Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        |                                                                                         /-Georges TROESCH
        |                                                                               /-Michel TROESCH
        |                                                                               |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                                                                     /-Michel TROESCH
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Jean-Georges PAULUS
        |                                                                     |         \-Catherine PAULUS
        |                                                                     |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                                           /-Antoine TROESCH
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Lenz FAULHABER
        |                                                           |         |         /-Georges FAULHABER
        |                                                           |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                                                           |         \-Barbara FAULHABER
        |                                                           |                   \-Anne BROCK
        |                                                 /-Joseph TROESCH
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Joannes SCHAEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         /-Joseph SCHAEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Odile BAUNERT
        |                                                 |         \-Anne SCHAEFFER
        |                                                 |                   |                             /-Sontag JUNG
        |                                                 |                   |                   /-Diebold JUNG
        |                                                 |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Nicolas JUNG
        |                                                 |                   |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                                                 |                   \-Marguerite JUNG
        |                                                 |                             |                   /-Diebold Jacques HENG
        |                                                 |                             |         /-Jacques HENG
        |                                                 |                             |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                                                 |                             \-Agathe HENG
        |                                                 |                                       |         /-Diebold SCHMIDT
        |                                                 |                                       \-Marie SCHMIDT
        |                                                 |                                                 \-Éva N.N.
        |                                       /-Antoine TROESCH
        |                                       |         |                                                 /-Jean ADLOFF
        |                                       |         |                                       /-Georges ADLOFF
        |                                       |         |                                       |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                       |         |                             /-Laurent ADOLFF
        |                                       |         |                             |         \-Barbara VOLTZ
        |                                       |         |                   /-Diebold ADLOFF
        |                                       |         |                   |         \-Barbara NONNENMACHER
        |                                       |         |         /-Michel ADLOFF
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Henri CLEMENTZ
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Anna CLEMENTZ
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         /-Jean KRUMHART
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KRUMHART
        |                                       |         |         |                             |         /-Jean LORENTZ
        |                                       |         |         |                             \-Marie LORENTZ
        |                                       |         |         |                                       \-Agnès N.N.
        |                                       |         \-Anne Marie ADLOFF
        |                                       |                   |                             /-Diebolt KAPS
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Martin KAPS
        |                                       |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                       |                   |         /-Martin KAPPS
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Anna LUTZWEILLER
        |                                       |                   \-Marguerite KAPPS
        |                                       |                             |                             /-Wendling KIRSCH
        |                                       |                             |                   /-Lux KIRSCH
        |                                       |                             |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                                       |                             |         /-Laurent KIRSCH
        |                                       |                             |         |         |         /-Wolfgang SCHNEPP
        |                                       |                             |         |         \-Odile SCHNEPP
        |                                       |                             |         |                   \-Anna N.N.
        |                                       |                             \-Marie KIRSCH
        |                                       |                                       \-Marguerite HENG
        |                             /-Antoine TROESCH
        |                             |         |                                       /-Jacques SCHATZ
        |                             |         |                             /-Jean SCHATZ
        |                             |         |                             |         \-Barbara Éva N.N.
        |                             |         |                   /-Jean SCHATZ
        |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Andreas ROBIN
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Anna ROBIN
        |                             |         |                   |                   \-Anna FUHRMANN
        |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHATZ
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Jean Georges KNAB
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anna KNAB
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth RER
        |                             |         \-Brigitte SCHATZ
        |                             |                   |                                       /-Laurent WILL
        |                             |                   |                             /-Sébastien WILL
        |                             |                   |                             |         \-Catherine BAPS
        |                             |                   |                   /-Antoine WILL
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Antoine SCHNURR
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Marie SCHNURR
        |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Marthe KLEIN
        |                             |                   |         /-Georg WILL
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean GEORG
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GEORG
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Catherine GÖRGERHANS
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Christmann ZUSS
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Brigitte ZUSS
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                             |                   \-Anne Marie WILL
        |                             |                             |                             /-Jean SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                             |                   /-André SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                             |                   |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |                             |                             |         /-Jean SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean VIX
        |                             |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent VIX
        |                             |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Catherine FIX
        |                             |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                             |                             \-Barbara SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                                       |         /-Jean HELLER
        |                             |                                       \-Catherine HELLER
        |                             |                                                 |         /-Urban ALLES
        |                             |                                                 \-Odile ALLES
        |                             |                                                           \-Barbara N.N.
        |                   /-Aloise TROESCH
        |                   |         |                   /-Laurent MULLER
        |                   |         |         /-Antoine MULLER
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Martin FLEISCH
        |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine FLEISCH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jacques FRIEDRICH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             /-Cyriac FRIEDRICH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean FRIEDRICH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Simon HOLDERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie-Anne HOLDERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne FLECKSTEIN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques FRIEDRICH
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean-Michel MULLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques MULLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne LORENTZ
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite MULLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Stéphane LUX
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite LUX
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite REIM
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine FRIEDRICH
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie STORCK
        |                   |         \-Anne MULLER
        |                   |                   |                   /-Jean CLEMENTZ
        |                   |                   |         /-François CLEMENTZ
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Ludgarde HESCHUNG
        |                   |                   \-Catherine CLEMENTZ
        |                   |                             |         /-Grégoire KNAUS
        |                   |                             \-Anne KNAUS
        |                   |                                       \-Anne HEITZ
        |         /-Jean Baptiste TROESCH
        |         |         |                                                                               /-Arbogast CASPAR
        |         |         |                                                                     /-Jean CASPAR
        |         |         |                                                                     |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |                                                           /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |         |                                                           |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
        |         |         |                                                 |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean GUTH
        |         |         |                                                 |                   \-Anne GUTH
        |         |         |                                       /-Jacques CASPAR
        |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Marzolff LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   \-Catherine HOCH
        |         |         |                             /-Jacques CASPAR
        |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Théobald LAMBS
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean LAMBS
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Odile KERN
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marguerite LAMBS
        |         |         |                             |                   |                             /-Diebolt DISS
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean DISS
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Apolonia EUCHART
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Laurent DISS
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Quirin WELSCHEN
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Catherine WELSCHEN
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Julie DISS
        |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Arbogast NISIUS
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Marguerite NISIUS
        |         |         |                             |                                       \-Juliana GOETZ
        |         |         |                   /-Michel CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Jean CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   \-Anne GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Diebold CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Marzolff LORENTZ
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne LORENTZ
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Catherine HOCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Diebolt CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-André FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite WEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Ulrich MARXER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte MARXER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Odile FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques ANDRESEN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Thiébaud GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Marguerite GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-N.N. SCHMIDT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathias SCHMITT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Michel LUX
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie LUX
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara SCHMITT
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Michel FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Agathe BORNERT
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Agathe FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Diebolt MEY
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Anne MEY
        |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         /-François-Joseph CASPAR
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph FRITSCH
        |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Françoise FRITSCH
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel METZGER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie METZGER
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Thibaut STIEBER
        |         |         |         |                             \-Marie STIEBER
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Marie HUSS
        |         |         \-Élisabeth CASPAR
        |         |                   |                                                                     /-Diebolt NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                                                           /-Bernard NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                                                           |         \-Marguerite MUETZ
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Thiébaud NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                                                 |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |                                       /-Laurent NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                                       |         |                   /-Jean VIX
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Laurent VIX
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Barbara VIX
        |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |                   |                             /-Thiébaud NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Pierre STIEGLER
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean STIEGLER
        |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anna N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne Marie STIGLER
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine KLEIN
        |         |                   |                   /-Laurent NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Nicolas GUTH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-Nicolas GUTH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         \-Barbara MITTELHAUSER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean François GUTH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Vix HARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Barbara HARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |                   \-Christine LUX
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean GUTH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean ULRICH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean ULRICH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne ULRICH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Thomas GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Odile GUTH
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                             /-Lenz FAULHABER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Georges FAULHABER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   |         \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean FAULHABER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne BROCK
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne FAULHABER
        |         |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Barthel STRAUB
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Adam STRAUB
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Ottilia N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Odile STRAUB
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Ève TROESCH
        |         |                   |         /-Jean NONNENMACHER
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean HEITZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jacques HEITZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Éva N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Simon HEITZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent LUTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Odile LUTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine HAUBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Michel HEITZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas BURGER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Vitus BURGER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre MENTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne MENTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine Marguerite BURGER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Lenz FAULHABER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges FAULHABER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine FAULHABER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne BROCK
        |         |                   |         |         \-Hélène HEITZ
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Michel ROHFRITSCH
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Barbara ROHFRITSCH
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Anne-Catherine ULRICH
        |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine NONNENMACHER
        |         |                             \-Anne-Marie HEITZ
        \-N.N. TROESCH
                  |                   /-Jean ROOS
                  |         /-Jean ROOS
                  |         |         |         /-André RIEHL
                  |         |         \-Thérèse RIEHL
                  |         |                   |         /-Valentin ADAM
                  |         |                   \-Madeleine ADAM
                  |         |                             |                             /-Martin VELTEN
                  |         |                             |                   /-Michel VELTEN
                  |         |                             |         /-Michel VELTEN
                  |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean LUX
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LUX
                  |         |                             \-Marie Madeleine VELTEN
                  |         |                                       |                             /-Michel LEHMANN
                  |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques LEHMANN
                  |         |                                       |         /-Jacques LEHMANN
                  |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Marzolff LORENTZ
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Marzolf LORENTZ
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Catherine HOCH
                  |         |                                       |         |         \-Anna LORENTZ
                  |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Conrad WEINLING
                  |         |                                       |         |                   \-Anna WEINLING
                  |         |                                       |         |                             \-Brigitte LIENHART
                  |         |                                       \-Madeleine LEHMANN
                  |         |                                                 \-Catherine WEYL
                  \-Eugénie ROOS
                            |         /-Jean BECK
                            \-Rosalie BECK
                                      \-Françoise SCHWARTZ

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
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      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Michel OTT
                                                                              |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                                                              |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                                                              |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                                                              |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                                                              |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                                              |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                                                              |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                                    /-André OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Adam ROEHRY
                                                                    |         \-Ève ROEHRY
                                                                    |                   |                   /-Hanï WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                                                                    |                   \-Véronique WALTER
                                                                    |                             |         /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
                                                                    |                             \-Anne WENDEL
                                                                    |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
                                                          /-Ignace OTT
                                                          |         |                                       /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                             /-Valentin REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                             |         \-Éva ZEHN
                                                          |         |                   /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                   |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Marie TRIER
                                                          |         |                   |                   \-Agnès RIPP
                                                          |         |         /-Jean Sébastien REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |         |         |                   /-Thomas SIEGEL
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-André SIGEL
                                                          |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ERNST
                                                          |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SIEGEL
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEIM
                                                          |         \-Gertrude REIFFSTECK
                                                          |                   |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
                                                          |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                                                          |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
                                                          |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                                          |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                                          |                   \-Gertrude WENDLING
                                                          |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                                                          |                             |         /-Simon OTT
                                                          |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                          |                             \-Gertrude OTT
                                                          |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                          |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
                                                          |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                /-Ignace OTT
                                                |         |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                                                |         |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                                                |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                                                |         |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                                                |         |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                                                |         |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                                                |         |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                                                |         |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                                                |         |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                                                |         \-Barbe SCHALCK
                                                |                   |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |                   |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |                   |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                                                |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |                   \-Catherine KAPFER
                                                |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
                                                |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
                                                |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                                                |                             |         /-Jean LANG
                                                |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                                                |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                                                |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                                                |                             \-Marie-Anne LANG
                                                |                                       |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                       |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |                                       \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                                 |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                                                |                                                 \-Marie GEORG
                                                |                                                           \-Christine GRUN
                                      /-François-Antoine OTT
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jacques OHLMANN
                                      |         |                                       /-Jacques OHLMANN
                                      |         |                                       |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |                             /-Joseph OHLMANN
                                      |         |                             |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                      |         |                             |         \-Éve BRUN
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth HEINRICH
                                      |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-N.N. GRESS
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph KRESS
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie-Catherine KRESS
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie FIHL
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Salomé ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-André OTT
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Marie OTT
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Ursula URB
                                      |         |         /-Aloyse OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Henri Jean SCHLOSSER
                                      |         |         |         \-Catherine SCHLOSSER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAPP
                                      |         \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
                                      |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                             /-Joseph SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie FREYMANN
                                      |                   |                   /-François-Michel SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Frédéric GREIFF
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne GREIF
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine MARX
                                      |                   |         /-Antoine SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine ROTH
                                      |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ROTH
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne SONN
                                      |                   \-Catherine SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                             |                   /-Joseph SIES
                                      |                             |         /-Nicolas SUSS
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                                      |                             |         |         \-Anne STEINMETZ
                                      |                             \-Barbe SUSS
                                      |                                       |         /-Antoine DOLLINGER
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude DOLLINGER
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine ROHRY
                            /-Ignace OTT
                            |         |                                                                     /-Georges NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                           /-Michel NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                           |         \-Christine BASTIAN
                            |         |                                                 /-Bastien NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                 |         \-Anne Barbe GASS
                            |         |                                       /-Jean Georges NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                       |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
                            |         |                                       |         |         /-Mathieu GEBUS
                            |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
                            |         |                                       |         \-Marie GEBUS
                            |         |                             /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                             |         |                             /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |                   /-François DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Salomé N.N.
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                            |         |                             |         \-Catherine DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
                            |         |                             |                   \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                             \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
                            |         |                   /-Joseph NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
                            |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas SATTLER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine SATTLER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias KAPFER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie-Barbara KAPFER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Suzanne N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne OTT
                            |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathis DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KESLER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Eve DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre MESSNER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Maria Éva MESSNER
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
                            |         |         /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                            |         |         |         |                                                 /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Peter FREUND
                            |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
                            |         |         |         |                             |         \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges SCHMITT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine FREUND
                            |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Mathias BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ZENS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias BEHL
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KAPP
                            |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara KAPP
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMITT
                            |         |         |                   \-Marie Anne BAEHL
                            |         |         |                             |                             /-Michel ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel GRASSER
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara GRASSER
                            |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie ROHR
                            |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WEBER
                            |         \-Marie-Anne "Catherine" NONNENMACHER
                            |                   |                                                 /-Ernestius DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                                       /-Hans U Jean-Jacques DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine LECHNER
                            |                   |                             /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                   /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude SCHALL
                            |                   |         /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROOS
                            |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                            |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jacques STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |                   /-Antoine STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie GRASSER
                            |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne DEBES
                            |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LAPP
                            |                   |         |                   \-Odile STOLL
                            |                   |         |                             \-Odile VIX
                            |                   \-Catherine DOLLINGER
                            |                             |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
                            |                             |         /-Mathias WENDLING
                            |                             |         |         |         /-N.N. LANG
                            |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
                            |                             \-Gertrude WENDLING
                            |                                       |                                       /-André OTT
                            |                                       |                             /-Mathieu OTT
                            |                                       |                             |         \-Ursula URB
                            |                                       |                   /-André OTT
                            |                                       |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                            |                                       |                   |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                            |                                       |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                            |                                       |         /-Antoine OTT
                            |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                            |                                       |         |         |         /-Georges BECH
                            |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                            |                                       |         |         \-Ursule BECH
                            |                                       |         |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                            |                                       \-Thérèse OTT
                            |                                                 |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                            |                                                 |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                            |                                                 |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                            |                                                 |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                            |                                                 |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                            |                                                 |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                            |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                            |                                                 \-Marie GEBUS
                            |                                                           |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                            |                                                           |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                            |                                                           |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                            |                                                           \-Anne FRINTZ
                            |                                                                     |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                            |                                                                     \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                            |                                                                               \-Marie SCHNEPP
                  /-Antoine OTT
                  |         |                                       /-Michel RIPP
                  |         |                             /-Joseph RIPP
                  |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
                  |         |                   /-Antoine RIPP
                  |         |                   |         |         /-André LEHMANN
                  |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth LEHMANN
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Catherine MARIN
                  |         |         /-François-Antoine RIPP
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Christian MEDTER
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Jacques MEDER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |                             /-André MAEDER
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Jean MAEDER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |                             /-N.N. HANS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-André HANS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HANS
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Caspar MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathias MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean Gaspard ZILLIOX
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine ZILLIOX
                  |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine DIETRICH
                  |         |         |         |         /-Michel MAEDER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent WERLING
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WERLING
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne THAL
                  |         |         |         \-Élisabeth MAEDER
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Christian MEDTER
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques MEDER
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne WOLFF
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel MAEDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Georges MAEDER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Ève PAULUS
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie WOLFF
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite LEMMEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Marguerite HANS
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne MAEDER
                  |         |         |                             |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                  |         |         |                             |                   |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jean BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                                       |                             /-Michel LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie GOETZ
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
                  |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                                                 |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |                                                           |         /-Mathis RIPP
                  |         |         |                                                           \-Catherine RIPP
                  |         |         |                                                                     \-Elisabeth ACKER
                  |         \-Joséphine RIPP
                  |                   |                             /-Mathieu KAPPS
                  |                   |                   /-Joseph KAPPS
                  |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude KORN
                  |                   |         /-Jean KAPPS
                  |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Georges Jacques DEBES
                  |                   |         |         |                                       /-Georges DEBES
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-André DEBES
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Anne LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Antoine DEBUS
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-André SCHAAL
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean VIX
                  |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude VIX
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Mathieu DEBUS
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude RITT
                  |                   |         |         \-Barbe DEBUS
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean STEHLI
                  |                   |         |                   \-Odile STEHLI
                  |                   |         |                             \-Anna FIX
                  |                   \-Thérèse KAPPS
                  |                             |                                       /-Jean REHEISSER
                  |                             |                             /-Matthias REHEISSER
                  |                             |                             |         \-Marie LECHNEIDER
                  |                             |                   /-Jacques REHEISSER
                  |                             |                   |         |                   /-David WILD
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean Michel WILD
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         \-N.N. STENGELMEYER
                  |                             |                   |         \-Éve WILD
                  |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Martin ALT
                  |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel ALT
                  |                             |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Marie Sophie ALT
                  |                             |                   |                             |         /-Michel BERTSCH
                  |                             |                   |                             \-Anne-Catherine BERTSCH
                  |                             |                   |                                       \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
                  |                             |         /-Jacques REHEISSER
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Léonard WARTER
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Léonard Jacques WARTER
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie EPP
                  |                             |         |         \-Dorothée WARTHER
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Martin KOENIG
                  |                             |         |                   \-Élise KOENIG
                  |                             |         |                             \-Dorothée DIEMER
                  |                             \-Gertrude REHEISSER
                  |                                       |                                                 /-Jean SPECHT
                  |                                       |                                       /-André SPECHT
                  |                                       |                                       |         \-Madeleine SEILER
                  |                                       |                             /-Jacques SPECHT
                  |                                       |                             |         |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Ève SCHAMPER
                  |                                       |                             |                   \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
                  |                                       |                   /-Antoine SPECHT
                  |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jean RUNTZ
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine RUNTZ
                  |                                       |                   |                   \-Anne SCHALCKINER
                  |                                       |         /-Laurent SPECHT
                  |                                       |         |         \-Christine MULLER
                  |                                       \-Élisabeth SPECHT
                  |                                                 |                             /-Conrad ADAM
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Thomas REINHART
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Marie Barbara REINHART
                  |                                                 \-Élisabeth ADAM
                  |                                                           |         /-Joseph FLEIG
                  |                                                           \-Eve FLEIG
                  |                                                                     \-Marguerite KELLER
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |                                                           /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |         |                                                 /-Georges SANDER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Gertrude HEITZ
        |         |                                       /-Pierre SANDER
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Michel MATERN
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques MATERN
        |         |                                       |         \-Marie MATERN
        |         |                                       |                   |         /-Laurent MEHL
        |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude MEHL
        |         |                                       |                             |                   /-Pierre MARTZ
        |         |                                       |                             |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |         |                                       |                             \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |         |                                       |                                       |         /-Jérôme SIMON
        |         |                                       |                                       \-Anne SIMON
        |         |                                       |                                                 \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |                             /-Antoine SANDER
        |         |                             |         \-Madeleine LANG
        |         |                   /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean BURG
        |         |                   |         |         /-Antoine BURG
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                                       /-Thomas WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         \-Thérèse BURG
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ADAM
        |         |         /-Joseph SANDER
        |         |         |         |                                                 /-Martin WEBER
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |         |                             /-Philippe WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Frédéric GAST
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean GAST
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Martin BASTIAN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne BASTIAN
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne GAST
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Blaise AFFER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Barbe AFFER
        |         |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine DIBLING
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   /-Joseph WEBER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Hilaire BURG
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine BURG
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Georges WOLFF
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara WOLFF
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MENN
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Georges DEISER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite DISSER
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite ADAM
        |         |         |         |         /-Georges WEBER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Thérèse KAPFER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-David FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Martin SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie KLEINCLAUS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean DAUL
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie DAUL
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Michel HANS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine HANS
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |         |         |                                                           \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                                                           /-Henri GRESSANG
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean Henri GRESS
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Matthias ENGER
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Eva N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Michel KRESS
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-André OTT
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite OTT
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Ursula URB
        |         |         |                   |                             |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   /-André KRESS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Ève FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Simon OTT
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |         /-Michel KRESS
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe OHLMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Odile SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Matheus KIEFFER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara WEINLING
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie KIEFFER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Laurent DURINGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Eve TURINGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |                   \-Barbe KRESS
        |         |         |                             |                                                 /-N.N. LANG
        |         |         |                             |                                       /-Adam LANG
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Odile WEBER
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |         |                             |                   |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                             |         /-Michel LANG
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie GEORG
        |         |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Diebold GRUN
        |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Christine GRUN
        |         |         |                             |         |                                       \-Brigitte BASTIAN
        |         |         |                             \-Barbara LANG
        |         |         |                                       \-Barbara HUGEL
        |         \-Marie Thérèse SANDER
        |                   |                             /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |                   /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Nicolas BUR
        |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BUR
        |                   |                   |                   \-Ève BAECHTEL
        |                   |         /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Philippe DAAB
        |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph DAPP
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Pierre IRR
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Wolfgang IRR
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Wolff MEYER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie MEYER
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie Marguerite Ou Marie-Madeleine IRR
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges BERNHART
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques BERNHART
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques BERNHART
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Martin MULLER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MULLER - MEYER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie Éva BERNHARD
        |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Maria DILL
        |                   |         |         \-Madeleine DAPP
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Joseph MOSSER
        |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MOSSER
        |                   |         |                             \-Marie-Anne MATERNE
        |                   \-Marie-Thérèse KAPFER
        |                             |                                                           /-Laurent AUGUSTIN
        |                             |                                                 /-Martin AUGUSTIN
        |                             |                                                 |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                             |                                       /-Adam AUGUSTIN
        |                             |                                       |         |                   /-Pierre MARTZ
        |                             |                                       |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                             |                                       |         \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |                             |                                       |                   |         /-Jérôme SIMON
        |                             |                                       |                   \-Anne SIMON
        |                             |                                       |                             \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                             |                             /-Jean Adam AUGUSTIN
        |                             |                             |         |                   /-N.N. VOGT
        |                             |                             |         |         /-Nicolas VOGT
        |                             |                             |         \-Marie-Madeleine VOGT
        |                             |                             |                   |                   /-Valentin WACK
        |                             |                             |                   |         /-Georges WACK
        |                             |                             |                   |         |         \-Éva N.N.
        |                             |                             |                   \-Marguerite WACK
        |                             |                             |                             |         /-Jean VOLTZ
        |                             |                             |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
        |                             |                   /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-Durst LENG
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Gaspard LANG
        |                             |                   |         \-Anne LANG
        |                             |                   |                   |         /-Thomas KESSLER
        |                             |                   |                   \-Rosine KESSLER
        |                             |                   |                             \-Hélène BIECHLER
        |                             |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
        |                             |         |         |                                       /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
        |                             |         |         |                             /-François DIRHEIMER
        |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Salomé N.N.
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |                             |         |         |         /-Joseph DIRHEIMER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean KILIAN
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Caspar BEYSS
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Madeleine KRONENBURGER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
        |                             |         |         \-Catherine DÜRRHEIMER
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Adam LANG
        |                             |         |                   \-Barbe LANG
        |                             |         |                             |                             /-Urban WEBER
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Jean WEBER
        |                             |         |                             |                   |         \-Gertrude KIEFFER
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Bartholomé WEBER
        |                             |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean ACKERMANN
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Hélène ACKERMANN
        |                             |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne RIEDLIN
        |                             |         |                             \-Élisabeth WEBER
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Durst RITTLING
        |                             |         |                                       \-Catherine RITTLING
        |                             |         |                                                 \-Anne KOEHL
        |                             \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
        |                                       |                   /-Jean BURG
        |                                       |         /-Jean BURG
        |                                       |         |         |                                       /-Thomas WENDLING
        |                                       |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                       |         |         |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                                       |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                                       |         |         |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                                       |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                                       |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                                       |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                                       \-Thérèse BURG
        |                                                 |         /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |                                                 \-Odile KAPFER
        |                                                           |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |                                                           |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |                                                           |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |                                                           |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |                                                           |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |                                                           |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |                                                           |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |                                                           \-Catherine ROLLET
        |                                                                     |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                                                                     |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                                                                     |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                                                                     \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |                                                                               |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                                                                               \-Eve VINCENT
        |                                                                                         \-Elisabeth ARNI
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Georges OTT
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                          /-Pierre OTT
                                                          |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                          |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                          |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                          |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                          |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                /-Pierre OTT
                                                |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                |         \-Marie SIES
                                                |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                      /-Michel OTT
                                      |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                      |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                      |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                            /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                            |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                            |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                            |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                            |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                            |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                            |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                            |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                            |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                            |         |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas SIMON
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                            |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Arbogast KOEBEL
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                            |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Apolline N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
                            |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                            |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                            |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                            |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                            |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                            |         \-Odile KAPFER
                            |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                            |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                            |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                            |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                            |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                            |                             \-Ève BAUER
                            |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                            |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                            |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                            |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                            |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                  /-Joseph OTT
                  |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                  |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                  |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                  |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                  |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                  |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                  |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                  |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                  |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                  |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                  |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                  |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                  |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
        /-Clément Joseph OTT
        |         |         /-Louis BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |                                                 /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Martin BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Françoise N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |                   /-Michel BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine LOYSON
        |         |         |         |         /-Michel BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WOLFF
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile WOLFF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LEHNERR
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne LENHERR
        |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |         \-Thérèse BIENFAIT
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges AUGUSTIN
        |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne SCHMITT
        |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel NAGEL
        |         |         |                             |         /-Balthasar NAGEL
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Christine MEYER
        |         |         |                             \-Marie NAGEL
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathias LAUBACHER
        |         |         |                                       \-Marie LAUBACHER
        |         |         |                                                 \-Régine N.N.
        |         \-Madeleine BIENFAIT
        |                   |                                                           /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
        |                   |                                                 /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |                   |                                                 |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
        |                   |                                       /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |                   |                                       |         |                   /-Henri EBERHARD
        |                   |                                       |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
        |                   |                                       |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
        |                   |                                       |                   |         /-Andreas HERRMANN
        |                   |                                       |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
        |                   |                             /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |                   |                             |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
        |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
        |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                   |                             |         \-Ève PAULUS
        |                   |                             |                   \-Marie WOLFF
        |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
        |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
        |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite LEMMEL
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
        |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
        |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite HANS
        |                   |         /-Joseph GANGLOFF
        |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges ISSENMANN
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathias ISSENMANN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude HERTIG
        |                   |         |         |         /-Jean ISSENMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe SONNTAG
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SONNTAG
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Angela N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine SONNTAG
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
        |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
        |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
        |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
        |                   \-Salomé GANGLOFF
        |                             |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
        |                             |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
        |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
        |                             |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
        |                             |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
        |                             |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
        |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
        |                             |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |                             |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |                             |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
        |                             |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
        |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
        |                             |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
        |                             |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
        |                             |         |                                       |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
        |                             |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
        |                             |         |                                                 |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
        |                             |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
        |                             \-Suzanne SCHALCK
        |                                       |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
        |                                       |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
        |                                       |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
        |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
        |                                       |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
        |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
        |                                       |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                                       \-Catherine KAPFER
        |                                                 |                                       /-N.N. LANG
        |                                                 |                             /-Adam LANG
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean LANG
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |                                                 |         /-Jean LANG
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |                                                 |         |         \-Odile WEBER
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |                                                 \-Marie-Anne LANG
        |                                                           |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |                                                           |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |                                                           |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                                           \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |                                                                     |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
        |                                                                     \-Marie GEORG
        |                                                                               |         /-Diebold GRUN
        |                                                                               \-Christine GRUN
        |                                                                                         |         /-Diebold BASTIAN
        |                                                                                         \-Brigitte BASTIAN
        \-Thérèse DRESCH

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                                            /-N.N. OTT
                                                                                                  /-Georges OTT
                                                                                        /-David OTT
                                                                                        |         \-Marie WIDERRECHT
                                                                              /-Bartholomé OTT
                                                                              |         \-Anne GALL
                                                                    /-André OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-Georges KRAÜTLER
                                                                    |         |         /-André KRAÜTLER
                                                                    |         \-Anne KREUTLER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Barthel HÖLTZEL
                                                                    |                   \-Marguerite HÖLTZEL
                                                          /-André OTT
                                                          |         \-Ève GROSS
                                                /-Jean-Georges OTT
                                                |         \-Catherine RUFF
                                      /-Jean-Georges OTT
                                      |         \-Marie Salomé SPECHT
                            /-Jean-Georges OTT
                            |         \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
                  /-Eugène OTT
                  |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges CASPAR
                  |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques CASPAR
                  |         |                             |         \-Anne BRISCHLER
                  |         |                   /-Daniel CASPAR
                  |         |                   |         |                                                 /-André FROMM
                  |         |                   |         |                                       /-André FROMM
                  |         |                   |         |                                       |         \-Sophie KRAUSS
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-André FROMM
                  |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Marguerite ADAM
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-André FROMM
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Michel HOLZSCHUH
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Agnès HOLZSCHUH
                  |         |                   |         |         /-André FROMM
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-André APFFEL
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Madeleine APFFEL
                  |         |                   |         \-Marie Cléophé FROMM
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne Richardis RIETSCH
                  |         |         /-Daniel CASPAR
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine BRONNER
                  |         \-Caroline CASPAR
                  |                   \-Salomé MEYER
        /-Marcel Eugène Henri OTT
        |         \-Louise Céline BOISSONNOT
        \-Andrée Marie-Louise ROUSSAUD

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                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    /-Georges OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                    |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                    |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                          /-Georges OTT
                                                          |         |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                                                          |         |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                          |         |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                          |         |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
                                                          |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
                                                          |                   |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
                                                          |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Odile ACKER
                                                          |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                                                          |                             \-Marie SCHMID
                                                /-André OTT
                                                |         |                                       /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                                |         |                             /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                   /-Michel GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |         |         /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
                                                |         |         |         \-Marie VELTEN
                                                |         \-Gertrude GOETZ
                                                |                   |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
                                                |                   |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
                                                |                   |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
                                                |                   \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
                                                |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |                             \-Anna DIBLING
                                                |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                      /-Joseph OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Antoine ROLLET
                                      |         |                             /-Nicolas ROLLET
                                      |         |                             |         \-Marguerite BATZ
                                      |         |                   /-Joseph ROLLET
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |                   |         \-Anna DIBLING
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Antoine ROLLET
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Martin FRESCH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                      |         |         |         \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Jean VINCENT
                                      |         |         |                   \-Eve VINCENT
                                      |         |         |                             \-Elisabeth ARNI
                                      |         \-Marie-Anne ROLLET
                                      |                   \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                            /-André OTT
                            |         |                   /-Antoine KRESS
                            |         |         /-Charles KRESS
                            |         |         |         \-Élisabeth DÜRRHEIMER
                            |         \-Thérèse KRESS
                            |                   \-Marie-Anne KISSLING
                  /-André OTT
                  |         |                                                 /-Beat FUCHS
                  |         |                                       /-Sébastien FUCHS
                  |         |                                       |         \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |                             /-Joseph FUCHS
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Jacques LOTH
                  |         |                             |         \-Barbara LOTH
                  |         |                             |                   |                   /-Henri GRESSANG
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean Henri KRESS
                  |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth KRESS
                  |         |                             |                             |         /-Matthias ENGER
                  |         |                             |                             \-Marguerite ENGER
                  |         |                             |                                       \-Eva N.N.
                  |         |                   /-Joseph FUCHS
                  |         |                   |         |                                       /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges GOETZ
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel GOETZ
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie VELTEN
                  |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth GOETZ
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
                  |         |                   |                   \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                  |         |                   |                             \-Anna DIBLING
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                  |         |         /-Jean-Michel FUCHS
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Henri GRESSANG
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Jean Henri KRESS
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Henri GRESS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matthias ENGER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ENGER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Eva N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         /-André KRESS
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-André OTT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite OTT
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean URB
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Ursula URB
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine KRESS
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Odile ACKER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMID
                  |         |         |                   \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Martin FRESCH
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean VINCENT
                  |         |         |                                       \-Eve VINCENT
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth ARNI
                  |         \-Catherine FUCHS
                  |                   |                                                 /-Georges OTT
                  |                   |                                       /-André OTT
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                   |                             /-Mathieu OTT
                  |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean URB
                  |                   |                             |         \-Ursula URB
                  |                   |                             |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                   |                   /-André OTT
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                  |                   |                   |                   |                   /-André MOEBUS
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                  |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                  |                   |                   |                             |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                  |                   |         /-Antoine OTT
                  |                   |         |         |                                       /-Michel PECHEL
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean BECH
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Georges BECH
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                  |                   |         |         \-Ursule BECH
                  |                   |         |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                  |                   \-Gertrude OTT
                  |                             |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                  |                             |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                  |                             |                   |         |                   /-Georges LANG
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Théobald CLAUS
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |                             |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                             |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                  |                             |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                  |                             |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                  |                             \-Marie GEBUS
                  |                                       |                                       /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                       |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Éva WOLFF
                  |                                       |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Georges LUTZELMANN
                  |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                  |                                       |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie DECKER
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                  |                                       |                   |                   \-Suzanne BUCHER
                  |                                       |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                  |                                       |         |         |                             /-Jean GERGES
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean GERGES
                  |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite MEHL
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite KRUG
                  |                                       |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Michel DIETRICH
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
                  |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Marie GREYEL
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Véronique LEHMAN
                  |                                       \-Anne FRINTZ
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                 |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                  |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
                  |                                                 |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                  |                                                 \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                           |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
                  |                                                           |         /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Maria HUGEL
                  |                                                           \-Marie SCHNEPP
                  |                                                                     \-Éva JUNG
        /-Joseph OTT
        |         |                                                           /-Georges GRUBER
        |         |                                                 /-Marc GRUBER
        |         |                                       /-Michel GRUBER
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean KOLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Marie-Barbara KOHLER
        |         |                             /-Michel GRUBER
        |         |                             |         |         /-Jean WINTZ
        |         |                             |         \-Barbara WINTZ
        |         |                             |                   \-Marie RIEHL
        |         |                   /-Michel GRUBER
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Balthasar SCHALCK
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALCK
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   \-Ève GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             \-Marie OHLMULLER
        |         |         /-Michel GRUBER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Georges WEBER
        |         |         |         |         /-Jean WEBER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile LANG
        |         |         |         \-Thérèse WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Georges OTT
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Pierre OTT
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |         |         |                   |         /-Georges OTT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |         |                   \-Madeleine OTT
        |         |         |                             |                                       /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel GOETZ
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie VELTEN
        |         |         |                             \-Gertrude GOETZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
        |         |         |                                                 |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |                                                 \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |         |                                                           \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         \-Gertrude GRUBER
        |                   |                             /-Sébastien NETT
        |                   |                   /-Joseph NETH
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Stéphane ERTZSCHEID
        |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude ERTZSCHEID
        |                   |                   |                   \-Appolonie ADAM
        |                   |         /-Joseph NETH
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Martin WALTZER
        |                   |         |         |         /-Dyonisis WALTZER
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine PFISTER
        |                   |         |         \-Marie-Anne WALTZER
        |                   |         |                   |         /-François FRIEDEL
        |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth FRIDLER
        |                   |         |                             \-Christine WUNDER
        |                   \-Sophie NETH
        |                             |                                       /-Thomas KLEFFER
        |                             |                             /-Jean KLEFFER
        |                             |                             |         \-Brigitte DISSER
        |                             |                   /-Mathias KLEFFER
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Christian FUCHS
        |                             |                   |         \-Marie FUCHS
        |                             |         /-Mathias KLEFFER
        |                             |         |         |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Paul MARTZ
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques MARTZ
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |         |         \-Anne-Ève MARTZ
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean CHRISTMANN
        |                             |         |                   \-Barbara CHRISTMANN
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Georges WENDLING
        |                             |         |                             \-Anne WENDLING
        |                             |         |                                       \-Anne MEYER
        |                             \-Catherine KLEFFER
        |                                       |         /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
        |                                       \-Catherine DREYER
        |                                                 |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
        |                                                 \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
        |                                                 /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |                                       /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |                                       |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |                                       |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |                                       |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |                                       |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |                                       |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                                       |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                                       |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |                                       |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                                       |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |                                       |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |                             /-François (Joseph) KAPFER
        |                             |         |                                       /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
        |                             |         |                             /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |                             |         |                   /-David FOURNAISE
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |                             |         |         /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Martin SCHERRER
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHERRER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie KLEINCLAUS
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         \-Gertrude SCHERRER
        |                             |         \-Catherine FOURNAISE
        |                             |                   |                   /-Jean DAUL
        |                             |                   |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-André GRUN
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Maria GRUN
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Éva WEBER
        |                             |                   \-Marie DAUL
        |                             |                             |                   /-Michel HANS
        |                             |                             |         /-Jean HANS
        |                             |                             |         |         |         /-Michel MATERN
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |                             |                             \-Catherine HANS
        |                             |                                       |                   /-André GRUN
        |                             |                                       |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |                             |                                       |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |                             |                                       |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                             |                                       |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                             |                                       \-Maria GRUN
        |                             |                                                 |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                             |                                                 \-Éva FURBACH
        |                             |                                                           \-Éva WEBER
        |                   /-Jean (Baptiste) KAPFER
        |                   |         |                                                           /-Hanï WALTER
        |                   |         |                                                 /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
        |                   |         |                                                 |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |                   |         |                                       /-Jean WALTER
        |                   |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jean WENDEL
        |                   |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
        |                   |         |                                       |         \-Anne WENDEL
        |                   |         |                                       |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |         |                             /-Jean WALTER
        |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques WEBER
        |                   |         |                             |         \-Barbara WEBER
        |                   |         |                   /-Joseph WALTER
        |                   |         |                   |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |                   |         |                   |         |         /-André BERBACH
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Adam GASS
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie GASS
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine BERBACH
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |                   |                                       |         /-Georges CLAUS
        |                   |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine CLAUS
        |                   |         |         /-Joseph WALTER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-N.N. VELTEN
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Michel VELTIN
        |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine VELTEN
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Adam VOGLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Adam VOGEL
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean Valentin LANG
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne LANG
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Ève VOGEL
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Christian CONRAD
        |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Sébastien CONRAD
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Marie CONRAD
        |                   |         \-Catherine WALTER
        |                   |                   |                                       /-Nicolas WEISS
        |                   |                   |                             /-Nicolas WEISS
        |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques WEISS
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                             /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Odile ACKER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie SCHMID
        |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie KRIEGER
        |                   |                   |                   |                   |         /-Théobald HANS
        |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine HANS
        |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques WEISS
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie Éve SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                             /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-Matheus KIEFFER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-André WEINLING
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara WEINLING
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Anne KIEFFER
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Laurent DURINGER
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Eve TURINGER
        |                   |                   |         |                                       \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne WEISS
        |                   |                             |                                       /-Thomas WENDLING
        |                   |                             |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |                             |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                   |                             |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |                             |                   |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                   |                             |                   |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
        |                   |                             |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |                             |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                   |                             |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                   |                             |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
        |                   |                             |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                   |                             |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                   |                             \-Rosine WENDLING
        |                   |                                       |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                   |                                       \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                   |                                                 \-Christine N.N.
        |         /-François-Joseph KAPFER
        |         |         |                                       /-Martin WEBER
        |         |         |                             /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |                   /-Philippe WEBER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Frédéric GAST
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean GAST
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Martin BASTIAN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne BASTIAN
        |         |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne GAST
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Blaise AFFER
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbe AFFER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine DIBLING
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         |         /-Joseph WEBER
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Hilaire BURG
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BURG
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Georges WOLFF
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara WOLFF
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MENN
        |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara FUCHS
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Georges DEISER
        |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite DISSER
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Marguerite ADAM
        |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |                   |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |         |                   |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |                   \-Thérèse KAPFER
        |         |                             |                                       /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
        |         |                             |                             /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |                             |                   /-David FOURNAISE
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |         |                             |         /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Martin SCHERRER
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHERRER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie KLEINCLAUS
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         \-Gertrude SCHERRER
        |         |                             \-Catherine FOURNAISE
        |         |                                       |                   /-Jean DAUL
        |         |                                       |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-André GRUN
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Maria GRUN
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |                                       |         |                             \-Éva WEBER
        |         |                                       \-Marie DAUL
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Michel HANS
        |         |                                                 |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel MATERN
        |         |                                                 |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |         |                                                 \-Catherine HANS
        |         |                                                           |                   /-André GRUN
        |         |                                                           |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |                                                           |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |         |                                                           |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |         |                                                           |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                                                           \-Maria GRUN
        |         |                                                                     |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |         |                                                                     \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |                                                                               \-Éva WEBER
        \-Joséphine KAPFER
                  |                                                 /-Jean MEYER
                  |                                       /-Pierre MEYER
                  |                                       |         \-Elisabeth MULLER
                  |                             /-Joseph MEYER
                  |                             |         |                   /-Léonard MATTER
                  |                             |         |         /-Georges MATTER
                  |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine REBER
                  |                             |         \-Marguerite MADER
                  |                             |                   |         /-Martin BERTHEL
                  |                             |                   \-Anne Marie BERTHEL
                  |                             |                             \-Anne HOLZMANN
                  |                   /-Joseph MEYER
                  |                   |         |                                       /-Léonard OBERER
                  |                   |         |                             /-Pierre OBER
                  |                   |         |                   /-Jean OBER
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean OBERER
                  |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie OBERER
                  |                   |         |                   |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |         |         /-Balthasar OBER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         /-Martin STEINMETZ
                  |                   |         |         |         \-(Marie) Marguerite STEINMETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   \-Cunégonde MEYER
                  |                   |         \-Ursula OBER
                  |                   |                   |                             /-Jean Jacques LINDER
                  |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques LINDER
                  |                   |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                  |                   |                   |         /-Laurent LINDER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Caspar MARTIN
                  |                   |                   |         |         \-Catharina MARTIN
                  |                   |                   \-Catherine LINDER
                  |                   |                             |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                  |                   |                             \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |                   |                                       \-Anne BARTH
                  |         /-Joseph MEYER
                  |         |         |                   /-Mathias ENGEL
                  |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques ENGEL
                  |         |         |         |         \-Barbara KNOLL
                  |         |         \-Marie Barbara ENGEL
                  |         |                   |                             /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                   |                   /-François DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                   |                   |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |         |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                  |         |                   \-Barbara DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         /-André ERHARD
                  |         |                             \-Marie-Madeleine ERHARD
                  \-Barbara MEYER
                            |                   /-Jean Martin GROB
                            |         /-Clément GROB
                            |         |         \-Gertrude LEHMANN
                            \-Marie-Anne GROB
                                      |                                                 /-Philippe SONNTAG
                                      |                                       /-Jean SONNTAG
                                      |                                       |         \-Angela N.N.
                                      |                             /-Jean Michel SONNTAG
                                      |                             |         |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                                      |                             |         \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
                                      |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
                                      |                   /-Jean SONNTAG
                                      |                   |         \-Catherine WERNERT
                                      |         /-Joseph Le Jeune SONNTAG
                                      |         |         |         /-Martin GRUNENWALD
                                      |         |         \-Anne GRUNENWALD
                                      |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WANGLER
                                      \-Catherine SONNTAG
                                                |                   /-François BAUR
                                                |         /-Antoine BAUR
                                                \-Anne-Marie BAUR
                                                          |         /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
                                                          \-Anne-Marie SCHNEIDER

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                                  /-Georges OTT
                                                                                        /-Pierre OTT
                                                                                        |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                              |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                              |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                              |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                                    |         \-Marie SIES
                                                                    |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                          /-Michel OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                          |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                          |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                                /-Georges OTT
                                                |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                                |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                                |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                                |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                                |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                                |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                                |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                                |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                                |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                                |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                                |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                                |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                                |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                                |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                                |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      /-Jean-Michel OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                                      |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                                      |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                                      |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                                      |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                                      |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                            /-Georges OTT
                            |         |         /-Jean-Baptiste GREPPIN
                            |         \-Mélanie GREPPIN
                            |                   \-Marie Anne RAIS
                  /-Marcel OTT
                  |         \-Marie Éugénie SCHNEIDER
        /-Jean André OTT
        |         \-Renée Catherine LALANNE
        \-Annie ARGENCE

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                                                                              /-Georges OTT
                                                                    /-Michel OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                                                    |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                                                    |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                                                    |                   |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                                    |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                                    |                                       \-Odile N.N.
                                                          /-André OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Adam ROEHRY
                                                          |         \-Ève ROEHRY
                                                          |                   |                   /-Hanï WALTER
                                                          |                   |         /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                                                          |                   \-Véronique WALTER
                                                          |                             |                   /-Jean WENDEL
                                                          |                             |         /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
                                                          |                             \-Anne WENDEL
                                                          |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
                                                /-Ignace OTT
                                                |         |                                                 /-Georg REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                                       /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                                |         |                             /-Valentin REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ZENS
                                                |         |                             |         \-Éva ZEHN
                                                |         |                             |                   \-Odile N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
                                                |         |                   |         \-Marie TRIER
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Agnès RIPP
                                                |         |         /-Jean Sébastien REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Georges SIGEL
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Thomas SIEGEL
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                                |         |         |         |         /-André SIGEL
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ERNST
                                                |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SIEGEL
                                                |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEIM
                                                |         \-Gertrude REIFFSTECK
                                                |                   |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
                                                |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                                                |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
                                                |                   |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                                |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                                |                   |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                                |                   \-Gertrude WENDLING
                                                |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                                                |                             |         /-Simon OTT
                                                |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                |                             \-Gertrude OTT
                                                |                                       |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                                |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
                                                |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      /-Ignace OTT
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                                      |         |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                                      |         |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                                      |         |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                                      |         |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                      |         |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                                      |         |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                                      |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                                      |         |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                                      |         |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                                      |         |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                                      |         |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                                      |         |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
                                      |         \-Barbe SCHALCK
                                      |                   |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |                   |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |                   |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |                   \-Catherine KAPFER
                                      |                             |                                       /-N.N. LANG
                                      |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                                      |                             |         /-Jean LANG
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                                      |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                                      |                             |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                                      |                             |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Marie-Anne LANG
                                      |                                       |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                                       \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                                 |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                                      |                                                 \-Marie GEORG
                                      |                                                           |         /-Diebold GRUN
                                      |                                                           \-Christine GRUN
                                      |                                                                     \-Brigitte BASTIAN
                            /-François-Antoine OTT
                            |         |                                                 /-Jacques OHLMANN
                            |         |                                       /-Jacques OHLMANN
                            |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                            |         |                             /-Joseph OHLMANN
                            |         |                             |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                            |         |                             |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                            |         |                             |         \-Éve BRUN
                            |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth HEINRICH
                            |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-N.N. GRESS
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph KRESS
                            |         |                   |         \-Marie-Catherine KRESS
                            |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie FIHL
                            |         |                   |                   \-Salomé ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-André OTT
                            |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marie OTT
                            |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean URB
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Ursula URB
                            |         |                   |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         /-Aloyse OHLMANN
                            |         |         |         |         /-Henri Jean SCHLOSSER
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine SCHLOSSER
                            |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAPP
                            |         \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
                            |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                             /-Joseph SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie FREYMANN
                            |                   |                   /-François-Michel SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                   |         |         /-Frédéric GREIFF
                            |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne GREIF
                            |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine MARX
                            |                   |         /-Antoine SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine ROTH
                            |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ROTH
                            |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne SONN
                            |                   \-Catherine SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                             |                   /-Joseph SIES
                            |                             |         /-Nicolas SUSS
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |                             |         |         \-Anne STEINMETZ
                            |                             \-Barbe SUSS
                            |                                       |         /-Antoine DOLLINGER
                            |                                       \-Gertrude DOLLINGER
                            |                                                 \-Catherine ROHRY
                  /-Ignace OTT
                  |         |                                                                     /-Georges NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                           /-Michel NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                           |         \-Christine BASTIAN
                  |         |                                                 /-Bastien NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                 |         \-Anne Barbe GASS
                  |         |                                       /-Jean Georges NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                       |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Mathieu GEBUS
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
                  |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                                       |         \-Marie GEBUS
                  |         |                             /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                             |         |                             /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-François DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                  |         |                             |         \-Catherine DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |                   |                             /-Jean KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean Caspar BEYSS
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
                  |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Madeleine KRONENBURGER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                             \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
                  |         |                   /-Joseph NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
                  |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas OTT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas SATTLER
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine SATTLER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias KAPFER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie-Barbara KAPFER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Suzanne N.N.
                  |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne OTT
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathis DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KESLER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Eve DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre MESSNER
                  |         |                   |                             \-Maria Éva MESSNER
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
                  |         |         /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Georges MATHIS
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges MATHIS
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Peter FREUND
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas FREUND
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges SCHMITT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas FREUND
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine FREUND
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Mathias BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ZENS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias BEHL
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KAPP
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara KAPP
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMITT
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie Anne BAEHL
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Michel ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel GRASSER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara GRASSER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie ROHR
                  |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WEBER
                  |         \-Marie-Anne "Catherine" NONNENMACHER
                  |                   |                                                 /-Ernestius DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                                       /-Hans U Jean-Jacques DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine LECHNER
                  |                   |                             /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                   /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude SCHALL
                  |                   |         /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Jean STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jacques STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Antoine STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie GRASSER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne DEBES
                  |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LAPP
                  |                   |         |                   \-Odile STOLL
                  |                   |         |                             \-Odile VIX
                  |                   \-Catherine DOLLINGER
                  |                             |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
                  |                             |         /-Mathias WENDLING
                  |                             |         |         |         /-N.N. LANG
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
                  |                             \-Gertrude WENDLING
                  |                                       |                                                 /-Georges OTT
                  |                                       |                                       /-André OTT
                  |                                       |                                       |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                                       |                             /-Mathieu OTT
                  |                                       |                             |         |         /-Jean URB
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Ursula URB
                  |                                       |                             |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                       |                   /-André OTT
                  |                                       |                   |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
                  |                                       |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                  |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                  |                                       |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                  |                                       |                   |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                  |                                       |         /-Antoine OTT
                  |                                       |         |         |                             /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Georges BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                  |                                       |         |         \-Ursule BECH
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                  |                                       \-Thérèse OTT
                  |                                                 |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                  |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                                 |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                  |                                                 \-Marie GEBUS
                  |                                                           |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |                   |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                  |                                                           |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |         |         |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                  |                                                           |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
                  |                                                           \-Anne FRINTZ
                  |                                                                     |                   /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                     |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                     |         |         \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
                  |                                                                     \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                               |         /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                  |                                                                               \-Marie SCHNEPP
                  |                                                                                         \-Éva JUNG
        /-Antoine OTT
        |         |                                       /-Michel RIPP
        |         |                             /-Joseph RIPP
        |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
        |         |                   /-Antoine RIPP
        |         |                   |         |         /-André LEHMANN
        |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth LEHMANN
        |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Catherine MARIN
        |         |         /-François-Antoine RIPP
        |         |         |         |                                                 /-Christian MEDTER
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Jacques MEDER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne WOLFF
        |         |         |         |                             /-André MAEDER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Adam ADAM
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Jean MAEDER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             /-N.N. HANS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-André HANS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-André HANS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite MOEBUS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HANS
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Caspar MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathias MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean Gaspard ZILLIOX
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine ZILLIOX
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-André DIETRICH
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine DIETRICH
        |         |         |         |         /-Michel MAEDER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent WERLING
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WERLING
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne THAL
        |         |         |         \-Élisabeth MAEDER
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Christian MEDTER
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques MEDER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel MAEDER
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Adam ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Georges MAEDER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Ève PAULUS
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine GANGLOFF
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite LEMMEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Marguerite HANS
        |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne MAEDER
        |         |         |                             |                                                 /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |         |         |                             |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                             |                                       |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                             |                             |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Peter MATER
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |         |         |                             |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BERENBACH
        |         |         |                                       |                                       /-Michel LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |                             /-Michel LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         |         /-Michel GOETZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie GOETZ
        |         |         |                                       |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |         |         |                                                 |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |         |         |                                                           |                   /-Mathias RIPP
        |         |         |                                                           |         /-Mathis RIPP
        |         |         |                                                           |         |         \-Barbara N.N;
        |         |         |                                                           \-Catherine RIPP
        |         |         |                                                                     |         /-Georges ACKER
        |         |         |                                                                     \-Elisabeth ACKER
        |         |         |                                                                               \-Marguerite GRETT
        |         \-Joséphine RIPP
        |                   |                             /-Mathieu KAPPS
        |                   |                   /-Joseph KAPPS
        |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude KORN
        |                   |         /-Jean KAPPS
        |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Georges Jacques DEBES
        |                   |         |         |                                       /-Georges DEBES
        |                   |         |         |                             /-André DEBES
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
        |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Diebolt VOLTZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |                             \-Gertrude MUNCH
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Antoine DEBUS
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-André SCHAAL
        |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean VIX
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude VIX
        |                   |         |         |         /-Mathieu DEBUS
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude RITT
        |                   |         |         \-Barbe DEBUS
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean STEHLI
        |                   |         |                   \-Odile STEHLI
        |                   |         |                             \-Anna FIX
        |                   \-Thérèse KAPPS
        |                             |                                       /-Jean REHEISSER
        |                             |                             /-Matthias REHEISSER
        |                             |                             |         \-Marie LECHNEIDER
        |                             |                   /-Jacques REHEISSER
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-David WILD
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean Michel WILD
        |                             |                   |         |         |         \-N.N. STENGELMEYER
        |                             |                   |         \-Éve WILD
        |                             |                   |                   |                             /-Wendelin ALT
        |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Martin ALT
        |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel ALT
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques DIEFFENBACHER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |                   \-Barbara KAMMEN
        |                             |                   |                   \-Marie Sophie ALT
        |                             |                   |                             |                   /-Jean BERTSCH
        |                             |                   |                             |         /-Michel BERTSCH
        |                             |                   |                             \-Anne-Catherine BERTSCH
        |                             |                   |                                       |         /-Jean NIESS
        |                             |                   |                                       \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
        |                             |                   |                                                 \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |                             |         /-Jacques REHEISSER
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Léonard WARTER
        |                             |         |         |         /-Léonard Jacques WARTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie EPP
        |                             |         |         \-Dorothée WARTHER
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Martin KOENIG
        |                             |         |                   \-Élise KOENIG
        |                             |         |                             \-Dorothée DIEMER
        |                             \-Gertrude REHEISSER
        |                                       |                                                 /-Jean SPECHT
        |                                       |                                       /-André SPECHT
        |                                       |                                       |         \-Madeleine SEILER
        |                                       |                             /-Jacques SPECHT
        |                                       |                             |         |                   /-Pancrace SCHAMPER
        |                                       |                             |         |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
        |                                       |                             |         |         |         \-Odile DAUL
        |                                       |                             |         \-Ève SCHAMPER
        |                                       |                             |                   \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
        |                                       |                   /-Antoine SPECHT
        |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jean RUNTZ
        |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine RUNTZ
        |                                       |                   |                   \-Anne SCHALCKINER
        |                                       |         /-Laurent SPECHT
        |                                       |         |         \-Christine MULLER
        |                                       \-Élisabeth SPECHT
        |                                                 |                             /-Conrad ADAM
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |                                                 |         /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Thomas REINHART
        |                                                 |         |         \-Marie Barbara REINHART
        |                                                 \-Élisabeth ADAM
        |                                                           |         /-Joseph FLEIG
        |                                                           \-Eve FLEIG
        |                                                                     \-Marguerite KELLER
        |                                                           /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |                                                 /-Georges SANDER
        |                                                 |         \-Gertrude HEITZ
        |                                       /-Pierre SANDER
        |                                       |         |                   /-Michel MATERN
        |                                       |         |         /-Jacques MATERN
        |                                       |         \-Marie MATERN
        |                                       |                   |         /-Laurent MEHL
        |                                       |                   \-Gertrude MEHL
        |                                       |                             |                   /-Pierre MARTZ
        |                                       |                             |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                                       |                             \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |                                       |                                       |         /-Jérôme SIMON
        |                                       |                                       \-Anne SIMON
        |                                       |                                                 \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                             /-Antoine SANDER
        |                             |         \-Madeleine LANG
        |                   /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |                   |         |                   /-Jean BURG
        |                   |         |         /-Antoine BURG
        |                   |         |         |         |                                       /-Thomas WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         \-Thérèse BURG
        |                   |                   \-Catherine ADAM
        |         /-Joseph SANDER
        |         |         |                                                 /-Martin WEBER
        |         |         |                                       /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |                             /-Philippe WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Frédéric GAST
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean GAST
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Martin BASTIAN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne BASTIAN
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne GAST
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Blaise AFFER
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Barbe AFFER
        |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine DIBLING
        |         |         |                             |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         |                   /-Joseph WEBER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Hilaire BURG
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine BURG
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Georges WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MENN
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Georges DEISER
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite DISSER
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Marguerite ADAM
        |         |         |         /-Georges WEBER
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |         |         |         \-Thérèse KAPFER
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-David FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Martin SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie KLEINCLAUS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude SCHERRER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine FOURNAISE
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean DAUL
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-André GRUN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Éva WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             \-Marie DAUL
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Michel HANS
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Michel MATERN
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine HANS
        |         |         |         |                                                 |                   /-André GRUN
        |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |         |         |                                                 |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |         |                                                           |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |         |         |         |                                                           \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |         |         |                                                                     \-Éva WEBER
        |         |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
        |         |                   |                                                           /-Henri GRESSANG
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |                   |                                       /-Jean Henri GRESS
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Matthias ENGER
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Eva N.N.
        |         |                   |                             /-Michel KRESS
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-André OTT
        |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite OTT
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Ursula URB
        |         |                   |                             |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |                   /-André KRESS
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel FRESCH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Ève FRESCH
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Simon OTT
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |         /-Michel KRESS
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe OHLMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Odile SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                             /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Matheus KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         |         /-André WEINLING
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara WEINLING
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Laurent DURINGER
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Eve TURINGER
        |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                   \-Barbe KRESS
        |         |                             |                                                 /-N.N. LANG
        |         |                             |                                       /-Adam LANG
        |         |                             |                             /-Jean LANG
        |         |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |         |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Odile WEBER
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |                             |                   |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         /-Michel LANG
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie GEORG
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Diebold GRUN
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Christine GRUN
        |         |                             |         |                                       |         /-Diebold BASTIAN
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Brigitte BASTIAN
        |         |                             \-Barbara LANG
        |         |                                       \-Barbara HUGEL
        \-Marie Thérèse SANDER
                  |                             /-Joseph KAPFER
                  |                   /-Joseph KAPFER
                  |                   |         |         /-Nicolas BUR
                  |                   |         \-Anne-Marie BUR
                  |                   |                   \-Ève BAECHTEL
                  |         /-Joseph KAPFER
                  |         |         |                   /-Philippe DAAB
                  |         |         |         /-Joseph DAPP
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Pierre IRR
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Wolfgang IRR
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Wolff MEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie MEYER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marie Marguerite Ou Marie-Madeleine IRR
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges BERNHART
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques BERNHART
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques BERNHART
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Martin MULLER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MULLER - MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Marie Éva BERNHARD
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Maria DILL
                  |         |         \-Madeleine DAPP
                  |         |                   |         /-Joseph MOSSER
                  |         |                   \-Marguerite MOSSER
                  |         |                             \-Marie-Anne MATERNE
                  \-Marie-Thérèse KAPFER
                            |                                                           /-Laurent AUGUSTIN
                            |                                                 /-Martin AUGUSTIN
                            |                                                 |         \-Anne N.N.
                            |                                       /-Adam AUGUSTIN
                            |                                       |         |                   /-Pierre MARTZ
                            |                                       |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
                            |                                       |         \-Gertrude MARTZ
                            |                                       |                   |         /-Jérôme SIMON
                            |                                       |                   \-Anne SIMON
                            |                                       |                             \-Marguerite N.N.
                            |                             /-Jean Adam AUGUSTIN
                            |                             |         |                   /-N.N. VOGT
                            |                             |         |         /-Nicolas VOGT
                            |                             |         \-Marie-Madeleine VOGT
                            |                             |                   |                   /-Valentin WACK
                            |                             |                   |         /-Georges WACK
                            |                             |                   |         |         \-Éva N.N.
                            |                             |                   \-Marguerite WACK
                            |                             |                             |         /-Jean VOLTZ
                            |                             |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
                            |                   /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
                            |                   |         |                   /-Durst LENG
                            |                   |         |         /-Gaspard LANG
                            |                   |         \-Anne LANG
                            |                   |                   |         /-Thomas KESSLER
                            |                   |                   \-Rosine KESSLER
                            |                   |                             \-Hélène BIECHLER
                            |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |                                       /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                            |         |         |                             /-François DIRHEIMER
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Salomé N.N.
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph DIRHEIMER
                            |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean KILIAN
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Caspar BEYSS
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Caspar BEYSS
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Claude KRONENBURGER
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Madeleine KRONENBURGER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
                            |         |         \-Catherine DÜRRHEIMER
                            |         |                   |         /-Adam LANG
                            |         |                   \-Barbe LANG
                            |         |                             |                             /-Urban WEBER
                            |         |                             |                   /-Jean WEBER
                            |         |                             |                   |         \-Gertrude KIEFFER
                            |         |                             |         /-Bartholomé WEBER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean ACKERMANN
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Hélène ACKERMANN
                            |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne RIEDLIN
                            |         |                             \-Élisabeth WEBER
                            |         |                                       |         /-Durst RITTLING
                            |         |                                       \-Catherine RITTLING
                            |         |                                                 \-Anne KOEHL
                            \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
                                      |                   /-Jean BURG
                                      |         /-Jean BURG
                                      |         |         |                                       /-Thomas WENDLING
                                      |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
                                      |         |         |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                                      |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                      |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                      |         |         |                   |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                                      |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                      |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
                                      |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
                                      |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
                                      |         |         |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
                                      |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
                                      |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
                                      |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
                                      \-Thérèse BURG
                                                |         /-Mathieu KAPFER
                                                \-Odile KAPFER
                                                          |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
                                                          |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
                                                          |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
                                                          |         /-Joseph ROLLET
                                                          |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                          |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
                                                          |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                                          \-Catherine ROLLET
                                                                    |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
                                                                    |         /-Martin FRESCH
                                                                    |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
                                                                              |         /-Jean VINCENT
                                                                              \-Eve VINCENT
                                                                                        \-Elisabeth ARNI

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Grégory OTT
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                                  /-Georges OTT
                                                                                        /-Pierre OTT
                                                                                        |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                              |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                              |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                              |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                                    |         \-Marie SIES
                                                                    |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                          /-Michel OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                          |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                          |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                                /-Georges OTT
                                                |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                                |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                                |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                                |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                                |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                                |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                                |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                                |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                                |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                                |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                                |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                                |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                                |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                                |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                                |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      /-Joseph OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                                      |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                                      |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                                      |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                                      |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                                      |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                            /-Louis OTT
                            |         |         /-Louis BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |                                                 /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |                                       /-Martin BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Françoise N.N.
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Michel BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                            |         |         |         |         /-Michel BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WOLFF
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile WOLFF
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                            |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne LENHERR
                            |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                            |         |         |         \-Thérèse BIENFAIT
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne SCHMITT
                            |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel NAGEL
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Balthasar NAGEL
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Christine MEYER
                            |         |         |                             \-Marie NAGEL
                            |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathias LAUBACHER
                            |         |         |                                       \-Marie LAUBACHER
                            |         |         |                                                 \-Régine N.N.
                            |         \-Madeleine BIENFAIT
                            |                   |                                                           /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                            |                   |                                                 /-Michel GANGLOFF
                            |                   |                                                 |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                            |                   |                                       /-Jean GANGLOFF
                            |                   |                                       |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
                            |                   |                                       |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
                            |                   |                                       |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
                            |                   |                             /-Jean GANGLOFF
                            |                   |                             |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
                            |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
                            |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   |                             |         \-Ève PAULUS
                            |                   |                             |                   \-Marie WOLFF
                            |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
                            |                   |                   |         |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
                            |                   |                   |         |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
                            |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite LEMMEL
                            |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
                            |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
                            |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite HANS
                            |                   |         /-Joseph GANGLOFF
                            |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges ISSENMANN
                            |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathias ISSENMANN
                            |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude HERTIG
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Jean ISSENMANN
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe SONNTAG
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SONNTAG
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Angela N.N.
                            |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine SONNTAG
                            |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                            |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
                            |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
                            |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
                            |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
                            |                   \-Salomé GANGLOFF
                            |                             |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                            |                             |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                            |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                            |                             |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |                             |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                            |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                            |                             |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                            |                             |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                            |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                            |                             |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                            |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                            |                             |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                            |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                            |                             |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                            |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                            |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                            |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                            |                             |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                            |                             |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                            |                             |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                            |                             |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                            |                             \-Suzanne SCHALCK
                            |                                       |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                            |                                       |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                            |                                       |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                            |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                            |                                       |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                            |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                            |                                       |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                            |                                       |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                            |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                            |                                       |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                            |                                       \-Catherine KAPFER
                            |                                                 |                             /-Adam LANG
                            |                                                 |                   /-Jean LANG
                            |                                                 |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                            |                                                 |         /-Jean LANG
                            |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                            |                                                 |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                            |                                                 |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                            |                                                 \-Marie-Anne LANG
                            |                                                           |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                            |                                                           |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                            |                                                           |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |                                                           \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                            |                                                                     |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                            |                                                                     \-Marie GEORG
                            |                                                                               \-Christine GRUN
                  /-Georges OTT
                  |         |                   /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Antoine ZOTTNER
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Barbara BRILLARD
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WERNERT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Adam WERNERT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara DEBES
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Catherine WERNERT
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Georges DEISER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine DIESSER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Marguerite ADAM
                  |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne ZOTTNER
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Michel ARMBRUSTER
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges ARMBRUSTER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ARMBRUSTER
                  |         |                   |                             |                             /-Jean MICHEL
                  |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean MICHEL
                  |         |                   |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean MICHEL
                  |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth WEINTROPFEN
                  |         |                   |                             \-Catherine MICHEL
                  |         |                   |                                       |                   /-Michel KUNTZ
                  |         |                   |                                       |         /-Gregory KUNTZ
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Marie Ève KUNTZ
                  |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                  |         |                   |                                                 \-Agnès DIBLING
                  |         |                   |                                                           \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                  |         |         /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Martin KAUFFMANN
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Martin KAUFFMANN
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Philippe KAUFFMANN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin BOHRER
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne BOHRER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth GOLL
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                  |         |         |                   \-Régine MOSSINE
                  |         \-Marie ZOTTNER
                  |                   |                             /-Michel RIPP
                  |                   |                   /-Joseph RIPP
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
                  |                   |         /-Antoine RIPP
                  |                   |         |         |         /-André LEHMANN
                  |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth LEHMANN
                  |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine MARIN
                  |                   \-Thérèse RIPP
                  |                             |                                                 /-Christian MEDTER
                  |                             |                                       /-Jacques MEDER
                  |                             |                                       |         \-Anne WOLFF
                  |                             |                             /-André MAEDER
                  |                             |                             |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
                  |                             |                             |         |         /-Adam ADAM
                  |                             |                             |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |                             |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
                  |                             |                             |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |                             |                             |                   \-Catherine WEBER
                  |                             |                   /-Jean MAEDER
                  |                             |                   |         |                             /-N.N. HANS
                  |                             |                   |         |                   /-André HANS
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                  |                             |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                  |                             |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HANS
                  |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Caspar MEYER
                  |                             |                   |                   |         /-Mathias MEYER
                  |                             |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Anna MEYER
                  |                             |                   |                             |         /-Jean Gaspard ZILLIOX
                  |                             |                   |                             \-Catherine ZILLIOX
                  |                             |                   |                                       \-Catherine DIETRICH
                  |                             |         /-Michel MAEDER
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent WERLING
                  |                             |         |         \-Marie-Anne WERLING
                  |                             |         |                   \-Anne THAL
                  |                             \-Élisabeth MAEDER
                  |                                       |                                       /-Christian MEDTER
                  |                                       |                             /-Jacques MEDER
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Anne WOLFF
                  |                                       |                   /-Michel MAEDER
                  |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
                  |                                       |                   |         |         /-Adam ADAM
                  |                                       |                   |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
                  |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |                                       |                   |                   \-Catherine WEBER
                  |                                       |         /-Georges MAEDER
                  |                                       |         |         |                             /-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève PAULUS
                  |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Marie WOLFF
                  |                                       |         |         \-Catherine GANGLOFF
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
                  |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite LEMMEL
                  |                                       |         |                             |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
                  |                                       |         |                                       \-Marguerite HANS
                  |                                       \-Marie-Anne MAEDER
                  |                                                 |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                                                 |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                                                 |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |                                                 |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
                  |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                  |                                                 |                   |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean BERENBACH
                  |                                                 |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
                  |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                                                 \-Élisabeth BERENBACH
                  |                                                           |                             /-Michel LORENTZ
                  |                                                           |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
                  |                                                           |                   |         \-Marie GOETZ
                  |                                                           |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
                  |                                                           \-Catherine LORENTZ
                  |                                                                     |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
                  |                                                                     \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
                  |                                                                               |         /-Mathis RIPP
                  |                                                                               \-Catherine RIPP
                  |                                                                                         \-Elisabeth ACKER
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |                                                                                         /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |                                                                               /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |         |                                                                               |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |         |                                                                     /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |                                                                     |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |         |                                                                     |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |         |                                                           /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |         |                                                           |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |         |                                                           |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |         |                                                           |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |         |                                                           |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |         |                                                           |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |         |                                                           |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |         |                                                           |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |         |                                                 /-Jacques BERTRAND
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Jean LOCHER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Catherine LOCHER
        |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Claude FOISSET
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Catherine FOISSET
        |         |                                       /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |         |                                       |         |                                       /-N.N. BLOSER
        |         |                                       |         |                             /-Joseph BLOSER
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BLOSER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         \-Anne SUSS
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Georges BLOSER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Martin LIENHART
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie LIENHART
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Barbara CLAS
        |         |                                       |         \-Anne Ève BLOSER
        |         |                                       |                   |                             /-Nicolas GRASS
        |         |                                       |                   |                   /-Mathias GRASS
        |         |                                       |                   |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
        |         |                                       |                   |         /-André GRASS
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques HAMM
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         \-Marguerite HAMM
        |         |                                       |                   |         |                   \-Anne STOLL
        |         |                                       |                   \-Marie GRASS
        |         |                                       |                             \-Brigitte MORGENWECK
        |         |                             /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |         /-Laurent WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
        |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth OTT
        |         |                             |                   |                                       /-Pierre OTT
        |         |                             |                   |                             /-Pierre OTT
        |         |                             |                   |                             |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
        |         |                             |                   |                   /-Pierre OTT
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Marie SIES
        |         |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Georges OTT
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GEBUS
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Ève GEBUS
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges BAUER
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Marie BAUER
        |         |                             |                   |         |                             \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |         |                             |                   \-Marie-Ève OTT
        |         |                             |                             |                             /-Christian REYMANN
        |         |                             |                             |                   /-Valentin REYMANN
        |         |                             |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite GRAFFT
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Antoine REYMANN
        |         |                             |                             |         |         |         /-Andreas ABBT
        |         |                             |                             |         |         \-Maria ABBT
        |         |                             |                             |         |                   \-Anna Maria TRIX
        |         |                             |                             \-Marguerite REYMANN
        |         |                             |                                       |         /-Michel STEURER
        |         |                             |                                       \-Marie-Éva STEURER
        |         |                             |                                                 \-Marie "Ève" FISCHER
        |         |                   /-Alois BERTRAND
        |         |                   |         \-Madeleine ALEXANDRE
        |         |         /-Charles BERTRAND
        |         |         |         \-Madeleine JOTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean-Georges GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Conrad Philippe JOTZ
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Sybilla Euphrosina HEITENMANN
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges JOTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel STREHL
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne Marie STREHL
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie Catherine GUTFREUND
        |         |         |                   |         /-Antoine JOTZ
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine SIESS
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SUSS
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine MILLIEN
        |         |         |                   \-Marguerite JOTZ
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel BARDOL
        |         |         |                             |         /-Michel BARDOL
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques KISSLING
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie KISSLING
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Élisabeth HANSER
        |         |         |                             \-Marguerite BARDOL
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Michel REINAGEL
        |         |         |                                       \-Catherine REINAGEL
        |         |         |                                                 \-Anne-Marie VON BONN
        |         \-Cécile BERTRAND
        |                   |                             /-Georges BERGER
        |                   |                   /-Karl BERGER
        |                   |                   |         \-Madeleine JUNG
        |                   |         /-Karl BERGER ; FREIDINGER
        |                   |         |         \-Louise Caroline FREIDINGER
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Charles FREIDINGER
        |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite FREIDINGER
        |                   |         |                             \-Cécile BERHARD
        |                   \-Marie BERGER
        |                             |         /-Frédéric FRIEDERICH
        |                             \-Julie FRIEDRICH
        |                                       |                             /-Louis BERNARD
        |                                       |                   /-Valentin Chrysotome BERNARD
        |                                       |                   |         |                             /-Melchior Le Jeune HOFFMANN
        |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Michel HOFFMANN
        |                                       |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie TRAUTMANN
        |                                       |                   |         |         /-Laurent HOFFMANN
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         \-Anne Marie KREUTLER
        |                                       |                   |         \-Marie-Ève HOFFMANN
        |                                       |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel MERCKEL
        |                                       |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marguerite PFOHL
        |                                       |                   |                   \-Barbara MERCKEL
        |                                       |                   |                             |         /-Jean Pierre SCHOEN
        |                                       |                   |                             \-Marie Madeleine SCHOEN
        |                                       |                   |                                       \-Marie-Sophie SCHERER
        |                                       |         /-Jean BERNHARD
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Justin GRAUS
        |                                       |         |         \-Marie Joséphine GAUSS
        |                                       |         |                   \-Catherine BURNER
        |                                       \-Marie-Anne BERNHARD
        |                                                 |                                       /-Jean LUDWIG
        |                                                 |                             /-Jean-Adam LUDWIG
        |                                                 |                             |         |         /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |                                                 |                             |         \-Anne Marie TRAUTMANN
        |                                                 |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean Adam LUDWIG
        |                                                 |                   |         |                   /-Hans Wolf SEILER
        |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Jean Ulrich SEILER
        |                                                 |                   |         |         |         \-Magdalena GASSMANN
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Barbara SEILER
        |                                                 |                   |                   |         /-Jean Jacques DIETZ
        |                                                 |                   |                   \-Barbara DIETZ
        |                                                 |                   |                             \-Marguerite ZILIUS
        |                                                 |         /-Jean Adam LUDWIG
        |                                                 |         |         |                             /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                                 |         |         |                   /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean MAURER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth MAURER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara TORSCHE
        |                                                 |         |         \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Gabriel SIFFRIT
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne Catherine SIFFRIT
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Catherine GACK
        |                                                 \-Séraphine LUDWIG
        |                                                           |                                       /-Michel SUGG
        |                                                           |                             /-Sébastien SUGG
        |                                                           |                             |         \-Madeleine FURTMANN
        |                                                           |                   /-Sébastien SUGG
        |                                                           |                   |         |         /-Christian EINHACKER
        |                                                           |                   |         \-Anne-Marie EINHACKER
        |                                                           |                   |                   \-Théodora N.N.
        |                                                           |         /-Jean-Michel SUGG
        |                                                           |         |         |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
        |                                                           |         |         |         /-Pierre WERNERT
        |                                                           |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine WERNERT
        |                                                           |         |                   |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                                                           |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
        |                                                           |         |                             \-Anne-Marie BIER
        |                                                           \-Marie-Barbe SUGG
        |                                                                     |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |                                                                     |                   /-Jean François MERCKEL
        |                                                                     |                   |         \-Marie Barbara SCHOTT
        |                                                                     |         /-Jean-Georges MERKEL
        |                                                                     |         |         |         /-André FRIDERICH
        |                                                                     |         |         \-Marie Éve FRIDERICH
        |                                                                     |         |                   \-Marguerite HIRSCH
        |                                                                     \-Barbara MERKEL
        |                                                                               |                   /-Jean STULB
        |                                                                               |         /-Gaspard STULB
        |                                                                               |         |         \-Christine MEYER ; NEUMEYER
        |                                                                               \-Catherine STULB
        |                                                                                         |         /-Joseph HOLSTEIN
        |                                                                                         \-Marie Barbara HOLSTEIN
        |                                                                                                   \-Anne-Marie SUCHER
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                    |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                    |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                          /-Pierre OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                          |         \-Marie SIES
                                                          |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                /-Michel OTT
                                                |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                      /-Georges OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                      |         |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                      |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                      |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                      |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                      |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                      |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                      |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                      |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                      |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                      |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                      |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                      |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                      |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                      |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                            /-Joseph OTT
                            |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                            |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                            |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                            |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                            |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                            |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                            |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                            |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                            |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                            |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                  /-Louis OTT
                  |         |         /-Louis BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Martin BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Françoise N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                  |         |         |         |         /-Michel BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne LENHERR
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         \-Thérèse BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne SCHMITT
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel NAGEL
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Balthasar NAGEL
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Christine MEYER
                  |         |         |                             \-Marie NAGEL
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathias LAUBACHER
                  |         |         |                                       \-Marie LAUBACHER
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Régine N.N.
                  |         \-Madeleine BIENFAIT
                  |                   |                                                           /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                                 /-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                                 |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                       |         |                   /-Henri EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |                   |         /-Andreas HERRMANN
                  |                   |                                       |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
                  |                   |                             /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                             |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
                  |                   |                             |         \-Ève PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |                   \-Marie WOLFF
                  |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite HANS
                  |                   |         /-Joseph GANGLOFF
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathias ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude HERTIG
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Angela N.N.
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
                  |                   \-Salomé GANGLOFF
                  |                             |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |                             |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                  |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |                             |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |                             |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                  |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                  |                             |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                  |                             |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                  |                             |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                  |                             |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                  |                             |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                  |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                  |                             |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                  |                             |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
                  |                             |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                  |                             |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
                  |                             \-Suzanne SCHALCK
                  |                                       |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                  |                                       |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                  |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |                                       \-Catherine KAPFER
                  |                                                 |                                       /-N.N. LANG
                  |                                                 |                             /-Adam LANG
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean LANG
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                  |                                                 |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                                 \-Marie-Anne LANG
                  |                                                           |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                           |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                                                           \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                                     |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                  |                                                                     \-Marie GEORG
                  |                                                                               |         /-Diebold GRUN
                  |                                                                               \-Christine GRUN
                  |                                                                                         \-Brigitte BASTIAN
        /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Antoine ZOTTNER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Barbara BRILLARD
        |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WERNERT
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Adam WERNERT
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara DEBES
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Catherine WERNERT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Georges DEISER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine DIESSER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Marguerite ADAM
        |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne ZOTTNER
        |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Michel ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                   |                             |                                       /-Jean MICHEL
        |         |                   |                             |                             /-Jean MICHEL
        |         |                   |                             |                             |         \-Anna N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean MICHEL
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean MICHEL
        |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth WEINTROPFEN
        |         |                   |                             \-Catherine MICHEL
        |         |                   |                                       |                   /-Michel KUNTZ
        |         |                   |                                       |         /-Gregory KUNTZ
        |         |                   |                                       \-Marie Ève KUNTZ
        |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |                   |                                                 \-Agnès DIBLING
        |         |                   |                                                           \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         /-Nicolas ZOTTNER
        |         |         |         |                             /-Martin KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |         |                   /-Martin KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |         /-Philippe KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin BOHRER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne BOHRER
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth GOLL
        |         |         |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                   \-Régine MOSSINE
        |         \-Marie ZOTTNER
        |                   |                             /-Michel RIPP
        |                   |                   /-Joseph RIPP
        |                   |                   |         \-Marie-Anne WEBER
        |                   |         /-Antoine RIPP
        |                   |         |         |         /-André LEHMANN
        |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth LEHMANN
        |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine MARIN
        |                   \-Thérèse RIPP
        |                             |                                                 /-Christian MEDTER
        |                             |                                       /-Jacques MEDER
        |                             |                                       |         \-Anne WOLFF
        |                             |                             /-André MAEDER
        |                             |                             |         |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |                             |                             |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |                             |                             |         |                   |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |                             |                             |         |         /-Adam ADAM
        |                             |                             |         |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                             |                             |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |                             |                             |         |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                             |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |                             |                             |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |                             |                             |                   \-Catherine WEBER
        |                             |                   /-Jean MAEDER
        |                             |                   |         |                             /-N.N. HANS
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-André HANS
        |                             |                   |         |         /-André HANS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite MOEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |                             |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HANS
        |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Caspar MEYER
        |                             |                   |                   |         /-Mathias MEYER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |                   |                   \-Anna MEYER
        |                             |                   |                             |         /-Jean Gaspard ZILLIOX
        |                             |                   |                             \-Catherine ZILLIOX
        |                             |                   |                                       |         /-André DIETRICH
        |                             |                   |                                       \-Catherine DIETRICH
        |                             |         /-Michel MAEDER
        |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent WERLING
        |                             |         |         \-Marie-Anne WERLING
        |                             |         |                   \-Anne THAL
        |                             \-Élisabeth MAEDER
        |                                       |                                       /-Christian MEDTER
        |                                       |                             /-Jacques MEDER
        |                                       |                             |         \-Anne WOLFF
        |                                       |                   /-Michel MAEDER
        |                                       |                   |         |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |                                       |                   |         |                   |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |                                       |                   |         |         /-Adam ADAM
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |                                       |                   |         |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                                       |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |                                       |                   |                   \-Catherine WEBER
        |                                       |         /-Georges MAEDER
        |                                       |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
        |                                       |         |         |                             /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |                                       |         |         |                             |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
        |                                       |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève PAULUS
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Marie WOLFF
        |                                       |         |         \-Catherine GANGLOFF
        |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
        |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite LEMMEL
        |                                       |         |                             |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
        |                                       |         |                             \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
        |                                       |         |                                       \-Marguerite HANS
        |                                       \-Marie-Anne MAEDER
        |                                                 |                                                 /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |                                                 |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                 |                                       |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                                                 |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                 |                             |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |                                                 |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |                                                 |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                                                 |                   |                   |         /-Peter MATER
        |                                                 |                   |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |                                                 |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |                                                 |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                                                 |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                                 \-Élisabeth BERENBACH
        |                                                           |                                       /-Michel LORENTZ
        |                                                           |                             /-Michel LORENTZ
        |                                                           |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |                                                           |                   |         |         /-Michel GOETZ
        |                                                           |                   |         \-Marie GOETZ
        |                                                           |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                                           |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |                                                           |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |                                                           \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |                                                                     |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |                                                                     \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |                                                                               |                   /-Mathias RIPP
        |                                                                               |         /-Mathis RIPP
        |                                                                               |         |         \-Barbara N.N;
        |                                                                               \-Catherine RIPP
        |                                                                                         |         /-Georges ACKER
        |                                                                                         \-Elisabeth ACKER
        |                                                                                                   \-Marguerite GRETT
        |                                                                                         /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                                                                               /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |                                                                               |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |                                                                     /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |                                                                     |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |                                                                     |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |                                                           /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |                                                           |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |                                                           |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |                                                           |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |                                                           |                   |                   /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |                                                           |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |                                                           |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |                                                           |                             |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
        |                                                           |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |                                                           |                                       \-Sébastienne PETIT
        |                                                 /-Jacques BERTRAND
        |                                                 |         |         /-Jean LOCHER
        |                                                 |         \-Catherine LOCHER
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Claude FOISSET
        |                                                 |                   \-Catherine FOISSET
        |                                       /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |                                       |         |                                       /-N.N. BLOSER
        |                                       |         |                             /-Joseph BLOSER
        |                                       |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BLOSER
        |                                       |         |                   |         \-Anne SUSS
        |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Georges BLOSER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Martin LIENHART
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie LIENHART
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Barbara CLAS
        |                                       |         \-Anne Ève BLOSER
        |                                       |                   |                                       /-Mathias GRASS
        |                                       |                   |                             /-Nicolas GRASS
        |                                       |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte N.N.
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Mathias GRASS
        |                                       |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques SCHMITT
        |                                       |                   |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
        |                                       |                   |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                       |                   |         /-André GRASS
        |                                       |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques HAMM
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Marguerite HAMM
        |                                       |                   |         |                   |         /-Jacques STOLL
        |                                       |                   |         |                   \-Anne STOLL
        |                                       |                   |         |                             \-Marie GRASSER
        |                                       |                   \-Marie GRASS
        |                                       |                             \-Brigitte MORGENWECK
        |                             /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |                             |         |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
        |                             |         |         /-Laurent WENDLING
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie LIENHARD
        |                             |         \-Élisabeth OTT
        |                             |                   |                                                 /-Georges OTT
        |                             |                   |                                       /-Pierre OTT
        |                             |                   |                                       |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                             |                   |                             /-Pierre OTT
        |                             |                   |                             |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |                             |                   |                             |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
        |                             |                   |                             |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |                             |                   |                   /-Pierre OTT
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Marie SIES
        |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
        |                             |                   |         /-Georges OTT
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Diebold LANG
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Ève GEBUS
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges BAUER
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Marie BAUER
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |                             |                   \-Marie-Ève OTT
        |                             |                             |                                       /-Valentin REYMANN
        |                             |                             |                             /-Christian REYMANN
        |                             |                             |                             |         \-Marie HAMMER
        |                             |                             |                   /-Valentin REYMANN
        |                             |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean GRAFFT
        |                             |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite GRAFFT
        |                             |                             |                   |                   \-Odile BADT
        |                             |                             |         /-Antoine REYMANN
        |                             |                             |         |         |         /-Andreas ABBT
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Maria ABBT
        |                             |                             |         |                   \-Anna Maria TRIX
        |                             |                             \-Marguerite REYMANN
        |                             |                                       |         /-Michel STEURER
        |                             |                                       \-Marie-Éva STEURER
        |                             |                                                 \-Marie "Ève" FISCHER
        |                   /-Alois BERTRAND
        |                   |         \-Madeleine ALEXANDRE
        |         /-Charles BERTRAND
        |         |         \-Madeleine JOTZ
        |         |                   |                                       /-Jean-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             /-Conrad Philippe JOTZ
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Sybilla Euphrosina HEITENMANN
        |         |                   |                   /-Georges JOTZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel STREHL
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne Marie STREHL
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie Catherine GUTFREUND
        |         |                   |         /-Antoine JOTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine SIESS
        |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SUSS
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine MILLIEN
        |         |                   \-Marguerite JOTZ
        |         |                             |                   /-Michel BARDOL
        |         |                             |         /-Michel BARDOL
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques KISSLING
        |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie KISSLING
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Élisabeth HANSER
        |         |                             \-Marguerite BARDOL
        |         |                                       |         /-Michel REINAGEL
        |         |                                       \-Catherine REINAGEL
        |         |                                                 \-Anne-Marie VON BONN
        \-Cécile BERTRAND
                  |                             /-Georges BERGER
                  |                   /-Karl BERGER
                  |                   |         \-Madeleine JUNG
                  |         /-Karl BERGER ; FREIDINGER
                  |         |         \-Louise Caroline FREIDINGER
                  |         |                   |         /-Charles FREIDINGER
                  |         |                   \-Marguerite FREIDINGER
                  |         |                             \-Cécile BERHARD
                  \-Marie BERGER
                            |         /-Frédéric FRIEDERICH
                            \-Julie FRIEDRICH
                                      |                             /-Louis BERNARD
                                      |                   /-Valentin Chrysotome BERNARD
                                      |                   |         |                                       /-Melchior HOFFMANN
                                      |                   |         |                             /-Melchior Le Jeune HOFFMANN
                                      |                   |         |                             |         \-Anne N.N.
                                      |                   |         |                   /-Michel HOFFMANN
                                      |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
                                      |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie TRAUTMANN
                                      |                   |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
                                      |                   |         |         /-Laurent HOFFMANN
                                      |                   |         |         |         \-Anne Marie KREUTLER
                                      |                   |         \-Marie-Ève HOFFMANN
                                      |                   |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                      |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                      |                   |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel MERCKEL
                                      |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques PFOHL
                                      |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marguerite PFOHL
                                      |                   |                   |         |                   \-Anne N.N.
                                      |                   |                   \-Barbara MERCKEL
                                      |                   |                             |                   /-Jean SCHOEN
                                      |                   |                             |         /-Jean Pierre SCHOEN
                                      |                   |                             |         |         \-Apolline N.N.
                                      |                   |                             \-Marie Madeleine SCHOEN
                                      |                   |                                       |         /-Jacques SCHERER
                                      |                   |                                       \-Marie-Sophie SCHERER
                                      |                   |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
                                      |         /-Jean BERNHARD
                                      |         |         |         /-Justin GRAUS
                                      |         |         \-Marie Joséphine GAUSS
                                      |         |                   \-Catherine BURNER
                                      \-Marie-Anne BERNHARD
                                                |                                       /-Jean LUDWIG
                                                |                             /-Jean-Adam LUDWIG
                                                |                             |         |         /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             |         \-Anne Marie TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
                                                |                   /-Jean Adam LUDWIG
                                                |                   |         |                   /-Hans Wolf SEILER
                                                |                   |         |         /-Jean Ulrich SEILER
                                                |                   |         |         |         |         /-Ulrich GASSMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         \-Magdalena GASSMANN
                                                |                   |         \-Barbara SEILER
                                                |                   |                   |                   /-Jean DIETZ
                                                |                   |                   |         /-Jean Jacques DIETZ
                                                |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
                                                |                   |                   \-Barbara DIETZ
                                                |                   |                             |         /-Léonard ZILIUS
                                                |                   |                             \-Marguerite ZILIUS
                                                |         /-Jean Adam LUDWIG
                                                |         |         |                                       /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                                                |         |         |                             /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
                                                |         |         |                             |         \-Appoline N.N.
                                                |         |         |                   /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean HERRMANN
                                                |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
                                                |         |         |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                                                |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean MAURER
                                                |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth MAURER
                                                |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara TORSCHE
                                                |         |         \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
                                                |         |                   |         /-Gabriel SIFFRIT
                                                |         |                   \-Anne Catherine SIFFRIT
                                                |         |                             \-Catherine GACK
                                                \-Séraphine LUDWIG
                                                          |                                                 /-N.N. SUGG
                                                          |                                       /-Michel SUGG
                                                          |                             /-Sébastien SUGG
                                                          |                             |         \-Madeleine FURTMANN
                                                          |                   /-Sébastien SUGG
                                                          |                   |         |         /-Christian EINHACKER
                                                          |                   |         \-Anne-Marie EINHACKER
                                                          |                   |                   \-Théodora N.N.
                                                          |         /-Jean-Michel SUGG
                                                          |         |         |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
                                                          |         |         |         /-Pierre WERNERT
                                                          |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine WERNERT
                                                          |         |                   |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
                                                          |         |                   |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                          |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
                                                          |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
                                                          |         |                             |         /-Wendelin BIERER
                                                          |         |                             \-Anne-Marie BIER
                                                          |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
                                                          \-Marie-Barbe SUGG
                                                                    |                                       /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                                                    |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                                                    |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                                                                    |                   /-Jean François MERCKEL
                                                                    |                   |         |         /-Otto Daniel SCHOTT
                                                                    |                   |         \-Marie Barbara SCHOTT
                                                                    |                   |                   \-Anne N.N.
                                                                    |         /-Jean-Georges MERKEL
                                                                    |         |         |                   /-Jean FRIDERICH
                                                                    |         |         |         /-André FRIDERICH
                                                                    |         |         |         |         \-Ève WEITMANN
                                                                    |         |         \-Marie Éve FRIDERICH
                                                                    |         |                   |         /-Nicolas HIRSCH
                                                                    |         |                   \-Marguerite HIRSCH
                                                                    |         |                             \-Dorothée MEYER
                                                                    \-Barbara MERKEL
                                                                              |                             /-Jean STULB
                                                                              |                   /-Jean STULB
                                                                              |                   |         \-Odile BRAUNAGEL
                                                                              |         /-Gaspard STULB
                                                                              |         |         |         /-Théobald MEYER
                                                                              |         |         \-Christine MEYER ; NEUMEYER
                                                                              |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BEYER
                                                                              \-Catherine STULB
                                                                                        |                   /-Nicolas HOLSTEIN
                                                                                        |         /-Joseph HOLSTEIN
                                                                                        |         |         \-Anne-Marie SCHERER ; BREITENMOSER
                                                                                        \-Marie Barbara HOLSTEIN
                                                                                                  |         /-Jean Jacques SUCHER
                                                                                                  \-Anne-Marie SUCHER
                                                                                                            \-Anne HEISS

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Michel OTT
                                                                              |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                                                              |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                                                              |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                                                              |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                                                              |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                                              |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                                                              |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                                    /-André OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Adam ROEHRY
                                                                    |         \-Ève ROEHRY
                                                                    |                   |                   /-Hanï WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
                                                                    |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                                                                    |                   \-Véronique WALTER
                                                                    |                             |         /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
                                                                    |                             \-Anne WENDEL
                                                                    |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
                                                          /-Ignace OTT
                                                          |         |                                       /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                             /-Valentin REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                             |         \-Éva ZEHN
                                                          |         |                   /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |                   |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Marie TRIER
                                                          |         |                   |                   \-Agnès RIPP
                                                          |         |         /-Jean Sébastien REIFFSTECK
                                                          |         |         |         |                   /-Thomas SIEGEL
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-André SIGEL
                                                          |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ERNST
                                                          |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SIEGEL
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEIM
                                                          |         \-Gertrude REIFFSTECK
                                                          |                   |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
                                                          |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                                                          |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
                                                          |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                                          |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                                          |                   \-Gertrude WENDLING
                                                          |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                                                          |                             |         /-Simon OTT
                                                          |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                          |                             \-Gertrude OTT
                                                          |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                          |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
                                                          |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                /-Ignace OTT
                                                |         |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                                                |         |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                                                |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                                                |         |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                                                |         |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                                                |         |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                                                |         |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                                                |         |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                                                |         |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                                                |         |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                                                |         \-Barbe SCHALCK
                                                |                   |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |                   |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |                   |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                                                |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |                   \-Catherine KAPFER
                                                |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
                                                |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
                                                |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                                                |                             |         /-Jean LANG
                                                |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                                                |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                                                |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                                                |                             \-Marie-Anne LANG
                                                |                                       |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                       |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |                                       \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                                                |                                                 |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                                                |                                                 \-Marie GEORG
                                                |                                                           \-Christine GRUN
                                      /-François-Antoine OTT
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jacques OHLMANN
                                      |         |                                       /-Jacques OHLMANN
                                      |         |                                       |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |                             /-Joseph OHLMANN
                                      |         |                             |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                      |         |                             |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                      |         |                             |         \-Éve BRUN
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth HEINRICH
                                      |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-N.N. GRESS
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph KRESS
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie-Catherine KRESS
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie FIHL
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Salomé ANSTETT
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-André OTT
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Marie OTT
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Ursula URB
                                      |         |         /-Aloyse OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Henri Jean SCHLOSSER
                                      |         |         |         \-Catherine SCHLOSSER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAPP
                                      |         \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
                                      |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                             /-Joseph SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie FREYMANN
                                      |                   |                   /-François-Michel SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Frédéric GREIFF
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne GREIF
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine MARX
                                      |                   |         /-Antoine SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine ROTH
                                      |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ROTH
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne SONN
                                      |                   \-Catherine SCHWARTZMANN
                                      |                             |                   /-Joseph SIES
                                      |                             |         /-Nicolas SUSS
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                                      |                             |         |         \-Anne STEINMETZ
                                      |                             \-Barbe SUSS
                                      |                                       |         /-Antoine DOLLINGER
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude DOLLINGER
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine ROHRY
                            /-Joseph Albert OTT
                            |         |                                                                     /-Georges NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                           /-Michel NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                           |         \-Christine BASTIAN
                            |         |                                                 /-Bastien NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                                 |         \-Anne Barbe GASS
                            |         |                                       /-Jean Georges NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                                       |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
                            |         |                                       |         |         /-Mathieu GEBUS
                            |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
                            |         |                                       |         \-Marie GEBUS
                            |         |                             /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                             |         |                             /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |                   /-François DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Salomé N.N.
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                            |         |                             |         \-Catherine DIRHEIMER
                            |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
                            |         |                             |                   \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
                            |         |                             |                             \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
                            |         |                   /-Joseph NONNENMACHER
                            |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
                            |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas SATTLER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine SATTLER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias KAPFER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie-Barbara KAPFER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Suzanne N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne OTT
                            |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathis DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KESLER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Eve DETTWEILLER
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre MESSNER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Maria Éva MESSNER
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
                            |         |         /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                            |         |         |         |                                                 /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Peter FREUND
                            |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
                            |         |         |         |                             |         \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges SCHMITT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine FREUND
                            |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Mathias BAEHL
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ZENS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias BEHL
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KAPP
                            |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara KAPP
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMITT
                            |         |         |                   \-Marie Anne BAEHL
                            |         |         |                             |                             /-Michel ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques ROHR
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel GRASSER
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara GRASSER
                            |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie ROHR
                            |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WEBER
                            |         \-Marie-Anne "Catherine" NONNENMACHER
                            |                   |                                                 /-Ernestius DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                                       /-Hans U Jean-Jacques DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine LECHNER
                            |                   |                             /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                   /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude SCHALL
                            |                   |         /-Michel DOLLINGER
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROOS
                            |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                            |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jacques STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |                   /-Antoine STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie GRASSER
                            |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges STOLL
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne DEBES
                            |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LAPP
                            |                   |         |                   \-Odile STOLL
                            |                   |         |                             \-Odile VIX
                            |                   \-Catherine DOLLINGER
                            |                             |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
                            |                             |         /-Mathias WENDLING
                            |                             |         |         |         /-N.N. LANG
                            |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
                            |                             \-Gertrude WENDLING
                            |                                       |                                       /-André OTT
                            |                                       |                             /-Mathieu OTT
                            |                                       |                             |         \-Ursula URB
                            |                                       |                   /-André OTT
                            |                                       |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                            |                                       |                   |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                            |                                       |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                            |                                       |         /-Antoine OTT
                            |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                            |                                       |         |         |         /-Georges BECH
                            |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                            |                                       |         |         \-Ursule BECH
                            |                                       |         |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                            |                                       \-Thérèse OTT
                            |                                                 |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                            |                                                 |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                            |                                                 |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                            |                                                 |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                            |                                                 |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                            |                                                 |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                            |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                            |                                                 \-Marie GEBUS
                            |                                                           |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                            |                                                           |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                            |                                                           |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                            |                                                           \-Anne FRINTZ
                            |                                                                     |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                            |                                                                     \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                            |                                                                               \-Marie SCHNEPP
                  /-Eugène Antoine OTT
                  |         |                                       /-Étienne BASTIAN
                  |         |                             /-Étienne BASTIAN
                  |         |                             |         \-Catherine REYMANN
                  |         |                   /-Joseph BASTIAN
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Michel LORENTZ
                  |         |                   |         \-Barbe LORENTZ
                  |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                  |         |                   |                   |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
                  |         |                   |                   |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Joseph BIENFAIT
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne BIENFAIT
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Jacques WOLFF
                  |         |                   |                             \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
                  |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne LENHERR
                  |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |                   |                                                 \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |                   |                                                           \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         /-Jean BASTIAN
                  |         |         |         |                                                           /-Jean-Charles BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Benjamin BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 |         \-Françoise BAUDET
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean Charles BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean KIEGER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Ève KIEGER
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Étienne BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Mathieu KOPP
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Gertrude KOPP
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Ève FISCHER
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Étienne BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Georges DUBENBERGER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Rosine DUBENBERGER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude DILLINGER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Étienne BARBIER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques HEIM
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Michel HEIM
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie THAL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph HEIM
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean THAL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin THAL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie Anne THAL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean KIEGER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie KIEGER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara ZIBEL
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Salomé HEIM
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Claude ALLMAND
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Gaspard ALLMAND
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HUTTOLFFER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Barbara ALLEMAND
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie SCHOPP
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jacques WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Christine WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                  |         |         |         \-Madeleine BARBIER
                  |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Michel GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Pierre GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                  |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Sébastienne PETIT
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Étienne Ou Sébastien GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHOPP
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Ou Anne-Marie SCHOPP
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie GANGLOFF
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |         /-François Antoine GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHLOEGEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Brigitte SCHLOEGEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Ursule BETZMEYER
                  |         |         |                   \-Gertrude GROSJEAN
                  |         |         |                             |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-André BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Adam GASS
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie GASS
                  |         |         |                             |                   |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jean BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |         |         |                             \-Barbara BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                                       \-Barbe WENDLING
                  |         \-Marie Thérèse BASTIAN
                  |                   |         /-Michel TROMPETER
                  |                   \-Catherine TROMPETER
                  |                             \-Cécile KABS
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |                                                                                         /-Georges WENDLING
        |         |                                                                               /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
        |         |                                                                               |         \-Anne MEYER
        |         |                                                                     /-Jacques WENDLING
        |         |                                                                     |         |         /-Jean THAL
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Catherine THAL
        |         |                                                           /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                                                           |         \-Catherine SIFFERT
        |         |                                                 /-Michel WENDLING
        |         |                                                 |         |                             /-Jean Jacques LINDER
        |         |                                                 |         |                   /-Jacques LINDER
        |         |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Laurent LINDER
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Caspar MARTIN
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         \-Catharina MARTIN
        |         |                                                 |         \-Barbara LINDER
        |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
        |         |                                                 |                             \-Anne BARTH
        |         |                                       /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                                       |         |                                       /-Jean SPECHT
        |         |                                       |         |                             /-André SPECHT
        |         |                                       |         |                             |         \-Madeleine SEILER
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jacques SPECHT
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         \-Ève SCHAMPER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
        |         |                                       |         |         /-André SPECHT
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean RUNTZ
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine RUNTZ
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Anne SCHALCKINER
        |         |                                       |         \-Marie-Anne SPECHT
        |         |                                       |                   |                   /-Magne MULLER
        |         |                                       |                   |         /-Joseph MULLER
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth RÖSLER
        |         |                                       |                   \-Marie Barbe MULLER
        |         |                                       |                             |                   /-Jean HUSS
        |         |                                       |                             |         /-Jacques HUSS
        |         |                                       |                             |         |         \-Maria ANDRES
        |         |                                       |                             \-Anne-Marguerite HUSS
        |         |                                       |                                       \-Marguerite BISCHBINGER
        |         |                             /-François-Xavier WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |                                       /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |                             /-Théobalt WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques BASTIAN
        |         |                             |         |                             |         \-Éve BASTIAN
        |         |                             |         |                             |                   \-Marthe KÄBLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |                   /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                             \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |                             |         |         /-Michel WENDLING
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Jean STEINMETZ
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Martin STEINMETZ
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-André KEITH
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie KEITH
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marie STEINMETZ
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |                   /-Diebold LANG
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth LANG
        |         |                             |         |         |                             |         /-Martin VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |         |                             \-Catherine VELTEN
        |         |                             |         |         |                                       \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         \-Anne WENDLING
        |         |                             |                   |                                       /-Georges LUTZ
        |         |                             |                   |                             /-Jean LUTZ
        |         |                             |                   |                             |         \-Anna HATT
        |         |                             |                   |                   /-Nicolas LUTZ
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Chrétien JUNG
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne JUNG
        |         |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Barbe TROESCH
        |         |                             |                   |         /-André LUTZ
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-André FRITSCH
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
        |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Marguerite FRITSCH
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
        |         |                             |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite HAMM
        |         |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
        |         |                             |                             |                   /-Laurent MANDEL
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Pierre MANDEL
        |         |                             |                             |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
        |         |                             |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
        |         |                             |                             |         |                   \-Anne Marie RECHT
        |         |                             |                             \-Anne-Marie MANDEL
        |         |                             |                                       |                   /-Jacques FUCHS
        |         |                             |                                       |         /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
        |         |                             |                                       |         |         \-Anna TRIER
        |         |                             |                                       \-Marie-Madeleine FUCHS
        |         |                             |                                                 |         /-Jean ROTH
        |         |                             |                                                 \-Marguerite ROTH
        |         |                             |                                                           \-Suzanne BUB
        |         |                   /-André WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Joseph SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Antoine SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean DAUL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria GRUN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-François DAUL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Michel HANS
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine HANS
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Maria GRUN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Éva FURBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne DAUL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges DEBES
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Laurent DEBES
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine MEHL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-André DEBUS
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Brigitte FRITSCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Brigitte DEBUS
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne Marie WENDLING
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       |         /-Simon OTT
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |                   |         |         |                                                 \-Anne GOETZ
        |         |                   |         \-Anne SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   |                                                 /-André KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Georges KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |                                       |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |                   |                   |                             /-Jean KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         \-Odile WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |                   /-Georges KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |                   /-Laurent HEINTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-(Heitz) Lorentz HEINTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Ursule HEINTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   |         /-Andres MUETZ
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Éva MUETZ
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                             \-Maria SCHAEFFER
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Joseph KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Mathias SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean BEY
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie Eva BEY
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Eva BAUER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Sébastien CONRAD
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Anne CONRATH
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean MATERN
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite MADER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine WALTER
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine KEITH
        |         |                   |                             \-Marie-Anne LANG
        |         |         /-Édouard Charles WENDLING
        |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges SANDER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Gertrude HEITZ
        |         |         |         |                             /-Pierre SANDER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Michel MATERN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques MATERN
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie MATERN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Laurent MEHL
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Gertrude MEHL
        |         |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |                             \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       \-Anne SIMON
        |         |         |         |                   /-Antoine SANDER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Madeleine LANG
        |         |         |         |         /-Joseph SANDER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean BURG
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Antoine BURG
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Thérèse BURG
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine ADAM
        |         |         |         \-Thérèse SANDER
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Martin WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Philippe WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Frédéric GAST
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean GAST
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anne BASTIAN
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marie-Anne GAST
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Blaise AFFER
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Barbe AFFER
        |         |         |                   |                             |                             \-Catherine DIBLING
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Joseph WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Hilaire BURG
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine BURG
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara FUCHS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Georges DEISER
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite DISSER
        |         |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Marguerite ADAM
        |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph WEBER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Thérèse KAPFER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-David FOURNAISE
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques SCHERRER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude SCHERRER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine FOURNAISE
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean DAUL
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie DAUL
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine HANS
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Maria GRUN
        |         |         |                   \-Madeleine WEBER
        |         |         |                             |                                                 /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |         |                             |                                       /-Jean Henri GRESS
        |         |         |                             |                                       |         \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Michel KRESS
        |         |         |                             |                             |         |         /-André OTT
        |         |         |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite OTT
        |         |         |                             |                             |                   \-Ursula URB
        |         |         |                             |                   /-André KRESS
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |                   /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Michel FRESCH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie Ève FRESCH
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |         |         |                             |                   |                             \-Gertrude OTT
        |         |         |                             |         /-Michel KRESS
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbe OHLMANN
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Odile SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
        |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Marie KIEFFER
        |         |         |                             |         |                                       \-Eve TURINGER
        |         |         |                             \-Marie-Anne KRESS
        |         |         |                                       |                                       /-Adam LANG
        |         |         |                                       |                             /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |                                       |                             |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Odile WEBER
        |         |         |                                       |                   |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Michel LANG
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   \-Marie GEORG
        |         |         |                                       |         |                             \-Christine GRUN
        |         |         |                                       \-Barbara LANG
        |         |         |                                                 \-Barbara HUGEL
        |         \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                   |                                       /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |                             /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |                             |         |         /-Nicolas BUR
        |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie BUR
        |                   |                             |                   \-Ève BAECHTEL
        |                   |                   /-Joseph KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Philippe DAAB
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Joseph DAPP
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Pierre IRR
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Wolfgang IRR
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Wolff MEYER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie MEYER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie Marguerite Ou Marie-Madeleine IRR
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques BERNHART
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques BERNHART
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie MULLER - MEYER
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie Éva BERNHARD
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             \-Maria DILL
        |                   |                   |         \-Madeleine DAPP
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Joseph MOSSER
        |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOSSER
        |                   |                   |                             \-Marie-Anne MATERNE
        |                   |         /-Antoine KAPFER
        |                   |         |         |                                                           /-Laurent AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Martin AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                                                 |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                   |         |         |                                       /-Adam AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |                   |         |         |                                       |                   \-Anne SIMON
        |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean Adam AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |                   /-N.N. VOGT
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         /-Nicolas VOGT
        |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Madeleine VOGT
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Georges WACK
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite WACK
        |                   |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Durst LENG
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Gaspard LANG
        |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Anne LANG
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Thomas KESSLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Rosine KESSLER
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             \-Hélène BIECHLER
        |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             /-François DIRHEIMER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Salomé N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Joseph DIRHEIMER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine DÜRRHEIMER
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Adam LANG
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Barbe LANG
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |         /-Bartholomé WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Hélène ACKERMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Durst RITTLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine RITTLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne KOEHL
        |                   |         |         \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean BURG
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean BURG
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         |                   \-Thérèse BURG
        |                   |         |                             |         /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |                   |         |                             \-Odile KAPFER
        |                   |         |                                       |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |                   |         |                                       |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |                   |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |                   |         |                                       |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |                   |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |                   |         |                                       |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |                   |         |                                       |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine ROLLET
        |                   |         |                                                 |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                   |         |                                                 |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                   |         |                                                 |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         |                                                 \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |                   |         |                                                           |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                   |         |                                                           \-Eve VINCENT
        |                   |         |                                                                     \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |                   \-Marie Rosalie KAPFER
        |                             |                             /-Joseph HUSS
        |                             |                   /-Louis HUSS
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Antoine WERNERT
        |                             |                   |         \-Catherine WERNERT
        |                             |                   |                   \-Barbara GRUN
        |                             |         /-François-Antoine HUSS
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean BURG
        |                             |         |         |         /-Georges BURG
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                             |         |         |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                             |         |         \-Catherine BURG
        |                             |         |                   |                             /-Martin WEBER
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Michel WEBER
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Michel WEBER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Frédéric GAST
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GAST
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne BASTIAN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Anne GAST
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Blaise AFFER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   \-Barbe AFFER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine DIBLING
        |                             |         |                   \-Thérèse WEBER
        |                             |         |                             |                             /-Jean LANG
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Michel LANG
        |                             |         |                             |                   |         \-Odile WEBER
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Joseph LANG
        |                             |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques WALTER
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |                             |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
        |                             |         |                             \-Catherine LANG
        |                             |         |                                       |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Michel SCHNEPP
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne LAUGEL
        |                             |         |                                       \-Catherine SCHNEPP
        |                             |         |                                                 |         /-Jean DURINGER
        |                             |         |                                                 \-Gertrude DURINGER
        |                             |         |                                                           \-Éve HUGEL
        |                             \-Françoise HUSS
        |                                       |                                       /-Jean Michel SANDER
        |                                       |                             /-Georges SANDER
        |                                       |                             |         \-Gertrude HEITZ
        |                                       |                   /-Pierre SANDER
        |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Michel MATERN
        |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jacques MATERN
        |                                       |                   |         \-Marie MATERN
        |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Laurent MEHL
        |                                       |                   |                   \-Gertrude MEHL
        |                                       |                   |                             |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                                       |                   |                             \-Gertrude MARTZ
        |                                       |                   |                                       \-Anne SIMON
        |                                       |         /-Antoine SANDER
        |                                       |         |         \-Madeleine LANG
        |                                       \-Marie Anne SANDER
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean BURG
        |                                                 |         /-Antoine BURG
        |                                                 |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                                 |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
        |                                                 |         |         \-Marie-Anne WENDLING
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                                                 \-Thérèse BURG
        |                                                           \-Catherine ADAM
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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                                                /-Jean OTT
                                      /-Antoine OTT
                                      |         |                             /-Michel OSTER
                                      |         |                   /-André OSTER
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Adam GASS
                                      |         |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                                      |         |         /-Michel OSTER
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Georges WENDLING
                                      |         |         |         \-Catherine WENDLING
                                      |         \-Barbara Odile OSTER
                                      |                   |                   /-Georges ANTH
                                      |                   |         /-Jean ANTH
                                      |                   |         |         \-Catharine KLEIN
                                      |                   \-Odile ANTH
                                      |                             |                             /-André KEITH
                                      |                             |                   /-André KEITH
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                                      |                             |         /-Georges KEITH
                                      |                             |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
                                      |                             \-Odilia KEUTH
                                      |                                       \-Odile WENDLING
                            /-Joseph OTT
                            |         |                             /-Michel FRIEDMANN
                            |         |                   /-Antoine FRIEDMANN
                            |         |                   |         \-Éve STOCK
                            |         |         /-Joseph FRIEDMANN
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques RAPPOLD
                            |         |         |         |         /-Jean RAPPOLT
                            |         |         |         \-Marie Élisabeth RAPPOLT
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean Georges HARTER
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Mathieu HARTER
                            |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth HARTER
                            |         |         |                             |                             /-Dionisus BAUR
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Augustin BAUR
                            |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Marc BAUR
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean GROS
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Suzanne GROS
                            |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BAUR
                            |         |         |                                       |                   /-Daniel REIFF
                            |         |         |                                       |         /-Melchior REIFF
                            |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne Marguerite N.N.
                            |         |         |                                       \-Rosine RUFF
                            |         |         |                                                 \-Suzanne WADEL
                            |         \-Madeleine FRIEDMANN
                            |                   |                   /-Jacques SCHOTT
                            |                   |         /-Laurent SCHOTT
                            |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean Wilhelm STUTZ
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques STUTZ
                            |                   |         |         |         |         \-Barbara REIBEL
                            |                   |         |         \-Barbara STUTZ
                            |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHMITT
                            |                   \-Catherine Louise SCHOTT
                            |                             |         /-Philippe HAHN
                            |                             \-Marie Anne HENNEL
                            |                                       |                   /-André BLATTNER
                            |                                       |         /-Laurent BLATTNER
                            |                                       |         |         \-Anne-Marie SPRINGLER
                            |                                       \-Anne-Marie BLATTNER
                            |                                                 |                             /-Bartholomé FEUERSTEIN
                            |                                                 |                   /-Martin FEUERSTEIN
                            |                                                 |         /-Jacques FEUERSTEIN
                            |                                                 |         |         \-Agathe WEHINGER
                            |                                                 \-Anna Barbara FEUERSTEIN
                            |                                                           |                   /-Jean Théobald SCHMIDT
                            |                                                           |         /-Théobald SCHMITT
                            |                                                           |         |         \-Élisabeth Marguerite ARCULARIUS
                            |                                                           \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
                            |                                                                     \-Anne-Marie KLEIN
                  /-Eugène OTT
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean Adam MATHERN
                  |         |                                       /-Mathias MATHERN
                  |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie HEYD
                  |         |                             /-Hubert MATHERN
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Georges KEHRES
                  |         |                             |         \-Suzanne KEHRES
                  |         |                             |                   \-Suzanne JACOB
                  |         |                   /-Paul MATHERN
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Philippee Jacques KLEIN
                  |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth Catherine KLEIN
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-André ZAEPFEL
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Martin ZAEPFEL
                  |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ZAEPFEL
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean Théobald ACKER
                  |         |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie ACKER
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne KOHLER
                  |         |         /-François-Joseph MATHERN
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Hubert ANTHONY
                  |         |         |         |         /-Hubert ANTONI
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WILLIUS
                  |         |         |         \-Marie Ève ANTONI
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean KRAEMER
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean Adam KRAEMER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth STUDER
                  |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KRAEMER
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques BALL
                  |         |         |                             \-Catherine BALL
                  |         |         |                                       \-Anne ROOS
                  |         \-Catherine MATHERN
                  |                   |                   /-N.N. PFISTER
                  |                   |         /-François PFISTER
                  |                   \-Madeleine PFISTER
                  |                             |         /-N.N. KUHN
                  |                             \-Marthe KUHN
        /-Edward Victor OTT
        |         \-Louise MARTER
        |                   |                   /-Joseph MARTER
        |                   |         /-François-Joseph MARTER
        |                   |         |         |         /-Mathieu ERNY
        |                   |         |         \-Barbe ERNY
        |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth HERMANN
        |                   \-Marie-Anne MARTER
        |                             \-Marie Ève DOLCH
        |                                       \-Catherine DOLCH
        \-Frances Henrietta NIEHAUS

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                    /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                          /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                          |         \-Catherine LOGLER
                                                /-Frédéric "Guillaume" OTT
                                                |         |                   /-N.N. BURGGRAFF
                                                |         |         /-Jean-Jacques BURGGRAFF
                                                |         \-Marie Salomé BURGGRAFF
                                                |                   |         /-N.N. HÜBER
                                                |                   \-Suzanne Salomé HÜBER
                                      /-Alfred OTT
                                      |         |                   /-Philippe Jacques BURCKHARDT
                                      |         |         /-Jean Léonard BURGHARD
                                      |         |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth ROSER
                                      |         \-Salomé "Sophie" BURCKHARDT
                                      |                   |                                                 /-Mathias BLESSIG
                                      |                   |                                       /-Mathias BLESSIG
                                      |                   |                             /-Emmanuel BLESSIG
                                      |                   |                   /-Jean Frédéric BLESSIG
                                      |                   |         /-Jean-Georges BLESSIG
                                      |                   \-Salomé BLESSIG
                                      |                             |         /-Jean Frédéric LIEBOLD
                                      |                             \-Marie Salomé LIEBOLD
                                      |                                       \-Marie-Madeleine BUSCH
                            /-Marcel OTT
                            |         |         /-Alexandre Frédéric D'EINBRODT
                            |         \-Louise Félicie Victoire Emma D'EINBRODT
                            |                   |         /-N.N. BECKERS
                            |                   \-Félicie Anna Georgette Emma Charlotte BECKERS
                  /-Marcel OTT
                  |         |                             /-Christophe DIETERLEN
                  |         |                   /-Jacques "Christophe" DIETERLEN
                  |         |                   |         \-Caroline FARNY
                  |         |         /-Jules DIETERLEN
                  |         |         |         \-Julie "Émilie" STEINHEIL
                  |         \-Élisabeth DIETERLEN
                  |                   |                                                                     /-Jérôme HATTEN
                  |                   |                                                           /-Jérôme HATT
                  |                   |                                                           |         \-Marie GASSNER
                  |                   |                                                 /-Jean HATT
                  |                   |                                                 |         |         /-Jean HAMM
                  |                   |                                                 |         \-Marguerite HAMM
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean HATT
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Anne KAMM
                  |                   |                             /-Jean-Louis HATT
                  |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite Barbe HEIL
                  |                   |                   /-Jean Louis HATT
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Philippe Jacques KELLER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Anne Barbe KELLER
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Barbe SCHOTT
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbe FRIEDOLSHEIM
                  |                   |         /-Louis Guillaume HATT
                  |                   |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth KREISS
                  |                   \-Pauline HATT
                  |                             |                                       /-Jean-Georges OTT
                  |                             |                             /-Georges Frédéric OTT
                  |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques OTT
                  |                             |                   |         \-Anne-Catherine PICK
                  |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques OTT
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Michel BOESWILLWALD
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Michel BOESWILLWALD
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Frédéric BOESWILLWALD
                  |                             |         |         \-Catherine Marguerite BOESWILLWALD
                  |                             \-Fanny OTT
                  |                                       |         /-Gabriel BADDA DE PODOFALVA
                  |                                       \-Octavie BADDA DE PODPFLAVA
                  |                                                 \-Charlotte Wilhelmine DE STUTZ
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |         /-Charles Pierre BARD
        |         \-Jacqueline BARD
        |                   \-Elisabeth Mary Louise CHAVANNES
        \-Rosemarie Antonia ECKENSPIELLER

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                          /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                |         \-Catherine LOGLER
                                      /-Frédéric "Guillaume" OTT
                                      |         |                   /-N.N. BURGGRAFF
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Jacques BURGGRAFF
                                      |         \-Marie Salomé BURGGRAFF
                                      |                   |         /-N.N. HÜBER
                                      |                   \-Suzanne Salomé HÜBER
                            /-Alfred OTT
                            |         |                   /-Philippe Jacques BURCKHARDT
                            |         |         /-Jean Léonard BURGHARD
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth ROSER
                            |         \-Salomé "Sophie" BURCKHARDT
                            |                   |                                                           /-Jean BLESSIG
                            |                   |                                                 /-Mathias BLESSIG
                            |                   |                                       /-Mathias BLESSIG
                            |                   |                             /-Emmanuel BLESSIG
                            |                   |                   /-Jean Frédéric BLESSIG
                            |                   |         /-Jean-Georges BLESSIG
                            |                   \-Salomé BLESSIG
                            |                             |         /-Jean Frédéric LIEBOLD
                            |                             \-Marie Salomé LIEBOLD
                            |                                       \-Marie-Madeleine BUSCH
                  /-Marcel OTT
                  |         |         /-Alexandre Frédéric D'EINBRODT
                  |         \-Louise Félicie Victoire Emma D'EINBRODT
                  |                   |         /-N.N. BECKERS
                  |                   \-Félicie Anna Georgette Emma Charlotte BECKERS
        /-René André OTT
        |         |                             /-Christophe DIETERLEN
        |         |                   /-Jacques "Christophe" DIETERLEN
        |         |                   |         \-Caroline FARNY
        |         |         /-Jules DIETERLEN
        |         |         |         \-Julie "Émilie" STEINHEIL
        |         \-Élisabeth DIETERLEN
        |                   |                                                                               /-Jerôme HATTEN
        |                   |                                                                     /-Jérôme HATTEN
        |                   |                                                                     |         \-Suzanne JUNG
        |                   |                                                           /-Jérôme HATT
        |                   |                                                           |         \-Marie GASSNER
        |                   |                                                 /-Jean HATT
        |                   |                                                 |         |         /-Jean HAMM
        |                   |                                                 |         \-Marguerite HAMM
        |                   |                                       /-Jean HATT
        |                   |                                       |         \-Anne KAMM
        |                   |                             /-Jean-Louis HATT
        |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite Barbe HEIL
        |                   |                   /-Jean Louis HATT
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Philippe Jacques KELLER
        |                   |                   |         \-Anne Barbe KELLER
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
        |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Barbe SCHOTT
        |                   |                   |                             \-Barbe FRIEDOLSHEIM
        |                   |         /-Louis Guillaume HATT
        |                   |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth KREISS
        |                   \-Pauline HATT
        |                             |                                       /-Jean-Georges OTT
        |                             |                             /-Georges Frédéric OTT
        |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques OTT
        |                             |                   |         \-Anne-Catherine PICK
        |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques OTT
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Michel BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Michel BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Frédéric BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         \-Catherine Marguerite BOESWILLWALD
        |                             \-Fanny OTT
        |                                       |         /-Gabriel BADDA DE PODOFALVA
        |                                       \-Octavie BADDA DE PODPFLAVA
        |                                                 \-Charlotte Wilhelmine DE STUTZ
        |                   /-Lucien Charles GAUTIER
        |         /-Charles Lucien GAUTIER
        |         |         |                             /-Henri Hermann François Gottlieb HENSCH
        |         |         |                   /-Charles Ernest HENSCH
        |         |         |                   |         \-Louise Marie CARDONI
        |         |         |         /-Charles Isaac Émile HENSCH
        |         |         \-Berthe Victoire HENSCH
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean Fançois COINDET
        |         |                   |         /-Jean Charles COINDET
        |         |                   \-Adèle Marie Adrienne COINDET
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                   /-Ernest Pyrame Marc PICTET
                  |         /-Paul Edmond PICTET
                  \-Hélène Gabrielle PICTET
                            \-Marie Pauline HIRSCHGARTNER

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                      /-Pierre OTT
                            /-Michel OTT
                            |         \-Élisabeth BUCHHOLTZ
                  /-Jean OTT
                  |         |                   /-Martin TROST
                  |         |         /-Henri TROST
                  |         |         |         \-Gertrude SCHMITT
                  |         \-Salomé TROST
                  |                   |                   /-Michel KREIT
                  |                   |         /-Henri KREIT
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Casimir FREY
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie Anne FREY
                  |                   |         |                   \-Catherine FRANK
                  |                   \-Catherine KREIT
                  |                             \-Anne-Marie HIRSCH
        /-François OTT
        |         |                             /-Michel KREIT
        |         |                   /-Henri KREIT
        |         |                   |         |         /-Casimir FREY
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Anne FREY
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine FRANK
        |         |         /-Jean-Adam KREIT
        |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie HIRSCH
        |         \-Catherine KREIT
        |                   \-Catherine SCHMITT
        |                             \-Marianne SCHMITT
        |                                                 /-Michel KREIT
        |                                       /-Henri KREIT
        |                                       |         |         /-Casimir FREY
        |                                       |         \-Marie Anne FREY
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine FRANK
        |                             /-Jean-Adam KREIT
        |                             |         \-Anne-Marie HIRSCH
        |                   /-François KREIT
        |                   |         \-Catherine SCHMITT
        |                   |                   \-Marianne SCHMITT
        |         /-Adam Nicolas KREIT
        |         |         |                                                 /-Pierre WENGER
        |         |         |                                       /-Christian WENGERT
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Barbara KUTSCHER
        |         |         |                             /-Georges WENGERT
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Georges BRONNER
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marguerite BRONNER
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean FIEG
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite FIEG
        |         |         |                   /-François-Antoine WENGER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean WINGERTER
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-André WINGERTER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Élisabeth KRUMMEICH
        |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie WINGERTER
        |         |         |         /-Pierre WENGER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre JUNG
        |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie JUNG
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Tobie LANG
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Sophie SCHWARTZ
        |         |         |         |                   \-Jacobée LANG
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Léonard HEIMETER
        |         |         |         |                             \-Odile HEIMETER
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Marie SCHEFFER
        |         |         \-Marie WENGER
        |         |                   |         /-Pierre BRESSLER
        |         |                   \-Marie-Anne BRESSLER
        \-Marie KREIT
                  |                   /-Pierre MARONNE
                  |         /-Pierre MARONNE
                  |         |         \-Marie Virginie KRANTZ
                  \-Marie MARONNE
                            \-Hortense BAUMGARTNER

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                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                    |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                    |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                          /-Pierre OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                          |         \-Marie SIES
                                                          |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                /-Michel OTT
                                                |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                      /-Georges OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                      |         |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                      |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                      |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                      |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                      |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                      |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                      |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                      |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                      |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                      |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                      |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                      |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                      |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                      |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                            /-Jean-Michel OTT
                            |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                            |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                            |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                            |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                            |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                            |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                            |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                            |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                            |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                            |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                  /-Georges OTT
                  |         |         /-Jean-Baptiste GREPPIN
                  |         \-Mélanie GREPPIN
                  |                   \-Marie Anne RAIS
        /-Georges OTT
        |         \-Marie Éugénie SCHNEIDER
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Georges OTT
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                          /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                /-Chrétien Henri OTT
                                                |         \-Catherine LOGLER
                                      /-Frédéric "Guillaume" OTT
                                      |         |                   /-N.N. BURGGRAFF
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Jacques BURGGRAFF
                                      |         \-Marie Salomé BURGGRAFF
                                      |                   |         /-N.N. HÜBER
                                      |                   \-Suzanne Salomé HÜBER
                            /-Alfred OTT
                            |         |                   /-Philippe Jacques BURCKHARDT
                            |         |         /-Jean Léonard BURGHARD
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth ROSER
                            |         \-Salomé "Sophie" BURCKHARDT
                            |                   |                                                           /-Jean BLESSIG
                            |                   |                                                 /-Mathias BLESSIG
                            |                   |                                       /-Mathias BLESSIG
                            |                   |                             /-Emmanuel BLESSIG
                            |                   |                   /-Jean Frédéric BLESSIG
                            |                   |         /-Jean-Georges BLESSIG
                            |                   \-Salomé BLESSIG
                            |                             |         /-Jean Frédéric LIEBOLD
                            |                             \-Marie Salomé LIEBOLD
                            |                                       \-Marie-Madeleine BUSCH
                  /-Marcel OTT
                  |         |         /-Alexandre Frédéric D'EINBRODT
                  |         \-Louise Félicie Victoire Emma D'EINBRODT
                  |                   |         /-N.N. BECKERS
                  |                   \-Félicie Anna Georgette Emma Charlotte BECKERS
        /-Marcel OTT
        |         |                             /-Christophe DIETERLEN
        |         |                   /-Jacques "Christophe" DIETERLEN
        |         |                   |         \-Caroline FARNY
        |         |         /-Jules DIETERLEN
        |         |         |         \-Julie "Émilie" STEINHEIL
        |         \-Élisabeth DIETERLEN
        |                   |                                                                               /-Jerôme HATTEN
        |                   |                                                                     /-Jérôme HATTEN
        |                   |                                                                     |         \-Suzanne JUNG
        |                   |                                                           /-Jérôme HATT
        |                   |                                                           |         \-Marie GASSNER
        |                   |                                                 /-Jean HATT
        |                   |                                                 |         |         /-Jean HAMM
        |                   |                                                 |         \-Marguerite HAMM
        |                   |                                       /-Jean HATT
        |                   |                                       |         \-Anne KAMM
        |                   |                             /-Jean-Louis HATT
        |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite Barbe HEIL
        |                   |                   /-Jean Louis HATT
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Philippe Jacques KELLER
        |                   |                   |         \-Anne Barbe KELLER
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
        |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Barbe SCHOTT
        |                   |                   |                             \-Barbe FRIEDOLSHEIM
        |                   |         /-Louis Guillaume HATT
        |                   |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth KREISS
        |                   \-Pauline HATT
        |                             |                                       /-Jean-Georges OTT
        |                             |                             /-Georges Frédéric OTT
        |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques OTT
        |                             |                   |         \-Anne-Catherine PICK
        |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques OTT
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Michel BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Michel BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Frédéric BOESWILLWALD
        |                             |         |         \-Catherine Marguerite BOESWILLWALD
        |                             \-Fanny OTT
        |                                       |         /-Gabriel BADDA DE PODOFALVA
        |                                       \-Octavie BADDA DE PODPFLAVA
        |                                                 \-Charlotte Wilhelmine DE STUTZ
        |         /-Charles Pierre BARD
        \-Jacqueline BARD
                  \-Elisabeth Mary Louise CHAVANNES

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                    /-Philippe Henri OTT
                                                          /-Christian Jean OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Melchior REITENBACH
                                                          |         \-Anne Marguerite REITENBACH
                                                /-Jean Nicolas OTT
                                                |         |         /-Frédéric BAUER
                                                |         \-Marie Dorothée BAUER
                                                |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SUSS
                                      /-Philippe OTT
                                      |         |                   /-Jacques KOELL
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Philippe KOELL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean BEYER
                                      |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie BEYER
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Ulrich REINHARD
                                      |         |         |                   \-Agnès REINHARD
                                      |         \-Marguerite KOELL
                                      |                   |                   /-Jean-Pierre SONNA
                                      |                   |         /-Henri SONNA
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-N.N. QUIRI
                                      |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie QUIRI
                                      |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SONNA
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean SOHN
                                      |                             |         /-Jean SOHN
                                      |                             |         |         \-Marguerite KOSSMANN
                                      |                             \-Anne Catherine SOHN
                                      |                                       |         /-Diebolt FISCHBACH
                                      |                                       \-Ève Catherine FISCHBACH
                                      |                                                 \-Marguerite SCHAEFER
                            /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                             /-Caspar WIMMENAUER
                            |         |                   /-Caspar WIMMENAUER
                            |         |         /-Adam WIMMENAUER
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Diebold DEISS
                            |         |         |         |         /-Jean DEISS
                            |         |         |         \-Anne Marguerite DEISS
                            |         \-Marguerite WIMMENAUER
                            |                   \-Madeleine KASSEL
                            |                             |         /-Jean Henri REINHARDT
                            |                             \-Christine Madeleine REINHARDT
                            |                                       |                   /-Jean HUNTZINGER
                            |                                       |         /-Jean Pierre HUNTZINGER
                            |                                       |         |         |         /-André FAESS
                            |                                       |         |         \-Catherine Madeleine FAESS
                            |                                       \-Marie-Catherine HUNTZINGER
                  /-Georges OTT
                  |         |                   /-Jean HEITZ
                  |         |         /-François-Antoine HEITZ
                  |         |         |         |                   /-N.N. SCHMAUCH
                  |         |         |         |         /-Georges SCHMAUCH
                  |         |         |         \-Madeleine SCHMAUCH
                  |         \-Madeleine HEITZ
                  |                   |         /-Joseph RIEFFEL
                  |                   \-Thérèse RIEFFEL
                  |                             \-Élisabeth SCHENCKBECHER
        /-Gaston Adrien OTT
        |         |         /-Adrien Jacques TUDEZ
        |         \-Élise Alexandrine TUDEZ
        |                   \-Mathilde Justine JEANSON
        \-Jeanne Charlotte HYARD

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Hervé OTT
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Georges OTT
                                                                    /-Michel OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                                                    |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                                                    |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                                                    |                   |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                                                    |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                                    |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                                    |                                       \-Odile N.N.
                                                          /-André OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Adam ROEHRY
                                                          |         \-Ève ROEHRY
                                                          |                   |                   /-Hanï WALTER
                                                          |                   |         /-Joannes Hanï WALTER
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                                                          |                   \-Véronique WALTER
                                                          |                             |                   /-Jean WENDEL
                                                          |                             |         /-Jean-Martin WENDLING
                                                          |                             \-Anne WENDEL
                                                          |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
                                                /-Ignace OTT
                                                |         |                                                 /-Georg REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                                       /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                                |         |                             /-Valentin REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                             |         |         /-Mathias ZENS
                                                |         |                             |         \-Éva ZEHN
                                                |         |                             |                   \-Odile N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Jean REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
                                                |         |                   |         \-Marie TRIER
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Agnès RIPP
                                                |         |         /-Jean Sébastien REIFFSTECK
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Georges SIGEL
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Thomas SIEGEL
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                                |         |         |         |         /-André SIGEL
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ERNST
                                                |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SIEGEL
                                                |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie HEIM
                                                |         \-Gertrude REIFFSTECK
                                                |                   |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
                                                |                   |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                                                |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                |                   |         /-Jean WENDLING
                                                |                   |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                                |                   |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                                |                   |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                                |                   \-Gertrude WENDLING
                                                |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                                                |                             |         /-Simon OTT
                                                |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                |                             \-Gertrude OTT
                                                |                                       |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                                |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |                                       \-Anne GOETZ
                                                |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      /-Ignace OTT
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                                      |         |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                                      |         |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                                      |         |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                                      |         |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                      |         |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                                      |         |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                                      |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                                      |         |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                                      |         |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                                      |         |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                                      |         |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                                      |         |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                                      |         |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
                                      |         \-Barbe SCHALCK
                                      |                   |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |                   |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |                   |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |                   \-Catherine KAPFER
                                      |                             |                                       /-N.N. LANG
                                      |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
                                      |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                                      |                             |         /-Jean LANG
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                                      |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                                      |                             |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                                      |                             |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Marie-Anne LANG
                                      |                                       |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                                       \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                                      |                                                 |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                                      |                                                 \-Marie GEORG
                                      |                                                           |         /-Diebold GRUN
                                      |                                                           \-Christine GRUN
                                      |                                                                     \-Brigitte BASTIAN
                            /-François-Antoine OTT
                            |         |                                                 /-Jacques OHLMANN
                            |         |                                       /-Jacques OHLMANN
                            |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                            |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                            |         |                             /-Joseph OHLMANN
                            |         |                             |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                            |         |                             |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                            |         |                             |         \-Éve BRUN
                            |         |                             |                   \-Élisabeth HEINRICH
                            |         |                   /-André OHLMANN
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-N.N. GRESS
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph KRESS
                            |         |                   |         \-Marie-Catherine KRESS
                            |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie FIHL
                            |         |                   |                   \-Salomé ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                             |                   /-Georges OTT
                            |         |                   |                             |         /-André OTT
                            |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marie OTT
                            |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean URB
                            |         |                   |                                       \-Ursula URB
                            |         |                   |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         /-Aloyse OHLMANN
                            |         |         |         |         /-Henri Jean SCHLOSSER
                            |         |         |         \-Catherine SCHLOSSER
                            |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAPP
                            |         \-Marie-Anne OHLMANN
                            |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                             /-Joseph SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie FREYMANN
                            |                   |                   /-François-Michel SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |                   |         |         /-Frédéric GREIFF
                            |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne GREIF
                            |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine MARX
                            |                   |         /-Antoine SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine ROTH
                            |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ROTH
                            |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne SONN
                            |                   \-Catherine SCHWARTZMANN
                            |                             |                   /-Joseph SIES
                            |                             |         /-Nicolas SUSS
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |                             |         |         \-Anne STEINMETZ
                            |                             \-Barbe SUSS
                            |                                       |         /-Antoine DOLLINGER
                            |                                       \-Gertrude DOLLINGER
                            |                                                 \-Catherine ROHRY
                  /-Antoine OTT
                  |         |                                                                     /-Georges NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                           /-Michel NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                           |         \-Christine BASTIAN
                  |         |                                                 /-Bastien NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                                 |         \-Anne Barbe GASS
                  |         |                                       /-Jean Georges NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                                       |         |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Mathieu GEBUS
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine LANG
                  |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                                       |         \-Marie GEBUS
                  |         |                             /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                             |         |                             /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-François DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Michel DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                  |         |                             |         \-Catherine DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                             |                   |                             /-Jean KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Veit KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean Philippe KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean Caspar BEYSS
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine BEISS
                  |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Madeleine KRONENBURGER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Anne-Marguerite KILIAN
                  |         |                             |                             \-Anne Marguerite BAUER
                  |         |                   /-Joseph NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
                  |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas OTT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas SATTLER
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine SATTLER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias KAPFER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie-Barbara KAPFER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Suzanne N.N.
                  |         |                   |         \-Marie-Anne OTT
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Mathis DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KESLER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Eve DETTWEILLER
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre MESSNER
                  |         |                   |                             \-Maria Éva MESSNER
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BERNARD
                  |         |         /-Antoine NONNENMACHER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Georges MATHIS
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges MATHIS
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Peter FREUND
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas FREUND
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges SCHMITT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas FREUND
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine FREUND
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Mathias BAEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ZENS
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias BEHL
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KAPP
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara KAPP
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMITT
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie Anne BAEHL
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Michel ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques ROHR
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel GRASSER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara GRASSER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie ROHR
                  |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WEBER
                  |         \-Marie-Anne "Catherine" NONNENMACHER
                  |                   |                                                 /-Ernestius DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                                       /-Hans U Jean-Jacques DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine LECHNER
                  |                   |                             /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                   /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude SCHALL
                  |                   |         /-Michel DOLLINGER
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROOS
                  |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Jean STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jacques STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Antoine STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie GRASSER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges STOLL
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne DEBES
                  |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LAPP
                  |                   |         |                   \-Odile STOLL
                  |                   |         |                             \-Odile VIX
                  |                   \-Catherine DOLLINGER
                  |                             |                   /-Antoine WENDLING
                  |                             |         /-Mathias WENDLING
                  |                             |         |         |         /-N.N. LANG
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie LANG
                  |                             \-Gertrude WENDLING
                  |                                       |                                                 /-Georges OTT
                  |                                       |                                       /-André OTT
                  |                                       |                                       |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                                       |                             /-Mathieu OTT
                  |                                       |                             |         |         /-Jean URB
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Ursula URB
                  |                                       |                             |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                       |                   /-André OTT
                  |                                       |                   |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
                  |                                       |                   |         |         /-André HANS
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                  |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                  |                                       |                   |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                  |                                       |                   |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                  |                                       |         /-Antoine OTT
                  |                                       |         |         |                             /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Georges BECH
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                  |                                       |         |         \-Ursule BECH
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                  |                                       \-Thérèse OTT
                  |                                                 |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                  |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                                 |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                  |                                                 \-Marie GEBUS
                  |                                                           |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |                   |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                  |                                                           |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                  |                                                           |         |         |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                  |                                                           |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
                  |                                                           \-Anne FRINTZ
                  |                                                                     |                   /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                     |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                     |         |         \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
                  |                                                                     \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                  |                                                                               |         /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                  |                                                                               \-Marie SCHNEPP
                  |                                                                                         \-Éva JUNG
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |                                                                     /-Jean ANSTETT
        |         |                                                           /-Jacques ANSTETT
        |         |                                                           |         \-Marie FIHL
        |         |                                                 /-André ANSTETT
        |         |                                                 |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-André OTT
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                                                 |         \-Marie OTT
        |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Ursula URB
        |         |                                                 |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                                       /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
        |         |                                       |         |                             /-Georges LUTZELMANN
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie DECKER
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Suzanne BUCHER
        |         |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
        |         |                                       |                   \-Madeleine FÄHL
        |         |                             /-Florent Ou Laurent ANSTETT
        |         |                             |         |                                       /-Henri GRESSANG
        |         |                             |         |                             /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean Henri GRESS
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Matthias ENGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   \-Eva N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         /-André KRESS
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-André OTT
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marguerite OTT
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Ursula URB
        |         |                             |         |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth KRESS
        |         |                             |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                             |                   |                             /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                             |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |                             |                   \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
        |         |                             |                             |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |                             |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                             |                             \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
        |         |                             |                                       |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |                             |                                       \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |                             |                                                 \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |                   /-François-Antoine ANSTETT
        |         |                   |         |                                                           /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                                       /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |         |                   |         |                                       |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Eve VINCENT
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Appolonie ZINCK
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Claus TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       \-Barbara JORG
        |         |                   |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   \-Barbara WIND
        |         |         /-Jean ANSTETT
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas CLAUSS
        |         |         |         |                             /-Jean CLAUS
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean Jacques LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Diebolt VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Gertrude MUNCH
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Ève LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Adolphe GEORG
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Ève GEORG
        |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas CLAUSS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Philippe MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Balthazar MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie BEIN
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Ève MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas MANCK
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie MANCK
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Élisabeth GAST
        |         |         |         |         /-André CLAUSS
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Vincent GANGLOFF
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges MARTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie MARTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte DISSER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie GANGLOFF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel OSTER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Théobald OSTER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Adam GASS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne GASS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine OSTER
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Georges LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Diebold LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne CLAUSS
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel BAUER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Michel BAUER
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth BAUER
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Georges NONNENMACHER
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel NONNENMACHER
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Christine BASTIAN
        |         |         |                             |         /-Bastien NONNENMACHER
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne Barbe GASS
        |         |         |                             \-Marie-Elisabeth NONNENMACHER
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathieu GEBUS
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Georges LANG
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Diebold LANG
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LANG
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                                       \-Marie GEBUS
        |         \-Marie Agathe ANSTETT
        |                   |         /-Antoine WENDLING
        |                   \-Thérèse WENDLING
        |                             |                                                 /-Jean ANSTETT
        |                             |                                       /-Jacques ANSTETT
        |                             |                                       |         \-Marie FIHL
        |                             |                             /-André ANSTETT
        |                             |                             |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                             |                             |         |         /-André OTT
        |                             |                             |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                             |                             |         \-Marie OTT
        |                             |                             |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |                             |                             |                   \-Ursula URB
        |                             |                             |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |                   /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
        |                             |                   |         |                             /-Georges LUTZELMANN
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie DECKER
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
        |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Suzanne BUCHER
        |                             |                   |         \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
        |                             |                   |                   \-Madeleine FÄHL
        |                             |         /-Joseph ANSTETT
        |                             |         |         |                                       /-Henri GRESSANG
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Henri GRESS
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matthias ENGER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ENGER
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   \-Eva N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         /-André KRESS
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-André OTT
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite OTT
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean URB
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Ursula URB
        |                             |         |         |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth KRESS
        |                             |         |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                             |         |                   |                             /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile HEINRICH
        |                             |         |                   |                   |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMID
        |                             |         |                   \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                             |         |                             \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                             |         |                                       \-Eve VINCENT
        |                             |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |                             \-Marie-Anne ANSTETT
        |                                       |         /-Jean GELDREICH
        |                                       \-Anna GELDREICH
        |                                                 \-Anna HEIDT
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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                                                                                                  /-Georges OTT
                                                                                        /-Pierre OTT
                                                                                        |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                              |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                              |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                              |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                              |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                                    |         \-Marie SIES
                                                                    |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                          /-Michel OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                          |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                          |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                                /-Georges OTT
                                                |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                                |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                                |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                                |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                                |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                                |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                                |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                                |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                                |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                                |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                                |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                                |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                                |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                                |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                                |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                                |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                                |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      /-Jean-Michel OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                                      |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                                      |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                                      |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                                      |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                                      |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                                      |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                            /-Georges OTT
                            |         |         /-Jean-Baptiste GREPPIN
                            |         \-Mélanie GREPPIN
                            |                   \-Marie Anne RAIS
                  /-Marcel OTT
                  |         \-Marie Éugénie SCHNEIDER
        /-Alain OTT
        |         \-Renée Catherine LALANNE
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-Pierre OTT
                                                                              |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    /-Pierre OTT
                                                                    |         |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                                    |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                    |         \-Ursule MOEBUS
                                                                    |                   |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                                    |                   \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                          /-Pierre OTT
                                                          |         |         /-Thomas SIES ; SUSS
                                                          |         \-Marie SIES
                                                          |                   \-Catherine RITTLINGER
                                                /-Michel OTT
                                                |         |         /-Antoine WITRICH
                                                |         \-Barbe WITTERICH
                                                |                   \-Anne-Marie CLAUSS
                                      /-Georges OTT
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |         |                             /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |         |                             |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Jean KAPFER
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Michel KAPFER
                                      |         |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Thierry SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Laurent SIMON
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                                      |         |         |         \-Odile SIMON
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   \-Barbe DIBLINGER
                                      |         |         |                             \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                                      |         \-Odile KAPFER
                                      |                   |         /-Jean HEILMANN
                                      |                   \-Catherine HEILMANN
                                      |                             |                   /-Michel BAUR
                                      |                             |         /-Jean Georges BAUR
                                      |                             |         |         \-Odilia SOHL
                                      |                             \-Ève BAUER
                                      |                                       |         /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                      |                                       \-Éva OHLMANN
                                      |                                                 |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                      |                                                 \-Marguerite DILLES
                                      |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                            /-Joseph OTT
                            |         |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
                            |         |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
                            |         |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
                            |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
                            |         |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
                            |         |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                            |         |         /-Joseph VOGLER
                            |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
                            |         \-Madeleine VOGLER
                            |                   |         /-Mathias OTT
                            |                   \-Élisabeth OTT
                            |                             \-Élisabeth KISSLING
                  /-François OTT
                  |         |         /-Louis BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Martin BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Françoise N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                  |         |         |         |         /-Michel BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne LENHERR
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         \-Thérèse BIENFAIT
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne SCHMITT
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel NAGEL
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Balthasar NAGEL
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Christine MEYER
                  |         |         |                             \-Marie NAGEL
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathias LAUBACHER
                  |         |         |                                       \-Marie LAUBACHER
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Régine N.N.
                  |         \-Madeleine BIENFAIT
                  |                   |                                                           /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                                 /-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                                 |         \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                                       |         |                   /-Henri EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |         |         /-Laurent EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Madeleine EBERHARD
                  |                   |                                       |                   |         /-Andreas HERRMANN
                  |                   |                                       |                   \-Barbara HERRMANN
                  |                   |                             /-Jean GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                             |         |                   /-Matz PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Anne N.N.
                  |                   |                             |         \-Ève PAULUS
                  |                   |                             |                   \-Marie WOLFF
                  |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Simon LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Laurent LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Ursule N.N.
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite LEMMEL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre FLICKINGER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite FLICKINGER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite HANS
                  |                   |         /-Joseph GANGLOFF
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathias ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude HERTIG
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Angela N.N.
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine SONNTAG
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie Catherine ISSENMANN
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marie GELDREICH
                  |                   \-Salomé GANGLOFF
                  |                             |                                                 /-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |                             |                                       /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                  |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |                             |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |                             |                   /-Michel SCHALCK
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève GOETZ
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                  |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                  |                             |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                  |                             |         |         \-Barbara BERENBACH
                  |                             |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                  |                             |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                  |                             |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                  |                             |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                  |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                  |                             |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                  |                             |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
                  |                             |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                  |                             |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
                  |                             \-Suzanne SCHALCK
                  |                                       |                             /-Mathias KAPFER
                  |                                       |                   /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                  |                                       |         /-Nicolas KAPFER
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean BECH
                  |                                       |         |         \-Élisabeth BECH
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Marguerite GOETZ
                  |                                       |         |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |                                       \-Catherine KAPFER
                  |                                                 |                                       /-N.N. LANG
                  |                                                 |                             /-Adam LANG
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean LANG
                  |                                                 |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean LANG
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Odile WEBER
                  |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                  |                                                 |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
                  |                                                 \-Marie-Anne LANG
                  |                                                           |                   /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                           |         /-Nicolas KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                                                           \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                  |                                                                     |         /-Jacques Ou Georges GEORG
                  |                                                                     \-Marie GEORG
                  |                                                                               |         /-Diebold GRUN
                  |                                                                               \-Christine GRUN
                  |                                                                                         \-Brigitte BASTIAN
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |                                       /-Mathieu KAPPS
        |         |                             /-Joseph KAPPS
        |         |                             |         \-Gertrude KORN
        |         |                   /-Jean KAPPS
        |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Georges Jacques DEBES
        |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georges DEBES
        |         |                   |         |                             /-André DEBES
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
        |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   |         /-Diebolt VOLTZ
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
        |         |                   |         |                             |                             \-Gertrude MUNCH
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Antoine DEBUS
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-André SCHAAL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean VIX
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude VIX
        |         |                   |         |         /-Mathieu DEBUS
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Gertrude RITT
        |         |                   |         \-Barbe DEBUS
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean STEHLI
        |         |                   |                   \-Odile STEHLI
        |         |                   |                             \-Anna FIX
        |         |         /-Joseph KAPPS
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean REHEISSER
        |         |         |         |                             /-Matthias REHEISSER
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie LECHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques REHEISSER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-David WILD
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Michel WILD
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-N.N. STENGELMEYER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Éve WILD
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Wendelin ALT
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Martin ALT
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel ALT
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques DIEFFENBACHER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Barbara KAMMEN
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie Sophie ALT
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean BERTSCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel BERTSCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Anne-Catherine BERTSCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean NIESS
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
        |         |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |         |         |         |         /-Jacques REHEISSER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Léonard WARTER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Léonard Jacques WARTER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie EPP
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Dorothée WARTHER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Martin KOENIG
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Élise KOENIG
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Dorothée DIEMER
        |         |         |         \-Gertrude REHEISSER
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean SPECHT
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-André SPECHT
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Madeleine SEILER
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques SPECHT
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Pancrace SCHAMPER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Odile DAUL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Ève SCHAMPER
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Antoine SPECHT
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean RUNTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine RUNTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne SCHALCKINER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Laurent SPECHT
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Christine MULLER
        |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth SPECHT
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Conrad ADAM
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Thomas REINHART
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie Barbara REINHART
        |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Joseph FLEIG
        |         |         |                                       \-Eve FLEIG
        |         |         |                                                 \-Marguerite KELLER
        |         \-Thérèse KAPPS
        |                   |                                       /-Jean BREGER
        |                   |                             /-Georges BREGER
        |                   |                             |         \-Odile KEBERLE
        |                   |                   /-Georges Jean BREGER
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Adam KAPP
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean KAPP
        |                   |                   |         \-Marie-Anne KAPP
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Tobias STEMMER
        |                   |                   |                   \-Anne STEMMER
        |                   |         /-Nicolas BREGER
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel BAUMANN
        |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph BAUMANN
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite HIREIN
        |                   |         |         \-Odile BAUMANN
        |                   |         |                   |                   /-Joseph BITTMANN
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-François BITTMANN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine KRAUTH
        |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth Marie Anne BITTMANN
        |                   |         |                             |         /-Michel BAUER
        |                   |         |                             \-Anne BAUER
        |                   |         |                                       \-Éva BASTIAN
        |                   \-Thérèse BREGER
        |                             |                                       /-Mathieu VOGEL
        |                             |                             /-Jean-Adam VOGLER
        |                             |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHMID
        |                             |                             |         \-Catharine SCHMID
        |                             |                             |                   \-Marguerite LÄMER
        |                             |                   /-Antoine VOGLER
        |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
        |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |                   |         \-Catherine SCHOPP
        |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
        |                             |                   |                   \-Christine WEBER
        |                             |                   |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
        |                             |         /-Joseph VOGLER
        |                             |         |         \-Marguerite HUSS
        |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite HUSS
        |                             \-Thérèse VOGLER
        |                                       |         /-Mathias OTT
        |                                       \-Élisabeth OTT
        |                                                 \-Élisabeth KISSLING
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         /-Charles Jacques LAPP
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |         /-Charles François ROUILLER
                  \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                            \-Matha, Julia LIEGEON

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Georges OTT
                                                                              /-André OTT
                                                                              |         \-Christine N.N.
                                                                    /-Mathieu OTT
                                                                    |         |         /-Jean URB
                                                                    |         \-Ursula URB
                                                                    |                   \-Marie N.N.
                                                          /-André OTT
                                                          |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
                                                          |         |         /-André HANS
                                                          |         \-Marie Ève HANS
                                                          |                   |                   /-André MOEBUS
                                                          |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
                                                          |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
                                                          |                             |         /-Martin FISCHBACH
                                                          |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
                                                /-Antoine OTT
                                                |         |                                       /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |         |                             /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                   /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                |         |         /-Georges BECH
                                                |         |         |         \-Ève JUNG
                                                |         \-Ursule BECH
                                                |                   \-Agathe WINCKEL
                                      /-Michel OTT
                                      |         |                             /-Ulrich GEBUS
                                      |         |                   /-Jean GEBUS
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges LANG
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Diebold LANG
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Théobald CLAUS
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine CLAUS
                                      |         |                   |         \-Catherine LANG
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Mathias GEBUS
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Georges BAUER
                                      |         |         |         \-Marie BAUER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Catherine KRIEGER
                                      |         \-Marie GEBUS
                                      |                   |                                       /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |                   |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |                   |                             |         \-Éva WOLFF
                                      |                   |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |                   |                   |         |                   /-Georges LUTZELMANN
                                      |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                                      |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie DECKER
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                                      |                   |                   |                   \-Suzanne BUCHER
                                      |                   |         /-Georges FRINTZ
                                      |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean GERGES
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean GERGES
                                      |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite MEHL
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite KRUG
                                      |                   |         |         \-Éve GERGES
                                      |                   |         |                   |                   /-Michel DIETRICH
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
                                      |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Marie GREYEL
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Anne DIETRICH
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Véronique LEHMAN
                                      |                   \-Anne FRINTZ
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                                      |                             |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                                      |                             |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                      |                             |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                      |                             |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                      |                             |         |         \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
                                      |                             |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                                      |                             |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                      |                             \-Marie BAUMGARTNER
                                      |                                       |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
                                      |                                       |         /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Maria HUGEL
                                      |                                       \-Marie SCHNEPP
                                      |                                                 \-Éva JUNG
                            /-Michel OTT
                            |         |                                                 /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |                                       /-Georges MATHIS
                            |         |                             /-Peter FREUND
                            |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques HARTNAGEL
                            |         |                             |         \-Barbara HARTNAGEL
                            |         |                   /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Georges SCHMITT
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHMITT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Éva SCHMIDT
                            |         |                   |                   \-Anna N.N.
                            |         |         /-Nicolas FREUND
                            |         |         |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                            |         \-Rosine FREUND
                            |                   |                                       /-Jean BAEHL
                            |                   |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                            |                   |                             |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                            |                   |                   /-Mathias BAEHL
                            |                   |                   |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                            |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                            |                   |                   |         \-Catherine ZENS
                            |                   |                   |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                            |                   |         /-Mathias BEHL
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KAPP
                            |                   |         |         \-Barbara KAPP
                            |                   |         |                   \-Marie SCHMITT
                            |                   \-Marie Anne BAEHL
                            |                             |                             /-Michel ROHR
                            |                             |                   /-Jacques ROHR
                            |                             |         /-Jacques ROHR
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Michel GRASSER
                            |                             |         |         \-Barbara GRASSER
                            |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                            |                             \-Anne-Marie ROHR
                            |                                       \-Élisabeth WEBER
                  /-André OTT
                  |         |                                                           /-Nicolas FOURNAISE
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean FOURNAISE
                  |         |                                       /-Félix FOURNAISE
                  |         |                                       |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
                  |         |                             /-Félix FORNES
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-Georges WINDT
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth WIND
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Jacques WEBER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Eve WEBER
                  |         |                             |                             \-Barbe PANCRATZ
                  |         |                   /-Joseph FORNESS
                  |         |                   |         |         /-André TRUNTZ
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine TRUNTZ
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre CHRISTMANN
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean CHRISTMANN
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie CHRISTMANN
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Georges WENDLING
                  |         |                   |                             \-Anne WENDLING
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne MEYER
                  |         |         /-Antoine FORNES
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean Jacques LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Diebolt VOLTZ
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne VOLTZ
                  |         |         |         |                                       |                   \-Gertrude MUNCH
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Adolphe GEORG
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Ève GEORG
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Jacques LIENHARD
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine LENHERR
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |         |         /-Martin LIENHARD
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Pierre RESS
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas RASS
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie Ève REES
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Pierre MARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Paul MARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques MARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine MARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Catherine LIENHARD
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Georges WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne MEYER
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Thibaut THAL
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean THAL
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine THAL
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Nicolas SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Thierry SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Georges CLAUS
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |         |         |                   \-Anne Ève WENDLING
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |         |                             \-Maria Rosine LENHERR
                  |         |         |                                       \-Ève HAMMER - HANS
                  |         \-Catherine Ève FORNES
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean GOETZ
                  |                   |                             /-Jean GOETZ
                  |                   |                             |         \-Marie BATT ; MICHEL
                  |                   |                   /-Antoine GOETZ
                  |                   |                   |         |                             /-Georges WENDLING
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne MEYER
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges WENDLING
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Thibaut THAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean THAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine THAL
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine WENDLING
                  |                   |                   |                   |                             /-Nicolas SIMON
                  |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Thierry SIMON
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean SIMON
                  |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                  |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                  |                   |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine SIMON
                  |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                  |                   |                   |                             |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                  |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                  |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Georges CLAUS
                  |                   |                   |                                       \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |                   |         /-Antoine GOETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph BIENFAIT
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                  |                   |         |         \-Barbara BIENFAIT
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Jacques WOLFF
                  |                   |         |                   \-Marie Barbara WOLFF
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |                   |         |                             \-Anne LENHERR
                  |                   |         |                                       |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
                  |                   |         |                                       |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                   |         |                                       |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |                   |         |                                       \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |                   |         |                                                 |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                  |                   |         |                                                 \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |                   \-Catherine GOETZ
                  |                             |                                                 /-Sébastien JUNG
                  |                             |                                       /-Jean JUNG
                  |                             |                             /-Michel JUNG
                  |                             |                             |         |         /-Sébastien MEHN
                  |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite MEHN
                  |                             |                             |                   \-Barbara EHRMANN
                  |                             |                   /-Joseph JUNG
                  |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jacques KRIEGER
                  |                             |                   |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Odile KRIEGER
                  |                             |                   |         \-Christine KRIEGER
                  |                             |                   |                   |         /-Sébastien RECHT
                  |                             |                   |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
                  |                             |                   |                             \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
                  |                             |         /-Michel JUNG
                  |                             |         |         |                                       /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Anna N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine FRITSCH
                  |                             |         |         |                   |                   \-Brigitte MARXER
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Sébastien WEINLING
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Rulmann WEINLING
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Sophia BLAES
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WEINLING
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Éva DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |         \-Brigitte DOSSMAN
                  |                             |         |                   |                             /-Valentin DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |                   |                   /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne KIEFFER
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine BENDER
                  |                             |         |                   \-Anne DOSSMANN
                  |                             |         |                             |                   /-N.N. GUTH
                  |                             |         |                             |         /-Jacques GUTH
                  |                             |         |                             |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                             |         |                             \-Catherine GUTH
                  |                             |         |                                       |         /-Jean MEINER
                  |                             |         |                                       \-Barbara MEINER
                  |                             |         |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                             \-Marie-Anne JUNG
                  |                                       |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                  |                                       |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
                  |                                       |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
                  |                                       |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |                                       |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                  |                                       |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                  |                                       \-(Marie) Elisabeth BIENFAIT
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
                  |                                                 |         /-François KOLLER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-François GARIN
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
                  |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Mathias BAUER
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Ursule BAUR
                  |                                                 |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
                  |                                                 \-Salomé KOLLER
                  |                                                           |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |                                                           |         /-François DIRHEIMER
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |                                                           \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
                  |                                                                     \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        /-Antoine OTT
        |         |                                                           /-Georges STEINMETZ
        |         |                                                 /-Valentin STEINMETZ
        |         |                                                 |         \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |                                       /-Antoine STEINMETZ
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-André DAUL
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Adam LEHMANN
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Éve LEHMANN
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine DAUL
        |         |                                       |                   \-Marguerite DEBUS
        |         |                             /-Joseph STEINMETZ
        |         |                             |         |                                       /-Jean SCHNEPP
        |         |                             |         |                             /-Jacques SCHNEPP
        |         |                             |         |                             |         \-Maria HUGEL
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
        |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Éva JUNG
        |         |                             |         |         /-André SCHNEPP
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Christmann LAUGEL
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Anne LAUGEL
        |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                             |         \-Sophie SCHNEPP
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Mathias CONRAD
        |         |                             |                   \-Sophie CONRAD
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Adam GASS
        |         |                             |                             \-Catherine GASS
        |         |                             |                                       \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
        |         |                   /-Joseph STEINMETZ
        |         |                   |         |                                       /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Appolonie ZINCK
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Claus TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Georges FRIEDRICH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Anne TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Barbara JORG
        |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Nicolas SIMON
        |         |                   |                   |                             /-Thierry SIMON
        |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean SIMON
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   |         /-Arbogast KOEBEL
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Martin SIMON
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre AUGUSTIN
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Apolline N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine SIMON
        |         |                   |                             |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |                   |                             \-Marie-Ève ROLLET
        |         |                   |                                       |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |                   |                                       \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |                   |                                                 \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |         /-André STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |         |                             /-Théobalt WENDLING
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques BASTIAN
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Éve BASTIAN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Marthe KÄBLER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |         |         |         /-Michel WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-André KEITH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-André KEITH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie KEITH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie STEINMETZ
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Diebold LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Théobald CLAUS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Élisabeth LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Martin VELTIN
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Catherine VELTEN
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         \-Odile WENDLING
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Georges LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Georges LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Anna HATT
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Christmann JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Chrétien JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Suzanne JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Claus TROESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbe TROESCH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara JORG
        |         |         |                   |         /-André LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-André FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Marguerite WEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Ulrich MARXER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte MARXER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-André FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques ANDRESEN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Thiébaud GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite FRITSCH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Vix HAMM
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite HAMM
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie LUTZ
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Laurent MANDEL
        |         |         |                             |         /-Pierre MANDEL
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques ZILLER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges ZILLER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie ZILLER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne Marie RECHT
        |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie MANDEL
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques FUCHS
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-Jacques FUCHS
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Bartholomé TRIER
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Anna TRIER
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   \-Agnès RIPP
        |         |         |                                       \-Marie-Madeleine FUCHS
        |         |         |                                                 |                             /-Christian ROTH
        |         |         |                                                 |                   /-Adolph ROTH
        |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean ROTH
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean CLAUS
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         \-Barbara CLAUS
        |         |         |                                                 |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 \-Marguerite ROTH
        |         |         |                                                           |         /-Jean-Jacques BUB
        |         |         |                                                           \-Suzanne BUB
        |         |         |                                                                     \-Catherine KAPP
        |         \-Anne Louise STEINMETZ
        |                   |                   /-André ACKER
        |                   |         /-Jean ACKER
        |                   |         |         |         /-N.N. ENGER
        |                   |         |         \-Marie ENGER
        |                   \-Thérèse ACKER
        |                             |                   /-N.N. BIENFAIT
        |                             |         /-Pierre BIENFAIT
        |                             \-Gertrude BIENFAIT
        |                                       \-Catherine VOLTZ
        |                                                                               /-Vitus MENGUS
        |                                                                     /-Jean MENGUS
        |                                                                     |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |                                                           /-Vitus MENGUS
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Thibaut GRIESBACH
        |                                                           |         |         /-Christmann GRIESBACH
        |                                                           |         |         |         \- NONNENMACHER
        |                                                           |         \-Marie GRIESBACH
        |                                                           |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |                                                 /-Jean MENGUS
        |                                                 |         \-Catherine TROESCH
        |                                       /-Nicolas MENGUS
        |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas BURGER
        |                                       |         |         /-Vitus BURGER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Pierre MENTZ
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Anne MENTZ
        |                                       |         \-Madeleine Marguerite BURGER
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Lenz FAULHABER
        |                                       |                   |         /-Georges FAULHABER
        |                                       |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine FAULHABER
        |                                       |                             \-Anne BROCK
        |                             /-Jean MENGUS
        |                             |         |         /-Jean Pierre LUTZ
        |                             |         \-Christine LUTZ
        |                             |                   \-Marie SCHNEIDER
        |                   /-Jean MENGUS
        |                   |         \-Anne Marie BERENBACH
        |         /-Jean MENGUS
        |         |         |                   /-Pierre GOETZ
        |         |         |         /-Laurent GOETZ
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Diebolt WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Antoine WENDLING
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Michel ULRICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon ULRICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon HAMBACH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine ROTHAN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna ULRICH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Simon RUNTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean RUNTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anna RUNTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Maria MEYER
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WENDLING
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHEER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anne SCHEER
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Christmann SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Martin SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |                   /-N.N. GUTH
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean GUTH
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anna GUTH
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                             \-Anna SCHNEIDER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                             /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Matheus KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-André WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Barbara WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Marguerite KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Sébastien WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Appolonia WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                                                           \-Maria N.N.
        |         |         \-Marie GOETZ
        |         |                   |                   /-Michel WININGER
        |         |                   |         /-Joseph WINNINGER
        |         |                   |         |         \-Marie KLEIN
        |         |                   \-Madeleine WINNINGER
        |         |                             |                                                 /-Arbogast CASPAR
        |         |                             |                                       /-Jean CASPAR
        |         |                             |                                       |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                             |                             /-Thiébaud CASPAR
        |         |                             |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                             |                   /-Jean (Hans) CASPAR
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Jean GUTH
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-Anne GUTH
        |         |                             |         /-Georges CASPAR
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Marzolff LORENTZ
        |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LORENTZ
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine HOCH
        |         |                             \-Anne CASPAR
        |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques LUTZ
        |         |                                       |         /-Mathias LUTZ
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Maria SCHNEIDER
        |         |                                       \-Élisabeth LUTZ
        |         |                                                 \-Marguerite CRANTZ
        \-Madeleine MENGUS
                  |                             /-Théobald OSTER
                  |                   /-Michel OSTER
                  |                   |         \-Anne SCHWERER
                  |         /-Jean OSTER
                  |         |         |                                                 /-Georges ARBOGAST
                  |         |         |                                       /-Jean ARBOGAST
                  |         |         |                                       |         \-Anna N.N.
                  |         |         |                             /-Nicolas ARBOGAST
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean KLEIN
                  |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean  Antoine KLEIN
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine WECKEL
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Agnès KLEIN
                  |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Valentin DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne KIEFFER
                  |         |         |                             |                   \-Anna DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine BENDER
                  |         |         |                   /-Jean ARBOGAST
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte SCHOTT
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-André DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BLAES
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Sophia BLAES
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Brigitte DOSSMANN
                  |         |         |                   |                             \-Anna N.N.
                  |         |         |         /-Antoine ARBOGAST
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Diebold GILLY
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Valentin GILLY
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine KIEFFER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marie GILLIG
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   /-André FRITSCH
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Brigitte N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite WEIL
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Marie FRITSCH
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Vix MARX
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-Ulrich MARXER
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques MATZINGER
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie MATZINGER
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Brigitte MARXER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Arbogast CASPAR
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine CASPAR
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |         \-Barbara ARBOGAST
                  |         |                   \-Barbara ADAM
                  \-Catherine OSTER
                            |                                                                     /-Valentin ADOLPH
                            |                                                           /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                                                           |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |                                                 /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                                                 |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                            |                                                 |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                            |                                       /-Michel BERENBACH
                            |                                       |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                            |                                       |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                            |                                       |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                            |                                       |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                            |                             /-Jean-Michel BERBACH
                            |                             |         |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                            |                             |         |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                            |                             |         |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |                             |         |         /-Jean LUTZ
                            |                             |         |         |         \-Anna HATT
                            |                             |         \-Suzanne LUTZ
                            |                             |                   |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                            |                             |                   |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                            |                             |                   |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                            |                             |                   \-Suzanne JUNG
                            |                             |                             |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
                            |                             |                             |         /-Claus TROESCH
                            |                             |                             |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
                            |                             |                             \-Barbe TROESCH
                            |                             |                                       |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
                            |                             |                                       \-Barbara JORG
                            |                   /-François-Antoine BERBACH
                            |                   |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                            |                   |         |         /-Martin WENDLING
                            |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jacques BASTIAN
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Éve BASTIAN
                            |                   |         |         |                   \-Marthe KÄBLER
                            |                   |         \-Marguerite WENDLING
                            |                   |                   |                   /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jean André BAUMGARTNER
                            |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                            |                   |                   |         |         \-Gertrude TRUTTMANN
                            |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                            |                   |                   |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
                            |                   |                   \-Éva BAUMGARTNER
                            |                   |                             |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
                            |                   |                             |         /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                            |                   |                             |         |         \-Maria HUGEL
                            |                   |                             \-Marie SCHNEPP
                            |                   |                                       \-Éva JUNG
                            |         /-Florent BERBACH
                            |         |         |                                                 /-N.N. LANG
                            |         |         |                                       /-Adam LANG
                            |         |         |                             /-Jean LANG
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
                            |         |         |                   /-Michel LANG
                            |         |         |                   |         |         /-Michel WEBER
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Odile WEBER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph LANG
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WALTER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth WALTER
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
                            |         |         \-Marie-Anne LANG
                            |         |                   |                                       /-Jean SCHNEPP
                            |         |                   |                             /-Jacques SCHNEPP
                            |         |                   |                             |         \-Maria HUGEL
                            |         |                   |                   /-Jean SCHNEPP
                            |         |                   |                   |         \-Éva JUNG
                            |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEPP
                            |         |                   |         |         |         /-Christmann LAUGEL
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Anne LAUGEL
                            |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |                   \-Catherine SCHNEPP
                            |         |                             |                   /-Laurent DURINGER
                            |         |                             |         /-Jean DURINGER
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |         |                             \-Gertrude DURINGER
                            |         |                                       |         /-Jean HUGEL
                            |         |                                       \-Éve HUGEL
                            |         |                                                 |         /-Simon WEISS
                            |         |                                                 \-Barbe WEISS
                            |         |                                                           \-Marguerite N.N.
                            \-Catherine BERBACH
                                      |                             /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                                      |                   /-André OHLMANN
                                      |                   |         |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                                      |                   |         \-Marguerite DILLES
                                      |                   |                   \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      |         /-Georges OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |                             /-Martin VELTIN
                                      |         |         |                   /-Georges VELTIN
                                      |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         |         /-Mathis VELTIN
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Anne MUSTER
                                      |         |         \-Marie VELTIN
                                      |         |                   |                             /-Martin PAULUS
                                      |         |                   |                   /-Michel PAULUS
                                      |         |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |                   |         /-Michel PAULUS
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         /-Nicolas FRITSCH
                                      |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine FRISCH
                                      |         |                   |         |                   \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
                                      |         |                   \-Catherine PAULUS
                                      |         |                             |                   /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
                                      |         |                             |         /-Jean SCHAEFFER
                                      |         |                             \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
                                      |         |                                       |         /-Adam RIPP
                                      |         |                                       \-Catherine RIPP
                                      |         |                                                 \-Christine N.N.
                                      \-Barbara OHLMANN
                                                |                                       /-Laurent KRIEGER
                                                |                             /-Jean KRIEGER
                                                |                             |         \-Christine VIX
                                                |                   /-Clauß KRIEGER
                                                |                   |         |                             /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |                   |         |         |         |         /-Pierre BASTIAN
                                                |                   |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
                                                |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                                                |                   |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
                                                |                   |                   \-Barbara LANG
                                                |         /-Adam KRIEGER
                                                |         |         |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                                |         |         \-Maria HEINRICH
                                                |         |                   \-Catherine ADAM
                                                \-Anne-Marie KRIEGER
                                                          |                             /-Martin KLEIN
                                                          |                   /-Adam KLEIN
                                                          |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          |         /-Diebold KLEIN
                                                          |         |         |         /-Diebold KLEIN
                                                          |         |         \-Catherine KLEIN
                                                          \-Maria KLEIN
                                                                    |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                                                                    |         /-Jacques SCHALL
                                                                    \-Eva SCHALL
                                                                              |         /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                                                                              \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
                                                                                        \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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