Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                                       /-Laurent WETZEL
        |                             /-Christophe Georges WETZEL
        |                             |         \-Anne-Marie LEIBOLD
        |                   /-Georges WETZEL
        |                   |         |         /-Jacques FUNCK
        |                   |         \-Catherine FUNCK
        |                   |                   \-Christine KLANIG
        |         /-Georges WETZEL
        |         |         |         /-Martin SCHAEFFER
        |         |         \-Pauline SCHAEFFER
        |         |                   \-Marguerite LUX
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                   /-Amand OBER
                  |                   |         |                                                 /-Jean OBERER
                  |                   |         |                                       /-François OBERER
                  |                   |         |                                       |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |         |                             /-Joseph OBERER
                  |                   |         |                             |         |                   /-André ECKART
                  |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
                  |                   |         |                             |         |         |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |                   |         |                             |         \-Ursule ECKART
                  |                   |         |                             |                   \-Éve GING
                  |                   |         |                   /-Jean OBER
                  |                   |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges RIEHL
                  |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel RIEHL
                  |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |                   |         |                   |         \-Marie-Ursula RIEHL
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |                   |         |                   |                   \-Ursule ZEH
                  |                   |         |                   |                             |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |                   |         |                   |                             \-Marie SEEL
                  |                   |         |                   |                                       \-Dorothée N.N.
                  |                   |         |         /-Joseph OBER
                  |                   |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Jacques GERLING
                  |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges GERLING
                  |                   |         |         |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Martin GERLING
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Sébastien HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
                  |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges GERLING
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean HUMMEL
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUMMEL
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara LIENHART
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Ève OHLSZ
                  |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Ève GERLING
                  |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Christian MEDTER
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques MEDER
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne WOLFF
                  |                   |         |         |                   \-Gertrude MEDER
                  |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean ADAM
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Adam ADAM
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |                   |         |         |                             \-Marie ADAM
                  |                   |         |         |                                       |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |                   |         |         |                                       \-Catherine WEBER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine OBER
                  |                   |                   |                                       /-Joseph MISSBURGER
                  |                   |                   |                             /-Martin MISSBURGER
                  |                   |                   |                             |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |                   |                   |                             |         \-Marie WEBER
                  |                   |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |                   |                   /-Nicolas MISSBURGER
                  |                   |                   |         /-Jean MISSBURGER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques MOEBUS
                  |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie MOEBUS
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Laurent MICHEL
                  |                   |                   |         |                   \-Catherine MICHEL
                  |                   |                   |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
                  |                   |                   \-Thérèse MISSBURGER
                  |                   |                             |                                       /-Thomas STEPHAN
                  |                   |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
                  |                   |                             |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
                  |                   |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin MULLER
                  |                   |                             |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
                  |                   |                             |         /-Michel STEFFEN
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
                  |                   |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                  |                   |                             |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
                  |                   |                             \-Marguerite STEFFEN
                  |                   |                                       |                             /-Thewis STREBLER
                  |                   |                                       |                   /-Jean STREBLER
                  |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Judith KELLER
                  |                   |                                       |         /-Jean STREBLER
                  |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
                  |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie STREBLER
                  |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie ACKER
                  |         /-Hilaire OBER
                  |         |         |                             /-Joseph WOLFF
                  |         |         |                   /-Joseph WOLFF
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine GLOFFLER
                  |         |         |         /-Ciriac WOLFF
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges LIRLEY
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques LIRLEY
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques HESCHEL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Catherine HESCHEL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie KELLER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie LIRLEY
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges GRUBER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Marc GRUBER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GRUBER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean KOLER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Barbara KOHLER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine GRUBER
                  |         |         |         |                             |                             /-N.N. HANS
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges HANS
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-André HANTZ
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara HANS
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André ENGSPERGER
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |         \-Anne Marie WOLFF
                  |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges KAYSER
                  |         |                   |         /-Georges KAYSER
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Françoise HEITZ
                  |         |                   \-Barbara KAYSER
                  |         |                             |                                                 /-N.N. HANS
                  |         |                             |                                       /-Georges HANS
                  |         |                             |                             /-André HANTZ
                  |         |                             |                             |         \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Charles HANS
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         /-André ENGSPERGER
                  |         |                             |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
                  |         |                             |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |                             |         /-(Jean) Martin HANS
                  |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |                             |         |         |                   /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
                  |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |                             |         |         |         /-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ECK
                  |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ECK
                  |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Madeleine CLADY
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                  |         |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHOTT
                  |         |                             |         |                             \-Anne TUSCH
                  |         |                             \-Marie-Ursule HANTZ
                  |         |                                       |                                       /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                  |         |                                       |                             /-Georges RIEHL
                  |         |                                       |                   /-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |                                       |         /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |         |                                       |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |         |                                       \-Marguerite RIEHL
                  |         |                                                 |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |                                                 |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |                                                 \-Ursule ZEH
                  |         |                                                           |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |         |                                                           \-Marie SEEL
                  |         |                                                                     \-Dorothée N.N.
                  \-Marie Madeleine OBER
                            |                                                           /-Jean STÜRTZER
                            |                                                 /-Jean-Jacques STÜRTZER
                            |                                                 |         \-Appolonia KOHLER
                            |                                       /-Marc STÜRTZER
                            |                                       |         |         /-Jean DUSCH
                            |                                       |         \-Anne-Catherine TUSCH
                            |                                       |                   |         /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                            |                                       |                   \-Catherine CLAUDY
                            |                                       |                             \-Sophie N.N.
                            |                             /-Cyriaque STÜRTZER
                            |                             |         |                   /-Martin RIESCHER
                            |                             |         |         /-Joseph (Jodocus) RIESCHER
                            |                             |         \-Anne-Marie RIESCHER
                            |                             |                   |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                            |                             |                   |         /-Jean-Bernard DÜRRHEIMER
                            |                             |                   |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
                            |                             |                   \-Marie-Madeleine DIRHEIMER
                            |                             |                             |         /-François GARIN
                            |                             |                             \-Madeleine GARIN
                            |                             |                                       |         /-Mathias BAUER
                            |                             |                                       \-Ursule BAUR
                            |                             |                                                 \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   /-Benoit STÜRTZER
                            |                   |         |                                                 /-Adolf DIEBOLT
                            |                   |         |                                       /-Jean DIEBOLT
                            |                   |         |                                       |         \-Catharine N.N.
                            |                   |         |                             /-André DIEBOLT
                            |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |                   |         |                   /-André DIEBOLT
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Stéphane BILGER
                            |                   |         |                   |         \-(Anne) Marie BILGER
                            |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques REEB
                            |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbara REEB
                            |                   |         |                   |                             \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   |         |         /-Michel DIEBOLT
                            |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean MENTZ
                            |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne PANCRATZ
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Marie Madeleine MENTZ
                            |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                            |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbara SCHOTT
                            |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne TUSCH
                            |                   |         \-Anne-Marie DIEBOLT
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jacques BECKER
                            |                   |                   \-Anne Marie BUCHER
                            |                   |                             \-Anne WENDLING
                            |         /-Michel STURTZER
                            |         |         |                                                 /-Balthazar (Janvier) KANDEL
                            |         |         |                                       /-Vit CANDEL
                            |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |                             /-Pancrace CANDEL
                            |         |         |                             |         |         /-Georges ZEH
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
                            |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |                   /-Pancrace KANDEL
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Léonard OBERER
                            |         |         |                   |         |         /-Pierre OBER
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie OBER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean OBERER
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie OBERER
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph KANDEL
                            |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine LEMBERGER
                            |         |         \-Anne-Ève KANDEL
                            |         |                   |                             /-Jean MENTZ
                            |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
                            |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne PANCRATZ
                            |         |                   |         /-Marc MENTZ
                            |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara SCHOTT
                            |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne TUSCH
                            |         |                   \-Catharina MENTZ
                            |         |                             |                             /-Martin STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                   /-Ottman STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean FIX
                            |         |                             |                   |         \-Catherine FIX
                            |         |                             |         /-Michel Udalric STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean SPECHT
                            |         |                             |         |         |         /-André SPECHT
                            |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine SEILER
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Madeleine SPECHT
                            |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
                            |         |                             |         |                   \-Ève SCHAMPER
                            |         |                             |         |                             \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
                            |         |                             \-Barbara STEINMETZ
                            |         |                                       |         /-Marzolph-Marcel WEISS
                            |         |                                       \-Barbara WEISS
                            |         |                                                 \-Catherine MATHIS
                            \-Catherine STURTZER
                                      |                   /-Michel ACKER
                                      |         /-Xavier ACKER
                                      |         |         \-Madeleine ESCHENLAUER
                                      \-Thérèse ACKER
                                                |                             /-Jean GRESS
                                                |                   /-Jean-Georges GRESS
                                                |                   |         |         /-Michel NIERENBERGER
                                                |                   |         \-Catherine NIERENBERGER
                                                |                   |                   \-Eve WALSER
                                                |         /-Jean Georges KRESS
                                                |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
                                                |         |         |         /-Michel OTT
                                                |         |         |         |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                                |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                                |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                                |         |         |         |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                                |         |         |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                                |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                                |         |         |         |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                                |         |         \-Barbara OTT
                                                |         |                   |                   /-Mathias KAPFER
                                                |         |                   |         /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                                |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                                |         |                   \-Élisabeth KAPFER
                                                |         |                             |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                                |         |                             |         /-Jean BECH
                                                |         |                             \-Élisabeth BECH
                                                |         |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                                |         |                                       \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                                |         |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                                \-Anne Suzanne KRESS
                                                          \-Barbara KAPFER

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                      /-Laurent WETZEL
                            /-Christophe Georges WETZEL
                            |         \-Anne-Marie LEIBOLD
                  /-Georges WETZEL
                  |         |         /-Jacques FUNCK
                  |         \-Catherine FUNCK
                  |                   \-Christine KLANIG
        /-Georges WETZEL
        |         |         /-Martin SCHAEFFER
        |         \-Pauline SCHAEFFER
        |                   \-Marguerite LUX
        |                   /-Amand OBER
        |                   |         |                                                 /-Jean OBERER
        |                   |         |                                       /-François OBERER
        |                   |         |                                       |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |         |                             /-Joseph OBERER
        |                   |         |                             |         |                   /-André ECKART
        |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
        |                   |         |                             |         |         |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |                   |         |                             |         \-Ursule ECKART
        |                   |         |                             |                   \-Éve GING
        |                   |         |                   /-Jean OBER
        |                   |         |                   |         |                                       /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges RIEHL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel RIEHL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Michel RHÜLL
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Marie-Ursula RIEHL
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                   \-Ursule ZEH
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         /-Matz SEEL
        |                   |         |                   |                             \-Marie SEEL
        |                   |         |                   |                                       \-Dorothée N.N.
        |                   |         |         /-Joseph OBER
        |                   |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Jacques GERLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges GERLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Martin GERLING
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Sébastien HEINRICH
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie HEINRICH
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges GERLING
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean HUMMEL
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite HUMMEL
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LIENHART
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara LIENHART
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Diebolt OHLSZ
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Ève OHLSZ
        |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Ève GERLING
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Christian MEDTER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques MEDER
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne WOLFF
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Gertrude MEDER
        |                   |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Adam ADAM
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Marie ADAM
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |                   |         |         |                                       \-Catherine WEBER
        |                   |         \-Catherine OBER
        |                   |                   |                                       /-Joseph MISSBURGER
        |                   |                   |                             /-Martin MISSBURGER
        |                   |                   |                             |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |                   |                   |                             |         \-Marie WEBER
        |                   |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |                   |                   /-Nicolas MISSBURGER
        |                   |                   |         /-Jean MISSBURGER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques MOEBUS
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie MOEBUS
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Laurent MICHEL
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Catherine MICHEL
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
        |                   |                   \-Thérèse MISSBURGER
        |                   |                             |                                       /-Thomas STEPHAN
        |                   |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
        |                   |                             |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin MULLER
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
        |                   |                             |         /-Michel STEFFEN
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |                   |                             \-Marguerite STEFFEN
        |                   |                                       |                             /-Thewis STREBLER
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Jean STREBLER
        |                   |                                       |                   |         |         /-Bartholomé KELLER
        |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Judith KELLER
        |                   |                                       |                   |                   \-Adelheid SIGG
        |                   |                                       |         /-Jean STREBLER
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie STREBLER
        |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie ACKER
        |         /-Hilaire OBER
        |         |         |                             /-Joseph WOLFF
        |         |         |                   /-Joseph WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine GLOFFLER
        |         |         |         /-Ciriac WOLFF
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges LIRLEY
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques LIRLEY
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques HESCHEL
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Catherine HESCHEL
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie KELLER
        |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie LIRLEY
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges GRUBER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Marc GRUBER
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GRUBER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean KOLER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Barbara KOHLER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine GRUBER
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       /-Georges HANTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-N.N. HANS
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges HANS
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-André HANTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara HANS
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André ENGSPERGER
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         \-Anne Marie WOLFF
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges KAYSER
        |         |                   |         /-Georges KAYSER
        |         |                   |         |         \-Françoise HEITZ
        |         |                   \-Barbara KAYSER
        |         |                             |                                                           /-Georges HANTZ
        |         |                             |                                                 /-N.N. HANS
        |         |                             |                                       /-Georges HANS
        |         |                             |                             /-André HANTZ
        |         |                             |                             |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Charles HANS
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-André ENGSPERGER
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                             |         /-(Jean) Martin HANS
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-(Jean) Pierre CLADY
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Sophie N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Pierre CLADY
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ECK
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ECK
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         \-Madeleine CLADY
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHOTT
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Anne TUSCH
        |         |                             \-Marie-Ursule HANTZ
        |         |                                       |                                       /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
        |         |                                       |                             /-Georges RIEHL
        |         |                                       |                   /-Michel RIEHL
        |         |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                                       |         /-Michel RHÜLL
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
        |         |                                       \-Marguerite RIEHL
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |         |                                                 |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |                                                 \-Ursule ZEH
        |         |                                                           |         /-Matz SEEL
        |         |                                                           \-Marie SEEL
        |         |                                                                     \-Dorothée N.N.
        \-Marie Madeleine OBER
                  |                                                           /-Jean STÜRTZER
                  |                                                 /-Jean-Jacques STÜRTZER
                  |                                                 |         \-Appolonia KOHLER
                  |                                       /-Marc STÜRTZER
                  |                                       |         |         /-Jean DUSCH
                  |                                       |         \-Anne-Catherine TUSCH
                  |                                       |                   |         /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |                                       |                   \-Catherine CLAUDY
                  |                                       |                             \-Sophie N.N.
                  |                             /-Cyriaque STÜRTZER
                  |                             |         |                   /-Martin RIESCHER
                  |                             |         |         /-Joseph (Jodocus) RIESCHER
                  |                             |         \-Anne-Marie RIESCHER
                  |                             |                   |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |                             |                   |         /-Jean-Bernard DÜRRHEIMER
                  |                             |                   |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |                             |                   \-Marie-Madeleine DIRHEIMER
                  |                             |                             |         /-François GARIN
                  |                             |                             \-Madeleine GARIN
                  |                             |                                       |         /-Mathias BAUER
                  |                             |                                       \-Ursule BAUR
                  |                             |                                                 \-Anne N.N.
                  |                   /-Benoit STÜRTZER
                  |                   |         |                                                 /-Adolf DIEBOLT
                  |                   |         |                                       /-Jean DIEBOLT
                  |                   |         |                                       |         \-Catharine N.N.
                  |                   |         |                             /-André DIEBOLT
                  |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |         |                   /-André DIEBOLT
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Stéphane BILGER
                  |                   |         |                   |         \-(Anne) Marie BILGER
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques REEB
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques REEB
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbara REEB
                  |                   |         |                   |                             \-Anne N.N.
                  |                   |         |         /-Michel DIEBOLT
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean MENTZ
                  |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne PANCRATZ
                  |                   |         |         |         \-Marie Madeleine MENTZ
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                  |                   |         |         |                   \-Barbara SCHOTT
                  |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne TUSCH
                  |                   |         \-Anne-Marie DIEBOLT
                  |                   |                   |         /-Jacques BECKER
                  |                   |                   \-Anne Marie BUCHER
                  |                   |                             \-Anne WENDLING
                  |         /-Michel STURTZER
                  |         |         |                                                 /-Balthazar (Janvier) KANDEL
                  |         |         |                                       /-Vit CANDEL
                  |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             /-Pancrace CANDEL
                  |         |         |                             |         |         /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
                  |         |         |                             |                   \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |                   /-Pancrace KANDEL
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Léonard OBERER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Pierre OBER
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie OBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean OBERER
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie OBERER
                  |         |         |                   |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         /-Joseph KANDEL
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine LEMBERGER
                  |         |         \-Anne-Ève KANDEL
                  |         |                   |                             /-Jean MENTZ
                  |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques MENTZ
                  |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne PANCRATZ
                  |         |                   |         /-Marc MENTZ
                  |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHOTT
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara SCHOTT
                  |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne TUSCH
                  |         |                   \-Catharina MENTZ
                  |         |                             |                             /-Martin STEINMETZ
                  |         |                             |                   /-Ottman STEINMETZ
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean FIX
                  |         |                             |                   |         \-Catherine FIX
                  |         |                             |         /-Michel Udalric STEINMETZ
                  |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean SPECHT
                  |         |                             |         |         |         /-André SPECHT
                  |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine SEILER
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Madeleine SPECHT
                  |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Pancrace SCHAMPER
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Lienhard SCHAMPER
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Odile DAUL
                  |         |                             |         |                   \-Ève SCHAMPER
                  |         |                             |         |                             \-Marguerite SEYFRIED
                  |         |                             \-Barbara STEINMETZ
                  |         |                                       |         /-Marzolph-Marcel WEISS
                  |         |                                       \-Barbara WEISS
                  |         |                                                 \-Catherine MATHIS
                  \-Catherine STURTZER
                            |                   /-Michel ACKER
                            |         /-Xavier ACKER
                            |         |         \-Madeleine ESCHENLAUER
                            \-Thérèse ACKER
                                      |                             /-Jean GRESS
                                      |                   /-Jean-Georges GRESS
                                      |                   |         |         /-Michel NIERENBERGER
                                      |                   |         \-Catherine NIERENBERGER
                                      |                   |                   \-Eve WALSER
                                      |         /-Jean Georges KRESS
                                      |         |         |                   /-Georges OTT
                                      |         |         |         /-Michel OTT
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   /-Christmann BRAUN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges BRAUN
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Eva N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Marie (Madeleine) BRAUN
                                      |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                                      |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
                                      |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean HEINRICH
                                      |         |         |         |                             \-Odile HEINRICH
                                      |         |         |         |                                       \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |         \-Barbara OTT
                                      |         |                   |                   /-Mathias KAPFER
                                      |         |                   |         /-Philippe Jacques KAPFER
                                      |         |                   |         |         \-Suzanne N.N.
                                      |         |                   \-Élisabeth KAPFER
                                      |         |                             |                   /-Michel PECHEL
                                      |         |                             |         /-Jean BECH
                                      |         |                             \-Élisabeth BECH
                                      |         |                                       |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |                                       \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |                                                 \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      \-Anne Suzanne KRESS
                                                \-Barbara KAPFER

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                          /-Pierre DENNI
                                                /-Jacques DENNI
                                                |         \-Marie Madeleine RUDOLFF
                                      /-Paul DENNI
                                      |         \-Barbe RHIN
                            /-Jean-Baptiste DENNI
                            |         |         /-Mathias BRONNER
                            |         \-Marie-Anne BRONNER
                            |                   \-Marguerite Salomé SCHMITT
                  /-Louis DENNI
                  |         |                             /-Georges ROHRFRITSCH
                  |         |                   /-Antoine ROHRFRITSCH
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Diebold KRANTZ
                  |         |                   |         \-Marie-Catherine KRANTZ
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie BORNERT
                  |         |         /-Michel ROHRFRITSCH
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent SCHOTT
                  |         |         |         |         /-André SCHOTT
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine VIERLING
                  |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SCHOTT
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie BREINING
                  |         \-Thérèse ROHRFRITSCH
                  |                   |         /-André HUMANN
                  |                   \-Marie-Anne HUMANN
                  |                             \-Odile BURGER
        /-Joseph DENNI
        |         |                   /-François WEYL
        |         |         /-Aloise WEYL
        |         |         |         |                             /-Jean WEYHAUPT
        |         |         |         |                   /-Antoine WEYHAUPT
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Théobald Michel ADAM
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Diebold ADAM
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Brigitte BURNER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Marzolff LORENTZ
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Marzolf LORENTZ
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine HOCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Brigitte LORENTZ
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Sébastien WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Conrad WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Sophia BLAES
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Anna WEINLING
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Brigitte LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Anne GUTH
        |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Christophe WEYHAUPT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent STEMPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine STEMPFER
        |         |         |         \-Thérèse WEYHAUPT
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean ROTH
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Martzolf ROTH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Nicolas KELLER
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite KELLER
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean ROTH
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Diebolt OHL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean OHL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine OHL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Anna OHL
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Barbara MITTELHAUSER
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Marcel ROTH
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Diebold WACK
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges WACK
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anna WACK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean HANS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Georg HANS
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Anna N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Maria HANS
        |         |         |                   |         /-Caspar ROTH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Mathias RAEPPEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean RAEPPEL
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine RAEPPEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Diebolt MITTELHAUSER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean MITTELHAUSER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Nicolas GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara GUTH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne KUHN
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine MITTELHAUSER
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Georges ARBOGAST
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean ARBOGAST
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Anna N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine ARBOGAST
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Jean  Antoine KLEIN
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Agnès KLEIN
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Anna DOSSMANN
        |         |         |                   \-Sophie ROTH
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Jacques REINBOLT
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques REINBOLT
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Barbara SCHMITT
        |         |         |                             |         /-Jean REINBOLT
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean SIEGEL
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara SIEGEL
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WALTER
        |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie REINBOLD
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Valentin DAUL
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean DAUL
        |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine FUCHS
        |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DAUL
        |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean KLEINCLAUS
        |         |         |                                                 \-Odile KLEINCLAUS
        |         \-Marie Eugénie WEYL
        |                   |                             /-Laurent HAMM
        |                   |                   /-François HAMM
        |                   |                   |         \-Anne LIENHARD
        |                   |         /-Laurent HAMM
        |                   |         |         \-Marie SCHALL
        |                   \-Françoise HAMM
        |                             |         /-André BAEHR
        |                             \-Madeleine BAEHR
        |                                       |         /-André BIETH
        |                                       \-Brigitte BIETH
        |                                                 |                             /-Diebolt KIEFFER
        |                                                 |                   /-Jean KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         /-André KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel SCHMITTBIEHL
        |                                                 |         |         \-Ursule SCHMITTBIEHL
        |                                                 \-Anne KIEFFER
        |                                                           |         /-Nicolas SCHOTT
        |                                                           \-Brigitte SCHOTT
        |         /-Antoine Victor ANDRES
        \-Victorine Adelaide ANDRES
                  \-Marie-Catherine LUNG

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Living DENNI
        =Francis HIFF
            3 Living HIFF
            3 Living_Cousin HIFF

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Charles SCHWARTZ
        |                                                           /-Laurent ENGER
        |                                                 /-André ENGER
        |                                                 |         |         /-Georges WÜRTH
        |                                                 |         \-Brigitte WURTZ
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Michel MEYER
        |                                                 |                   \-Catherine MEYER
        |                                                 |                             \-Barbara N.N.
        |                                       /-Laurent ENGER
        |                                       |         |                   /-André DAUL
        |                                       |         |         /-Valentin DAUL
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Adam LEHMANN
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Éve LEHMANN
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                       |         \-Marie DAUL
        |                                       |                   \-Marguerite DEBUS
        |                             /-Antoine ENGER
        |                             |         |                   /-Jean STEINMETZ
        |                             |         |         /-Martin STEINMETZ
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-André KEITH
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-André KEITH
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         \-Marie KEITH
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth GERING
        |                             |         \-Anne STEINMETZ
        |                             |                   |                             /-Georges LANG
        |                             |                   |                   /-Diebold LANG
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Théobald CLAUS
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Catherine CLAUS
        |                             |                   |         /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |                   \-Élisabeth LANG
        |                             |                             |         /-Martin VELTIN
        |                             |                             \-Catherine VELTEN
        |                             |                                       \-Marie N.N.
        |                   /-Antoine ENGER
        |                   |         |                             /-Jean DAUL
        |                   |         |                   /-Valentin DAUL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-André GRUN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Maria GRUN
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                   |         |                   |                   \-Éva FURBACH
        |                   |         |                   |                             \-Éva WEBER
        |                   |         |         /-François DAUL
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Michel HANS
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean HANS
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel MATERN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
        |                   |         |         |         \-Catherine HANS
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-André GRUN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Christmann GRUN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-N.N. STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Maria GRUN
        |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Éva FURBACH
        |                   |         |         |                                       \-Éva WEBER
        |                   |         \-Catherine DAUL
        |                   |                   |                                       /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
        |                   |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges DEBES
        |                   |                   |                             |         \-Catherine LAPP
        |                   |                   |                   /-Laurent DEBES
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Laurent MEHL
        |                   |                   |                   |         \-Catherine MEHL
        |                   |                   |         /-André DEBUS
        |                   |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean FRITSCH
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-André FRITSCH
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Brigitte N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean FRITSCH
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite WEIL
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean FRITSCH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Vix MARX
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Ulrich MARXER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie MATZINGER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte MARXER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Arbogast CASPAR
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Brigitte FRITSCH
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jacques ANDRESEN
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Thiébaud GUTH
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Marguerite GUTH
        |                   |                   \-Brigitte DEBUS
        |                   |                             |                             /-Thomas WENDLING
        |                   |                             |                   /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |                             |         |         |                             /-Arbogast TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         |                   /-Diebold TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre BASTIAN
        |                   |                             |         |         |         |         \-Agathe BASTIAN
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
        |                   |                             |         |                   |         /-N.N. LANG
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Barbara LANG
        |                   |                             \-Anne Marie WENDLING
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Georges OTT
        |                   |                                       |         /-Simon OTT
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |                                       \-Gertrude OTT
        |                   |                                                 |                   /-Jean-Jacques GOETZ
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |                   |                                                 \-Anne GOETZ
        |                   |                                                           \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         /-Joseph ENGER
        |         |         |                   /-Jean WOGEE ; WOSCHE
        |         |         |         /-Georges WOGEE ; WOSCHE
        |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie OGÉ
        |         |         \-Brigitte WOGEE ; WOSCHE
        |         |                   |                             /-Théobald BURCKEL
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean BURCKEL
        |         |                   |         /-Georges BURCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Vit MITTELHAUSER
        |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude MITTELHAUSER
        |         |                   \-Catherine BURGEL
        |         |                             |                             /-Michel STENGEL
        |         |                             |                   /-Jean STENGEL
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anna ENGELSTETTER
        |         |                             |         /-André STENGEL
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean MINNI
        |         |                             |         |         \-Anne Marie MINNI
        |         |                             \-Brigitte STENGEL
        |         |                                       |                                       /-Jean KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |                             /-Georges KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |                             |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |                   /-Laurent KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |                   |         \-Anna JOST
        |         |                                       |         /-Michel KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |         |         |                             /-Nicolas DAUBENBERGER
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Simon DAUBENBERGER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-André DAUBENBERGER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Adam DAUL
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Odile DAUL
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Odile DAUBENBERGER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Lienhardt ZEHNACKER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Georges ZEHNACKER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Madeleine N.N.
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Gertrude ZEHNACKER
        |         |                                       |         |                             |         /-Georg LORENTZ
        |         |                                       |         |                             \-Maria LORENTZ
        |         |                                       |         |                                       \-Gertrude FELDEN
        |         |                                       \-Odile KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |         /-Martin KUHN
        |         |                                                 \-Christine KUHN
        |         |                                                           \-Ève GRESS
        \-Louise Jeanne ENGER
                  |                   /-Jacques OSTERMANN
                  |         /-Louis OSTERMANN
                  |         |         |                             /-Jean FUNFROCK
                  |         |         |                   /-André FUNFROCK
                  |         |         |         /-Martin FUNFROCK
                  |         |         |         |         \-Éve ROSER
                  |         |         \-Élisabeth FUNFROCK
                  |         |                   \-Élisabeth DANNER
                  \-Sophie OSTERMANN
                            |                                       /-Jean SCHAEFFER
                            |                             /-Jean SCHAEFFER
                            |                             |         \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
                            |                   /-Jean Georges SCHAEFFER
                            |                   |         \-Marie Catherine EGE
                            |         /-Georges SCHAEFFER
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean Jacques SEYBEL
                            |         |         |         /-Jacques SEYBEL
                            |         |         |         |         \-Anne  Marie ARENSPERGER
                            |         |         \-Anne Marie SEYBEL
                            |         |                   |         /-Jean Jacques HAMM
                            |         |                   \-Salomé HAMM
                            |         |                             \-Barbe GRAU
                            \-Marie SCHAEFFER
                                      |                   /-Jean Nicolas MANNSCHOTT
                                      |         /-André MANNSCHOTT
                                      |         |         \-Catherine Élisabeth STEIGLEDER
                                      \-Anne Marie MANNSCHOTT
                                                |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
                                                \-Anne Marie LORENTZ
                                                          \-Marie Esther BAUER

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Living DENNI
        =Francis HIFF
            3 Living HIFF
            3 Living_Cousin HIFF

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Jean DENU
                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                              |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                              |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                              |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                                    |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                          |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                          |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                          |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                          |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                          |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                          |                             \-Odile HANS
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                                |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                                |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                                |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                                |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                                |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                                |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                                |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                                |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                                |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                                |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                                |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                                |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                                |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                                |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                                |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                                |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                                |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                                |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                                |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                                      /-Laurent Justinien DENU
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Adam GASS
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine GASS
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine CONRAD
                                      |         |                   |         |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Éva WOLFF
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Suzanne BUCHER
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marguerite KRUG
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Éve GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Anne DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Véronique LEHMAN
                                      |         |         /-Jean CONRAD
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ZENS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                                      |         |         |         \-Christine BELL
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Valentin MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Georges MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie GASS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Éva MAURER
                                      |         |         |                             |                   /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Marie LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DURINGER
                                      |         \-Élisabeth CONRATH
                                      |                   |         /-Jean ECKART
                                      |                   \-Thérèse ECKART
                                      |                             \-Madeleine DAMM
                            /-Joseph DENU
                            |         |         /-Joseph WALTER
                            |         \-Régine WALTER
                            |                   \-Catherine SATTLER
                  /-Auguste Émile DENU
                  |         |                   /-Fidèle MEYER
                  |         |         /-Augustin MEYER
                  |         |         |         \-Dorothée MEYER
                  |         \-Marie MEYER
                  |                   |         /-Charles VETTER
                  |                   \-Élisabeth VETTER
                  |                             \-Catherine LANDMANN
        /-Auguste Émile DENU
        |         \-Anne Marthe HISS
        |         /-Joseph LEHMANN
        \-Rose Adeline LEHMANN
                  \-Léonie LEVY

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                    |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                    |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                          |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                |                             \-Odile HANS
                                      /-Jean DENU
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                      |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                      |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                      |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                      |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                      |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                      |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                      |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                      |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                      |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                      |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                            /-Jean DENU
                            |         |         /-Jacques KRAEMER
                            |         \-Catherine KRAEMER
                            |                   \-Gertrude KIHM
                  /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |         |                             /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                             |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                  |         |                             |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                  |         |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                  |         |                   |                             \-Odile HANS
                  |         |         /-Ignace DENU
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Éva RIEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                  |         |         |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         \-Catherine DENU
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |                   |                   /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |         /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie-Catherine WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne  Marie GASSER
                  |                   \-Madeleine KRAUTH
                  |                             |                             /-Valentin MOEBS
                  |                             |                   /-Théobald MOEBS
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève SCHMALTZ
                  |                             |         /-Georges MEBS
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Simon RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Niclaus ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Christine N.N.
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques GASS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Maria GASS
                  |                             |         |                             \-Anna HUGEL
                  |                             \-Marie-Madeleine MEBS
                  |                                       |         /-Théobald LORENTZ
                  |                                       \-Barbara LORENTZ
                  |                                                 \-Catherine ou Gertrude EHRHARD
        /-Alphonse DENU
        |         |                                                                     /-Adam WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Appolonia N.N.
        |         |                                                           /-Jean Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                           |         \-Anne Marie FRITSCH
        |         |                                                 /-Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Humbrecht DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Anna DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie GEBHARDT
        |         |                                       /-Jean Michel WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHALK
        |         |                             /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BOHLER
        |         |                             |         |         /-François BOEHLER
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine ROELLY
        |         |                             |         \-Anna Maria BOEHLER
        |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine N.N.
        |         |                   /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Georges SAAS
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbe SAAS
        |         |                   |                   \-Marie Barbe HIRLI
        |         |         /-François Antoine WIEDENKELLER
        |         |         |         \-Elisabeth Marie SIFERT
        |         \-Thérèse WIEDENKELLER
        |                   \-Marie Anne EDENWALD
        \-Mathilde GOLLA

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                    |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                    |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                          |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                |                             \-Odile HANS
                                      /-Jean DENU
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                      |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                      |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                      |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                      |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                      |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                      |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                      |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                      |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                      |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                      |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                            /-Jean DENU
                            |         |         /-Jacques KRAEMER
                            |         \-Catherine KRAEMER
                            |                   \-Gertrude KIHM
                  /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |         |                             /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                             |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                  |         |                             |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                  |         |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                  |         |                   |                             \-Odile HANS
                  |         |         /-Ignace DENU
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Éva RIEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                  |         |         |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         \-Catherine DENU
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |                   |                   /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |         /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie-Catherine WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne  Marie GASSER
                  |                   \-Madeleine KRAUTH
                  |                             |                             /-Valentin MOEBS
                  |                             |                   /-Théobald MOEBS
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève SCHMALTZ
                  |                             |         /-Georges MEBS
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Simon RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Niclaus ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Christine N.N.
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques GASS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Maria GASS
                  |                             |         |                             \-Anna HUGEL
                  |                             \-Marie-Madeleine MEBS
                  |                                       |         /-Théobald LORENTZ
                  |                                       \-Barbara LORENTZ
                  |                                                 \-Catherine ou Gertrude EHRHARD
        /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
        |         |                                                                     /-Adam WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Appolonia N.N.
        |         |                                                           /-Jean Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                           |         \-Anne Marie FRITSCH
        |         |                                                 /-Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Humbrecht DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Anna DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie GEBHARDT
        |         |                                       /-Jean Michel WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHALK
        |         |                             /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BOHLER
        |         |                             |         |         /-François BOEHLER
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine ROELLY
        |         |                             |         \-Anna Maria BOEHLER
        |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine N.N.
        |         |                   /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Georges SAAS
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbe SAAS
        |         |                   |                   \-Marie Barbe HIRLI
        |         |         /-François Antoine WIEDENKELLER
        |         |         |         \-Elisabeth Marie SIFERT
        |         \-Thérèse WIEDENKELLER
        |                   \-Marie Anne EDENWALD
        \-Louise BOHN

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Jean DENU
                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                              |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                              |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                              |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                                    |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                          |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                          |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                          |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                          |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                          |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                          |                             \-Odile HANS
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                                |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                                |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                                |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                                |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                                |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                                |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                                |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                                |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                                |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                                |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                                |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                                |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                                |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                                |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                                |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                                |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                                |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                                |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                                |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                                      /-Laurent Justinien DENU
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Adam GASS
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine GASS
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine CONRAD
                                      |         |                   |         |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Éva WOLFF
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Suzanne BUCHER
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marguerite KRUG
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Éve GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Anne DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Véronique LEHMAN
                                      |         |         /-Jean CONRAD
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ZENS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                                      |         |         |         \-Christine BELL
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Valentin MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Georges MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie GASS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Éva MAURER
                                      |         |         |                             |                   /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Marie LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DURINGER
                                      |         \-Élisabeth CONRATH
                                      |                   |         /-Jean ECKART
                                      |                   \-Thérèse ECKART
                                      |                             \-Madeleine DAMM
                            /-Joseph DENU
                            |         |         /-Joseph WALTER
                            |         \-Régine WALTER
                            |                   \-Catherine SATTLER
                  /-Auguste Émile DENU
                  |         |                   /-Fidèle MEYER
                  |         |         /-Augustin MEYER
                  |         |         |         \-Dorothée MEYER
                  |         \-Marie MEYER
                  |                   |         /-Charles VETTER
                  |                   \-Élisabeth VETTER
                  |                             \-Catherine LANDMANN
        /-Émile DENU
        |         \-Anne Marthe HISS
        \-Hélène LENTZ

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                    |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                    |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                          |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                |                             \-Odile HANS
                                      /-Jean DENU
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                      |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                      |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                      |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                      |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                      |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                      |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                      |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                      |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                      |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                      |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                            /-Jean DENU
                            |         |         /-Jacques KRAEMER
                            |         \-Catherine KRAEMER
                            |                   \-Gertrude KIHM
                  /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |         |                             /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                             |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                  |         |                             |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                  |         |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                  |         |                   |                             \-Odile HANS
                  |         |         /-Ignace DENU
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Éva RIEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                  |         |         |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         \-Catherine DENU
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |                   |                   /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |         /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie-Catherine WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne  Marie GASSER
                  |                   \-Madeleine KRAUTH
                  |                             |                             /-Valentin MOEBS
                  |                             |                   /-Théobald MOEBS
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève SCHMALTZ
                  |                             |         /-Georges MEBS
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Simon RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Niclaus ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Christine N.N.
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques GASS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Maria GASS
                  |                             |         |                             \-Anna HUGEL
                  |                             \-Marie-Madeleine MEBS
                  |                                       |         /-Théobald LORENTZ
                  |                                       \-Barbara LORENTZ
                  |                                                 \-Catherine ou Gertrude EHRHARD
        /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
        |         |                                                                     /-Adam WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Appolonia N.N.
        |         |                                                           /-Jean Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                           |         \-Anne Marie FRITSCH
        |         |                                                 /-Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Humbrecht DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Anna DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie GEBHARDT
        |         |                                       /-Jean Michel WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHALK
        |         |                             /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BOHLER
        |         |                             |         |         /-François BOEHLER
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine ROELLY
        |         |                             |         \-Anna Maria BOEHLER
        |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine N.N.
        |         |                   /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Georges SAAS
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbe SAAS
        |         |                   |                   \-Marie Barbe HIRLI
        |         |         /-François Antoine WIEDENKELLER
        |         |         |         \-Elisabeth Marie SIFERT
        |         \-Thérèse WIEDENKELLER
        |                   \-Marie Anne EDENWALD
        \-Louise BOHN

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                    |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                    |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                          |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                |                             \-Odile HANS
                                      /-Jean DENU
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                      |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                      |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                      |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                      |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                      |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                      |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                      |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                      |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                      |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                      |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                      |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                      |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                      |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                      |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                      |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                            /-Jean DENU
                            |         |         /-Jacques KRAEMER
                            |         \-Catherine KRAEMER
                            |                   \-Gertrude KIHM
                  /-Jean-Baptiste DENU
                  |         |                                                 /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |         |                             /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                             |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                  |         |                             |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                  |         |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                  |         |                   |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                  |         |                   |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                  |         |                   |                             \-Odile HANS
                  |         |         /-Ignace DENU
                  |         |         |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                  |         |         |         \-Éva RIEHL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |         |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                  |         |         |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         \-Catherine DENU
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             /-Jean Nicolas KRAUTH
                  |                   |                             |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |                   |                   /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Anne Éva GANGLOFF
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Angela BINGER ; HERMER ; SIEBER
                  |                   |         /-Pierre KRAUTH
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie-Catherine WINCKLER
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne  Marie GASSER
                  |                   \-Madeleine KRAUTH
                  |                             |                             /-Valentin MOEBS
                  |                             |                   /-Théobald MOEBS
                  |                             |                   |         \-Ève SCHMALTZ
                  |                             |         /-Georges MEBS
                  |                             |         |         |                             /-Simon RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   /-Michel RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Nicolas RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Niclaus ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ROOS
                  |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Christine N.N.
                  |                             |         |         \-Anne RUNTZ
                  |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques GASS
                  |                             |         |                   \-Maria GASS
                  |                             |         |                             \-Anna HUGEL
                  |                             \-Marie-Madeleine MEBS
                  |                                       |         /-Théobald LORENTZ
                  |                                       \-Barbara LORENTZ
                  |                                                 \-Catherine ou Gertrude EHRHARD
        /-Victor DENU
        |         |                                                                     /-Adam WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Appolonia N.N.
        |         |                                                           /-Jean Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                           |         \-Anne Marie FRITSCH
        |         |                                                 /-Georges WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Humbrecht DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Anna DUTTER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie GEBHARDT
        |         |                                       /-Jean Michel WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHALK
        |         |                             /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques BOHLER
        |         |                             |         |         /-François BOEHLER
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine ROELLY
        |         |                             |         \-Anna Maria BOEHLER
        |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine N.N.
        |         |                   /-Jean WIEDENKELLER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Georges SAAS
        |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbe SAAS
        |         |                   |                   \-Marie Barbe HIRLI
        |         |         /-François Antoine WIEDENKELLER
        |         |         |         \-Elisabeth Marie SIFERT
        |         \-Thérèse WIEDENKELLER
        |                   \-Marie Anne EDENWALD
        \-Clémence GASSER

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Rose Joséphine WEIBEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                        /-Jean DENU
                                                                              /-Jean DENU
                                                                              |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                                                                              |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                                                                              |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                                                                    /-Jean DENU
                                                                    |         |         /-N.N. TAVENAR
                                                                    |         \-Jeanne TAVENAR
                                                          /-Jean DENU
                                                          |         |                   /-François HOUDE
                                                          |         |         /-Dominique HOUDE
                                                          |         |         |         \-Pauline Jacobea SCHEDET
                                                          |         \-Catherine HOUDE
                                                          |                   |         /-Jean HUCK
                                                          |                   \-Anne Marie HÜG
                                                          |                             \-Odile HANS
                                                /-Jean DENU
                                                |         |                                                 /-Jean "Schultzenhans" RIEHL
                                                |         |                                       /-Georges RIEHL
                                                |         |                             /-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |                             |         \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |         |                   /-Michel RHÜLL
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Grégoire GING
                                                |         |                   |         \-Maria Barbara GING
                                                |         |         /-Jean-Michel RIEHL
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                                |         |         |         \-Ursule ZEH
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Matz SEEL
                                                |         |         |                   \-Marie SEEL
                                                |         |         |                             \-Dorothée N.N.
                                                |         \-Éva RIEHL
                                                |                   |                                       /-Pierre MARTZ
                                                |                   |                             /-Paul MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   /-Jacques MARTZ
                                                |                   |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                                                |                   |         /-Jean MARTZ
                                                |                   |         |         |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
                                                |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                                                |                   |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                                |                   \-Elisabeth MARTZ
                                                |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                                                |                             |         /-Philippe CLADY
                                                |                             |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
                                                |                             \-Rosine CLADY
                                                |                                       |         /-Nicolas VIX
                                                |                                       \-Gertrude VIX
                                                |                                                 \-Catherine N.N.
                                      /-Laurent Justinien DENU
                                      |         |                                       /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             /-Mathias CONRAD
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Adam GASS
                                      |         |                             |         \-Catherine GASS
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                                      |         |                   /-Antoine CONRAD
                                      |         |                   |         |                             /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Éva WOLFF
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne LITZMANN
                                      |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Suzanne BUCHER
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie FRINTZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas Sébastien GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marguerite KRUG
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Éve GERGES
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Anne DIETRICH
                                      |         |                   |                                       \-Véronique LEHMAN
                                      |         |         /-Jean CONRAD
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte HERDTNAGEL
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean BAEHL
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Hanns ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ZENSS
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine ZENS
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anganesa BIRL
                                      |         |         |         \-Christine BELL
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Valentin MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Georges MAURER
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie GASS
                                      |         |         |                   \-Éva MAURER
                                      |         |         |                             |                   /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Mathias LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                             \-Marie LAUGEL
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Catherine DURINGER
                                      |         \-Élisabeth CONRATH
                                      |                   |         /-Jean ECKART
                                      |                   \-Thérèse ECKART
                                      |                             \-Madeleine DAMM
                            /-Joseph DENU
                            |         |         /-Joseph WALTER
                            |         \-Régine WALTER
                            |                   \-Catherine SATTLER
                  /-Auguste Émile DENU
                  |         |                   /-Fidèle MEYER
                  |         |         /-Augustin MEYER
                  |         |         |         \-Dorothée MEYER
                  |         \-Marie MEYER
                  |                   |         /-Charles VETTER
                  |                   \-Élisabeth VETTER
                  |                             \-Catherine LANDMANN
        /-Émile DENU
        |         \-Anne Marthe HISS
        \-Hélène LENTZ

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Nicole DIMET
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                             /-Louis François DIMET
        |                   /-Louis Alfred DIMET
        |         /-Serge Jean DIMET
        |         |         |                             /-Jean-François BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |                   /-Alphonse BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |         /-Auguste Camille BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Johan Lorenz STAEDLER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Johan Gisbert STAEDLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie Dorothée JENGER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georg, Adam DAUBACH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anna , Klara DAUBACH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jacob WESTORFF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie, Madeleine WESTORFF
        |         |         |         |         \-Victoire , Joséphine STAEDLER
        |         |         \-Suzanne Louise BOUCHENOT
        |         |                   \-Anna Emelie (Amélie) PARCOLLET
        \-Nicole DIMET
                  |                   /-Marie Joseph GERARD
                  |         /-Édouard Maurice GERARD
                  |         |         \-Marie Augustine BRICE
                  \-Andrée GERARD
                            |                   /-Louis Auguste VIOT
                            |         /-Georges Louis VIOT
                            |         |         |                                                           /-Jean ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                                 /-Jacques ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                                 |         \-Marie FIHL
                            |         |         |                                       /-André ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                       |         |         /-André OTT
                            |         |         |                                       |         \-Marie OTT
                            |         |         |                                       |                   \-Ursula URB
                            |         |         |                             /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Suzanne BUCHER
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine FÄHL
                            |         |         |                   /-Ehrhart ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean Henri KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Henri GRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ENGER
                            |         |         |                   |         |         /-André KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-André OTT
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite OTT
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Ursula URB
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Martin FRESCH
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
                            |         |         |                   |                                       \-Eve VINCENT
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph ANSTETT
                            |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                             /-Georges LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie ACKER
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Diebold LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean ADAM
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie ADAM
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Antoine LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie BOSCH
                            |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                            |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Odile SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Gertrude WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean KEUTH
                            |         |         |         |                             |         /-Hannß-Michel KEUTH
                            |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                             \-Marie KEIT
                            |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Martin HUSS
                            |         |         |         |                                       \-Marie HUSS
                            |         |         |         |                                                 \-Éve WENDLING
                            |         |         \-Sophie Catherine ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                                                 /-Nicolas WEISS
                            |         |                   |                                       /-Nicolas WEISS
                            |         |                   |                             /-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
                            |         |                   |                             |         \-Marie KRIEGER
                            |         |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine HANS
                            |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Éve SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
                            |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne KIEFFER
                            |         |                   |                   |                             \-Eve TURINGER
                            |         |                   |         /-Jean WEISS
                            |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                            |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Rosine WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
                            |         |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
                            |         |                   |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   \-Sophie WEISS
                            |         |                             |                                       /-Martin STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                             /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine FIX
                            |         |                             |                   /-Laurent STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin SCHMIDT
                            |         |                             |                   |         \-Maria SCHMID
                            |         |                             |                   |                   \-Barbara WEISS
                            |         |                             |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
                            |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne KIEFFER
                            |         |                             |         |                             \-Eve TURINGER
                            |         |                             \-Catherine STEINMETZ
                            |         |                                       |                   /-Matthias LAUGEL
                            |         |                                       |         /-Jean LAUGEL
                            |         |                                       |         |         \-Sophie SCHNEPP
                            |         |                                       \-Marie-Anne LAUGEL
                            |         |                                                 |                   /-Pierre WEBER
                            |         |                                                 |         /-Laurent WEBER
                            |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
                            |         |                                                 \-Marie-Anne WEBER
                            |         |                                                           |         /-André KRIEGER
                            |         |                                                           \-Marie KRIEGER
                            |         |                                                                     \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
                            \-Hélène VIOT
                                      |         /-Pierre Joseph JOBIN
                                      \-Marie Octavie JOBIN
                                                |         /-François MATERN
                                                |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
                                                \-Anne-Marie MATER
                                                          |         /-Henri POLFFER
                                                          \-Catherine POLFFER
                                                                    \-Catherine THILL

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                             /-Louis François DIMET
        |                   /-Louis Alfred DIMET
        |         /-Serge Jean DIMET
        |         |         |                             /-Jean-François BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |                   /-Alphonse BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |         /-Auguste Camille BOUCHENOT
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Johan Lorenz STAEDLER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Johan Gisbert STAEDLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie Dorothée JENGER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georg, Adam DAUBACH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anna , Klara DAUBACH
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jacob WESTORFF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie, Madeleine WESTORFF
        |         |         |         |         \-Victoire , Joséphine STAEDLER
        |         |         \-Suzanne Louise BOUCHENOT
        |         |                   \-Anna Emelie (Amélie) PARCOLLET
        \-Nicole DIMET
                  |                   /-Marie Joseph GERARD
                  |         /-Édouard Maurice GERARD
                  |         |         \-Marie Augustine BRICE
                  \-Andrée GERARD
                            |                   /-Louis Auguste VIOT
                            |         /-Georges Louis VIOT
                            |         |         |                                                           /-Jean ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                                 /-Jacques ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                                 |         \-Marie FIHL
                            |         |         |                                       /-André ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                                       |         |         /-André OTT
                            |         |         |                                       |         \-Marie OTT
                            |         |         |                                       |                   \-Ursula URB
                            |         |         |                             /-Ehrhardt ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Georges LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Suzanne BUCHER
                            |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Madeleine Nymphea LITZELMANN
                            |         |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine FÄHL
                            |         |         |                   /-Ehrhart ANSTETT
                            |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean Henri KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Henri GRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ENGER
                            |         |         |                   |         |         /-André KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-André OTT
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite OTT
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Ursula URB
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth KRESS
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine KRIEGER
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Martin FRESCH
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Marie Élisabeth FRESCH
                            |         |         |                   |                                       \-Eve VINCENT
                            |         |         |         /-Joseph ANSTETT
                            |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                             /-Georges LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie ACKER
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Diebold LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean ADAM
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie ADAM
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Antoine LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie BOSCH
                            |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LAUGEL
                            |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
                            |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Odile SCHNEIDER
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Gertrude WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean KEUTH
                            |         |         |         |                             |         /-Hannß-Michel KEUTH
                            |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne WEBER
                            |         |         |         |                             \-Marie KEIT
                            |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Martin HUSS
                            |         |         |         |                                       \-Marie HUSS
                            |         |         |         |                                                 \-Éve WENDLING
                            |         |         \-Sophie Catherine ANSTETT
                            |         |                   |                                                 /-Nicolas WEISS
                            |         |                   |                                       /-Nicolas WEISS
                            |         |                   |                             /-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean Wolfgang KRIEGER
                            |         |                   |                             |         \-Marie KRIEGER
                            |         |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine HANS
                            |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques WEISS
                            |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Éve SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
                            |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne KIEFFER
                            |         |                   |                   |                             \-Eve TURINGER
                            |         |                   |         /-Jean WEISS
                            |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Éve TRUTTMANN
                            |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Simon OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude OTT
                            |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne GOETZ
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Rosine WENDLING
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Benoit OFFNER
                            |         |                   |         |                   \-Élisabeth OFFNER
                            |         |                   |         |                             \-Christine N.N.
                            |         |                   \-Sophie WEISS
                            |         |                             |                                       /-Martin STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                             /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine FIX
                            |         |                             |                   /-Laurent STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin SCHMIDT
                            |         |                             |                   |         \-Maria SCHMID
                            |         |                             |                   |                   \-Barbara WEISS
                            |         |                             |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                            |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Marie-Anne SCHNEIDER
                            |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Thibaut KIEFFER
                            |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne KIEFFER
                            |         |                             |         |                             \-Eve TURINGER
                            |         |                             \-Catherine STEINMETZ
                            |         |                                       |                   /-Matthias LAUGEL
                            |         |                                       |         /-Jean LAUGEL
                            |         |                                       |         |         \-Sophie SCHNEPP
                            |         |                                       \-Marie-Anne LAUGEL
                            |         |                                                 |                   /-Pierre WEBER
                            |         |                                                 |         /-Laurent WEBER
                            |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
                            |         |                                                 \-Marie-Anne WEBER
                            |         |                                                           |         /-André KRIEGER
                            |         |                                                           \-Marie KRIEGER
                            |         |                                                                     \-Marguerite SCHMIDT
                            \-Hélène VIOT
                                      |         /-Pierre Joseph JOBIN
                                      \-Marie Octavie JOBIN
                                                |         /-François MATERN
                                                |         |         \-Catherine MATERN
                                                \-Anne-Marie MATER
                                                          |         /-Henri POLFFER
                                                          \-Catherine POLFFER
                                                                    \-Catherine THILL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                                            /-Claudin DEPARDIEU
                                                                                                  /-Jean DEPARDIEU
                                                                                        /-Jean DEPARDIEU
                                                                              /-Toussaint DEPARDIEU
                                                                    /-Jean-Bpatiste DEPARDIEU
                                                          /-Jean-Baptiste DEPARDIEU
                                                /-Jean-Baptiste DEPARDIEU
                                      /-François Nicolas Gratien DEPARDIEU
                                      |         |         /-Dominique POINSIGNON
                                      |         \-Marie-Joséphine POINSIGNON
                                      |                   \-Barbe Dominique ROBERT
                            /-Lucien Louis DEPARDIEU
                  /-André Raymond DEPARDIEU
        /-Robert DEPARDIEU
        |                             /-Marie Jean Baptiste Alfred AUBRY
        |                   /-Marie Joseph Emile AUBRY
        |                   |         \-Valentine DAVOUZE
        |         /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         |         |         /-Aimé Paul MILLET
        |         |         \-Louise Palmyre MILLET
        |         |                   \-Marguerite Françoise Céline CHENIN
        \-Patricia AUBRY
                  |                   /-Heinrich MOËLLER
                  |         /-Albert Antoine Henri MOËLLER
                  |         |         |                                       /-André WERNERT
                  |         |         |                             /-Antoine WERNERT
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Marie ADAM
                  |         |         |                   /-Joseph WERNERT
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Michel ULRICH
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Marie ULRICH
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie LAUGEL
                  |         |         |         /-Jean WERNERT
                  |         |         |         |         |                             /-Antoine SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Barbara KLEIN
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Antoine SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean KOBES
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite KOBUS
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KRAUTH
                  |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine SCHWARTZ
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Thomas TREYHER ; DREYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Antoine DREYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean STEINMETZ
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie STEINMETZ
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine TREYER
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-Georges DEBUS
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara DEBUS
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Mathias OHLMANN
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Odile OHLMANN
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne WENDLING
                  |         |         \-Marie-Thérèse WERNERT
                  |         |                   |                                                           /-Jacques REINBOLT
                  |         |                   |                                                 /-Sébastien REINBOLT
                  |         |                   |                                                 |         \-Barbara SCHMITT
                  |         |                   |                                       /-Joseph REINBOLT
                  |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Jean DEBES
                  |         |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite DEBES
                  |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Éva SCHEER
                  |         |                   |                             /-Joseph REINBOLD
                  |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Christmann KRIEGER
                  |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Christmann KRIEGER
                  |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Barbara LANG
                  |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Catherine KRIEGER
                  |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Jean le Jeune 1 BOOS
                  |         |                   |                             |                   \-Catherine BOOS
                  |         |                   |                             |                             \-Marie GALL
                  |         |                   |                   /-Jean REINBOLD
                  |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean BOESCH
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean BOESCH
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FREYBUS
                  |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie-Anne BOESCH
                  |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jacques GASS
                  |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine GASS
                  |         |                   |                   |                             \-Odile DAUL
                  |         |                   |         /-Nicolas REINBOLD
                  |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Laurent WOLFF
                  |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Georg WOLFF
                  |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Maria VETTER
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean WOLFF
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent FAESSEL
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie Élisabeth FAESSEL
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Éva Euphrosine ROOS
                  |         |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine WOLFF
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent RECHT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean Jacques RECHT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Aurélie LUTZ
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine RECHT
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges STOLL
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne Marie STOLL
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie NONNENMACHER
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Rosine WOLFF
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel SEEBERGER
                  |         |                   |         |                   \-Catherine SEEBERGER
                  |         |                   |         |                             \-Françoise BOUFFLEUR
                  |         |                   \-Marie-Thérèse REINBOLD
                  |         |                             |                             /-Jean WENDLING
                  |         |                             |                   /-Jean WENDLING
                  |         |                             |                   |         \-Gertrude WALTER
                  |         |                             |         /-Joseph WENDLING
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine ZILLER
                  |         |                             \-Thérèse WENDLING
                  |         |                                       |         /-Joseph SCHMIDT
                  |         |                                       \-Claire SCHMIDT
                  |         |                                                 \-Catherine HERRMANN
                  \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                            |                   /-Pierre WEBER
                            |         /-Albert WEBER
                            |         |         \-Caroline BRUMM
                            \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                                      |         /-Jacques DEIS
                                      \-Madeleine DEIS
                                                \-Madeleine FISCHER

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =François DE RENDINGER
      2 Guillaume DE-RENDINGER
        =Astrid HÉBERT  Marriage: 9 JUN 2001, Montigny-Lès-Metz,57158,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Francis DERYCKERE
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Francis DERYCKERE
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Damien DENNEFELD
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Anne WAGNER
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Francis DERYCKERE
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Anne WAGNER
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                  /-Francis DERYCKERE
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                                                                                         /-Jean-Adam WAGNER
        |                                                                               /-Jean-Balthasar WAGNER
        |                                                                               |         \-Anne-Marie KOCH
        |                                                                     /-Ignace WAGNER
        |                                                                     |         |                   /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |                                                                     |         |         |         \-Marie SEEL
        |                                                                     |         \-Anne-Marie ZEH
        |                                                                     |                   |         /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                                     |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                                     |                             \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                                                           /-Pierre WAGNER
        |                                                           |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
        |                                                           |         \-Catherine BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |                   |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
        |                                                           |                   |         /-François KOLLER
        |                                                           |                   |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
        |                                                           |                   \-Salomé KOLLER
        |                                                           |                             |         /-François DIRHEIMER
        |                                                           |                             \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
        |                                                           |                                       \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |                                                 /-Joseph WAGNER
        |                                                 |         |                             /-Durst RITTLING
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Anne KOEHL
        |                                                 |         |         /-Antoine RIEDLING
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Simon STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie GRASSER
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Ève STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         |                   \-Odile REINBOLD
        |                                                 |         |         |                             \-Maria WURM
        |                                                 |         \-Catherine RIEDLING
        |                                                 |                   |                             /-René LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |                   /-Jean LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean Maricus Ou Henri LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine KAUFFMANN
        |                                                 |                   \-Ursule LEIBENGUTT
        |                                                 |                             |         /-Théobald HERRMAN
        |                                                 |                             \-Elisabeth HERMANN
        |                                                 |                                       \-Brigitta HIGLER
        |                                       /-Jean WAGNER
        |                                       |         |         /-Joseph HUSS
        |                                       |         \-Thérèse HUSZ
        |                                       |                   |         /-Antoine WERNERT
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine WERNERT
        |                                       |                             \-Barbara GRUN
        |                             /-Antoine WAGNER
        |                             |         |                                                           /-Laurent OSTER
        |                             |         |                                                 /-Mathias OSTER
        |                             |         |                                                 |         \-Catherine SCHWARTZ
        |                             |         |                                       /-Adam OSTER
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         /-Adam KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                                       |         \-Barbe KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                                       |                   \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                             /-Antoine OSTER
        |                             |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean le Jeune 1 BOOS
        |                             |         |                             |         |         /-Jean le Jeune 2 BOOS
        |                             |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marie GALL
        |                             |         |                             |         \-Anne BOSS
        |                             |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |                             |         |                             |                   \-Catherine BURG
        |                             |         |                             |                             \-Marie HERTZOG
        |                             |         |                   /-Joseph OSTER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Catherine JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Bernard HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                             |         /-Vit CANDEL
        |                             |         |                   |                             \-Maria-Barbara CANDEL
        |                             |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
        |                             |         |         /-Jean OSTER
        |                             |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie KURTZ
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Antoine CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Jacques CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques WOLFF
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine WOLFF
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara LITSCH
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   /-Martin SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne WINTERHALTER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Éve WEBER
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Anne Marie SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                             |                   /-Chrétien JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                             |         /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbe TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |                             \-Marie JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean MATERN
        |                             |         |         |                                       \-Catherine MARTHER
        |                             |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine WALTER
        |                             |         \-Thérèse OSTER
        |                             |                   |                                                 /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |                   |                                       /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |                             |                   |                             /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                             |                   |                             |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |                             |                   |                             |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |                             |                   |                             |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |                             |                   |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                             |                   |                   |         |                   /-André KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Anna KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   |                             \-Marie LANG
        |                             |                   |         /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Gertrude BERENBACH
        |                             |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                             |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine RIPP
        |                             |                   \-Marie-Anne JUNG
        |                             |                             |                                       /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |                             |                             |                             /-Félix FOURNAISE
        |                             |                             |                             |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |                             |                             |                   /-Félix FORNES
        |                             |                             |                   |         |         /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
        |                             |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth WIND
        |                             |                             |                   |                   \-Eve WEBER
        |                             |                             |         /-Félix FORNES
        |                             |                             |         |         |         /-André TRUNTZ
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Catherine TRUNTZ
        |                             |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean CHRISTMANN
        |                             |                             |         |                   \-Marie CHRISTMANN
        |                             |                             \-Catherine FORNES
        |                             |                                       |                   /-Jean SIMON
        |                             |                                       |         /-Bernard SIMON
        |                             |                                       \-Anne-Barbara SIMON
        |                             |                                                 \-Catherine MAUR
        |                   /-Aloise WAGNER
        |                   |         |                             /-Sébastien WEBER
        |                   |         |                   /-Joseph WEBER
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         /-André WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Mathias KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine WEISS
        |                   |         \-Madeleine WEBER
        |                   |                   |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         /-Jean KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |                   |                   |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne KAPFER
        |                   |                             |                                       /-Durst RITTLING
        |                   |                             |                             /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |                             |         \-Anne KOEHL
        |                   |                             |                   /-Antoine RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jacques STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         /-Simon STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Marie GRASSER
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-Ève STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |                   |         /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
        |                   |                             |                   |                   \-Odile REINBOLD
        |                   |                             |                   |                             \-Maria WURM
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |         |         |                             /-René LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Maricus Ou Henri LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine KAUFFMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Ursule LEIBENGUTT
        |                   |                             |         |                   |         /-Théobald HERRMAN
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Elisabeth HERMANN
        |                   |                             |         |                             \-Brigitta HIGLER
        |                   |                             \-Catherine RIEDLING
        |                   |                                       |                                       /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                             /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                             |         \-Maria DESS
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine MEHL
        |                   |                                       |         /-Joseph LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Catherine PFISTER
        |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LAUGEL
        |                   |                                                 |                             /-André GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |                   /-Christmann GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |                   |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Jacques GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |         |         |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                   |                                                 |         |         \-Éva FURBACH
        |                   |                                                 |         |                   \-Éva WEBER
        |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie GRUN
        |                   |                                                           |                   /-N.N. HEBDING
        |                   |                                                           |         /-Mathias HEBDING
        |                   |                                                           \-Marguerite HEBDING
        |                   |                                                                     \-Anne LINDER
        |         /-Robert WAGNER
        |         |         |                                                                     /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |         |         |                                                           /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |         |         |                                                           |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 /-François MESSER
        |         |         |                                                 |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         /-Philippe CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 |         \-Anne CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Nicolas VIX
        |         |         |                                                 |                   \-Gertrude VIX
        |         |         |                                                 |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                                       /-Jean MESSER
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   /-Conrad ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Thomas REINHART
        |         |         |                                       |                   \-Marie Barbara REINHART
        |         |         |                             /-Jean MESSER
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Georges KAPS
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne KAPS
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Eve ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Caspar MARTZ
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Eva MARTZ
        |         |         |                   /-Michel MESSER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Martin VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       /-Michael VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Frédéric VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Eve ECKART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   \-Éve GING
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Martin VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean BERETZWEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BERETZWEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth BERETSWILL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Michel RIEHL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Catherine RÜEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                             \-Maria Barbara GING
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Cyriaque VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Viti MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Viti MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Martin MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine TRUTTMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite ZEHE
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Élisabeth Ou Anne Marie MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Eve DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Marie DEBES
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LAPP
        |         |         |                   |         \-Suzanne VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Balthasar SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Michel SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Ève GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                             |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel BERENBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Barbara BERENBACH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |                   /-Georges LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anna HATT
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Suzanne LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Chrétien JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Suzanne JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                                                           \-Barbe TROESCH
        |         |         |         /-Joseph MESSER
        |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Adam WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Balthasar WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie KOCH
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Ignace WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Matz SEEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie SEEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Dorothée N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Brigitte MATER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-François KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-François GARIN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Ursule BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Salomé KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-François DIRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WAGNER
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jacques TROESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Henri CREQUY
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Gertrude WINDT
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Elisabeth CRIQUI
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie KURTZ
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Michel RHÜLL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Ursule ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Matz SEEL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie SEEL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Dorothée N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie DRESCH
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       /-Thomas STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin MULLER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Michel STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                                       |                             /-Thewis STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Judith KELLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne-Marie ACKER
        |         |         \-Thérèse MESSER
        |         |                   |                                                           /-Beat FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Sébastien FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                                 |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |                   |                                       /-Joseph FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Jacques LOTH
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Barbara LOTH
        |         |                   |                                       |                   |         /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Élisabeth KRESS
        |         |                   |                                       |                             \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |                   |                             /-Michel FUCHS
        |         |                   |                             |         |                             /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Michel GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Marie VELTEN
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Elisabeth GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |                   |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
        |         |                   |                             |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |                   |                             |                             \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |                   |                             |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |                   |                   /-Antoine FUCHS
        |         |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Antoine OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-André HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie Ève HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine OTT
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel ZWECK
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ZWECK
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Georges DOLLINGER
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite DOLLINGER
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Marie SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Mathias LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         |         /-Georges ACKER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Marie ACKER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite GRETT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Diebold LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie BOSCH
        |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Marguerite LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Urban WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Georges WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             |         \-Gertrude KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Georges WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Christmann KAUFFMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |                   \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Odile SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Gertrude WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                             /-André KEITH
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean KEUTH
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Hannß-Michel KEUTH
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Anne WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie KEIT
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Martin HUSS
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Marie HUSS
        |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Éve WENDLING
        |         |                   \-Thérèse FUCHS
        |         |                             |                                                           /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                                 /-André DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                                 |         \-Véronique LEHMAN
        |         |                             |                                       /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                       |         \-Marie Christine REYMAN
        |         |                             |                             /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                             |         |         /-Jean BASTIAN
        |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine BASTIAN
        |         |                             |                             |                   \-Brigitte DISSER
        |         |                             |                   /-Laurent DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   /-Adam VOGLER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Adam VOGEL
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean Valentin LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Anne LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Christine VOGLER
        |         |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Christian CONRAD
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Sébastien CONRAD
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-Marie CONRAD
        |         |                             |         /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Martin VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Georges VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Théobald VELTEN
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne MUSTER
        |         |                             |         |         \-Salomé VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Jacques WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SCHOENENHALTER
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Mathieu WEBER
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Odile WEBER
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Anne-Catherine BERLIN
        |         |                             \-Salomé DIETRICH
        |         |                                       |                                                 /-Henri CREQUY
        |         |                                       |                                       /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                                       |         \-Gertrude WINDT
        |         |                                       |                             /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                             |         \-Marie KURTZ
        |         |                                       |                   /-Antoine CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Hannss DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Jacques FRINTZ
        |         |                                       |                   |                   \-Ève FRINTZ
        |         |                                       |                   |                             \-Éva WOLFF
        |         |                                       |         /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |         |         |                             /-Georges WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WEBER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Eve WEBER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Barbe PANCRATZ
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Marcus ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Mathieu ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Marie ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                             |         /-Adam BASTIAN
        |         |                                       |         |                             \-Barbara FÄSSMANN
        |         |                                       |         |                                       \-Brigitte PFEIL
        |         |                                       \-Odile CRIQUI
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Jean SCHERER
        |         |                                                 |         /-Antoine SCHERER
        |         |                                                 \-Anne SCHERER
        |         |                                                           |         /-Michel LUHMANN
        |         |                                                           \-Odile LUHMANN
        |         |                                                                     \-Anne KIEFFER
        \-Anne WAGNER
                  |                                                 /-Nicolas LEINEN
                  |                                       /-Jean LEINEN
                  |                                       |         \-Barbe HEILIG
                  |                             /-Jean Nicolas LEINEN
                  |                             |         |                   /-Pierre GREFF
                  |                             |         |         /-Jean Nicolas GREFF
                  |                             |         \-Françoise GREFF
                  |                             |                   \-Lucie Marie Louise GANGLOFF
                  |                   /-Auguste LEINEN
                  |         /-Pierre LEINEN
                  \-Huguette LEINEN
                            |                                                           /-Jacques CLAUDE
                            |                                                 /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                                       /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                             /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                   /-Jean Auguste CLAUDE
                            |         /-Jean Auguste CLAUDE
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean Pierre ARNETZ
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Marie BRAYER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Nicolas DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean Ncolas DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Jeanne FLOZ
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Jeanne Dorothée DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Jeanne TRAPPIER
                            |         |         |         /-Mathias ARNETZ
                            |         |         \-Barbara ARNETZ
                            \-Germaine CLAUDE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                  /-Francis DERYCKERE
        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |         \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                                                                                         /-Jean-Adam WAGNER
        |                                                                               /-Jean-Balthasar WAGNER
        |                                                                               |         \-Anne-Marie KOCH
        |                                                                     /-Ignace WAGNER
        |                                                                     |         |                   /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |                                                                     |         |         |         \-Marie SEEL
        |                                                                     |         \-Anne-Marie ZEH
        |                                                                     |                   |         /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                                     |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                                     |                             \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                                                           /-Pierre WAGNER
        |                                                           |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
        |                                                           |         \-Catherine BIENFAIT
        |                                                           |                   |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
        |                                                           |                   |         /-François KOLLER
        |                                                           |                   |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
        |                                                           |                   \-Salomé KOLLER
        |                                                           |                             |         /-François DIRHEIMER
        |                                                           |                             \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
        |                                                           |                                       \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |                                                 /-Joseph WAGNER
        |                                                 |         |                             /-Durst RITTLING
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Anne KOEHL
        |                                                 |         |         /-Antoine RIEDLING
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Simon STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie GRASSER
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Ève STOLL
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
        |                                                 |         |         |                   \-Odile REINBOLD
        |                                                 |         |         |                             \-Maria WURM
        |                                                 |         \-Catherine RIEDLING
        |                                                 |                   |                             /-René LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |                   /-Jean LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean Maricus Ou Henri LEIBENGUTH
        |                                                 |                   |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine KAUFFMANN
        |                                                 |                   \-Ursule LEIBENGUTT
        |                                                 |                             |         /-Théobald HERRMAN
        |                                                 |                             \-Elisabeth HERMANN
        |                                                 |                                       \-Brigitta HIGLER
        |                                       /-Jean WAGNER
        |                                       |         |         /-Joseph HUSS
        |                                       |         \-Thérèse HUSZ
        |                                       |                   |         /-Antoine WERNERT
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine WERNERT
        |                                       |                             \-Barbara GRUN
        |                             /-Antoine WAGNER
        |                             |         |                                                           /-Laurent OSTER
        |                             |         |                                                 /-Mathias OSTER
        |                             |         |                                                 |         \-Catherine SCHWARTZ
        |                             |         |                                       /-Adam OSTER
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         /-Adam KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                                       |         \-Barbe KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                                       |                   \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                             /-Antoine OSTER
        |                             |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean le Jeune 1 BOOS
        |                             |         |                             |         |         /-Jean le Jeune 2 BOOS
        |                             |         |                             |         |         |         \-Marie GALL
        |                             |         |                             |         \-Anne BOSS
        |                             |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |                             |         |                             |                   \-Catherine BURG
        |                             |         |                             |                             \-Marie HERTZOG
        |                             |         |                   /-Joseph OSTER
        |                             |         |                   |         |                             /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Catherine JUNG
        |                             |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Bernard HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Anne N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie HATT
        |                             |         |                   |                             |         /-Vit CANDEL
        |                             |         |                   |                             \-Maria-Barbara CANDEL
        |                             |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
        |                             |         |         /-Jean OSTER
        |                             |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                             |         \-Marie KURTZ
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Antoine CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jacques TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Jacques CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude WALTER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jacques WOLFF
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine WOLFF
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara LITSCH
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie CRIQUI
        |                             |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   /-Martin SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne WINTERHALTER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara SCHOENFELDER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Éve WEBER
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Anne Marie SCHWOERER
        |                             |         |         |                             |                   /-Chrétien JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                             |         /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbe TROESCH
        |                             |         |         |                             \-Marie JUNG
        |                             |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean MATERN
        |                             |         |         |                                       \-Catherine MARTHER
        |                             |         |         |                                                 \-Catherine WALTER
        |                             |         \-Thérèse OSTER
        |                             |                   |                                                 /-Jean JUNG
        |                             |                   |                                       /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |                   |                                       |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |                             |                   |                             /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                             |                   |                             |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |                             |                   |                             |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |                             |                   |                             |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |                             |                   |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                             |                   |                   |         |                   /-André KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
        |                             |                   |                   |         \-Anna KIEFFER
        |                             |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine REINHARD
        |                             |                   |                   |                             \-Marie LANG
        |                             |                   |         /-Michel JUNG
        |                             |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |                             |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                             |                   |         |         \-Gertrude BERENBACH
        |                             |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |                             |                   |         |                   \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                             |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                             \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |                             |                   |         |                                       \-Catherine RIPP
        |                             |                   \-Marie-Anne JUNG
        |                             |                             |                                       /-Jean FOURNAISE
        |                             |                             |                             /-Félix FOURNAISE
        |                             |                             |                             |         \-Catherine HANCTIN
        |                             |                             |                   /-Félix FORNES
        |                             |                             |                   |         |         /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
        |                             |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth WIND
        |                             |                             |                   |                   \-Eve WEBER
        |                             |                             |         /-Félix FORNES
        |                             |                             |         |         |         /-André TRUNTZ
        |                             |                             |         |         \-Catherine TRUNTZ
        |                             |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean CHRISTMANN
        |                             |                             |         |                   \-Marie CHRISTMANN
        |                             |                             \-Catherine FORNES
        |                             |                                       |                   /-Jean SIMON
        |                             |                                       |         /-Bernard SIMON
        |                             |                                       \-Anne-Barbara SIMON
        |                             |                                                 \-Catherine MAUR
        |                   /-Aloise WAGNER
        |                   |         |                             /-Sébastien WEBER
        |                   |         |                   /-Joseph WEBER
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         /-André WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Mathias KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie KIEFFER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Catherine WEISS
        |                   |         \-Madeleine WEBER
        |                   |                   |                   /-Mathieu KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         /-Jean KAPFER
        |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Antoine ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anna DIBLING
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine ROLLET
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-N.N. FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marguerite FRESCH
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean VINCENT
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Eve VINCENT
        |                   |                   |         |                                       \-Elisabeth ARNI
        |                   |                   \-Marie-Anne KAPFER
        |                   |                             |                                       /-Durst RITTLING
        |                   |                             |                             /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |                             |         \-Anne KOEHL
        |                   |                             |                   /-Antoine RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jacques STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         /-Simon STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Marie GRASSER
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-Ève STOLL
        |                   |                             |                   |                   |         /-Georges Michel REINBOLT
        |                   |                             |                   |                   \-Odile REINBOLD
        |                   |                             |                   |                             \-Maria WURM
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean RIEDLING
        |                   |                             |         |         |                             /-René LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Maricus Ou Henri LEIBENGUTH
        |                   |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine KAUFFMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Ursule LEIBENGUTT
        |                   |                             |         |                   |         /-Théobald HERRMAN
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Elisabeth HERMANN
        |                   |                             |         |                             \-Brigitta HIGLER
        |                   |                             \-Catherine RIEDLING
        |                   |                                       |                                       /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                             /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                             |         \-Maria DESS
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Michel LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine MEHL
        |                   |                                       |         /-Joseph LAUGEL
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Catherine PFISTER
        |                   |                                       \-Marguerite LAUGEL
        |                   |                                                 |                             /-André GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |                   /-Christmann GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |                   |         \-Ursule STEINMETZ
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Jacques GRUN
        |                   |                                                 |         |         |         /-Martin BURBACH
        |                   |                                                 |         |         \-Éva FURBACH
        |                   |                                                 |         |                   \-Éva WEBER
        |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie GRUN
        |                   |                                                           |                   /-N.N. HEBDING
        |                   |                                                           |         /-Mathias HEBDING
        |                   |                                                           \-Marguerite HEBDING
        |                   |                                                                     \-Anne LINDER
        |         /-Robert WAGNER
        |         |         |                                                                     /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |         |         |                                                           /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |         |         |                                                           |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 /-François MESSER
        |         |         |                                                 |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         /-Philippe CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         |         \-Sophie N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 |         \-Anne CLADY
        |         |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Nicolas VIX
        |         |         |                                                 |                   \-Gertrude VIX
        |         |         |                                                 |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                                       /-Jean MESSER
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   /-Conrad ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Jacques ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Thomas REINHART
        |         |         |                                       |                   \-Marie Barbara REINHART
        |         |         |                             /-Jean MESSER
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Jean-Georges KAPS
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne KAPS
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Eve ZEH
        |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Caspar MARTZ
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Eva MARTZ
        |         |         |                   /-Michel MESSER
        |         |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Martin VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                                       /-Michael VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Frédéric VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Eve ECKART
        |         |         |                   |         |                             |                   \-Éve GING
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Martin VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean BERETZWEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean BERETZWEIL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth BERETSWILL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Michel RIEHL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Catherine RÜEL
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                             \-Maria Barbara GING
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Cyriaque VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Viti MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Viti MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Martin MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine TRUTTMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite ZEHE
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Élisabeth Ou Anne Marie MEYER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Eve DIEBOLT
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Jacques DEBES
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Marie DEBES
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LAPP
        |         |         |                   |         \-Suzanne VON BONN
        |         |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Balthasar SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Michel SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Ève GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Barbara SCHALCK
        |         |         |                   |                             |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Michel BERENBACH
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Barbara BERENBACH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |                   /-Georges LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Jean LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anna HATT
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Suzanne LUTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Chrétien JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Suzanne JUNG
        |         |         |                   |                                                           \-Barbe TROESCH
        |         |         |         /-Joseph MESSER
        |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Adam WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Balthasar WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie KOCH
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Ignace WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Matz SEEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie SEEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Dorothée N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ZEH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                                       \-Brigitte MATER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean WAGNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BIENFAIT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-François KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-François GARIN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Ursule BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Salomé KOLLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-François DIRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WAGNER
        |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jacques TROESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
        |         |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean-Jacques TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Henri CREQUY
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Gertrude WINDT
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Elisabeth CRIQUI
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie KURTZ
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Michel TRESCH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Michel RHÜLL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Grégoire GING
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Maria Barbara GING
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie RIEHL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Georges ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Sébastien ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Ursule ZEH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Matz SEEL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie SEEL
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                                       \-Dorothée N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie DRESCH
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       /-Thomas STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Martin MULLER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Michel STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie STEFFEN
        |         |         |         |                                       |                             /-Thewis STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Judith KELLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne-Marie ACKER
        |         |         \-Thérèse MESSER
        |         |                   |                                                           /-Beat FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Sébastien FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                                 |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |                   |                                       /-Joseph FUCHS
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Jacques LOTH
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Barbara LOTH
        |         |                   |                                       |                   |         /-Jean Henri KRESS
        |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Élisabeth KRESS
        |         |                   |                                       |                             \-Marguerite ENGER
        |         |                   |                             /-Michel FUCHS
        |         |                   |                             |         |                             /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Michel GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean-Pierre GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Marie VELTEN
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Elisabeth GOETZ
        |         |                   |                             |                   |                   /-Antoine ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Nicolas ROLLET
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         |         \-Marguerite BATZ
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Elisabeth ROLLET OU URBIN
        |         |                   |                             |                             |         /-Pierre DUBLICH
        |         |                   |                             |                             \-Anna DIBLING
        |         |                   |                             |                                       \-Éva Suzanne N.N.
        |         |                   |                   /-Antoine FUCHS
        |         |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Georges OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-André OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Mathieu OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean URB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Ursula URB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Antoine OTT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-N.N. HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-André HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie Ève HANS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Diebold MOEBUS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Marguerite MOEBUS
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                             \-Barbe FISCHBACH
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine OTT
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel ZWECK
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine ZWECK
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Georges DOLLINGER
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Marguerite DOLLINGER
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Marie SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         /-Georges FUCHS
        |         |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Mathias LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Georges LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         |         /-Georges ACKER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Marie ACKER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite GRETT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Diebold LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie ADAM
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                             \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Antoine LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie BOSCH
        |         |                   |         |         \-Marie-Marguerite LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Urban WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Georges WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             |         \-Gertrude KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Georges WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Christmann KAUFFMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine KAUFFMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |                   \-Christine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Odile SCHNEIDER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Gertrude WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |                             /-André KEITH
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean KEUTH
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Hannß-Michel KEUTH
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Anne WEBER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Marie KEIT
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Martin HUSS
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Marie HUSS
        |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Éve WENDLING
        |         |                   \-Thérèse FUCHS
        |         |                             |                                                           /-Michel Ou Caspar DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                                 /-André DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                                 |         \-Véronique LEHMAN
        |         |                             |                                       /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                                       |         \-Marie Christine REYMAN
        |         |                             |                             /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                             |         |         /-Jean BASTIAN
        |         |                             |                             |         \-Catherine BASTIAN
        |         |                             |                             |                   \-Brigitte DISSER
        |         |                             |                   /-Laurent DIETRICH
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   /-Adam VOGLER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Adam VOGEL
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean Valentin LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Anne LANG
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Christine VOGLER
        |         |                             |                   |                   |                   /-Christian CONRAD
        |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Sébastien CONRAD
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-Marie CONRAD
        |         |                             |         /-Joseph DIETRICH
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Martin VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Georges VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Théobald VELTEN
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Anne MUSTER
        |         |                             |         |         \-Salomé VELTIN
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Jacques WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jacques WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine SCHOENENHALTER
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine WEIBEL
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Mathieu WEBER
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Odile WEBER
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Anne-Catherine BERLIN
        |         |                             \-Salomé DIETRICH
        |         |                                       |                                                 /-Henri CREQUY
        |         |                                       |                                       /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                                       |         \-Gertrude WINDT
        |         |                                       |                             /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                             |         \-Marie KURTZ
        |         |                                       |                   /-Antoine CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |                   |         |                   /-Hannss DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie DIEBOLT
        |         |                                       |                   |                   |         /-Jacques FRINTZ
        |         |                                       |                   |                   \-Ève FRINTZ
        |         |                                       |                   |                             \-Éva WOLFF
        |         |                                       |         /-Jean CRIQUI
        |         |                                       |         |         |                             /-Georges WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Georges, Jacques WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques WEBER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Eve WEBER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |                   \-Barbe PANCRATZ
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne WINDT
        |         |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Marcus ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Mathieu ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Marie ARMBRUSTER
        |         |                                       |         |                             |         /-Adam BASTIAN
        |         |                                       |         |                             \-Barbara FÄSSMANN
        |         |                                       |         |                                       \-Brigitte PFEIL
        |         |                                       \-Odile CRIQUI
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Jean SCHERER
        |         |                                                 |         /-Antoine SCHERER
        |         |                                                 \-Anne SCHERER
        |         |                                                           |         /-Michel LUHMANN
        |         |                                                           \-Odile LUHMANN
        |         |                                                                     \-Anne KIEFFER
        \-Anne WAGNER
                  |                                                 /-Nicolas LEINEN
                  |                                       /-Jean LEINEN
                  |                                       |         \-Barbe HEILIG
                  |                             /-Jean Nicolas LEINEN
                  |                             |         |                   /-Pierre GREFF
                  |                             |         |         /-Jean Nicolas GREFF
                  |                             |         \-Françoise GREFF
                  |                             |                   \-Lucie Marie Louise GANGLOFF
                  |                   /-Auguste LEINEN
                  |         /-Pierre LEINEN
                  \-Huguette LEINEN
                            |                                                           /-Jacques CLAUDE
                            |                                                 /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                                       /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                             /-Jean CLAUDE
                            |                   /-Jean Auguste CLAUDE
                            |         /-Jean Auguste CLAUDE
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean Pierre ARNETZ
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Marie BRAYER
                            |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Nicolas DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean Ncolas DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Jeanne FLOZ
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Jeanne Dorothée DEMANGE
                            |         |         |                   |                             \-Jeanne TRAPPIER
                            |         |         |         /-Mathias ARNETZ
                            |         |         \-Barbara ARNETZ
                            \-Germaine CLAUDE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Christian DESANTIS
        |                                                                                                   /-Louis LESTOQUART
        |                                                                                         /-Louis Jean LETOCART
        |                                                                                         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                                                               /-Jean LETOCART
        |                                                                               |         |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
        |                                                                               |         \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |                                                                               |                   \-Françoise DENU
        |                                                                     /-Pierre LETOCARD
        |                                                                     |         |         /-Jacques WENDLING
        |                                                                     |         \-Élisabeth WENDLING
        |                                                                     |                   |         /-Lienhart KELLER
        |                                                                     |                   \-Marie Élisabeth KELLER
        |                                                                     |                             \-Élisabeth LANDENWETSCH
        |                                                           /-Pierre Jean LETOCART
        |                                                           |         |                   /-Michel HUSSON
        |                                                           |         |         /-Michel HUSSON
        |                                                           |         |         |         |         /-Pierre WASSOGNE
        |                                                           |         |         |         \-Marie WASSOGNE
        |                                                           |         |         |                   \-Marie BUGNET
        |                                                           |         \-Anne Marie HUSSON
        |                                                           |                   |                   /-Jean OGÉ
        |                                                           |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
        |                                                           |                   |         |         \-Barbe RICHER
        |                                                           |                   \-Jeanne OGÉ
        |                                                           |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |                                                 /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
        |                                                 |         |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                                                 |         |                             /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |                                                 |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |                                                 |         |                   /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                                                 |         |                   |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |                                                 |         |                   |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |                                                 |         |                   |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |                                                 |         |         /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |                                                 |         |         |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |                                                 |         |         |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |                                                 |         |         |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |                                                 |         \-Marie-Anne BERTRAND
        |                                                 |                   |         /-Jean LOCHER
        |                                                 |                   \-Catherine LOCHER
        |                                                 |                             |         /-Claude FOISSET
        |                                                 |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
        |                                       /-Louis LEDOGAR
        |                                       |         |         /-Laurence SIEGEL
        |                                       |         \-Thérèse SIEGEL
        |                                       |                   \-Catherine ARTH
        |                             /-Jean-Jacques LEDOGAR
        |                             |         |                             /-Michel SCHALBER
        |                             |         |                   /-Louis SCHALBER
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Jeanne HEPP
        |                             |         |         /-Louis SCHALBER
        |                             |         |         |         |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
        |                             |         |         |         |                             /-Jean FOISSET
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Jean FOISSET
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Jean François FOISSET
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
        |                             |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FOISSET
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre BEBON
        |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre BEBON
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BEBON
        |                             |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
        |                             |         |         |                             |         /-Christian BALDAUF
        |                             |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
        |                             |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
        |                             |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
        |                             |         |         |                                       \-Françoise DUNANT
        |                             |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth BUNIER
        |                             |         \-Madeleine SCHALBER
        |                             |                   \-Catherine LANOIX
        |                   /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
        |                   |         |                                                           /-Étienne WATHLÉ
        |                   |         |                                                 /-Jacques VATTELET
        |                   |         |                                                 |         \-N.N. POITOU
        |                   |         |                                       /-Jean WATHLE
        |                   |         |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |                                       |         |         /-Michel STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite STEINMETZ
        |                   |         |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie WOLFF
        |                   |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre WATHLE
        |                   |         |                             |         |                             /-Jean OGÉ
        |                   |         |                             |         |                   /-Adrien OGÉ
        |                   |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Barbe RICHER
        |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Adrien OGÉ
        |                   |         |                             |         |         |         \-Barbe LAMARE
        |                   |         |                             |         \-Jeanne OGÉ
        |                   |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean DENU
        |                   |         |                             |                   |         /-Charles DENU
        |                   |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
        |                   |         |                             |                   \-Marie Anne DENU
        |                   |         |                             |                             |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |                   |         |                             |                             \-Anne BUNIER
        |                   |         |                             |                                       \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre WATHLE
        |                   |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine THAL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SIMON
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Antoine WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Maria Rosine LENHERR
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Ève HAMMER - HANS
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne Ève WENDLING
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                             /-Matthias EHEHALT
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Martin EHEHALT
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-(Jean) Michel EHEHALT
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara ECKART
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Éve GING
        |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbara EHEHALT
        |                   |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie HANS
        |                   |         |         /-Joseph WATHLE
        |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques ARTH
        |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent ARTH
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHIESTLER
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jacques ARTH
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent STEFFEN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie STEFFEN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BASTIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie BASTIAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             \-Madeleine WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Barbe RAUCH
        |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne ARTH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             /-André BERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marie GASS
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean BERENBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
        |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph BERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe WENDLING
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne BERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                             |                             /-Balthasar SCHALCK
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
        |                   |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |         \-Ève GOETZ
        |                   |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
        |                   |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie SCHALCK
        |                   |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         /-Michel BERENBACH
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                   |         |         |                                       \-Barbara BERENBACH
        |                   |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean LUTZ
        |                   |         |         |                                                 \-Suzanne LUTZ
        |                   |         |         |                                                           \-Suzanne JUNG
        |                   |         \-Salome WATHLE
        |                   |                   |                                                           /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |                                                 /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |                                                 |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |                   |                   |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |                                       |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |                   |                   |                                       |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |                   |                   |                                       |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |                   |                   |                             /-Pierre-Charles BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |                             |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |                   |                   |                             |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |                   |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |                   |                   |                             |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |                   |                   |                             |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |                   |                   |                             |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |                   |                   |                             |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |                   |                   |                   /-Jacques BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                             /-Nicolas LOYSON
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                   /-Eberhard LOYSON
        |                   |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine KAPLER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Balthazar LOYSON
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
        |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie Odile LOYSON
        |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Georges WINDT
        |                   |                   |                   |                   |         /-Matthias WIND
        |                   |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Marie-Christine WIND
        |                   |                   |                   |                             |         /-Daniel BECKER
        |                   |                   |                   |                             \-Élisabeth BECKER
        |                   |                   |                   |                                       \-Suzanne CRIQUI
        |                   |                   |         /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Charles BOUCHE
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Ambroise BOUCHÉ
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie WATTLE
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine BOUCHÉ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean OGÉ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-Adrien OGÉ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Barbe RICHER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe LAMARE
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Anne OGÉ
        |                   |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean DENU
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-Charles DENU
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
        |                   |                   |         |                             \-Marie Anne DENU
        |                   |                   |         |                                       |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                                       \-Anne BUNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                                                 \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |                   |                   \-Catherine BERTRAND
        |                   |                             |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
        |                   |                             |                             /-Jean FOISSET
        |                   |                             |                   /-Jean FOISSET
        |                   |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean François FOISSET
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
        |                   |                             |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
        |                   |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Pierre BEBON
        |                   |                                       |         /-Pierre BEBON
        |                   |                                       |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
        |                   |                                       |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
        |                   |                                       |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
        |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BEBON
        |                   |                                                 |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Christian BALDAUF
        |                   |                                                 |         |         |         /-François Jacques GROSSHENNY
        |                   |                                                 |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
        |                   |                                                 \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
        |                   |                                                           |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
        |                   |                                                           \-Françoise DUNANT
        |                   |                                                                     |         /-Adrien BUGNET
        |                   |                                                                     \-Elisabeth BUNIER
        |                   |                                                                               \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |         /-Louis Jean LEDOGAR
        |         |         |                                                                               /-Louis LESTOQUART
        |         |         |                                                                     /-Louis Jean LETOCART
        |         |         |                                                                     |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                                                           /-Jean LETOCART
        |         |         |                                                           |         |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
        |         |         |                                                           |         \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |         |         |                                                           |                   \-Françoise DENU
        |         |         |                                                 /-Pierre LETOCARD
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         /-Jacques WENDLING
        |         |         |                                                 |         \-Élisabeth WENDLING
        |         |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Lienhart KELLER
        |         |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie Élisabeth KELLER
        |         |         |                                                 |                             \-Élisabeth LANDENWETSCH
        |         |         |                                       /-Pierre Jean LETOCART
        |         |         |                                       |         |                   /-Michel HUSSON
        |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Michel HUSSON
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Pierre WASSOGNE
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie WASSOGNE
        |         |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie BUGNET
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Anne Marie HUSSON
        |         |         |                                       |                   |                   /-Jean OGÉ
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         |         \-Barbe RICHER
        |         |         |                                       |                   \-Jeanne OGÉ
        |         |         |                                       |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |         |         |                             /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
        |         |         |                             |         |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |         |                             |         |                             /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |         |         |                             |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |         |         |                             |         |         |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne BERTRAND
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean LOCHER
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Catherine LOCHER
        |         |         |                             |                             |         /-Claude FOISSET
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
        |         |         |                   /-Louis LEDOGAR
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Laurence SIEGEL
        |         |         |                   |         \-Thérèse SIEGEL
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ARTH
        |         |         |         /-Louis LEDOGAR
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Michel SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Louis SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Jeanne HEPP
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Louis SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean François FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Christian BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Françoise DUNANT
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth BUNIER
        |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine LANOIX
        |         |         \-Marie LEDOGAR
        |         |                   |                                                           /-Jean WEIDMANN
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean WEIDMANN
        |         |                   |                                                 |         |         /-Jean KIER
        |         |                   |                                                 |         \-Appolonie KIER
        |         |                   |                                       /-Joseph WEIDMANN
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Marie GANGLOFF
        |         |                   |                                       |                   \-Madeleine EBERHARD
        |         |                   |                             /-Joseph WEYDMANN
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie SCHNITZLER
        |         |                   |                   /-Joseph WEIDMANN
        |         |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Michel GARNIER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-Jean GARNIER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine SCHONGEHL ;SCHÖNZAHL
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre GARNIER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine MARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |                   \-Anne SIMON
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel GARNIER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-André KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie KEITH
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Odile WENDLING
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Barbe GARNIER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel BURG
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marie BURG
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Anne KIEFFER
        |         |                   |         /-Joseph WEYDMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-N.N. FERNBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean FERNBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Antoine FERNBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Claudius MESSANCE
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas MESSANCE
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Jeanne ROBITAT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Jeanne MESSANCE
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Robert CHARRON
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Jeanne CHARRON
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                             \-Jeanne LEFEBURE
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph FERNBACH
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                             /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Gabriel GROSJEAN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Toussaint GROSJEAN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre GRAUEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite GRAUEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine GROSJEAN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Mathieu VOGEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Ève VOGLER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean SCHMID
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Catharine SCHMID
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                                       \-Marguerite LÄMER
        |         |                   |         |         \-Thérèse FERNBACH
        |         |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Georges DOSSMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             |         \-Éva DOSSENMICHEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jacques DOSSMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques KELLER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude KELLER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |                   \-Gertrude LAUGEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean DOSSMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean LECHNER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Vincent LECHNER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BILD
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara LECHNER
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Mathias MICHEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie MICHEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbara EBERHARD
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite DOSSMANN
        |         |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Pierre MESSER
        |         |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude MESSER
        |         |                   |         |                                       |         /-Mathias MICHEL
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Gertrude MICHEL
        |         |                   |         |                                                 |         /-Jean EBERHARD
        |         |                   |         |                                                 \-Barbara EBERHARD
        |         |                   |         |                                                           \-Anne KRIEGER
        |         |                   \-Marie Catherine WEYDMANN
        |         |                             |                             /-Jean FUSSER
        |         |                             |                   /-Antoine FUSSER
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anne SCHOTT
        |         |                             |         /-François-Joseph FUSSER
        |         |                             |         |         |                                       /-N.N. AUFFINGER
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges AUFFINGER
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-André AUFFINGER
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean DILL
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite DILL
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite FAESSEL
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-André AUFFINGER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Claude ALLMAND
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard ALLMAND
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna HUTTOLFFER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine ALLEMAND
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SCHOPP
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                             \-Christine WEBER
        |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie AUFFINGER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                             /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Pierre GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Ursule CADET
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHOPP
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anne SCHOPP
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie GANGLOFF
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne-Marie GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |                             |                   /-Benedict GROSS
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Adam GROSS
        |         |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Anne Marie ECK
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Gertrude GROSS
        |         |                             |         |                                       |         /-Georges BUCHERT
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
        |         |                             |         |                                                 \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |                             \-Barbe FUSSER
        |         |                                       |                   /-Jean KOHLER
        |         |                                       |         /-Jacques KOHLER
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Madeleine KAPS
        |         |                                       \-Catherine KOHLER
        |         |                                                 |                                       /-Jean JUNG
        |         |                                                 |                             /-Michel JUNG
        |         |                                                 |                             |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
        |         |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |                   |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |                   |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |         |                                                 |         /-Sébastien JUNG
        |         |                                                 |         |         |                   /-André KIEFFER
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel KIEFFER
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
        |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anna KIEFFER
        |         |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Michel REINHARD
        |         |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine REINHARD
        |         |                                                 |         |                             \-Marie LANG
        |         |                                                 \-Barbara JUNG
        |         |                                                           |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |                                                           |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |         |                                                           |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |         |                                                           |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |         |                                                           |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |         |                                                           |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |         |                                                           |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |         |                                                           \-Gertrude BERENBACH
        |         |                                                                     |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |         |                                                                     |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |         |                                                                     |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |         |                                                                     \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |         |                                                                               |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |         |                                                                               \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |         |                                                                                         \-Catherine RIPP
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |         /-Florentin MARCON
                  \-Florence MARCON
                            \-Jeanne Marie GOURRE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                                                            /-N.N. LESTOQUART
                                                                                                  /-Louis LESTOQUART
                                                                                        /-Louis Jean LETOCART
                                                                                        |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                                              /-Jean LETOCART
                                                                              |         |                   /-Nicolas CHAMPION
                                                                              |         |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
                                                                              |         \-Jeanne CHAMPION
                                                                              |                   |         /-Pierre DENU
                                                                              |                   \-Françoise DENU
                                                                              |                             \-Marie BILLET
                                                                    /-Pierre LETOCARD
                                                                    |         |         /-Jacques WENDLING
                                                                    |         \-Élisabeth WENDLING
                                                                    |                   |         /-Lienhart KELLER
                                                                    |                   \-Marie Élisabeth KELLER
                                                                    |                             |         /-Pierre LANDENWETSCH
                                                                    |                             \-Élisabeth LANDENWETSCH
                                                                    |                                       \-Anne Marguerite BEYER
                                                          /-Pierre Jean LETOCART
                                                          |         |                   /-Michel HUSSON
                                                          |         |         /-Michel HUSSON
                                                          |         |         |         |         /-Pierre WASSOGNE
                                                          |         |         |         \-Marie WASSOGNE
                                                          |         |         |                   \-Marie BUGNET
                                                          |         \-Anne Marie HUSSON
                                                          |                   |                   /-Jean OGÉ
                                                          |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Barbe RICHER
                                                          |                   \-Jeanne OGÉ
                                                          |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
                                                /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
                                                |         |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
                                                |         |                             /-Pierre BERTRAND
                                                |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
                                                |         |                   /-Jean BERTRAND
                                                |         |                   |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
                                                |         |                   |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
                                                |         |                   |                   \-Françoise JEROME
                                                |         |         /-Gabriel BERTRAND
                                                |         |         |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
                                                |         |         |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
                                                |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
                                                |         |         |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
                                                |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel GROSJEAN
                                                |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                                                |         |         |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
                                                |         |         |                             |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
                                                |         |         |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                                                |         |         |                                       \-Sébastienne PETIT
                                                |         \-Marie-Anne BERTRAND
                                                |                   |         /-Jean LOCHER
                                                |                   \-Catherine LOCHER
                                                |                             |         /-Claude FOISSET
                                                |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
                                      /-Louis LEDOGAR
                                      |         |         /-Laurence SIEGEL
                                      |         \-Thérèse SIEGEL
                                      |                   \-Catherine ARTH
                            /-Jean-Jacques LEDOGAR
                            |         |                             /-Michel SCHALBER
                            |         |                   /-Louis SCHALBER
                            |         |                   |         \-Jeanne HEPP
                            |         |         /-Louis SCHALBER
                            |         |         |         |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Jean FOISSET
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Jean FOISSET
                            |         |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
                            |         |         |         |         /-Jean François FOISSET
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
                            |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
                            |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FOISSET
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre BEBON
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre BEBON
                            |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
                            |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
                            |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
                            |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BEBON
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Christian BALDAUF
                            |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-François Jacques GROSSHENNY
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
                            |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
                            |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
                            |         |         |                                       \-Françoise DUNANT
                            |         |         |                                                 |         /-Adrien BUGNET
                            |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth BUNIER
                            |         |         |                                                           \-Marguerite SACCARD
                            |         \-Madeleine SCHALBER
                            |                   \-Catherine LANOIX
                  /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
                  |         |                                                           /-Étienne WATHLÉ
                  |         |                                                 /-Jacques VATTELET
                  |         |                                                 |         \-N.N. POITOU
                  |         |                                       /-Jean WATHLE
                  |         |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas STEINMETZ
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Michel STEINMETZ
                  |         |                                       |         \-Marguerite STEINMETZ
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie WOLFF
                  |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre WATHLE
                  |         |                             |         |                             /-Jean OGÉ
                  |         |                             |         |                   /-Adrien OGÉ
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Barbe RICHER
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Adrien OGÉ
                  |         |                             |         |         |         \-Barbe LAMARE
                  |         |                             |         \-Jeanne OGÉ
                  |         |                             |                   |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Charles DENU
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |         |                             |                   |         |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |         |                             |                   \-Marie Anne DENU
                  |         |                             |                             |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
                  |         |                             |                             |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
                  |         |                             |                             |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
                  |         |                             |                             \-Anne BUNIER
                  |         |                             |                                       |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                  |         |                             |                                       \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
                  |         |                             |                                                 \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                  |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre WATHLE
                  |         |                   |         |                                                 /-Georges WENDEL
                  |         |                   |         |                                       /-Georg Der Junge WENDEL
                  |         |                   |         |                                       |         \-Anna N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-Georges WENDLING
                  |         |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Jean THAL
                  |         |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine THAL
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques WENDLING
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Thierry SIMON
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SIMON
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine SIMON
                  |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                  |         |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                  |         |                   |         |                   |                             \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Antoine WENDLING
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Maria Rosine LENHERR
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Ève HAMMER - HANS
                  |         |                   |         \-Anne Ève WENDLING
                  |         |                   |                   |                             /-Matthias EHEHALT
                  |         |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Martin EHEHALT
                  |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-(Jean) Michel EHEHALT
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-André ECKART
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Frédéric ECKART
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth N.N.
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara ECKART
                  |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Éve GING
                  |         |                   |                   \-Barbara EHEHALT
                  |         |                   |                             |                             /-Adolf DIEBOLT
                  |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean DIEBOLT
                  |         |                   |                             |                   |         \-Catharine N.N.
                  |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean DIEBOLT
                  |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |                   |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLT
                  |         |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie HANS
                  |         |         /-Joseph WATHLE
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Jacques ARTH
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent ARTH
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHIESTLER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jacques ARTH
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Thomas STEPHAN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques STEPHAN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jacques STEFFEN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Martin MULLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie MULLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Laurent STEFFEN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Diebold WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie WEBER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie STEFFEN
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BASTIAN
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie BASTIAN
                  |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean WENDLING
                  |         |         |         |         |                             \-Madeleine WENDLING
                  |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Barbe RAUCH
                  |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne ARTH
                  |         |         |                   |                                                 /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                   |                                       |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-André BERBACH
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Adam GASS
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Marie GASS
                  |         |         |                   |                             |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Odile HEINRICH
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Marguerite AUGUSTIN
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                             \-Catherine CLAUS
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph BERBACH
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   \-Marie-Anne BERBACH
                  |         |         |                             |                                       /-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Balthasar SCHALCK
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHALCK
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Michel SCHALCK
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean GOETZ
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Ève GOETZ
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie OHLMULLER
                  |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie SCHALCK
                  |         |         |                                       |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                  |         |         |                                       |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                  |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                  |         |         |                                       |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                  |         |         |                                       \-Barbara BERENBACH
                  |         |         |                                                 |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                  |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean LUTZ
                  |         |         |                                                 |         |         \-Anna HATT
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Suzanne LUTZ
                  |         |         |                                                           |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                  |         |         |                                                           \-Suzanne JUNG
                  |         |         |                                                                     \-Barbe TROESCH
                  |         \-Salome WATHLE
                  |                   |                                                           /-Jean BERTRAND
                  |                   |                                                 /-Pierre BERTRAND
                  |                   |                                                 |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
                  |                   |                                       |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
                  |                   |                                       |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
                  |                   |                                       |                   \-Françoise JEROME
                  |                   |                             /-Pierre-Charles BERTRAND
                  |                   |                             |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
                  |                   |                             |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
                  |                   |                             |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
                  |                   |                             |                   |                   /-Michel GROSJEAN
                  |                   |                             |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                  |                   |                             |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
                  |                   |                             |                             |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
                  |                   |                             |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                  |                   |                             |                                       \-Sébastienne PETIT
                  |                   |                   /-Jacques BERTRAND
                  |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Henry LOYSON
                  |                   |                   |         |                             /-Nicolas LOYSON
                  |                   |                   |         |                   /-Eberhard LOYSON
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean KAPLER
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine KAPLER
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Balthazar LOYSON
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Jean DURCHDENWALD
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Caspar DURCHDENWALD
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Gabrielle NICLAUS
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Christine DURCHDENWALD
                  |                   |                   |         \-Marie Odile LOYSON
                  |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Georges WINDT
                  |                   |                   |                   |         /-Matthias WIND
                  |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Marie-Christine WIND
                  |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Jean Léonard BECKER
                  |                   |                   |                             |         /-Daniel BECKER
                  |                   |                   |                             \-Élisabeth BECKER
                  |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Antoine François DE CREQUY
                  |                   |                   |                                       \-Suzanne CRIQUI
                  |                   |         /-Pierre BERTRAND
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Charles BOUCHE
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Ambroise BOUCHÉ
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie WATTLE
                  |                   |         |         \-Catherine BOUCHÉ
                  |                   |         |                   |                             /-Jean OGÉ
                  |                   |         |                   |                   /-Adrien OGÉ
                  |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Barbe RICHER
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
                  |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbe LAMARE
                  |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Anne OGÉ
                  |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean DENU
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Charles DENU
                  |                   |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques GOTTARD
                  |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès GOTTARD
                  |                   |         |                             |         |                   \-Nicole DASSY
                  |                   |         |                             \-Marie Anne DENU
                  |                   |         |                                       |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
                  |                   |         |                                       |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
                  |                   |         |                                       |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
                  |                   |         |                                       \-Anne BUNIER
                  |                   |         |                                                 |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
                  |                   |         |                                                 \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
                  |                   |         |                                                           \-Marguerite LABROCHE
                  |                   \-Catherine BERTRAND
                  |                             |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
                  |                             |                             /-Jean FOISSET
                  |                             |                   /-Jean FOISSET
                  |                             |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
                  |                             |         /-Jean François FOISSET
                  |                             |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
                  |                             |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
                  |                             |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
                  |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
                  |                                       |                   /-Pierre BEBON
                  |                                       |         /-Pierre BEBON
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
                  |                                       |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
                  |                                       \-Anne-Marie BEBON
                  |                                                 |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
                  |                                                 |         /-Christian BALDAUF
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-François Jacques GROSSHENNY
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
                  |                                                 \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
                  |                                                           |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
                  |                                                           \-Françoise DUNANT
                  |                                                                     |         /-Adrien BUGNET
                  |                                                                     \-Elisabeth BUNIER
                  |                                                                               \-Marguerite SACCARD
        /-Louis Jean LEDOGAR
        |         |                                                                                         /-N.N. LESTOQUART
        |         |                                                                               /-Louis LESTOQUART
        |         |                                                                     /-Louis Jean LETOCART
        |         |                                                                     |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                                                           /-Jean LETOCART
        |         |                                                           |         |                   /-Nicolas CHAMPION
        |         |                                                           |         |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
        |         |                                                           |         \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |         |                                                           |                   |         /-Pierre DENU
        |         |                                                           |                   \-Françoise DENU
        |         |                                                           |                             \-Marie BILLET
        |         |                                                 /-Pierre LETOCARD
        |         |                                                 |         |         /-Jacques WENDLING
        |         |                                                 |         \-Élisabeth WENDLING
        |         |                                                 |                   |         /-Lienhart KELLER
        |         |                                                 |                   \-Marie Élisabeth KELLER
        |         |                                                 |                             |         /-Pierre LANDENWETSCH
        |         |                                                 |                             \-Élisabeth LANDENWETSCH
        |         |                                                 |                                       \-Anne Marguerite BEYER
        |         |                                       /-Pierre Jean LETOCART
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Michel HUSSON
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Michel HUSSON
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Pierre WASSOGNE
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie WASSOGNE
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie BUGNET
        |         |                                       |         \-Anne Marie HUSSON
        |         |                                       |                   |                   /-Jean OGÉ
        |         |                                       |                   |         /-Adrien OGÉ
        |         |                                       |                   |         |         \-Barbe RICHER
        |         |                                       |                   \-Jeanne OGÉ
        |         |                                       |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
        |         |                             /-François-Joseph LEDOGAR
        |         |                             |         |                                       /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |                             |         |                             /-Pierre BERTRAND
        |         |                             |         |                             |         \-Élisabeth NAUDET
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean BERTRAND
        |         |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Raoul TAVENAR
        |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Nicole TAVENAR
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   \-Françoise JEROME
        |         |                             |         |         /-Gabriel BERTRAND
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Adrien BUGNET
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         /-Joseph Antoine BUNIER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |                   /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   \-Dorothée Dieudonnée GROSJEAN
        |         |                             |         |         |                             |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
        |         |                             |         |         |                             \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |         |                             |         |         |                                       \-Sébastienne PETIT
        |         |                             |         \-Marie-Anne BERTRAND
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Jean LOCHER
        |         |                             |                   \-Catherine LOCHER
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Claude FOISSET
        |         |                             |                             \-Catherine FOISSET
        |         |                   /-Louis LEDOGAR
        |         |                   |         |         /-Laurence SIEGEL
        |         |                   |         \-Thérèse SIEGEL
        |         |                   |                   \-Catherine ARTH
        |         |         /-Louis LEDOGAR
        |         |         |         |                             /-Michel SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Louis SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Jeanne HEPP
        |         |         |         |         /-Louis SCHALBER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Claude FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Élisabeth TONNELIER - KIEFFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean François FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean DUCLOS
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Élisabeth DUCLOT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie JEROME
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Marie FOISSET
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Pierre BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Etienne LANOIX
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite LANOIX
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Jeanne BUGNET
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BEBON
        |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Michel BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Christian BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-François Jacques GROSSHENNY
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Catherine GROSSHENNY
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Élisabeth BALDAUF
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-François DUNANT
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Françoise DUNANT
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Adrien BUGNET
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Elisabeth BUNIER
        |         |         |         |         |                                                           \-Marguerite SACCARD
        |         |         |         \-Madeleine SCHALBER
        |         |         |                   \-Catherine LANOIX
        |         \-Marie LEDOGAR
        |                   |                                                           /-Jean WEIDMANN
        |                   |                                                 /-Jean WEIDMANN
        |                   |                                                 |         |         /-Jean KIER
        |                   |                                                 |         \-Appolonie KIER
        |                   |                                       /-Joseph WEIDMANN
        |                   |                                       |         |         /-Michel GANGLOFF
        |                   |                                       |         \-Marie GANGLOFF
        |                   |                                       |                   \-Madeleine EBERHARD
        |                   |                             /-Joseph WEYDMANN
        |                   |                             |         \-Anne-Marie SCHNITZLER
        |                   |                   /-Joseph WEIDMANN
        |                   |                   |         |                                                 /-Estienne GASNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                                       /-Michel GARNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                                       |         \-Catherine MACHAIRE
        |                   |                   |         |                             /-Jean GARNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Berthold SCHONGEHL
        |                   |                   |         |                             |         \-Catherine SCHONGEHL ;SCHÖNZAHL
        |                   |                   |         |                             |                   \-Madeleine OLDRINGER
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Pierre GARNIER
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Pierre MARTZ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Paul MARTZ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |         \-Catherine MARTZ
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jérôme SIMON
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                   \-Anne SIMON
        |                   |                   |         |                   |                             \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Michel GARNIER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                             /-André KEITH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   /-André KEITH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges KEITH
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marie KEITH
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Odile WENDLING
        |                   |                   |         \-Barbe GARNIER
        |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean-Georges BURG
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Michel BURG
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie HERTZOG
        |                   |                   |                   \-Marie BURG
        |                   |                   |                             \-Anne KIEFFER
        |                   |         /-Joseph WEYDMANN
        |                   |         |         |                                       /-N.N. FERNBACH
        |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean FERNBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Antoine FERNBACH
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Claudius MESSANCE
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas MESSANCE
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Jeanne ROBITAT
        |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Jeanne MESSANCE
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Pierre CHARON
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Robert CHARRON
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie GAUDEFROY
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Jeanne CHARRON
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Pierre LEFEBURE
        |                   |         |         |                   |                             \-Jeanne LEFEBURE
        |                   |         |         |                   |                                       \-Henriette GERARD
        |                   |         |         |         /-Joseph FERNBACH
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Gabriel GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Nicolas LABROCHE
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Sébastienne PETIT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Toussaint GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre GRAUEL
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite GRAUEL
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine GROSJEAN
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Mathieu VOGEL
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Ève VOGLER
        |                   |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean SCHMID
        |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Catharine SCHMID
        |                   |         |         |         |                                       \-Marguerite LÄMER
        |                   |         |         \-Thérèse FERNBACH
        |                   |         |                   |                                                 /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                   |                                       /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                   |                                       |         \-Anna N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |                             /-Georges DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
        |                   |         |                   |                             |         \-Éva DOSSENMICHEL
        |                   |         |                   |                             |                   \-Marguerite GUTH
        |                   |         |                   |                   /-Jacques DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Thomas KELLER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques KELLER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Marguerite MESSNER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude KELLER
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Christmann LAUGEL
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                   \-Gertrude LAUGEL
        |                   |         |                   |                   |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean LECHNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean LECHNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Vincent LECHNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Christian BILD
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BILD
        |                   |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Anna KLÖCKLER
        |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Barbara LECHNER
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Mathias MICHEL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie MICHEL
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean EBERHARD
        |                   |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbara EBERHARD
        |                   |         |                   |         |                                       \-Anne KRIEGER
        |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite DOSSMANN
        |                   |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Pierre MESSER
        |                   |         |                             |         /-Pierre MESSER
        |                   |         |                             |         |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                   |         |                             \-Gertrude MESSER
        |                   |         |                                       |         /-Mathias MICHEL
        |                   |         |                                       \-Gertrude MICHEL
        |                   |         |                                                 |         /-Jean EBERHARD
        |                   |         |                                                 \-Barbara EBERHARD
        |                   |         |                                                           |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |                   |         |                                                           \-Anne KRIEGER
        |                   |         |                                                                     \-Odile KRIEGER
        |                   \-Marie Catherine WEYDMANN
        |                             |                             /-Jean FUSSER
        |                             |                   /-Antoine FUSSER
        |                             |                   |         \-Anne SCHOTT
        |                             |         /-François-Joseph FUSSER
        |                             |         |         |                                       /-N.N. AUFFINGER
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges AUFFINGER
        |                             |         |         |                   /-André AUFFINGER
        |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean DILL
        |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Marguerite DILL
        |                             |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite FAESSEL
        |                             |         |         |         /-André AUFFINGER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   /-Claude ALLMAND
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard ALLMAND
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anna HUTTOLFFER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Madeleine ALLEMAND
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         /-Théodore ; Didier SCHOPP
        |                             |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Marie SCHOPP
        |                             |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques WEBER
        |                             |         |         |         |                             \-Christine WEBER
        |                             |         |         |         |                                       \-Barbe PANCRATZ
        |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie AUFFINGER
        |                             |         |                   |                                       /-Sébastien GROSJEAN
        |                             |         |                   |                             /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |                             |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite LABROCHE
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Pierre GROSJEAN
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Pierre CADET
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         \-Ursule CADET
        |                             |         |                   |                   |                   \-Nicole PILLAIRE
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Michel GROSJEAN
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean SCHOPP
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean SCHOPP
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anne SCHOPP
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean GANGLOFF
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie GANGLOFF
        |                             |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbara N.N.
        |                             |         |                   \-Anne-Marie GROSJEAN
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Benedict GROSS
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Adam GROSS
        |                             |         |                             |         |         |         /-Georges ECK
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Anne Marie ECK
        |                             |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |         |                             \-Gertrude GROSS
        |                             |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques BUCHERT
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Georges BUCHERT
        |                             |         |                                       |         |         \-Gertrude N. N.
        |                             |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie BUCHERT
        |                             |         |                                                 \-Marguerite N.N.
        |                             \-Barbe FUSSER
        |                                       |                   /-Jean KOHLER
        |                                       |         /-Jacques KOHLER
        |                                       |         |         \-Madeleine KAPS
        |                                       \-Catherine KOHLER
        |                                                 |                                                 /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                                                 |                                       /-Jean JUNG
        |                                                 |                             /-Michel JUNG
        |                                                 |                             |         |         /-Sébastien MEHN
        |                                                 |                             |         \-Marguerite MEHN
        |                                                 |                             |                   \-Barbara EHRMANN
        |                                                 |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                                                 |                   |         |                   /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
        |                                                 |                   |         |         |         \-Odile KRIEGER
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Christine KRIEGER
        |                                                 |                   |                   |         /-Sébastien RECHT
        |                                                 |                   |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
        |                                                 |                   |                             \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
        |                                                 |         /-Sébastien JUNG
        |                                                 |         |         |                             /-Wolfgang KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         |                   /-André KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine SCHEER
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Michel KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         |         /-Claus TROESCH
        |                                                 |         |         |         |         \-Anne TROESCH
        |                                                 |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara JORG
        |                                                 |         |         \-Anna KIEFFER
        |                                                 |         |                   |                   /-Michel REINHARDT
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Michel REINHARD
        |                                                 |         |                   |         |         \-Gertrude CLAUS
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Catherine REINHARD
        |                                                 |         |                             |         /-Georges, Albert, Michel LANG
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Marie LANG
        |                                                 |         |                                       \-Catherine VELTEN
        |                                                 \-Barbara JUNG
        |                                                           |                                       /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                           |                             /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                           |                             |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |                                                           |                   /-Bernard BERBACH
        |                                                           |                   |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
        |                                                           |                   |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
        |                                                           |                   |                   \-Brigitte MATER
        |                                                           |         /-Jean BERENBACH
        |                                                           |         |         |                   /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |                                                           |         |         |         /-Jean SCHNEIDER
        |                                                           |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |                                                           |         |         \-Gertrude SCHNEIDER
        |                                                           |         |                   |         /-Mathes - Matz WEBER
        |                                                           |         |                   \-Anne-Marie WEBER
        |                                                           |         |                             \-Catherine N.N.
        |                                                           \-Gertrude BERENBACH
        |                                                                     |                             /-Michel LORENTZ
        |                                                                     |                   /-Jean LORENTZ
        |                                                                     |                   |         \-Marie GOETZ
        |                                                                     |         /-Jean-Michel LORENTZ
        |                                                                     |         |         \-Marie KRENNER
        |                                                                     \-Catherine LORENTZ
        |                                                                               |         /-Michel SCHWARTZ
        |                                                                               \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
        |                                                                                         |         /-Mathis RIPP
        |                                                                                         \-Catherine RIPP
        |                                                                                                   \-Elisabeth ACKER
        |         /-Florentin MARCON
        \-Florence MARCON
                  \-Jeanne Marie GOURRE

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Christian DESANTIS
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Jacques Léon Elie Paul MARDUEL
      2 Bruno MARDUEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Richard J. DESHETLER
        |                   /-Henry OCHS
        |         /-Albert W. OCHS
        |         |         |                   /-Joseph RIMMELSPACHER
        |         |         |         /-Georges RIMMELSPACHER
        |         |         |         |         \-Christena MOWERY
        |         |         \-Madelina RIMMELSPACHER
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Michel GABEL
        |         |                   |                                       /-Marcel GABEL
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Agnès JUNG
        |         |                   |                             /-François GABEL
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Élisabeth HOCH
        |         |                   |                   /-Pierre Xavier GABEL
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite GABEL
        |         |                   |         /-Jacques GABEL
        |         |                   |         |         \-Madeleine HUCK
        |         |                   \-Élisabeth GABEL
        |         |                             \-Barbara LIEPOLD
        \-Amelia M. OCHS
                  |         /-John Louis SCHOEDLER
                  \-Bertha F. SCHOEDLER
                            |                                                                               /-Sébastien JUNG
                            |                                                                     /-Jean JUNG
                            |                                                           /-Michel JUNG
                            |                                                           |         |         /-Sébastien MEHN
                            |                                                           |         \-Marguerite MEHN
                            |                                                           |                   \-Barbara EHRMANN
                            |                                                 /-Joseph JUNG
                            |                                                 |         |                   /-Jacques KRIEGER
                            |                                                 |         |         /-Matthias KRIEGER
                            |                                                 |         |         |         \-Odile KRIEGER
                            |                                                 |         \-Christine KRIEGER
                            |                                                 |                   |         /-Sébastien RECHT
                            |                                                 |                   \-Marie Cléopha RECHT
                            |                                                 |                             \-Veronica ROTHGERBER
                            |                                       /-Michel JUNG
                            |                                       |         |                             /-Jean (Hans Claus) DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |         |                   |         \-Catherine FRITSCH
                            |                                       |         |         /-Nicolas DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Rulmann WEINLING
                            |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine WEINLING
                            |                                       |         |         |                   \-Éva DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |         \-Brigitte DOSSMAN
                            |                                       |                   |                   /-Wolfgang Dit L'Ainé DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |                   |         /-Jean DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |                   |         |         \-Catherine BENDER
                            |                                       |                   \-Anne DOSSMANN
                            |                                       |                             |         /-Jacques GUTH
                            |                                       |                             \-Catherine GUTH
                            |                                       |                                       \-Barbara MEINER
                            |                             /-Joseph JUNG
                            |                             |         |                                       /-Ambroise BIENFAIT
                            |                             |         |                             /-Martin BIENFAIT
                            |                             |         |                             |         \-Françoise N.N.
                            |                             |         |                   /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                            |                             |         |         /-Laurent BIENFAIT
                            |                             |         |         |         \-Catherine LOYSON
                            |                             |         \-(Marie) Elisabeth BIENFAIT
                            |                             |                   |                   /-Jean-Charles KOLLER
                            |                             |                   |         /-François KOLLER
                            |                             |                   |         |         |         /-François GARIN
                            |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne-Esther GARIN
                            |                             |                   |         |                   \-Ursule BAUR
                            |                             |                   \-Salomé KOLLER
                            |                             |                             |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                            |                             |                             |         /-François DIRHEIMER
                            |                             |                             |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
                            |                             |                             \-Salomé DIRHEIMER
                            |                             |                                       \-Anne Marie FRELICHER
                            |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
                            |                   |         |                                                 /-Balthazar (Janvier) KANDEL
                            |                   |         |                                       /-Vit CANDEL
                            |                   |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie N.N.
                            |                   |         |                             /-Pancrace CANDEL
                            |                   |         |                             |         |         /-Georges ZEH
                            |                   |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie ZEEH
                            |                   |         |                             |                   \-Anne Marie N.N.
                            |                   |         |                   /-Jean Adam CANDEL
                            |                   |         |                   |         |                   /-Léonard OBERER
                            |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Pierre OBER
                            |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie OBER
                            |                   |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean OBERER
                            |                   |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie OBERER
                            |                   |         |                   |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                            |                   |         |         /-Cyriaque KANDEL
                            |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Martin SCHÖNFELDER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         /-Christian Mathis SCHÖNFELDER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean WEBER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Éve WEBER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         |                   \-Odile N.N.
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Madeleine SCHÖNFELDER
                            |                   |         |         |                   |                   /-Louis LESTOQUART
                            |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Louis Jean LETOCART
                            |                   |         |         |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                            |                   |         |         |                   \-Jeanne Anna LETOCART
                            |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Antoine CHAMPION
                            |                   |         |         |                             \-Jeanne CHAMPION
                            |                   |         |         |                                       \-Françoise DENU
                            |                   |         \-Madeleine KANDEL
                            |                   |                   |                                       /-Jean-Jacques REEB
                            |                   |                   |                             /-Jean Jacques REEB
                            |                   |                   |                             |         \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   |                   |                   /-Marc REEB
                            |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques FOELCK
                            |                   |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude FOELCK
                            |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Marie N.N.
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jacques REEB
                            |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean JUNG
                            |                   |                   |         |         \-Barbara JUNG
                            |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Sébastien MEHN
                            |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MEHN
                            |                   |                   |         |                             \-Barbara EHRMANN
                            |                   |                   \-Catherine REEB
                            |                   |                             |                   /-Jean MEYER
                            |                   |                             |         /-Jean Adam MEYER
                            |                   |                             \-Barbara MEYER
                            |                   |                                       |                   /-N.N. DIEBOLD
                            |                   |                                       |         /-Grégoire DIEBOLD
                            |                   |                                       \-Barbara DIEBOLD
                            |                   |                                                 \-Barbara BANGART
                            |         /-Antoni YOUNG
                            |         |         |                             /-Mathis LUTZ
                            |         |         |                   /-André LUTZ
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |         |         /-Antoine LOTZ
                            |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Valentin ADOLPH
                            |         |         |         |         |                             /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Adolphe ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                            |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel BERENBACH
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Erhardt STUMPF
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte STUMPF
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Peter MATER
                            |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Brigitte MATER
                            |         |         |         |         \-Marie Madeleine BERENBACH
                            |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Georges LUTZ
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges LUTZ
                            |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean LUTZ
                            |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anna HATT
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Suzanne LUTZ
                            |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Christmann JUNG
                            |         |         |         |                             |         /-Chrétien JUNG
                            |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Agnès N.N.
                            |         |         |         |                             \-Suzanne JUNG
                            |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Claus TROESCH
                            |         |         |         |                                       \-Barbe TROESCH
                            |         |         |         |                                                 \-Barbara JORG
                            |         |         \-Rose LUTZ
                            |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean WEBER
                            |         |                   |                                       /-Jacques WEBER
                            |         |                   |                                       |         \-Catherine N.N.
                            |         |                   |                             /-Pierre WEBER
                            |         |                   |                             |         \-Appolonie ZINCK
                            |         |                   |                   /-Dominique WEBER
                            |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Nicolas TROESCH
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Claus TROESCH
                            |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara FRIEDRICH
                            |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne TROESCH
                            |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jorg FRIEDERICH
                            |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara JORG
                            |         |                   |         /-Antoine WEBER
                            |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Sébastien JUNG
                            |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean JUNG
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Marie JUNG
                            |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Sébastien MEHN
                            |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite MEHN
                            |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbara EHRMANN
                            |         |                   \-Anne Marie Catherine WEBER
                            |         |                             |                   /-André CLAUS
                            |         |                             |         /-Pierre CLAUS
                            |         |                             \-Anne Marie CLAUS
                            |         |                                       |                             /-André KEITH
                            |         |                                       |                   /-André KEITH
                            |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |                                       |         /-Georges KEITH
                            |         |                                       |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
                            |         |                                       \-Marie KEITH
                            |         |                                                 \-Odile WENDLING
                            \-Rosa Amelia YOUNG
                                      |         /-Jean Caspar PFEFFEN
                                      \-Barbara Gertrude PFEFFEN
                                                \-Gertrude BAÜMLIN

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Maurice DESMAZIERES
        |         /-Isidore ROBINOT
        \-Mathilde ROBINOT
                  |                                                           /-Michel SINGER
                  |                                                 /-Jean-Georges SINGER
                  |                                                 |         |         /-Jean PFISTER
                  |                                                 |         \-Ursule PFISTER
                  |                                       /-Jean-Léonard SINGER
                  |                                       |         \-Madeleine GÜTT
                  |                             /-Louis SINGER
                  |                             |         |         /-Joseph POPPEL
                  |                             |         \-Anne-Marie POPPEL
                  |                             |                   |                   /-Jean Caspar GIMBEL
                  |                             |                   |         /-Jean Chrétien GIMBEL
                  |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques KLEIN
                  |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne-Catherine KLEIN
                  |                             |                   |         |                   \-Anne Marie KURSCHIN
                  |                             |                   \-Élisabeth GIMBEL
                  |                             |                             |                   /-Jean WAGNER
                  |                             |                             |         /-Jacques WAGNER
                  |                             |                             |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                             |                             \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
                  |                             |                                       \-Anne Marie HOLTZER
                  |                   /-François-Joseph SINGER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine SCHALLER
                  |         /-François SINGER
                  |         |         \-Dorothée LAMBERT
                  \-Joséphine SINGER
                            |                                                                               /-N.N. GUTH
                            |                                                                     /-Jean GUTH
                            |                                                                     |         \-N.N. N.N.
                            |                                                           /-Nicolas GUTH
                            |                                                           |         \-Anne SCHNEIDER
                            |                                                 /-Nicolas GUTH
                            |                                                 |         \-Barbara MITTELHAUSER
                            |                                       /-Jean François GUTH
                            |                                       |         |                   /-Diebolt HARTZ
                            |                                       |         |         /-Vix HARTZ
                            |                                       |         |         |         \-Éva CLAUS
                            |                                       |         \-Barbara HARTZ
                            |                                       |                   |         /-Jean LUX
                            |                                       |                   \-Christine LUX
                            |                                       |                             \-Walburg N.N.
                            |                             /-Jean GUTH
                            |                             |         |                   /-Jean ULRICH
                            |                             |         |         /-Jean ULRICH
                            |                             |         \-Anne ULRICH
                            |                             |                   |         /-Thomas GOETZ
                            |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie GOETZ
                            |                             |                             \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   /-François-Joseph GUTT
                            |                   |         |                             /-Lenz FAULHABER
                            |                   |         |                   /-Georges FAULHABER
                            |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   |         |         /-Jean FAULHABER
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Anne BROCK
                            |                   |         \-Anne FAULHABER
                            |                   |                   |                   /-Barthel STRAUB
                            |                   |                   |         /-Adam STRAUB
                            |                   |                   |         |         \-Ottilia N.N.
                            |                   |                   \-Odile STRAUB
                            |                   |                             \-Ève TROESCH
                            |         /-Antoine GUTH
                            |         |         \-Dorothée Thérèse DIEBOLT
                            \-Anne-Marie GUTH
                                      |                   /-Pierre ESCHENLAUER
                                      |         /-Jean Ignace ESCHENLAUER
                                      |         |         \-Marie FRIEDRICH
                                      \-Marie-Anne ESCHENLOHR
                                                |         /-Joseph FAESSEL
                                                \-Catherine FAESSEL
                                                          \-Anne SIEGEL

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Arnaud DESMAZIERES

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Paul François Marie-Joseph GOISSET
        \-Elisabeth Mary Louise CHAVANNES

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Arnaud DESMAZIERES

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Philip George DESTEFANO
        |                   /-August Frank BERGMAN
        |         /-George BERGMAN
        |         |         \-Louise YOUNG
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                             /-August ZWIRZ
                  |                   /-Ferdinand G. ZWIRZ
                  |                   |         \-Henrietta HEIL
                  |         /-William ZWIRZ
                  |         |         |         /-Frederick KRIESEL
                  |         |         \-Amelia KRIESEL
                  \-Muriel ZWIRZ
                            |                   /-Unknown BRYSON
                            |         /-William BRYSON
                            \-Mary Jane BRYSON
                                      |         /-Unknown RICE
                                      \-Mary A. RICE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Philip George DESTEFANO
        |                   /-August Frank BERGMAN
        |         /-George BERGMAN
        |         |         \-Louise YOUNG
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                             /-August ZWIRZ
                  |                   /-Ferdinand G. ZWIRZ
                  |                   |         \-Henrietta HEIL
                  |         /-William ZWIRZ
                  |         |         |         /-Frederick KRIESEL
                  |         |         \-Amelia KRIESEL
                  \-Muriel ZWIRZ
                            |                   /-Unknown BRYSON
                            |         /-William BRYSON
                            \-Mary Jane BRYSON
                                      |         /-Unknown RICE
                                      \-Mary A. RICE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Philip George DESTEFANO
        |                   /-August Frank BERGMAN
        |         /-George BERGMAN
        |         |         \-Louise YOUNG
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                             /-August ZWIRZ
                  |                   /-Ferdinand G. ZWIRZ
                  |                   |         \-Henrietta HEIL
                  |         /-William ZWIRZ
                  |         |         |         /-Frederick KRIESEL
                  |         |         \-Amelia KRIESEL
                  \-Muriel ZWIRZ
                            |                   /-Unknown BRYSON
                            |         /-William BRYSON
                            \-Mary Jane BRYSON
                                      |         /-Unknown RICE
                                      \-Mary A. RICE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Philip George DESTEFANO
        |                   /-August Frank BERGMAN
        |         /-George BERGMAN
        |         |         \-Louise YOUNG
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                             /-August ZWIRZ
                  |                   /-Ferdinand G. ZWIRZ
                  |                   |         \-Henrietta HEIL
                  |         /-William ZWIRZ
                  |         |         |         /-Frederick KRIESEL
                  |         |         \-Amelia KRIESEL
                  \-Muriel ZWIRZ
                            |                   /-Unknown BRYSON
                            |         /-William BRYSON
                            \-Mary Jane BRYSON
                                      |         /-Unknown RICE
                                      \-Mary A. RICE

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        |                             /-Jean BUR
        |                   /-Joseph BUR
        |                   |         \-Marie LOGEL
        |         /-Joseph BUR
        |         |         |                                       /-Georges ANTH
        |         |         |                             /-Jean ANTH
        |         |         |                             |         \-Catharine KLEIN
        |         |         |                   /-Jean ANTH
        |         |         |                   |         |                             /-André KEITH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-André KEITH
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Georges KEITH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |         |                   |         \-Odilia KEUTH
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Odile WENDLING
        |         |         |         /-Antoine ANTH
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent ENGER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges ENGER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges WÜRTH
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Brigitte WURTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Michel MEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine MEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie ENGER
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Hanns ZENSS
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges ZENSS
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Marguerite N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Mathis ZENSS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anganesa BIRL
        |         |         |         |                   \-Anna ZENSS
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Christmann KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |         |                             \-Madeleine KAUFFMANN
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         \-Marie ANTH
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |                                       /-Jean WEBER
        |         |                   |                             /-Christmann WEBER
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                   |                   /-Adam WEBER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques DIEBOLT
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude DIEBOLT
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne SCHOENFELDER
        |         |                   |         /-Adam WEBER
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques TROESCH
        |         |                   |         |         \-Ève TRESCH
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-N.N. KLEIN
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Gertrude KLEINCLAUS
        |         |                   |         |                             \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   \-Maria WEBER
        |         |                             |                   /-Adam VOGLER
        |         |                             |         /-Adam VOGEL
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Valentin LANG
        |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LANG
        |         |                             \-Marie VOGEL
        |         |                                       |                   /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |                                       |         /-Adam KRIEGER
        |         |                                       \-Anna KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |                                                 |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |                                                 \-Marguerite KRIEGER
        |         |                                                           \-Marie SCHMID
        \-Véronique BUR
                  |                             /-Laurent FAEGER
                  |                   /-Antoine FAEGER
                  |                   |         \-Marie KNAEBEL
                  |         /-Wendelin FEGER
                  |         |         |                                                 /-Jean TIERCE
                  |         |         |                                       /-Simon TIERCE
                  |         |         |                             /-Charles TIERSE
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Barbe LE COQ
                  |         |         |                   /-Charles THIERSÉ
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Adrien BUGNET
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Jeanne BUNIER
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Marguerite SACCARD
                  |         |         |         /-Michel THIERSÉ
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean WEIDMANN
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel WEIDMANN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean KIER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Appolonie KIER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite WEITMANN
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine ADAM
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Éva SCHWEINLI
                  |         |         \-Anne DIERSE
                  |         |                   |                                       /-Quirin MARTIN
                  |         |                   |                             /-Jean MARTIN
                  |         |                   |                             |         \-Ottilia N.N.
                  |         |                   |                   /-François MARTIN
                  |         |                   |         /-Laurent MARTIN
                  |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques MEHL
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine MEHL
                  |         |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHNEIDER
                  |         |                   \-Marie-Madeleine MARTIN
                  |         |                             |                                                 /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |         |                             |                                       /-André FRITSCH
                  |         |                             |                                       |         \-Brigitte N.N.
                  |         |                             |                             /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |         |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite WEIL
                  |         |                             |                   /-Jean FRITSCH
                  |         |                             |                   |         |                   /-Vix MARX
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Ulrich MARXER
                  |         |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Marie MATZINGER
                  |         |                             |                   |         \-Brigitte MARXER
                  |         |                             |                   |                   |         /-Arbogast CASPAR
                  |         |                             |                   |                   \-Catherine CASPAR
                  |         |                             |                   |                             \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |                             |         /-André FRITSCH
                  |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques ANDRESEN
                  |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques Dosenmichel MICHEL
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Madeleine DOSENMICHEL
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Thiébaud GUTH
                  |         |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite GUTH
                  |         |                             \-Anne-Marie FRITSCH
                  |         |                                       |                                       /-Arbogast CASPAR
                  |         |                                       |                             /-Jean CASPAR
                  |         |                                       |                             |         \-Christine N.N.
                  |         |                                       |                   /-Thiébaud CASPAR
                  |         |                                       |                   |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |                                       |         /-Thiébaud CASPAR
                  |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Thiébaud LIENHART
                  |         |                                       |         |         \-Anne LIENHART
                  |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean GUTH
                  |         |                                       |         |                   \-Anne GUTH
                  |         |                                       \-Catherine CASPAR
                  |         |                                                 |         /-Vix HAMM
                  |         |                                                 \-Marguerite HAMM
                  |         |                                                           \-Catherine N.N.
                  \-Thérèse FEGER
                            |                                       /-Mathieu OHLMANN
                            |                             /-André OHLMANN
                            |                             |         |         /-Nicolas LÄSSEN
                            |                             |         \-Marguerite DILLES
                            |                             |                   \-Marguerite N.N.
                            |                   /-Jean OHLMANN
                            |                   |         |                             /-Martin VELTIN
                            |                   |         |                   /-Georges VELTIN
                            |                   |         |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |                   |         |         /-Mathis VELTIN
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Anne MUSTER
                            |                   |         \-Marie VELTIN
                            |                   |                   |                             /-Martin PAULUS
                            |                   |                   |                   /-Michel PAULUS
                            |                   |                   |                   |         \-Gertrude N.N.
                            |                   |                   |         /-Michel PAULUS
                            |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Nicolas FRITSCH
                            |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine FRISCH
                            |                   |                   |         |                   \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
                            |                   |                   \-Catherine PAULUS
                            |                   |                             |                   /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
                            |                   |                             |         /-Jean SCHAEFFER
                            |                   |                             \-Marie-Barbara SCHAEFFER
                            |                   |                                       |         /-Adam RIPP
                            |                   |                                       \-Catherine RIPP
                            |                   |                                                 \-Christine N.N.
                            |         /-Michel OHLMANN
                            |         |         |                             /-Michel OSTER
                            |         |         |                   /-André OSTER
                            |         |         |                   |         |         /-Adam GASS
                            |         |         |                   |         \-Anne GASS
                            |         |         |                   |                   \-Anna SCHERTZMANN
                            |         |         |         /-Michel OSTER
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Georges WENDLING
                            |         |         |         |         \-Catherine WENDLING
                            |         |         \-Barbara Odile OSTER
                            |         |                   |                   /-Georges ANTH
                            |         |                   |         /-Jean ANTH
                            |         |                   |         |         \-Catharine KLEIN
                            |         |                   \-Odile ANTH
                            |         |                             |                             /-André KEITH
                            |         |                             |                   /-André KEITH
                            |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |                             |         /-Georges KEITH
                            |         |                             |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
                            |         |                             \-Odilia KEUTH
                            |         |                                       \-Odile WENDLING
                            \-Madeleine OHLMANN
                                      |         /-Sébastien SPITZER
                                      \-Gertrude SPITZER
                                                \-Gertrude SENGEL?

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Véronique BUR
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                    /-Laurent DEUBEL
                                                          /-Laurent DEUBEL
                                                          |         |                   /-Jacques HUTTLER
                                                          |         |         /-Jean HUTTLER
                                                          |         \-Marguerite HITTLER
                                                          |                   |                   /-André HALLMEYER
                                                          |                   |         /-Michel HELMER
                                                          |                   |         |         |         /-Diebolt HERRISCH
                                                          |                   |         |         \-Anne HERRISCH
                                                          |                   \-Anne-Marie HELMER
                                                          |                             \-Marthe KINDWEILER
                                                /-Jean Georges DEUBEL
                                                |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
                                                |         |         /-Philippe SIFFRIT
                                                |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie HARTUNG
                                                |         \-Marie Anne SIFFRIT
                                                |                   |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
                                                |                   |         /-Pierre WERNERT
                                                |                   \-Catherine WERNERT
                                                |                             |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
                                                |                             \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
                                                |                                       |         /-Wendelin BIERER
                                                |                                       \-Anne-Marie BIER
                                                |                                                 |         /-Daniel HANSEN
                                                |                                                 \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
                                      /-Jacques DEUBEL
                                      |         |                                                           /-Kylian MERCKEL
                                      |         |                                                 /-Laurent MERCKEL
                                      |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                      |         |                                       |         |         /-Augustin HEID
                                      |         |                                       |         \-Agnès HEID
                                      |         |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                                      |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-André MERCKEL
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Otto Daniel SCHOTT
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbara SCHOTT
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Anne N.N.
                                      |         |         /-Michel MERCKEL
                                      |         |         |         |                             /-Fritz ou Moritz JOBST
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Georges JOBST
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges JOBST
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges JUNCKER
                                      |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel JUNCKER
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie JUNCKER
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BAUM
                                      |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine BAUM
                                      |         |         |         \-Suzanne JOBST
                                      |         |         |                   \-Suzanne CLAUS
                                      |         \-Catherine MERCKEL
                                      |                   |         /-Jean HAUS
                                      |                   \-Marie Ève HAUS
                                      |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
                            /-Jacques DEUBEL
                            |         |                                       /-Jean-Adam DONIUS
                            |         |                             /-Jean DONIUS
                            |         |                             |         \-N.N. TODTENMEYER
                            |         |                   /-Christophe DONIUS
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Bernard HENG
                            |         |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HENG
                            |         |         /-Christophe DONIUS
                            |         |         |         |                             /-Martin KOEBERLE
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Hyeronimus - Jérôme KOEBERLE
                            |         |         |         |         /-Jean Georges KOEBERLE
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques SCHERER
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Sophie SCHERER
                            |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
                            |         |         |         \-Marie Eve KOEBERLE
                            |         |         |                   |                   /-Georges RAUCH
                            |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Georges RAUCH
                            |         |         |                   \-Marie Ève Élisabeth RAUCH
                            |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                            |         |         |                             |         /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
                            |         |         |                             |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
                            |         |         |                             \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
                            |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean HERRMANN
                            |         |         |                                       \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
                            |         \-Christine DONIUS
                            |                   |                             /-Jean GUISE
                            |                   |                   /-François GUISE
                            |                   |         /-Daniel QUIS
                            |                   |         |         |                   /-Jacob BLATTNER
                            |                   |         |         |         /-Rodolphe BLATTNER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         \-Vreni HERZOG
                            |                   |         |         \-Eve BLATTNER
                            |                   |         |                   |         /-Théobald FINCK
                            |                   |         |                   \-Appolline FINCK
                            |                   |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
                            |                   \-Catherine QUIS
                            |                             |                                                 /-Nicolas SIMON
                            |                             |                                       /-Thierry SIMON
                            |                             |                             /-Jean SIMON
                            |                             |                             |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
                            |                             |                             |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
                            |                             |                             |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
                            |                             |                   /-Michel SIMON
                            |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
                            |                             |                   |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
                            |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
                            |                             |                   |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
                            |                             |                   |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
                            |                             |                   |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
                            |                             |         /-Jean-Pierre SIMON
                            |                             |         |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
                            |                             |         |         \-Marie Barbara LENHERR
                            |                             |         |                   |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
                            |                             |         |                   |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |                             |         |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
                            |                             |         |                             |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
                            |                             |         |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLD
                            |                             \-Barbara SIMON
                            |                                       |                   /-Ursus KNOCHEL
                            |                                       |         /-Pierre KNOCHEL ; NAGEL
                            |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean BUCHERT
                            |                                       |         |         \-Sibylle Élisabeth BUCHERT
                            |                                       \-Catherine NAGEL
                            |                                                 \-Anna-Barbara BUCHMANN
                  /-Michel DEUBEL
                  |         |                                                           /-Wolfgang VOLTZENLOGEL
                  |         |                                                 /-Nicolas VOLTZENLOGEL
                  |         |                                                 |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges FOLZENLOGEL
                  |         |                                       |         |         /-Jean ARBOGAST
                  |         |                                       |         \-Brigitte ARBOGAST
                  |         |                                       |                   |         /-Jean OTTMANN
                  |         |                                       |                   \-Catherine OTTMANN
                  |         |                             /-Joseph FOLZENLOGEL
                  |         |                             |         |         /-Jean FALCK
                  |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie FALCK
                  |         |                             |                   |         /-Wolfgang ACKER
                  |         |                             |                   \-Marie ACKER
                  |         |                             |                             \-Catherine N.N.
                  |         |                   /-Jean-Michel FOLZENLOGEL
                  |         |                   |         |                             /-Laurent ACKER
                  |         |                   |         |                   /-Michel ACKER
                  |         |                   |         |                   |         \-Brigitte N.N.
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Laurent ACKER
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas Le Vieux OTTMANN
                  |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Nicolas Le Jeune OTTMANN
                  |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie OTTMANN
                  |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Gertrude KUNTZ
                  |         |                   |         \-Marguerite ACKER
                  |         |                   |                   |         /-Jean-Georges HEINRICH
                  |         |                   |                   \-Marie-Madeleine HEINRICH
                  |         |                   |                             \-Catherine KUNTZ
                  |         |         /-Joseph Michel FOLTZENLOGEL
                  |         |         |         |                                       /-Michel JUCHS
                  |         |         |         |                             /-Philippe-Jacques JUCHS
                  |         |         |         |                             |         \-Elisabeth N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   /-Jean Michel JUCHS
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Wendelin MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbara MEYER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges JUCHS
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ; Grégoire SEYLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Pierre SEYLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne FESSELMEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine SEYLER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   \-Jeanne WANTZ
                  |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne JUCHS
                  |         |         |                   |                                       /-N.N. PFOHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             /-Jacques PFOHL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |                   /-Jean Pierre PFOHL
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne N.N.
                  |         |         |                   |         /-Joseph PFOHL
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Fritz ou Moritz JOBST
                  |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Georges JOBST
                  |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Ursule JOBST
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Georges JUNCKER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Michel JUNCKER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie JUNCKER
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Jean BAUM
                  |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine BAUM
                  |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie PFOHL
                  |         |         |                             |                             /-Wendelin ALT
                  |         |         |                             |                   /-Martin ALT
                  |         |         |                             |         /-Gaspard ALT
                  |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jacques DIEFFENBACHER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Balthasar KAMMEN
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Barbara KAMMEN
                  |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie ALT
                  |         |         |                                       |         /-Georges ; Grégoire SEYLER
                  |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie SEYLER
                  |         |         |                                                 \-Anne FESSELMEYER
                  |         \-Geneviève FOLTZENLOGEL
                  |                   |                                       /-Jean BOBB
                  |                   |                             /-Jean BOBB
                  |                   |                   /-François Joseph BOBB
                  |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques MUNDWEILER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Barbara MUNDWEILER
                  |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                   |         /-Georges Paul BOBB
                  |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   /-Gaspard BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Maria MERX
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Christine KETTERER
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie-Barbara BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean-Théobald BURCKEL
                  |                   |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BURCKEL
                  |                   |         |                             |         /-Christophe STANGER
                  |                   |         |                             \-Anna Barbara STANGER
                  |                   \-Marie-Anne BOBB
                  |                             |                   /-David BRANDT
                  |                             |         /-Jean BRANDT
                  |                             |         |         \-Marguerite BERTRAMM
                  |                             \-Odile BRAND
                  |                                       |                                       /-N.N. PFOHL
                  |                                       |                             /-Jacques PFOHL
                  |                                       |                             |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                                       |                   /-Jean Michel PFOHL
                  |                                       |                   |         \-Anne N.N.
                  |                                       |         /-Jean-Philippe PFOHL
                  |                                       |         |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHOEN
                  |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHOEN
                  |                                       |         |         |         /-Jean SCHOEN
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                  |                                       |         |         \-Marguerite SCHOEN
                  |                                       |         |                   \-Apolline N.N.
                  |                                       \-Anne-Marie PFOHL
                  |                                                 |                             /-Michel SUCHER
                  |                                                 |                   /-Jean SUCHER
                  |                                                 |         /-Jean-Philippe SUCHER
                  |                                                 |         |         |         /-Georges KUHN
                  |                                                 |         |         \-Barbara KUHN
                  |                                                 |         |                   \-Apolline N.N.
                  |                                                 \-Anne-Marie SUCHER
                  |                                                           |                             /-Diebold LEONHARD
                  |                                                           |                   /-Josias LEONHARD
                  |                                                           |         /-Josias LIENHARDT
                  |                                                           |         |         |         /-Christian FRITSCH
                  |                                                           |         |         \-Marie FRITSCH
                  |                                                           \-Anne LIENHART
                  |                                                                     |                   /-Jacques SCHWARTZ
                  |                                                                     |         /-Georges SCHWARTZ
                  |                                                                     |         |         \-Ève DIETRICH
                  |                                                                     \-Anne SCHWARTZ
                  |                                                                               |         /-Sixt STALL
                  |                                                                               \-Odile STALL
        /-Émile DEUBEL
        |         |                                                           /-Gaspard WALTER
        |         |                                                 /-Jean Sébastien WALTER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Anne SPIESER
        |         |                                       /-Laurent WALTER
        |         |                                       |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre MESSMER
        |         |                                       |         |                   /-Pierre MESSMER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         \-Clémence HAM
        |         |                                       |         |         /-Pierre MESSMER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ECK
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jacques ECK
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                                       |         |         |         \-Anne ECK
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   |         /-Matthias WETTERMANN
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie (Ève) WETTERMANN
        |         |                                       |         |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie MESSMER
        |         |                                       |                   |         /-Jean ULRICH
        |         |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie ULRICH
        |         |                                       |                             \-Christine NEUHAUS
        |         |                             /-Jean Michel WALTER
        |         |                             |         |                             /-Christophe SCHMITT
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Jean SCHMITT
        |         |                             |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth SCHEFFER
        |         |                             |         |         /-Antoine SCHMITT
        |         |                             |         |         |         \-Suzanne HOFBAUER
        |         |                             |         \-Marguerite SCHMITT
        |         |                             |                   |                   /-N.N. WINTERHALTER
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Christian WINTERHALTER
        |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite WINTERHALTER
        |         |                             |                             |         /-Nicolas HESS
        |         |                             |                             \-Marie-Anne HESS
        |         |                             |                                       |         /-Matthias ERNST
        |         |                             |                                       \-Anne-Marie ERNST
        |         |                             |                                                 \-Anne-Barbe KELLER
        |         |                   /-Joseph WALTER
        |         |                   |         |                             /-Christian SANDMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SANDMANN
        |         |                   |         |         /-François Ignace SANDMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean BAUMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Gaspard BAUMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria MERX
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BAUMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine KETTERER
        |         |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne BAUMANN
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Théobald BURCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BURCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Christophe STANGER
        |         |                   |         |         |                             \-Anna Barbara STANGER
        |         |                   |         \-Barbe SANDMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                             /-Christian WALTER
        |         |                   |                   |                   /-Christian WALTER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie FREY
        |         |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WALTER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Martin OSTERMEYER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel OSTERMEYER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Wendelin OSTERMEYER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin REIFFSTECK
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Barbara REIFFSTECK
        |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth OSTERMEYER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-Mathias STULB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean STULB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   \-Catherine STULB
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-David BRAUNAGEL
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             \-Odile BRAUNAGEL
        |         |                   |                   \-Barbara WALTER
        |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean-Georges BECK
        |         |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie BECK
        |         |                   |                                       |                             /-Georges BONN
        |         |                   |                                       |                   /-Quirin BONN
        |         |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Rosine SCHEER
        |         |                   |                                       |         /-Martin BONN
        |         |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anna ZILLIOX
        |         |                   |                                       \-Marie BONN
        |         |                   |                                                 |                   /-Jean OTTMANN
        |         |                   |                                                 |         /-Jacques Dit Le Jeune Wintz OTTMANN
        |         |                   |                                                 \-Marguerite OTTMANN
        |         |                   |                                                           |         /-Jean OTT
        |         |                   |                                                           \-Catherine OTT
        |         |         /-Michel WALTER
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Laurent LEHMANN
        |         |         |         |                             /-Jean-Michel LEHMANN
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine HUBER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Laurent LEHMANN
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-André RENCK
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie RENCK
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         /-André LEHMANN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean Le Bavarois HUPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Joseph HUPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Wendelin MEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Théobald MEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Christine MEYER ; NEUMEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie BEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard HUPFER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Wendelin ALT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Martin ALT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard ALT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques DIEFFENBACHER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAMMEN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Barbara ALT
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges ; Grégoire SEYLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie SEYLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne FESSELMEYER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine HUPFER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Laurent MERCKEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Agnès HEID
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Matthias MERKEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias MERCKEL
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Elisabeth BRUNKANTER
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Élisabeth MERCKEL
        |         |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges RAUCH
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Georges RAUCH
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Marie Anne RAUCH
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean HERRMANN
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne LEHMANN
        |         |         |                   |                                                           /-Georges HANTZ
        |         |         |                   |                                                 /-N.N. HANS
        |         |         |                   |                                       /-Georges HANS
        |         |         |                   |                             /-André HANTZ
        |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   /-André HANS
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-André ENGSPERGER
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         /-Jean HANS
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BATT
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marie Barbara BATT
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Rosine MULLER
        |         |         |                   \-Madeleine HANS
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Jean STÜRTZER
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques STÜRTZER
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Appolonia KOHLER
        |         |         |                             |         /-Marc STÜRTZER
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean DUSCH
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Catherine TUSCH
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUDY
        |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Sophie N.N.
        |         |         |                             \-Odile STURZER
        |         |         |                                       |                   /-Martin RIESCHER
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Joseph (Jodocus) RIESCHER
        |         |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie RIESCHER
        |         |         |                                                 |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
        |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean-Bernard DÜRRHEIMER
        |         |         |                                                 |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
        |         |         |                                                 \-Marie-Madeleine DIRHEIMER
        |         |         |                                                           |         /-François GARIN
        |         |         |                                                           \-Madeleine GARIN
        |         |         |                                                                     |         /-Mathias BAUER
        |         |         |                                                                     \-Ursule BAUR
        |         |         |                                                                               \-Anne N.N.
        |         \-Madeleine WALTER
        |                   |                                                 /-Jean Oswald STAUB
        |                   |                                       /-Jean Michel STAUB
        |                   |                                       |         |         /-Albert SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
        |                   |                                       |                   \-Verena BABLER
        |                   |                             /-Henri L'Ancien STAUB
        |                   |                             |         \-Catherine GILLER
        |                   |                   /-Jean Pierre STAUB
        |                   |                   |         |                             /-Michel SUCHER
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean SUCHER
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean-Philippe SUCHER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges KUHN
        |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara KUHN
        |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Apolline N.N.
        |                   |                   |         \-Odile SUCHER
        |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Jean HUBER
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUBER
        |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                   |                   |                   \-Odile HUBER
        |                   |                   |                             |         /-Jean KREMER
        |                   |                   |                             \-Barbara KRAEMER
        |                   |                   |                                       \-Jeanne ZUSS
        |                   |         /-Pierre STAUB
        |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean WILBERT
        |                   |         |         |         /-François-Joseph WILBERT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie DIEBOLT
        |                   |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara ARTH
        |                   |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite CRANTZ
        |                   |         |         \-Madeleine WILBERT
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Thibaut BRAUN
        |                   |         |                   \-Anna-Catherine BRAUN
        |                   |         |                             |         /-Jacques SENGER
        |                   |         |                             \-Elisabeth SENGER
        |                   |         |                                       \-Élisabeth SCHMITT
        |                   \-Marie-Anne STAUB
        |                             |                             /-Pierre DUSCH
        |                             |                   /-Henri DUSCH
        |                             |                   |         \-Ève MERCKLER
        |                             |         /-François Antoine DUSCH
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Jean BOBB
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Jean BOBB
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jean BOBB
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques MUNDWEILER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Barbara MUNDWEILER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
        |                             |         |         \-Jeanne BOBB
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Joseph FORSTER
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Joseph FORSTER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Barbara WITTMANN
        |                             |         |                   \-Élisabeth FORSTER
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Jean BAUMANN
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Gaspard BAUMANN
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Maria MERX
        |                             |         |                             \-Marie Madeleine BAUMANN
        |                             |         |                                       \-Christine KETTERER
        |                             \-Madeleine TUSCH
        |                                       |                             /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
        |                                       |                   /-Philippe SIFFRIT
        |                                       |                   |         \-Anne-Marie HARTUNG
        |                                       |         /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Pierre WERNERT
        |                                       |         |         \-Catherine WERNERT
        |                                       |         |                   |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
        |                                       |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
        |                                       |         |                             |         /-Wendelin BIERER
        |                                       |         |                             \-Anne-Marie BIER
        |                                       |         |                                       |         /-Daniel HANSEN
        |                                       |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
        |                                       \-Madeleine SIGFRID
        |                                                 |         /-Joseph STEFFEN
        |                                                 \-Barbara STEFFEN
        |                                                           \-Élisabeth KLEIN
        |                                                           /-Xitus Antonus GUSCHING
        |                                                 /-Antoine GUSCHING
        |                                                 |         \-Anna BAUMARTNER
        |                                       /-Balthasar GUSCHING
        |                                       |         |                   /-Bernard STRIBIG
        |                                       |         |         /-Bernard STRIBIG
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Catherine MEYER
        |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie STREIBIG
        |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie STOLTZ
        |                             /-Jean Gérard GUSCHING
        |                             |         \-Anastasie SCHWARTZ
        |                   /-Christian GUSCHING
        |                   |         |                   /-André SAALY
        |                   |         |         /-Jean Adam SAALI
        |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie SCHWEITZER
        |                   |         \-Régine SAALI
        |                   |                   \-Catherine STOLTZ
        |         /-Antoine GUSCHING
        |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges WALTER
        |         |         |                             /-Jean Balthasar WALTER
        |         |         |                             |         \-Marguerite MULLER
        |         |         |                   /-Balthasar WALTER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Melchior GASSMANN
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Théobald GASSMANN
        |         |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth GASSMANN
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Mathieu ERNY
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques ERNY
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Anna Barbara GATET
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Jeanne ERNI
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Anne Marie STURNY
        |         |         |         /-Pierre WALTER
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Martin HOHWILLER
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Jean-Martin HOHWILLER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne KOPP
        |         |         |         |         |         /-François Joseph HOHWILLER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Ève ROESCH
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine HOHWEILER
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean MEYER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Marie Barbara MEYER
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Adam STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Marie BOTZ
        |         |         |         |                             \-Madeleine STEPHAN
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Michel KLIPFEL
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jean-Jacques KLIPFEL
        |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Odile KLIPFEL
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Véronique N.N.
        |         |         \-Catherine WALTER
        |         |                   |                                                           /-N.N. PFOHL
        |         |                   |                                                 /-Jacques PFOHL
        |         |                   |                                                 |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |                                       /-Jean Michel PFOHL
        |         |                   |                                       |         \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |                             /-Jean-Philippe PFOHL
        |         |                   |                             |         |                             /-Jean-Jacques SCHOEN
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques SCHOEN
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean SCHOEN
        |         |                   |                             |         |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite SCHOEN
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Apolline N.N.
        |         |                   |                   /-Pierre PFOHL
        |         |                   |                   |         |                             /-Michel SUCHER
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean SUCHER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jean-Philippe SUCHER
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges KUHN
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara KUHN
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |                   \-Apolline N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie SUCHER
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                             /-Diebold LEONHARD
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Josias LEONHARD
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Josias LIENHARDT
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Christian FRITSCH
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         \-Marie FRITSCH
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Jacques SCHWARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Georges SCHWARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Ève DIETRICH
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Anne SCHWARTZ
        |         |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Sixt STALL
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Odile STALL
        |         |                   |         /-Georges PFOHL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Thomas MULLER
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jacques MULLER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie MULLER
        |         |                   |         |                   |                             /-Martin SUR
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Martin SUR
        |         |                   |         |                   |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin SUR
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Ancêtre Incertain WETTERMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         |         /-Matthias WETTERMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Eve WETTERMANN
        |         |                   |         |                   |         |                   \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Eve SUR
        |         |                   |         |                             |         /-Christian WALTER
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Anne WALTER
        |         |                   |         |                                       \-Marie FREY
        |         |                   \-Barbara PFOHL
        |         |                             |                                       /-Jean-Pierre MESSMER
        |         |                             |                             /-Jean Théobald MESSMER
        |         |                             |                             |         \-Clémence HAM
        |         |                             |                   /-Jacques MESSMER
        |         |                             |                   |         |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Wendelin Le Jeune GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |                   |         |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Marie-Ève GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |                   |                   \-Élisabeth FREYSS ; MEYER
        |         |                             |         /-André MESSMER
        |         |                             |         |         |                                       /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |         |                             |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean HERRMANN
        |         |                             |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean-Jacques GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean MAURER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Elisabeth MAURER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara TORSCHE
        |         |                             |         |         \-Marie-Anne GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges FORSTER
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Jacques FORSTER
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie Barbara FORSTER
        |         |                             |         |                             |                   /-Jean BERTSCH
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Michel BERTSCH
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Marie Anne ; Marie Ève BERTSCH
        |         |                             |         |                                       |         /-Jean NIESS
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
        |         |                             |         |                                                 \-Élisabeth N.N.
        |         |                             \-Marie-Anne MESSMER
        |         |                                       |                             /-Christian WALTER
        |         |                                       |                   /-Jean Pierre WALTER
        |         |                                       |                   |         \-Marie FREY
        |         |                                       |         /-Jean WALTER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Georges WILLBACH
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Elisabeth WILLBACH
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Barbara TISCHLER
        |         |                                       \-Catherine WALTER
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Nicolas FERCKEL
        |         |                                                 |         /-Nicolas FERCKEL
        |         |                                                 \-Catherine FERCKEL
        |         |                                                           |                             /-Martin SUR
        |         |                                                           |                   /-Martin SUR
        |         |                                                           |                   |         \-Catherine N.N.
        |         |                                                           |         /-Martin SUR
        |         |                                                           |         |         |         /-Matthias WETTERMANN
        |         |                                                           |         |         \-Anne Eve WETTERMANN
        |         |                                                           |         |                   \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                                                           \-Marie-Anne SUR
        |         |                                                                     |         /-Christian WALTER
        |         |                                                                     \-Anne WALTER
        |         |                                                                               \-Marie FREY
        \-Marie Joséphine GUSCHING
                  |                                                           /-Gaspard WALTER
                  |                                                 /-Jean Sébastien WALTER
                  |                                                 |         \-Anne SPIESER
                  |                                       /-Laurent WALTER
                  |                                       |         |                             /-Jean-Pierre MESSMER
                  |                                       |         |                   /-Pierre MESSMER
                  |                                       |         |                   |         \-Clémence HAM
                  |                                       |         |         /-Pierre MESSMER
                  |                                       |         |         |         |                   /-Georges ECK
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jacques ECK
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         |         \-Catherine N.N.
                  |                                       |         |         |         \-Anne ECK
                  |                                       |         |         |                   |         /-Matthias WETTERMANN
                  |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie (Ève) WETTERMANN
                  |                                       |         |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
                  |                                       |         \-Anne-Marie MESSMER
                  |                                       |                   |         /-Jean ULRICH
                  |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie ULRICH
                  |                                       |                             \-Christine NEUHAUS
                  |                             /-Jean Michel WALTER
                  |                             |         |                             /-Christophe SCHMITT
                  |                             |         |                   /-Jean SCHMITT
                  |                             |         |                   |         \-Elisabeth SCHEFFER
                  |                             |         |         /-Antoine SCHMITT
                  |                             |         |         |         \-Suzanne HOFBAUER
                  |                             |         \-Marguerite SCHMITT
                  |                             |                   |                   /-N.N. WINTERHALTER
                  |                             |                   |         /-Christian WINTERHALTER
                  |                             |                   \-Marguerite WINTERHALTER
                  |                             |                             |         /-Nicolas HESS
                  |                             |                             \-Marie-Anne HESS
                  |                             |                                       |         /-Matthias ERNST
                  |                             |                                       \-Anne-Marie ERNST
                  |                             |                                                 \-Anne-Barbe KELLER
                  |                   /-Joseph WALTER
                  |                   |         |                             /-Christian SANDMANN
                  |                   |         |                   /-Jacques SANDMANN
                  |                   |         |         /-François Ignace SANDMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |                             /-Jean BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   /-Gaspard BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |                   |         \-Maria MERX
                  |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         \-Christine KETTERER
                  |                   |         |         |         \-Marie-Anne BAUMANN
                  |                   |         |         |                   |         /-Jean-Théobald BURCKEL
                  |                   |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie BURCKEL
                  |                   |         |         |                             |         /-Christophe STANGER
                  |                   |         |         |                             \-Anna Barbara STANGER
                  |                   |         \-Barbe SANDMANN
                  |                   |                   |                             /-Christian WALTER
                  |                   |                   |                   /-Christian WALTER
                  |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie FREY
                  |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WALTER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |                             /-Martin OSTERMEYER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |                   /-Michel OSTERMEYER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Wendelin OSTERMEYER
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Martin REIFFSTECK
                  |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Barbara REIFFSTECK
                  |                   |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth OSTERMEYER
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |                   /-Mathias STULB
                  |                   |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean STULB
                  |                   |                   |         |                   \-Catherine STULB
                  |                   |                   |         |                             |         /-David BRAUNAGEL
                  |                   |                   |         |                             \-Odile BRAUNAGEL
                  |                   |                   \-Barbara WALTER
                  |                   |                             |         /-Jean-Georges BECK
                  |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie BECK
                  |                   |                                       |                             /-Georges BONN
                  |                   |                                       |                   /-Quirin BONN
                  |                   |                                       |                   |         \-Rosine SCHEER
                  |                   |                                       |         /-Martin BONN
                  |                   |                                       |         |         \-Anna ZILLIOX
                  |                   |                                       \-Marie BONN
                  |                   |                                                 |                   /-Jean OTTMANN
                  |                   |                                                 |         /-Jacques Dit Le Jeune Wintz OTTMANN
                  |                   |                                                 \-Marguerite OTTMANN
                  |                   |                                                           |         /-Jean OTT
                  |                   |                                                           \-Catherine OTT
                  |         /-Michel WALTER
                  |         |         |                                       /-Laurent LEHMANN
                  |         |         |                             /-Jean-Michel LEHMANN
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine HUBER
                  |         |         |                   /-Laurent LEHMANN
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-André RENCK
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Anne Marie RENCK
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie N.N.
                  |         |         |         /-André LEHMANN
                  |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean Le Bavarois HUPFER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   /-Joseph HUPFER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Wendelin MEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Théobald MEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         \-Anne Marguerite NIESS
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Christine MEYER ; NEUMEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie BEYER
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard HUPFER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                             /-Wendelin ALT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Martin ALT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Gaspard ALT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques DIEFFENBACHER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Barbara DIEFFENBACHER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara KAMMEN
                  |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Barbara ALT
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges ; Grégoire SEYLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie SEYLER
                  |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Anne FESSELMEYER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Catherine HUPFER
                  |         |         |         |                   |                                       /-Laurent MERCKEL
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
                  |         |         |         |                   |                             |         \-Agnès HEID
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Matthias MERKEL
                  |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Odile N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Mathias MERCKEL
                  |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Elisabeth BRUNKANTER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Élisabeth MERCKEL
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges RAUCH
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-Jean-Georges RAUCH
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Marie Anne RAUCH
                  |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
                  |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean HERRMANN
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
                  |         |         \-Marie-Anne LEHMANN
                  |         |                   |                                                           /-Georges HANTZ
                  |         |                   |                                                 /-N.N. HANS
                  |         |                   |                                       /-Georges HANS
                  |         |                   |                             /-André HANTZ
                  |         |                   |                             |         \-Barbara N.N.
                  |         |                   |                   /-André HANS
                  |         |                   |                   |         |         /-André ENGSPERGER
                  |         |                   |                   |         \-Anne-Marie ENGSPERGER
                  |         |                   |                   |                   \-N.N. N.N.
                  |         |                   |         /-Jean HANS
                  |         |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BATT
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Marie Barbara BATT
                  |         |                   |         |                   \-Rosine MULLER
                  |         |                   \-Madeleine HANS
                  |         |                             |                             /-Jean STÜRTZER
                  |         |                             |                   /-Jean-Jacques STÜRTZER
                  |         |                             |                   |         \-Appolonia KOHLER
                  |         |                             |         /-Marc STÜRTZER
                  |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean DUSCH
                  |         |                             |         |         \-Anne-Catherine TUSCH
                  |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Pierre CLADY
                  |         |                             |         |                   \-Catherine CLAUDY
                  |         |                             |         |                             \-Sophie N.N.
                  |         |                             \-Odile STURZER
                  |         |                                       |                   /-Martin RIESCHER
                  |         |                                       |         /-Joseph (Jodocus) RIESCHER
                  |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie RIESCHER
                  |         |                                                 |                   /-Marx DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                                                 |         /-Jean-Bernard DÜRRHEIMER
                  |         |                                                 |         |         \-Salomé N.N.
                  |         |                                                 \-Marie-Madeleine DIRHEIMER
                  |         |                                                           |         /-François GARIN
                  |         |                                                           \-Madeleine GARIN
                  |         |                                                                     |         /-Mathias BAUER
                  |         |                                                                     \-Ursule BAUR
                  |         |                                                                               \-Anne N.N.
                  \-Joséphine WALTER
                            |                                                 /-Jean Oswald STAUB
                            |                                       /-Jean Michel STAUB
                            |                                       |         |         /-Albert SCHNEIDER
                            |                                       |         \-Catherine SCHNEIDER
                            |                                       |                   \-Verena BABLER
                            |                             /-Henri L'Ancien STAUB
                            |                             |         \-Catherine GILLER
                            |                   /-Jean Pierre STAUB
                            |                   |         |                             /-Michel SUCHER
                            |                   |         |                   /-Jean SUCHER
                            |                   |         |         /-Jean-Philippe SUCHER
                            |                   |         |         |         |         /-Georges KUHN
                            |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara KUHN
                            |                   |         |         |                   \-Apolline N.N.
                            |                   |         \-Odile SUCHER
                            |                   |                   |                   /-Jean HUBER
                            |                   |                   |         /-Jean HUBER
                            |                   |                   |         |         \-N.N. N.N.
                            |                   |                   \-Odile HUBER
                            |                   |                             |         /-Jean KREMER
                            |                   |                             \-Barbara KRAEMER
                            |                   |                                       \-Jeanne ZUSS
                            |         /-Pierre STAUB
                            |         |         |                   /-Jean WILBERT
                            |         |         |         /-François-Joseph WILBERT
                            |         |         |         |         |                   /-Nicolas DIEBOLT
                            |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthias DIEBOLT
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Odile N.N.
                            |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie DIEBOLT
                            |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georg ARTH; ORTH
                            |         |         |         |                   \-Barbara ARTH
                            |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite CRANTZ
                            |         |         \-Madeleine WILBERT
                            |         |                   |         /-Thibaut BRAUN
                            |         |                   \-Anna-Catherine BRAUN
                            |         |                             |         /-Jacques SENGER
                            |         |                             \-Elisabeth SENGER
                            |         |                                       \-Élisabeth SCHMITT
                            \-Marie-Anne STAUB
                                      |                             /-Pierre DUSCH
                                      |                   /-Henri DUSCH
                                      |                   |         \-Ève MERCKLER
                                      |         /-François Antoine DUSCH
                                      |         |         |                             /-Jean BOBB
                                      |         |         |                   /-Jean BOBB
                                      |         |         |         /-Jean BOBB
                                      |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques MUNDWEILER
                                      |         |         |         |         \-Barbara MUNDWEILER
                                      |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine N.N.
                                      |         |         \-Jeanne BOBB
                                      |         |                   |                   /-Joseph FORSTER
                                      |         |                   |         /-Joseph FORSTER
                                      |         |                   |         |         \-Anne Barbara WITTMANN
                                      |         |                   \-Élisabeth FORSTER
                                      |         |                             |                   /-Jean BAUMANN
                                      |         |                             |         /-Gaspard BAUMANN
                                      |         |                             |         |         \-Maria MERX
                                      |         |                             \-Marie Madeleine BAUMANN
                                      |         |                                       \-Christine KETTERER
                                      \-Madeleine TUSCH
                                                |                             /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
                                                |                   /-Philippe SIFFRIT
                                                |                   |         \-Anne-Marie HARTUNG
                                                |         /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
                                                |         |         |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
                                                |         |         |         /-Pierre WERNERT
                                                |         |         \-Catherine WERNERT
                                                |         |                   |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
                                                |         |                   |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
                                                |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
                                                |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
                                                |         |                             |         /-Wendelin BIERER
                                                |         |                             \-Anne-Marie BIER
                                                |         |                                       |         /-Daniel HANSEN
                                                |         |                                       \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
                                                \-Madeleine SIGFRID
                                                          |         /-Joseph STEFFEN
                                                          \-Barbara STEFFEN
                                                                    \-Élisabeth KLEIN

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
            3 Stéphane SPEYSER
              =Tania HELDT
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
        =Jean Pierre HICKEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Jean DEUTSCHMANN
                                                                    /-Georges Pierre DEUTSCHMANN
                                                                    |         \-Catherine REINHARD
                                                          /-Valentin DEUTSCHMANN
                                                          |         |                                       /-Jacques BISCH
                                                          |         |                             /-Michel BISCH
                                                          |         |                   /-Jean BISCH
                                                          |         |                   |         \-Appolline GOETZ
                                                          |         |         /-Christian BISCH
                                                          |         |         |         \-Madeleine ROHR
                                                          |         \-Marie Ève BISCH
                                                          |                   |         /-Jacques WINTER
                                                          |                   \-Marie Barbe WINTER
                                                          |                             \-Marie KELLER
                                                /-Philippe DEUTSCHMANN
                                                |         |                   /-Nicolas ROTH
                                                |         |         /-Jacques ROTH
                                                |         |         |         \-Éva Catherine SCHRECK
                                                |         \-Marie-Thérèse ROTH
                                                |                   |                   /-Jacques METZLER
                                                |                   |         /-Pierre METZLER
                                                |                   |         |         \-Catherine KOPP OU HOPP
                                                |                   \-Catherine METZLER
                                                |                             \-Barbara FREYMANN
                                      /-Georges DEUTSCHMANN
                                      |         |                                                 /-Jean Michel ERBS
                                      |         |                                       /-Jean Adam ERBS
                                      |         |                             /-Jean Martin ERBS
                                      |         |                             |         |         /-Jacques KRAFFT
                                      |         |                             |         \-Marie Madeleine KRAFFT
                                      |         |                             |                   \-Barbara N.N.
                                      |         |                   /-Jean Georges ERBS
                                      |         |                   |         |                   /-Christmann ZENTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |         /-Andreas ZENTZ
                                      |         |                   |         |         |         \-Maria WOLFF
                                      |         |                   |         \-Marie Anne ZENZ
                                      |         |                   |                   |         /-Andres MUETZ
                                      |         |                   |                   \-Anna MUETZ
                                      |         |                   |                             |         /-Ostermannn SCHAEFFER
                                      |         |                   |                             \-Maria SCHAEFFER
                                      |         |         /-Georges ERBS
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Wolfgang Georges BAUER
                                      |         |         |         \-Barbe BAUER
                                      |         |         |                   |                   /-Jacques OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Pierre OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
                                      |         |         |                   |         |         \-Marguerite GOETZ
                                      |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie OHLMANN
                                      |         |         |                             |         /-Jacques BOSCH
                                      |         |         |                             \-Éve BOSCH
                                      |         |         |                                       \-Marie RÖHR
                                      |         \-Anne ERBS
                                      |                   |                             /-Marcel GROS
                                      |                   |                   /-Nicolas GROSS
                                      |                   |                   |         \-Élisabeth LEYSER
                                      |                   |         /-Michel GROSS
                                      |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean-Georges BALMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BALMER
                                      |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Élisabeth BELLER
                                      |                   |         |         \-Marie Ursule BALMER
                                      |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin ERNST
                                      |                   |         |                   \-Marie-Catherine ERNST
                                      |                   |         |                             \-Anne-Marie BATT
                                      |                   \-Anne-Marie GROS
                                      |                             |                             /-Nicolas JUNG
                                      |                             |                   /-François JUNG
                                      |                             |         /-Jean-Pierre JUNG
                                      |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie KELLER
                                      |                             \-Catherine JUNG
                                      |                                       |                   /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
                                      |                                       |         /-Antoine SCHMITT
                                      |                                       |         |         |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
                                      |                                       |         |         \-Agnès KRIEGER
                                      |                                       |         |                   \-Marie SCHMID
                                      |                                       \-Anne-Marie SCHMITT
                                      |                                                 |                   /-Adolphe KRIEGER
                                      |                                                 |         /-Adolph KRIEGER
                                      |                                                 |         |         \-Anne N.N.
                                      |                                                 \-Marie KRIEGER
                                      |                                                           \-Marie BASTIAN
                            /-Émile DEUTSCHMANN
                            |         \-Marie-Madeleine ESSWEIN
                  /-René DEUTSCHMANN
                  |         \-Caroline KOEGLER
        /-Patrick DEUTSCHMANN
        \-Sylvie SOUCHARD

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                  /-Michel DEUTSCHMANN
        /-Charles DEUTSCHMANN
        |         \-Madeleine SCHNEIDER
        |                                                                               /-Ulrich TRENDEL
        |                                                                     /-Jean TRENDEL
        |                                                                     |         \-N.N. N.N.
        |                                                           /-Mathias TRENDEL
        |                                                           |         \-Anne-Marie HALTER
        |                                                 /-Jean Georges TRENDEL
        |                                                 |         |         /-Christian ZAHN
        |                                                 |         \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
        |                                                 |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                                       /-Jean Georges TRENDEL
        |                                       |         |                             /-Jacques CARLEN
        |                                       |         |                   /-Nicolas CARLEN
        |                                       |         |         /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
        |                                       |         |         |         |                   /-Gaspard KREMPFF
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean KREMPF
        |                                       |         |         |         |         |         \-Jeanne STAPHEL
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
        |                                       |         |         |                   |         /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
        |                                       |         |         |                   \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
        |                                       |         |         |                             \-Anne Marie N.N.
        |                                       |         \-Marie-Madeleine CARLEN
        |                                       |                   |                   /-Nicolas GARNER
        |                                       |                   |         /-Nicolas GARNER
        |                                       |                   \-Anne-Marie GARNER
        |                                       |                             |         /-Christian ZAHN
        |                                       |                             \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
        |                                       |                                       \-Gertrude N.N.
        |                             /-Georges TRENDEL
        |                             |         |                                       /-Michel MATHIS
        |                             |         |                             /-André MATHIS
        |                             |         |                             |         \-Catherine FRITSCH
        |                             |         |                   /-Michel MATHIS
        |                             |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Michel PFLIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         /-Jean PFLIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
        |                             |         |                   |         \-Barbara PFLIEGER
        |                             |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas HIRSCH
        |                             |         |                   |                   \-Catherine HIRSCH
        |                             |         |                   |                             \-Marie MERTZWILLER
        |                             |         |         /-Pierre MATHIS
        |                             |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe HAUSSER
        |                             |         |         |         |         /-Mathias HAUSSER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel HEITGLER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Élisabeth HEITGLER
        |                             |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KLEIN
        |                             |         |         |         \-Marguerite HAUSSER
        |                             |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie GRAD
        |                             |         \-Marie-Anne MATHIS
        |                             |                   |         /-Jean SCHALL
        |                             |                   \-Brigitte SCHALL
        |                             |                             |         /-Laurent SPITZER
        |                             |                             \-Anne SPITZER
        |                             |                                       |         /-Jean-Georges VOGLER
        |                             |                                       \-Brigitte VOGLER
        |                   /-Laurent TRENDEL
        |                   |         |                                       /-Jean Michel EM
        |                   |         |                             /-Jean Pierre EM
        |                   |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie WECH
        |                   |         |                   /-Joseph EM
        |                   |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Michel MEYER
        |                   |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie MEYER
        |                   |         |                   |                   \-Barbe LIERE ; LYR
        |                   |         |         /-Jean-Michel EM
        |                   |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BURGER
        |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie BURGER
        |                   |         |         |                   \-Eve KEMPF
        |                   |         \-Barbe EM
        |                   |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges GELLINGER
        |                   |                   |                   /-Laurent GELLINGER
        |                   |                   |                   |         \-Madeleine OBER
        |                   |                   |         /-Antoine GELLINGER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Jean Martin ESS
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Bartholomé HILER
        |                   |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite HILER
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth ESS
        |                   |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHWARZ
        |                   |                   \-Marie Véronique GELLINGER
        |                   |                             \-Marguerite FIX
        |         /-Georges TRENDEL
        |         |         |                                                                               /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |                                                                     /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |                                                                     |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |         |         |                                                           /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |         |                                                           |         \-Catherine KERS
        |         |         |                                                 /-Jean Charles STREBLER
        |         |         |                                                 |         \-Brigitte GNAEDIG
        |         |         |                                       /-Joseph STREBLER
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Catherine DREHER
        |         |         |                             /-Valentin Geoffroi STREBLER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Auguste BAETSCH
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Michel BAETSCH
        |         |         |                             |         \-Barbara BAETSCH
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Jacques ROOS
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Catherine ROOS
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Marie STEINMETZ
        |         |         |                   /-François STREBLER
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-André WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie WOLFF
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
        |         |         |         /-François STREBLER
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 /-Martin PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       /-Michel PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |                             /-Jean PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Nicolas FRITSCH
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine FRISCH
        |         |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
        |         |         |         |         |                   /-Michel PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Adam RIPP
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine RIPP
        |         |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-André BAUMGARTEN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-André BAUMGARTNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Ève VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Diebold LANG
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LANG
        |         |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
        |         |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean Henri RIETH
        |         |         |         |                   |                   /-Norbert RIETH
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques HEID
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Barbara HEID
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean PALMER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Philippe PALMER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie PALMER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas BATT
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin BATT
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Cordula BATT
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbe KRAFT
        |         |         |         |                   \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
        |         |         |         |                             |                                       /-N.N. LANG
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-Michel LANG
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Jacques WALTER
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
        |         |         \-Caroline STREBLER
        |         |                   |                                       /-Laurent DEUBEL
        |         |                   |                             /-Laurent DEUBEL
        |         |                   |                             |         |                   /-Jacques HUTTLER
        |         |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean HUTTLER
        |         |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite HITTLER
        |         |                   |                             |                   |                   /-André HALLMEYER
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         /-Michel HELMER
        |         |                   |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne HERRISCH
        |         |                   |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie HELMER
        |         |                   |                             |                             \-Marthe KINDWEILER
        |         |                   |                   /-Jean Georges DEUBEL
        |         |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Philippe SIFFRIT
        |         |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie HARTUNG
        |         |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne SIFFRIT
        |         |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
        |         |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WERNERT
        |         |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine WERNERT
        |         |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
        |         |                   |                   |                             \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
        |         |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Wendelin BIERER
        |         |                   |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BIER
        |         |                   |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
        |         |                   |         /-Jacques DEUBEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Laurent MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                                       |         \-Agnès HEID
        |         |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |                   /-André MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Otto Daniel SCHOTT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbara SCHOTT
        |         |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                   |         |         |         /-Michel MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                             /-Fritz ou Moritz JOBST
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges JOBST
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges JOBST
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel JUNCKER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie JUNCKER
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine BAUM
        |         |                   |         |         |         |         \-Suzanne JOBST
        |         |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Suzanne CLAUS
        |         |                   |         |         \-Catherine MERCKEL
        |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HAUS
        |         |                   |         |                   \-Marie Ève HAUS
        |         |                   |         |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
        |         |                   \-Catherine DEUBEL
        |         |                             |                                       /-Jean-Adam DONIUS
        |         |                             |                             /-Jean DONIUS
        |         |                             |                             |         \-N.N. TODTENMEYER
        |         |                             |                   /-Christophe DONIUS
        |         |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean Bernard HENG
        |         |                             |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HENG
        |         |                             |         /-Christophe DONIUS
        |         |                             |         |         |                             /-Martin KOEBERLE
        |         |                             |         |         |                   /-Hyeronimus - Jérôme KOEBERLE
        |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Georges KOEBERLE
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques SCHERER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Sophie SCHERER
        |         |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |         |                             |         |         \-Marie Eve KOEBERLE
        |         |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges RAUCH
        |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Georges RAUCH
        |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie Ève Élisabeth RAUCH
        |         |                             |         |                             |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |                             |         /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |         |                             |         |                             \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
        |         |                             |         |                                       |         /-Jean HERRMANN
        |         |                             |         |                                       \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |         |                             \-Christine DONIUS
        |         |                                       |                             /-Jean GUISE
        |         |                                       |                   /-François GUISE
        |         |                                       |         /-Daniel QUIS
        |         |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jacob BLATTNER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         /-Rodolphe BLATTNER
        |         |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Vreni HERZOG
        |         |                                       |         |         \-Eve BLATTNER
        |         |                                       |         |                   |         /-Théobald FINCK
        |         |                                       |         |                   \-Appolline FINCK
        |         |                                       |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
        |         |                                       \-Catherine QUIS
        |         |                                                 |                                       /-Thierry SIMON
        |         |                                                 |                             /-Jean SIMON
        |         |                                                 |                             |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
        |         |                                                 |                   /-Michel SIMON
        |         |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
        |         |                                                 |                   |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
        |         |                                                 |                   |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |                                                 |         /-Jean-Pierre SIMON
        |         |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
        |         |                                                 |         |         \-Marie Barbara LENHERR
        |         |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |         |                                                 |         |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |         |                                                 \-Barbara SIMON
        |         |                                                           |                   /-Ursus KNOCHEL
        |         |                                                           |         /-Pierre KNOCHEL ; NAGEL
        |         |                                                           |         |         |         /-Jean BUCHERT
        |         |                                                           |         |         \-Sibylle Élisabeth BUCHERT
        |         |                                                           \-Catherine NAGEL
        |         |                                                                     \-Anna-Barbara BUCHMANN
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  \-Sophie WENDLING

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

                                                                              /-Ulrich TRENDEL
                                                                    /-Jean TRENDEL
                                                                    |         \-N.N. N.N.
                                                          /-Mathias TRENDEL
                                                          |         \-Anne-Marie HALTER
                                                /-Jean Georges TRENDEL
                                                |         |         /-Christian ZAHN
                                                |         \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
                                                |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
                                      /-Jean Georges TRENDEL
                                      |         |                             /-Jacques CARLEN
                                      |         |                   /-Nicolas CARLEN
                                      |         |         /-Jean-Jacques CARLEN
                                      |         |         |         |                   /-Gaspard KREMPFF
                                      |         |         |         |         /-Jean KREMPF
                                      |         |         |         |         |         \-Jeanne STAPHEL
                                      |         |         |         \-Jeanne Marguerite KREMPF
                                      |         |         |                   |         /-Jean Albert REICHENBERGER
                                      |         |         |                   \-Marie Régine REICHENBERGER
                                      |         |         |                             \-Anne Marie N.N.
                                      |         \-Marie-Madeleine CARLEN
                                      |                   |                   /-Nicolas GARNER
                                      |                   |         /-Nicolas GARNER
                                      |                   \-Anne-Marie GARNER
                                      |                             |         /-Christian ZAHN
                                      |                             \-Anne-Marguerite ZAHN
                                      |                                       \-Gertrude N.N.
                            /-Georges TRENDEL
                            |         |                                       /-Michel MATHIS
                            |         |                             /-André MATHIS
                            |         |                             |         \-Catherine FRITSCH
                            |         |                   /-Michel MATHIS
                            |         |                   |         |                   /-Jean Michel PFLIEGER
                            |         |                   |         |         /-Jean PFLIEGER
                            |         |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara N.N.
                            |         |                   |         \-Barbara PFLIEGER
                            |         |                   |                   |         /-Nicolas HIRSCH
                            |         |                   |                   \-Catherine HIRSCH
                            |         |                   |                             \-Marie MERTZWILLER
                            |         |         /-Pierre MATHIS
                            |         |         |         |                   /-Philippe HAUSSER
                            |         |         |         |         /-Mathias HAUSSER
                            |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel HEITGLER
                            |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne Élisabeth HEITGLER
                            |         |         |         |         |                   \-Marguerite KLEIN
                            |         |         |         \-Marguerite HAUSSER
                            |         |         |                   \-Anne-Marie GRAD
                            |         \-Marie-Anne MATHIS
                            |                   |         /-Jean SCHALL
                            |                   \-Brigitte SCHALL
                            |                             |         /-Laurent SPITZER
                            |                             \-Anne SPITZER
                            |                                       |         /-Jean-Georges VOGLER
                            |                                       \-Brigitte VOGLER
                  /-Laurent TRENDEL
                  |         |                                       /-Jean Michel EM
                  |         |                             /-Jean Pierre EM
                  |         |                             |         \-Anne-Marie WECH
                  |         |                   /-Joseph EM
                  |         |                   |         |         /-Jean Michel MEYER
                  |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie MEYER
                  |         |                   |                   \-Barbe LIERE ; LYR
                  |         |         /-Jean-Michel EM
                  |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges BURGER
                  |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie BURGER
                  |         |         |                   \-Eve KEMPF
                  |         \-Barbe EM
                  |                   |                             /-Jean-Georges GELLINGER
                  |                   |                   /-Laurent GELLINGER
                  |                   |                   |         \-Madeleine OBER
                  |                   |         /-Antoine GELLINGER
                  |                   |         |         |         /-Jean Martin ESS
                  |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Bartholomé HILER
                  |                   |         |         |         |         \-Marguerite HILER
                  |                   |         |         \-Élisabeth ESS
                  |                   |         |                   \-Marguerite SCHWARZ
                  |                   \-Marie Véronique GELLINGER
                  |                             \-Marguerite FIX
        /-Georges TRENDEL
        |         |                                                                                         /-Thewis STREBLER
        |         |                                                                               /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |                                                                               |         \-Judith KELLER
        |         |                                                                     /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |                                                                     |         \-Anne-Marie DISS
        |         |                                                           /-Jean STREBLER
        |         |                                                           |         \-Catherine KERS
        |         |                                                 /-Jean Charles STREBLER
        |         |                                                 |         \-Brigitte GNAEDIG
        |         |                                       /-Joseph STREBLER
        |         |                                       |         \-Catherine DREHER
        |         |                             /-Valentin Geoffroi STREBLER
        |         |                             |         |                   /-Auguste BAETSCH
        |         |                             |         |         /-Michel BAETSCH
        |         |                             |         \-Barbara BAETSCH
        |         |                             |                   |         /-Jacques ROOS
        |         |                             |                   \-Catherine ROOS
        |         |                             |                             \-Marie STEINMETZ
        |         |                   /-François STREBLER
        |         |                   |         |         /-André WOLFF
        |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie WOLFF
        |         |                   |                   \-Anne-Marie WAGNER
        |         |         /-François STREBLER
        |         |         |         |                                                 /-Martin PAULUS
        |         |         |         |                                       /-Michel PAULUS
        |         |         |         |                                       |         \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |         |                             /-Jean PAULUS
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         /-Nicolas FRITSCH
        |         |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine FRISCH
        |         |         |         |                             |                   \-Barbara TRAUTMANN
        |         |         |         |                   /-Michel PAULUS
        |         |         |         |                   |         |                   /-Ostermann SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |                   |         |         /-Jean SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |                   |         \-Anne SCHAEFFER
        |         |         |         |                   |                   |         /-Adam RIPP
        |         |         |         |                   |                   \-Catherine RIPP
        |         |         |         |                   |                             \-Christine N.N.
        |         |         |         |         /-Michel PAULEN ; PAULUS
        |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-André BAUMGARTEN
        |         |         |         |         |         |         /-André BAUMGARTNER
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne BAUR
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Ève BAUMGARTEN
        |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Georges VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |         |                   \-Ève VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |         |                             |         /-Ulrich GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |                             \-Barbara GEBUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Georges LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         /-Diebold LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                       |         |         \-Catherine CLAUS
        |         |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine LANG
        |         |         |         |         |                                                 \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |         \-Marie-Barbe PAULEN
        |         |         |                   |                             /-Jean Henri RIETH
        |         |         |                   |                   /-Norbert RIETH
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         /-Jacques HEID
        |         |         |                   |                   |         \-Barbara HEID
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   \-Barbara N.N.
        |         |         |                   |         /-Nicolas Mathias RIETH
        |         |         |                   |         |         |                   /-Jean PALMER
        |         |         |                   |         |         |         /-Philippe PALMER
        |         |         |                   |         |         \-Anne-Marie PALMER
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |                   /-Nicolas BATT
        |         |         |                   |         |                   |         /-Martin BATT
        |         |         |                   |         |                   \-Cordula BATT
        |         |         |                   |         |                             \-Barbe KRAFT
        |         |         |                   \-Marie-Thérèse RIETH
        |         |         |                             |                                       /-N.N. LANG
        |         |         |                             |                             /-Adam LANG
        |         |         |                             |                   /-Jean LANG
        |         |         |                             |                   |         \-Marguerite PFOHL
        |         |         |                             |         /-Michel LANG
        |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Michel WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         |         \-Odile WEBER
        |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Martzolff VOLTZ
        |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Marie VOLTZ
        |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Marie N.N.
        |         |         |                             \-Anne-Marie LANG
        |         |         |                                       |         /-Jacques WALTER
        |         |         |                                       \-Élisabeth WALTER
        |         |         |                                                 \-Marie-Madeleine HUSS
        |         \-Caroline STREBLER
        |                   |                                       /-Laurent DEUBEL
        |                   |                             /-Laurent DEUBEL
        |                   |                             |         |                   /-Jacques HUTTLER
        |                   |                             |         |         /-Jean HUTTLER
        |                   |                             |         \-Marguerite HITTLER
        |                   |                             |                   |                   /-André HALLMEYER
        |                   |                             |                   |         /-Michel HELMER
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         |         /-Diebolt HERRISCH
        |                   |                             |                   |         |         \-Anne HERRISCH
        |                   |                             |                   \-Anne-Marie HELMER
        |                   |                             |                             \-Marthe KINDWEILER
        |                   |                   /-Jean Georges DEUBEL
        |                   |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Jacques SIFFRIT
        |                   |                   |         |         /-Philippe SIFFRIT
        |                   |                   |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie HARTUNG
        |                   |                   |         \-Marie Anne SIFFRIT
        |                   |                   |                   |                   /-Balthasar WERNERT
        |                   |                   |                   |         /-Pierre WERNERT
        |                   |                   |                   \-Catherine WERNERT
        |                   |                   |                             |                   /-Laurent TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                   |                             |         /-Jean TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                   |                             |         |         \-Anne-Marie Ou Élisabeth N.N.
        |                   |                   |                             \-Marie-Catherine TRAUTMANN
        |                   |                   |                                       |         /-Wendelin BIERER
        |                   |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie BIER
        |                   |                   |                                                 |         /-Daniel HANSEN
        |                   |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie HANSEN
        |                   |         /-Jacques DEUBEL
        |                   |         |         |                                                           /-Kylian MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |                                                 /-Laurent MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |                                       /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Augustin HEID
        |                   |         |         |                                       |         \-Agnès HEID
        |                   |         |         |                             /-Jean-Georges MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |                             |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                   |         |         |                   /-André MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |                   |         |         /-Otto Daniel SCHOTT
        |                   |         |         |                   |         \-Marie Barbara SCHOTT
        |                   |         |         |                   |                   \-Anne N.N.
        |                   |         |         |         /-Michel MERCKEL
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                             /-Fritz ou Moritz JOBST
        |                   |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges JOBST
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges JOBST
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |                   /-Georges JUNCKER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         /-Michel JUNCKER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |         \-Anne-Marie JUNCKER
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BAUM
        |                   |         |         |         |         |         |                   \-Catherine BAUM
        |                   |         |         |         |         \-Suzanne JOBST
        |                   |         |         |         |                   \-Suzanne CLAUS
        |                   |         |         \-Catherine MERCKEL
        |                   |         |                   |         /-Jean HAUS
        |                   |         |                   \-Marie Ève HAUS
        |                   |         |                             \-Catherine VOLTZ
        |                   \-Catherine DEUBEL
        |                             |                                       /-Jean-Adam DONIUS
        |                             |                             /-Jean DONIUS
        |                             |                             |         \-N.N. TODTENMEYER
        |                             |                   /-Christophe DONIUS
        |                             |                   |         |         /-Jean Bernard HENG
        |                             |                   |         \-Anna Barbara HENG
        |                             |         /-Christophe DONIUS
        |                             |         |         |                             /-Martin KOEBERLE
        |                             |         |         |                   /-Hyeronimus - Jérôme KOEBERLE
        |                             |         |         |         /-Jean Georges KOEBERLE
        |                             |         |         |         |         |         /-Jacques SCHERER
        |                             |         |         |         |         \-Marie-Sophie SCHERER
        |                             |         |         |         |                   \-Marie N.N.
        |                             |         |         \-Marie Eve KOEBERLE
        |                             |         |                   |                   /-Georges RAUCH
        |                             |         |                   |         /-Jean-Georges RAUCH
        |                             |         |                   \-Marie Ève Élisabeth RAUCH
        |                             |         |                             |                   /-Jean GRUSSENMEYER
        |                             |         |                             |         /-Wendelin GRUSSENMEYER
        |                             |         |                             |         |         \-Appoline N.N.
        |                             |         |                             \-Catherine GRUSSENMEYER
        |                             |         |                                       |         /-Jean HERRMANN
        |                             |         |                                       \-Anne Ursule HERRMANN
        |                             \-Christine DONIUS
        |                                       |                             /-Jean GUISE
        |                                       |                   /-François GUISE
        |                                       |         /-Daniel QUIS
        |                                       |         |         |                   /-Jacob BLATTNER
        |                                       |         |         |         /-Rodolphe BLATTNER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         \-Vreni HERZOG
        |                                       |         |         \-Eve BLATTNER
        |                                       |         |                   |         /-Théobald FINCK
        |                                       |         |                   \-Appolline FINCK
        |                                       |         |                             \-Anne N.N.
        |                                       \-Catherine QUIS
        |                                                 |                                                 /-Nicolas SIMON
        |                                                 |                                       /-Thierry SIMON
        |                                                 |                             /-Jean SIMON
        |                                                 |                             |         |         /-Jean KLEIN
        |                                                 |                             |         \-Marguerite KLEIN
        |                                                 |                             |                   \-Marguerite KOEBEL
        |                                                 |                   /-Michel SIMON
        |                                                 |                   |         |                   /-Jean-Georges AUGUSTIN
        |                                                 |                   |         |         /-Matthias AUGUSTIN
        |                                                 |                   |         |         |         \-Christine N.N.
        |                                                 |                   |         \-Barbara AUGUSTIN
        |                                                 |                   |                   |         /-Georges CLAUS
        |                                                 |                   |                   \-Catherine CLAUS
        |                                                 |         /-Jean-Pierre SIMON
        |                                                 |         |         |         /-Jean LEHNERR
        |                                                 |         |         \-Marie Barbara LENHERR
        |                                                 |         |                   |                   /-Valentin ADOLPH
        |                                                 |         |                   |         /-Théobald ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                 |         |                   |         |         \-Odile N.N.
        |                                                 |         |                   \-Anne ADOLPH-BERBACH
        |                                                 |         |                             |         /-Matz DIEBOLD
        |                                                 |         |                             \-Catherine DIEBOLD
        |                                                 \-Barbara SIMON
        |                                                           |                   /-Ursus KNOCHEL
        |                                                           |         /-Pierre KNOCHEL ; NAGEL
        |                                                           |         |         |         /-Jean BUCHERT
        |                                                           |         |         \-Sibylle Élisabeth BUCHERT
        |                                                           \-Catherine NAGEL
        |                                                                     \-Anna-Barbara BUCHMANN
        \-Sophie WENDLING

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Madeleine Adèle LOTZ
      2 Pascale DEVIL
        =Dominique HEINTZ
            3 Jonathan HEINTZ
            3 Vivien HEINTZ

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Alain DHIEUX
        |         /-André DUBOIS
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                                                 /-Joseph WERNERT
                  |                                       /-François-Antoine WERNERT
                  |                                       |         |                                       /-Balthazar KARG
                  |                                       |         |                             /-Joseph KARG
                  |                                       |         |                   /-Michel KARCHER
                  |                                       |         |                   |         |         /-Caspar PETER
                  |                                       |         |                   |         \-Catherine PETER
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   \-Christine SCHNEIDER
                  |                                       |         |         /-Joseph KARCHER
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
                  |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
                  |                                       |         \-Catherine KARCHER
                  |                                       |                   |         /-Antoine MATTER
                  |                                       |                   \-Anne-Catherine MADER
                  |                                       |                             \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
                  |                             /-François-Joseph WERNERT
                  |                             |         |         /-Pierre ANTONI
                  |                             |         \-Marie ANTONI
                  |                             |                   \-Marie HEITZ
                  |                   /-Aloise WERNERT
                  |                   |         |         /-Sébastien PFLIEGER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine PFLIEGER
                  |                   |                   |                   /-Joseph BALTZ
                  |                   |                   |         /-Laurent BALTZ
                  |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine PAULUS
                  |                   |                   \-Marie Catherine BALTZ
                  |                   |                             |                             /-Georges RISCH
                  |                   |                             |                   /-Michel RISCH
                  |                   |                             |         /-Jean Joseph RISCH
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent HARTMANN
                  |                   |                             |         |         \-Barbara HARTMANN
                  |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie RISCH
                  |                   |                                       |                   /-Jacques HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                       |         /-André HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                                 |         /-Jean JUNG
                  |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie JUNG
                  |         /-Émile WERNERT
                  |         |         |                                                 /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                                       /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |                                       |         \-Marie SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                                       |                   \-Agnès KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                                       |                             \-Marie SCHMID
                  |         |         |                             /-Antoine ADAM
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Thomas BIEHLER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         /-Michel BIEHLER
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine BULLER
                  |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Nicolas WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Nicolas WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   /-Joseph Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph GLUCK
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie GLUCK
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         /-André ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Marie ACKER
                  |         |         |                   |                             \-Madeleine LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Georges KEITH
                  |         |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine KEITH
                  |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Odile WENDLING
                  |         |         |         /-Sébastien ADAM
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel BALTZER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BALTZER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BREGER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Odile BREGER
                  |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Georges Jacques DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-André DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André SCHAAL
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean VIX
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine ADAM
                  |         |                   |                   /-Michel BAEHL
                  |         |                   |         /-Michel BAEHL
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Sophie RAEPPEL
                  |         |                   \-Catherine BAEHL
                  |         |                             |         /-Antoine STIMLER
                  |         |                             \-Marie STIMLER
                  |         |                                       \-Marie HEFS
                  \-Raymonde Eugénie Madeleine WERNERT
                            |         /-Marius THEILBORIE
                            \-Jeanne THEILBORIE
                                      \-Eugénie,Adrienne, Victorine CIMETIÈRE

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-André DUBOIS
        |                                                 /-Joseph WERNERT
        |                                       /-François-Antoine WERNERT
        |                                       |         |                                       /-Balthazar KARG
        |                                       |         |                             /-Joseph KARG
        |                                       |         |                   /-Michel KARCHER
        |                                       |         |                   |         |         /-Caspar PETER
        |                                       |         |                   |         \-Catherine PETER
        |                                       |         |                   |                   |         /-Jacques SCHNEIDER
        |                                       |         |                   |                   \-Christine SCHNEIDER
        |                                       |         |                   |                             \-Odilia ESCHENLAUER
        |                                       |         |         /-Joseph KARCHER
        |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
        |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
        |                                       |         \-Catherine KARCHER
        |                                       |                   |         /-Antoine MATTER
        |                                       |                   \-Anne-Catherine MADER
        |                                       |                             \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
        |                             /-François-Joseph WERNERT
        |                             |         |         /-Pierre ANTONI
        |                             |         \-Marie ANTONI
        |                             |                   \-Marie HEITZ
        |                   /-Aloise WERNERT
        |                   |         |         /-Sébastien PFLIEGER
        |                   |         \-Catherine PFLIEGER
        |                   |                   |                   /-Joseph BALTZ
        |                   |                   |         /-Laurent BALTZ
        |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine PAULUS
        |                   |                   \-Marie Catherine BALTZ
        |                   |                             |                             /-Georges RISCH
        |                   |                             |                   /-Michel RISCH
        |                   |                             |         /-Jean Joseph RISCH
        |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent HARTMANN
        |                   |                             |         |         \-Barbara HARTMANN
        |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie RISCH
        |                   |                                       |                   /-Jacques HORNECKER
        |                   |                                       |         /-André HORNECKER
        |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie HORNECKER
        |                   |                                                 |         /-Jean JUNG
        |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie JUNG
        |         /-Émile WERNERT
        |         |         |                                                 /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                                       /-Adam ADAM
        |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
        |         |         |                                       |         \-Marie SCHMIDT
        |         |         |                                       |                   |                   /-Wolffgang KRIEGER
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
        |         |         |                                       |                   |         |         \-Odile ACKER
        |         |         |                                       |                   \-Agnès KRIEGER
        |         |         |                                       |                             \-Marie SCHMID
        |         |         |                             /-Antoine ADAM
        |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Thomas BIEHLER
        |         |         |                             |         |         /-Michel BIEHLER
        |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine BULLER
        |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Nicolas WEISS
        |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Nicolas WEISS
        |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite WEISS
        |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine WENDLING
        |         |         |                   /-Joseph Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph GLUCK
        |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie GLUCK
        |         |         |                   |                   |                                       /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Jean ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |                             |         \-Bäsche LORENTZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Adam ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         |         /-Georges GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
        |         |         |                   |                   |                   |                   \-Gertrude N.N.
        |         |         |                   |                   |         /-André ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Pierre WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
        |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude ADAM
        |         |         |                   |                             |                             /-Mathias LAUGEL
        |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean LAUGEL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean LAUGEL
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Georges ACKER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Marie ACKER
        |         |         |                   |                             |         |                   \-Marguerite GRETT
        |         |         |                   |                             \-Madeleine LAUGEL
        |         |         |                   |                                       |                   /-André KEITH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Georges KEITH
        |         |         |                   |                                       |         |         \-Elisabeth GERING
        |         |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine KEITH
        |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Odile WENDLING
        |         |         |         /-Sébastien ADAM
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel BALTZER
        |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BALTZER
        |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BREGER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Odile BREGER
        |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Georges Jacques DEBES
        |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges DEBES
        |         |         |         |                             |         /-André DEBES
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LIENHART
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   |         /-Diebolt VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
        |         |         |         |                             |         |                             \-Gertrude MUNCH
        |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite DEBES
        |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
        |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André SCHAAL
        |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine SCHALL
        |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean VIX
        |         |         |         |                                                 \-Gertrude VIX
        |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine ADAM
        |         |                   |                   /-Michel BAEHL
        |         |                   |         /-Michel BAEHL
        |         |                   |         |         \-Sophie RAEPPEL
        |         |                   \-Catherine BAEHL
        |         |                             |         /-Antoine STIMLER
        |         |                             \-Marie STIMLER
        |         |                                       \-Marie HEFS
        \-Raymonde Eugénie Madeleine WERNERT
                  |         /-Marius THEILBORIE
                  \-Jeanne THEILBORIE
                            \-Eugénie,Adrienne, Victorine CIMETIÈRE

Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Alain DHIEUX
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Ancestors of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

        /-Alain DHIEUX
        |         /-André DUBOIS
        \-Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
                  |                                                 /-Joseph WERNERT
                  |                                       /-François-Antoine WERNERT
                  |                                       |         |                                       /-Balthazar KARG
                  |                                       |         |                             /-Joseph KARG
                  |                                       |         |                   /-Michel KARCHER
                  |                                       |         |                   |         |         /-Caspar PETER
                  |                                       |         |                   |         \-Catherine PETER
                  |                                       |         |                   |                   \-Christine SCHNEIDER
                  |                                       |         |         /-Joseph KARCHER
                  |                                       |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Georges MICHEL
                  |                                       |         |         |         \-Marie-Catherine MICHEL
                  |                                       |         \-Catherine KARCHER
                  |                                       |                   |         /-Antoine MATTER
                  |                                       |                   \-Anne-Catherine MADER
                  |                                       |                             \-Anne-Marie Eve BARTHEL
                  |                             /-François-Joseph WERNERT
                  |                             |         |         /-Pierre ANTONI
                  |                             |         \-Marie ANTONI
                  |                             |                   \-Marie HEITZ
                  |                   /-Aloise WERNERT
                  |                   |         |         /-Sébastien PFLIEGER
                  |                   |         \-Catherine PFLIEGER
                  |                   |                   |                   /-Joseph BALTZ
                  |                   |                   |         /-Laurent BALTZ
                  |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine PAULUS
                  |                   |                   \-Marie Catherine BALTZ
                  |                   |                             |                             /-Georges RISCH
                  |                   |                             |                   /-Michel RISCH
                  |                   |                             |         /-Jean Joseph RISCH
                  |                   |                             |         |         |         /-Laurent HARTMANN
                  |                   |                             |         |         \-Barbara HARTMANN
                  |                   |                             \-Anne-Marie RISCH
                  |                   |                                       |                   /-Jacques HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                       |         /-André HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                       \-Anne-Marie HORNECKER
                  |                   |                                                 |         /-Jean JUNG
                  |                   |                                                 \-Anne-Marie JUNG
                  |         /-Émile WERNERT
                  |         |         |                                                 /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                                       /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |                                       |         |         /-Sébastien SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |                                       |         \-Marie SCHMIDT
                  |         |         |                                       |                   |         /-Jacques KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                                       |                   \-Agnès KRIEGER
                  |         |         |                                       |                             \-Marie SCHMID
                  |         |         |                             /-Antoine ADAM
                  |         |         |                             |         |                   /-Thomas BIEHLER
                  |         |         |                             |         |         /-Michel BIEHLER
                  |         |         |                             |         \-Catherine BULLER
                  |         |         |                             |                   |                   /-Nicolas WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                   |         /-Nicolas WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                   \-Marguerite WEISS
                  |         |         |                             |                             \-Catherine WENDLING
                  |         |         |                   /-Joseph Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |         |         /-Joseph GLUCK
                  |         |         |                   |         \-Anne-Marie GLUCK
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                             /-Jean ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   /-Adam ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |                   |         \-Marie BOZ; GOETZ
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         /-André ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         |         /-Pierre WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   |         |         \-Catherine WEBER
                  |         |         |                   |                   \-Gertrude ADAM
                  |         |         |                   |                             |                   /-Jean LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         /-Jean LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                             |         |         \-Marie ACKER
                  |         |         |                   |                             \-Madeleine LAUGEL
                  |         |         |                   |                                       |         /-Georges KEITH
                  |         |         |                   |                                       \-Catherine KEITH
                  |         |         |                   |                                                 \-Odile WENDLING
                  |         |         |         /-Sébastien ADAM
                  |         |         |         |         |         /-Jean-Michel BALTZER
                  |         |         |         |         \-Catherine BALTZER
                  |         |         |         |                   |         /-Jean BREGER
                  |         |         |         |                   \-Odile BREGER
                  |         |         |         |                             |                             /-Georges Jacques DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |                   /-Georges DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |         /-André DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         |         /-Jean LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |         \-Anne LIENHART
                  |         |         |         |                             |         |                   \-Anne VOLTZ
                  |         |         |         |                             \-Marguerite DEBES
                  |         |         |         |                                       |                   /-Jacques SCHAAL
                  |         |         |         |                                       |         /-André SCHAAL
                  |         |         |         |                                       \-Catherine SCHALL
                  |         |         |         |                                                 |         /-Jean VIX
                  |         |         |         |                                                 \-Gertrude VIX
                  |         |         \-Marie-Madeleine ADAM
                  |         |                   |                   /-Michel BAEHL
                  |         |                   |         /-Michel BAEHL
                  |         |                   |         |         \-Sophie RAEPPEL
                  |         |                   \-Catherine BAEHL
                  |         |                             |         /-Antoine STIMLER
                  |         |                             \-Marie STIMLER
                  |         |                                       \-Marie HEFS
                  \-Raymonde Eugénie Madeleine WERNERT
                            |         /-Marius THEILBORIE
                            \-Jeanne THEILBORIE
                                      \-Eugénie,Adrienne, Victorine CIMETIÈRE

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Colette KOENIG

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Descendants of Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL

1 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
  =Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL
      2 Confidentiel CONFIDENTIEL