | | /-N.N. STEINMETZ
| | | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | \-Marie GRUN
| | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | \-Marie WEBER
| | | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | \-Christine WALTER
| | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | | | /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | | /-Michel BERBACH
| | | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | | | | \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | | \-Éva BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | \-Marie BERBACH
| | | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | | /-Joseph SCHWOERER
| | | | | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | \-Éve WEBER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Catherine SCHWOERER
| | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | \-Marie JUNG
| | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | | \-Catherine WALTER
| \-Marie-Madeleine SIMON
| | /-Martin VON BONN
| | /-Michael VON BONN
| | /-Balthasar VON BONN
| | | | /-André ECKART
| | | | /-Frédéric ECKART
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Eve ECKART
| | | \-Éve GING
| | /-Pancrace VON BONN
| | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | \-Catherine BAUMGARTNER
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | | \-Éva JUNG
| | /-Joseph VON BONN
| | | | /-Jacques LOCHER
| | | | /-Jacques LOCHER
| | | | | \-Barbara JUNG
| | | \-Eve LOCHER
| | | | /-Jacques OHLMANN
| | | | /-Michel OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
| | | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Catherine OHLMANN
| | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | | | | \-Odile HEINRICH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | /-Ciriaque VON BONN
| | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | /-Joseph ROLLET
| | | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | | /-N.N. FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Martin FRESCH
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
| | | | | | /-Jean VINCENT
| | | | | \-Eve VINCENT
| | | | | \-Elisabeth ARNI
| | | \-Marguerite ROLLET
| | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| \-Joséphine VONBONN
| | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | \-Marie-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Jean HAMMER
| | | \-Anne HAMMER
| | | | /-Adolphe GEORG
| | | \-Anne JOERG
| | /-(Jean ) Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | \-Éve LENHERR
| | | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | \-Anna Barbara SIMON
| | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Adam ADAM
| | | | /-Jacques ADAM
| | | \-Ève ADAM
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Nicolas WEISS
| | | | /-Jean WEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | \-Maria WEISS
| | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Anne Ève SCHNEIDER
| | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | /-Jacques TRESCH
| | | | /-N.N. KLEIN
| | | \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | /-Jean-Jacques TRESCH
| | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Elisabeth CRIQUI
| | | \-Marie KURTZ
| | /-Jean TRESCH
| | | | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges RIEHL
| | | | /-Michel RIEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | | | | /-Grégoire GING
| | | | | \-Maria Barbara GING
| | | \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| \-Ève TRESCH
| | /-Jean-Adam WAGNER
| | /-Jean-Balthasar WAGNER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KOCH
| | /-Antoine WAGNER
| | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie ZEH
| | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | \-Brigitte MATER
| \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
| | /-Durst RITTLING
| | /-Jean RIEDLING
| | | \-Anne KOEHL
| \-Anne-Marie RIEDLING
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| \-Anne KEITH
| \-Odile WENDLING
| /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| /-Diebold WECKEL
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Antoine WECKEL
| | \-Marie ZIMER
| /-Mathias WECKEL
| | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | \-Éve KELLER
| | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| /-Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | \-Anne MAURER
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | \-Marie LAUGEL
| | \-Catherine DURINGER
| /-Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | /-Martin HANS
| | | /-Martin HANS
| | | | \-Catherine COLMER
| | \-Odile HANS
| | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | \-Barbe DAUL
| | \-Catherine FUCHS
| /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | /-Jean DAUL
| | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | /-Christmann GRUN
| | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Maria GRUN
| | | | | /-Martin BURBACH
| | | | \-Éva FURBACH
| | | | \-Éva WEBER
| | | /-Antoine DAUL
| | | | | /-Michel HANS
| | | | | /-Jean HANS
| | | | | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | | | \-Catherine MATERN
| | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | /-Christmann GRUN
| | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Maria GRUN
| | | | | /-Martin BURBACH
| | | | \-Éva FURBACH
| | | | \-Éva WEBER
| | \-Marie-Anne DAUL
| | | /-jean KIEGER
| | | /-Georges KIEGER
| | | /-Jean-Georges KOEGER
| | | | | /-Stéphane REINHARD
| | | | | /-Michel REINHARDT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | \-Barbe REINHARDT
| | | | | /-Jörg CLAUS
| | | | \-Gertrude CLAUS
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Anne-Jeanne KOEGER
| | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | /-Michel ADAM
| | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | \-Anne DOSSMANN
| | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | \-Catherine GUTH
| | \-Barbara MEINER
| /-Joseph WECKEL
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Mathias MAURER
| | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | | /-Maurice MAURER
| | | | | /-Christmann OHL
| | | | | /-Diebold OHL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | | | | /-Christmann OHL
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | | \-Marie OHL
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Jean BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | | | \-Marie BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | | /-Jean BAEHL
| | | | \-Barbara BAEHL
| | | | \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
| | \-Catherine MAURER
| | \-Marguerite ROOS
| /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | /-André DAUL
| | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean DAUL
| | | | \-Marguerite DEBUS
| | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | /-Laurent GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Marie GANGLOFF
| | | | | /-Jean FOCHT
| | | | \-Marie VOGT
| | | /-Jean DAUL
| | | | | /-Diebolt DISS
| | | | | /-Jean DISS
| | | | | | \-Apolonia EUCHART
| | | | | /-Laurent DISS
| | | | | | | /-Quirin WELSCHEN
| | | | | | \-Catherine WELSCHEN
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | /-Joseph DISS
| | | | | | | /-Arbogast NISIUS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite NISIUS
| | | | | | \-Juliana GOETZ
| | | | \-Brigitte DISS
| | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | | | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | \-Madeleine ULRICH
| | | | | /-Diebold GILLY
| | | | | /-Valentin GILLY
| | | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | \-Catherine GILG
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean HAMMER
| | | | | | \-Anne HAMMER
| | | | | | \-Anne JOERG
| | | | | /-(Jean ) Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | | | \-Éve LENHERR
| | | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Anna Barbara SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean WALTER
| | | | | | \-Barbara WALTER
| | | | | | | /-Michel KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Ursule KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | | | /-Adam LANG
| | | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Gertrude LANG
| | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
| | | | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | | \-Marie GEORG
| | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | \-Rosine DAUL
| | | /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | | /-Peter MATER
| | | | \-Brigitte MATER
| | | /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | /-Pierre BERBACH
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | | | \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | | \-Éva BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | \-Marie-Catherine BERBACH
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | /-Joseph SCHWOERER
| | | | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | | | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | \-Éve WEBER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Barbe SCHWOERER
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | \-Marie JUNG
| | | /-Jean MATERN
| | \-Catherine MARTHER
| | \-Catherine WALTER
| /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | /-Jean VOGLER
| | | /-Jacques VOGLER
| | | | \-Brigitte WACK
| | | /-Jean-Georges VOGLER
| | | | | /-Caspar BLIES
| | | | | /-Antoine BLIES
| | | | | | \-Barbara KREMER
| | | | \-Barbara BLIES
| | | | \-Marie PETER
| | | /-Michel VOGLER
| | | | \-Ursule HANS
| | | /-Jean VOGLER
| | | | | /-Simon WERNERT
| | | | | /-André WERNERT
| | | | | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Christine CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean WERNERT
| | | | | | \-Odile SIEGEL
| | | | | /-André WERNERT
| | | | | | | /-Michel HANS
| | | | | | \-Éva HANS
| | | | | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | | | \-Catherine MATERN
| | | | \-Thérèse WERNERT
| | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | /-Michel DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Marie DAUL
| | | | \-Maria VIX
| | | /-François-Joseph VOGLER
| | | | | /-Pierre STRUB
| | | | \-Anne-Marie STRUB
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GOECHTER
| | \-Louise VOGLER
| | | /-Jean-Georges BAUTZ
| | \-Thérèse BAUTZ
| | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | | /-Jacques TRESCH
| | | | | /-N.N. KLEIN
| | | | \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean TRESCH
| | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | /-Jean CRIQUI
| | | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | \-Elisabeth CRIQUI
| | | | \-Marie KURTZ
| | | /-Jean Jacques TROESCH
| | | | | /-Georges BOOS
| | | | | /-Georges BOOS
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Ève BOOS
| | | | | /-Wolfgang KLEIN
| | | | \-Odile KLEIN
| | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | /-Laurent TROESCH
| | | | | /-Diebold Jacques HENG
| | | | | /-Jacques HENG
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | | /-Michel HENG
| | | | | | | /-Diebold SCHMIDT
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMIDT
| | | | | | \-Éva N.N.
| | | | | /-Michel HENG
| | | | | | | /-Paulus BOSCH
| | | | | | \-Anne Marie BOSCH
| | | | | | | /-Jean KOLB
| | | | | | \-Anne KOLB
| | | | | | \-Véronica N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HENG
| | | | | /-Georges TROESCH
| | | | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anna TROESCH
| | | | | /-Lenz FAULHABER
| | | | | /-Georges FAULHABER
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Marguerite FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne BROCK
| | \-Madeleine TROESCH
| | | /-Laurent FRITSCH
| | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | \-Marie DIEBOLT
| | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | /-Georges TROESCH
| | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | /-Michel TROESCH
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges PAULUS
| | | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Joseph TROESCH
| | | | | /-Lenz FAULHABER
| | | | | /-Georges FAULHABER
| | | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | | \-Barbara FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne BROCK
| | \-Anne-Catherine TROESCH
| | | /-Laurent BURG
| | \-Anne BURG
| | \-Barbara CONRAD
| | \-Anne N.N.
\-Marie-Madeleine WECKEL
| /-Laurent BERNHARDT
| /-Laurent BERNHARD
| | \-Barbe BASTIAN
| /-Laurent BERNHARD
| | | /-Jacques SCHIESTEL
| | \-Barbara SCHIESTEL
| | | /-Jacques DURCHDENWALD
| | \-Barbara DURCHDENWALD
| | \-Marie WAECHTER
| /-Laurent BERNHARD
| | | /-Maurice BASTIAN
| | \-Marie-Anne BASTIAN
| | \-Anne BASTIAN
| /-Antoine BERNHARD
| | | /-Antoine FLECK
| | | /-Antoine FLECK
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | | /-Jean Dit L'Ainé WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | | /-Nicolas WEINLING
| | | | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Agnès DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | | /-Sébastien WINLING
| | | | | | | /-Mathias GRASS
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas GRASS
| | | | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | | \-Brigitte GRASS
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Éva SCHMIDT
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Marie WINLING
| | | | | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Catherine KRAUTH
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | \-Marie FLECK
| | | /-Christmann OHL
| | | /-Diebold OHL
| | | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | /-Diebolt OHL
| | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Barbara STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | \-Gertrude OHL
| | | /-Sébastien CONRATH
| | | /-Diebolt CONRAD
| | | /-Michel CONRAD
| | | | | /-Georges KAPS
| | | | \-Maria KAPS
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWEBEL
| | \-Maria CONRAD
| | | /-Sébastien BUTSCHER
| | \-Marie BUTSCHER
| /-Nicolas BERNHARD
| | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | | /-Mathias WECKEL
| | | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | | \-Anne MAURER
| | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | | /-Mathias LAUGEL
| | | | \-Marie LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine DURINGER
| | | /-Jean WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean MARTIN
| | | | | /-Martin HANS
| | | | | /-Martin HANS
| | | | | | \-Catherine COLMER
| | | | \-Odile HANS
| | | | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | \-Barbe DAUL
| | | | \-Catherine FUCHS
| | | /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | | | /-Jean DAUL
| | | | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | | | /-Christmann GRUN
| | | | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Maria GRUN
| | | | | | | /-Martin BURBACH
| | | | | | \-Éva FURBACH
| | | | | | \-Éva WEBER
| | | | | /-Antoine DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Michel HANS
| | | | | | | /-Jean HANS
| | | | | | | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine MATERN
| | | | | | \-Catherine HANS
| | | | | | | /-André GRUN
| | | | | | | /-Christmann GRUN
| | | | | | | | \-Ursule STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Maria GRUN
| | | | | | | /-Martin BURBACH
| | | | | | \-Éva FURBACH
| | | | | | \-Éva WEBER
| | | | \-Marie-Anne DAUL
| | | | | /-jean KIEGER
| | | | | /-Georges KIEGER
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges KOEGER
| | | | | | | /-Stéphane REINHARD
| | | | | | | /-Michel REINHARDT
| | | | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | | \-Barbe REINHARDT
| | | | | | | /-Jörg CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Gertrude CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Jeanne KOEGER
| | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | /-Michel ADAM
| | | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | | /-Jean ADAM
| | | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | \-Anne DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | | | \-Catherine GUTH
| | | | \-Barbara MEINER
| | \-Geneviève WECKEL
| | | /-Valentin MAURER
| | | /-Martin MAURER
| | | | \-Marie GASS
| | | /-Georges MAURER
| | | | \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | /-Mathias MAURER
| | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | | /-Maurice MAURER
| | | | | /-Christmann OHL
| | | | | /-Diebold OHL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ZINNSSMEISTER
| | | | | /-Christmann OHL
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | | | \-Christine SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | | \-Marie OHL
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Jean BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | | | \-Marie BASTIAN
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | | /-Jean BAEHL
| | | | \-Barbara BAEHL
| | | | \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
| | \-Catherine MAURER
| | \-Marguerite ROOS
\-Marie-Madeleine BERNHART
| /-Théobald OSTER
| /-Michel OSTER
| | \-Anne SCHWERER
| /-Arbogast OSTER
| | | /-Georges ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | \-Agnès KLEIN
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Antoine ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Diebold GILLY
| | | | | /-Valentin GILLY
| | | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie GILLIG
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | \-Barbara ARBOGAST
| | \-Barbara ADAM
| /-Jean OSTER
| | | /-Michel KLEIN
| | | /-Laurent KLEIN
| | | | \-Marie HEITZ
| | \-Marie-Anne KLEIN
| | | /-Joseph DISS
| | \-Marie DISS
| | \-Marie LUTT
\-Marie Rosalie OSTER
| /-Joseph ARBOGAST
| | | /-Michel WENDLING
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | \-Anna VIX
| | | /-André WENDLING
| | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne KAUFFMANN
| | | | | /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
| | | | \-Marie GEORG
| | | | | /-Diebold GRUN
| | | | \-Christine GRUN
| | | | \-Brigitte BASTIAN
| | \-Marie WENDLING
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Théobald VELTEN
| | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | \-Catherine VELDEN
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | /-Jacques WEIBEL
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOENENHALTER
| | \-Catherine WEIBEL
| | | /-Mathieu WEBER
| | \-Odile WEBER
| | \-Anne-Catherine BERLIN
\-Madeleine ARBOGAST
| /-Jean WEBER
| /-Jean WEBER
| /-Christmann WEBER
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Adam WEBER
| | | /-Jacques DIEBOLT
| | \-Gertrude DIEBOLT
| /-Antoine WEBER
| | | /-Jacques TROESCH
| | \-Ève TRESCH
| | | /-N.N. KLEIN
| | \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Laurent WEBER
| | | /-André KEHREN
| | | /-Michel KEHREN
| | | | | /-Jean HAMM
| | | | \-Barbara HAMM
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Michel KEHREN
| | | | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite ZEHNACKER
| | | | \-Barbara GUTH
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine SCHOTT
| | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | \-Anne-Marie KEHREN
| | | /-Georges STEMMER
| | | /-Georges STEMMER
| | | | \-Anne PFLIEGER
| | \-Catherine STEMMER
| | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | /-Jean FIX
| | \-Catherine FIX
\-Marie-Anne WEBER
| /-Jacques SCHMITT
| /-Jean SCHMITT
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Laurent SCHMITT
| | | /-Martin ENGWEILER
| | \-Catherine INGWEILER
| /-Michel SCHMITT
| | | /-Andreas SCHOTT
| | | /-Diebolt SCHOTT
| | | | \-Catherine STRAUB
| | \-Éva SCHOTT
| | \-Catherine KUHN
| /-Michel SCHMITT
| | | /-Diebolt MITTELHAUSER
| | | | | /-Nicolas GUTH
| | | | \-Barbara GUTH
| | | | \-Anne KUHN
| | \-Anne-Marie MITTELHAUSER
| | | /-Georges ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | \-Catherine ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | \-Agnès KLEIN
| | \-Anna DOSSMANN
\-Thérèse SCHMITT
| /-Laurent ENGER
| /-André ENGER
| | | /-Georges WÜRTH
| | \-Brigitte WURTZ
| | | /-Michel MEYER
| | \-Catherine MEYER
| | \-Barbara N.N.
\-Gertrude ENGER
| /-André DAUL
| /-Valentin DAUL
| | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | \-N.N. N.N.
\-Marie DAUL
\-Marguerite DEBUS
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Hyppolite KRAUTH
| | /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
| | /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-André KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jacques SCHAAL
| | | | /-Jacques SCHALL
| | | \-Catherine SCHALL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
| | | \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
| | | \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
| | /-Jean Pierre (Antoine) KRAUTH
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges INGWEILER
| | | | | \-Appolonie GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean-Michel INGWEILER
| | | | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHAEFFER
| | | | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | \-Anne-Marie INGWILLER
| | | | /-Laurent GASSER
| | | \-Gertrude GASSER
| | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | \-Anna Barbara WENDLING
| | | \-Odile MEYER
| \-Anne-Marie KRAUTH
| | /-André SENGER
| \-Catherine SENGER
| \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
/-Joseph KRAUTH
| | /-Jean MICHEL
| | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | \-Odile ADAM
| | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | \-Anna N.N.
| | /-Jean MICHEL
| | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | /-Jean-Jacques MICHEL
| | | \-Élisabeth WEINTROPFEN
| | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | | | /-Michel KUNTZ
| | | | /-Gregory KUNTZ
| | | \-Anne-Catherine KUNTZ
| | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | \-Agnès DIBLING
| | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
| | | \-Élisabeth PHILIPPS
| | /-Antoine MICHEL
| | | | /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| | | | /-André OHLMANN
| | | | | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | | | | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | \-Marie-Ève OHLMANN
| | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | | /-Adam RIPP
| | | \-Catherine RIPP
| | | \-Christine N.N.
| \-Catherine MICHEL
| \-Catherine RISCHMANN
/-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| | /-Jean GAUER
| | /-Jean GAUER
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Jean GAUER
| | | \-Elisabeth HEINRICH
| | /-Ignace GAUER
| | | | /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
| | | | /-Georges RIEHL
| | | | /-Michel RIEHL
| | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | /-Michel RHÜLL
| | | | | | /-Grégoire GING
| | | | | \-Maria Barbara GING
| | | | /-Sébastien Dominique RIEHL
| | | | | | /-Georges ZEH
| | | | | | /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
| | | | | | | \-Anne Marie N.N.
| | | | | \-Ursule ZEH
| | | | | | /-Matz SEEL
| | | | | \-Marie SEEL
| | | | | \-Dorothée N.N.
| | | \-Catherine RIEHL
| | | | /-Joseph HEB-HEWIN
| | | \-Catherine HEB
| | /-Ignace GAUER
| | | | /-Bernard MULLER
| | | \-Marie Catherine MULLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie FREY
| | /-François GAUER
| | | \-Madeleine VAUX
| \-Marie-Anne GAUER
| | /-Jean Michel EBEL
| \-Marie-Anne EBEL
| \-Marie Anne WILD
| /-Georges OTT
| /-André OTT
| | \-Christine N.N.
| /-Mathieu OTT
| | | /-Jean URB
| | \-Ursula URB
| | \-Marie N.N.
| /-André OTT
| | | /-N.N. HANS
| | | /-André HANS
| | \-Marie Ève HANS
| | | /-André MOEBUS
| | | /-Diebold MOEBUS
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | \-Marguerite MOEBUS
| | | /-Martin FISCHBACH
| | \-Barbe FISCHBACH
| /-Antoine OTT
| | | /-Michel PECHEL
| | | /-Jean BECH
| | | /-Jean BECH
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Georges BECH
| | | | \-Ève JUNG
| | \-Ursule BECH
| | \-Agathe WINCKEL
| /-Michel OTT
| | | /-Ulrich GEBUS
| | | /-Jean GEBUS
| | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine LANG
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Mathias GEBUS
| | | | | /-Georges BAUER
| | | | \-Marie BAUER
| | | | \-Catherine KRIEGER
| | \-Marie GEBUS
| | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | \-Éva WOLFF
| | | /-Jacques FRINTZ
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
| | | | \-Anne LITZMANN
| | | | \-Suzanne BUCHER
| | | /-Georges FRINTZ
| | | | | /-Jean GERGES
| | | | | /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KRUG
| | | | \-Éve GERGES
| | | | | /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
| | | | \-Anne DIETRICH
| | | | \-Véronique LEHMAN
| | \-Anne FRINTZ
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
| /-Michel OTT
| | | /-Georges MATHIS
| | | /-Georges MATHIS
| | | /-Peter FREUND
| | | | | /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
| | | | \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
| | | /-Nicolas FREUND
| | | | | /-Georges SCHMITT
| | | | | /-Jean SCHMITT
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Éva SCHMIDT
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas FREUND
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | \-Rosine FREUND
| | | /-Jean BAEHL
| | | /-Jean BAEHL
| | | | \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
| | | /-Mathias BAEHL
| | | | | /-Hanns ZENSS
| | | | | /-Georges ZENSS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine ZENS
| | | | \-Anganesa BIRL
| | | /-Mathias BEHL
| | | | | /-Jacques KAPP
| | | | \-Barbara KAPP
| | | | \-Marie SCHMITT
| | \-Marie Anne BAEHL
| | | /-Michel ROHR
| | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | /-Jacques ROHR
| | | | | /-Michel GRASSER
| | | | \-Barbara GRASSER
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie ROHR
| | \-Élisabeth WEBER
| /-André OTT
| | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | /-Félix FOURNAISE
| | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | /-Félix FORNES
| | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | \-Élisabeth WIND
| | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | \-Eve WEBER
| | | | \-Barbe PANCRATZ
| | | /-Joseph FORNESS
| | | | | /-André TRUNTZ
| | | | \-Catherine TRUNTZ
| | | | | /-Jean CHRISTMANN
| | | | \-Marie CHRISTMANN
| | | /-Antoine FORNES
| | | | | /-Jean LIENHART
| | | | | /-Jean Jacques LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Anne VOLTZ
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques LIENHART
| | | | | | | /-Adolphe GEORG
| | | | | | \-Ève GEORG
| | | | | /-Jean Jacques LIENHARD
| | | | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | | | \-Catherine LENHERR
| | | | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | | | | /-Martin LIENHARD
| | | | | | | /-Pierre RESS
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas RASS
| | | | | | \-Marie Ève REES
| | | | | | | /-Paul MARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jacques MARTZ
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | | \-Catherine MARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine LIENHARD
| | | | | /-Georges WENDEL
| | | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Anne Ève WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | \-Maria Rosine LENHERR
| | | | \-Ève HAMMER - HANS
| | \-Catherine Ève FORNES
| | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
| | | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | | /-Georges WENDEL
| | | | | /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
| | | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | | /-Georges WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean THAL
| | | | | | \-Catherine THAL
| | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | /-Antoine GOETZ
| | | | | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | | | | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | | | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | | | | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | | | | /-Joseph BIENFAIT
| | | | | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| | | | \-Barbara BIENFAIT
| | | | | /-Jacques WOLFF
| | | | \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
| | | | | /-Jean LEHNERR
| | | | \-Anne LENHERR
| | | | | /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine GOETZ
| | | /-Sébastien JUNG
| | | /-Jean JUNG
| | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | /-Sébastien MEHN
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHN
| | | | \-Barbara EHRMANN
| | | /-Joseph JUNG
| | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Matthias KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Odile KRIEGER
| | | | \-Christine KRIEGER
| | | | | /-Sébastien RECHT
| | | | \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
| | | | \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
| | | /-Michel JUNG
| | | | | /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | | /-Rulmann WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEINLING
| | | | | | \-Éva DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMAN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jean DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | | \-Anne DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Jacques GUTH
| | | | \-Catherine GUTH
| | | | \-Barbara MEINER
| | \-Marie-Anne JUNG
| | | /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
| | | /-Martin BIENFAIT
| | | | \-Françoise N.N.
| | | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | | /-Laurent BIENFAIT
| | | | \-Catherine LOYSON
| | \-(Marie) Elisabeth BIENFAIT
| | | /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
| | | /-François KOLLER
| | | | | /-François GARIN
| | | | \-Anne-Esther GARIN
| | | | \-Ursule BAUR
| | \-Salomé KOLLER
| | | /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
| | | /-François DIRHEIMER
| | | | \-Salomé N.N.
| | \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
| | \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
| /-Antoine OTT
| | | /-Georges STEINMETZ
| | | /-Valentin STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | /-Antoine STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | /-Valentin DAUL
| | | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | \-Catherine DAUL
| | | | \-Marguerite DEBUS
| | | /-Joseph STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | | | /-André SCHNEPP
| | | | | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | | | \-Anne LAUGEL
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Sophie SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Mathias CONRAD
| | | | \-Sophie CONRAD
| | | | | /-Adam GASS
| | | | \-Catherine GASS
| | | | \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
| | | /-Joseph STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WEBER
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques WEBER
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | | /-Pierre WEBER
| | | | | | | | \-Appolonie ZINCK
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEBER
| | | | | | | /-Nicolas TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
| | | | | | \-Anne TROESCH
| | | | | | | /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
| | | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | | \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Nicolas SIMON
| | | | | /-Thierry SIMON
| | | | | /-Jean SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KOEBEL
| | | | | /-Martin SIMON
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | | | | \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
| | | | | | | /-Georges CLAUS
| | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | \-Catherine SIMON
| | | | | /-Antoine ROLLET
| | | | | /-Nicolas ROLLET
| | | | | | \-Marguerite BATZ
| | | | \-Marie-Ève ROLLET
| | | | | /-Pierre DUBLICH
| | | | \-Anna DIBLING
| | | | \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
| | | /-André STEINMETZ
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | /-Théobalt WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | | | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques KRIEGER
| | | | | | | | \-Odile ACKER
| | | | | | \-Marguerite KRIEGER
| | | | | | \-Marie SCHMID
| | | | | /-Michel WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Jean STEINMETZ
| | | | | | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | | | | /-André KEITH
| | | | | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | | | \-Marie KEITH
| | | | | | | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | | | | | \-Marie STEINMETZ
| | | | | | | /-Georges LANG
| | | | | | | /-Diebold LANG
| | | | | | | | \-Catherine CLAUS
| | | | | | | /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
| | | | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | | | | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine VELTEN
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | \-Odile WENDLING
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | | /-Nicolas LUTZ
| | | | | | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | | | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | | | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | | | | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | | | | | \-Barbara JORG
| | | | | /-André LUTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite FRITSCH
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | | | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | | | /-Vix HAMM
| | | | | | \-Marguerite HAMM
| | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | | | | /-Laurent MANDEL
| | | | | /-Pierre MANDEL
| | | | | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
| | | | | | \-Anne Marie RECHT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie MANDEL
| | | | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | | | /-Bartholomé TRIER
| | | | | | \-Anna TRIER
| | | | | | \-Agnès RIPP
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine FUCHS
| | | | | /-Adolph ROTH
| | | | | /-Jean ROTH
| | | | | | \-Barbara CLAUS
| | | | \-Marguerite ROTH
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | | | \-Suzanne BUB
| | | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | \-Anne Louise STEINMETZ
| | | /-André ACKER
| | | /-Jean ACKER
| | | | | /-N.N. ENGER
| | | | \-Marie ENGER
| | \-Thérèse ACKER
| | | /-N.N. BIENFAIT
| | | /-Pierre BIENFAIT
| | \-Gertrude BIENFAIT
| | \-Catherine VOLTZ
\-Marie Clémentine OTT
| /-Vitus MENGUS
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| /-Vitus MENGUS
| | | /-Thibaut GRIESBACH
| | | /-Christmann GRIESBACH
| | \-Marie GRIESBACH
| | \-Barbara N.N.
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | \-Catherine TROESCH
| /-Nicolas MENGUS
| | | /-Nicolas BURGER
| | | /-Vitus BURGER
| | | | | /-Pierre MENTZ
| | | | \-Anne MENTZ
| | \-Madeleine Marguerite BURGER
| | | /-Lenz FAULHABER
| | | /-Georges FAULHABER
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | \-Catherine FAULHABER
| | \-Anne BROCK
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | | /-Jean Pierre LUTZ
| | \-Christine LUTZ
| | \-Marie SCHNEIDER
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | \-Anne Marie BERENBACH
| /-Jean MENGUS
| | | /-Pierre GOETZ
| | | /-Laurent GOETZ
| | | | | /-Diebolt WENDLING
| | | | | /-Antoine WENDLING
| | | | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | | | /-Simon ULRICH
| | | | | | | | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | | | | | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anna ULRICH
| | | | | | | /-Simon RUNTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | | | | \-Maria MEYER
| | | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | \-Anne SCHEER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | | /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | | | | \-Anne SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anna SCHNEIDER
| | | | | /-Matheus KIEFFER
| | | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | | | | \-Barbara WEINLING
| | | | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Sébastien WEINLING
| | | | \-Appolonia WEINLING
| | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | \-Marie GOETZ
| | | /-Michel WININGER
| | | /-Joseph WINNINGER
| | | | \-Marie KLEIN
| | \-Madeleine WINNINGER
| | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | | /-Thiébaud CASPAR
| | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
| | | | | /-Thiébaud LIENHART
| | | | \-Anne LIENHART
| | | | | /-Jean GUTH
| | | | \-Anne GUTH
| | | /-Georges CASPAR
| | | | | /-Marzolff LORENTZ
| | | | \-Anne LORENTZ
| | | | \-Catherine HOCH
| | \-Anne CASPAR
| | | /-Jacques LUTZ
| | | /-Mathias LUTZ
| | | | \-Maria SCHNEIDER
| | \-Élisabeth LUTZ
| | \-Marguerite CRANTZ
\-Madeleine MENGUS
| /-Théobald OSTER
| /-Michel OSTER
| | \-Anne SCHWERER
| /-Jean OSTER
| | | /-Georges ARBOGAST
| | | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Nicolas ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Jean KLEIN
| | | | | /-Jean Antoine KLEIN
| | | | | | \-Catherine WECKEL
| | | | \-Agnès KLEIN
| | | | | /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Catherine BENDER
| | | /-Jean ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Jean SCHOTT
| | | | \-Brigitte SCHOTT
| | | | | /-André DOSSMANN
| | | | | /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
| | | | | | \-Sophia BLAES
| | | | \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
| | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | /-Antoine ARBOGAST
| | | | | /-Diebold GILLY
| | | | | /-Valentin GILLY
| | | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | \-Marie GILLIG
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | /-André FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean FRITSCH
| | | | | | \-Marguerite WEIL
| | | | \-Marie FRITSCH
| | | | | /-Vix MARX
| | | | | /-Ulrich MARXER
| | | | | | \-Marie MATZINGER
| | | | \-Brigitte MARXER
| | | | | /-Arbogast CASPAR
| | | | \-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | \-Christine N.N.
| | \-Barbara ARBOGAST
| | \-Barbara ADAM
\-Catherine OSTER
| /-Valentin ADOLPH
| | \-Odile N.N.
| /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | /-Matz DIEBOLD
| | \-Catherine DIEBOLD
| /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | /-Erhardt STUMPF
| | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | /-Peter MATER
| | \-Brigitte MATER
| /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Anna HATT
| | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | /-Christmann JUNG
| | | /-Chrétien JUNG
| | | | \-Agnès N.N.
| | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | | /-Claus TROESCH
| | \-Barbe TROESCH
| | \-Barbara JORG
| /-François-Antoine BERBACH
| | | /-Jean WENDLING
| | | /-Martin WENDLING
| | | | | /-Jacques BASTIAN
| | | | \-Éve BASTIAN
| | | | \-Marthe KÄBLER
| | \-Marguerite WENDLING
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
| | | | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
| | | | \-Barbara LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | \-Marie SCHNEPP
| | \-Éva JUNG
| /-Florent BERBACH
| | | /-N.N. LANG
| | | /-Adam LANG
| | | /-Jean LANG
| | | | \-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | /-Michel LANG
| | | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | \-Odile WEBER
| | | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Joseph LANG
| | | | | /-Jacques WALTER
| | | | \-Élisabeth WALTER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
| | \-Marie-Anne LANG
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | /-Jacques SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Maria HUGEL
| | | /-Jean SCHNEPP
| | | | \-Éva JUNG
| | | /-Michel SCHNEPP
| | | | | /-Christmann LAUGEL
| | | | \-Anne LAUGEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | \-Catherine SCHNEPP
| | | /-Laurent DURINGER
| | | /-Jean DURINGER
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | \-Gertrude DURINGER
| | | /-Jean HUGEL
| | \-Éve HUGEL
| | | /-Simon WEISS
| | \-Barbe WEISS
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
\-Catherine BERBACH
| /-Mathieu OHLMANN
| /-André OHLMANN
| | | /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
| | \-Marguerite DILLES
| | \-Marguerite N.N.
| /-Georges OHLMANN
| | | /-Martin VELTIN
| | | /-Georges VELTIN
| | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | /-Mathis VELTIN
| | | | \-Anne MUSTER
| | \-Marie VELTIN
| | | /-Martin PAULUS
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Michel PAULUS
| | | | | /-Nicolas FRITSCH
| | | | \-Catherine FRISCH
| | | | \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
| | \-Catherine PAULUS
| | | /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Jean SCHAEFFER
| | \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
| | | /-Adam RIPP
| | \-Catherine RIPP
| | \-Christine N.N.
\-Barbara OHLMANN
| /-Laurent KRIEGER
| /-Jean KRIEGER
| | \-Christine VIX
| /-Clauß KRIEGER
| | | /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
| | | /-Jean TRAUTMANN
| | | | \-Agathe BASTIAN
| | | /-N.N. LANG
| | \-Barbara LANG
| /-Adam KRIEGER
| | | /-Jean HEINRICH
| | \-Maria HEINRICH
| | \-Catherine ADAM
\-Anne-Marie KRIEGER
| /-Martin KLEIN
| /-Adam KLEIN
| | \-N.N. N.N.
| /-Diebold KLEIN
| | | /-Diebold KLEIN
| | \-Catherine KLEIN
\-Maria KLEIN
| /-Jacques SCHAAL
| /-Jacques SCHALL
| /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marie-Madeleine GEISKOPF
2 Catherine KRAUTH
=Hervé BLANC
3 Camille BLANC
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Adam LANG
/-Pierre LANG
| \-Élisabeth KLAMMER
/-Michel LANG
| | /-Georges, Jacques LEICHTNAM
| | | \-Marguerite LEICHTNAM
| \-Élisabeth LEICHTNAM
/-Joseph LANG
| | /-Georges, Jacques LEICHTNAM
| | | \-Marguerite LEICHTNAM
| | /-Pierre LEICHTNAM
| | | \-Madeleine KRACKENBERGER
| \-Thérèse LEICHTNAM
| | /-Barthélémy GROSS
| | /-Jean GROSS
| | | \-Barbe MOSER
| | /-Jean GROSS
| | | | /-Nicolas OSWALD
| | | \-Catherine OSWALD
| \-Marie-Catherine GROSS
| | /-Jean LAURENT
| \-Christine LAURENT
| \-Odile LIST
| /-Bernard WERNER
\-Victorine, Bernardine WERNER
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Pierre BLANC
2 Hervé BLANC
=Catherine KRAUTH
3 Camille BLANC
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Marie-Thérèse Joséphine KRAUTH
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| \-Appolonia N.N.
| \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Jacques CLAUS
| | /-Hanssen JACOB
| | /-Jacques HANS
| \-Anna HANS
| | /-Hanss BECK
| \-Barbara BECK
| \-N.N. N.N.
/-Jean Georges HORNECKER
| | /-Laurent GILLIG
| | /-Jean GILLIG
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | | \-Anne BUB
| | | \-Catherine KAPP
| \-Maria GILLIG
| | /-Pierre DIEBOLT
| | /-Jean DIEBOLT
| | | \-Anna PETER
| | /-Jean-Georges KLEIN
| \-Anna KLEIN
| \-Éva N.N.
/-Jean-Georges HORNECKER
| | /-Joseph METZ
| | /-Joseph METZ
| | | \-Anna TRIER
| \-Catherine METZ
| | /-Thomas LOTTMANN
| | /-Jean LOTTMANN
| | /-Jean LOTTMANN
| | | \-Anne DIEBOLT
| \-Catherine LOTTMANN
| \-Catherine HANS
| | /-Jean CORBENDAU
| | /-François Antoine CORBENDAU
| | | | /-Michel MATERN
| | | | /-Jean MATERN
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie ARTH
| | | \-Maria MATERN
| | | \-Dorothée GASS
| | /-Jean HUSS
| | /-Jean HUSS
| | | \-Lorentzen Hansen ENGEL
| | /-Paul HUSS
| | | \-Marguerite LEMMEL
| | /-Jean-Georges Bernard HUSS
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHUSTER
| | | \-Catherine SCHUSTER
| | | \-Barbara MARTIN
| | /-Joseph HUSS
| | | | /-Francis FURBACH
| | | | /-Jean FURBACH
| | | | | | /-Mathias FRITSCH
| | | | | \-Catherine FRITSCH
| | | \-Catherine FURBACH
| | | | /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
| | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| \-Catherine HUSS
| | /-Georg JACOB
| \-Catherine JACOB
| \-Catherine SCHMITT
| | /-Jean Georges KAUPP
| | /-Michel KAUPP
| | | \-Marie KUHN
| | /-Georges KAUPP
| | | | /-Joseph Ou Georg HOELTZEL
| | | | /-Jean Jacques HOELTZEL
| | | | | | /-N.N. FREISS
| | | | | \-Anna FREISS
| | | | /-Philippe HOELTZEL
| | | | | | /-Jacques ZILLER
| | | | | | /-Jean Philippe ZILLER
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | \-Marguerite ZILLER
| | | | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | | | \-Anna SCHAN ; CLOSSIN
| | | | | \-Anne GASS
| | | | /-Georges HOELTZEL
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges FOURNAISE
| | | | | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | | | \-Élisabeth FOURNAISE
| | | | | | /-Hector DE CREQUY
| | | | | | /-Adrien DE CREQUY
| | | | | | | \-Françoise DE LICQUES
| | | | | | /-Henri CREQUY
| | | | | | | | /-François DE MONCHY
| | | | | | | \-Charlotte DE MONCHY
| | | | | | | \-Claude DE CREQUY
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine CRIQUI
| | | | | | /-Georges WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude WINDT
| | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | \-Élisabeth HOELTZEL
| | | | /-Antoine KIEFFER
| | | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | | \-Marguerite ZELLER
| \-Anne KAUPP
| | /-Jean GRUN
| | /-Martin GRUN
| | | | /-Laurent Jean WECKEL
| | | | /-Diebold WECKEL
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | /-Antoine WECKEL
| | | | | \-Marie ZIMER
| | | \-Catherine WECKEL
| | | | /-Thomas KELLER
| | | \-Éve KELLER
| | | \-Marguerite MESSNER
| | /-Joseph GRUN
| | | \-Maria Anna SCHÖNFELDER
| | /-Jean GRUN
| | | | /-Jean KLEINKLAUS
| | | | /-Théobald KLEINKLAUS
| | | | /-François KLEINCLAUS
| | | | | | /-André DAUL
| | | | | \-Catherine DAUL
| | | | | | /-Adam LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Éve LEHMANN
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | \-Barbara KLEINCLAUS
| | | | /-Georges FUCHS
| | | | /-Jean FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Georges WOLFF
| | | | | \-Barbara WOLFF
| | | | | \-Marguerite MENN
| | | \-Marie FUCHS
| | | | /-Georges DEISER
| | | \-Marguerite DISSER
| | | \-Marguerite ADAM
| \-Gertrude GRUN
| | /-Joseph CLAUS
| \-Gertrude CLAUS
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Jean KEUTH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Hannß-Michel KEUTH
| | | | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Anne WEBER
| | | | /-Martzolff VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie VOLTZ
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Jean KEITH
| | | | /-Martin HUSS
| | | \-Marie HUSS
| | | \-Éve WENDLING
| \-Anne-Marie KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | /-André KEITH
| | | \-Marie N.N.
| | /-Georges KEITH
| | | \-Elisabeth GERING
| | /-Jean KEITH
| | | \-Odile WENDLING
| \-Odile KEITH
| | /-Laurent HEINTZ
| | /-(Heitz) Lorentz HEINTZ
| | | \-N.N. N.N.
| \-Ursule HEINTZ
| | /-Andres MUETZ
| \-Éva MUETZ
| | /-Ostermannn SCHAEFFER
| | /-Jean HEINTZ
| | /-Jean HEINTZ
| | | \-Anne GUTE
| | /-Jean-Aloyse HEINTZ
| | | | /-Barnabé BENOIST
| | | | /-Pierre BENOIST
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | \-Catherine BENOIST
| | | | /-Melchior STEINBACH
| | | \-Anne Marie STEINBACH
| | | \-Odile HEITZ
| | /-Louis HEINTZ
| | | | /-Joseph STEINER
| | | | /-Georges STEINER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges OHL
| | | | | \-Barbara OHL
| | | | | \-Anna WENCKER
| | | | /-Joseph STEINER
| | | | | \-Catherine METZGER
| | | | /-François STEINER
| | | | | | /-Caspar ROTHGERBER
| | | | | \-Barbara ROTHGERBER
| | | | | \-Catherine SIEGEL
| | | \-Thérèse STEINER
| | | | /-Jacques ANDRESEN
| | | | /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
| | | | /-Michel ADAM
| | | | | | /-Thiébaud GUTH
| | | | | \-Marguerite GUTH
| | | | /-Jean-Adam ADAM
| | | | | | /-Wendling KIRSCH
| | | | | | /-Lux KIRSCH
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | | | \-Marguerite KIRSCH
| | | | | | /-Wolfgang SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Odile SCHNEPP
| | | | | \-Anna N.N.
| | | | /-Georges ADAM
| | | | | | /-Georges MARTZ
| | | | | \-Brigitte MARTZ
| | | | | \-Christine KLINGHAMMER
| | | \-Catherine ADAM
| | | | /-François Michel Ou Jean Michel NIESS
| | | \-Catherine NIESS
| | | | /-Jean Michel FAESSEL
| | | \-Barbara FESSLER
| | | \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
| | /-Jean Aloyse HEINTZ
| | | | /-Henri PIERRON
| | | | /-Louis PIERRON
| | | | | | /-François-Urbain LOLL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie LOLL
| | | | | | /-Michel (de Hochfelden) SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER
| | | | | | /-Joseph KREMER
| | | | | \-Marie KREMMER
| | | | | \-Éva HANS
| | | \-Thérèse PIERRON
| | | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | /-André RIEMER
| | | | | \-Catherine HOUDE
| | | | /-Caspar RIEMER
| | | | | \-Gertrude VOGEL
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques RIEMER
| | | | | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | | /-Jacques SCHWOERER
| | | | | | /-Martin SCHWOERER
| | | | | | | | /-Christian WINTERHALTER
| | | | | | | \-Anne WINTERHALTER
| | | | | \-Éva SCHWOERER
| | | | | | /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
| | | | | \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
| | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | | /-Jean WEBER
| | | | | \-Éve WEBER
| | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | \-Gertrude RIEMER
| | | | /-Mathieu ADAM
| | | | /-Michel ADAM
| | | | | \-Madeleine WOLFF
| | | \-Odile ADAM
| | | | /-Simon LEMMEL
| | | | /-Samuel LEMMEL
| | | | | \-Ursule N.N.
| | | | /-Michel LEMMEL
| | | | | | /-Wendling VOEGELIN
| | | | | \-Marie VOEGELIN
| | | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | \-Marie Barbe LEMMEL
| | | | /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
| | | | /-Jean FOURNAISE
| | | | /-Jean-Georges FOURNAISE
| | | | | \-Catherine HANCTIN
| | | \-Catherine FOURNAISE
| | | | /-Jean BOSS
| | | \-Catherine BOSS
| | | \-Catherine OSTER
| \-Thérèse HEINTZ
| | /-Michel WEBER
| | /-Michel WEBER
| | | \-Gertrude KIEFFER
| | /-Michel WEBER
| | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | /-Laurent FAESSEL
| | | | | | /-Pancrace SCHWARTZ
| | | | | \-Brigitte SCHWARTZ
| | | | | \-Maria N.N.
| | | \-Marie Élisabeth FAESSEL
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | /-Jean ROOS
| | | | | \-N.N. N.N.
| | | | /-Jacques ROOS
| | | | | \-Ottilia N.N.
| | | \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
| | | | /-Henri QUIRIN
| | | | /-Claude QUIRIN
| | | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | | \-Anna QUIRIN
| | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | /-Mathias WEBER
| | | | /-Pierre GOETZ
| | | \-Madeleine GOETZ
| | | | /-Diebolt WENDLING
| | | | /-Antoine WENDLING
| | | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | | /-Simon ULRICH
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | | \-Anna ULRICH
| | | | | | /-Jean RUNTZ
| | | | | \-Anna RUNTZ
| | | | | \-Maria MEYER
| | | \-Catherine WENDLING
| | | | /-Jean SCHEER
| | | \-Anne SCHEER
| | | | /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| | | | | \-Anna GUTH
| | | \-Anna SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-André KIEFFER
| | | \-Marguerite KIEFFER
| | | \-Appolonia WEINLING
| | /-Joseph WEBER
| | | | /-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Bartholomé TRIER
| | | | | \-Anna TRIER
| | | | | \-Agnès RIPP
| | | | /-Jean Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Christian ROTH
| | | | | | /-Adolph ROTH
| | | | | | /-Jean ROTH
| | | | | | | | /-Jean CLAUS
| | | | | | | \-Barbara CLAUS
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | | | \-Marguerite ROTH
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques BUB
| | | | | \-Suzanne BUB
| | | | | \-Catherine KAPP
| | | | /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Gabriel BRUCKER
| | | | | | /-Antoine BRUCKER
| | | | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Georges LUTZ
| | | | | | | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Catherine LUTZ
| | | | | | | \-Anna HATT
| | | | | \-Marie-Catherine BRUCKER
| | | | | | /-Jean Jacques GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | | | | /-Nicolas GRASSER
| | | | | | | | /-Thiébaud BAUMER
| | | | | | | \-Brigitte BAUMER
| | | | | | | \-Catherine GRASSER
| | | | | \-Maria GRASSER
| | | | | | /-Michel ULRICH
| | | | | \-Catherine ULRICH
| | | | | | /-Simon HAMBACH
| | | | | \-Madeleine ROTHAN
| | | | | \-Brigitte N.N.
| | | \-Thérèse FUCHS
| | | | /-André LANG
| | | \-Élisabeth LANG
| | | \-Anne Marie PAULUS
| \-Thérèse WEBER
| | /-Joseph KIRST
| | /-François-Joseph KIRST
| | | \-Marguerite BAEHR
| \-Catherine KIRCH
| | /-N.N. WALTER
| | /-Philippe WALTER
| | /-Francis WALTER
| | | \-Élisabeth KLEIN
| | /-Francis WALTER
| | | \-Anna DESCHLER
| | /-Simon WALTER
| | | \-Élisabeth GERBER
| \-Marie-Anne WALTER
| \-Madeleine WINCKEL
| /-Édouard EICHMULLER
\-Salomé BRUMTER
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Claude OTT
| /-Michel WEINLING
| /-Jean WINLING
| | \-Barbara MEYER
| /-Jean-Michel WINLING
| | | /-Christian LUHMANN
| | \-Élisabeth LUHMANN
| | \-Catherine LIENHARD
| /-Joseph WINLING
| | | /-Jean Georges SCHMITTBERGER
| | | /-Wilhelm SCHMITTBERGER
| | \-Élisabeth SCHMITTBERGER
| | | /-Jean-Pierre MAGNIGAN
| | \-Eva MAGNIGAN
| | \-Anne-Marie BILLIN
| /-Philippe WINLING
| | \-Marguerite DENU
| /-Philippe WINLING
| | | /-Joseph BRUDER
| | \-Marie-Anne BRUDER
| | | /-Balthasar NAGEL
| | | /-Jean NAGEL
| | | | \-Marie LAUBACHER
| | | /-Joseph NAGEL
| | | | | /-Joseph SCHWAB
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHWAB
| | | | \-Anne-Marie STEINER
| | \-Adèle NAGEL
| | | /-Jacques ECK
| | \-Gertrude ECK
| | \-Anna WINCKLER
| /-Philippe WINLING
| | | /-Georges STIERER
| | \-Élisabeth STIERER
| | \-Catherine STEFFAN
| /-Émile WINLING
| | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | \-Gertrud SCHLUSSLER
| | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | /-Pierre OBER
| | | | | /-Jean OBER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie OBERER
| | | | | /-Balthasar OBER
| | | | | | | /-Martin STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-(Marie) Marguerite STEINMETZ
| | | | | | \-Cunégonde MEYER
| | | | \-Catherine OBER
| | | | | /-Jacques LINDER
| | | | | /-Laurent LINDER
| | | | | | \-Catharina MARTIN
| | | | \-Catherine LINDER
| | | | | /-Jean SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | \-Anne BARTH
| | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | | /-Antoine HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Étienne HELMER
| | | | | | | /-Jean LIENHARD
| | | | | | \-Gertrude LIENHARD
| | | | \-Anne-Marie HELMER
| | | | | /-Balthasar SCHALCK
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | | | | \-Marie N.N.
| | | | | /-Michel SCHALCK
| | | | | | | /-Jean GOETZ
| | | | | | \-Ève GOETZ
| | | | | | \-Marie OHLMULLER
| | | | \-Marie Anne SCHALCK
| | | | | /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
| | | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | | \-Brigitte STUMPF
| | | | \-Barbara BERENBACH
| | | | | /-Jean LUTZ
| | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | | \-Suzanne JUNG
| | \-Caroline BALTZ
| | | /-Vit WEISS
| | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | /-Michel WEISS
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | \-Catherine HELMER
| | | | \-Régine SCHMID
| | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | /-Jean Stéphane SCHMITT
| | | | | /-Jean Étienne SCHMITT
| | | | \-Gertrude SCHMITT
| | | | | /-Bartholomé MULLER
| | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | \-Gertrude FILTZ
| | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | /-Georges HABERSTROH
| | | | | /-Mathieu HABERSTROH
| | | | | | \-Salomé ARNOLD
| | | | | /-Jean Adam HABERSTROH
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie BALSER
| | | | \-Thérèse HABERSTROH
| | | | \-Éléonore KASTNER
| | \-Thérèse WEISS
| | | /-Beat FUCHS
| | | /-Jean FUCHS
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | /-Joseph FUCHS
| | | | \-Anne-Marie GANDER
| | | /-Georges FUCHS
| | | | | /-Pierre MICHEL
| | | | | /-Jean-Pierre MICHEL
| | | | | | \-Catherine SOL
| | | | \-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | | /-Jean DEISS
| | | | \-Catherine DEISS
| | | | \-Marguerite BORTZMEYER
| | \-Marie-Anne FUCHS
| | | /-Jean SPIEGLER
| | \-Catherine SPIEGLER
| | \-Gertrude HESS
| /-Alfred WINLING
| | | /-Victor FUCHS
| | \-Agathe FUCHS
| | \-Émilie SCHERMESSER
| /-Jean-Paul WINLING
| | | /-Michel BEYL
| | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | \-Marguerite KÜNER
| | | /-Jacques BEIL
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Marie-Barbara PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie Hélène Madeleine DENTINGER
| | | | \-Marie EISENMANN
| | | /-Antoine BEILL
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges KLEHAMMER
| | | | | /-Jean Adam KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | \-Ursule DIEL
| | | | \-Anna-Maria KLEHAMMER
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | | \-Madeleine JAEGER
| | | | \-Marguerite SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Anne Cunégonde GEIST
| | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | | /-Jacques SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | | \-Madeleine JAEGER
| | | | | /-Jean-Valentin SCHENCK
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Anne Cunégonde GEIST
| | | | | /-François (Valentin) SCHENCK
| | | | | | | /-Valentin KOCHER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Valentin KOCHER
| | | | | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine KOCHER
| | | | | | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine ARBOGAST
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | \-Anne-Marie Richarde SCHENCK
| | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques DENTINGER
| | | | | | \-Catherine Marguerite KEYSER
| | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Jonas PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Catherine HOFFARTH
| | | | \-Marguerite DENTINGER
| | | | | /-Nicolas FIX
| | | | \-Éva FIX
| | | | | /-Pierre STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | \-Marguerite MEHL
| | | /-Louis BEILL
| | | | | /-Antoine PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Marguerite KLEHAMMER
| | | /-Joseph BEILL
| | | | | /-Jacques BALL
| | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | \-Anna BALL
| | | | | /-Mathias BALL
| | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | /-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | /-Johannes JENTZER
| | | | | | \-Maria-Eva JENTZER
| | | | | /-Bernard BALL
| | | | | | | /-André STOLL
| | | | | | | /-Paulus STOLL
| | | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie RUMLER
| | | | | | \-Anna-Catharina Catherine STOLL
| | | | | | | /-Conrad BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | /-Johannes-Conrad BISCHOFF
| | | | | | \-Eva BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | /-Jean KIRSCHNER
| | | | | | \-Anne Catherine KIRSCHNER
| | | | | /-Jean BALL
| | | | | | | /-Joseph EISSENMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Bernard EISENMANN
| | | | | | | | | /-André LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | \-Éva LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | | \-Anna PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marguerite EISENMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges Georg Ou Jorg SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Antoine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | \-Elisabetha N.N.
| | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean MEYER
| | | | | | | /-Melchior MEYER
| | | | | | | | \-Marie Élisabeth FRIDERICH
| | | | | | \-Agathe MEYER
| | | | | | \-Madeleine WINDERHOLDER
| | | | \-Barbe BALL
| | | | | /-Jacques BALL
| | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | \-Anna BALL
| | | | | /-Paul BALL
| | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | /-Michel BALL
| | | | | | | /-Jacques GEIST
| | | | | | \-Eva GEIST
| | | | | | \-Anna-Ursula PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-François-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | /-N.N. SCHENCK
| | | | | | | /-Jean SCHENCK
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara FREY? ; GREYER?
| | | | | | \-Madeleine SCHENCK
| | | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | | | | \-Marie-Ève HOFFARTH
| | | | | | | /-Pierre DITZ ; DIEZ
| | | | | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BALL
| | | | | /-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Jean PHILIPPS
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | /-Jacques STOLL
| | | | | | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | | | | | \-Marguerite N.N.
| | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | | | | | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | | | | | /-Jean CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | | \-Anne-Catherine N.N.
| | | | \-Marie-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | /-Jean-Laurent EICHELBRENNER
| | | | \-Anne Marguerite EICHELBRENNER
| | | | | /-Albrecht LEDER
| | | | \-Anne-Catherine LEDER
| | | | \-Anna-Catharina N.N.
| | \-Joséphine BEILL
| | | /-François Joseph SIGRIST
| | | /-Jean-Michel SIGRIST
| | | | \-Odile DURNY
| | | /-Léonard SIGRIST
| | | | | /-Balthazar SUTTER
| | | | \-Madeleine SUTTER
| | | | \-Catherine KLOCK
| | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | \-Marie Hélène BINDNER
| | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | | /-Joseph AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-Jacques AMRHEIN
| | | | | | \-Anne SCHARER
| | | | | /-Jean-Adam AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | /-Georges WERNERT
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| | | | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | | | | /-Michel AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | /-Caspar KLINGLER
| | | | | | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | | | | | \-Élisabeth RITTMANN
| | | | | | \-Christine KLINGER
| | | | | | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | | | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | | | \-Anne Marie ECK
| | | | | /-Sébastien AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | /-Michel ECK
| | | | | | \-Madeleine ECK
| | | | | | \-Catherine BATT
| | | | \-Véronique AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges BURGER
| | | | | /-André BURGER
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | | /-Joseph BURGER
| | | | | | | /-Clément ECKERT
| | | | | | \-Catherine ECKER
| | | | | | \-Marie-Anne CHRIST
| | | | \-Madeleine BURGER
| | | | \-Madeleine WACKERT
| | \-Caroline SIGRIST
| | | /-Caspar KLINGLER
| | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | \-Élisabeth RITTMANN
| | | /-Henri KLINGER
| | | | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | \-Anne Marie ECK
| | | /-André KLINGLER
| | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Jean Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude STEPHAN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | \-Catherine HECKER
| | | /-Jean-Michel KLINGER
| | | | | /-Michel SCHWARTZ
| | | | | /-Jean-Georges SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | \-Catherine WEITZMANN
| | | | | /-Joseph SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | /-Mathias HELLER
| | | | | | \-Élisabeth HELLER
| | | | | | \-Anna KESSLER
| | | | \-Marie Barbe SCHWARTZ
| | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Adam BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | \-Marguerite BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Jean-Michel STEPHAN
| | | | \-Anne-Marie STEPHAN
| | | | \-Marie GERLACHER
| | | /-Antoine KLINGER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | \-Madeleine KLINGER
| | | /-Jean-Georges HEILMANN
| | | /-Joseph HEILMANN
| | | | \-Marie-Anne OTT
| | | /-Michel HEILMANN
| | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Gertrude N. N.
| | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | | | /-Jean STEPHAN
| | | | | | \-Gertrude STEPHAN
| | | | | | \-Marie BOTZ
| | | | \-Catherine BUCHERT
| | | | | /-Jean MORIZ
| | | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | | | \-Bénédicte WEBER
| | | | \-Agnès MORITZ
| | | | \-Anne FASSEL
| | \-Marie-Anne HEILMANN
| | \-Marie-Anne SIEGEL
\-Marguerite WINLING
| /-Philippe AUGST
| /-Philippe AUGST
| | \-Élisabeth MARC
| /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | /-Antoine SINGER
| | \-Élisabeth SINGER
| | \-Catherine ROMER
| /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | /-Jean Henri KUHN
| | | /-Henri KUHN
| | | | \-Marie Marguerite CROMER
| | \-Anne-Marie KUHN
| | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | | \-Odile N.N.
| | | /-Jean-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | /-Jacques PFOHL
| | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | | /-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | | \-Christine STOLL
| | \-Richarde MERCKEL
| | | /-Jean Sr BATT
| | | /-Jean BATT
| | | | \-Odile BRENNER
| | | /-Jacques BATT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie WALTER
| | \-Marguerite BATT
| | | /-Jean MORIZ
| | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | \-Bénédicte WEBER
| | \-Anne Marguerite MORITZ
| | \-Anne FASSEL
| /-Eugène AUGST
| /-Jacques Frédéric AUGST
| | \-Caroline GUHMANN
\-Marie Jeanne AUGST
| | \-Barbara BECK
| /-Jean-Michel ATZENHOFFER
| | | /-Michel FREY
| | \-Ève FREY
| | | /-Wendel BERNHARD
| | \-Marie BERNHART
| | | /-Antoine VON HATTEN
| | | /-Claudius VON HATTEN
| | | | | /-Claude GAUTIER
| | | | \-Marie GAUTIER
| | | | \-Élisabeth N.N.
| | \-Anne-Marie VON HATTEN
| | \-Odile MADERER
| /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | /-Pierre MESSNER
| | | /-Jean-Georges MESSNER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
| | \-Madeleine MESSNER
| | \-Madeleine WEBER
| | | /-Mathieu GANDER
| | | /-Martin GANDER
| | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | /-Jean BERESWIL
| | | | \-Barbe BERESWIL
| | | /-Jean Georges GANDER
| | | | | /-Mathieu LEHMANN
| | | | \-Marguerite LEHMANN
| | | | \-Barbe GITTER
| | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | \-Barbe KIEFFER
| | | | \-Brigitte KRIEGER
| | \-Barbe GANDER
| | | /-Abraham GILY
| | | /-Mathias JULLY
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | | \-Margaritha BEELER
| | | | \-Maria Barbara SCHULER
| | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | \-Madeleine JULLY
| | | /-Georges GOLDBRONN
| | | /-Jean Wendelin GOLDBRONN
| | | | \-Marie NIESING
| | \-Anne Marie GOLDBRONN
| | \-Ursula MULLER
| | | /-Martin MULLER
| | | /-Joseph MULLER
| | | | | /-Jean RITT
| | | | | /-Mathias RITT
| | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| | | | | /-Laurent RITT
| | | | | | | /-Mebs MATZ
| | | | | | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | | | | | | \-Apollonia HAUSCH
| | | | | | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | | | | | /-Jean Henri BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | | | \-Catherine ZIEGLER
| | | | \-Catherine RITT
| | | | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | | | \-Marie HAMMER
| | | | | /-Jean REYMANN
| | | | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Marguerite SONNTAG
| | | | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Barbe REYMANN
| | | | | /-Adam HEITZ
| | | | \-Éve HEITZ
| | | | \-Anne Marie VOEGLER
| | \-Marie-Anne MULLER
| | | /-Georges LECHNER
| | | /-Sébastien LECHNER
| | | | | /-Martin KINCKH
| | | | \-Anne Marie KINCKH
| | | | | /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Marie-Madeleine GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
| | | /-Sébastien LECHNER
| | | | | /-Jean RITT
| | | | | /-Mathias RITT
| | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| | | | \-Barbara RITT
| | | | | /-Mebs MATZ
| | | | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | | | | \-Apollonia HAUSCH
| | | | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | | | /-Jean Henri BUCHERT
| | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | \-Catherine ZIEGLER
| | \-Madeleine LECHNER
| | | /-Jean WINLING
| | | /-Jean WINLING
| | \-Catherine WINLING
| | | /-Joseph ISSENMANN
| | \-Catherine ISSENMANN
\-Marguerite ATZENHOFFER
| /-Jean RITT
| /-Mathias RITT
| | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| /-Laurent RITT
| | | /-Mebs MATZ
| | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | | \-Apollonia HAUSCH
| | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | /-Jean Henri BUCHERT
| | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | \-Catherine ZIEGLER
| /-Joseph RITT
| | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | \-Marie HAMMER
| | | /-Jean REYMANN
| | | | | /-Jean SONNTAG
| | | | \-Marguerite SONNTAG
| | | | \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
| | \-Barbe REYMANN
| | | /-Adam HEITZ
| | \-Éve HEITZ
| | \-Anne Marie VOEGLER
| /-Georges RITT
| | | /-Michel KLIPFEL
| | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | | /-Jean Joseph KLIPFEL
| | | | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | | | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| | \-Catherine "Anne-Marie" KLIPFEL
| | | /-Christian ROLLI
| | | /-Jean Pierre ROLLI
| | | | \-Marie Éva DUBS
| | \-Marie Ève ROLLI
| | | /-Jean WINCKLER
| | \-Marguerite WINCKLER
| | \-Barbara MAEUSSLIN
| /-Joseph RITT
| | | /-Martin MOSER
| | | /-Georges MOSER
| | | | \-Ève BECK
| | | /-Caspar MOSER
| | | | | /-Bénédict AMRHEIN
| | | | \-Marguerite AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | | | \-Anne Marguerite GROSS
| | | | \-Anne Marie ECK
| | | /-Joseph MOSSER
| | | | | /-Michel CLAUS
| | | | | /-Jacques CLAUSS
| | | | \-Élisabeth CLAUSS
| | | | | /-Adam FUCHS
| | | | \-Élisabeth FUCHS
| | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | \-Barbe MOSSER
| | | /-Mathieu LEHMANN
| | | /-François LEHMANN
| | | | \-Barbe GITTER
| | | /-Simon LEHMANN
| | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KAISER
| | | | \-Marie KAISER
| | | | \-Marguerite HÄTTISCH
| | \-Catherine LEHMANN
| | \-Barbara ZUGMEYER
\-Madeleine RITT
| /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Rodolphe FINDLING
| | \-Anne-Marie FINDLING
| /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Joseph AMRHEIN
| | | /-Jean AMRHEIN
| | | | \-Anne SCHARER
| | | /-Christian AMRHEIN
| | | | | /-Pierre STRUDINGER
| | | | \-Madeleine STUDINGER
| | | | \-Anne N.N.
| | \-Gertrude AMRHEIN
| | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | \-Anne-Marie HELMER
| | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| /-Xavier SCHNEIDER
| | | /-Wilhelm LANDER
| | | /-Joseph LANDER
| | | | \-Marie ROSCH
| | | /-Pierre LANDER
| | | | | /-Pierre MORITZ
| | | | \-Ève MORITZ
| | \-Catherine LANDER
| | | /-Michel KLIPFEL
| | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | | | \-Catherine N.N.
| | | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | | | \-Gertrude N.N.
| | \-Catherine KLIPFEL
| | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | \-Anne PHILIPPS
\-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| /-Michel KLIPFEL
| /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | \-Catherine N.N.
| /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | /-Georges GOETZ
| | \-Éva GOETZ
| | \-Gertrude N.N.
| /-Michel KLIPFEL
| | | /-André HALLMEYER
| | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | \-Anne HERRISCH
| | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | \-Anne PHILIPPS
| /-Joseph KLIPFEL
| | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | \-Catherine DISSEL
| | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | /-Sébastien REYMANN
| | | | \-Marie HAMMER
| | \-Anne Barbara REYMANN
| | \-Catherine SOL
\-Madeleine KLIPFEL
| /-Jean FREYSS
| /-Jean FREISS
| | \-Anne FINCK
| /-Joseph FREISS
| | | /-Benedict GROSS
| | \-Gertrude GROSS
| | \-Anne Marie ECK
| /-Martin FREISS
| | | /-Georges WERNERT
| | | /-Jean WERNERT
| | | | \-Catherine KIEFFER
| | \-Anne WERNERT
| | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | \-Marguerite KLIPFEL
| | \-Éva GOETZ
\-Hélène FREYSS
| /-Pierre KEMPF
| /-Jean-Georges KEMPF
| | \-Élisabeth TUBA
\-Catherine KEMPF
| /-Adam FUCHS
\-Barbara N.N.
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
=Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Claude OTT
/-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| | /-Jean WINLING
| | /-Jean-Michel WINLING
| | | \-Élisabeth LUHMANN
| | /-Joseph WINLING
| | | | /-Wilhelm SCHMITTBERGER
| | | \-Élisabeth SCHMITTBERGER
| | | \-Eva MAGNIGAN
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | \-Marguerite DENU
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | | /-Joseph BRUDER
| | | \-Marie-Anne BRUDER
| | | | /-Jean NAGEL
| | | | /-Joseph NAGEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHWAB
| | | \-Adèle NAGEL
| | | | /-Jacques ECK
| | | \-Gertrude ECK
| | | \-Anna WINCKLER
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | | /-Georges STIERER
| | | \-Élisabeth STIERER
| | | \-Catherine STEFFAN
| | /-Émile WINLING
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | \-Gertrud SCHLUSSLER
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean OBER
| | | | | | /-Balthasar OBER
| | | | | | | \-(Marie) Marguerite STEINMETZ
| | | | | \-Catherine OBER
| | | | | | /-Laurent LINDER
| | | | | \-Catherine LINDER
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | /-Antoine HELMER
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Étienne HELMER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean LIENHARD
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude LIENHARD
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HELMER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHALCK
| | | | | | | \-Ève GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marie Anne SCHALCK
| | | | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | \-Barbara BERENBACH
| | | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | \-Caroline BALTZ
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | /-Michel WEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine HELMER
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | | /-Jean Étienne SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Gertrude SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | | /-Mathieu HABERSTROH
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam HABERSTROH
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie BALSER
| | | | | \-Thérèse HABERSTROH
| | | | | \-Éléonore KASTNER
| | | \-Thérèse WEISS
| | | | /-Jean FUCHS
| | | | /-Joseph FUCHS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie GANDER
| | | | /-Georges FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine DEISS
| | | \-Marie-Anne FUCHS
| | | | /-Jean SPIEGLER
| | | \-Catherine SPIEGLER
| | | \-Gertrude HESS
| | /-Alfred WINLING
| | | | /-Victor FUCHS
| | | \-Agathe FUCHS
| | | \-Émilie SCHERMESSER
| | /-Jean-Paul WINLING
| | | | /-Michel BEYL
| | | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KÜNER
| | | | /-Jacques BEIL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marie-Barbara PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marie Hélène Madeleine DENTINGER
| | | | /-Antoine BEILL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | | \-Ursule DIEL
| | | | | \-Anna-Maria KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | | /-Jean-Valentin SCHENCK
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-François (Valentin) SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Valentin KOCHER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine KOCHER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine ARBOGAST
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie Richarde SCHENCK
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques DENTINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marguerite DENTINGER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FIX
| | | | | \-Éva FIX
| | | | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Louis BEILL
| | | | | | /-Antoine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEHAMMER
| | | | /-Joseph BEILL
| | | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | /-Mathias BALL
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | | /-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Johannes JENTZER
| | | | | | | \-Maria-Eva JENTZER
| | | | | | /-Bernard BALL
| | | | | | | | /-André STOLL
| | | | | | | | /-Paulus STOLL
| | | | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie RUMLER
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Catharina Catherine STOLL
| | | | | | | | /-Johannes-Conrad BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | \-Eva BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | \-Anne Catherine KIRSCHNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Joseph EISSENMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Bernard EISENMANN
| | | | | | | | | | /-André LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Éva LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Anna PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite EISENMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges Georg Ou Jorg SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Antoine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | | \-Elisabetha N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Melchior MEYER
| | | | | | | \-Agathe MEYER
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine WINDERHOLDER
| | | | | \-Barbe BALL
| | | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | /-Paul BALL
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | | /-Michel BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques GEIST
| | | | | | | \-Eva GEIST
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Ursula PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-François-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Jean SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara FREY? ; GREYER?
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Ève HOFFARTH
| | | | | | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BALL
| | | | | | /-Jean PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | | | | | | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Laurent EICHELBRENNER
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite EICHELBRENNER
| | | | | | /-Albrecht LEDER
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine LEDER
| | | | | \-Anna-Catharina N.N.
| | | \-Joséphine BEILL
| | | | /-François Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SIGRIST
| | | | | \-Odile DURNY
| | | | /-Léonard SIGRIST
| | | | | | /-Balthazar SUTTER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SUTTER
| | | | | \-Catherine KLOCK
| | | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | | \-Marie Hélène BINDNER
| | | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | | | /-Jacques AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Adam AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Michel AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | | | | \-Christine KLINGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | | | /-Sébastien AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | | /-Michel ECK
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine ECK
| | | | | | | \-Catherine BATT
| | | | | \-Véronique AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges BURGER
| | | | | | /-André BURGER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Joseph BURGER
| | | | | | | | /-Clément ECKERT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine ECKER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Anne CHRIST
| | | | | \-Madeleine BURGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine WACKERT
| | | \-Caroline SIGRIST
| | | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | /-Henri KLINGER
| | | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | /-André KLINGLER
| | | | | | /-Jean Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Catherine HECKER
| | | | /-Jean-Michel KLINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Joseph SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth HELLER
| | | | | \-Marie Barbe SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Adam BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Marguerite BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie STEPHAN
| | | | /-Antoine KLINGER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | | \-Madeleine KLINGER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HEILMANN
| | | | /-Joseph HEILMANN
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne OTT
| | | | /-Michel HEILMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude STEPHAN
| | | | | \-Catherine BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | | \-Agnès MORITZ
| | | | | \-Anne FASSEL
| | | \-Marie-Anne HEILMANN
| | | \-Marie-Anne SIEGEL
| \-Marguerite WINLING
| | /-Philippe AUGST
| | /-Philippe AUGST
| | | \-Élisabeth MARC
| | /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | | /-Antoine SINGER
| | | \-Élisabeth SINGER
| | | \-Catherine ROMER
| | /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | | /-Jean Henri KUHN
| | | | /-Henri KUHN
| | | | | \-Marie Marguerite CROMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KUHN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | /-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | | | \-Christine STOLL
| | | \-Richarde MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean BATT
| | | | /-Jacques BATT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WALTER
| | | \-Marguerite BATT
| | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | \-Anne Marguerite MORITZ
| | | \-Anne FASSEL
| | /-Eugène AUGST
| | /-Jacques Frédéric AUGST
| | | \-Caroline GUHMANN
| \-Marie Jeanne AUGST
| | /-Joseph ATZENHOFFER
| | | \-Barbara BECK
| | /-Jean-Michel ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Michel FREY
| | | \-Ève FREY
| | | \-Marie BERNHART
| | /-Jean-Adam ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Antoine VON HATTEN
| | | | /-Claudius VON HATTEN
| | | | | \-Marie GAUTIER
| | | \-Anne-Marie VON HATTEN
| | | \-Odile MADERER
| | /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MESSNER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MESSNER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
| | | \-Madeleine MESSNER
| | | \-Madeleine WEBER
| | /-Antoine ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Martin GANDER
| | | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | \-Barbe BERESWIL
| | | | /-Jean Georges GANDER
| | | | | | /-Mathieu LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Marguerite LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Barbe GITTER
| | | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Barbe KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Brigitte KRIEGER
| | | \-Barbe GANDER
| | | | /-Abraham GILY
| | | | /-Mathias JULLY
| | | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | \-Maria Barbara SCHULER
| | | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | | \-Madeleine JULLY
| | | | /-Georges GOLDBRONN
| | | | /-Jean Wendelin GOLDBRONN
| | | | | \-Marie NIESING
| | | \-Anne Marie GOLDBRONN
| | | \-Ursula MULLER
| | /-Aloyse ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Martin MULLER
| | | | /-Joseph MULLER
| | | | | | /-Jean RITT
| | | | | | /-Mathias RITT
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| | | | | | /-Laurent RITT
| | | | | | | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Catherine RITT
| | | | | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean REYMANN
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite SONNTAG
| | | | | \-Barbe REYMANN
| | | | | | /-Adam HEITZ
| | | | | \-Éve HEITZ
| | | | | \-Anne Marie VOEGLER
| | | \-Marie-Anne MULLER
| | | | /-Georges LECHNER
| | | | /-Sébastien LECHNER
| | | | | | /-Martin KINCKH
| | | | | \-Anne Marie KINCKH
| | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine GRUSSENMEYER
| | | | /-Sébastien LECHNER
| | | | | | /-Jean RITT
| | | | | | /-Mathias RITT
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| | | | | \-Barbara RITT
| | | | | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | | | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | \-Madeleine LECHNER
| | | | /-Jean WINLING
| | | | /-Jean WINLING
| | | \-Catherine WINLING
| | | | /-Joseph ISSENMANN
| | | \-Catherine ISSENMANN
| \-Marguerite ATZENHOFFER
| | /-Jean RITT
| | /-Mathias RITT
| | | \-Anna-Barbara CUNTZ
| | /-Laurent RITT
| | | | /-Balthazar MATZ
| | | \-Gertrude MATZ
| | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | /-Joseph RITT
| | | | /-Valentin REYMANN
| | | | /-Jean REYMANN
| | | | | \-Marguerite SONNTAG
| | | \-Barbe REYMANN
| | | | /-Adam HEITZ
| | | \-Éve HEITZ
| | | \-Anne Marie VOEGLER
| | /-Georges RITT
| | | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | | | /-Jean Joseph KLIPFEL
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | \-Catherine "Anne-Marie" KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Christian ROLLI
| | | | /-Jean Pierre ROLLI
| | | | | \-Marie Éva DUBS
| | | \-Marie Ève ROLLI
| | | | /-Jean WINCKLER
| | | \-Marguerite WINCKLER
| | | \-Barbara MAEUSSLIN
| | /-Joseph RITT
| | | | /-Martin MOSER
| | | | /-Georges MOSER
| | | | | \-Ève BECK
| | | | /-Caspar MOSER
| | | | | | /-Bénédict AMRHEIN
| | | | | \-Marguerite AMRHEIN
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite GROSS
| | | | /-Joseph MOSSER
| | | | | | /-Michel CLAUS
| | | | | | /-Jacques CLAUSS
| | | | | \-Élisabeth CLAUSS
| | | | | | /-Adam FUCHS
| | | | | \-Élisabeth FUCHS
| | | | | \-Barbara N.N.
| | | \-Barbe MOSSER
| | | | /-Mathieu LEHMANN
| | | | /-François LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Barbe GITTER
| | | | /-Simon LEHMANN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques KAISER
| | | | | \-Marie KAISER
| | | | | \-Marguerite HÄTTISCH
| | | \-Catherine LEHMANN
| | | \-Barbara ZUGMEYER
| \-Madeleine RITT
| | /-Michel SCHNEIDER
| | /-Martin SCHNEIDER
| | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Rodolphe FINDLING
| | | \-Anne-Marie FINDLING
| | /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Jean AMRHEIN
| | | | /-Christian AMRHEIN
| | | | | \-Madeleine STUDINGER
| | | \-Gertrude AMRHEIN
| | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie HELMER
| | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | /-Xavier SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Wilhelm LANDER
| | | | /-Joseph LANDER
| | | | | \-Marie ROSCH
| | | | /-Pierre LANDER
| | | | | | /-Pierre MORITZ
| | | | | \-Ève MORITZ
| | | \-Catherine LANDER
| | | | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | | \-Catherine KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | /-Mathis KLIPFEL
| | /-Simon KLIPFEL
| | | \-Éva GOETZ
| | /-Michel KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | \-Barbara HELMER
| | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | /-Joseph KLIPFEL
| | | | /-Martin DISSEL
| | | \-Catherine DISSEL
| | | | /-Sébastien REYMANN
| | | \-Anne Barbara REYMANN
| | | \-Catherine SOL
| \-Madeleine KLIPFEL
| | /-Jean FREISS
| | /-Joseph FREISS
| | | \-Gertrude GROSS
| | /-Martin FREISS
| | | | /-Jean WERNERT
| | | \-Anne WERNERT
| | | \-Marguerite KLIPFEL
| \-Hélène FREYSS
| | /-Pierre KEMPF
| | /-Jean-Georges KEMPF
| | | \-Élisabeth TUBA
| \-Catherine KEMPF
| | /-Adam FUCHS
| \-Ève FUCHS
| \-Barbara N.N.
\-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
/-Claude OTT
/-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
| | /-Jean WINLING
| | /-Jean-Michel WINLING
| | | \-Élisabeth LUHMANN
| | /-Joseph WINLING
| | | | /-Wilhelm SCHMITTBERGER
| | | \-Élisabeth SCHMITTBERGER
| | | \-Eva MAGNIGAN
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | \-Marguerite DENU
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | | /-Joseph BRUDER
| | | \-Marie-Anne BRUDER
| | | | /-Jean NAGEL
| | | | /-Joseph NAGEL
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHWAB
| | | \-Adèle NAGEL
| | | | /-Jacques ECK
| | | \-Gertrude ECK
| | | \-Anna WINCKLER
| | /-Philippe WINLING
| | | | /-Georges STIERER
| | | \-Élisabeth STIERER
| | | \-Catherine STEFFAN
| | /-Émile WINLING
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | \-Gertrud SCHLUSSLER
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | | /-Jean OBER
| | | | | | /-Balthasar OBER
| | | | | | | \-(Marie) Marguerite STEINMETZ
| | | | | \-Catherine OBER
| | | | | | /-Laurent LINDER
| | | | | \-Catherine LINDER
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
| | | | /-Joseph BALTZ
| | | | | | /-Martin HELMER
| | | | | | /-Antoine HELMER
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Étienne HELMER
| | | | | | | | /-Jean LIENHARD
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude LIENHARD
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie HELMER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
| | | | | | /-Michel SCHALCK
| | | | | | | \-Ève GOETZ
| | | | | \-Marie Anne SCHALCK
| | | | | | /-Michel BERENBACH
| | | | | \-Barbara BERENBACH
| | | | | \-Suzanne LUTZ
| | | \-Caroline BALTZ
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | /-Michel WEISS
| | | | | \-Catherine HELMER
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | | /-Jean Étienne SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Gertrude SCHMITT
| | | | | \-Catherine MULLER
| | | | /-Joseph WEISS
| | | | | | /-Mathieu HABERSTROH
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam HABERSTROH
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie BALSER
| | | | | \-Thérèse HABERSTROH
| | | | | \-Éléonore KASTNER
| | | \-Thérèse WEISS
| | | | /-Jean FUCHS
| | | | /-Joseph FUCHS
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie GANDER
| | | | /-Georges FUCHS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine MICHEL
| | | | | \-Catherine DEISS
| | | \-Marie-Anne FUCHS
| | | | /-Jean SPIEGLER
| | | \-Catherine SPIEGLER
| | | \-Gertrude HESS
| | /-Alfred WINLING
| | | | /-Victor FUCHS
| | | \-Agathe FUCHS
| | | \-Émilie SCHERMESSER
| | /-Jean-Paul WINLING
| | | | /-Michel BEYL
| | | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | | \-Marguerite KÜNER
| | | | /-Jacques BEIL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marie-Barbara PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marie Hélène Madeleine DENTINGER
| | | | /-Antoine BEILL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | /-Jean Adam KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | | \-Ursule DIEL
| | | | | \-Anna-Maria KLEHAMMER
| | | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Marguerite SCHENCK
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | /-Antoine BEIL
| | | | | | /-Jean François SCHENCK
| | | | | | /-Jean-Valentin SCHENCK
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-François (Valentin) SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Valentin KOCHER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine KOCHER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine ARBOGAST
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie Richarde SCHENCK
| | | | | | /-Jean-Jacques DENTINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean Michel DENTINGER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marguerite DENTINGER
| | | | | | /-Nicolas FIX
| | | | | \-Éva FIX
| | | | | \-Catherine STEINMETZ
| | | | /-Louis BEILL
| | | | | | /-Antoine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Catherine PHILIPPS
| | | | | \-Marguerite KLEHAMMER
| | | | /-Joseph BEILL
| | | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | /-Mathias BALL
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | | /-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Johannes JENTZER
| | | | | | | \-Maria-Eva JENTZER
| | | | | | /-Bernard BALL
| | | | | | | | /-André STOLL
| | | | | | | | /-Paulus STOLL
| | | | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie RUMLER
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Catharina Catherine STOLL
| | | | | | | | /-Johannes-Conrad BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | \-Eva BISCHOFF
| | | | | | | \-Anne Catherine KIRSCHNER
| | | | | | /-Jean BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Joseph EISSENMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Bernard EISENMANN
| | | | | | | | | | /-André LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Éva LEHMANN
| | | | | | | | | \-Anna PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | \-Marguerite EISENMANN
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Georges Georg Ou Jorg SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Antoine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | | \-Elisabetha N.N.
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | | /-Melchior MEYER
| | | | | | | \-Agathe MEYER
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine WINDERHOLDER
| | | | | \-Barbe BALL
| | | | | | /-Valentin BALL
| | | | | | /-Paul BALL
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria DANGLER
| | | | | | /-Michel BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques GEIST
| | | | | | | \-Eva GEIST
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Ursula PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-François-Joseph BALL
| | | | | | | | /-Jean SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Michel SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | | \-Anna-Barbara FREY? ; GREYER?
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine SCHENCK
| | | | | | | | /-Jean-Pierre HOFFARTH ; HOFFART
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Ève HOFFARTH
| | | | | | | \-Appolonie DIETZ
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BALL
| | | | | | /-Jean PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Philipe Junior PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | \-Anna-Maria-Dorothea STOLL
| | | | | | /-Jean-Philippe PHILIPPS
| | | | | | | | /-Jacques ARBOGAST
| | | | | | | \-Maria-Dorothea ARBOGAST
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Catherine CASPAR
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne PHILIPPS
| | | | | | /-Jean-Laurent EICHELBRENNER
| | | | | \-Anne Marguerite EICHELBRENNER
| | | | | | /-Albrecht LEDER
| | | | | \-Anne-Catherine LEDER
| | | | | \-Anna-Catharina N.N.
| | | \-Joséphine BEILL
| | | | /-François Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | /-Jean-Michel SIGRIST
| | | | | \-Odile DURNY
| | | | /-Léonard SIGRIST
| | | | | | /-Balthazar SUTTER
| | | | | \-Madeleine SUTTER
| | | | | \-Catherine KLOCK
| | | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | | \-Marie Hélène BINDNER
| | | | /-Joseph SIGRIST
| | | | | | /-Jacques AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Adam AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie WERNERT
| | | | | | /-Michel AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | | | | \-Christine KLINGER
| | | | | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | | | /-Sébastien AMRHEIN
| | | | | | | | /-Michel ECK
| | | | | | | \-Madeleine ECK
| | | | | | | \-Catherine BATT
| | | | | \-Véronique AMRHEIN
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges BURGER
| | | | | | /-André BURGER
| | | | | | | \-Anne-Marie SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Joseph BURGER
| | | | | | | | /-Clément ECKERT
| | | | | | | \-Catherine ECKER
| | | | | | | \-Marie-Anne CHRIST
| | | | | \-Madeleine BURGER
| | | | | \-Madeleine WACKERT
| | | \-Caroline SIGRIST
| | | | /-Pierre KLINGLER
| | | | /-Henri KLINGER
| | | | | \-Odile GROSS
| | | | /-André KLINGLER
| | | | | | /-Jean Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Catherine HECKER
| | | | /-Jean-Michel KLINGER
| | | | | | /-Jean-Georges SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Joseph SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | | \-Élisabeth HELLER
| | | | | \-Marie Barbe SCHWARTZ
| | | | | | /-Adam BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Marguerite BUCHERT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie STEPHAN
| | | | /-Antoine KLINGER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
| | | \-Madeleine KLINGER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges HEILMANN
| | | | /-Joseph HEILMANN
| | | | | \-Marie-Anne OTT
| | | | /-Michel HEILMANN
| | | | | | /-Georges BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Jacques BUCHERT
| | | | | | | \-Gertrude STEPHAN
| | | | | \-Catherine BUCHERT
| | | | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | | | \-Agnès MORITZ
| | | | | \-Anne FASSEL
| | | \-Marie-Anne HEILMANN
| | | \-Marie-Anne SIEGEL
| \-Marguerite WINLING
| | /-Philippe AUGST
| | /-Philippe AUGST
| | | \-Élisabeth MARC
| | /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | | /-Antoine SINGER
| | | \-Élisabeth SINGER
| | | \-Catherine ROMER
| | /-Georges Frédéric AUGST
| | | | /-Jean Henri KUHN
| | | | /-Henri KUHN
| | | | | \-Marie Marguerite CROMER
| | | \-Anne-Marie KUHN
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | \-Anne-Marguerite PFOHL
| | | | /-Michel MERCKEL
| | | | | | /-Jean STOLL
| | | | | \-Christine STOLL
| | | \-Richarde MERCKEL
| | | | /-Jean BATT
| | | | /-Jacques BATT
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie WALTER
| | | \-Marguerite BATT
| | | | /-Ulrich MORITZ
| | | \-Anne Marguerite MORITZ
| | | \-Anne FASSEL
| | /-Eugène AUGST
| | /-Jacques Frédéric AUGST
| | | \-Caroline GUHMANN
| \-Marie Jeanne AUGST
| | /-Joseph ATZENHOFFER
| | | \-Barbara BECK
| | /-Jean-Michel ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Michel FREY
| | | \-Ève FREY
| | | \-Marie BERNHART
| | /-Jean-Adam ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Antoine VON HATTEN
| | | | /-Claudius VON HATTEN
| | | | | \-Marie GAUTIER
| | | \-Anne-Marie VON HATTEN
| | | \-Odile MADERER
| | /-Jean-Georges ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Pierre MESSNER
| | | | /-Jean-Georges MESSNER
| | | | | \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
| | | \-Madeleine MESSNER
| | | \-Madeleine WEBER
| | /-Antoine ATZENHOFFER
| | | | /-Martin GANDER
| | | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | \-Barbe BERESWIL
| | | | /-Jean Georges GANDER
| | | | | | /-Mathieu LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Marguerite LEHMANN
| | | | | \-Barbe GITTER
| | | | /-Joseph GANDER
| | | | | | /-Jacques KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Barbe KIEFFER
| | | | | \-Brigitte KRIEGER
| | | \-Barbe GANDER
| | | | /-Abraham GILY
| | | | /-Mathias JULLY
| | | | | | /-Anton SCHULER
| | | | | \-Maria Barbara SCHULER
| | | | | \-Anna Maria KRIENBÜHL
| | | \-Madeleine JULLY
| | | | /-